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Concept map
Changes around us

Chemical changes Physical changes

Changes in which chemical Changes in which physical

composition of a substance properties of a substance undergo
undergoes change and a new changes, but the substance itself
substance is formed. remains the same.

An important example An important example

Rusting of iron Crystallisation

Corrosion of iron or steel due to Is a method of separating solid particles, in
action of water or moisture in air. a definite shape, out of a liquid solution.

Prevention against rusting

1. Galvanisation

Is a simple process of applying a protective zinc coating

over steel or iron objects, to prevent rusting.


Materials: Two ice candies, Keep them out of refrigerator for 3 mins.


Is it a physical change
Can it be reversed
Change in taste
Is any new substance formed


Observation: _____________________________________________


Observation: Is it a physical change, chemical change or both?



Q1. Multiple Choice questions

1. When ice is heated, it changes to water and water on further heating gets converted top
steam. What happens when steam is condensed?
a. A new substance is formed c. No new substance is formed
b. Gaseous phase changes to liquid phase d. Both b. and c are correct

2. Which of the following is a chemical reaction?

a. Freezing liquid Mercury c. Adding yellow to blue to make green
b. Cutting a piece of paper into two pieces
d. Dropping a sliced orange into a vat of Sodium Hydroxide

3. Which of the following is a physical reaction?

a. Shattering Glass with a baseball c. Corroding Metal
b. Fireworks Exploding d. Lighting a match

4. Which of the following will be observed if an apple slice is left exposed to air?
a. it undergoes oxidation and becomes brown in color.
b. Appearance of brown color on the surface of apple slice is caused by a chemical
reaction between air and enzymes.
c. Both of the above are correct.
d. None of these
5. The shipping industry has to bear huge financial loss because of rusting of ships. The
rusting of ships occur because:
a. The body of ship is always in contact with water.
b. The air around the ship is humid
c. Presence of salts in sea water speed up the process of rusting
d. All of the above.
6. On the basis of picture answer the question given below:
In an experiment a painted nail was places in a beaker containing sea water (Fig A) . The
beaker was left undisturbed for about 10 days. After 10 days, the nail began to rust (Fig B)
which of the following statements is/are correct

(i) Poor quality paint was used to paint iron nail.

(ii)Oxygen and water cause rusting.
(iii) Presence of salts in sea water enables rust formation faster.
a. (i) only c) (ii) only
b. (iii) only d) (ii) and (iii) only
7. Three substances given below are kept in the open for few days and few changes were
observed. Which of the substances will show a chemical change

a) Egg b) Plastic bottle

c.) Both egg and moth balls d) All eggs, moth balls and plastic bottle
8. Which portion of the ship is going to rust fastest

a) A only b) B and C C) C only d) A, B and C will rust equally

9. Which of the following statement is incorrect for a chemical reaction?
a) Heat may be given out but never absorbed. b) Sound may be produced.
c) A colour change may take place. d) A gas may be evolved
10. In making of alloy
a) more than two metals are involved b) only two metals are mixed
c) two or more metals or one metal and other non-metals are mixed
d) only two non-metals are mixed

Q2. Short answer type questions (To be done in Science notebook)

1. Look at the diagram and answer the following questions.

A. Which type of change is shown in the above diagram
B. Above shown process will be faster in which area.
C. What prevention methods can be adopted to avoid the process.

2 Sarita while helping her mother in kitchen work noticed that the slices of potato and
brinjal have acquired a brown color. She asked her mother reason behind this change. Her
mother said whenever we keep cut pieces of these vegetables open for long time they
acquire such color.
A. Are cutting vegetables and change in color, physical or chemical change?
B. Why vegetables acquired brown color.
C. Does this brown coloration indicate that the vegetables are spoilt? Can we reverse this
D. Can you suggest ways to avoid this coloration of vegetables
E. What value is exhibited by Sarita.

3. Mention different methods to stop/delay the process of rusting.

1. Bubbles are produced when acetic acid is added to a solution of sodium
2. A student took a solution of copper sulphate in a beaker and put a clean iron nail into it
and left it for about an hour.
(a) What changes do you expect?
(b) Are these changes chemical in nature?
(c) Write a word equation for the chemical change, if any
3. Why lime water turns milky on passing carbon dioxide gas into it?
4. Why does the color of blue copper sulphate solution become light green when iron
powder is added to it?

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