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I. ŠPELIĆ et al.

: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
110 thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.)

An overview of measuring methods and international standards

in the field of thermal environment, thermal characteristics of the clothing
ensembles and the human subjects assessment of the thermal comfort

Ivana Špelić, PhD

Prof. Dubravko Rogale, PhD
Prof. Alka Mihelić Bogdanić, PhD*
University of Zagrebu, Faculty of Textile Technology
Department of Clothing Technology
*Department of Fundamental Natural and Engineering Sciences
Zagreb, Croatia
Recieved January 7, 2016 UDC 677.017.56:389.6

A continuous development of the terminology, materials, measuring instru-

ments and methods, requires the implementation of the unified specifications
and definition of the standards, so that clear quality management system could
be established, for both the production systems and testing methods. In the
field of the measurements of thermal characteristics of the environment and
the clothing garments or ensembles, as well as in the field of thermophysiol-
ogy of the human body, the most significant international standards are pub-
lished by the international organizations for standardization such as ASTM
International, ISO and ASHRAE. Those international standards define the
insulation characteristics of different materials, the clothing garments and
the ensembles, the thermal and the water-vapour resistance, the measuring
systems and the measuring protocol, the testing requirements, the PMV and
PPD indexes, the environments and the interpretation of the measured results.
The standards in the field of the ergonomics of the thermal environments
define both the parameters and the measuring methods, which affect the hu-
man thermoregulation in some specific environment, while other standards
describe the prediction of the thermal protection based on those parameters,
or respectively how to predict either thermal comfort or discomfort and the
health risks which could affect human subjects in particular thermal environ-
Key words: international organizations for standardization, standards, mea-
suring methods, thermal characteristics of the environment and the clothing
garments or ensembles, subjects thermal comfort

1. Introduction world and a networking among differ- needs will be fulfilled worldwide. The
ent producers. The information, the standards provide the establishment
The development of the standards and requirements and the quality control, of the unique generally accepted
the unification of the testing methods which are described in the interna- guidelines, the methods and the regu-
is of crucial significance to the market tional standards, provide the applica- lations which define the requirements
globalization because it provides a tion for the specific market segments for the production processes, the qual-
unique application throughout the and the insurance that the consumers’ ity control and the products itself.
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.) 111

The international organizations for Chemical Composition and Physical dards for the quality control of both
standardization are ASTM Interna- Properties of Steel Rails in which he raw materials and final products. Be-
tional, ISO and ASHRAE. The analysed the durability of different cause of his negative experiences in
ASTM (acronym for American Soci- types of steel. With his work, he con- attempting to establish the uniform
ety for Testing and Materials) is the tinued to implement the idea on the system for the quality control and
internationally recognized organiza- collaboration between steel produc- standardization, C. B. Dudley sug-
tion. Together with the ISO interna- ers and manufacturers which has re- gested an implementation of the tech-
tional organization (acronym for In- sulted in the creation of the unitary nical committees’ system. These
ternational standard organization), quality control system and also an committees would be formed by the
this association is nowadays one of establishment of the ASTM organiza- representatives of the main parties,
the most significant generator of the tion in 1898. This places ASTM as and the forums would be organized to
contemporary analysing standards, the first the international organiza- display and discuss every aspect of
although none of the international as- tions for standardization. specifications and testing procedures
sociations mentioned does the prod- in quality control for a given material.
uct testing itself. The ASHRAE’s 2. International organizations The goal was to reach a consensus
prior mission (acronym for The for standardization that was acceptable to both producers
American Society of Heating, Refrig- and to the customer, as well to the
20th century has been marked by ac- American rails. This negotiating prin-
erating and Air-Conditioning) is the
celerated evolution and application of
enhancement in the field of an energy ciple became the basis for the forma-
the new materials, their testing meth-
efficiency, the air quality in the inte- tion of the International Association
ods and the technological advance-
riors, industrial and building systems’ for Testing Materials (IATM) and
ment. Simultaneously the idea about
sustainability. Thanks to the work nowadays ASTM International orga-
the need for the clear quality manage-
performed by those organizations, nization.
ment system implementation for raw
nowadays there is around 12000 The technical committee of the
materials and testing procedures has
ASTM standards, 19500 ISO stan- American department of the IATM
been developed. This resulted in de-
dards and few regular ASHARE pub- velopment of the first detailed publi- approved the first standard specifica-
lications in usage [1]. cations and reports on the material tions in 1901. for steel used in build-
The era of the Industrial revolution and resources’ specifications. The ings construction under title Struc-
brings the development of the new above mentioned international orga- tural Steel for Bridges. This standard
materials and the need for implemen- nizations are described in this article. was afterwards classified as ASTM’s
tation of the clear specifications and They are generators of the contempo- standard specification A7. Finally, in
also the establishment of the stan- rary standards which define clear 1902 IATM was renamed to ASTM.
dards. This is a time of an emersion guidance in measuring methods’ and Parallel with the work of this organi-
and invention of the new materials raw material characteristics’ develop- zation, the federal government of
and their application in a technolo- ment. The standards in the field of the USA tried to established the NBS or
gical advancement. Simultaneously ergonomics of the thermal environ- the National Bureau of Standards in
with an introduction of the new ma- ments define both the parameters and 1901. However, the founding of NBS
terials and an invention of the new the measuring methods, which affect was met by the great resistance from
techniques, need for the explicit qual- the human thermoregulation and the both the manufacturers and engi-
ity system management has been in- prediction of the level of the thermal neers, which disapproved the govern-
dicated by the producers, to prevent protection and minimum require- ment plan to duplicate European
eventual application of the unsuitable ments for product quality which serve practices and establishment of the
raw materials. During this period, the as protection under extreme tempera- authority body which will force laws
first detailed documents with the ma- tures and environmental conditions. and regulations upon industry. This
terial and resources’ specifications The clear quality management sys- decision proved to be crucial in the
appeared on American soil, along tem is main requirement which aims creation of the democratic American
with equipment for quality determi- for consumer protection and gives style of the development of standards
nation, despite the resistance which precise guidance to producers while and quality control. As the years
was demonstrated by the American designing new products and testing passed, the global market climate in
public. procedures. USA changed. After the turn of the
C. B. Dudley initiated the material century, several new committees
testing for American railroad con- 2.1. ASTM International were formed quickened by the emer-
struction and standardize specifica- organization sion of the new raw materials such as
tion issuing. He published his first The main mission of this organization Cement, Clay, etc. In 1910 ASTM
major report in 1878. under title was the creation of the uniform stan- introduced a yearbook which later
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
112 thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.)

became Annual Book of ASTM Stan- The acronym ISO is derived from the nical committee, it is shared with
dards. This publication became the Greek isos, meaning equal and an ar- ISO’s member bodies who vote on it.
foundational publication in the field rangement was made to accept this The publication which shall become
of standard development and issuing. acronym as official abbreviation of the international standard should be
Each volume presented the complete the organization. Since establishment approved by 75 % of the voting mem-
work in the field of the standardiza- in 1947 with initial 67 technical com- bership bodies.
tion for the specific area, including mittees to todays 3368 institutional
the overview of all, at the time exist- bodies, this international organization The ISO Journal
ing and revised standard specifica- for standardization successfully oper- The official ISO Journal started with
tions. ates, with headquarters in Geneva, in publication in 1952 and in 1960 ISO
The World War I introduced further the field of publication of the stan- published the standard in correspon-
changes and many companies reas- dards from different areas (agricul- dence to international system of units
signed their business to military pro- ture, building construction, engineer- (SI) called ISO 31: on quantities and
cessing industry. In those early ing, medical equipment, etc.). It was units, which has later been replaced
1920’s, ASTM’s main activities still formed by merging the two organiza- by ISO 80 000. Up until today, ISO
focused on the traditional materials tions, International Federation of the has published over 19500 interna-
such as steel and cement. Over 100 National Standardizing Associations tional standards. In 1987, ISO pub-
technical committees was founded (ISA) and United Nations Standards lished one of the most important
and assigned to work on supervision Coordinating Committee (UNSCC). worldwide quality management stan-
and development of the standards in The first ISO standard was published dard, the ISO 9000. In their work ISO
other areas. In the coming decade the in 1951 and is now ISO 1:2002 Geo- cooperates with national institutions
American economic development be- metrical Product Specifications for standardization from 162 coun-
gan contributing to the rise of the (GPS) - Standard reference tempera- tries. It is also important to mention
mass production in many industrial that from 1979, the work of ISO or-
areas. One of the most propulsive ganization is completely coordinated
area was automobile industry ahead with requests set by The Technical
with H. Ford. Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement
In 1981 ASTM opens the first Euro- with WTO (World trade organisa-
pean standards distribution centre in tion). Today ISO organization pub-
London to broaden his activities on lishes a large number of standards
growing markets such as Japan, west- from a number of technical areas [3].
ern Europe and so-called “tiger econ- Every country is presented by only
omies” on the Pacific. Simultane- one national referent body, Fig.2.
ously, fast development of new com- Croatian Standard Institute is Croa-
munication technologies was set and tian ISO national membership orga-
international cooperation was im-
proved. ASTM International broad-
ens his participation in international
waters forging close ties with DIN
(Deutsches Institut für Normung),
AFNOR (Association Francaise de
Normalisation), JSA (Japanese Stan-
Fig.1 The cover sheet of the first ISO
dards Association) and BSI (British standard published in 1951; SOURCE:
Standards Institution). In 2001 ASTM
changes name to ASTM International
to reflect global participation in the ture for geometrical product specifi-
creation of standards for the world- cation, Fig.1.
wide usage [2]. Today ASTM Inter- The international ISO organisation
national operates in more than 140 for standardisation operates as world
countries and publishes around 12575 association composed of members
standards. from the national standards bodies.
The lead standard development is
2.2. ISO organisation performed by the ISO the technical Fig.2 The overview of the referent na-
The second large organization for committees. Soon as a draft has been tional bodies and ISO membership
standardization is ISO organization. developed and accepted by the tech- institutions; SOURCE:
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.) 113

nization. The standards which de- and Applications and Guide and Data Protective Clothing. Every ASTM
scribe the terms, the measuring meth- Book was renamed into Handbook of standard can be found in above men-
ods, the thermal environments and Fundamentals, with separate Sys- tioned Annual Book of ASTM Stan-
other parameters connected to the tems, Applications, and Equipment dards, which is published by ASTM
transfer and the effects of the heat volumes. In 1973, the Guide and Data International organization. ASHRAE
belong to category of ISO standards Book was renamed into the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals on the
in the field of the ergonomics of the Handbook. Separate I-P and SI unit other hand contains fundamental
thermal environments [4]. volumes were issued in 1985. Al- data, explanation of the physical
though volume groupings have shift- quantities and their measuring units.
2.3. ASHRAE organisation ed over the years, the compiled vol- This guide is published in the series
The American Society of Heating, Re- umes have continued to become im- containing four volumes and each
frigerating and Air-Conditioning En- portant literature in the field of heat- year one volume is revised to ensure
gineers was founded in 1959. and ing, refrigerating and air - condi- the in time publishing of all relevant
formed from the union of two organi- tioning. information and actual scientific
zations, American Society of Heating knowledge. All the corrections can be
and Air-Conditioning Engineers and 3. Overview of the most checked on-line.
The American Society of Refrigerat- significant standards 3.1. Overview of the most
ing Engineers. Today this organiza- in the field of thermal significant ASTM standards
tion counts over 50 000 members all environment in the field of thermal
over the world [5].
measurements, environment measurements,
In first decade of the 20th century this
two associations had somewhat dif-
measurements of thermal measurements of thermal
characteristics of fabrics characteristics of fabrics and
ferent spheres of operation. In 1920s,
and clothing and thermal clothing and thermal comfort
with the advancement of new tech-
comfort of human subjects of human subjects
nologies, an air conditioning became
the field of interest to both associa- The impact of the overall thermal
The numbering of the ASTM interna-
tions. The heating systems were transmission coefficient of textile
tional standards is somewhat differ-
slowly replacing steam and hot water materials (or thermal transmittance)
ent comparing to the numbering and
heating by forced warm air systems, is determined by ASTM standard D
nomenclature of the ISO internation-
combing the heating and air condi- 1518 – 85 under title Standard Test
al standards. While individual ISO
tioning and in 1954. American Soci- Method for Thermal Transmittance of
standards belong to one separate do-
ety of Heating and Air-Conditioning main, as for example the domain of Textile Materials, Tab.1. The proce-
Engineers changed its name to the Ergonomics of the thermal environ- dures described in this standard are
American Society of Heating and Air ments, ASTM standards belong to the used to identify the impact of the
– Conditioning Engineers. By the specific section and afterwards to the overall thermal transmission coeffi-
1950s a significant overlap was noted specific volume. The section 7 covers cient, which is the outcome of the
in the research programs of both so- all the standards intended to be used combined action of conduction, con-
cieties so negotiations resulted in for defining and testing of fabrics vection, and radiation for dry speci-
merging of those association in uni- (around 330 of them) and is divided mens of textile fabrics, battings, and
fied organization. in two volumes, one of which is 7.01 other materials. The overall thermal
Extremely important edition pub- (fabrics, clothing, textile care, fibres, transmission coefficient is used to
lished by the ASHRAE is the Hand- yarns, non-woven textiles, flamma- measure the time rate of heat transfer
book of Fundamentals. The origin of bility, accessories such as zippers, from a warm, dry, constant-tempera-
this publication goes way back to etc.) and 7.02 (the body measure- ture, horizontal flat-plate up through
distant 1922 when the American So- ments, stiches and seams, UV finish- a layer of the test material to a rela-
ciety of Heating and Ventilating En- ing in textile products, etc.). Section tively calm, cool atmosphere [6].
gineers published its Heating and 11 covers the technology of the water When establishing the applicability
Ventilating Guide. The guide was purification and environmental tech- of the certain personal protective
published until 1961, following the nology and is composed of 8 sub- clothing ensemble for specific occu-
merging with the American Society volumes, with sub-volume 11.03 pation, it is important to quantify the
of Refrigerating Engineers’, and both which is significant to experts in the thermal resistance and evaporative
societies started publication of the field of thermal measurements of resistance of textile fabrics, battings,
combined ASHRAE Guide and Data clothing ensembles. This sub-section and other materials used for produc-
Book. Separate volumes were issued covers the topics in the field of Oc- tion of those ensembles. The ASTM
for Fundamentals and Equipment, cupational Health and Safety and F1868-14 method entitled Standard
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
114 thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.)

Tab.1 Overview of ASTM standards in the field of thermal environment measure- semble (looseness or tightness of fit).
ments, measurements of thermal characteristics of fabrics and clothing and thermal The ensembles’ insulation values can
comfort of human subjects be used for the models that predict
Designation Title the different physiological responses
Standard Test Method for Thermal Transmittance of people in different environmental
ASTM D1518-85
of Textile Materials conditions. This test method is used
Standard Test Method for Thermal and Evaporative Resi- to determine the insulation values of
ASTM F1868-14
stance of Clothing Materials Using a Sweating Hot Plate clothing ensembles but it also de-
Standard Test Method for Radiant Heat Resistance of Fla- scribes dry heat transfer from a heat-
ASTM F1939-15
me Resistant Clothing Materials with Continuous Heating ed manikin to a relatively calm and
Standard Test Method for Steady State and Dynamic cool environment (ambient tempera-
ASTM D7024-04
Thermal Performance of Textile Materials ture set to ta = 21 ± 1.0°C or at least
Standard Test Method for Measuring the Thermal Insula- 10°C below the manikin’s mean skin
ASTM F1291-15
tion of Clothing Using a Heated Manikin temperature which is set to ts = 32 –
ASTM F2370-05
Standard Test Method for Measuring the Evaporative 35 ± 0.3°C, air velocity set to va =
Resistance of Clothing Using a Sweating Manikin 0.1±0.05 m/s and relative humidity
Standard Test Method for Measuring the Heat Removal set to RH = 30 – 70 ± 5%). The test-
ASTM F2371-05 Rate of Personal Cooling Systems Using a Sweating ing is performed only for particular
Heated Manikin clothing ensembles in static condi-
Standard Test Method for Unsteady-State Heat Transfer tions with thermal manikin standing.
ASTM F2700-08 Evaluation of Flame Resistant Materials for Clothing
The consequences with respect to air
with Continuous Heating
movement, are not addressed in this
test method [10].
Test Method for Thermal and Evapo- The determination of the overall ther- The determination of the evaporative
rative Resistance of Clothing Materi- mal transmission coefficient (thermal resistance of clothing ensembles is
als Using a Sweating Hot Plate cov- transmittance) due to conduction for covered in accordance with standard
ers the measurement of the thermal dry specimens of textile fabrics, bat- ASTM F2370-05 Standard Test Met-
resistance and the evaporative resis- tings, and other materials and the de- hod for Measuring the Evaporati-
tance, under steady-state conditions, termination of the temperature regu- ve Resistance of Clothing Using a
of fabrics, films, coatings, foams, and lating factor (TRF) [9] is evaluated Sweating Manikin. The measurement
leathers, including multi-layer assem- according to standard ASTM D7024- of the resistance to evaporative heat
blies, for use in clothing systems. The 04 Standard Test Method for Steady transfer of clothing ensembles is
range of this measurement technique State and Dynamic Thermal Perfor- measured by the static standing heat-
for thermal resistance is from 0.002 mance of Textile Materials. This ed sweating thermal manikin. The
to 0.2 K m2/W and for evaporative method is applicable for quality and standard can be used in model forma-
resistance is from 0.01 to 1.0 kPa cost control during manufacturing tion that predicts the different physi-
m2/W [7]. and can be used to establish criteria ological responses of people under
The evaluation of the heat transfer for establishing thermal and comfort different environmental conditions.
This test method covers the determi-
properties of the flame resistant cloth- parameters for textiles used in the
nation of the evaporative resistance
ing materials subjected to a continu- clothing industry.
of clothing ensembles. It describes
ous and standardized radiant heat The test method ASTM F1291-15
the measurement of the resistance to
source are assessed by standard ASTM Standard Test Method for Measuring
evaporative heat transfer from the
F1939-15 Standard Test Method for the Thermal Insulation of Clothing heated sweating thermal manikin to a
Radiant Heat Resistance of Flame Using a Heated Manikin covers the relatively calm environment. It also
Resistant Clothing Materials with determination of the insulation value specifies the sweating thermal mani-
Continuous Heating. The specimen of a different garments or a clothing kin configuration, testing protocol
in placed in a static, vertical position ensembles. It is applicable for the de- and testing conditions [11].
and can be tested by two standard sets termination of the insulation proper- The evaluation and comparison of
of exposure conditions: 21 kW/m2 ties of clothing to dry heat transfer in PCS’s-Personal Cooling Systems,
and 84 kW/m2. This test method rates static conditions, dependent on the which are dressed in combination with
the non-steady state thermal resis- fabric layers, the coverage of the classic clothing or other specified
tance or insulating characteristics of body or to be exact the amount of clothing ensembles, is performed ac-
flame resistant clothing materials body surface area covered by cloth- cording to ASTM standard ASTM
subjected to a continuous, standard- ing and the impact of the ease allow- F2371-05 Standard Test Method for
ized radiant heat exposure [8]. ance added to specific clothing en- Measuring the Heat Removal Rate of
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.) 115

Personal Cooling Systems Using a Tab.2 Overview of ISO standards in the field of thermal measurements, defining
Sweating Heated Manikin. The meth- thermal environment of fabrics and thermal request set upon textiles and clothing
od covers the objective property Designation Title
evaluation for different Personal Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Instruments
Cooling Systems’ constructions be- ISO 7726:2001
for measuring physical quantities
cause both the resistance to dry heat Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Analytical deter-
transfer by means of conduction, con- mination and interpretation of thermal comfort using
vection, and radiation is taken into ISO 7730:2005
calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local ther-
consideration. It requires the usage of mal comfort criteria
the sweating heated thermal manikin. Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Analytical deter-
It is particularly crucial to take into ISO 7933:2004 mination and interpretation of heat stress using calcula-
account sweating capability as the tion of predicted heat strain
potentially large fraction of heat dis- Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Determination
ISO 8996:2004
sipation is associated with evapora- of metabolic rate
tive cooling. It describes the evapora- Ergonomics-Evaluation of thermal strain by physiologi-
ISO 9886:2004
tive heat removal rate and the dura- cal measurements
tion of cooling provided by the Per- Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Estimation
sonal Cooling System, in order to ISO 9920:2009 of thermal insulation and water vapour resistance
assess the effectiveness. The resis- of a clothing ensemble
tance to evaporative heat loss of PCS’s Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Assessment
is measured with static sweating ther- ISO 10551:2001 of the influence of the thermal environment using subjec-
mal manikins constructed to maintain tive judgement scales
a certain constant uniform tempera- Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Determination
ture over the body surface [12]. ISO 11079:2007 and interpretation of cold stress when using required
ASTM F2700-08 standard describes clothing insulation (IREQ) and local cooling effects
the procedures to measure the un- Textile - Physiological effects–Measurement of thermal
ISO 11092:1993 (BS
steady-state heat transfer through dif- and water–vapour resistance under steady–state condi-
EN 31092:1993)
ferent materials used in flame resis- tions (Sweating guarded–hotplate test
tant clothing exposed to combined Protective clothing-Garment for protection against cool
ISO 14058:2004
convective and radiant thermal haz- environments
ards. The title is Standard Test Meth- Protective clothing-Ensembles and garment for protec-
ISO 342:2004
od for Unsteady-State Heat Transfer tion against cold
Evaluation of Flame Resistant Mate- Clothing-Physiological effects- Measurement of thermal
ISO 15831:2004
rials for Clothing with Continuous insulation by means of a thermal manikin
Heating. It describes the response of
materials, products, or assemblies to methods for measuring physical the C category specifies conditions
heat under controlled conditions, but quantities characterizing different and methods that relate to measure-
they don’t necessarily incorporate all environments, Table 2. This norm ments carried out in environments
factors required for fire hazard or fire doesn’t define an overall index of subjected to a greater thermal stress
risk assessment of the materials, comfort or thermal stress, but it stan- or even to the environments of ex-
products, or assemblies under actual dardizes the process of recording in- treme thermal stress. An environment
fire conditions [13]. formation leading to the determina- may be considered to be "homoge-
tion of such indices subsequently. neous" from the bio-climatic point of
3.2. The overview of the most The basic physical quantities defined view if, at a given moment, air tem-
significant ISO standards by the standard are: air temperature, perature, radiation, air velocity and
in the field of thermal mean radiant temperature, absolute humidity can be considered to be
environment measurements, humidity of the air, air velocity and practically uniform around the sub-
measurements of thermal surface temperature [14]. The mea- ject. When the environment is too
characteristics of fabrics suring methods defined by this stan- heterogeneous, the physical quanti-
and clothing and thermal dard are classified in two categories ties should be measured at several
comfort of human subjects depending on the thermal environ- locations around the subject and the
The ISO 7726:2001 Ergonomics of ment for which they are set to. The C mean values should be assessed. The
the thermal environment - Instru- category specifies conditions and derived physical quantities character-
ments for measuring physical quanti- methods that relate to measurements ize a group of environmental factors,
ties specifies the minimum character- carried out in moderate environments weighted according to the character-
istics of instruments and measuring approaching comfort conditions and istics of the sensors used. They are
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
116 thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.)

often used to define an empirical in- tities) and ISO 8996 [17] (determina- vironments the thermal strain rises
dex of comfort or thermal stress with- tion of metabolic rate). These stan- due to the high levels of metabolic
out having recourse to a rational dards are used to describe and quan- heat production associated with mus-
method based on estimates of the tify the parameters influencing hu- cular work. As large amounts of heat
various forms of heat exchanges be- man thermoregulation in some spe- need to be dissipated from the body
tween the human body and the ther- cific environment, but standards such into the environment, mostly by
mal environments, and of the result- as ISO 9886 [18] (evaluation of ther- sweating. The data included in this
ing thermal balance and physiologi- mal strain by physiological measure- standard concern an average male
cal strain. ments) and ISO 9920 [19] (estima- 1.75 m high, weighting 70 kg with
The methods predicting the general tion of thermal insulation and water the body surface area of 1.8 m2 and
thermal sensation and degree of dis- vapour resistance of a clothing en- average female 1.70 m high, weight-
comfort (thermal dissatisfaction) of semble) are describing how to predict ing 60 kg with the body surface area
people exposed to moderate thermal the degree of thermal protection of 1.6 m2. This standard implies that
environments, are described in stan- based on those parameters, apropos the total energy consumption while
dard ISO 7730:2005 Ergonomics of thermal comfort or discomfort and working is assumed equal to the heat
the thermal environment - Analytical health risks possibly sustained by the production. The mechanical efficien-
determination and interpretation of subjects in certain environment. cy of muscular work, so-called the
thermal comfort using calculation of The methods for evaluating health useful work W, is negligible.
the PMV and PPD indices and local risks, while exposing to hot environ- Four approaches for determining the
thermal comfort criteria. This meth- ments, on the basis of variation from metabolic rate are given by the stan-
od enables the analytical determina- the heat balance conditions between dard. The choice can be made be-
tion and interpretation of thermal the human body and the environment tween the two methods: Method 1A
comfort using calculation of PMV [20], are covered by standard ISO is a classification according to occu-
(predicted mean vote) and PPD (pre- 7933:2004 Ergonomics of the ther- pation while method 1B is a classifi-
dicted percentage of dissatisfied) and mal environment-Analytical determi- cation according to the kind of activ-
local thermal comfort criteria [15]. nation and interpretation of heat ity. Method 2A is the method of de-
It implies that the environmental con- stress using calculation of predicted termining the metabolic rate by add-
ditions are considered acceptable for heat strain. This method is accept- ing the metabolic rate for body pos-
general thermal comfort as well as able in the cases where classical ture, the metabolic rate for the type of
those representing local discomfort, clothing is worn (personal protective work and the metabolic rate for body
caused by thermal environment. It is and functional clothing is not ad- motion related to work speed to the
applicable to healthy men and wom- dressed by this standard) and it de- baseline metabolic rate. Method 2B
scribes the method for predicting the is the method of determining the met-
en exposed to (un)comfortable indoor
abolic rate by means of the tabulated
environments, depending weather sweat rate and internal core tempera-
values for various activities. The
one wants to conduct assessment for ture that the human body will develop
metabolic rate could be determined
improvement of the existing condi- in response to the hot environmental
from heart rate recordings over a rep-
tions or to design new ones. It is in- conditions. This is the mean to evalu-
resentative period of time (level 3
tended to be used with reference to ate the thermal stress felt by the sub-
analysis). This method for the indi-
ISO/TS 14415:2005 [16] when con- ject and physiological strain. It is also rect determination of metabolic rate
sidering persons with special require- suitable for prediction of the maxi- is based on the relationship between
ments, such as those with physical mum allowable exposure times in hot oxygen uptake and heart rate under
disabilities. Comfort limits can be environments. defined conditions. The expertise is
expressed by the PMV and PPD indi- The standard ISO 8996:2004 Ergo- mean of metabolic rate assessment on
ces and by calculating local discom- nomics of the thermal environment - the basis of three possible methods
fort factors such as draught, vertical Determination of metabolic rate) performed by trained experts. Meth-
air temperature difference, cold or [17] is used to determine the meta- od 4A covers the oxygen consump-
warm floors and radiant temperature bolic rate, as a conversion of chemi- tion measured over short periods (10
asymmetry. It describes environmen- cal into mechanical and thermal en- min to 20 min). The 4B method is the
tal conditions that are considered ac- ergy. It describes the measurements so-called doubly labelled water meth-
ceptable for general thermal comfort of the energetic cost of muscular load od aiming to characterize the average
as well as for the non–steady–state and gives a numerical index of activ- metabolic rate over much longer pe-
thermal environments. ity. The metabolic rate is the crucial riods of 1 to 2 weeks and 4C is a di-
Standards in the field of Ergonomics factor while determining the comfort rect calorimetry method.
of the thermal environment are ISO or the strain resulting from exposure The second standard ISO 9886:2004
7726 [14] (measuring physical quan- to a thermal environment. In hot en- Ergonomics-Evaluation of thermal
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.) 117

strain by physiological measure- conditions. The increase in heart rate rameters of human body in accor-
ments describes measurements and for an increase of 1°C in the body dance with standard ISO 9886:2004,
interpretation of the physiological core temperature is called thermal Fig.3 [22].
parameters of the human body, which cardiac reactivity and is expressed in The assessment methods for predic-
are basis for estimating the strain pos- heartbeats per minute and per degree tion of the thermal characteristics of
sibly sustained by a subject during Celsius [bmp/min·°C]. the clothing, the thermal insulation
exposure in specific environment or Assessment of physiological strain and the water vapour resistance under
while performing certain activities on the basis of body-mass loss due to reference conditions, including the
[21]. The standard describes methods sweating is determined on the basis effects of body movements and air
for measuring and interpreting the of measuring the gross body-mass velocity on the clothing thermal insu-
following physiological parameters loss of a person during a given time lation values and the water vapour
such as the body core temperature, interval. When assessing the physio- resistance [19] are determined ac-
the skin temperatures, the heart rate logical strain on the basis of body- cording to ISO 9920:2009 Ergonom-
and the body-mass loss. The body mass loss due to sweating, one will ics of the thermal environment-Esti-
core temperature could be approxi- determine the sweat loss and the net mation of thermal insulation and
mated on the basis of oesophageal water balance of the body. In warm water vapour resistance of a clothing
temperature, rectal temperature, in- and hot environments, the sweat loss ensemble.
tra-abdominal temperature, oral tem- can be considered as an index of the The standard describes the effects of
perature, tympanic temperature, audi- physiological strain, including not clothing, such as adsorption of water,
tory canal temperature and urine only the sweat that evaporates at the buffering or tactile comfort. It also
temperature. Depending on the tech- surface of the skin but also the frac- takes into account the influence of
nique used, the temperature measured tion dripping from the body surface rain and snow on the thermal charac-
can reflect the mean temperature of or accumulating in the clothing. The teristics, role of the special protective
the body mass, or the temperature of net water balance is important when clothing, or deals with the separate
the blood irrigating the brain and considering the risk of dehydration. insulation on different parts of the
therefore influencing the thermoregu- Regular intake of small volumes of body and discomfort due to the asym-
lation centres in the hypothalamus. water is able to balance for about metry of a clothing ensemble.
The measurements of the mean skin 75 % of the water loss. The MSR 12 The standard ISO 10551:2001 Ergo-
temperature are performed at differ- is an example of measuring equip- nomics of the thermal environment-
ent location on the body, cause skin ment for measuring physiological pa- Assessment of the influence of the
temperatures aren’t homogeneous at thermal environment using subjective
different parts of the body, using a judgement scales [23] proposes a set
temperature transducer with a preci- of specifications on direct expert as-
sion of ±0,1°C in the range from 25 sessment of thermal comfort/discom-
°C to 40 °C. This skin’s heterogeneity fort expressed by subjects. The per-
is primary the consequence of ambi- sons are subjected to various degrees
ent conditions. One can measure the of thermal stress during periods spent
local skin temperature (tsk) measured in various climatic conditions at their
at a specific point of the body surface, workplace. The data provided by this
and the mean skin temperature on the assessment will be used to supple-
entire surface of the body. The skin ment physical and physiological
temperature is influenced by the ther- methods of assessing thermal loads.
mal exchanges by conduction, con- This standard covers the application
vection, radiation and evaporation at of judgement scales intended for pro-
the surface of the skin, and the varia- viding reliable and comparative data
tions of skin blood flow and the tem- on the subjective aspects of thermal
perature of the arterial blood reaching comfort felt in working environ-
the particular part of the body. As- ments.
sessment of thermal strain on the ba- Other standards form this series (such
sis of heart rate is based on measuring as ISO 7726 and 7730) provide the
the beats per minute over a time in- experts to objectively evaluate the
terval in minutes. The increase in Fig.3 Modular measuring system MSR thermal environments. These stan-
heart rate is usually related to the in- 12 for measuring physiological param- dards provide the methods for ana-
crease in the core temperature and eters of human body in accordance with lytical determination of the indices,
thermal stress due to environmental standard ISO 9886:2004 [22] which are used to predict the average
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
118 thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.)

climatic conditions needed to obtain judgement. By repeatedly applying organism has its origin above all in
thermal comfort or the degree of ther- the same scales, the evolution with heat balance equation. Thus it is very
mal stress, felt by the persons in their time of the thermal comfort or strain important to include heat exchange at
working places. Most of the working experienced in constant conditions the surface of the skin and the effect
areas show spatial heterogeneities may be assessed and an integrated of clothing as main barrier on the way
with local climatic differences and judgement obtained over the whole of heat release from human body to
temporal fluctuations. Furthermore, time of exposure by appropriate com- the environment. This standard is
subjective preferences of each sub- putation of the data (e.g. overall compatible to other standards (ISO
ject differ. So it is important to take mean). In the case of steady climatic 7726, 8996, 9237, 9920, 13731,
subjective judgements into consider- conditions, with sedentary working 13732-3, 15831 and 511), which set
ation while designing work place and people, the testing is applied after ac- requirements while measuring hu-
suggesting the most optimal working climatization of 30 min. Persons sub- man reactions in warm environments,
conditions. This standard implies this mitted to repeated application of the parameters assessment and while de-
kind of specific analytical approach. same judgement scales should be in- scribing thermal environments, fabric
At the begging of each survey, one formed beforehand. After responses type and clothing ensembles for pro-
must construct and choose the appro- to given questions in questionnaires tection against cold.
priate judgement scales. It is impor- are collected, statistical analysis is The physical properties of textile ma-
tant to mention that the thermal envi- performed. terials which contribute to physiolog-
ronments which lend themselves to The low ambient temperatures are the ical comfort involve a complex com-
the application of subjective judge- primary parameter which affects hu- bination of heat and mass transfer
ment scales relate to conditions man body, endangering the human [25]. Each may occur separately or
which differ to a moderate degree health. However, the standard ISO simultaneously. They are time-de-
from thermal neutrality. Under all 11079:2007 Ergonomics of the ther- pendent, and may be considered in
testing procedures one must take into mal environment-Determination and steady-state or transient conditions.
account the appropriate deviation interpretation of cold stress when us- The measuring methods of textile
from moderate working climate, so ing required clothing insulation materials are described through stan-
no health risks are set upon subjects. (IREQ) and local cooling effects [24] dard ISO 11092:1993 (BS EN
The data obtained by this standard are describes the impact of the cold felt 31092:1993) Physiological effects–
combined with other standards from under windy conditions usually in Measurement of thermal and water–
this series of the Ergonomics of the cold climatic conditions called the vapour resistance under steady–state
thermal environment (ISO 7243, wind chill index-WCI. conditions (Sweating guarded–hot-
7726, 7730, 7933, 8996, 9886, 9920, The humans have the ability of both plate test). Thermal resistance is the
11079). There are a number of sub- unconscious and conscious adapta- complex result of the combination of
jective judgement scales for thermal tion to climatic conditions. The ther- radiant, conductive and convective
environments, which differ in wheth- moregulatory control mechanisms heat transfer, and its value depends
er emphasis is placed on the specific could be unconscious and conscious. on the contribution of each compo-
time frame (present or past), the dura- Unconscious mechanisms are de- nent to the total heat transfer. Al-
tion of testing, as to the object of scribed through negative feedback, though it is an intrinsic property of
judgement is subjective judgement of hypothalamus and hormones, while the textile material, its measured
the environment or the consequences conscious thermoregulatory control value may change with the conditions
felt by the person while working in mechanisms include behavioural of testing due to the interaction of pa-
some environment, whether this is changes such as moving closer to the rameters such as radiant heat transfer
perceptual or affective judgement heat source when it is cold or dress- with the surroundings. There are sev-
scale, whether the global or localized ing in extra layers of thicker clothing eral methods which may be used to
consequences of the organism are or removing extra layers of clothing measure the heat and the moisture
tested, whether the testing is instan- when it’s hot. The clothing is main properties of textiles, each of them
taneous or extended over a period of conscious factor in maintaining the being associated to a certain property
time, etc. They also differ the whole thermal neutrality and acquiring the and relying on certain assumptions
or its component parts (the tempera- state of thermal comfort in dynamic for its interpretation. The sweating
ture, humidity, air movement; ther- climatic conditions and reactions in- guarded-hotplate, which is often
mal state of the body, skin wetness, side the human body. Therefor it is called the skin model, is described in
respiration), permanent or temporary important to know the insulation val- this standard and is intended to simu-
situation, temperate or extreme con- ues of clothing garments and ensem- late the heat and mass transfer pro-
ditions. This International Standard is bles and requirements then imposed cesses which occur next to human
limited to the five scales of subjective upon. The heat exchange in human skin, Fig.4.
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.) 119

Single clothing garments for protec- their usage is mainly for protection
tion from the effects of cool environ- while working under low tempera-
ments are described by another stan- tures and under long exposures, the
dard ISO 14058:2004 [28]. In the level of thermal protection of specific
standard ISO 14058:2004 Protective clothing garments should be precise-
clothing - Garment for protection ly assessed. Those garments could be
against cool environments, require- used for work both in indoor and out-
ments on single clothing garments, door environments. In these cases,
which should be achieved, are stated the standard is referred to moderate
to protect against local body cooling. low temperatures, which don’t devi-
Thermal stress sustained due to cold ate much from optimum working
is observed from the point of entire temperatures, but could affect the
body cooling, called general cooling working capabilities during pro-
Fig.4 The example of the sweating and partial body cooling of certain longed exposures (e. g. while work-
guarded-hotplate apparatus by Thermo- area of the body, called local cooling. ing indoor where lower temperatures
metrics in accordance with ASTM In the standard ISO 14058:2004 the are required like for cold storage in
F1868 and ISO 11092 [26] focus is on describing the conse- food processing industry).
quences from local body cooling and Another above mentioned standard,
Measurements involving one or both their impact on obtaining the feeling called ISO 342:2004 Protective
processes may be carried out either of thermal comfort. With local body clothing-Ensembles and garment for
separately or simultaneously using a cooling, susceptible parts of the body protection against cold [31], defines
variety of environmental conditions. are extremities such as hands, feet the requirements and testing methods
This conditions involve combina- and face. Single body garments for protective clothing, especially
tions of temperature, relative humid- which cover a part of the body are clothing ensembles and afterwards
ity, air speed, either in the liquid or described, such as undershirt with singles clothing garments for protec-
gaseous phase. Hence transport prop- long sleeves, long underpants, up to tion against cold. The thermal insula-
erties measured with this apparatus knee socks, one layered jacket, one tion is one of the most important
can be made to simulate different layered trousers, vest and coat. This properties which is tested by thermal
wear and environment conditions in garments need to give certain degree manikin apparatus The convective
both transient and steady states. This of thermal protection. Both require- heat losses. are increased by the ef-
standard covers only steady-state ments set upon those garments and fect of wind. Therefore, the water
conditions, while the application area testing methods are described in the vapour permeability, apropos the wa-
is defined through specifying the
standard. The specific requirements ter vapour permeability of the outer
thermal and water-vapour resistance
set for the thermal protection of the layer of the clothing ensemble and
under steady-state conditions, of e.g.
extremities (e.g. hands, feet, face) are thermal insulation of clothing are im-
fabrics, films, coatings, foams and
not covered by this standard. The spe- portant factors to be taken into ac-
leather, including multilayer assem-
cific requirements for glows are de- count in relation to the protection of
blies, for use in clothing, quilts,
scribed by standard ISO 511:2006 the wearer against cold. Except the
sleeping bags, upholstery and similar
textile or textile-like products. The [29], while the specific requirements thermal insulation and the water va-
application of this measurement tech- for footwear are described by ISO pour permeability, protective cloth-
nique is restricted to a maximum 20344:2004 Personal protective ing should also have a defined ability
thermal resistance and water-vapour equipment - Test methods for foot- for moisture absorption. Sweating is
resistance which depend on the di- wear [30]. The specific requirements unavoidable physiological process
mensions and construction of the ap- for thermal protection of head are but is also extremely dangerous dur-
paratus used (e.g. 2 m2 K/W and 700 described in above mentioned stan- ing the cold exposures. The moisture
m2 Pa/W respectively, for the mini- dard ISO 342:2004 Protective cloth- absorption will progressively reduce
mum specifications of the equipment). ing - Ensembles and garments for garment’s thermal insulation and the
The test conditions are not intended protection against cold [31]. How- degree of thermal protection. There-
to represent specific comfort situa- ever, this standard describes only one by for protective clothing, whose
tions, and performance specifications type of protective garments for head main purpose is thermal protection
in relation to physiological comfort protection against cold and this is during the cold conditions, it is im-
are not stated. Protective clothing en- balaclava. The level of thermal pro- portant to select flexible, adjustable
sembles for protection of human tection, which should be achieved by garments who adapt to body contours
body against cold are described by those garments, is depend primary on rather than to select the maximal in-
standard ISO 342:2004 [27]. the application of these garments. If sulation level. When designing such
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
120 thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.)

protective garments one should take the wearer’s skin surface and am-
into account ventilation openings, so bient atmosphere divided by the
that excessive heat and moisture resulting dry heat flow per unit
management and spontaneous cool- area in the direction of the tem-
ing of the body could be ensured. The perature gradient where the dry
passive diffusion of excessive mois- heat flow consists of conductive,
ture is not that efficient as active ven- convective and radiant compo-
tilation through for that purpose fore- nents. Depending on the end use
seen, ventilation openings. When the of the clothing, different thermal
environment temperatures are below insulation values can apply.
10, the water vapour release into the • Total thermal insulation of cloth- Fig.5 Thermal manikin developed at
environment is weakened due to con- ing, It is total thermal insulation Department of clothing technology at
densation and freezing, which takes from skin to ambient atmosphere, Faculty of textile technology [34]
place inside the structure of the ma-
The test procedure used to measure Tab.3 Overview of other significant ISO standards in the field of thermal measure-
ments, defining thermal environment of fabrics and thermal request set upon tex-
the thermal insulation of a clothing
tiles and clothing
ensemble by means of thermal mani-
kin is described through standard ISO Designation Title
15831:2004 Clothing-Physiological ISO 7243:1989 Hot environments - Estimation of the heat stress on
effects- Measurement of thermal in- working man, based on the WBGT-index (wet bulb globe
sulation by means of a thermal man- temperature
ikin [32]. The testing is performed to ISO 11399:1995 Ergonomics of the thermal environment
determine the efficiency of the ther- - Principles and application of relevant International
mal insulation of clothing, which the Standards
wearer will use in the relatively calm ISO 12894:2001 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Medical super-
environments. This thermal insula- vision of individuals exposed to extreme hot or cold
tion of clothing can be used to deter- environments
mine the physiological effect of ISO 13731:2001 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Vocabulary
clothing on the wearer in specific and symbols
climate and activity scenarios. There ISO 13732-1:2006 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for
are number of thermal manikin con- the assessment of human responses to contact with sur-
faces - Part 1: Hot surfaces
structions. The measurement could
be performed with the manikin sta- ISO/TS 13732-2:2001 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for
the assessment of human responses to contact with sur-
tionary or with the extremities mov-
faces - Part 2: Human contact with surfaces at moderate
ing simulating the human walk. On temperature
University of Zagreb, Faculty of tex-
ISO 13732-3:2005 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Methods for
tile technology in Department of the assessment of human responses to contact with sur-
clothing technology, the hardware faces - Part 3: Cold surfaces
components and software for thermal ISO/TS 14505-1:2007 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Evaluation of
manikin have been developed [33, thermal environments in vehicles - Part 1: Principles and
34]. A segmented metal mould, ana- methods for assessment of thermal stress
tomically constructed to simulate hu- ISO 14505-2:2006 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Evaluation of
man body, so called thermal manikin, thermal environments in vehicles - Part 2: Determination
consists of 24 human body segments of equivalent temperature
with installed electrical heaters, tem- ISO 14505-3:2006 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Evaluation of
perature sensors, 14 microcontroller thermal environments in vehicles - Part 3: Evaluation of
interfaces and pneumatic system for thermal comfort using human subjects
arms and legs movements, Fig.5. ISO/TS 14415:2005 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Application
This standard specifies following of International Standards to people with special
terms: requirements
• Clothing ensemble is a group of ISO 15265:2004 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Risk assess-
garments worn together on the ment strategy for the prevention of stress or discomfort
body at the same time. in thermal working conditions
• Thermal insulation of clothing is ISO 15743:2008 Ergonomics of the thermal environment-Cold workplac-
a temperature difference between es-Risk assessment and management
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.) 121

including clothing and boundary organism for the environmental adap- equipped with standardized and spec-
air layer, under defined conditions tation. As a consequence of adapta- ified measuring equipment. Informa-
measured with a stationary ma- tion human body is capable to initi- tion, requirements and quality control
nikin. ated a number of conscious behav- described in above mentioned inter-
• Resultant total thermal insulation ioural actions to reduce discomfort. national standards ensure that the
of clothing, Itr is total thermal in- Some of the possible behavioural needs of the consumers on global
sulation from skin to ambient at- actions to reduce discomfort are alter- market are met. The development of
mosphere, including clothing and ing clothing variety, altering intensity new products and manufacturing pro-
boundary air layer, under defined and type of activity, changing posture cesses also imposes continuous de-
conditions measured with a mani- or location, opening or closing a win- velopment of standards so they are
kin moving its legs and arms. dow, etc. Surprisingly, although re- systematically improved. In the field
gional climate conditions, living con- of the thermal environment, thermal
3.3. ASHRAE Handbook ditions, and cultures differ widely characteristics of the clothing ensem-
of fundamentals throughout the world, the tempera- bles and the human subjects' assess-
ASHRAE organization has issued ture that people choose for comfort ment of the thermal comfort, these
Handbook of fundamentals in 2005. under like conditions of clothing, standardized international standards
activity, humidity, and air movement describe, depending on the area of
has been found to be very similar. activity, the measuring method for
The 8th chapter summarizes the fun- testing of thermal characteristics of
damentals on human thermoregula- the textile materials, final clothing
tion and comfort in terms useful to garments and combined clothing en-
the engineer for operating systems sembles. Besides products testing,
and designing for the comfort and some of the standards define testing
health of building occupants [35]. conditions and requirements for mea-
suring equipment. Only chapter 8
4. Conclusion from Handbook of fundamentals by
The most significant international or- ASHRAE describes all of the rele-
ganizations for standardization are vant terms without direct description
ASTM (acronym American Society of the measuring methods which de-
for Testing and Materials), ISO (In- fine environments, human body and
ternational standard organization) clothing as boundary protective layer
Fig.6 Portrait of the Handbook
of Fundamentals cover published by and ASHRAE (The American Soci- during an interaction and heat ex-
ASHRAE ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- change.
Conditioning). All of the three orga-
nizations conduct systematic publica- References:
whose 8. chapter defines the thermal
comfort. Fig.6 shows the cover of tion of the internationally recognized [1]
the mentioned publication released in standards whose application allows full_overview.html; accessed on
2013. the unification of testing procedures 03.02.2013.
and quality control of both raw mate- [2]
Thermal comfort is defined as that
tory_book.html, accessed on 04.
condition of mind that expresses sat- rials need for production as well as
isfaction with the thermal environ- the final products. The development [3]
ment [35], by the standard ASHRAE of the international standards in the about.htm, accessed on 04.12.2013.
Standard 55-2010 [36]. The thermo- field of the thermal environment, [4] Friendship among equals, Recol-
regulatory control mechanisms could thermal characteristics of the clothing lection from ISO’s first fifty years,
be unconscious and conscious, and ensembles and the human subjects' ISO, ISBN 92-67-10260-5, 1997.,
humans consciously deduce conclu- assessment of the thermal comfort, pp. 1-80
sions on thermal comfort or discom- allows systematic control of both [5]
fort based on direct stimulus from measuring methods, as well as the ashrae; accessed on 02.10.2012.
[6] ASTM D1518-85 (2003): Stan-
skin and core of the body. In general, control of the services and final prod-
dard Test Method for Thermal
comfort occurs when body tempera- ucts which are distributed on global Transmittance of Textile Materi-
tures are held within narrow ranges, market. Besides, the results obtained als. ASTM International. 2003
when the skin moisture is low, and by measurements from every labora- [7] ASTM F1868-14 Standard Test
when situation doesn’t requires sub- tory could be reviewed and checked Method for Thermal and Evapora-
stantial physialogical efforts of the across accredited laboratories tive Resistance of Clothing Mate-
I. ŠPELIĆ et al.: An overview of measuring methods and international standards in the field of thermal environment,
122 thermal characteristics of the clothing ensembles and the human subjects assessment… Tekstil 65 (3-4) 110-122 (2016.)

rials Using a Sweating Hot Plate. national Organization for Stan- tection against cold. ISO-Interna-
ASTM International. 2014 dardization. 2004 tional Organization for Standard-
[8] ASTM F1939-15 Standard Test [18] ISO 9886:2004 Ergonomics-Eval- ization. 2004
Method for Radiant Heat Resis- uation of thermal strain by physi- [28] ISO 14058:2004 Protective cloth-
tance of Flame Resistant Clothing ological measurements. ISO-In- ing - Garment for protection
Materials with Continuous Heat- ternational Organization for Stan- against cool environments. ISO-
ing. ASTM International. 2015 dardization. 2004 International Organization for
[9] ASTM D7024-04 Standard Test [19] ISO 9920:2009 Ergonomics of the Standardization. 2004
Method for Steady State and Dy- thermal environment - Estimation [29] ISO 511:2006 Protective clothing
namic Thermal Performance of of thermal insulation and water - Protective gloves against cold.
Textile Materials. ASTM Interna- vapour resistance of a clothing ISO-International Organization
tional. 2004 ensemble. ISO-International Or- for Standardization. 2006
[10] ASTM F1291-15 Standard Test ganization for Standardization. [30] ISO 20344:2004 Personal protec-
Method for Measuring the Ther- 2009 tive equipment-test methods for
mal Insulation of Clothing Using footwear. ISO-International Orga-
[20] ISO 7933:2004 Ergonomics of the
a Heated Manikin. ASTM Interna- nization for Standardization. 2004
thermal environment - Analytical
tional. 2015 [31] ISO 342:2004 Protective clothing
determination and interpretation
[11] ASTM F2370-15 Standard Test – Ensembles and garment for pro-
of heat stress using calculation of
Method for Measuring the Evapo- tection against cold. ISO-Interna-
predicted heat strain. ISO-Inter- tional Organization for Standard-
rative Resistance of Clothing Us- national Organization for Stan-
ing a Sweating Manikin. ASTM ization. 2004
dardization. 2004 [32] ISO 15831:2004 Clothing – Phys-
International. 2015 [21] ISO 10551:2001 Ergonomics of
[12] ASTM F2371-05 Standard Test iological effects – Measurement of
the thermal environment-Assess- thermal insulation by means of a
Method for Measuring the Heat ment of the influence of the ther-
Removal Rate of Personal Cool- thermal manikin. ISO-Internation-
mal environment using subjective al Organization for Standardiza-
ing Systems Using a Sweating
judgment scales. ISO-Internation- tion. 2004
Heated Manikin. ASTM Interna-
al Organization for Standardiza- [33] Rogale D., Nikolić G.: The mea-
tional. 2005
tion. 2001 surement system for the determi-
[13] ASTM F2700-08 (2013) Standard
[22] MSR 12, modular signal recorder. nation of static and dynamic ther-
Test Method for Unsteady-State
Manual. MSR Electronics GmbH. mal properties of composites and
Heat Transfer Evaluation of Flame
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[23] ISO 9886:2004 Ergonomics-Eval- erty Office of the Republic of
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[14] ISO 7726:2001 Ergonomics of the Špelić: Development of the mea-
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dardization. 2004 suring system for analysing the
for measuring physical quantities. thermal properties of clothing,
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the thermal environment-Determi- Proceedings of the 7th Internation-
for Standardization. 2001 al textile, clothing & design con-
[15] ISO 7730:2005 Ergonomics of the nation and interpretation of cold
ference, Zvonko Dragčević (Eds.),
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October 2014, Dubrovnik, Croa-
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tia, ISBN 978-953-7105-54-9,
of thermal comfort using calcula- cooling effects. ISO-International
322-327, (2014)
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[35] ASHRAE Handbook Fundamen-
and local thermal comfort crite- 2007 tals (SI ed.). Atlanta, United States
ria. ISO-International Organiza- [25] ISO 11092:1993 Physiological ef- of America: American Society of
tion for Standardization. 2005 fects–Measurement of thermal and Heating, Refrigerating, and Air
[16] ISO 14415:2005 Ergonomics of water–vapour resistance under Conditioning Engineers Inc. 2005.
the thermal environment - Appli- steady–state conditions (Sweating ISBN 1931862702
cation of International Standards guarded–hotplate test). ISO-Inter- [36] ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-
to people with special require- national Organization for Stan- 2010 Thermal Environmental
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zation for Standardization. 2005 [26] cy. American Society of Heating,
[17] ISO 8996:2004 Ergonomics of the ucts/guarded-hotplates/sweating Refrigerating and Air-Condition-
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tion of metabolic rate. ISO-Inter- – Ensembles and garment for pro- 2010. ISSN 1041-2336

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