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HKDSE Chemistry

Suggested Answer


Mock Examination 4

(Paper 2)
P.1 of 4

(1) a i Add a known volume of standard S2O32- (aq) and some starch indicator to
the I-(aq) before adding S2O82-(aq). (1)

Add S2O82-(aq) to the mixture of I-(aq), S2O32- (aq) and starch indicator and
record the time for the first appearance of a blue colour. (1)

S2O82-(aq) + 2I-(aq) I2(aq) + 2SO42-(aq)

The I2 (aq) formed will react with the S2O32- present: (1)

I2 (aq) + 2S2O32-(aq)  2I-(aq) +S4O62-(aq)

When all S2O32-(aq) ions are consumed, the excess I2(aq) will react
with the starch indicator to give a blue colour. (1)

ii 1/t can be taken as the initial rate

From runs 1 and 2:

The initial rate increases 2 times when the concentration of is S2O82- double.

 Order with respect to S2O8 (aq) is 1. (1)

From runs 2 and 3:

The initial rate increases 2 times when the concentration of I-(aq) is double.

 Order with respect to I (aq) is 1 (1)

2- -
 rate = k[S2O8 (aq)][I (aq)] (1)

Ea 1 1
iii log k1- log k2 = (  )
2.3R T2 T1

where k1 = 2.96 x 10-3 mol-1 dm3 s-1 , T1 = 288K

k2 = 1.33 x 10-2 mol-1 dm3 s-1 , T2 = 318 K

Ea 1 1
log 2.96 x 10-3 – log 1.33 x 10-2 = (  )
2.3 x 8.31 T2 T1

Ea 1 1
log 2.96 x 10-3 –log 1.33 x 10-2 = (  ) (1)
2.3 x 8.31 318 288

Ea = 38187 J mol-1

= 38.2 kJ mol-1 (1)

P.2 of 4

b i Natural gas / petroleum /coal/ biomass (e.g. wood) /food waste. (1)

ii CO(g) + 2H2(g) CH3OH(g) (1)

iii Advantage of the old production method: (anyone) (1)

 High pressure can increase the rate of reaction, as particles are brought
closer together. This increases the number of effective collisions between
particles per unit time.

 High pressure can increase the yield of methanol as there is a smaller

number of moles of gases on the product side of the equation for the
reaction involved.

Advantage of the new production method: (Any one) (1)

 A lower temperature can increase the yield of methanol as the

forward reaction is exothermic.

 A lower temperature can reduce the energy consumption.

 A lower pressure can minimize the operation cost / maintenance cost of

the chemical plant.

 The use of catalyst can increase the reaction rate / allows the reaction to
proceed at a lower temperature.

iv Methanol can be used as the energy source of clean fuels / fuel cells. (1)

Methanol can be used as an industrial solvent.

c i Gas X: chlorine (1)

Gas Y: hydrogen (1)

ii Only allow the passage of sodium ions but not that of chloride ions
or hydroxide ions. (1)

iii The anode of the cell should be made of titanium instead of steel. (1)


The level of solution of the cathode compartment should be the same

as that of the anode compartment.

iv Advantage: It produces concentrated sodium hydroxide solution of

high purity. (1)

Disadvantage: It involves the use of poisonous mercury. (1)

P.3 of 4

(2) a A gives yellow precipitate with 2,4-dinitrophenyihydrazine.

Therefore, it is an aldehyde or ketone. (1)

A does not react with acidified potassium dichromate solution.

It is not an aldehyde. It is a ketone. (1)

The peak for the molecular ion (A+) at m/z 86 suggests the molecular
mass of A to be 86. (1)

Molecular ions of ketone (RCOR’) tend to undergo fragmentation to give

RCO+ and R’CO+.

The peak at m/z = 57 is likely to be due to C2H5CO+. (1)

The peak at m/z 29 is likely to be due to C2H5+ which is formed from

C2H5CO+ by stripping off the CO. (1)

The mass spectrum does not show other prominent m/z peaks.

A is likely to be C2H5COC2H5. (2)

b i To reduce the consumption of chemicals. (1)


To reduce the production of chemical waste.

ii Titrate the reaction mixture in the conical flask against Na2S2O3

until the mixture turns pale yellow (contains little amount of iodine) (1)

Add a few drops of starch solution, and continue titrating against

Na2S2O3(aq) until the deep blue colour in the solution disappears.
This is the end point of the titration. (1)

iii OCl-(aq) + 2I-(aq) + 2H+(aq) Cl-(aq) + I2(aq) + H2O(l)

I2(aq) + 2S2O32-(aq) 2I-(aq) + S4O62-(aq) (1)

From the equation, the mole ratio of OCl- : I2 : S2O32- = 1 : 1 : 2.

Hence, number of moles of OCl- in 25.00 cm3 diluted bleach sample

18.30 1
= 0.0612 mol dm-3 x dm3 x
1000 2
= 5.6 x 10-4 mol (1)
P.4 of 4

Concentration of NaOCl in the bleach sample (in molarity)

250.0 1000
= 5.6 x 10-4 mol x x dm-3
25.0 10.00

= 0.56 mol dm-3 (1)

Concentration of NaOCl in the bleach sample (in g dm-3)

= 0.56 mol dm-3 x (23.0+16.0+35.5) g mol-1

= 41.7 g dm-3 (1)

3.1 cm
c i (1) Rf value of lbuprofen= = 0.69 (1)
4.5 cm

(2) Ibuprofen is more soluble in ethyl ethanoate than X.


X is adsorbed more strongly onto the stationary phase than Ibuprofen. (1)

ii (1) Ibuprofen may contain carboxyl group. (1)

(2) Separating funnel (1)

(3) The purpose of performing Step 2 is to dissolve the non-polar

organic base X in diethyl ether. (1)

The purpose of performing Step 3 is to regenerate the Ibuprofen. (1)

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