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A dropping-by port / berth

-Monsoon wind usually flows in the directions

of South-West and North-East
-These directions of monsoon wind flow helped the sailors
and the voyagers to determine the accurate time to begin
their sailing activities
-The West people really required a suitable port/berth as
their protective spot while waiting for the direction of the
wind flow to change
-This port/berth was useful for them to drop by, to get water
and food supply, and also for the ship maintenance
necessities before continuing their sailing or voyage to
-This port/ berth must be located in Malay Kingdom/ Malay
-Deliver or convey their Christian religion to the locals
-Spain and Portugal are two Catholic countries which believe
in spreading the religion overseas
The Coming of the West imperialists in the 17th and
18th centuries
Industrial Revolution
-Took place in Britain since the 17th century
-By the years of 1870s, the other European countries like
Germany and France followed Britain’s steps and became
industrial countries
-After the occurrence of this Industrial Revolution, these
West countries or imperialists altered their policy and
strategies. They needed a trading center and invaded lands,
which could cater them with raw materials and resources for
their factories’ necessities continuously.
-This Industrial Revolution allowed massive production of
things. At such speedy progress, wider marketable areas are
hence required to market, to trade, to or sell the
manufactured products so huge amounts of losses could be
prevented and at the same time, profits could be gained.
The Coming of the West imperialists in the 19th and
20th centuries
Development or Progress of the Automotive Industry
-Due to the invention and creations of cars, in which cars
usually have tyres
-So, natural rubber supply is needed to manufacture these
-Malay States/Kingdom is an example of countries/lands, in
which the rubber supply could be acquired.
Fertility of the Land & Wealth in terms of Earth Resources
-Our Malay states/kingdom has a perfect climate or weather
for us to grow exportable crops such as rubber, paddy,
sugarcane, and tobacco
-Our Malay states/kingdom are also rich in precious earth
resources like tin ores, iron ores, gold, petroleum, and coal ---
useful raw materials for the functioning of a factory
Canning Industry
-in the 19th century, canned food had just existed or newly
introduced in the US as one of the new creations or
-Thus, they needed the supply of tin ores in order to produce
the drink cans, making house roofs, and vessel or barrel for
storing diesel
-Causing the price of tin ores to increase tremendously
-After 1840, demand for tin ores from the Malay states
increased progressively
Construction of Suez Canal
-Suez Canal was opened and connected Said Port / Berth in
the Mediterranean Sea and Suez in the Red Sea → making
the trading deals became more simplified and could be
-As a result, trading activities increased between Malay
Kingdom and the European continent --- Suez Canal
consumed shorter distance (8000 miles) when compared to
the usual route through Tanjung Harapan (12 400 miles)
Invention of the Steamed-engine ships
-was invented in the 19th century
-a steamed-engine ship could accommodate more
passengers, faster trip, and save the cost during the voyage
-delivery of the traded commodities became easier and
cheaper in terms of cost
The Rivalry among the West Imperialists
-rivalry arises among Britain, Germany, France, Spain, and the
US in their efforts of invading or conquering the territories
outside the Europe
-they even were willing to have a war against each other just
for getting a piece of invaded land
-for them, the wider their invaded territories, the more
admirable and powerful they will be
Invention of Telegraph
-businessmen in the European continent and the US could
contact their agent/middle man/representative in the Malay
land faster by using this telegraph
-Malay Land/ Kingdom became famous day by day and took
very important part in the international world market
“White Men’s Burden” Rallying Cry/Slogan
-they intended to deliver, to convey, to spread their
civilization and influence overseas
-as a result, more and more slogans and rallying cries used by
them to make their actions look reasonable
-one of the excuses created by them; their culture and
civilization were much higher and precious than that of the
invaded countries
-“White Men’s Burden” means their burden or responsibility
to give peace and to ensure the well-being of the society of
people in the invaded lands
- France was the imperialist which used the rallying cry of
“Duty to Convey the Civilization” to the whole world except
for the West whom they assumed to be underdeveloped that

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