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Nama: Nadhinda Maharani

Class: X IPA 6


Earthquakes are disasters that often hit Indonesia . This one disaster is very
difficult to predict, so it often takes lives if the power is very large.

Because humans cannot anticipate optimally. In general, there are three types
of earthquakes, namely tectonic, volcanic, and explosive. Tectonic earthquakes
are caused by friction or plate fractures in the earth. It often occurs in the
ocean, but can also be felt on land. While volcanic earthquakes are caused by
volcanic activity or volcanoes. An erupting volcano can cause an earthquake,
where when it emits lava and quickly dries up, it cannot vomit until it comes
out of the top of the mountain.

As a result it exploded and caused a great shock.Meanwhile, a fault

earthquake is an earthquake caused by a cave or cliff collapse, so the strength
is very small and quite safe.The strength of the earthquake depends on the
depth or not of the earthquake point and if the strength is very high it can
cause other disasters such as tsunamis, especially in areas near the sea.

As a result, a moderate to high magnitude earthquake causes a lot of damage

to buildings, plants, and so on. Especially if accompanied by a tsunami, it will
damage the beauty of the beach and cause water to enter various places as if
it were a flood.Losses are inevitable, both financial and non-financial. An
example of an earthquake that was accompanied by a tsunami was the Aceh
earthquake at the end of 2004 which took many lives and caused unlimited
losses. Of course it was a large-scale earthquake with a magnitude of about 9
on the Richter.

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