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QHSE Manual

Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009


Rev Date Revision Record Prepd Chkd Appd

First issue after integration of QHSE
01 03/05/09 SM WS KRT
Management System
Addition of definition items, item 5.23 HSE
02 13/08/09 WS KRT

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QHSE Manual

Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009


 To identify the reporting methodology of incidents, including accidents leading to DSI employee or
its visitors and subcontractors injury or property loss

 To follow up investigation to determine potential root causes of an unwanted incident and implement
corrective action to prevent recurrence

 To learn from any accident that occurs to DSI employees and implement preventive measures to
prevent recurrence and to comply with applicable federal and local regulations


This procedure applicable to all DSI PJSC and its subsidiary companies employees, subcontractors,
visitors who are locates within area of our responsibility.


3.1 Acceptable Risk

Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the organization having regard to its
legal obligations and its own policy,

3.2 Hazard

Source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or a
combination of these

3.3 Hazard Identification

Process of recognizing that a hazard exists and defining its characteristics

3.4 Risk

Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity
of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s)

3.5 Risk Assessment

Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from a hazard(s), taking into account the adequacy of any
existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is acceptable

3.6 Incident

Work-related event(s) that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an accident
(including accidents & near misses).

3.7 Accident

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QHSE Manual

Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009
Undesired & unplanned event resulting in injury, death, damage, loss.

NOTE 1 an Accident is an incident which has given rise to injury, ill health or fatality.
NOTE 2 an Incident where no injury, ill health, or fatality occurs may also be referred to as a “near-
miss”, “near-hit”, “close call” or “dangerous occurrence”.
NOTE 3 an emergency situation is a particular type of incident.

3.8 LTI – Lost Time Incident (Injury)

A work related incident (Injury) that in the opinion of the competent medical authority has no major
consequences on body/health, but leads to incapacity to work of at least 3* days, including serious

* As per UAE Labor Law.

3.9 Medical Treatment Case (MTC)

A serious work injury requiring defined prescribed medical treatment (as defined below) by a
Registered Medical Practitioner, which is beyond the scope of normal First Aid, eg.: back injuries,
burns, fractures, serious lacerations, gassings, dermatitis (excluding conditions such as cardiac
arrest, where work is not a substantial contributing factor). Medical Treatment is defined as any
method, action, medication which induces healing/recovery, but does not include protective or
preventative (prophylactic) treatment.

The following types of injury and treatment must be classified as Medical Treatment Injuries (MTI):

 Fracture of the bone.

 Injuries requiring sutures and/or surgical removal of dead tissue (debridement) and/or removal of
embedded foreign bodies.

 Administering of prescribed medication (e.g.: creams, drops, tablets, injections) as treatment of

an injury. (Excludes administering of prescribed medication (on a first visit) as a means of
preventing a minor injury from worsening, preventing infection or reducing pain, eg: Anti-Tetanus
injection or Anti-Inflammatory medication).

 Repeat administering of physical treatment/manipulation etc as treatment of an injury eg.,

physiotherapy. This excludes referral for physical treatment/manipulation etc (involving no lost
time, as defined under LTI) by a person other than a Registered Medical Practitioner, for the
purpose of preventing a minor injury from worsening.

 Admission to hospital for observation for a minimum of 24 hours, following injuries such as head
injury (even if no other treatment is required).

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QHSE Manual

Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009

 Certain work-caused injuries cannot be effectively treated (eg: permanent noise induced hearing
loss) but should still be classified as MTI’s.

 X-Ray examination or other diagnostic procedures alone are not defined as MTI’s. However,
injuries identified / diagnosed and/or treatment provided following X-Ray (that fall into the above
categories) should be classed as MTI.

3.10 Medical Lost Time Injury (MLTI)

A MLTI that also meets the definition of LTI.

3.11 Lost Work Day Case (LWDC)

Number of full days lost following the occurrence of a LTI or MLTI.

3.12 First Aid Case (FAC)

A minor work injury requiring only minor first aid treatment (and possibly a follow up visit for
observation), even if provided by a Registered Medical Practitioner, ie: minor cuts, scratches, burns,
splinters, sprains and strains.

3.13 Restricted Work Case

A work related injury which results in a work assignment after the day the incident occurred that
does not include all the normal duties of the person’s regular job.

3.14 Recordable case

Occupational accident or disease as appropriate, near-misses, commuting accidents and suspected

cases of occupational diseases.

3.15 Commuting Accident

Accident happening during travelling to place of work or in between multiple work places, place of
getting remuneration / salary and food catering (usually by Company transport)

3.16 Damage only

Accident that leads to property damage only

3.17 Near-miss

An event that could have resulted in (or has a major potential for causing) injury, material or
environmental damage or loss, but did not in fact do so. Usually is accompanied by the substantial
release of energy.

3.18 Unsafe act

Things people do that can result in accidents causing injury, damage to equipment (or both) or a

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QHSE Manual

Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009
near miss situation.

3.19 Unsafe condition(s)

Such condition(s) at the work place that its nature is liable to lead to an accident.

3.20 Ill Health

Identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or made worse by a work activity
and/or work-related situation

3.21 Interested Party

Person or group, inside or outside the workplace, concerned with or affected by the OH&S
performance of an organization

3.22 OH & S Performance

Measurable results of an organization’s management of its OH&S risks

NOTE 1 OH&S performance measurement includes measuring the effectiveness of the

organization’s controls.
NOTE 2 In the context of OH&S management systems, results can also be measured against the
organization’s QHSE policy, OH&S objectives, and other OH&S performance requirements.

3.23 Organization

Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof,

whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration.

NOTE For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined
as an organization.

3.24 Workplace

Any physical location in which work related activities are performed under the control of the

NOTE When giving consideration to what constitutes a workplace, the organization should take into
account the OH&S effects on personnel who are, for example, travelling or in transit (e.g. driving,
flying, on boats or trains), working at the premises of a client or customer, or working at home.


4.1 All Employees are responsible for reporting incidents they are involved in or witness to their
Supervisor immediately and without delay. The employee must also be a part of the
investigation team and provide accounts of what he/she did or saw prior to the incident
happening on the witness Statement Form.

4.2 The Safety Engineer / Officer is responsible for initiating and leading the investigation for

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QHSE Manual

Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009
accidents/incidents, filling in all appropriate parts of the Accident /Incident Report Form and
obtaining the Witness Statements. The completed form shall be forwarded to the HSE Manager
within 24 hours.

4.3 All Heads of Departments are responsible to ensure that the supervisors in their department are
fully aware of, understand and initiate the Incident Reporting and Investigation Policy and avail
of training in Incident investigation provided by the QHSE Department.

4.4 All Department / Project Managers must review the findings and corrective actions from
accidents / incidents investigations to ensure they are adequate to prevent a reoccurrence they
should actively participate in the investigation process and are responsible for taking
appropriate action on the conclusions and results of any incident investigation within their
Departments / Projects.

4.5 The QHSE Department will provide technical assistance and support for all incident

4.6 The HSE Manager is responsible for investigating and reporting serious and fatality incidents to
the QHSE Manager and Company Insurance Officer and coordinating any subsequent follow-up


Human Accidents:

5.1 Any of DSI employees responsible to report any work related accident / incident to his/her direct
supervisor or HSE in-charge,

5.2 HSE Engineer / Officer should as to administer providing of first aid as required taking into
consideration the seriousness case of the injured,

5.3 HSE Engineer / Officer informs area administration department with a summary of accident

5.4 Arrange for transportation for injured employee to medical treatment as required,

5.5 Eliminate the hazard if possible or guard the accident scene if worker is critically injured,

5.6 Ensure accompany and assistant goes with injured employee to the medical clinic / hospital,

5.7 Investigate the cause of the accident and report findings in the Accident Report form; ensure all
areas of the form are completed,

5.8 Police and other regulatory authorities e.g. civil defense, municipality etc are to be contacted as
applicable due to the cause of accidents, HSE Manager or Project Manager are the authorized
persons to contact such authorities, Photographs to be taken by HSE Manager / Officer,

5.9 Time frame required for reporting accidents / incidents to some legal authorities e.g. JAFZA,
EHS Trakhees etc should be achieved,

5.10 HSE Managers review and ensure the completeness and accuracy of the investigation reports

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QHSE Manual

Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009
with all supporting evidences and statement of facts,

5.11 All medical reports, police reports and other legal reports e.g. civil defense reports to be
attached to the investigation report,

5.12 It is the responsibility of the personnel officer to report the accident investigation report to the
Insurance Company within 24 to 48 hours of the accident,

5.13 Accidents to be reported within 24 hours and distributed as following:

5.13.1 Master copy to administration department,

5.13.2 2 Copies at work site one with HSE Manager and the other archived with the
document controller,

5.13.3 Copy to QHSE department

Vehicles and Equipments Accidents

5.14 Vehicles and equipment accidents / incidents to be treated same methodology as Human

5.15 The transportation in-charge is responsible for completing the accident report for vehicle /
equipment and any injured persons in the accident,

5.16 All accidents with minor or major damage to vehicle / equipment to be reported even there is
no injury to human,

5.17 All Accidents should be reported to Administration Manager with all supporting documents and

5.18 Quarter summary to be prepared by transportation in-charge to be reviewed by admin manger

and forwarded to QHSE department for accidents reported, its repair value and time out of
service taken to repair,

5.19 Insurance reports to be archived with accident investigation reports,

5.20 Classify accidents/incidents reporting as follows:

5.20.1 Lost Time Injuries

5.20.2 Medical Treatment Case (MTC)

5.20.3 First Aid Case (FAC)

5.20.4 Incidents and Near Misses

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Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009

5.21 Accidents / Incidents Investigation Questions; investigation process require the

completion of all steps detailed in the following table:

No. Steps Notes

When first notified, ensure that no one does not move
Check work site where accident or change anything at the accident / incident work site
incident occurred. (if possible). The accident / incident may require
investigation by police authorities.
Interview Co-workers, supervisor, host
Use accident investigation report document to ensure
2 construction Management and worker
full history of accident / incident is documented.
(if possible).
Include at least the following:
• layout of immediate work site
Sketch diagram of work site where • work operation at time of accident / incident
accident / incident occurred. • materials/stock/equipment involved
• Photographs are allowed for illustration
• How the accident / incident occurred (if possible)
If possible, and can be completed in a Observe for system failures or contributing factors i.e.:
4 safe manner, observe others distractions, complacency, repetitive task,
undertaking the same task. environmental factors etc.
Determine whether accident / incident occurred through
failure of the following systems, policies or procedures:
• employee training/induction
Discuss accident / incident with the
5 • work practice
workers direct supervisor.
• supervisory control (direct/indirect)
• machinery/tools
• work site layout
Determine how future accidents / Liaise with construction / involved teams and make
incidents could be avoided / controlled suggestions, recommendations.

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Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009

5.22 Accident / Incident Investigation Checklist; the following checklist require completion
as part of the investigation report:

 was injured
 witnessed the accident / incident and what did they see
 who was working with the person at the time
 else was involved and how were they involved
 was the person’s direct supervisor
 is the HSE in-charge
 was the injury / damage / potential injury
 was the person doing at the time of the accident / incident
 machinery / tools were involved
 were the job instructions for this task (were they being followed, were they part
of ‘normal duties’)
 communication / consultation processes are in place
 actions had been taken to avoid an accident / incident in this location
 safe work procedures or safety instructions have not been adhered to
 previous near misses and/or similar accidents / incidents have occurred in this
 personal protective equipment was available / needed, was it in use at the
 has been the exposure to this hazard by the employee(occupational
 did the accident / incident / damage become evident
 did the person commence this task (experience)
 did the person last have training / retraining in the hazards associated with this
When task
 did the person last have training / retraining in the safe systems of work for
this task
 did it appear something was wrong with the task/system
 did the accident / incident occur
 was the person’s supervisor at the time
 were the witnesses at the time
 the hazards of this task identified, assessed and control measures applied
 did the injury / accident / incident occur
 could this have been prevented
How  could the supervisor prevented this
 changes in the workplace, machinery, plant or equipment design prevented
this accident/incident
 did the accident / incident occur
 did communication / consultation systems fail
 were unsafe conditions permitted
 were specific safety instructions not give / developed

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Document Name: QHSE Ref. No. IMS/QHSE/AIR/13 Rev. 02

Date: 13th August 2009

 specific on job / off job training given / asked for

 personal protective equipment available / used
 system of work unsafe
 the supervisor informed of the hazards/unsafe work practices

5.23 Accident / Incident rating to be done as part of the investigation on the basis of the
table below:

Work Accidents / Environmental – Oil

Days Lost Financial Loss in AED
Injuries Classification Spill Liters

Minor 3 Up to 300 < OR = 100

Serious 3 – 45 300 - 15000 > OR = 1000
Major Above 45 More than 15000 > 1000


Type Name Number / Code

Form Accident Report IMS/QHSE/AIR/13/01
Form Near Miss Report IMS/QHSE/AIR/13/02

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