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Chair Donald Judd

No. 15 1984

Stuhl, No. 15, 1984

Entwurf: Donald Judd
Herstellung: Lehni AG, Dübendorf, CH
Material/Technik: Aluminium, abgekantet,
75 × 50 × 50 cm
Dauerleihgabe: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft,
Bundesamt für Kultur Bern

Painted in traffic orange, this chair by Donald Judd (1928–1994) aluminum sheet, painted in monochrome hues, have a
is part of a collection of sixteen pieces of furniture based on a sculptural flair when positioned in a space. These complex
twenty-five-centimeter three-dimensional grid. Combining handcrafted pieces are still only made to order. (Sabina Tenti)
seating, storage space, and step stool, No. 15 simultaneously
fulfills several functions.

Donald Judd, one of the key figures in American Minimal Art,

was a painter, sculptor, and architect. In the 1970s, he built
simple wooden furniture for his own use, which formed the
starting point for further furniture designs. While minimalist
form certainly constitutes a common denominator in his
sculptures and furniture, Judd also clearly pointed out the
differences between them: “The configuration and the scale
of art cannot be transposed to furniture and architecture. The
intent of art is different from that of the latter, which must be
Judd, impressed by Lehni AG’s precision craftsmanship and
technology, first designed metal furniture for this Swiss
company in 1984. As a functional object, the No. 15 chair
embodies the way in which the entire collection is conceived
from basic geometric forms: timeless cuboids of folded

Museum Zürcher

für Gestaltung Hochschule der
Zürich Künste

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