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English grammer & composition -||

Resource Person; Warda Ahmad

Submitted by; Ali Hayder
Student Id; F2022388027

What do you think about happiness?

Happiness is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. For me,
happiness is not just an emotion but it is the standerd of living.

To achieve happiness, I believe it is important to focus on the things that truly

matter in life such as family, friends, health, and personal growth. Spending time in
between work with engaging in activities that bring joy and make your mind
relax.In addition, having a positive outlook on life and practicing gratitude can also
contribute to overall happiness. Being thankful for what we have instead of
focusing on what we lack can shift our perspective and lead to greater satisfaction
with life.

Ultimately, happiness for me is about finding balance in all aspects of my life and
living authentically according to my values and beliefs. It may not always be easy
for me to reach the level of happiness everyday because of some problems and
reason which continuously disturbing me.

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