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Category Type: All

Subcategory Type: All
Institute: All

No Institution Name Core Activities/Objectives

1 Al Baraka Islamic Bank B.S.C. (c) Islamic Retail Banking Activities

2 Bahrain Islamic Bank B.S.C. Islamic Retail Banking Activities

3 Khaleeji Commercial Bank B.S.C. Islamic Retail Banking Activities

4 United Bank Limited Conventional Retail Banking Activities

5 The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance - Jordan CONVENTIONAL RETAIL BANK ACTIVITY

6 Standard Chartered Bank Islamic retail banking activities.

7 Kuwait Finance House Bahrain B.S.C. (c) Commercial banking Services

8 Kuwait Finance House Bahrain B.S.C. (c) Investment Banking Services

9 Kuwait Finance House Bahrain B.S.C. (c) Main Concentration on real estate investment and financing

10 Kuwait Finance House Bahrain B.S.C. (c) Private Equity

11 Ahli United Bank B.S.C Retail Banking Activities

12 Bahrain Development Bank B.S.C. Banking Activities

13 Bahraini Saudi Bank B.S.C (The) Bahrini Saudi Bank B.S.C. (BSB) is a retail bank with paid up share capital of BD 50 million and an
authorised capital of BD 200 million. BSB offers commercial and retail banking services to its
customers in the Kingdom of Bahrain through its branches and network of ATM. The Bank's shares
are listed on the stock exchange.

14 National Bank of Bahrain BSC Commercial Banking activities

15 Oasis Capital B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as principal, dealing in financial instruments as agent, operating a
collective investment undertaking and Managing financial instruments

16 Khaleeji Commercial Bank B.S.C. Investment Banking

17 Khaleeji Commercial Bank B.S.C. VIP Banking

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18 Khaleeji Commercial Bank B.S.C. Corporate & Project Finance

19 National Bank of Kuwait S.A.K.P Banking Activities

20 ICICI Bank Limited Fully Commercial Banking Activity under the Retail Banking License which comprises of Providing
Credit, Accepting Deposits & marketing/distributing financial products to individuals/institutions &
other entities along with other related financial transactions under approval from CBB.

21 State Bank of India Full Commercial Bank Acceptance of Deposits (Individual and Corporate) Loans (Retail and
Corporate) Remittance of funds (EFTS,Demand draft, Swift, RTGS) Safe Deposit Locker

22 RA Bahrain B.S.C. (c) Our mission is to provide innovative and distinctive alternative investment opportunities that
generate superior risk-adjusted returns for our investors and strong and profitable growth for our
shareholders. In our approach to business, we embrace the values of originality, integrity,
transparency, professional excellence and adherence to an ethical investment policy.

23 Arab Bank plc Activities : -Provideing Loans: Auto loans, Personal loans and Housing Loans. -Issuing Cards:
Credit Cards, Visa Electron and Internet Shopping Cards. -Opening Accounts: Saving, Current and
Fixed Deposit. -Remittance Services: Transfers, FX Buy/sell, Drafts Outward and

24 Arab Bank plc Objectives: Offering Financial Services to our Clients and reaching optimum level of customer
satisfaction and service excellence; covering all elements of its business related to channels,
products, processes, image and staff. Moreover, achieving dynamic growth and profit.

25 State Bank of India Acceptance of deposits (individual and corporate), granting of loans (retail and corporate),
remittance of funds (EFTS,Demand draft, Swift, RTGS), Safe deposit locker

26 Ajyad Capital B.S.C. (c) To provide alternative investment solutions (real estate and private equity), involving selective
regional clients (ultra high net-worth individuals, high net-worth individuals and corporates and
institutions). To grow AUM (management fees and carried interest). To aim for profitability through
revenue growth and cost control. All in accordance with the principles of Islamic Shari'ah.

27 Ajyad Capital B.S.C. (c) To maximize shareholder value.

28 Ajyad Capital B.S.C. (c) To provide excellent career opportunities to all employees.

29 Ajyad Capital B.S.C. (c) To generate superior risk-adjusted returns for clients.

30 Ajyad Capital B.S.C. (c) To deal fairly with all other stakeholders.

31 Credit Libanais SAL Commercial Banking

32 Bahrain Development Bank B.S.C. Advancing loans for project finance, working capital and premises and equipment for developing
industries and service sectors such as tourism, health and education in Bahrain.Bank aslo renders
management consultancy services and subscribes to ordinary and preference shares in Bahraini
companies. Additionally, loans are advanced for agriculture, fisheries and higher education

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33 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Actively trade Sharia compliant financial instruments, including but not limited to Sukuk

34 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Buying, selling, subscribing for, or underwriting any Sharia compliant financial instrument in
capacity as Agent, on behalf of client or an established special purpose vehicle;

35 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Advising investors or potential investors on the merits of buying, selling, subscribing for
underwriting a particular Sharia compliant financial instrument or any right Conferred d by such a
financial instrument;

36 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Management of Shari'a profit sharing investment accounts in accordance with preagreed Shari'a
compliant profit-sharing arrangements;

37 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Entering into, offering or making arrangements for other persons to order into Sharia compliant
financing contracts including but not limited to Murabaha, Bay Myajjil, Bay Sala, Ijara wa Iktina,
Sukuk and Istisnaa contracts;

38 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Management of Shiaria compliant financial instruments, on a discretionary basis, on behalf of
another entity or institution

39 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Buying, selling, subscribing for, or underwriting any sharia compliant financial instrument for the
Companys own account;

40 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Acceptance of sharia money placements and deposits from relevant third parties for safe keeping
pursuant Shari'a compliant frame works including but not limited to Alwadia and Qard Principles;

41 Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait Retail Banking

42 Venture Capital Bank B.S.C (c) Venture Capital and Business Development

43 Venture Capital Bank B.S.C (c) Private Equity

44 Venture Capital Bank B.S.C (c) Real Estate

45 Venture Capital Bank B.S.C (c) Financial Advisory

46 Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank Inc. Receiving Murabaha, Mudharaba & Wekkala deposits from FI

47 Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank Inc. Investing our excess liquidity with FI through Murabaha, Mudharaba & Wekkala deposits.

48 Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank Inc. Investing in Sukuk deals issued by FI

49 Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank Inc. Investing with our HO

50 Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank Inc. Extending Murabaha Loans to existing corporates/clients of our HO.

51 Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank Inc. Investing and arranging MUrabaha syndication

52 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Accepting Shari?a money placements/deposits

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53 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Offering Shari?a Financing Contracts

54 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Managing Shari?a profit sharing investment accounts

55 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Dealing in Shari?a compliant financial instruments as principal

56 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Dealing in shari?a compliant financial instruments as agents

57 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Managing Shari?a compliant financial instruments

58 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Safeguarding Shari?a compliant financial instruments

59 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Operating a Shari?a complaint Collective Investment Undertaking

60 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Arranging deals in Shari?a compliant financial instruments

61 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Advising on Shari?a compliant financial instruments

62 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Providing money exchange/remittance services

63 First Investment Bank B.S.C. (c) Issuing/administering means of payment

64 AlBaraka Group B.S.C. (c) 1. Wholesale bak 2.The carrying on ofall kinds of investment and commercial banking banking and
all related services 3.undertaking the function of a holding comapny by establioshing and owning
shares in companies of all kinds 4.cooperating with Islamic banks and other institutions wishing to
do business according to Islamic principles.

65 Seera Investment Company B.S.C. (c) The offering of unique Shari'a compliant private equity investment opportunities which provide
appealing risk-adjusted returns in key sectors

66 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Raise funds Islamically either alone or in cooperation with others for its own account or for the
account of others.

67 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Acquire, purchase or invest in all descriptions of capital equipment, stock-in-trade, machinery,
plant, aircraft, ships or any other form of movable assets whatsoever situated, and to charge the
same, renting, hiring, licensing and thereafter selling or otherwise disposing of such assets in
accordance with the principles of Islamic Shari?a.

68 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Invest and deal in all forms of personal property whatsoever and wheresoever situated including,
without limitation, Islamically acceptable securities, currencies (specie or foreign exchange),
precious metals and other commodities, both on its own behalf and as an agent or broker for its

69 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Provide all forms of Islamic financing and credit including, without limitation, short, medium and
long term facilities with or without security either directly or in cooperation with others and to
arrange and participate in Islamically acceptable international financings.

70 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Open and confirm letters of credit and issue guarantees in connection with Islamically acceptable

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financial transactions.

71 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Take or hold mortgages, liens and charges to secure payment of any financing or credit extended
by the Bank or the purchase price of any of the Bank?s property sold by the Bank, or any money
due to the Bank from purchasers, borrowers or other customers, and to transfer or assign such
property into the Bank?s name and sell or turn to account and exercise all such other rights and
powers as a mortgagee, chargee or pledgee over such property in accordance with the principles
of Islamic Shari?a.

72 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Purchase, lease, acquire, own, use, develop, mortgages, sell and dispose of real estate and any
interests therein whether commercial or residential, wherever situated, to act as managers,
managing agents, brokers and estate agents in connection therewith and to carry all the business
activities of companies in the real estate business and to engage in all kinds of business
supplementary to and connected with such activities.

73 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Carry out investment banking activities such as, but not being restricted to, investigation and
evaluation of investment opportunities with a view to direct investment therein or the provision of
finance in the various business sectors.

74 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Promote or participate in industrial, agricultural, commercial and other business projects.

75 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Arrange mergers and amalgamations of existing companies.

76 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Invest and trade in the shares of joint stock companies and similar companies irrespective of
whether they are quoted on a stock exchange or otherwise which are Islamically acceptable.

77 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Form and manage specialized companies or funds or establishments whether wholly or partly
owned by the Bank. The Bank shall likewise be permitted to acquire existing banks or companies
or to acquire a shareholding therein if its object or activity is Islamically acceptable or under
conversion towards Islamic acceptability.

78 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Provide services for the formation of companies for other persons or participating with such other
persons in this regard.

79 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Provide financial and technical services to others.

80 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Enter into any arrangements with any government or authority (supreme, municipal, local or
otherwise), and to obtain from any such government or authority any rights, concessions and
privileges that may seem conductive to the objects of the Bank or any of them.

81 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Represent other companies or persons as modarebs, coordinators or registrars or finance agents
or trustees.

82 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Employ experts to investigate into and examine the conditions, prospects, values, character and
circumstances of any business concern or undertaking and generally of any assets, concessions,
properties or rights.

83 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Promote and aid in promoting, constituting, forming or organizing companies, syndicates or

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partnerships of all kinds for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property or of advancing
directly or indirectly the objects thereof, or for any other purpose which the Bank may think
expedient for its business.

84 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Establish and/or carry on any other business or businesses which may seem to the Bank capable
of being conveniently carried on in connection with any business which the Bank is authorized to
carry on, or may seem to the Bank calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the Bank or to enhance
the value of or render profitable or more profitable any of the Bank?s properties and rights.

85 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Acquire assets and carry on all or any part of the business or property of any person, firm,
association or company possessed of property suitable for any of the purposes of the Bank, or
carrying on any business which the Bank is authorized to carry on, and as the consideration for the
same to pay cash or to issue any fully or partly paid up shares, debentures or obligations of the

86 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Sell, let, develop, dispose of or otherwise deal with the undertaking of all or any part of the real or
personal property of the Bank upon such terms as the Bank may think fit, with power to accept as
the consideration therefore any shares, stocks, securities or obligations of or interest in any
company to the extent permitted by the principles of Islamic Shari?a.

87 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Pay out of the funds of the Bank all expenses (being expenses which the Bank may pay both
lawfully and in accordance with the principles of Islamic Shari?a) incidental to the formation,
registration and advertising of or raising money for the Bank and the issue of its capital, including
brokerage and commissions for obtaining applications for or taking, placing or underwriting shares
or debentures, printing and stationary and the legal and other expenses of the promoters.

88 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Safeguard the interests of its creditors and shareholders in connection with which the Bank may do
or permit other acts and things which it deems necessary.

89 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Carry out all or any of the objects aforesaid in any part of the world, and as principals, agents,
modarebs, contractors, trustees or otherwise, and by or through trustees, agents, modarebs,
attorneys or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with others.

90 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Procure the Bank to be registered or recognized in any country or place abroad.

91 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Do all such other acts and things as would be capable of being done by a natural person.

92 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Carry out retail banking activities such as, but not being restricted to, the opening of customer,
current and investment accounts, and provision of all services related thereto.

93 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Manage as investment agent clients? investments and money accounts.

94 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Do all such other acts and things as the Bank may deem incidental or conductive to the attainment
of any of the aforesaid objects of the Bank.

95 ABC Islamic Bank (E.C.) Carry out all or any of the objects of the Bank and do all or any of the above things in any part of
the world outside Bahrain as agent, trustee or otherwise, and by or through trustees, agents or
subsidiary or associated companies or otherwise, and either alone or in conjunction with others,

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and to do all such other things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the objects and
the exercise of the powers of the Bank.

96 Ibdar Bank B.S.C. ( c ) Whole Sale Islamic Bank

97 Capivest Conduct islamic investment banking transactions in accordance with Islamic Sharia.

98 Liquidity Management Centre B.S.C. (c) SHORT TERM INVESTMENT SERVICES



101 Citi Islamic Investment Bank E.C. Islamic Investment Banking

102 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) Article (4): Objects of the Company First: Notwithstanding the provisions of these Articles, the
Company shall at all times comply with the Bahrain Monetary Agency Law and with any circulars,
rules and regulations issued by the BMA form time to time. In particular, the Company shall comply
with and adhere to the rules and regulations related to the license granted to it by the BMA from
time to time and also any special guidelines or other rules that may be imposed by the BMA on the

103 Bahraini Saudi Bank B.S.C (The) Acceptance of deposits (current deposits, call deposits, savings deposits and fixed deposits); loans
and advances (personal loans, auto loans, mortgage loans, loans against deposits, salary loan,
syndicated loan, trust loan, overdraft, commercial loan to corporates, credit cards, etc); investments
(bonds, equities, funds, etc); ACM online trading, exchange facilities & remittance services.

104 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) Second: The Company shall carry out its business, according to its objects detailed below, in full
compliance with the provisions of the Islamic Sharia, with regard to dealings specifically avoiding
dealing in usury (Reba?) and equivalent or any transaction suspected to be involved in usury.

105 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) Third: The Company, for the sake of attaining its objects, may chose from the various opinions
related to the Islamic jurisprudential creeds that are more beneficial and in the interest of the
Company without sticking to a specific creed, as may be thought appropriate and approved by the
Religious Supervisory Board of the Company as per the provisions of the Articles of Association of
the Company.

106 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) Fourth: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the internal objects within the Company?s scope of
business shall include, whether for its own account or for the account of third party by proxy or
through partnership, carrying out all investment and commercial banking business and the related
services and also all finance and placement business in all commercial, industrial, agricultural, real
estate, tourist and housing spheres etc. Such objects shall include, but not limited to the following:

107 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 1. Open bank accounts of all types, accept deposits in various currencies, whether such deposits
are for the purpose of safe custody with the permission to dispose of the same and guarantee to
return it upon request or for allocation for a specific purpose of for investment.

108 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 2. Dealing with various parties that are permitted to deal with within the Kingdom of Bahrain or

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overseas for provision of banking services including funds management, receiving cheques,
collection of commercial papers, funds transfer, opening letters of credit, issuance of letters of
guarantee, directly or through recognized banks in the concerned countries.

109 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 3. Co-operate specifically with Islamic banks, Islamic financing and investment houses and other
financial institutions that are desirous to deal in accordance with Islamic rules and principles for the
sake of strengthening common co-operation, exchange deposits in various currencies, regulate the
investment of surplus liquidity with Islamic banks,

110 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) provide banking services that are necessary for the same including external clearing, covering
transfers, settlement of payments under letters of credit, addition of enhancements and guarantees
and other banking businesses.

111 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 4. Dealing in money exchange in the currencies that may be approved by the Company?s
management from time to time.

112 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 5. Placement of moneys available for investment within the approved liquidity limits as per the
types and programmes accepted by the Company including types of Islamic Modaraba, forms of
ordinary Masharaka (participations) and Musharaka ending with reducing ownership, sale by way
of Morabaha by the order of purchaser, dealing in Salam and other types of Islamic banking

113 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 6. Accept all types of mortgages including personal guarantees or other guarantees in kind to
secure repayment of its debts due from third parties and also providing such mortgages and
guarantees to third parties as a security of its debts with others.

114 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 7. Manage syndicate financing for various projects, whether individually or in participation with
Islamic banks and other financial institutions that are desirous to take part in financing or non-usury

115 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 8. Provide investment portfolios management services to individuals, companies and public and
private institutions including management of property, funds and balances deposited with various
banks, comply with Sharia guidelines, protect the rights of those who benefit from those guidelines
or the money allocated for any legitimate purpose.

116 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 9. Manage funds allocated for various Islamically permitted funds and organize investment
programmes to channel investors savings.

117 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 10. Create a nucleus for Islamic capital market that searches for Musharaka on non-usury basis.
This is achieved through distribution of dealings over various Musharaka vehicles that represent
unified value shares in project specifically allocated for them, whether such shares are in the form
of profit distributing Sukok or in the form investment deposit certificated or other marketable forms
through buying and selling,

118 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) based on the price that may be determined on the light of viability of the projects related to each
category. The Company?s Board of Directors may approve the programmes related to the projects
that it may decide to finance in this form in accordance with the rules and conditions that it specifies

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for each case individually.

119 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 11. Provide the information necessary for introducing the products of Islamic World through
encouraging and financing the organization of exhibitions and invest therein, prepare for organizing
trade exchange through financing or swap between various commodities or other appropriate

120 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 12. Conduct various studies, for the account of the Company or third parties, to explore proper
opportunities and prepare that are suitable for execution so that they could be sold in a form of a
well studied concept and ready, whether with or without financing, while concentrating attention on
completion of appropriate projects that are executable and successful in the Islamic World

121 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 13. Lease and own lands, buildings and all movable and immovable funds of all kinds wherever
they are located, whether for the account of the Company directly or as an agent for third party for
the purpose of management, investment, trading or otherwise.

122 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 14. Enter into any arrangements with governments, municipal or local authorities to obtain from any
of such governments or authorities any granted rights, powers or privileges that may aid the
Company to attain its objects or part thereof.

123 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 15. Buying existing projects and establish new projects in various sectors for the purpose of
developing such projects then sell them in a form of productive projects.

124 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 16. Buying and leading equipment, machinery and any usable assets which the ordering
beneficiary is willing to buy or use either on normal Ijara basis or Ijara ending with ownership, or on
the basis of Musharaka in the yields or other types of agreements.

125 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 17. Manage portfolio of shares, Musharaka bonds investment shares, whether for the account of
Company or third parties. Such management shall include buying, selling and acquisition for the
purpose of earning realized profits or those arising from the price surplus in general.

126 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 18. Trading in commodities, minerals and options that are available for trading within the limits of
the Sharia principles and rules. 19. Invest in natural resources of all types and forms, purchasing
franchises and patents and participate, sell and market them.

127 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 20. Establish banks and investment companies and participate therein, own their shares or
Musharaka shares, deal in selling and buying shares of companies, the objects of which do not
contradict with the principles of Islamic Sharia. 21. Establish and manage co-operative funds for
securing money, protecting from investment risks and co-operating with Islamic insurance and re-
insurance companies in line with the provisions of Islamic Sharia.

128 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 22. Lend money to the Company?s staff and use its credit facilities to help them obtain housing or
personal loans from other lending companies and banks.

129 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 23. Establish, finance or participate in financing one or more funds that would benefit any of the
directors, employees or workers of the Company or its subsidiary companies. The purpose of such

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funds shall include, but not limited to provision of pension payments, saving benefits, provision of
ownership or purchase option of Company?s shares to the eligible employees.

130 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 24. The Company may have interest in or in any way join other companies or corporations carrying
out similar business, or which may help it to achieve its objects or merge, buy or associate with

131 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 25. The Company may enter into contracts, agreements and participations, and may also deposit
its funds with various bodies whether in current accounts, joint investment, special investment or
other forms of investments, trading and undertakings as per the business requirements.

132 Investors Bank B.S.C. (c) 26. In addition to the foregoing, the Company may carry out any business that may fall within its
objects, or complementary or linked to any of the objects stated above.

133 Capinnova All activities undertaken by Islamic Wholesale Investment Banks including all kinds of Islamic
financial, commercial and other operations on its own behalf or on behalf of its clients in order to
conduct any type of investment business in accordance with the CBB Licensing requirements.

134 Capinnova To provide Islamic investment management services for individuals, financial institutions and
government establishments.

135 Capinnova To perform all forms of Islamic securities business including underwriting, placing and trading in
securities, and advisory services for investments and capital raising.

136 Bank Al-Khair B.S.C (c) Asset Management, Private Equity, Corporate Finance, Institutional Banking, Capital Markets,
Treasury, and Strategic Mergers and Acquisitions

137 Habib Bank Limited Retail, Commercial, Corporate and Wholesale Banking Business

138 Bahrain Islamic Bank B.S.C. Islamic retail bankingservices, direct investment, deposits, current & savings accounts, financing
facilities and sindications, comodity trading, investment funds, rimitanses, IPO management and
issuance, creation & Management of insurance and investment funds.

139 Arab Bank plc Objectives: Offering Financial Services to our Clients and reaching optimum level of customer
satisfaction and service excellence; covering all elements of its business related to channels,
products, processes, image and staff.

140 Arab Bank plc Activities: -Deposit Accounts: Current Account ,Call Account & Fixed Deposits -Loans/Credit
Facilities: Overdraft, Revolving Loans, Syndicated Loans , Project Finance -International Trade:
Letters of Credit, Import and Export, Letters of Guarantee & Bills for Collection, Inward and
Outward. -International Services: Transfer-Outward & Inward and Drafts-Outward & Inward

141 Standard Chartered Bank Deposit taking - call accounts, Fixed Deposits, Current accounts

142 Standard Chartered Bank Providing Credit- Credit Bills Negotiated, Trust Receipts, Bills Discounts

143 Standard Chartered Bank Accepting Shari'a Money Placement/Deposits

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144 Standard Chartered Bank Managing Shari'a Profit/Loss Sharing Investment Accounts

145 Standard Chartered Bank Offering Shari'a Finanacing Contracts - Murabaha Term Finance

146 Standard Chartered Bank Dealing in Financial Instruments as Principle - Loan Syndication/Underwriting & Distribution

147 Standard Chartered Bank Dealing in Financial Instruments as Agent - Commdity Derivatives

148 Standard Chartered Bank Safegurding Financial Instruments - for our on accounts and group branches

149 Standard Chartered Bank Arranging Deals in Financial Instrument - Generic FX spot & Forwards

150 Standard Chartered Bank Providing Money Exchange/ Remittance Services

151 Standard Chartered Bank Retail Banking


153 BNP Paribas WHOLESALE BANKING - Fixed Income (Fx product -interest rate products) ALM (treasury activity
- global treasury for the Gulf) DCM (debt capital market - debt primary issuing) Corporate Finance (
structure finance - bilateral loans - syndication - islamic window)

154 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Asset Management - this involves professional management of various financial instruments to
meet specified investment goals for the benefit of the bank/investors.

155 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Conventional and Islamic Investment Banking- this involves placement of deposits / granting of
facilities in accordance with the CBB guidelines.

156 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Investments in private equities - This involves proprietary equity / debt in privately listed companies.

157 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Proprietary private equity funds and quoted equities- Investment is made in equities that are listed
mainly in the US or the GCC markets.

158 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Real Estate Investment - this involves investment in companies that operate in the development /
construction of real estate, or direct investment in real estate itself within the guidelines.

159 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Selected corporate lending - this involves providing funded / unfunded credit facilities to select

160 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Structured products- this involves investments in finanical products that are based on derivatives,
such as a single security, a basket of securities, options, indices, commodities, debt issuances
and/or foreign currencies, and to a lesser extent, swaps.

161 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Treasury- This involves money market and foreign exchange operations

162 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Wealth Management- this is an investment advisory discipline that incorporates financial planning
and investment portfolio management.

163 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) UGB's mission is to be a leading wholesale bank, providing investment banking and asset

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management services, dellivered through a network of investment companies across the Middle
East and North Africa region.

164 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Deposit-taking (from residents and non-residents, subject to conditions laid down in CBB Rulebook
in relation to taking deposits from Bahrain residents and/or in BD): - Customer and Money Market
deposits including time deposits, call and notice deposits, and current accounts . - Securities sold
under agreements to repurchase (repos) including, without limitation, collateralized triparty repos.

165 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Providing Credit (to residents and non-residents, subject to conditions laid down in CBB Rulebook
in relation to providing credit to Bahrain residents and/or in BD): - Money market placements
including time, call, notice and current accounts. - Securities purchased under agreements to resell
(reverse repos). - Direct and syndicated lending including finance leases, discounting of bills, and
other negotiable instruments and LC refinancing.

166 Gulf International Bank B.S.C - Trade finance including the issuance, negotiation, confirmation and endorsement of import and
export letters of credit, collection of documentary and non-documentary bills and negotiable
instruments. - Forfaiting. - Issuance of letters of guarantee and counter guarantee including
(without limitation) shipping guarantees. - Purchase of credit derivatives. - Project financing.

167 Gulf International Bank B.S.C - Providing derivative facilities to customers, including (without limitation) foreign exchange
contracts, forward rate agreements, interest rate swaps, swaptions, options, caps, collars, floors
etc., in relation to hedging interest rate and foreign currency exposure risks associated with loans
and advances and commercial transactions. - Underwriting of syndicated loans and contingent
facilities including letters of credit, guarantees.

168 Gulf International Bank B.S.C - Provision of ancillary credit related activities such as advising on or arranging loans, and acting as
Facility Agent, Security Agent, Security Trustee, Inter- Creditor Agent and similar roles in
syndicated loan transactions. - Loan trading-purchase and sale in the secondary market of loans
and other contracts of credit (that do not otherwise fall under the CBB definition of "financial

169 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Islamic commodity (Murabaha) contracts. Parallel purchase / sale transactions.

170 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Underwriting of syndicated Sharia-compliant financing and contingent facilities including Letters of
Credit, Guarantees. Provision of ancillary credit related activities, such as advising on or arranging
Sharia-compliant finance, and acting as Facility Agent, Security Agent, Security Trustee, Inter-
Creditor Agent and similar roles in syndicated Sharia-compliant finance transactions.

171 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Buying, selling, subscribing for, and underwriting securities for trading and investment purpose.
Securities include government bills / bonds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, bonds,
FRNs, asset backed securities, equities (listed and unlisted), and mutual funds. Loan trading.

172 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Dealing in derivative instruments including futures, forward rate agreement, interest rate swaps,
swaptions, options, caps, collars, floors, contracts for differences and credit default swaps in the
interest rate, foreign exchange, equity, credit and commodity markets. Senior and subordinated
term borrowings, including loan and debt term facilities. Commodity options.

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173 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Management of client portfolios in accordance with discretionary portfolio management

174 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Safeguarding security certificates on behalf of clients.

175 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Arranging and underwriting loan, debt and equity transactions.

176 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Provision of financial advisory services to clients for financial structurings, loan, debt and equity
issuance (including private placements), the arrangement of loan and equity financing, and loan
and capital market agency services.

177 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Foreign exchange transactions. Fund transfers, drafts and wire services on behalf of customers
and employees.

178 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Issuing travellers cheques for use by employees.

179 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Undertaking private placements for clients. Advising clients on public offerings. Advising clients on
rights issues.

180 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Advising clients on mergers and acquisitions including business disposals and divestments.

181 Gulf International Bank B.S.C - Advising on debt raising, securitization, development of business strategies etc. - Undertaking
project feasibility studies. - Arranging loans for customers for a fee and assisting in preparation of
information memorandum etc, for raising loans from other financial institutions, even though GIB
itself may not be credit provider in such transactions.

182 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Advising clients on corporate restructuring including capital structure optimization.

183 Gulf International Bank B.S.C - Provision of loan agency services including security agency services in transactions in which GIB
is not involved as a lender. This includes acting as Modareb or Wakil in Islamic transactions in
which GIB is not a financier.

184 Gulf International Bank B.S.C Establishing and maintaining special purpose vehicles, owned fully or partly by GIB, to facilitate
specific banking transactions (including securitization) executed by the Bank on its own account or
in its capacity as an agent of a banking syndicate, with a case by case approval of CBB.

185 Gulf One Investment Bank B.S.C (c) Gulf One has over USD 133 million in assets under management, with investments in a range of
sectors (e.g. precision instrumentation; aluminum heat treatment; aircraft engine management and
leasing; water infrastructure; pharmaceuticals) and geographies (Germany, Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, Indonesia, Singapore).

186 Gulf One Investment Bank B.S.C (c) Gulf One is an investment bank and private equity investor working principally with mid-market
companies to develop and grow their businesses in the Middle East, Europe and Southeast Asia.

187 First Leasing Bank B.S.C (c) Providing credit, Accepting Shari'a money placements/deposits, Dealing in financial instrument as
agent Carry out all types of investment in the leasing (Ijara) Provide financial expertise and
consultation in all that is involved with the Ijara field. Enter into any participation agreement,
arrangement or cooperation with any company To deposit the monies of the Company with any

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legal establishment or company. To establish and manage investment funds in the Ijara field.

188 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Deposit-taking

189 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Arab Banking Corporation is an international Universal bank headquartered in Bahrain. Our
network spreads over 21 countries in the MENA and GCC, Europe, the Americas and Asia. ABC is
a leading regional bank in Trade Finance & Forfaiting, Treasury, Project & Structured Finance,
Syndications, Corporate & Institutional Banking as well as Islamic Banking. We also provide Retail
Banking services in the MENA region.

190 Al Salam Bank B.S.C. Al Salam bank?s objective is to become a regional force in the Islamic financial sector by providing
distinguished shari?a compliant products to be focused segments. It provides a range of banking
products and services such as Ijarah, Murabaha ,Musharaka and Istisna?a finance. Other products
and services provided by the bank are Islamic overdraft, letters of credit, letters of guarantee,
participation in syndicated finance, Islamic structured finance, project finance and securitization.

191 Bank Al Habib Limited wholesale bank (Branch)

192 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Money Market (Depo, Placement, FX, Swap)

193 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Derivative Products

194 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Deposits

195 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Credits & Project Finance

196 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Loans and Advances

197 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Trade Finance (GSM, Promissory Notes, Banker's Acceptance)

198 Finansbank A.S. ?« Granting and admin of Cash Credit Facilities

199 Finansbank A.S. ?« Issuance and admin of Nan-cash Credit and Trade Finance Facilities

200 Finansbank A.S. ?« Opening and admin of current and time deposit accounts

201 Finansbank A.S. ?« Booking and admin of some treasury activities like money market, fixed income, derivaties, fx
with banks

202 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. Opening time and demand deposits

203 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. To contribute to the profitability of the bank by providing cash and non cash loans to the clients with
more attractive rates.

204 Turk Ekonomi Bankasi*** TO GRANT CASH LOANS

205 Turk Ekonomi Bankasi*** DEPOSITS


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207 Turk Ekonomi Bankasi*** MONEY TRANSFER

208 Arab Investment Company S.A.A. (The) Provision of Credit Trade Finance services through Trade Exporting Services in order to promote
the inter-Arab trading activities.

209 Vakifbank Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi Wholesale Banking Transactions (e.g. loan allocation, treasury activities,deposits etc.) as a
Wholesale Banking Unit in order to contribute profit to our Parent Bank.

210 Denizbank A.S. Accepting all kinds of deposits and performing banking activities.

211 Denizbank A.S. Dealing with transactions on all kinds of capital market instruments within the limits set forth by the
related regulations and Capital Market Law regulations.

212 Denizbank A.S. Entering into loan and intelligence agreements with domestic and international financial institutions
and participating in consortiums and syndications.

213 Denizbank A.S. Lending all kinds of Turkish Lira and foreign currency short, medium and long term loans, and
providing guarantee facilities

214 Denizbank A.S. Making all kinds of agreements and legal transactions related with its operations; signing written
contracts, notes and miscellaneous documents and establishing correspondences.

215 Denizbank A.S. Giving all kinds of loans and obtaining borrowings as necessary for performing its activities.

216 Denizbank A.S. Receiving, transferring or releasing all kinds of cash or non-cash guarantees, including sureties,
collaterals, mortgages, pledges, etc., relating to its operations.

217 Denizbank A.S. Performing all kinds of operations in compliance with the prevailing banking regulations.

218 Industrial Development Bank of Turkey Wholesale Banking Transactions (e.g. loan allocation, treasury activities, etc.) as a Wholesale
Banking Unit in order to contribute profit to our Parent Bank.

219 National Bank of Abu Dhabi (Bahrain Branch) wholesale banking activities and treasury operations, Money Market, Foreign Exchange and
Dealing with Banks in Bahrain. The Branch represents an integral part of NBAD head office Abu
Dhabi Financial Marketing Division providing services in money market

220 Habib Bank Limited The principal activity of the wholesale branch is money market operations.

221 Bank Alfalah Limited Wholesale Banking (Investments, Corporate Banking, Trade Finance Services, Treasury,

222 Arab Investment Company S.A.A. (The) Provision of Credit Facility Services including all types of credit facilities, project finance, financing
trade exchange between Arab countries.

223 Arab Investment Company S.A.A. (The) Provision of Islamic Banking Services such as Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Istisna, Ijara ..
etc in accordance with Islamic Sharia Laws.

224 Bank Al Habib Limited All the core activity of wholesale bank including advances,investment borrowing placement and

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accepting deposit from the none resident customer.

225 Reef Real Estate Finance Co. B.S.C. (c) Property Sale & Buy Financing Company

226 Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP) APICORP is an Arab joint stock company established by the ten member states of
OAPEC.Currently the Corporation?s activities are mainly project financing and direct equity
investments in petroleum projects, and related industries, supported by the Corporation?s Treasury
department. The Corporations Bahrain Banking Unit operations are currently short term money
market borrowings, takings, loans and fixed income securities.

227 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Trade Finance & Forfaiting: The issuance, advising and confirmation of documentary letters of
credit, documentary collections and acceptances and the discounting of bills of exchange.
Purchasing all forms of foreign trade receivables without recourse. Structured trade finance.

228 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Treasury: Foreign exchange and money market transactions, derivatives and futures business,
structured products, investment, portfolio and funds management.

229 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Project finance: Project related financing for infrastructure developments in the Arab world such as
water treatment, power generation, telecommunications and transportation projects, as well as
aircraft finance, shipping finance, and the financing of oil and gas production facilities.

230 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Structured Finance: structuring, arranging, and syndicating complex transactions and providing
advisory services

231 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Syndications: multicurrency loan syndications.

232 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Corporate & Institutional Banking: A variety of products and services e.g. loans, working capital,
medium term facilities asset-based finance, documentary credits, guarantees, letters of credit
facilities for its clients through a relationship-based approach.

233 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Islamic banking: Murabaha, Ijara, Istisnah, Sukuk, Modaraba, Salam sale etc.

234 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C) Retail banking services in the MENA region: Checking accounts, Deposit accounts, Savings
accounts, Consumer loans, Car Loans, Mortgage finance, Credit cards, Debit Cards, Foreign
currency sales, ATMs, Safety deposit boxes etc.

235 Citicorp Banking Corporation Accepting funds in amounts in dollars or foreign currency in wholesale money markets, i.e., in
amounts over $100,000.

236 Citicorp Banking Corporation Making commercial loans in amounts over $100,000 including placing funds and making loans to
and advances to subsidiary and affiliated organizations.

237 Citicorp Banking Corporation Foreign exchange transactions and commercial banking activity outside the US in trade related
activity / collections, buying and selling or otherwise dealing in gold and silver bullion, foreign
money and coins.

238 Citicorp Banking Corporation Offer and transact guarantees so long as these cover readily ascertainable events and specify
maximum monetary liability.

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239 Citicorp Banking Corporation Accepting drafts or bills of exchange, investing and dealing in debt securities.

240 Citicorp Banking Corporation Underwriting, distributing, buying and selling obligations of foreign governments, govt. agencies,
municipalities, local or regional governmental agencies.

241 Citicorp Banking Corporation Engaging in repurchase arrangements involving commodities and securities that are the functional
equivalent of extensions of credit.

242 Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Bahrain Branch*** Private Banking

243 Arab Investment Company S.A.A. (The) Provision of Treasury and Securities Investment Services including investment in securities and
various treasury operations.

244 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Business and Financial Advisory - this involves providing advisory services of a financial or a
business re-engineering nature.

245 MCB Bank Limited Accepting Deposits

246 Citibank N.A. Citibank has a consumer banking license and under this license Citibank performs all retail banking

247 HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Wholesale Banking Services

248 Citibank N.A. Placements/borrowings from banks including inter-branch and foreign exchange transactions.

249 Citibank N.A. Conduct business with local residents based on approval from the Central Bank.

250 Citibank N.A. Demand, Time deposits and borrowings from non-residents.

251 Citibank N.A. Providing credit facilities to non-resident and residents based on central Bank approval.

252 Citibank N.A. Accepting Shari'a money deposits.

253 Citibank N.A. Providing Shari'a financing facilities.

254 HDFC Bank Limited Deposit Taking

255 HDFC Bank Limited Lending

256 HDFC Bank Limited Raising of funds from Banks/Financial Institutions/Corporates and Public

257 HDFC Bank Limited Distribution of third party Financial products like Mutual Funds and Insurance etc.

258 HDFC Bank Limited Letters of Credit and Guarantees

259 HDFC Bank Limited Investments

260 HDFC Bank Limited Forex Trading

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261 Askari Bank Limited Investing in Sovereign Islamic Sukuk Bonds

262 Askari Bank Limited Engaging in fixed income securities trading

263 Askari Bank Limited Investing in syndicated risk participation deals

264 Askari Bank Limited Investing in Corporate Bonds

265 Askari Bank Limited Building Fixed Income Investment Portfolio by investing in multi country Sovereign Bonds

266 Askari Bank Limited Act as an Investment arm of Pakistan Treasury for deployment of surplus funds

267 Askari Bank Limited Building an investment portfolio by investing in syndicated loan portfolio

268 Askari Bank Limited Engaging in FX transactions for clients and for hedging

269 Askari Bank Limited Focus on Customer Deposit Mobilization within GCC region

270 Citibank N.A. Investing and dealing in debt securities.

271 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (The) Wholesale Banking services. The core activities are deposit taking and providing credit facilities

272 Bank of Baroda Wholesale Banking

273 Bahrain Commercial Facilities Company B.S.C. 1. Extending short and medium term loans to natural and corporate persons with the aim of
financing all kinds of sales such as the sale by hire purchase of motor and non-motor vehicles,
equipment, household items and other items and accepting all kinds of mortgages related thereto.
2. Financing consumer goods such as raw materials, manufactured or semi-manufactured goods.

274 Tadhamon Capital B.S.C. (c) Investment Business (Category 1)

275 National Finance House B.S.C. (c) The Company's principal activitiy is to provide consumer finance services and grant short term and
medium term loans to individuals and incorporated entities for the purpose of financing all type of
purchase of an instalment basis, including for the purchase of motor vehicles.

276 KEB Hana Bank The Preferred Global Banking Partner in the Middle East

277 KEB Hana Bank Responding Efficiently to Diversified Individual Needs

278 KEB Hana Bank Quality Service through Efficient Systems & Process

279 KEB Hana Bank Highest Standards & Advanced Risk Management

280 KEB Hana Bank Transparent Corporate Culture & Foundation for Sharing

281 Sakana Holistic Housing Solutions B.S.C. (c) Mortgage Financing

282 Diners Club Services Bahrain W.L.L. Credit Card Services

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283 Sakana Holistic Housing Solutions B.S.C. (c) Properties sale and buying

284 Sakana Holistic Housing Solutions B.S.C. (c) Issue funds

285 Sakana Holistic Housing Solutions B.S.C. (c) Properties management, development and maintanance for a Company's account

286 Sakana Holistic Housing Solutions B.S.C. (c) Office for consultancy services in local and international property matters

287 Capital Management House B.S.C. (c) Wholesale Investment Bank - Islamic principles

288 Credimax Credit Activities, Credit facilities, Credit cards including both acquring and issuing

289 Investrade Co. B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as principal, dealing in financial instruments, as agent, arranging
deals in financial insstruments, managing financial instruments, safeguarding financial instruments,
advising on financial instruments (in accordance with Islamic Principles)

290 Investrade Co. B.S.C. (c) Asset management

291 Acacia Investments B.S.C. (c) To carry out all activities stipulated by CBB for Category 1 Investment Firm, i.e., Dealing in financial
instruments as principal; Dealing in financial instruments as agent; Arranging deals in financial
instruments; Managing financial instruments; Safeguarding financial instruments (i.e., custodian);
Advising on financial instruments; and Operating a collective investment undertaking (i.e., an
operator); and all other activities as per the Memorandum and Articles.

292 Inovest B.S.C. Establishing and managing various investment funds.

293 Inovest B.S.C. Dealing in financial instruments in the local, regional and international markets.

294 Inovest B.S.C. Engaging directly in all types of investments, including direct investment and securities, and various
types of investment funds.

295 Inovest B.S.C. Having interest or participating in any way with companies and other entities engaged in similar
activities that may work and co-operate to achieve the Company?s objectives inside and outside
the Kingdom of Bahrain, and also merge its activities with the above mentioned entities and/or buy
or join with them.

296 Inovest B.S.C. Establishing joint ventures with real estate, industrial and services companies inside or outside the
Kingdom of Bahrain and commiting to operate under the Islamic Shariah principles.

297 Inovest B.S.C. Providing information and studies related to different types of investments for others.

298 Inovest B.S.C. Providing financial services and investment consultations to others.

299 NCB Capital Co. Managing financial instruments

300 NCB Capital Co. Dealing in financial instruments as agent

301 NCB Capital Co. Advising on financial instruments

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302 NCB Capital Co. Dealing in financial instruments as principle

303 NCB Capital Co. Arranging deals in financial instruments

304 NCB Capital Co. Safeguarding financial instruments (i.e. custodian)

305 Tharawat Investment House B.S.C. (c) Investment Business Category 1

306 Tharawat Investment House B.S.C. (c) To carry on all activities required to promote the company's businesses and join other established
companies and set up branches, divisions, subsidiaries, regional offices or own companies along
with others to achieve the objects of the company

307 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Provide financial services to individuals, financial institutional investors, financial institutions,
government and semi governmental institutions.

308 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To undertake certain kinds of investment activities as governed by the CBB rulebook issued in
pursuance to article 38 of the CBB of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law 2006 provided that the
manner of conducting the activities shall be in compliance with Islamic Shari? principles. Such
investment activities may include: to operate as an investment advisor for its own account or for the
account of clients.

309 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Arrange corporate finance, mergers and acquisition deals and other corporate transactions for its
own account or non behalf of clients

310 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) provide financial advice concerning corporate finance, mergers, and acquisitions deals as well as
financial restructuring and provision of advice and consultancy regarding the management or other
affairs of these companies.

311 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To structure and manage Direct Investment funds

312 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To promote incorporating, purchasing, acquiring (partially or totally) and reselling or holding
permanently, investments in other companies or financial institutions, banking corporations,
investment companies, insurance companies or any type of legal entities to enable the company to
achieve its objectives.

313 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) In the course of its business, to obtain additional financing by issuing Sukuk and other forms
complying to shariah principle with or without security and payment at or before maturity.

314 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To structure, design and or create, either alone or in conjunction with other companies, investment
vehicles, companies or funds.

315 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To deal in financial instruments as a principal in order to buy, sell, subscribe for or undewrite any
financial instrument on the Company's own account.

316 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To act as a market maker and deal in financial instruments on terms determined by the Company
using its own resources, and to control client assets or liabilities in the course of its investment

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317 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To act as an agent on behalf of the Company's clients and investors in order to deal in, buy, sell,
subscribe for or underwrite financial instruments.

318 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To receive and hold assets of the Company' clients and investors as an agent.

319 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To make arrangements, deals, transactions, or structures for the Company's clients and investors,
as principal or agent, to purchase, sell, subscribe for, or underwrite/issue deals in financial

320 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To establish, organize, operate, administer, wind up and perform other activities in relation to any
arrangements and collective investment undertakings, inside or outside of Bahrain.

321 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To negotiate, manage and control, on behalf of the Company's clients and investors, the terms of
an investment, fees, purchase, sale, subscription, underwritting, or other service or financial
transaction provided by a thrid party.

322 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To manage, organize, structure, optimize, allocate the assets of the Company's clients either on an
advisory or discretionary basis.

323 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To be engaged in the administration of financial instruments and investment portfolios on behalf of
the Company's clients and investors.

324 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To give advice to the Company's clients and investors on the merits of buying, selling, subscribing
for, or underwriting a particular financial instrument or exercising any right conferred by such
financial instrument.

325 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Enter into distribution and other agreements with third parties, including investment and financial
services companies and fund managers

326 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To market, promote, sell and or place investment vehicles, funds, or other schemes to investors,
whether public or private.

327 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Deposit money in other banks or financial institutions for its own account or for the account of
clients, including but not limited to providing wealth management services.

328 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To arrange the insurance of shares and Sukuk locally and abroad alone or in association with

329 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Receive subscription applications for the establishment of joint stock companies and the purchase
and sale of shares and bonds in the name of the company or a third party.

330 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Arrange syndicated financing and other dealings

331 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Arrange financing for all types of industrial, commercial,capital and real estate projects whether on
long term or short term basis.

332 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To handle all related aspects of IPO's mergers, acquisitions and privatization opportunities for the
company or third party.

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333 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) To undertake and provide wealth management services.

334 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) In general the company may perform those activities and services allowed by the Central Bank of
Bahrain Law, including any circulars rules and regulations issued there under from time to time. To
attain its objectives, the company may: Own immovable and movable property and related rights
and privileges in order to facilitate the business of the company or its services.

335 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Conduct all transactions and enter in to any contracts deemed necessary or suitable for achiving its

336 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Own all types of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and all related
commercial transactions, concessions, rights of ownership and copyright, which the company
deems necessary for its business and to use or buy and sell such properties in all legal ways.

337 Yazi Capital B.S.C. (c) Form all types of companies and participate in productive projects either by share holding or in
other ways.

338 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To undertake all kinds of financial, commercial and other operations on its own behalf or on behalf
of its clients in order to conduct any type of investment business whatsoever and wheresoever
situate including but not limited to:

339 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) a) Dealing in financial instruments as principal; b) Dealing in financial instruments as agent; c)
Arranging deals in financial instruments; d) Managing financial instruments; e) Advising on financial
instruments; I) Operating a collective investment undertaking; and g) Safeguarding financial

340 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To provide brokerage services in local, Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) States and international
securities listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange.

341 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To deal directly for their own account in listed securities, in accordance with Exchange?s rules;

342 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To offer consultancy services and to deal on behalf of clients, whether local or foreigners, on the
Bahrain Stock Exchange and other borrowers outside the Kingdom of Bahrain;

343 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To provide custodial services;

344 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To manage financial and real estate portfolios for the account of the company and for others;

345 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To publish research on different types of securities listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange;

346 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To carry out economic and financial feasibility studies;

347 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To invest in, acquire, deal in and hold shares, bonds, other securities, options, contracts, precious
metals, commodities, real and personal property of all kinds whatsoever and wheresoever situate.

348 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To perform all forms of securities business including underwriting, placing and trading in securities,
and advisory services for investments and capital raising.

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349 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To arrange and procure other parties to finance the issue that is incidential to the transaction,
acquisition or disposal of investments or securities, to mortgage, rent, lease or insure and the
execution of contracts.

350 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To promote or participate in industrial, agricultural, commercial and other business projects through
Initial Public Offerings.

351 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To be a promoter, partner, member, associate or manager of any company, partnership, joint
venture or other enterprise. subject to the prior approval of the Central Bank of Bahrain.

352 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To enter into any agreements, partnerships or co-operative arrangements with any company, firm,
or person carrying on business within the objects of the Company subject to the prior approval of
the Central Bank of Bahrain.

353 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To promote, establish, operate, acquire, own (wholly or partly) and hold interests in other
companies, financial establishments, banking, investment, holding and insurance Companies and
other legal entities in and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain subject to prior approval of the Central
Bank of Bahrain.

354 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To carry on any business directly or through the agency of any subsidiary, allied or associated
company, and to enter into any agreement with any such entity for taking the profits and bearing
the losses of any business so carried on, or for guaranteeing liabilities of allied or associated
companies or to make any other arrangement which may seem desirable, including the power to
discontinue any such business.

355 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To merge with, purchase or otherwise acquire all or any part of the business, property, liabilities
and transactions of any person, firm or company carrying on any business subject to the prior
approval of the Central Bank of Bahrain.

356 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To deposit the moneys of the Company with any licensed Bank in the Kingdom of Bahrain

357 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, transfer and otherwise dispose of all or any
part of its property or assets.

358 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To lend money for Company purposes, invest and reinvest Company funds, and take and hold real
and personal property as security for the payment of funds so loaned or invested.

359 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To subsidise, assist or guarantee payment of money or the performance of any contract or
obligation by any person, partnership, joint venture, company or other enterprise.

360 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To make interest free loans and use its credit to assist its employees.

361 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To support any charitable or public institution, to give pensions, gratuities or charitable aid to any
person who may have served the Company and to form and contribute to provident, benefit and
bonus funds for the benefit of any Directors, Officer or employees of the Company or its
subsidiaries, allied or associated companies, and to subsidise or assist any association of
employers or employees or any trading association.

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362 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To provide investment and financial training for its staff.

363 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above
objects or any of them.

364 Global Investment House B.S.C. (c) The objects of the company shall additionally include any activity deemed necessary to comply with
an Investment License category 1 as classified by the Central Bank of Bahrain.

365 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To provide all kinds of financial expertise, financial planning, portfolio management, asset
allocation, portfolio optimization, portfolio consolidation, wealth management assistance, risk
management, risk assessment, cash flow management, performance assessment, data processing
or advisory services to the Company's clients and investors.

366 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To provide investment and financial training.

367 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To enter into any agreements, partnerships or co-operative arrangements with any company, firm
or person carrying on business, in line with the objectives of the Company.

368 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To carry on any of these purposes directly or through the agency of any subsidiary, affiliated or
associated company, and to enter into any agreement with any such entity for financing its
subsidaries, affiliated or associated companies or to make any other arrangement which may seem
desirable, including the power to discontinue any such business.

369 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To deposit and invest the money of the Company with any legal entity or Company.

370 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To advise, structure, and arrange mergers, acquisitions, and amalgamations or restructuring of
existing companies and undertaking floatation of such companies.

371 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To enter into any arrangements with any government or authority, and to obtain from any such
government or authority any rights, concessions and privilages that may seem conducive to the
objects of the Company.

372 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To procure the Company to be registered or recognized in any country or place abroad.

373 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To carry out all or any of the objects of the Company and do all or any of the above things in any
part of the world outside Bahrain as principal, agent or otherwise and by or through agents,
contractors or sub-contractors or subsidiaries or associated companies or otherwise, and either
alone or in conjuction with others, and to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to
the attainment of the objects and the exercise of the powers of the Company.

374 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as principal

375 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as agent

376 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments

377 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) Managing financial instruments

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378 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) Safeguarding financial instruments

379 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) Advising on financial instruments

380 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) Operating a collective investment undertaking

381 Manara Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) Fund Management

382 Majid Al Futtaim Asset Management Bahrain B.S.C. (c) Investment Business Firm - Category 2

383 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. Money transfers from demand deposit accounts.

384 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. Trade Finance transactions,Letter of Credits,letter of guarantees,promissory notes

385 Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi A.S. Project Finance Loans for some government projects

386 Marshalls-Bahrain-Ltd. W.L.L. Broking Company, Investment Business Firm - Catagory 3

387 NCB Capital Co. Operating a collective investment undertaking


389 Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Limited-Bahrain Branch Financial Advisory and Investment Services in the Middle East

390 National Bank of Pakistan Deposit, , Placement, Advances, Investment and Foregin Exchange

391 Ibdar Bank B.S.C. ( c ) To Creat a secondary market for Sokouk, to be a Market Maker and to provide financial advisory

392 Instrata Capital B.S.C. (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments

393 Instrata Capital B.S.C. (c) Managing financial instruments

394 Instrata Capital B.S.C. (c) Advising on financial instruments

395 Instrata Capital B.S.C. (c) Operating a collective investment undertaking

396 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Function as a Branch office for UTI International and co-ordinate with the Distributors in the region

397 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Create New Distributors to market UTI MF and offshore products

398 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Support Distribution houses with adequate infoamtive material on various investment options

399 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Undertake direct/ indirect - on behalf of the Distributors, publiciy / advertisement of various existing
and new funds

400 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Advise clients directly on the investment options that we have in INR and USD denominations

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401 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Accept all transactions requests by investors directly and also through distributors for further
forwarding to the respective registrars

402 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Check on completion of the document submitted by the investor and the distributors before
forwarding the same to the registrats

403 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Maintain proper records of documents forwarded to the registrar

404 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Co-ordinate unresolved service request with the respective offices of the registrars

405 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Inform on the enw developments in the existing products or new investment options to the
distributors by various communication mode

406 UTI International Ltd. (Foreign Branch) Undertake any such activity as requried by the Branch Office


408 Global Market Partners W.L.L. Arranging deals in financial instruments and advising on financial instruments

409 Islamic Finance Consultants B.S.C. (c) a. to provide financial investment advice, management consultancy and assistance services to

410 SICO B.S.C (c) Deposit Taking - Short term call deposits from financial insitutions and other customer deposits
(customers, both institutions and high net worth individuals, having discretionary portfolio
management agreement with SICO, who have excess funds parked in call account with SICO while
waiting for opportune moment to enter the market or rebalance their portfolio).

411 SICO B.S.C (c) Providing Credit - Margin Trading Lending for selective individual and institutional cleints

412 SICO B.S.C (c) Dealing in financial instruments as principal - SICO effects proprietary trades and investments in
MENA stock exchanges. It also invests in fixed income instruments and managed funds or
portfolios, for deployment of capital. SICO offers the market-making on the BSE and was mandated
to make a market on DIFX, which is handled through counterparty arrangements. These are
handled through off-balance sheet fiduciary portfolios.

413 SICO B.S.C (c) Dealing in financial instruments as an agent - SICO is a registered broker on the BSE and executes
transactions in the various regional stock markets. SICO offers equity brokerage in the MENA stock
markets through counterparty arrangements established with a network of brokers in the region.
SICO brokerage clients include institutions and individuals, both residents in Bahrain as well as non-
residents. Debt: SICO offers brokerage in debt instruments for selective institutions.

414 SICO B.S.C (c) Managing Financial Instruments (Asset Management) - SICO?s asset management services focus
on managing assets in the GCC capital markets. Under discretionary service, customized
investment solutions tailored to the clients risk and return objectives are provided. SICO also
manages assets for clients throgh investent in funds on collective basis. SICO clients includes large
regional banks, pension funds, investment companies and a few individuals.

415 SICO B.S.C (c) Safeguarding financial instruments - SICO through its subsidiary, SICO Funds Services Company

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established in December 2004 offers custody, fund administration and Registrar services in the
GCC region.

416 SICO B.S.C (c) Operating Collective Investment Schemes - SICO has four dedicated funds licensed by CBB under
Rulebook VI and the fund assets are held in specifically created wholly owned subsidiaries namely
SICO Fund Company I BSC (c), SICO Funds Co II BSC (c) and SICO Funds Co III BSSC (c).

417 SICO B.S.C (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments (Corporate Finance) - SICO acts as an advisor to a number
of investment banking transactions and offers select services including IPO, rights issues and bond
issues, mergers & acquisitions, private placements and general corporate / financial advisory

418 Global Islamic Clearing Company W.L.L. Providing Investment Consultancy Services

419 Capital Investment Holding Co. (E.C.) Holding Company for Investments

420 Taylor-Dejongh Bahrain Project Finance Advisory

421 Taylor-Dejongh Bahrain Corporate Finance Advisory

422 Islamic Finance Consultants B.S.C. (c) b. to act as a broker in relation to buying, selling, subscribing for or underwriting investments;

423 Islamic Finance Consultants B.S.C. (c) c. to give advice in relation to exercise of any right conferred by an investment;

424 Islamic Finance Consultants B.S.C. (c) d. to give advise and/or act as a broker for others in relation to any arrangement or schemes
involving an investment;

425 Islamic Finance Consultants B.S.C. (c) e. to carry out all or any of the objects of the Company and do all or any of the above activities in
any part of the world.

426 ICAP (Middle East) W.L.L. International Money Borkers

427 Wealth Management Group W.L.L. To give advice in relation to and to make arrangements as an intermediary with a view to clients: (i)
buying, selling, subscribing for or undertaking investments, and (ii) exercising any right conferred
by an investment and the giving of advice in relation to any arrangement or scheme involving an

428 Indogulf Financial Services Co. B.S.C. (c) Advisory on Financial Instruments

429 Indogulf Financial Services Co. B.S.C. (c) Arranging Financial Deals

430 MCB Bank Limited Fixed Income Investments

431 MCB Bank Limited Providing Credit

432 MCB Bank Limited Syndicated Transactions

433 MCB Bank Limited Remittances

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434 MCB Bank Limited LC Iissuance/Advising/Confirmation/Re-Imbursement

435 MCB Bank Limited Money Market / Treasury Transactions

436 MCB Bank Limited Issuing Guarantees

437 Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited, Bahrain is a Wealth Management Division of Bank of
America Merrill Lynch. Our experienced, dedicated team of financial advisers, portfolio managers
and wealth structuring specialists provide clients with tailored advice and service, and access to a
wide variety of Merrill Lynch solutions:

438 Tullett Liberty (Bahrain) Co. W.L.L. Money Brokers

439 Habib Bank Limited Core Activities : 1. Placements and Borrowings in Inter Bank Market. 2. Spot Purchases & Spot
Sales of USD & other Currencies. 3. Forward Purchases & Sales of USD & other Currencies. 4.
Swaps. 5. Investments & Advances. Objectives : 1. Effective management of Liquidity , Exchange
& Interest rate risks

440 Al Dar Capital Company B.S.C (c) Shariah compliant investment products and services

441 Fajr Investment Advisory B.S.C. (c) To carry out all activities required to promote the Company's business and join other established
companies and own shares and stocks in other established companies.

442 Fajr Investment Advisory B.S.C. (c) To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive or allowed as per Central Bank of
Bahrain license or in order to attain the above objects

443 Fajr Investment Advisory B.S.C. (c) Investment Firm (Category Three)

444 Bank of Baroda Deposit Taking - from Banks/Non Bank Financial Institutions ( Local and Overseas), Commercial
Lending, International Trade Finance & Syndicated Loans

445 Philippine National Bank 1. Perform activities specified in Rule LR-1.3.1 with non-residents in foreign currency.

446 Philippine National Bank 2. Transact with residents of Bahrain and/or in Bahrain Dinar, with respect to the activities (a) to (e)
listed in Rule LR-1.3.1, only where the individual transaction is BD 7 million or above (or its foreign
currency equivalent (US$18.5 million) ).

447 Philippine National Bank 3. Transact with residents of Bahrain and /or in Bahrain dinar, with respect to the activities (f) to (l)
listed in Rule LR-1.3.1, only where the individual transaction is US$100,000.00 or above (or its
foreign currency equivalent).

448 Philippine National Bank 4. Can only undertake activities (m) and (n) listed in LR-1.3.1, on behalf of residents of Bahrain and
/or in Bahrain dinar, where the customer concerned meets either of the threshold specified in
LR-1.2.13 or LR-1.2.16 (in which case, activities (m) and (n) may be undertaken for any amount).

449 Philippine National Bank 5. Transact in Bahrain dinar (or any other currency) for any amount with the Government of
Bahrain, Bahrain public sector entities (as defined in the guidelines for completion of the Prudential
Information Reports), and CBB bank licenses. conventional wholesale banks may also transact in

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Bahrain dinar for any amount, where required to fund their normal operating expenses; or when
investing for their own account in securities listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange.

450 Gulf One Investment Bank B.S.C (c) Private Equity: is responsible for structuring and managing traditional PE funds & direct
investments with primary geographical focus in the GCC region. It seeks opportunities globally with
a focus on investing in companies with transferrable competitive advantages with a view of bringing
them to the GCC region through potential business partnerships.

451 Acacia Investments B.S.C. (c) To carry out all activities as per Rules and Regulations issued by CBB for ?Category 1 Investment
Firm?, i.e., Dealing in financial instruments as principal; Dealing in financial instruments as agent;
Arranging deals in financial instruments; Managing financial instruments; Safeguarding financial
instruments (i.e., custodian); Advising on financial instruments; and Operating a collective
investment undertaking (i.e., an operator); and all other activities as per the Memorandum and

452 Zurich International Life Ltd. Zurich International Life (Zurich) offers life assurance, investment and protection solutions.

453 United Insurance Co. B.S.C. (c) to provide insurance for all vehicles which travel through the King Fahad Causeway in accordance
with the Bahrain Insurance Company Law and the Arab Treaty for cars crossing Arab countries

454 BNP Paribas 3U Offshore booking unit

455 Gulf Union Insurance & Reinsurance Co. B.S.C. (c) Underwriting all type of Insurance

456 Albourne Partners MENA Advise clients on alternative investments and complicated assets, mainly: hedge funds, private
equity funds, and real assets.

457 Saudi Arabian Insurance Company B.S.C. (c) To undertake insurance and reinsurance business of a wide variety of operations and risks.

458 Solidarity Bahrain B.S.C. General Insurance & reinsurance

459 Solidarity Bahrain B.S.C. Investments

460 Tabreed Captive Insurance Company B.S.C. (c) Captive Insurance

461 Alhilal Takaful B.S.C. (c) providing life, medical and investment Takaful products

462 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 1. The Company will at all times comply with the Bahrain Central Bank Law and with any circulars,
rules and regulations issued thereunder from time to time.

463 Takaful International Co. B.S.C. Family Takaful (longterm)

464 Takaful International Co. B.S.C. General Takaful

465 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) To undertake all kinds of takaful and retakaful activities as governed by the CBB rulebook, such as:
a) Insurance against risks related to transport, aeroplanes, ships and motor vehicles

466 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) b) Professional indemnity insurance, public liability, fire, theft and accident;

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467 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) c) Health and life insurance and family takaful insurance. The CBB in future may review the license
for such matter depending on the volume of the life insurance against general insurance
undertaken by the Company; and

468 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) d) Any other type of insurance permitted by the laws of Bahrain and Islamic principles

469 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) To own shares in other companies

470 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) To acquire or merge with other companies

471 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) To manage its affiliated companies or to participate in the management of other companies in
which it has shares and to provide the necessary support for such companies

472 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) To invest Company funds in all sorts of investments as approved by the Company?s board of
directors including shares, bonds and other securities

473 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) To own real estate and other assets necessary for undertaking its activities within the limits
permitted by Bahraini law

474 T'azur Company B.S.C. (c) To own industrial property rights including patents, trade and industrial marks, concession and
other intellectual rights, and to use and license them to its affiliated companies or other companies

475 Masheed Captive Insurance Company B.S.C. (c) Captive Insurance

476 Hannover Retakaful B.S.C. (c) Re-Insurance

477 Hannover Retakaful B.S.C. (c) Insurance

478 Gulf Insurance Group (Gulf) B.S.C. (c) The principal activity of the Company is the transaction of insurance and reinsurance business in
the Kingdom of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, the Sultanate of Oman and the State of Qatar

479 Iran Insurance Company General Insurance

480 Medgulf Takaful B.S.C. (c) to carry out all activities necessary and /or associated with /ancillary to achieving its objects or
conducting its activities

481 Medgulf Takaful B.S.C. (c) To do any other activities pursuant to the takaful and retakaful insurance activities.

482 Medgulf Takaful B.S.C. (c) To exchange or acquire other firms which are engaged in takaful and retakaful insurance activities.

483 Medgulf Takaful B.S.C. (c) To invest excess funds in accordance with Islamic Shari'a Rules.

484 Medgulf Takaful B.S.C. (c) to conduct Islamis insurance life activities such as Takaful and Retakaful insurance activities in
accordance with Islamic Sharia'a Rules but not limited to term. personal accident. Assistance,
Travel Assistance and Medical Product

485 The Mediterranean & Gulf Insurance & Reinsurance Company (Medgulf) B.S.C. (c) To engage in and carry on the business of Insurance, Reinsurance, Co-insurance and counter
insurance of all kinds and gurantee and indemnity business of all kinds and in particular, without

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prejudice to the generality of the foregoing words, to engage in and carry on life, accident,
sickness, hospital, health, fire, marine.

486 The Mediterranean & Gulf Insurance & Reinsurance Company (Medgulf) B.S.C. (c) To reinsure, co insure and counter insure all or any risks undertaken by the Company

487 The Mediterranean & Gulf Insurance & Reinsurance Company (Medgulf) B.S.C. (c) To carry on property, surety, automobile, aviation, ship, steam, boiler, plat glass, windstorm,
hailstorm, earthquake, flood, war risk, insurrection, riot, civil commotion, strike, employers' liability,
workmen's compensation, disease, survivorship, bonding and indemnity, burglary and robbery,
theft, fidelity, transit and other casualty insurance, including loss from the interruption of business
due to nay of the foregoing.

488 Arab Insurance Group (B.S.C) Reinsurance

489 ACR Retakaful MEA B.S.C. (c) Reinsurance (Islamic Principles) - Retakaful

490 Trade Union Insurance Co. B.S.C (c) Insurance

491 Solidarity Family Takaful B.S.C. (c) Providing saving, investment and protection services through family takaful (Islamic insurance)
products, including re-takaful products and various takaful products, in the Kingdom of Bahrain and

492 Solidarity Family Takaful B.S.C. (c) Providing various family takaful products.

493 Solidarity Family Takaful B.S.C. (c) Owning companies, equities or shares in companies in countries in which the Company intends to
provide its takaful products.

494 Solidarity General Takaful B.S.C. (c) Providing protection services through general takaful (Islamic insurance) products, including re-
takaful products and various takaful products, excluding family takaful, in the Kingdom of Bahrain
and elsewhere.

495 Solidarity General Takaful B.S.C. (c) Providing various takaful products, excluding family takaful.

496 Solidarity General Takaful B.S.C. (c) Owning companies, equities or shares in companies in countries in which the Company intends to
provide its takaful products.

497 Labuan Reinsurance (L) Ltd General reinsurance

498 Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Plc General Insurance

499 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. - Customer Services for Wholesale Payments CEEMEA.

500 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. - The objectives of the bank are to facilitate and service client relationships in the CEEMEA within
the Financial Institution Group and Commercial Bank segments.

501 Euronet Middle East W.L.L. Providing electronic financial transactions (EFT) infrastructure and services (hardware, software
and authorisation interfaces) and operations services as part of end-to-end automated teller
machine (ATM) and point of sale (POS) and KIOSK operating solutions.

502 Euronet Middle East W.L.L. Providing debit, credit and prepaid card issuing services on behalf of client banks including setup,

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certification, and maintenance of an industry standard card management system; and other card
related services as requested by client banks to support their card programs

503 Euronet Middle East W.L.L. Providing gateway services in which Companies shall connect the client bank to certain networks

504 Euronet Middle East W.L.L. Providing switching sevices whereby Companies shall route the transaction of a given device to a
client bank authorisation system directly or to the appropriate gateway

505 Euronet Middle East W.L.L. Providing value added services such as Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), Bill Payments,
Remittances and other EFT related services as deemed necessary from time to time

506 Euronet Middle East W.L.L. To own and/or to operate subsidiary companies or affiliated in the Territory

507 Euronet Middle East W.L.L. To carry out all activities and services requited to promote the Company's businesses and join
other established companies and set up branches, divisions, subsidiaries, regional offices or own
shares and stocks in other established comanies and other activities to achieve the objects of the

508 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Incorporation, acquisition of and participation, outside or inside the host country, in Arab or foreign
companies having business activities compatible with those of the Company after obtaining the
approval of the appropriate authorities.

509 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Issuance and/ or processing of cards and other means of payment and trading in foreign currency
notes and precious metals.

510 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Lending, borrowing and placement of funds according to the terms and conditions laid down by the
Board of Directors.

511 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Ancillary Service Provider - Card Processing Services

512 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) The Company shall have all the necessary powers for realisation of such objects in general and for
carrying on any other business which the Board of Directors deems in its sole discretion to be
ancillary to the objects of the Company or related to providing any new financial services or
connected with the field of tourism or advanced technologies.

513 Sinnad W.L.L. Providing a wide range of ancillary services such as switching services, ATM, and POs
managment, card personalization, card processing, cards, and fraud monitoring services to
customers based in countries which are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, other than the
United Arab Emirates, specially:

514 SICO Funds Services Co. B.S.C. (c) Custody

515 SICO Funds Services Co. B.S.C. (c) Funds Administration

516 SICO Funds Services Co. B.S.C. (c) Registrar Services

517 Sinnad W.L.L. ATM point and point of sales driving and monitoring

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518 Sinnad W.L.L. Point of Sales acquiring, outsourcing services and merchant management

519 Sinnad W.L.L. Point of sale acquiring managemnet

520 Sinnad W.L.L. Fruad Monitoring

521 Sinnad W.L.L. Debit card and Credit card personalization and precurement

522 Sinnad W.L.L. Debit an Credit card processsing and managment

523 Sinnad W.L.L. Debit and credit card hosting

524 Sinnad W.L.L. Certification themes with international, regiional and local switches

525 Sinnad W.L.L. Reconcilation and disputes management

526 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financiall instruments as principal, i.e. buying , selling subscribing for or underwiting
financial instrument for its own accounts and authorized to sign on behalf for the shareholders

527 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) Dealing financial instruments as agent, i.e. buying , selling, subscribing for or underwrting financial
instrument on hehalf of its client.

528 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments, i.e. making arrangements, with a view of another person,
whether as principal or agent, buying, selling subscribing for or underwriting deals in financial

529 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) Managing financial instruments, i.e. managing on a discretionary basis financial instruemnts for the
account of its clients.

530 Keypoint Trust B.S.C. ( c ) Provision of trustee and ancillary services

531 Alubaf Arab International Bank (Bahrain) B.S.C. (c) Treasury Products: Deposits and Placements in all major international and GCC currencies. Spot
and Forward foreign exchange transactions in all major international and GCC currencies.

532 Alubaf Arab International Bank (Bahrain) B.S.C. (c) Loans : Working capital financing Pre-export / Post-export financing Project Financing Arranging
and facilitating syndication deals

533 Alubaf Arab International Bank (Bahrain) B.S.C. (c) Trade Finance Products : Opening of Letters of Credit. Advising, Confirming and Refinancing of
Letters of Credit. Discounting of trade related commercial papers. Issuing of Letter of Guarantees.
Handling collection of Documentary Bills.

534 Intertrust Fiduciary Services (Jersey) Limited Bahrain Branch Provision of trust and administration services

535 Alhilal Life B.S.C. (c) Providing conventional life,medical assurance and investment products

536 Gulf Union Insurance & Reinsurance Co. B.S.C. (c) Accept inward reinsurance business

537 Gulf Union Insurance & Reinsurance Co. B.S.C. (c) Claims settlements

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538 Gulf Union Insurance & Reinsurance Co. B.S.C. (c) Investments

539 Citi Islamic Investment Bank E.C. CIIB offers Shari'a compliant Murabaha-based deposit product to Islamic Financial Institutions and
Corporates; and to provide structuring services to Citigroup Global Markets Ltd. (or any of its
affiliates; collectively, ?Citi?) in respect of capital market and risk management transactions. The
nature of CIIB?s business will be two-fold: offering Murabaha deposit business and structuring
services. CIIB at present do not offer, or intend to offer, any asset products.

540 Global Exchange Bahrain Foreign Exchange Services W.L.L. SALE, PURCHASE AND EXCHANGE OF FOREIGN CURRENCIES

541 Global Exchange Bahrain Foreign Exchange Services W.L.L. CURRENCY TRANSFER FROM AND TO BAHRAIN

542 Global Exchange Bahrain Foreign Exchange Services W.L.L. REMITTANCES FROM AND TO BAHRAIN

543 Global Exchange Bahrain Foreign Exchange Services W.L.L. PURCHASE AND SALE OF TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES

544 Global Exchange Bahrain Foreign Exchange Services W.L.L. DEALING IN PRECIOUS METALS

545 Bahrain India International Exchange Co. B.S.C. (c) Money changers

546 Bahrain India International Exchange Co. B.S.C. (c) Remittances

547 UAE Exchange Center Co. - Bahrain W.L.L Money Exchange, Remittance & Import and Export of Bank Notes

548 Alubaf Arab International Bank (Bahrain) B.S.C. (c) Islamic Banking Products:Actively deals in Shareea.a Compliance banking services either directly
or through participating with other leading Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions. The Islamic
Banking services offered by ALUBAF include: . Morabaha Financing. . Musharaka . Istisna
Financing .Leasing Facilities (Ijara) . Trade finance business.


550 Travelex Bahrain W.L.L. The sale, purchase and exchange of foreign currencies

551 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 2. The Company will comply with and adhere to the rules and regulations issued by the Central
Bank from timie to time relating to the specific type of license which it holds from the Central Bank,
as well as any particular directions and regulations imposed on the Company by the Central Bank.

552 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 3. To provide investment management services for individuals, financial institutions and
government establishments.

553 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 4. To undertake all kinds of financial, commercial and other operations on its own behalf or on
behalf of its clients in order to conduct any type of investment business whatsoever and
wheresoever situate.

554 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 5. To invest in, acquire, deal in and hold shares, bonds, other securities, options, contracts,
precious metals, commodities, real and personal property of all kinds whatsoever and wheresoever

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555 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 6. To perform all forms of securities business including underwriting, placing and trading in
securities and advisory services for investments and capital raising.

556 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 7. To acquire and hold either for itself or as agent of any persons, firms, companies and generally
to sell or otherwise dispose, manage, develop and deal with land, buildings, houses and other real
and personal property and estates of all kinds whatsoever and wheresoever situate.

557 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 8. To arrange and finance and procure other parties to finance the issue that are incidental to the
transaction, acquisition or disposal of investments or securities, to mortgage, rent, lease or insure
and the execution of contracts.

558 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 9. To draw, accept, enclose, discount, negotiate and issue, buy, sell and deal in bills of exchange,
promissory notes and other negotiable or transferable instruments.

559 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 10. To keep for any client any register relating to shares, bonds, other securities and to undertake
any duties in relation to the registration of transfers, the issue of certificates or otherwise and
generally to act as custodians, secretaries, registrars and transfer agents, to maintain books of
accounts, minute books and company books to act and provide the services of directors and other

560 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 11. To undertake, transact or carry on spot foreign exchange or brokerage business and to
undertake the management, supervision or control of the operations of any company dealing
therewith or undertaking which participates therein.

561 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 12. To carry out investment banking activities, such as, but not restricted to, investigation and
evaluation of investment opportunities with a view to direct investment therein or the provision of
finance, financial structuring, restructuring or securitisation in the various business sectors.

562 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 13. To promote or participate in industrial, agricultural, commercial and other business projects.

563 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 14. To be a promoter, partner, member, associate or manager of any company, partnership, joint
venture or other enterprise.

564 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 15. To enter into any agreements, partnerships or cooperative arrangements with any company,
firm or person carrying on business within the objects of the Company.

565 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 16. To promote, establish, operate, acquire, own (wholly or partly) and hold instruments in other
companies, financial establishments, banking, investment, holding and insurance companies and
other legal entities in and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain.

566 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 17. To carry on any business directly or through the agency of any subsidiary, allied or associated
company, and to enter into any agreement with any such entity for taking the profits and besring
the losses of any business so carried on, or for financing that are incidental to the transaction or
guaranteeing liabilities of allied or associated companies or to make any other arrangement which
may seem desirable, including the power ro discontinue any such business.

567 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 18. To merge with, purchase or otherwise acquire all or any part of the business, property, liabilities

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and transactions of any person, firm or company carrying on any business.

568 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 19. To deposit the moneys of the Company with any legal entity or company.

569 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 20. To purchase, take, receive, lease or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, use and otherwise
deal in and with, real and personal property or any interest therein, wheresoever situate.

570 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 21. To sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, transfer and otherwise dispose of all or
any part of its property or assets.

571 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 22. To make contracts and guarantees and incur liabilities, borrow money, issue its notes, bonds
(in the manner prescribed by law), and other obligations, and secure any of its obligations by
mortgage or pledge of all or any of its property, franchises and income.

572 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 23. To borrow money for Comapny purposes, invest and reinvest Company funds, and take and
hold real and personal property as security for the payment of funds so loaned or invested.

573 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 24. To subsidise, assist or guarantee the payment of money or the performance of any contract or
obligation by any person, partnership, joint venture, company or other enterprise.

574 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 25. To make interest free loans and use its credit to assist its employees.

575 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 26. To support any charitable or public institution, to give pensions, gratuities or charitable aid to
any person who may have served the Company and to form and contribute to provident, benefit
and bonus funds for the benefit of any Directors, Officers or employees of the Company or its
subsidiaries, allied or associated companies, and to subsidise or assist any association of
employers or employees or any trading association.

576 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 27. To provide expertise, consultancy, assistance, data processing or advisory services.

577 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 28. To provide investment and financial training.

578 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 29. To pay all costs and expenses incurred in the promotion, establishment and incorporation of the

579 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 30. To do all or any of the above things either as principal, agent, trustee, contractor or otherwise
and either alone or in conjunction with others and either by or through agents, sub-contractors,
trustees or otherwise.

580 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 31. To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above
objects or any of them.

581 CIMB Middle East B.S.C. (c) 32. The objects of the Company shall additionally include any activity deemed necessary to comply
with a Conventional Investment Business Firm Category 1 as classified by the Central Bank of

582 Citibank N.A. Accepting retail customer deposits

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583 Citibank N.A. Issuing Retail loans and credit cards

584 Citibank N.A. Providing all retail banking facilities such as Fund transfer etc..

585 Citibank N.A. Offering Wealth management services to its customer i.e. selling insurance and investment

586 Citibank N.A. Executing money market deals for its asset-liability management

587 AF Willis Bahrain W.L.L. To carry on the business of Insurance Brokers, Risk Management;

588 AF Willis Bahrain W.L.L. To do all such acts and things as shall be necessary or conductive to the attainment of the
foregoing objects

589 Crescent Global Insurance Services W.L.L. Crescent Global Insurance Services W.L.L (the "Company") was incorporated in the Kingdom of
Bahrain on as a limited liability company with the Ministry of Industry & Commerce under
Commerical Registration No 041931 and CBB License No. BR017

590 Crescent Global Insurance Services W.L.L. The Main activity of the company is to act as insurance and reinsurance brokers,related services
including risk management both life and non life.

591 Fakhro Insurance Services W.L.L. The aim was to be able to offer our clients a wider choice of insurance coverage at the most
competitive rates for all classes of insurance. It also became a member of the Bahrain Insurance
Association. We are able to provide quality services to all corporate and retail clients and our
services include guiding clients in selecting the right coverage with insurance companies in

592 Al Zayani Insurance Brokers Co. W.L.L. Insurance Brokerage

593 Intershield Company W.L.L. Insurance broking

594 LMG (Bahrain) W.L.L. Insurance Broker


596 Acacia Investments B.S.C. (c) To carry out all activities as per Rules and Regulations issued by CBB for ?Category 1 Investment
Firm?, i.e., Dealing in financial instruments as principal; Dealing in financial instruments as agent;
Arranging deals in financial instruments; Managing financial instruments; Safeguarding financial
instruments (i.e., custodian); Advising on financial instruments; and Operating a collective
investment undertaking (i.e., an operator); and all other activities as per the Memorandum and

597 International Insurance Services W.L.L. Insurance Brokers ( Individuals)

598 Societe Generale Wealth Management (Bahrain) B.S.C. (c) the activities and purposes of the Company to be as follows : dealing in finacial instruments as
agent arranging deals in financial instruments managing financial instruments safeguarding
financial instruments advising on financial instruments

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599 Bank Al-Khair B.S.C (c) Asset Management, Private Equity, Corporate Finance, Institutional Banking, Capital Markets,
Treasury, and Strategic Mergers & Acquisitions

600 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To provide Islamic investment management services for individuals, companies, financial
institutions and government establishments.

601 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To undertake all kinds of financial, commercial and other operations on its own behalf or on behalf
of its clients in order to conduct any type of Islamic investment business whatsoever and
wheresoever situate.

602 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To invest in, acquire, deal in and hold shares, bonds, other securities, options, contracts, precious
metals, commodities, real and personal property of all kinds whatsoever and wheresoever situate.

603 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To perform all forms of securities business including underwriting, placing and trading in securities,
and advisory services for investments and capital raising using Islamic structures.

604 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To acquire and hold either for itself or as agent of any persons, firms, companies and generally to
sell or otherwise dispose, manage, develop and deal with land, buildings, houses and other real
and personal property and estates of all kinds whatsoever and wheresoever situate. Provided that
real estate that is owned by the Company shall be limited to its offices and residence of the
company's executives and officers.

605 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To arrange and finance and procure other parties to finance the issues that are incidental to the
transaction, acquisition or disposal of investments or securities, to mortgage, rent, lease or insure
and the execution of contracts.

606 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To draw, accept, endorse, discount, negotiate and issue buy, sell and deal in bills of exchange,
promissory notes and other negotiable or transferable instruments in accordance with Sharia
approved principles.

607 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To promote, establish, operate, acquire, own (wholly or partly) and hold interests in other
companies, financial establishments, banking, investment, holding and insurance (Takaful)
companies and other legal entities in and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain.

608 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To carry on any business directly or through the agency of any subsidiary, allied or associated
company, and to enter into any agreement with any such entity for taking the profits and bearing
the losses of any business so carried on, or for financing that are incidental to the transaction or
guaranteeing liabilities of allied or associated companies or to make any other arrangement which
may seem desirable, including the power to discontinue any such business.

609 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To merge with, purchase or otherwise acquire all or any part of the business, property, liabilities
and transactions of any person, firm or company carrying on any business.

610 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) In the manner prescribed by Islamic Shari?a, to borrow money for Company purposes, invest and
reinvest Company funds, and take and hold real and personal property as security for the payment
of funds so loaned or invested.

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611 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To make interest free loans and use its credit to assist its employees.

612 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To support any charitable or public institution, to give pensions, gratuities or charitable aid to any
person who may have served the Company and to form and contribute to provident, benefit and
bonus funds for the benefit of any Directors, Officers or employees of the Company or its
subsidiaries, allied or associated companies, and to subsidize or assist any association of
employers or employees or any trading association.

613 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To provide expertise, consultancy, assistance, data processing or advisory services.

614 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To provide Islamic investment and financial training.

615 Sanabel Investment Co. B.S.C. (c) To do all or any of the company objectives either as principal, agent, trustee, contractor or
otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others and either by or through agents, sub-
contractors, trustees or otherwise. Provided that the Company shall obtain necessary approvals
prior to acting as trustee.



618 Investcorp Gulf Investments B.S.C. (c) 1. To become a shareholder for "Investcorp Gulf Opportunity Fund Company 1 B.S.C. (c)". 2. To
hold an Investment Business Firm License category 2. 3. To do all such acts and things as the
Company may deem conducive to the attainment of any of the foregoing objects of the Company.

619 Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. Representative Office

620 European Islamic Investment Bank Plc. Investment Banking

621 Ensurion W.L.L. Insurance Management

622 Lazard Asset Management Limited - Bahrain Representative office of Lazard Asset Management Limited

623 Lazard Asset Management Limited - Bahrain Representative office of Lazard Asset Mangement Limited

624 Mizuho Bank Ltd. Gathering information for the bank

625 Ernst & Young Corporate Finance W.L.L. 1.Investment business firm -Category 3:and 2.To carry out all activities required to promote the
company's business and join other established companies and set up
branches,divisions,subsidiaries,regional offices,subject to the CBB's approval and other activities to
achieve the objects of the Company.

626 Itqan Financial Services W.L.L. Itqan was established to undertake and offer the following services and activities: 1 - the creation of
capital market transactions by assisting clients in raising capital. 2 - the creation of debt market
transactions by assisting clients in raising liquidity and securing Islamic financing. 3 - providing
financial and corporate advisory services, and regulatory related advisory services for financial

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627 Robeco Institutional Asset Management B.V. To render services related to the investment of assets, to render financial Services. To participate
in, Finance or otherwise take an interest in and pursue the management of other companies;and
To engage in all activities which - in the widest sense - can be considered related or conducive to
that object.

628 First Abu Dhabi Bank - Bahrain Branch retail banking activites e.g deposit taking & provide credits (under wholesale conditions)


630 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Various tourist investments in the spheres which are conducive to facilitating its aims and
realization of its objectives.

631 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Ownership of movable and real property, construction of the building required for the activities of
the Company and ownership for the purpose of investment outside the host country and inside it
after obtaining the consent of the appropriate authorities.

632 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Issuance and marketing of travellers cheques.

633 Albourne Partners MENA 1. Arranging deals in financial instruments 2. Advising on financial instruments

634 Tadhamon Capital B.S.C. (c) To carry on all activities required to promote the companys business and join other established
companies and set up branches, divisions, subsidiaries, regional offices or own shares and stock in
other established companies along with others to achieve the objectives of the company.

635 Gulf International Exchange Co. W.L.L. Foreign Currency Exchange

636 Gulf International Exchange Co. W.L.L. Remittance Sell and Buy

637 Gulf International Exchange Co. W.L.L. Trade in Gold bars and Precious Metal

638 Gulf International Exchange Co. W.L.L. Sell and Buy all forms of Traveler cheques

639 Gulf International Exchange Co. W.L.L. Foreign Currency Whole Sale and Buy

640 Arabia Insurance Company S.A.L. GENERAL INSURANCE & LIFE ASSURANCE

641 Hardy Arig Insurance Management W.L.L. Provision of insurance management services

642 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) To carry out all payment and settlements services to its clients as part of its custody operations

643 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) to act as the custodian, Administrator and registrar of mutual funds domiciled in Bahrain and
outside Bahrain and to its clients portfolios

644 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) Accept financial instruments for safekeeping as paer of its custody role and sake keep them on
behalf of its clients

645 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) To open accounts with different banks in Bahrain and outside Bahrain in its name or in its clients

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name or clients portfolios. And to operate these accounts as custodian

646 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) To open accounts with all local ans non local central depositories in its anme and its interest or in
mutual funds name or its clients name and operate these accounts

647 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) to act as registrar of shareholding companies and mutual funds, and settle transcations after the
acceptance of the Bahrain stock exchange

648 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) to record all securities transcations in special records and open accounts for its clients for this
purpose and extend all the technical services related to these transactions

649 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) to clear and settle all purchases and sales transactions and respective values pertaining to the
mutual funds and clients portfolios

650 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) to conduct statistcal studies about the transactions volume in the stock exchanges and offer
research and recommendations about the financial markets enhancements

651 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) to represents companies and funds companies in Kingdom of Bahrain

652 Gulf Custody Company B.S.C. (c) to do all such acts and things as the company may deem conducive to the attainment of any of the
foregoing objects of the company

653 Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company B.S.C. Insurance Activities

654 SNIC Insurance B.S.C. (c) To curry out all type of insurance activities inside and outside Bahrain and to carry out all the
operations which are related to these activities.

655 SNIC Insurance B.S.C. (c) To Participate in companies and organizations which their head offices in the kingdom of Bahrain
or abroad by owning shares or in any other manner.

656 SNIC Insurance B.S.C. (c) the Company shall have the authority within the limit of its objects, and in general the Company
shall have the right to carry out activities of any kind whatsoever with the permission of its Board of

657 Bahrain National Insurance Co. B.S.C. Motor & Personal Lines Insurance, General Insurance and Reinsurance

658 American Life Insurance Co. Oversea Company for Life Insurance

659 Addax Bank B.S.C (c) Investment Banking

660 Addax Bank B.S.C (c) Fee Based Services

661 Bahrain Financing Co. B.S.C. (c) Buy and sell foreign currency and travellers cheques, effect draft remittances and deal in precious

662 Habib Bank Limited The principal activities of the Bank are corporate and retail banking.

663 Delmon Exchange W.L.L. Currencies exchange & Travel Cheques

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664 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Providing credit

665 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Accepting Shari?a money placements/deposits

666 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Managing Shari?a profit sharing investment accounts

667 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Offering Shari?a Financing Contracts

668 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as principal

669 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as agent

670 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Managing Financial Instruments

671 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Safeguarding Financial Instruments (i.e. Custodian)

672 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Operating a collective investment undertaking

673 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments

674 TAIB Bank B.S.C. (c) Advising on deals in financial instruments

675 Bank Al Habib Limited 1)Advances. 2)Investment 3) Borrowing. 4)Placement. 5) Accepting Deposit

676 The Benefit Company B.S.C. (c) To provide payment systems and other related financials services for the benefit of the commercial
banks, their customers, and the state of Bahrian

677 The Benefit Company B.S.C. (c) To do all such acts and things or shall be necessary for or conductive to the attainment of the
foregoing objects.

678 Alpen Capital (Bahrain) Conduct all transactions and enter into any contracts deemed necessary or suitable for achieving
its objectives

679 Alpen Capital (Bahrain) Own immovable and movable property and related rights and privileges in order to facilitate the
business of the company or its services


681 Alpen Capital (Bahrain) Own all types of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and all related
commercial transactions, concessions, rights of ownership, and copyright, which the company
deems necessary for its business and to use or buy and sell such properties an all legal ways

682 Alpen Capital (Bahrain) Form all types of companies and participate in productive projects either by shareholding or in other

683 Alpen Capital (Bahrain) Investment Business Firm ? Category 3

684 Alpen Capital (Bahrain) In General the company may perform those activities and services allowed by the Central Bank of
Bahrain law, including any circulars, rules and regulations issues there under from time to time.

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685 Nomura Investment Banking (Middle East) B.S.C. (c) The Objects of the Company: To carry out in a profit oriented manner all types of banking and
financial activities and to promote and participate in all types of investment activities and to do all
things that are incidental or related thereto. Pls. refer to Objects of the Company specified in the
Amended Articles of Association with Serial No. 2005002964 Receipt No. 441359 corresponding to
the 26th day of January 2005 .

686 Allianz Global Investors Europe Gmbh Asset Management

687 Zenj Exchange Co. W.L.L. Money Changer, Traders in Travelling Cheque Selling and Buying, Management of Local
Exchange Houses and Overseas Transfers

688 Alyousuf Exchanges & Money Transfers B.S.C. (c) MONEY CHANGER

689 Crestbridge Bahrain B.S.C. (c) To provide ancillary services to the financial services including but not limited to providing trust and
trustee services and any related services, to supply payment and financial services systems to
commercial, investment and Islamic banks.l

690 Itqan Financial Services W.L.L. 1. To undertake all kinds of financial commercial and other operations on its own behalf or on
behalf of its clients in order to conduct any type of investment business whatsoever and
wheresoever situate including : a) Arranging deals in financial instruments; b) Advising deals in
financial instruments 2. To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the
attainment of the above objects or any of them.

691 Intertrust Fiduciary Services (Jersey) Limited Bahrain Branch Unrestricted corporate capacity

692 Al Manar Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers Co. W.L.L. insurance broker

693 Intertrust Fiduciary Services (Jersey) Limited Bahrain Branch Unrestricted Corporate Capacity as per Memorandum of Association

694 UBS AG Representative Office

695 ASA Consultants W.L.L. Investment Consultancy Services

696 The Islamic Bank of Asia Foreign Banks' Representative Offices

697 Bank of China Limited Bahrain (Representative Office) Gathering of economic, financial and commercial information, providing general assistance to
customers in Bahrain and in the region, on-site investigation of the feasibility and possibility on the
establishment of an operational unit in the region etc.

698 Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) 1. Sales and Distribution Center for Middle East 2. Capital Market securities 3. Fixed income
distribution 4. Investment Management 5. Loans and advances 6. Advisory services

699 Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited 1. Credit and Banking - Deposits, Dual currency deposits, Money market funds, Foreign exchange,
Lending, Collateral management. 2. Third party and in-house investments: Equities, Fixed income,
Foreign exchange, Mutual funds, Hedge funds, Private equity, Structured products, Over-the-
counter derivatives. 3. Access to institutional services: Direct trading, Mergers and acquisitions,
Equity and debt capital raising, Lending / prime brokerage, Customised strategies.

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700 Aon Bahrain W.L.L. Insurance & Reinsurance Broker

701 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (The) Wholesale banking services. The core activities are deposit taking and providing credit facilities for
HSBC group customers.

702 GFH Financial Group B.S.C. Islamic Whole Sale Banking; Infrastructure Development, Private Equity, Asset Management,
Investment Banking, Venture Capital, etc....

703 Bahrain National Life Assurance Co. B.S.C. (c) Life and Medical Insurance/ Re-insurance Activities - Insurance and Re-insurance Companies -

704 Chartis Takaful Enaya B.S.C. (c) To undertake all kinds of insurance and reinsurance activities including those permitted by the
branches of insurance provided in article 4 of Decree Law 17 of 1987 (in respect of Insurance
Companies and Establishments) provided that the manner of conducting the activities shall be
acceptable to Islamic Shari'a principles and not in conflict therewith.

705 Protection Insurance Services W.L.L. Insurance & Reinsurance Brokerage

706 MashreqBank psc Regulated banking services as stated in LR-1.3.1 (including Retail/SME Banking and Corporate
Banking services)

707 Oryx Insurance Services W.L.L. Insurance Brokering

708 ACE American Insurance Company Bahrain Branch Provision of general insurance

709 Insure Direct (Brokers) L.L.C. Insurance and Reinsurance Broking

710 New Hampshire Insurance Company (NHIC) The branch is engaged in reinsurance general insurance products.

711 Crestbridge Bahrain B.S.C. (c) To provide third party fund administration services and any other related services including but not
limited to administering sub agreements, preparing and issuing statements, issuing and re-issuing
of share certificates, Sukuk certificates and any other related services and deeds.

712 Crestbridge Bahrain B.S.C. (c) To provide registrar and transfer agent services, to provide safe custody of title deeds and any
other assets.

713 Crestbridge Bahrain B.S.C. (c) To form, incorporate or otherwise establish or cause to be formed, incorporated or otherwise
established, any type of company, corporate entity, trust or partnership howsoever named.

714 Al Hadaf Insurance insurance brokers (individuals)

715 Life Insurance Corporation (International) B.S.C. (c) Life Insurance

716 MedNet Bahrain W.L.L. Claim Management Services & Third Party Administrator, Ancillary Services

717 Nexus Financial Services W.L.L. Insurance, Savings, Investment and General Insurance advice on Insurance Products through
Zurich life and other General Insurance Providers (Brokerage Activities)

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718 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd. customer service

719 Mizuho Bank Ltd. Gathering information for the bank


721 Rabia Insurance Services ALL TYPES OF INSURANCES

722 Gerard Fenwick (Individual) Surveyors & Loss Adjusters

723 Credit Suisse AG Bahrain Branch A)Dealing in financial instruments as agent; B) Arranging deals in financial instruments; C)
Managing financial instruments; D) Safeguarding financial instruments (i.e. a custodian); E)
Advising on financial instruments; and F) Operating a collective investment undertaking (i.e. an

724 BMI Bank B.S.C (c) Conventional Retail Banking

725 BMI Bank B.S.C (c) Islamic Banking (Window)

726 Ithmaar Bank B.S.C. ( c ) The principal activities of the Bank and its subsidiaries (collectively the ?Group?) are a wide range
of financial services, including retail, commercial, private banking.

727 Al Majd Insurance Brokerage W.L.L. to promote good relations between insurance brokers , insurds,insurers,and others involved in the
insurance industry

728 Al Majd Insurance Brokerage W.L.L. to meet with the standereds established by the Cental Bank

729 Al Majd Insurance Brokerage W.L.L. the need to promote effective competition and cost efficiency in the insurance broking industry and
to ensure flexibility in the development and enhancement of products and services for Insureds

730 Al Majd Insurance Brokerage W.L.L. promote efficiency in transactions in which Insurance Brokers are involved and the effectiveness of
the Insurance Brokers? services to Insureds and insurers

731 BNP Paribas - Corporate/Commercial Banking

732 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. Merrill Lynch (Bank Suisse) S.A. offers premium wealth management services, meeting and
exceeding the expectations of High Net Worth/ Ultra High Net Worth investors around the world
with active or discretionary investment services in a traditional Swiss bank account.

733 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. provides the strength and resources of a major financial
organisation, while dleivering customised services and solutions to clients and their family

734 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. For our clients, it's not only about choosing a bank: it's about realizing the vision they have for their
wealth. By offering the best in Swiss banking service combined with the global power of Bank of
America Merrill Lynch, we can craft a wealth optimization strategy that helps clients realize that

735 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. The Bank's advisory services are about helping our clients reach their financial goals by looking

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beyond investments and delivering solutions across every aspect of our clients' needs. Our
Financial Advisors look for opportunities in changing markets, stay abreast of economic and
political landscapes, and provide insightful advice based on these factors.

736 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. The Bank's Financial Advisors have access to a broad range of global resources that allow them to
evaluate your current situation, design optimal asset allocation strategies, understand risk, and
provide ongoing reviews of investment performance. This creates a wealth management process
that can extend beyond investments, beyond moments in time and beyond the borders of any one

737 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. Our clients have access to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch research strength of more than 800
analysts around the world, who cover equities, credit, global emerging markets and fixed-income,
macroeconomic trends, asset allocation strategies, and rates and currencies. This coverage follows
more than 2,800 companies worldwide.

738 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. As per Swiss Banking traditions, we at the bank have a commitment to highly personalized service
and development of a personal relationship with our clients. We have a deep appreciation of the
extraordinary level of discretion and privacy that our clients require, afforded by the banking laws of

739 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. The Bank offers a wide range of investment solutions driven by a disciplined investment process
led by investment committees and drawing upon every Merrill Lynch resource, institutional research
and specialist's investment management. The solutions cover equity, fixed income, alternative
investments, absolute return strategies, derivatives and customized structures in all major
currencies with a broad range of alternative investments.

740 Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A. We can also structure independently tailored portfolios for clients with large potential where each
solution is unique and is specifically built to meet our client's complex needs and investment
objectives. It leverages on an institutional investment process responsible for "tailoring" strategy

741 Kane Insurance Management W.L.L. Insurance Management

742 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) Safeguard financial instruments (providing custodial services), i.e. safeguarding of financial
instruments for the account of clients.

743 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) Advising on financial instruments i.e. giving advice to an investor or potential investor on the merits
of buying, selling, subscrbing for or underwriting a paritcular financial instruemnt or excercising any
right conferred by such a financial instrument.

744 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) operating a collective investment undertaking i.e. operating, establishing or winding up of a
collective insvestment undertaking.

745 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) The comapny may work for a common purpose and forge links and alliances in and way with
corporation that run smilar business thay may help the company achieve its goals such as
contracting with corporation to arrange custody and clearing serivces for its clients

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746 Alpine Wealth Management B.S.C. (c) The company may invests its surplus funds in any manner as it sees appropriate.

747 Reinsurance and Insurance Consulting House Insurance & Reinsurance Consultancy

748 Bahrain Emirates Insurance Company B.S.C. (c) General Insurance

749 J. B. Boda Reinsurance Brokers Private Ltd.*** International Reinsurance Broking

750 21 North Advisors W.L.L. The company will at all times comply with the Central Bank of Bahrain Law and with any circulars,
rules and regulations issued there under from time to time. In particular, the Company will comply
with and adhere to the rules and regulations issued by the Central Bank, as well as any particular
directions and regulations imposed on the Company by the Central Bank.

751 21 North Advisors W.L.L. The objects for which the Company is established are as follows: 1. investment Business, Category
3; and 2. to carry out all activities required to promote the company's businesses and join other
established companies and set up branches, divisions, subsidiaries, regional offices or own shares
and stocks in other established companies and other activities to achieve the objects of the

752 Gulf One Investment Bank B.S.C (c) Structured Finance is the bank's structuring and advisory business which provides independent,
comprehensive, customised and sustainable solutions to address clients' needs. The department
provides an extensive range of regionally relevant, tailored structuring and advisory services,
including Corporate Finance, Structured Finance, Project Finance and Corporate Advisory.

753 Gulf Electronic Management Systems W.L.L. Insurance Ancillary Services

754 Acacia Investments B.S.C. (c) To carry out all activities stipulated by CBB for Category 1 Investment Firm, i.e., Dealing in financial
instruments as principal; Dealing in financial instruments as agent; Arranging deals in financial
instruments; Managing financial instruments; Safeguarding financial instruments (i.e., custodian);
Advising on financial instruments; and Operating a collective investment undertaking (i.e., an
operator); and all other activities as per the Memorandum and Articles.

755 Marsh (Bahrain) Company.S.P.C. 1- Broker of Insurance; 2- Practicing the activities of risk management and insurance consultatnts
to the commercial and industrial sector including the insurance sector.

756 Amex (Middle East) B.S.C. (c) Issuing of Charge & Credit Cards within Middle East & North Africa Region

757 ACE Gallagher Insurance Broker W.L.L. To undertake insurance and reinsurance broking business of a wide variety of operations and risks.

758 Zurich Insurance Company Zurich has identified that Bahrain presents an ideal opportunityto focus on building up its general
insurance practice as a Bahraini licensee.

759 Zurich Insurance Company Zurich?s objective is to create a full local presence in the Middle East, empowered to make

760 Zurich Insurance Company Zurich?s strategic priority is the GCC due to the strong expected growth.

761 Inter Gulf Insurance Broker W.L.L. General Insurance

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762 Al Raed Insurance Services General Insurance

763 Al Wazzan Insurance Broker General Insurance

764 Amana Insurance and Reinsurance Services and Brokerage W.L.L. Insurance & Reinsurance

765 International Insurance Consultancy Consultant

766 Nomura Investment Banking (Middle East) B.S.C. (c) The Objects of the Company: To carry out in a profit oriented manner all types of banking and
financial activities and to promote and participate in all types of investment activities and to do all
things that are incidental or related thereto. Pls. refer to Objects of the Company specified in the
Amended Articles of Association with Serial No. 2005002964 Receipt No. 441359 corresponding to
the 26th day of January 2005 .

767 J. B. Boda Reinsurance Brokers Private Ltd.*** Representative office of Reinsurance Broking company to liaison and collect market information.

768 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Acting as placement agents and providng placement advisory services for companies and
investments funds.

769 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Establishing and managing investment funds

770 Family Microfinance House B.S.C. (c) Microfinance Institution ( Islamic Principles)

771 Mubasher Financial Services B.S.C (c) Dealing in Financial Instruments as an Agent

772 Shariya Review Bureau W.L.L. Shari'a Advisory / Shari'a Consultation / Shari'a Audit / Shari'a Screening / Developing Shari'a Audit

773 Bahrain Scan Risk Insurance Surveyer & Loss Adjuster (Individuals)

774 Rafidain Bank RETAIL BANK

775 The Mediterranean & Gulf Insurance & Reinsurance Company (Medgulf) B.S.C. (c) To do all such acts and things as shall be conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

776 Bahraini Saudi Bank B.S.C (The) Central Bank of Bahrain approved the Bank's licence for conversion from conventional bank to
Islamic Bank effective from 26 February 2012.

777 Al Taira Middle East B.S.C. (c)*** Arranging deals in financial instruments; and Advising on financial instruments.

778 Deutsche Bank A.G. Representative Office

779 Notz, Stucki and Cie S.A. Conducting research and surveys for its parent company/head office on local economy and
international markets; Liaising with customers on behalf of the head office, parent company or
wholly owned subsidiary as approved by the CBB; Providing factual information, data and
promotional material relating to the head office's products and services to customers; and
Responding to general inquiries related to the head office.

780 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Acting as mediators between the creditors and borrowers, performing the functions of an

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authorized agency for the payment transactions resulting from issuance of medium-term and long-
term financial securities.

781 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Conducting advisory services and evaluation of projects on behalf of the clients, and rendering the
financial and technical advisory service for them prior to undertaking decisions relating to financing
of projects.

782 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Performing all the services that assist in developing and supporting the potential of the financial
and monetary market in Bahrai or abroad as well as satisfying its needs within the limits ofthe law
and whatever procedures and directives issued by the Bahrain Monetary Agency.

783 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Participating in any matter with the entities practicing activities similar to its own or that may assisst
it in achieving its purposes inside Bahrain or abroad, and it may acquire these entities or merge
them to it.

784 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Performing the functions of investment trustees and the management of investment portfolios for
the account of third parties, together with the borrowing and lending transactions required hereto.

785 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Investin in the various economic sectors i.e. industrial, real estate, technology, agriculture, services
nd others whether directly or indirectly through participation in the capital of the existing companies,
or the establisment of these companies which relate to the mentioned activities, or owning the
projects that realize this purpose.

786 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Providing Corporate Finance Advisory and Consultancy services in its target markets to its portfolio
companies and funds.

787 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) Advising on the execution of a listing and / or private placements.

788 Delta Partners B.S.C (c) To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above
stated objects or any of them.

789 J Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) Dealing In financial Instruments as principal.

790 J Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as agent.

791 J Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) Arranging deal in financial instruments.

792 J Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) Managing financial instruments.

793 J Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) As and when required, safeguarding financial instruments (i.e. a custodian)

794 J Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) Advising on financial Instruments.

795 J Equity Partners B.S.C. (c) Operating a Collective Investment Undertaking (i.e. an operator)

796 The Benefit Company B.S.C. (c) Acting as the clearing house of bank' cheques under the Bahrain Cheque Trunctation system

797 The Benefit Company B.S.C. (c) Attend to any requirments that leads in meeting the company objectives

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798 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Providing Corporate Finance Advisory and Consultancy services on its targeted markets for its

799 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Develop, promote, own, manage, distribute and make available for distributors and customers long
term savings and private pension products under a proprietary regional brand of products including
investment funds anywhere in the world and specifically in the MENA region in full compliance with
the laws and regulations as may be applicable in the territories where such products are

800 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) To do, directly or through any legal entity in which it has a financial interest or with whom it has a
commercial relationship, all such things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the
above stated objects or any of them.

801 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Sharing and participating in any manner with the entities practicising activites similar to its won or
that may assist it in achieving its purposes inside Bahrain or abroad, and it may acquire such
entities or merger them. Establish, as sole shareholder or with others, any legal entity, invest in any
such entity and carry out any activity contemplated in its objects through such entities, whether
controlled or not.

802 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Receive from and invest money on behalf of clients (including individuals, partnerships, trusts or
pension funds, or corporate entities) in cash or any form of securities (including fixed deposits,
loans, notes, bonds, equities or convertible instruments) in relation to its products and activities.

803 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Performing all the services that assist in developing and supporting the potential of the financial
and monetary market in Bahrain or abroad as well as satisfying its needs, within the limits of the
law and whatever procedures and directives issued by relevant authorities including where
applicable the CBB.

804 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Researching and analyzing markets to assess and determine the products and services that are
required by customers, or group of customers in the field of long term savings and private pensions
within the applicable legal and socio economical framework of each territory where it or its
associated entities will conduct business.

805 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Offering long term savings and any type of pension or savings products to customers; such
products may be provided and managed by the Company, its affiliates or associates or by third
parties; the target customers may be residents or nationals of any territory which is targeted by the

806 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Develop, promote, own, manage, distribute and make available for distributors and customers long
term savings and private pension products under a proprietary regional brand of products including
investment funds anywhere in the world and specifically in the MENA region in full compliance with
the laws and regulations as may be applicable in the territories where such products are

807 Taka'ud Saving and Pension B.S.C. (c) Develop expertise & competencies in the fields of customer analysis, actuarial & statistical studies,
marketing, promotion of products, distribution networks development & management, customer
relationship, investment of funds & other capabilities that are necessary for the development of

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savings & pension products that are adapted to the needs of the customers & that comply with local
applicable legal requirements as they may apply in each territory.

808 The Family Office Company B.S.C. (c) To merge with, purchase or otherwise acquire all or any part of the business, property, liabilities
and transactions of any person, firm or company carrying on any business relating to financial
instruments with the prior approval of the Central Bank of Bahrain.

809 Deloitte Corporate Finance Advisory Limited Provide the full range of Financial Advisory Services including: Corporate Finance Advisory,
Restructuring Advisory Services, Valuations and Modelling Services, Real Estate Advisory,
Transaction Services, Capital Projects Advisory and Forensic and Dispute Services

810 Deloitte Corporate Finance Advisory Limited Our corporate finance advisory services will be limited to: Arranging deals in financial instruments;
and Advising on financial instruments,

811 Osool Asset Management B.S.C. (c) The main objectives of the Company are to deal with financial instruments as principal and agent,
provide management and advisory services relating to financial instruments and directing collective
investment undertakings.

812 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Establishing, marketing and managing investment funds

813 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Acting as placement agents and providing placement advisory services for companies and
investment funds

814 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Conducting advisory services and evaluation of projects on behalf of the clkients, and rendering
financial and technical advisory services for them prior to undertaking decisons relating to financing
of projects.

815 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Performing all the services that assist in developing and supporting the potential of the financial
and monetary market in Bahrain or abroad as well as satisfying its needs, within the limits of the
law and whatever procedures and directives issued by the CBB.

816 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Participating in any manner with the entities practising activities similar to its own or that may assist
it in achieving its purposes inside Bahrain or abroad, and it may acquire these entities or merge
them to it.

817 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Performing the functions of the management of investment portfolios for the account of third
parties, together with the borrowing tranactions require there to.

818 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Providing Corporate Finance Advisory and Consultancy services in its target markets to its portfolio
companies and funds.

819 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) Advising on the execution of a listing and / or private placement.

820 BNP Paribas Investment Partners B.S.C. (c) To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above
stated objects or any of them.

821 GBCORP B.S.C (c) Fund Management Activities : Investment Business Firm - Category 1, which includes the following
activities: 1) Dealing in financial instruments as principal; 2) Dealing in financial instruments as

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agent; 3) Arranging deals in financial instruments; 4) Managing financial instruments; 5)
Safeguarding financial instruments (i.e. a custodian; 6) Advising on financial instruments; 7)
Arranging Credit and Advising on Credit; and 8) Operating a collective investment undertaking

822 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Fund management accounting services

823 Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP) APICORP Bahrain continues its normal activities. With an increase focus of expanding its LC

824 Mubasher Financial Services B.S.C (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments

825 Global Payment Services - GPS W.L.L. Provide processing and backup services issued by other parties , processing services for payment
services , switching and transaction routing , back office services , provide front end services ,
technical services, consultancy and training services , data and backup, Sales and marketing of
software and hardware, card personalization, e- Services ( SMS , E-statements and mobile
payments ) smart card loading and call services related to the payment services / instruments.

826 HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Deposit-taking Providing Credit Providing money exchange/remittance services;
Issuing/administering means of payment

827 EFG AG Bahrain Branch a) Dealing in financial instruments as agents; b) Arranging deals in financial instruments; c)
Managing financial instruments; d) Advising on financial instruments; and e) Operating a Collective
Investment Undertaking.

828 Chartis Takaful Enaya B.S.C. (c) Said activities include the following kinds of Retakaful: (a) Retakaful products related to risks of
transport, planes, ships, cars; (b) Retakaful against legal liability, fire, theft and various accidents;
(c) Retakaful products related to health and family takaful insurance. (d) any other type of Retakaful
permitted by law as undertaken in a manner acceptable to Sharia principles.

829 Chartis Takaful Enaya B.S.C. (c) Invest company funds in all sorts of investments as approved by the Board of Directors including:
(a) To own real and personal property or rights or benefits deemed by the Board of Directors to be
necessary and in harmony with the nature of its work; for the company which should be in
compliance with the Central Bank of Bahrain laws and regulations and any other related official

830 Chartis Takaful Enaya B.S.C. (c) Participate in the establishment and ownership of the equity of other companies whether partly or

831 Chartis Takaful Enaya B.S.C. (c) To acquire or merge with companies of identical objects.

832 Money on Demand (Mode) Bahrain W.L.L. Support Organization for Financial Industry

833 Lulu International Exchange B.S.C. (c) Money Changing

834 Lulu International Exchange B.S.C. (c) Remittance

835 Lulu International Exchange B.S.C. (c) Import & Export of Bank Notes.

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836 GlobeMed Bahrain W.L.L. Third Party Administration_Medical Insurance

837 Keypoint Trust B.S.C. ( c ) Establishment and provision of trustee services in relation to employee benefit and/or private client
trusts governed by Bahraini law; Administration of companies and limited partnerships in
conjunction with the administration of trusts governed by Bahraini law; Bookkeeping and
accounting services for trusts, companies and limited partnerships; Family office wealth
management services; Provision of experienced directors; and Protector services.

838 Pinebridge Investments Middle East B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as principal or as agent

839 Pinebridge Investments Middle East B.S.C. (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments

840 Pinebridge Investments Middle East B.S.C. (c) Managing financial instruments

841 Pinebridge Investments Middle East B.S.C. (c) Advising on financial instruments

842 Pinebridge Investments Middle East B.S.C. (c) Operating collective investment undertakings, i.e. an operator for individuals, companies, financial
institutions and government establishments

843 Pinebridge Investments Middle East B.S.C. (c) Do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above
objects or any of them; and to do all or any of the above things either as principal, agent, contractor
or otherwise and either alone or in conjunction with others

844 BNP Paribas Representative Office

845 Investcorp Bank B.S.C. We are a leading provider and manager of alternative investment products, serving high-net-worth
private and institutional clients.

846 The New India Assurance Company Ltd. General Insurance

847 Wasserstein Middle East, Inc. representative office

848 HDI Global SE Re-insurance activities

849 Allied Bank Limited Wholesale Banking

850 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Client inquiries

851 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Valuation and pricing (including tax returns)

852 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Regulatory compliance

853 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Maintenance of unit-holder registers

854 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Distribution of income

855 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Unit issues and redemption

856 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Contract settlements (including certificate dispatch)

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857 KFin Technologies (Bahrain) W.L.L. Record keeping

858 Saico Health Care W.L.L. Insurance Ancillary Services

859 Mizuho Bank Ltd. gathering information for the bank

860 Patrick York (Ireland) Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers W.L.L. Being a local and International brokerage firm, which prides itself on customer service, we assure
providing customers with an efficient and professional solution to all of insurance requirements.

861 Patrick York (Ireland) Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers W.L.L. We ensure to emphasize the need for continuous improvement through both study and
experience, making sure that we are always in touch with new market developments and trends.

862 Patrick York (Ireland) Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers W.L.L. Through the utilization and implementation of professional and precise processes and procedures
that allow us to make sure that business and personal needs are always at the forefront of all
advice provided and decisions made.

863 Patrick York (Ireland) Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers W.L.L. We view each of our Customers as long term business partners that can only be secured by
providing a service that is second to none.

864 Standard Chartered Bank Offering Fund Administration Services- In line with the CBB approval recieved on 15 April 2013.

865 MUFG Bank, Ltd. Marketing Banking activites to the Bahrain customer

866 ASMA Capital Partners B.S.C. (c) Managing Investment Funds

867 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Import, export and sale of smart magnetic cards


869 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) import, export and sale of smart magnetic and identity cards.

870 AllianceBernstein Limited AllianceBernstein Bahrain is a Representative office responsible for Business Development
primarily from Institutional clientele in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. We target top tier
institutions including Sovereign Wealth Funds, Central Banks and Pension Funds for our Equity,
Fixed Income and Alternative investment strategies.

871 Bahrain Financial Exchange B.S.C. (c) Administration of financial markets - Licensed Exchanges

872 Sadad Electronic Payment System B.S.C. (c) Ancillary Service Providers: Payment Service Provider (PSP)

873 Hannover Rueck SE Reinsurance

874 ASMA Capital Partners B.S.C. (c) The Company may carry out the following activities: 1. Operating Collective Investment
Undertakings and Private Investment Undertakings and other related investment activity sanctioned
by the CBB pursuant to its rules and regulations (as amended from time to time) 2. Managing
Financial Instruments 3. Dealing in Financial Instruments as agent 4. Arranging deals in Financial
Instruments 5..Advising on Financial Instruments

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875 Arcapita Investment Management B.S.C. (c) Investment Business Firm - Category 1

876 United Markets Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as agent

877 United Markets Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Arranging deals in financial instruments

878 United Markets Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Managing financial instruments

879 United Markets Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Advising on financial instruments

880 Gulf One Investment Bank B.S.C (c) Gulf One?s lines of business comprise Private Equity (Investment Transactions) and Structured
Finance (Investment Advisory and Consultancy services).

881 Gulf One Investment Bank B.S.C (c) Guided by Islamic principles, Gulf One's products and services offer unique financial solutions
custom tailored to build regional capacity. The Bank?s financial model is based on a complete
alignment of interests with investors, demonstrating a transparent, long-term commitment to them.
Opportunities are identified and developed through an independent approach based on expert
insight and innovation thereby making a meaningful contribution to society.

882 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Representative Office activities

883 Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance (Middle East) B.S.C. (c) Insurance and Reinsurance Companies - Locally

884 BFX Clearing and Depository Corporation B.S.C. (c) Administration of financial markets - Licensed Clearing, Settlement and Central Depository

885 One Global Smart Services Co. W.L.L. Payment Service Provider

886 NCB Capital Co. Undertake Derivative Transactions

887 Modern Exchange B.S.C. (c) SALE AND PURCHASE OF CURRENCY


889 NEC B.S.C. (c) Import, Export and Sale of Gold bars and gold items

890 NEC B.S.C. (c) Management Of Local Exchange Houses And Overseas Transfers

891 NEC B.S.C. (c) Money Exchange Companies

892 NEC B.S.C. (c) Import, Export and Sale of Silver jewellery and bars

893 Inovest B.S.C. Asset Management, Pivate Equity, Real Estate Investment and Venture Capital

894 NEC B.S.C. (c) Trading In Travellers Cheque Selling And Buying

895 NEC B.S.C. (c) Import And Export of Bank Notes

896 Capital Growth Management W.L.L. Investment Business Firm - Category 3

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897 Apex Fund Services Bahrain W.L.L. Management and business Administration Consultants

898 Apex Fund Services Bahrain W.L.L. Investment Funds Administrative Services

899 Apex Fund Services Bahrain W.L.L. to do all such acts and things as shall be necessary for or conducive to the attainment of the
foregoing objects

900 Intertrust Fiduciary Services (Jersey) Limited Bahrain Branch Trust Service Providers

901 Intertrust Fiduciary Services (Jersey) Limited Bahrain Branch Trust Service Provider

902 Intertrust Fiduciary Services (Jersey) Limited Bahrain Branch Trust Service Providers

903 Trust Insurance Management W.L.L. Insurance Manager

904 Keypoint Trust B.S.C. ( c ) To establish and or provide trust administration services in relation to trust governed by the law of
the Kingdom of Bahrain.

905 Turkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi A.S. - Accepting Shari'a compliant deposits,

906 Turkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi A.S. - Dealing Islamic financing contracts with corporate customers or financial institutions

907 Turkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi A.S. - Investing in Islamic financial instruments

908 Turkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi A.S. Keeping the wholesale nature business limits as per the CBB rules, dealing the activities fully and
desirably compliant to the Bahraini regulations.

909 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) The act of processing or transmitting debit/credit/prepaid card holder and transaction related data;

910 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Integrating customer delivery channels to enterprises to enable data transactions at delivery
channels (e.g. ATMs, POS, Interactive Voice Response, mobile, internet);

911 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Hosting and managing card program;

912 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Approving and authenticating payment transactions as per financial institutions rules;

913 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Providing technical service support for E-commerce and Mcommerce transactions;

914 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Interfacing with external networks/institutions (e.g. national switch, VISA, MasterCard), enabling
automated exchange of transactions between the enterprise and external networks;

915 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Reporting and customising reporting engine;

916 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Call centre outsourcing services

917 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Online and mobile portals for bank customers.

918 S2M Transactions GCC B.S.C. ( c ) Cards' processing (issuing, routing, authorization, clearing & settlement

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919 S2M Transactions GCC B.S.C. ( c ) Acquiring services (ATM, POS, Mobile, Internet)

920 S2M Transactions GCC B.S.C. ( c ) Operations Management

921 S2M Transactions GCC B.S.C. ( c ) Customer Support

922 JS Bank Limited Wholesale Banking

923 BOK - International Trade Finance

924 BOK - International Islamic Financing

925 BOK - International Deposit Taking

926 JS Bank Limited 1. Trade Finance Products/Loans. 2. Treasury products. 3. Term Loans. 4. Deposit Products.

927 Bahrain Bourse B.S.C. (c) Administration of Financial Markets - Licensed Exchanges

928 Secure Cash Processing B.S.C. (c) Other activities auxiliary to financial service activities - Ancillary Service Providers-Third Party

929 The Saudi National Bank Treasury: Money Market (Placements, Deposits, SPOTs, SWAPs, etc.)

930 The Saudi National Bank Treasury: Alternative Investments (Hedge Funds, Private Equities and High Yield Funds)

931 The Saudi National Bank Treasury: Capital Markets (Bonds and Externally Managed Portfolios)

932 The Saudi National Bank Treasury: Financial Institutions Loans

933 The Saudi National Bank Specialized Finance Loans (Syndications, Project Finance and Structured Finance)

934 Al Ahlia Bahrain B.S.C. (c) Brokerage

935 The Benefit Company B.S.C. (c) Operating Credit Reference Bureau

936 The Benefit Company B.S.C. (c) Payment Service Provider

937 Askari Bank Limited Providing trade finance facilities to clients including LCs, LGs and bill discounting

938 Askari Bank Limited Providing credit facilities to clients by effective collateralization

939 Askari Bank Limited Providing personal banking facilities to clients

940 Askari Bank Limited Raising liquidity form the regional banks by way of Repo and clean lines

941 Ithmaar Holding B.S.C. The principal activities of Ithmaar and its subsidiaries (collectively the ?Group?) are a wide range of
financial services, investment banking, private banking, takaful and real estate development.

942 IB Capital B.S.C. ( c ) The principal activities of IB Capital and its subsidiaries (collectively the ?Group?) are a wide range

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of financial services, including investment banking, private banking, takaful and real estate

943 OLT Investment International Company B.S.C. ( c ) Dealing in financial instruments as principle, Dealing in financial instruments as agent, arranging
deals in financial instruments , managing financial instruments , safeguarding financial instruments,
advising on financial instruments , Operating a collective investment undertaking

944 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Services enabling cash to be placed on an escrow account and all of the operations required for
operating an escrow account;

945 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Services enabling cash withdrawals from an escrow account and all of the operations required for
operating an escrow account;

946 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) The settlement of the direct debits of payment transactions

947 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Integrating customer delivery channels to enterprises to enable transactions at delivery channels
(e.g. ATMs, POS, Interactive Voice Response, mobile, internet)

948 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) Integrating customer delivery channels to enterprises to enable transactions at delivery channels
(e.g. ATMs, POS, Interactive Voice Response, mobile, internet)

949 Payment International Enterprise B.S.C. ( c ) issuing any multi-purpose, electronic or otherwise, pre-paid cards

950 Trust International Insurance and Reinsurance Co. B.S.C. (c) Trust Re Reinsurance

951 Tradeline Securities W.L.L. Security and commodity contracts brokerage - Licensed Securities Broker-Dealer

952 Travelex Bahrain W.L.L. Currency transfer to / from Bahrain

953 Travelex Bahrain W.L.L. Purchase and sale of Travellers Cheques

954 Travelex Bahrain W.L.L. Any other financial business related to Money Changers activities and approved by the Central
Bank of Bahrain including import and export of banknotes for own account

955 Philippine National Bank We are a leading, dunamic Filipino financial services group with a global presence committed to
delivering a whole range of quality products and services that will create value and enrich the lives
of our customers, employees, shareholders and the communities we serve.

956 Al Tashilat Insurance Services Co. W.L.L. Insurance Broker

957 Sinnad W.L.L. Payment Service Provider

958 Ebdaa Microfinance Company B.S.C. (c) Other Credit Granting Activities - Microfinance Institutions

959 MashreqBank P.S.C. Regulated Banking Services as stated in LR-1.3.1 applicable for the Wholesale

960 Braxtone Insurance Management W.L.L. Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding - Insurance Managers

961 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Through combining the local footprint with the global platform, JPMorgan offers the following set of

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products and services to its client based: - Treasury Services and Trade Finance

962 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Bank to Bank Murabaha & Tawarruq

963 Bahrain Clear B.S.C. ( c ) Clearing, Settlement and Depository (CSD) House.

964 BGC Brokers L.P. Brokerage Company, Investment Business Firm Category 2, Dealing in financial instruments as
agent; Arranging deals in financial instruments; Managing financial instruments; Safeguarding
financial instruments (i.e. a custodian); Advising on financial instruments; and Operating a
collective investment undertaking (i.e. an operator).

965 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Deposit-taking

966 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Providing credit

967 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Accepting Shari'a money placements

968 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Managing Shari'a profit/loss sharing investment accounts

969 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Offering Shari'a Financing Contracts

970 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Dealing in financial instruments as principal

971 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Dealing in financial instruments as agent

972 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Managing financial instruments

973 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Safeguarding financial instruments

974 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Operating a Collective Investment Undertaking

975 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Arranging deals in financial instruments

976 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Advising on financial instruments

977 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Providing money exchange/remittance services

978 Gulf International Bank B.S.C. Issuing/ administering means of payment

979 Bridge Insurance & Reinsurance Broker W.L.L. Insurance and Reinsurance Broker

980 Al Baraka Islamic Bank B.S.C. (c) Opening Various kinds of accounts, accepting deposits in diffrent currencies

981 Al Baraka Islamic Bank B.S.C. (c) Dealing with various organizations with which the company is permitted to deal

982 Al Baraka Islamic Bank B.S.C. (c) Cp-operating with Islamic banks, Islamic Finance and investment houses and such other financial
institutions wishing to do business according to Islamic principles

983 Al Baraka Islamic Bank B.S.C. (c) Dealing in foreign exchange in currencies

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984 Al Baraka Islamic Bank B.S.C. (c) Investing funds which ara available for investment within the prescribed liquidity limits according to
the formulae and programs approved by the company

985 Nomura International plc Representative office activities as permitted by CBB Volume 5 Rulebook AU 1.3.1

986 Bank of Jordan Company Deposit-taking

987 NextCare Bahrain Ancillary Services Company B.S.C. (c) Other activities auxiliary to financial service activities - Ancillary service providers- Third party
administrators (TPA)

988 Marshalls-Bahrain-Ltd. W.L.L. International Money Broker, Category 3 Investment firm Licensee

989 T.C. Ziraat Bankasi A.S. Project loans and deposits

990 Gulf One Investment Bank B.S.C (c) Gulf One invests in mid-market businesses that have distinctive capabilities and growth
opportunities in high-potential markets. We typically partner with founder-managers to provide
funding, market development and governance support to help them achieve attractive returns over
our investment period.

991 Woori Bank Treasury, Remittance, Loan, Trade Finance, Security, Deposits

992 BFC Payments B.S.C. (c) Ancillary Service Providers Licensee Permitted Activities - Card Processing and Payment Service

993 Health 360 Ancillary Services Company W.L.L. Insurance ancillary services

994 AF Willis Bahrain To carry on the business of Insurance Brokers, Risk management

995 Infinios Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Card Processing Payment Service Providers

996 International Payment Services B.S.C. ( c ) Ancillary Service Provider - Card Processing Services include: - Debit & credit card hosting and
management services - Integrating customer delivery channels to enterprises to enable
transactions at delivery channels (e.g. ATMs, POS, Interactive Voice Response, mobile, internet) -
Fraud management - ATM management, switching and monitoring - Acquiring services - EMV chip
card personalization - E-commerce and M-commerce services - IVR and help-desk services

997 Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C. Deposit-taking, (from residents and non-residents, subject to conditions laid down by the CBB)
which includes Customer and Money Market deposits including time deposits, call and notice
deposits, and current accounts . - Securities sold under agreements to repurchase (repos)
including, without limitation, collateralized triparty repos.

998 Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C. Providing Credit (to residents and non-residents, subject to conditions laid down in CBB Rulebook
in relation to providing credit to Bahrain residents and/or in BD): - Money market placements
including time, call, notice and current accounts. - Securities purchased under agreements to resell
(reverse repos). - Direct and syndicated lending including finance leases, discounting of bills, and
other negotiable instruments and LC refinancing.

999 Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C. Trade Finance Related Services: - The issuance, advising, negotiation and confirmation of

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documentary letters of credit, collection of documentary and non-documentary bills and negotiable
instruments. - - Issuance of letters of guarantee and counter guarantee including (without limitation)
shipping guarantees. - Forfaiting which includes the discounting of bills of exchange and factoring.
Purchasing all forms of foreign trade receivables without recourse - Structured trade finance.

100 Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C. Institutional Banking, Corporate Banking and Private Banking: A variety of products and services
0 e.g. loans, working capital, medium term facilities asset-based finance, documentary credits,
guarantees, letters of credit facilities for its clients through a relationship-based approach.

100 Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C. Treasury: Foreign exchange, money market transactions, Fixed income, derivatives and futures
1 business, structured products, investment, portfolio and funds management.

100 Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C. Custody Services: Safeguarding security certificates on behalf of clients.

100 Bahrain Middle East Bank B.S.C. Offering the following Islamic Banking Services: a) Accepting Shari?a money placements/deposits;
3 b) Managing Shari?a profit/loss sharing investment accounts; and c) Offering Shari?a Financing

100 Keypoint Consulting W.L.L. Other activities auxiliary to financial service activities - Fund Administrator

100 Cairo Amman Bank Deposit Taking


100 Cairo Amman Bank Providing Credit


100 Cairo Amman Bank Accepting sharia money placement


100 Cairo Amman Bank Managing Sharia Profit/Loss sharing investment accounts

100 Cairo Amman Bank Offering Sharia-Financing contracts


101 Cairo Amman Bank Dealing in Financial Instruments as principal and/or agent

101 Cairo Amman Bank Managing Financial Instruments


101 Cairo Amman Bank Safeguarding Financial Instruments


101 Cairo Amman Bank Operating a Collective Investment Undertaking


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101 Cairo Amman Bank Arranging and/or advising deals in financial instruments

101 Cairo Amman Bank Providing money exchange / remittance services


101 Cairo Amman Bank Issuing / administering means of payments


101 Bahrain Financing Co. B.S.C. (c) Wholesale export and import of bank notes

101 United Gulf Bank B.S.C. (c) Brokerage - UGB is licensed as a Broker/Dealer by the Bahrain Bourse

101 NAFEX Payments W.L.L. Ancillary Service Provider - Payment Service Provider

102 Finzo Co. B.S.C. (c) 1. Ancillary Service Providers / payment Service Provider

102 Finzo Co. B.S.C. (c) 2. Ancillary Service Providers / Card Processing

102 Keypoint Trust B.S.C. ( c ) The objects of the company are other activities auxiliary to financial service activities ? Trust
2 Service Providers and to carry on all activities required to promote the company?s business and
join other established companies and set up branches, divisions, subsidiaries, regional offices or
own shares and stock in other established companies along with others to achieve the objects of
the company.

102 Keypoint Consulting W.L.L. The company's activities include fund management account services, client inquiries, valuations
3 and pricing (including tax returns), regulatory compliance monitoring, maintenance of unit
holders/fund investment registers, distribution of income, register unit issues and redemption of
units in collective investment undertaking and other financial instruments, contract settlements
(including certificate dispatch) and general record keeping and book keeping

102 Invita Claims Management Company B.S.C. (c) Third Party Administrator

102 SBI Life Insurance Company Limited Long Term Insurance Sales

102 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. 1. Other activities auxiliary to financial service activities - Ancillary Service Providers - Card
6 Processing, which includes the following:

102 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. a) The act of processing or transmitting debit/credit card holder and transaction related data;

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102 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. b) Integrating customer delivery channels to enterprises to enable transactions at delivery channels
8 (e.g. ATMs, POS, Interactive Voice Response, mobile, internet);

102 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. c) Hosting and managing card program;

103 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. d) Approving and authenticating payment transactions as per financial institutions rules;

103 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. e) E-commerce and M-commerce transactions;


103 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. f) Interfacing with external networks/institutions (e.g. national switch, VISA, MasterCard), enabling
2 automated exchange of transactions between the enterprise and external networks;

103 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. g) Reporting and customising reporting engine;

103 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. h) Call centre outsourcing services;


103 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. i) Online and mobile portals for bank customers.

103 Procco Financial Services W.L.L. 2. To carry on all activities required to promote the company's businesses and join other
6 established companies and set up branches, divisions, subsidiaries, regional offices or own shares
and stock in other established companies along with others to achieve the objects of the company.

103 Eskan Bank Build a strategic alliance with the MOH and government bodies towards achieving the overall
7 housing objectives of the Government of Bahrain, develop innovative and effective frameworks of
partnerships with the private sector for funding social housing beneficiaries and enhancing the
supply of housing units, Lead in benchmarking socio-economic and environmentally sustainable
housing developments and enhance the welfare and empower the Bank's human capital towards
realizing its full potential

103 BFC Bank Limited Liaising with customers on behalf of Head Office,Providing information on products and services
8 related to Head Office, Marketing of EzRemit owned by Head Office.

103 Investcorp Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Category 1 license to undertake the following activities: 1- arranging deals in financial instruments;
9 2- managing financial instruments; 3- advising on financial instruments; and 4- operating a
collective investment undertaking

104 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Safeguarding of Sharia compliant financial instruments, for the account of clients, in the capacity of
0 appointed Custodian

104 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Operating, establishing, and winding-up collective investment undertakings, including making
1 arrangements to participate in or receive profits or income arising from such acquisitions, holding or

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disposal of property in relation to the latter

104 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Arrangement of Shari'a compliant financial instruments and deals, whether as principal or agent,
2 buying, selling, subscribing for or underwriting deals in Sharia compliant financial instruments;

104 First Energy Bank B.S.C. (c) Establish special purpose vehicles, of various kinds to carry on any activities connected or similar
3 thereto.

104 Intesa Sanpaolo Private Bank (Suisse) Morval S.A Other activities auxilliary to financial service activities - Representative office of Foreign Companies
4 providing regulated activities

104 Palestine Investment Bank Wholesale banking


104 Palestine Investment Bank Banks- Conventional Wholesale Banks - Foreign Branch

104 Palestine Investment Bank Deposit Taking


104 Palestine Investment Bank Providing Credit


104 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Ancillary Service Provider - Payment Services Provider

105 Arab Financial Services Company B.S.C. (c) Management Consultancy


105 Gulf One Capital B.S.C. ( c ) Gulf One Capital is an investment firm that provides capital and business support to mid-market
1 companies to develop and grow their businesses in the Middle East, Europe and Southeast Asia.

105 Gulf One Capital B.S.C. ( c ) We focus on companies with outstanding leadership and know-how, and are acknowledged leaders
2 in their chosen markets. Gulf One has invested in a range of sectors including water and power,
specialized manufacturing, veterinary pharmaceuticals, and aviation services and leasing.

105 International Payment Services B.S.C. ( c ) Ancillary Service Provider - Payment Service Provider Activities: (a) Services enabling cash to be
3 placed on a payment account and all of the operations required for operating a payment account;
(b) Services enabling cash withdrawals from a payment account and all of the operations required
for operating a payment account; (c) The execution of the direct debits of payment transactions;

105 International Payment Services B.S.C. ( c ) Ancillary Service Provider - Payment Service Provider Activities: (d) Integrating customer delivery
4 channels to enterprises to enable transactions at delivery channels (e.g. ATMs, POS, Interactive
Voice Response, mobile, internet); (e) Interfacing with external networks/institutions (e.g. national
switch, VISA, MasterCard), enabling automated exchange of transactions between the enterprise
and external networks.

105 Marshalls-Bahrain-Ltd. W.L.L. Activities stopped from 01.05.2019 under CR 4760 of Marshalls. All employees and business

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5 activity transferred to Tullett Liberty (Bah) Co.W.L.L under CR 9440 as per CBB Approval from
same date 01.05.2019. Marshalls CR will be liquidated soon.

105 Cigna Life Insurance Company of Europe S.A.-N.V. Group Medical Insurance Provider

105 Towergate Insurance Services W.L.L. Insurance Broker


105 Marshalls-Bahrain-Ltd. W.L.L. Marshalls is under liquidation. CBB has approved liquidator Haya Rasheed Al Khalifa on
8 30.04.2020. There is no activities of Marshalls under Marshalls CR 4760 from 1.05.2019, all
employees of Marshalls transferred to Tullett Liberty (Bah) Co, W.L.L.

105 Marshalls-Bahrain-Ltd. W.L.L. UNDER LIQUIDATION


106 Julius Baer (Bahrain) B.S.C. (c) Dealing in financial instruments as agents; arranging deals in financial instruments; managing
0 financial instruments; advising on financial instruments; operating a Collective Investment
Undertaking; and arranging Credit and advising on Credit

106 COINMENA B.S.C. (c) Trading in accepted crypto-assets as agent;


106 COINMENA B.S.C. (c) Portfolio Management;


106 COINMENA B.S.C. (c) Crypto-asset custody;


106 COINMENA B.S.C. (c) Investment advice.


106 Sinnad W.L.L. Call Center


106 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) The act of Processing or Transmitting Debit/Credit/Prepaid Card holder and transaction related
6 data

106 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Integrating customer delivery channels to enterprises to enable data transactions at delivery
7 channels (e.g. ATMs, POS, Interactive Voice Response, Mobile, Internet)

106 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Hosting and managing card programs

106 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Approving and authenticating payment transactions as per financial institutions rules

107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Providing technical support for E-commerce and M-commerce transactions rules

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107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Interfacing with external networks/institutions (e.g. national switch, Visa, MasterCard)

107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Enabling automated exchange of transactions between the enterprise and external networks

107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Reporting and customizing reporting engine

107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Online and mobile portals for bank customers

107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Ancillary service Provider


107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Card Processing


107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Biometric Service Provider


107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Payment Gateway/Switch Network


107 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) The act of Financial Settlement & Clearing House

108 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Card programs & Scheme

108 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Call centre outsourcing services

108 Arab Banking Corporation (B.S.C.) Deposit taking and providing credit.

108 Tarabut Gateway W.L.L Ancillary Service Provider (Account Information Service Provider and Payment Initiation Service
3 Provider)

108 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) Payment Service Provider


108 Eazy Financial Services B.S.C. (c) POS & Online Payment Acquirer

108 Mizuho Bank Ltd. gathering information for the bank

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108 Mizuho Bank Ltd. gathering information for the bank


108 Rain Management W.L.L. other activities auxiliary to financial service activities - crypto assets services / Category 3

108 Tap Payments Company B.S.C. ( c ) Payments Services


109 SICO Funds Services Co. B.S.C. (c) Fund Operator for PIUs

109 Batelco Financial Services (B.S.C.) (c) Ancillary Service Providers - Card Processing

109 Batelco Financial Services (B.S.C.) (c) Ancillary Service Providers - Account Information Service Provider (AISP)

109 Batelco Financial Services (B.S.C.) (c) Ancillary Service Providers - Payment Service Provider

109 Batelco Financial Services (B.S.C.) (c) Ancillary Service Providers - Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP)

109 Rain Management W.L.L. Trading in accepted crypto-assets as agent


109 Rain Management W.L.L. Trading in accepted crypto-assets as principal


109 Rain Management W.L.L. Portfolio Management


109 Rain Management W.L.L. Crypto-asset custody


109 Rain Management W.L.L. Investment advice


110 My Fatoorah B.S.C. (c) Payment Service Providers, Activities of collection agencies and credit bureaus, Commodity
0 Contracts Brokerage, Retail sale via Internet

110 Batelco Remittance Service B.S.C. (c) Money Exchange Companies


110 Bank of Jordan Company Providing Credit

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110 Bank of Jordan Company Accepting Sharia money placements/deposits


110 Bank of Jordan Company Dealing in financial instruments as principal


110 Bank of Jordan Company Dealing in financial instruments as agent


110 Bank of Jordan Company Arranging deals in financial instruments


110 Bank of Jordan Company Providing money exchange/remittance services


110 AlBaraka Group B.S.C. (c) 1. Dealing in Financial Instruments as Principal/Agent 2. Arranging deals in Financial Instruments
8 3. Safeguarding Financial Instruments 4. Advising in Financial Instruments

110 Crestbridge Funds Services W.L.L. Other activities of auxiliary to financial services activities - Fund Administrator

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