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React Side

Steps Profile Status Permanenet Activation Class Status Class Treding Notes
1 Pending to submit for verification TRUE FALSE FALSE when we click on " pending to submit for
verication" on angular side , the profile status at
react side changes to " In progress wait until
admin approval" and the permanent activation
status changes to false/off which is wrong.
Permanent Activation status should remain true
2 In Progress wait until admin approval TRUE FALSE FALSE
once the admin turns the Class
Status True/on manually

Angular Side
Step1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Create a Business user Fill up the Business Click on " Pending to submit for Status changes to " In When the admin turns the class status to "true"
infomation, Add/Create verification" progress wait until admin on the react side the "In Progress wait until
branch, Add/Create approval" admin approval" status changes to "Verified" on
programme angular side
Note:- once the status is Verified ->on multiple
clicking the button status again changes to " In
progress wait until admin approval" on the
angular side which is wrong
1 Profile Status depends upon Class status not on Permanent activation status
2 If the user do not submit for verification and the status is "Pending to submit for verification" at angular side and if the admin turns
3 If the permanent activation is turned off/false, then class status should also be turned off/false simultaneaously
4 But if the permanent activation is turned on/true, then the class status should not become true/on automatically it should remain fa

Permanent Activation Class Status Profile Status

TRUE FALSE Pending to submit for Once the user creates a
verification Business by completing the
Sign up process
TRUE FALSE In Progress wait until admin Once the user completes
approval the necessary steps and
clicks on "Pending to submit
for verification" at angular
TRUE TRUE Verified When admin turn on the
Class Status on react side
FALSE FALSE When admin turn off the
Permanent Activation then
Class Status will also be
turned off along with it
TRUE FALSE Once Again when admin
turn on the Permanent
Activation then the Class
Status remains false
TRUE TRUE Admin manually turns on the
Class status

user can create business without email and

phone no from react side

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