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An internship Report

“Measuring Employee Job Satisfaction of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:
Barishal Branch, Barishal”.

Bangladesh Krishi Bank

‘Grambanglar Gonomanusher Bank’




Supervised By
Sujan Chandra Paul
Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
University of Barishal.

Submitted By
Exam Roll No: AIS 015/8
Session: 2018-2019
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
University of Barishal.

Date of Submission: 27th May, 2021.


May 27, 2021

Sujan Chandra Paul
Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
University of Barishal.

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Measuring Employee Job Satisfaction of

Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch, Barishal)”.

With due respect, I am very glad to submit my Internship Report on the topic of “Measuring
Employee Job Satisfaction of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch, Barishal)” as a
requirement of BBA Program.
The whole experience of this internship program gave me to get an insight into the real-life
scenario. I have tried my best with my knowledge to make the report by analyzing all the
requirements you have asked for. Besides this, there may be shortcomings.

I am very grateful if you approve my report and I hope that this report will be pleased to
answer any query of you thereby.

Sincerely Yours
Exam Roll No.: AIS 015/8
Session: 2018 – 2019
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
University of Barishal.


This is certifying that Md. Lokman Hossain, Exam Roll No: AIS 015/8 Department of
Accounting and Information Systems, University of Barishal has done the internship program
under my supervision. He has prepared a report titled, “Measuring Employee Job Satisfaction
of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch, Barishal)”.

I, therefore certify that the report wills that Exam Roll No: AIS 015/8 fulfil the partial
requirement of the award at the degree BBA.

Sujan Chandra Paul
Assistant Professor & Internship Supervisor
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
University of Barishal.

Student Declaration

I declare that the work presented in this internship report entitled “Measuring Employee Job
Satisfaction of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch, Barishal)” has been carried out by
me and has not been antecedent submitted to the other University/ College/ Organization for
any educational qualification/ certificate/ Diploma or degree.

That the work confirms to the rules for presentation and magnificence embarked on within
the relevant documentation.

Sincerely Yours
Exam Roll No.: AIS 015/8
Session: 2018 – 2019
Department of Accounting and Information Systems
University of Barishal.


Firstly, I prolong my profound gratitude to the Almighty Allah, who helped me accomplish
this work on time. I am pleased and glad that I have completed this study within specific
duration. This internship report might never have been completed without the essential
practical knowledge, support of many books, articles, websites, and primary data. It enhanced
my knowledge on employee job satisfaction.

I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Sujan Chandra Paul,

Assistant Professor, University of Barishal for his support, inspiration and guidance during
the period. I was placed in Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch to work as an internee.
The members and management of Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch was very co-
operative and helpful. They helped me through providing different types of data, guidance
and direction. I am very grateful to Md. Kamruzzaman (Assistant General Manager), and
Mst Mohshena Nigar, (Senior Principal Officer) Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch
for their cooperation and necessary support. I am also very grateful to all other employees of
Customer Service and operation Unit of this branch.

I desire to acknowledge my family and friends with great respect. Their love, encouragement
and support have been exemplary.

This report is not free from limitations. There might still be some minor mistakes like writing
errors despite my utmost care. I apologize for this.

Executive Summary

This report is based on my internship program. I have got opportunity to work in Bangladesh
Krishi Bank. I am placed in Bangladesh Krishi Bank Barishal Branch, Barishal for 1.5
months program.

As my internship program was instructed to understand the level of employee job

satisfaction, I had to achieve the practical area of responsibilities and of accountabilities of
the employee so that I could interact with them to evaluate their views about and relations
with the organization. I tried best to ask the staffs directly and indirectly to collect my
information. My task was designed to understand the level of job satisfaction of the employee
of the Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch, Barishal. I used primary and secondary
data for preparing this report. The objectives of the report were understood level of job
satisfaction of the employees of the Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch, Barishal.

The research reveals that Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch, Barishal provides proper
working environment to its employees but benefits of the organization can be improved for
improving the employee’s satisfaction. Most of the employees think the policies and practices
are often better.

Despite differences in opinions made by the employees of the organization on what the study
was conducted, what the study finds is that they’re highly satisfied in their job.

Table of Contents

Serial No Contents Page No

Letter of Transmittal 3
Letter from Supervisor 4

Student Declaration 5

Acknowledgement 6
Executive Summary 7
Table of Contents 8
Chapter One – Introduction 9- 16
1.1 Introduction 10
1.2 Background of the study 11
1.3 Literature Review 11- 14
1.4 Problem Statements 14
1.5 Scope of the study 14-15
1.6 Objectives of the study 15
1.7 Methodology of the study 15 - 16
1.8 Limitations 16
Chapter Two – Company Profile 17- 24
2.1 Historical Background of Bangladesh Krishi Bank 18
2.2 Corporate Information 18-19
2.3 Organogram (Chain of Command) 19
2.4 Vision, Mission and Objectives of Bangladesh Krishi Bank 20
2.5 Products and services of Bangladesh Krishi Bank 20-21
2.6 Functions of Bangladesh Krishi Bank 21-22
2.7 Bangladesh Krishi Bank as friend of Farmers and Rural People 22-23
2.8 Shonchoypotro 23-24
2.9 Clearing House 24
Chapter Three – Job Responsibilities 25 -28
3.1 Description of the job 26
3.2 Specific Job Responsibility 26-28
3.3 Different aspects of Job Performance 28
3.4 Critical observation 28
Chapter Four – Theoretical Framework of Employee Job Satisfaction 29 - 32
4.1 Employee Job Satisfaction 30
4.2 Importance of Employee job satisfaction 30-31
4.3 Factors affecting employee job satisfaction 31-32
4.5 Ways to improve employee job satisfaction 32
Chapter Five – Analysis & Findings 33-50
5.1 Analysis of the study 34-49
5.2 Findings of the study 50
Chapter Six – Recommendations & Conclusion 51-53
6.1 Recommendations 52
6.2 Conclusion 53
References 54-55
Appendix-1 56-57

Chapter One

1.1 Introduction:
Generally, by the word “Bank” means the financial institutions dealing with money. Banking
sector is increasing its hand in several events each day. At a similar time, the banking method
is changing into quicker, easier and also the banking area becoming wider. Today our lives
are deeply dependent in the banking system. The house we live in may have been
mortgaged to a bank, the businesses we see around have their links with banks; they
might have borrowed money from a bank to fund their working capital or fixed assets.
So, banking business is very essential in every steps of our life.

Bangladesh may be a developing country with an under developed banking industry,

particularly in terms of the services and customer care provided by the govt banks. At
present, the private banks are trying to imitate the banking structure of more the developed
countries, but this attempt is often failed by politically motivated government policies
executed by the central bank of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bank. In recent business world,
service-oriented companies significantly play roles to shape the economic structure of world
economy. Especially depository institutions like commercial banks are the major service-
oriented organizations dealing with customers to serve their needs at the best level. Now-a-
days companies strive to build a sustainable and profitable relationship with their employees
for attaining specific goals.

Employee job satisfaction is one of the most important elements of an organization for being
efficient. Since job satisfaction can affect productivity and other aspects of a man's work life,
the amount of satisfied or dissatisfied employees can have a clear effect on how well a
business run. The purposes of employee job satisfaction are increasing productivity, getting
more work done, reducing employee turnover rate, increasing the number of loyal employees
to the organization, providing better services to the customer etc. Factors affecting the levels
of employee job satisfaction are working environment, fair policies and practice, caring
organizations, job safety and security, respect from co-workers, promotions, appreciations,
relationship with supervisors, flexibility, responsibilities etc. An organization can maintain
employee job satisfaction through taking the following steps: providing a positive working
environment, giving rewards for extraordinary works, recognizing and appreciating
employee’s efforts, developing the skills and potential of workforce, arranging day care
centre for female workers, expanding job benefits, fostering job security etc.

1.2 Background of the study:

Employee job satisfaction has been an important concern in the world of professional
commitments as, so far it has been undoubtedly believed, the outcome of the industry,
to a large extent, depends on the work satisfaction of the staff.

Internship program is an excellent mix of the theoretical and sensible data. The intention
of the internship program is to give an opportunity to the students to gain some real
experience by working in a practical environment. In the journey of BBA program,
internship is an essential requirement for the students who are under graduating from the
BBA program in University of Barishal. In my internship program, I have worked in an
organization named Bangladesh Krishi Bank for 1.5 months.

Within this particular time, I learned how to do the departments task with the help of the
internal employees of the bank. Meanwhile I have decided to write a report on “Measuring
Employee Job Satisfaction of Bangladesh Krishi Bank: A Study on Barishal Branch,
Barishal”. Employees job Satisfaction has been an important concern in the world of
professional commitments.

Within these 1.5 months of work experience with Bangladesh Krishi Bank on this internship
program, I have performed numerous activities.

1.3 Literature Review:

Job satisfaction provides enormous benefits to the organization. Workforce is elementary

need of the organization. Without sufficient workforce productivity and profitability will
not boost up which is core objectives of the organization. All the above-said objectives
can be achieved only when the workforce of the organization is satisfied. According to
(Maslow, 1954) Job satisfaction can be illustrated as the fulfilment of five (5) particular
needs such as psychological needs, safety and security needs, acceptance needs, self-esteem
needs, and self-actualization needs. There were many barriers that came in providing
maximum satisfaction to employees. To overcome the problems from time to time many
studies have been conducted for presenting the picture of job satisfaction. The reviews of
those researches in relation to Bangladesh as well as abroad are given below. Dutta, S.
(1959) conducted research from two districts in Haryana a survey of 200 employees

noticed that remuneration in the form of money was less important than security at the
workplace and the advancement for older and married employees was more important.

In the recent years, banking sector has been able to attract young skills who have chosen
banking occupation as their preferred career. Contemporary banking business considers the
job of satisfying their employees most vital for retentive their valuable talented workforce
(Islam and Hasan, 2005). Information week survey reported that the challenges of the work
and therefore the responsibility related to it tend to matter quite the salary (Hannay and
Northam, 2000; Mateyaschuk, 1999).

AnkitaSharmaet al., (Aug. 2014) investigated the extent of job satisfaction of public sector
bank staff in district Hamirpur. The research concluded that rise in level of salary of
employees, performance appraisal system, promotional strategies, training and development
program improves overall satisfaction of employees. Md Shamim Hossain conducted a
research titled job satisfaction of banks in Bangladesh. He found out some factors that affect
job satisfaction of employees are work conditions, pay, fairness and promotion; individual
factors include age and gender. Md Sohel Rana (4, August 2015) investigated various human
resource management practices like job autonomy, team work environment and leadership
behaviour on job satisfaction.

Locke (1969, 1976) states that job satisfaction may be a pleasurable or positive spirit
resulting from the evaluation of one ‘s job or job experience. This implies that satisfied
employees have a positive attitude toward job which leads to high productivity whereas
dissatisfied employees have a negative attitude toward work which yields low
productivity result. Job performance on the other hand, includes apparent behaviours that
people observe in their job that are important in gaining organisational goals and these
behaviours must be relevant to the goals of the organisation (Rotundo and Sackett, 2002).

Job satisfaction simply illustrates outlook of employees toward their job. In other words, it
describes the level of pleasure of employees in fulfilling their desires and necessities at the
work. Hence, it is the pleasurable feelings that result from an employee perception of gaining
the desire level of necessities. Job satisfaction as an intangible variable may well
be expressed or ascertained via emotional feelings. In different words, it hinges on the

inward expression and attitude of individual employee with respect to a particular job.
Satisfaction is alleged to be low if the duty doesn't fulfil the psychological or
physiological desires. (Cook, 2008).

Lim (2008) posits that job satisfaction plays vital role in each personal interests and
organisation success and thus valuable to review for multiple reasons. In recognizing the
role of job satisfaction phenomena, consultant’s area unit of the read that it will interrupt
labour behaviour and influence work productivity and thus price to be studied (George
and Jones, 2008). This is in line with the believe that ―happier workers are more
productive, but Staw (1986) debunks this assertion. Nevertheless, job satisfaction
contributes immensely to organisations in the following dimensions. Improved job
satisfaction encourages productivity and has inherent humanitarian worth (Smith et. al.,
1969). In addition, job satisfaction directly impacts the number of employees
‘commitment and absence at the work (Hardy et. al., 2003: Alamdar et al., 2012).
Besides, job satisfaction ensures that harmful work behaviours area unit reduced (Dalal,
2005). Additionally, job satisfaction is thus vital that its absence generat es lethargy and
reduces employees ‘level of commitment (Levinson, 1998). Organ and Ryan (1995) found
that job satisfaction increases organizational citizenship behaviors. Moreover, it increases
employees ‘retention level and avoids the cost of hiring new ones (Murray, 1999). Similarly,
Gazioglu and Tansel (2002) state that employee turnover rate is influenced by their
satisfaction level at the work place. Dissatisfaction retires advancement of businesses through
enlarge in cost of recruitment, selection and training employees (Padilla-Velez, 1993).

Uddin el at (2005) eight factors are identified based on factor loadings named as better
working environment, officer’s view, worked efficiently, present work, improving
interpersonal relationship, bank treatment, colleagues, and challenging work. Nahar et al
(2008) found that the prosperity of any organization greatly depends on its qualified,
efficient, and dedicated workforce. This is also urgent to know how much satisfied the
employees are in the organization with its current opportunities, rules and regulations and
other job-related factors, as their satisfaction level will definitely affect their job performance.
The utmost prominent factors are compensation and other benefits provided to them.

Afroze (2008) tried to check the job satisfaction of employees, particularly employee
performing on the shop floor level at Nandan Mega Shop. She found that the better the
organization is able to meet employee requirements, the better their experiences and thereby

lading to a more satisfied employee’s devotion, loyalty, skill and the likes are influenced by
the extent of employee’s job satisfaction. That’s why, different issues related to job
satisfaction of employees are studied mostly over the last years. The term ‘job satisfaction’
can be often viewed from different angles. It mentions to the aggregate sensitivity of
employees regarding different aspects relating to their job. The success of both private &
public banks mostly depends on the level of job satisfaction of their employees.
I have noticed that satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees regarding their job are two
significant factors that mostly determine banks fortune. In order to minimize switching of
efficient employees, banks have to satisfy their employees. Employees behaved consistent
with their level of satisfaction of job. Employees are highly fruitful, more involved and have
less tendency of terminate or switch job if they are highly satisfied with their present job. Pay
policies, career development opportunities, job safety and other organizational factors are
found highly sensitive factors in determining employee’s job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is
greatly influenced by salaries and incentives paid to employees.

1.4 Problem statements:

It is found that satisfied employee may be a productive employee, loyal to the organization. A
satisfied employee can provide efficient service to his/her customer. Job satisfaction is taken
into account a key issue by the entrepreneur where efforts are taken and problems are
initiated. Organizations are trying to spot the areas where satisfaction must improve to urge
out of the above dangers. Further research is often conducted by taking the info. One can
choose further research by even taking the info for comparative analysis between public and
private banks, domestic and foreign banks, general commercial and specialized full-service
1.5 Scope of the study
The scope of the report is restricted to Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch. The whole
report includes the organizational structure, Background of the bank, objectives, functions,
activities of Bangladesh Krishi Bank, the most part focuses on ‘’Employee’s Job Satisfaction
of Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal Branch’’.
For gathering experience on employee job satisfaction, my schedule time was divided in
various departments, such as: Account Opening, Foreign Remittance, Cash counter, General
Banking. But my main concern was to spot the Employee’s Job Satisfaction.

1.5 Objectives of the Study:
Broad Objective:
➢ The broad objective of this report is to live of employee job satisfaction of the
workers of the Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Barishal branch, Barishal.

Specific Objectives:

➢ To have a transparent understanding about Employees Job Satisfaction.

➢ To realize the factors which influence Employee Job Satisfaction.
➢ To study the result of job satisfaction on execution.
➢ To interpret the job satisfaction of employees in reference to working environment.

➢ To know the explanations behind the job dissatisfaction of the workers from the
finding and analysis.

1.7 Methodology of the study:

In this report, it’s needed a scientific procedure from selection of the subject to preparation of
this report. To perform the study and prepare the report, the info sources were to be identified
and picked up, to be classified, analysed, interpreted and presented during a systematic
manner and key points were to be acknowledged. The character of the study is descriptive.

Data Collection: For prepare a report, firstly it is necessary to gather data for the report
consistent with the report topic. The standard data was collected by informal discussion with
the officers and employees of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch). And therefore, the
quantitative data was collected through survey with a structured questionnaire. The survey
was conducted among the workers of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Bank). The
secondary data was collected from the websites, articles, books and newspapers associated
with the terms of the report.

Primary Data:

➢ Questionnaire survey.
➢ Face to face interview.
➢ Observation during internship period.

Secondary Data:

➢ Several books’ periodicals associated with the banking sector.

➢ Internet search about this report topic.
➢ Bangladesh Krishi Bank website.
➢ Related national & international journals.
➢ Different research paper & documents related employee job satisfaction.

1.8 Limitations:

➢ Secondary data wasn’t up-to-date.

➢ Lack of practical experience.
➢ As the workers are very busy with their daily work, they might give me little time for
➢ Sample size might not enough to find out the job satisfaction of the organization.

Chapter Two
Company Profile

2.1 Historical Background of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB):

Bangladesh Krishi Bank is the largest specialized bank in Bangladesh which is fully
government owned. It was established in 1973 under the Bangladesh Krishi Bank Order (P.O
No. 27 of 1973). Bangladesh Krishi Bank is a Banking Company which is operated under the
Banking Company Act – 1991. The Head Office of BKB is situated at Krishi Bank Bhabhan,
83-85 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. The approved capital of BKB
is TK. 15,000 million (Taka Fifteen Thousand Million) only and paid-up capital is TK 9,000
million (Taka Nine Thousand Million) only which is fully paid by Bangladesh Government.
The main purpose of BKB is to give credit facilities to the farmer for agricultural
development of the country. BKB has 987 branches except Rajshahi Division and 16 foreign
exchange branches.

2.2 Corporate Information:

Bangladesh Krishi Bank Corporate Profile

Chairman Md. Nasiruzzaman
Managing Director Mr. Md. Ali Hossain Prodhania
Head Office Location Krishi Bank Bhaban, 83-85, Motijheel C/A,
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Latitude: 23.7279
Longitude: 90.4182
Authorised Capital TK. 1500.00 Crore
Paid-Capital TK. 900.00 Crore
Head Office Departments 27
Divisional Offices 9
Divisional Audit Offices 9
Chief Regional Manager Offices 45
Regional Manager Offices 8
Regional Audit Offices 54
Total Branches 1038
Main Branch Local Principal Office
Online Branches 813
ATM Booth 7

Corporate Branches 7
AD Branches 16
Rural Branches 792
District Covered By BKB 50
Union Covered By BKB 607
City Covered By BKB 9
City Branches 239
Phone 88-02-956-0021(Hunting)
Fax 88-02-956-1211

2.3 Organogram (Chain of Command)

Board of Director (BOD)

Managing Director (MD)

Deputy Managing Director (DMD)

General Manager (GM)

Deputy General Manager (DGM)

Assistant General Manager (AGM)

Senior Principal Officer (SPO)

Principal Officer (PO)


2.4 Vision, Mission and Objectives of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:

2.4.1 Vision of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:

➢ To provide loan facilities for accomplishing self-dependence in food production and

strengthening rural economy.

2.4.2 Mission of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:

➢ Providing superb quality customer service.

➢ Providing high quality financial services in foreign trade.
➢ Maintaining corporate and business ethics.
➢ Creating employment opportunity by project finance.
➢ Playing role in the socio-economic development.
➢ Becoming trustworthy to the depositors and the borrowing customers.

2.4.3 Objectives of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:

➢ Creating new opportunities for its clients such as farmers, traders, industrialists and
common people.
➢ Giving customized services and maintains harmonious banker-client relationship.
➢ Contributing towards formation capital, growth of savings & investment in trade,
commerce & industrial sectors.

2.5 Products and services of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:

• Letter of Credit (LC).

• Bill purchase/Discount.
• Export Credit (Pre-Shipment & Post Shipment).
• Remittance (Inward, Outward).
• Collection, Buying and Selling of Foreign Currency and Travelers Cheques.
• Maintenance of Student education file.
• Guarantees in Foreign Currency.
• Foreign Currency accounts.
• NFCD (Non-Resident Foreign Currency Deposit) A/C.
• RFCD (Resident Foreign Currency Deposit) A/C.

• Forward Contracts.
• Correspondent Banking Relations.
• Taka Drawing Arrangement.
• Dealing Room.

• Corporate Financing.

• Credit Program.

• Deposit Scheme.

• International Banking.

• Loan Services of BKB.

• Poverty Alleviation.

• Microcredit Program.

2.6 Functions of Bangladesh Krishi Bank:

Bangladesh Krishi Bank is the main agricultural credit institution of Bangladesh engaged in
development of agriculture, cottage industries, agro-based industries and fostering rural
economic activities. It finances all sorts of agricultural activities. By providing credit of tiny
and medium terms to landless farmers in rural areas BKB is enjoying a significant role to
extend crop production within the country. On the opposite hand it's vastly helping the
agricultural individuals for his or her socio-economic development. Diversification of loaning
has been the key-note of the policy decisions of the bank during past few years.

The bank has thus taken up for financing a wide field of activities under normal credit as well
as project programs, like

1. Minor irrigation facilities,

2. Aquaculture development,

3. Ice making plants,

4. Setting up of cold storages,

5. Construction of ware houses,

6. Rice and wheat milling,

7. Processing and storage of shrimp,

8. Marketing of fishery and agricultural produces,

9. Manufacture of agricultural equipment,

10. Lift pumps,

11. Setting up of hand-loom industry in rural areas,

12. Development of inland fishery,

13. Self-employment of educated unemployed youth, landless, unemployed and under-

employed males and females in the rural areas.

Micro Credit: Besides implementing own credit programs, the bank had undertaken to
finance various prefects in rural areas in poverty alleviation activities under micro-credit
programs with the help of and in linkage with various donor agencies, Government and Non-
Government Organizations.

In the recent past, the bank has launched a brand-new credit program for the unsettled
individuals living in town slums to rehabilitate them in their own village below the program
entitled “chhinnamulManusherSwagreeheyPrattabashanKarmashuchi”-(CHIMASHAP).

Apart from its loan-giving activities, the bank additionally performs different supportive
functions, e.g., traditional banking functions together with interchange business like different
business banks, transmission coaching to its officers in bank’s own training institute,
evaluation of on-going schemes and, extension and advisory services to the loanees
especially within the case of project loans.

2.7 Bangladesh Krishi Bank as friend of Farmers and Rural People

Crop Loan: From the annual allocation of loan portfolio, 60% is specific for crop financing.
This loan covers the whole six seasons harvest. The structure is designed by the Bangladesh
Bank with the interest rate is 10%. We know, interest rate varies sometimes. The target loan
takers are mainly landowner and therefore the sharecroppers. if marginal farmers want this
loan, they will also take the loan.
❖ Crop loan is permitted on annual basis

❖ Credit passbook is issued to each borrower

Fisheries Loan: BKB gives the farmers fisheries loan to enhance the fishing products in
Bangladesh. They give loan for re-ordering pond, making good of bad lands, making fishing
hatcheries and also full new fisheries projects. The loans are given within the following sub
✓ Fish culture in existing pond/ tank.
✓ Fish culture by re-mining of old tank.

✓ Fish culture by excavation of new tank.

Shrimp Loan:
❖ Shrimp culture is active from very early in Bangladesh and it is very traditional.

❖ Shrimp culture should be in a scientific way.

❖ There is specific method for shrimp culture.

❖ Tiger shrimp or Bagda shrimp is cultivated on salty water.

❖ Prawn (Galda) shrimp is cultivated in sweet water.

❖ The loan is given in technological and also in area basis.

Livestock Loan: There are many ways, the livestock are used. Livestock industry is very
profitable. But sometimes people cannot start this business for money problem. So, BKB
helps people by giving livestock loan. In agriculture, livestock has great role. The name of the
loans which are BKB give are Bullock, Milch Cow, Goatery, Beef fattening and other draft
animal’s loan. The loan mainly a medium-term loan. People are often employed easily by this
sort of project. There are many of us who are self-employed by taking this loan. For the cow
loan the person who takes the loan amount is about 25,000 tk. People take the loan and check
out to form them sellable and that they earn money. This is collateral free and supervised

2.8 Shonchoypotro
Shonchoyporto basically a Bengali term which suggests saving deposit. People mainly keep a
particular amount of cash to the bank at a time and obtain the cash back after the top of the
contract with the bank and with interest. There are many types of Shonchoypotro. Some are
given bellow:

• Month later interest based Shonchoyporo- 3 years period.

• Pensioner Shonchoypotro- 3 month later interest and 5 years period.

• Family Shonchoypotro- 5 years period.

• Bangladesh shonchoypotro- 5 years period and one term interest.

• Wage earner development bond.

• U.S. dollar premium Bond- 3 years period.

• Bangladesh prize bond.

• U.S. dollar investment - 3 years period, rate of interest 6.5%.

• Post office saving Bank.

• Post life insurance- here premium rate is lower but rate of bonus is high.

2.9 Clearing House:

The clearing house is the collection of the local operating scheduled banks for exchange of
cheques, drafts and other demand instruments drawn on one other and received for his or her
respective customers for collection.

Function of Main Branch Clearing:

▪ Receiving images of inward clearing instruments and transfer to different branches.
▪ Scanning of clearing instruments for outward clearing and transfer to Bangladesh
Bank end.
▪ Preparing voucher for inward, outward and return house and matching with
Bangladesh Bank settlement.
▪ Ensure branches claims through responding Debit/Credit Advice.
▪ Corresponding with Bangladesh Bank.
▪ Corresponding with other banks.
▪ Preservation of clearing instruments.
▪ Rectification of various dispute.

Chapter Three
Job Responsibilities

3.1 Description of the job

As an internee I have performed numerous activities. My main task was to help officers and
executives in every aspect of their daily work. It includes each activity that the officers
perform like dealing with customers, document analysis etc.

3.2 Specific Job Responsibility

Account Opening Section: I work in account opening section during my internship period.
The relationship between bankers and clients begins with the opening of an account by the
customer. Account is the systematic record of transaction. Bank Account is an agreement
between the Bank and the client, authorizing the customer to use Bank Service against a cost
of fees. This is the best method a Client can build relationship with the Bank. The principal
purpose of opening account is to deposit money. Deposit account can take on a various form.
They consist of two forms-
Savings deposit: Savings account is an individual account, joint account or minor account.
Client can deposit his or her money having an interest from the bank on minimum rate of
interest by opening savings account.
Current deposit: It is non-interest-bearing account. Usually, Businessman or Company open
this type of account. Client can demand and withdraw all of the money without giving any
notice to the bank.
The basic things that any accounts require are:
➢ A valued client’s Introduction.
➢ Two photographs of the concerned party.
➢ Taka 500 cash deposit for Savings deposit and Taka 1000 cash deposit for current
Remittance Department: I work in remittance department of Bangladesh Krishi Bank
(Barishal Branch). Remittance is transmission of money from one place to another. There are
different modules of remittance. They are as follow:

➢ TT (Telegraphic Transfer): TT is the quickest system of transferring funds from one

place to another. The remitting branch sends a telegraphic/Fax message to the branch
at the other end, to pay a certain sum of money to a named payee.
➢ DD (Demand Draft): It is a tool containing an unconditional order of one bank office
to pay certain amount of money to the named person or order the amount therein on

demand. DD is very much popular tool for remitting money from one corner of
money to another.
➢ PO (Pay Order): It is a method of money transfer from payer to payee within a
certain clearing area through banking channel. A person can buy payment order in
different models such as Pay Order by cash, Pay Order by cheque.

Bills and Clearing Department: Clearing means mutual settlement of claims made in
among member banks at an agreed time place in respect of instruments drawn of each other.
Clearing House is an arrangement under which member banks agree to meet, through their
representatives, an appointed time and place to deliver tools drawn on the other and in
exchange to receive instruments drawn of them. The net amount payable or receivable
because the case could also be, is settled through an account kept with the controlling bank
(Bangladesh Bank/Sonali Bank). There are two of types of clearing:

➢ Out ward Clearing

➢ Inward Clearing
Cash Department: Cash Department is the most significant part of a Bank. Cash department
should be placed in a branch from where manager can monitor everything from his table
either clients or the vault. It is the most significant department of the bank since from desk
cash department has direct connection with customers. Usually, cash department receives and
pays cash directly to clients working as a media of communication. In Bangladesh Krishi
Bank (Barishal Branch) I have learnt cash receiving and cash payment procedures. Some
register books use in the cash department are mentioned bellow:

• Receiving Cashier’s Book

• Payment Cashier’s Book
• Cash Balance Book
• Key Register
• Remittance Registers.

I have learnt the systematic methods of cash receiving through different vouchers as well as
payment methods by different cheques and vouchers.

Cash Receive: Cash may be received by-

• Cash Receiving by Pay Slip

• Cash Receiving of Bills
• Cash Receiving by TT, DD, Pay-Order.
Cash Payment: Usually cash is paid against cheque, pay-slip, pay-order, DD and debit
voucher. While paying cash against any instrument, officers first verity whether there’s any
material alteration on the instrument. He also checks the instrument if it is in holder in due
course and holder in due time. Then he verifies the signature of payee. If everything is so as,
he pays the quantity to the respective payee.

3.3 Different aspects of Job Performance:

• It has enhanced my knowledge.

• I achieved the ability to complete almost each task successfully.

3.4 Critical observation:

• Working environment was excellent.

• Employees were very much helpful.

Chapter Four
Theoretical Framework
Employee Job Satisfaction

4.1 Employee Job Satisfaction:

Employee job satisfaction, also referred to as job satisfaction, is that the extent to which a
person is satisfied with their job. Employee job satisfaction is also an employee’s cognitive
and affective measurement of his or her job. Different factors like compensation and benefit,
promotions, training, work tasks, co-workers, supervisors, working environment,
empowering employees etc affect the job satisfaction of an employee. A satisfied employee is
a valuable riches for a company.

4.2 Importance of Employee job satisfaction:

According to Prachi Juneja (2015), the importance of employee job satisfaction is given below:

• Lower Turnover: Turnover can be one of the highest costs attributed to the HRM
Department. Retaining workers help to make a far better environment, and makes it
easier to recruit quality talent and economize. A person actively searches for another
job if they have low satisfaction; whereas, a person who is satisfied with their job is
less likely to be job seeking.
• Higher Productivity: Employees who are high job satisfaction tend to achieve
higher productivity. When someone is proud of their job, they focus well and
that they concentrate to their tasks.
• Increased Customer Satisfaction: If the employees are satisfied with their job, then
they can give better customer service and we know that customer retention and
loyalty are dependent on the basis of the given service of the employees.
• Employee Absenteeism: A satisfied employee may miss work due to illness or
personal matters, while an unsatisfied worker is more likely to take “mental health”
days, i.e., days off not due to illness or personal reasons.
• Helps to Earn Higher Revenues: Satisfied employees are happy employees who
willingly assist their fellow workers and cooperate with the organization even during
emergency situations. Their first preference is organization, everything else later.
• Satisfied Employees Tend to Handle Pressure: Employees who are happy with
their jobs are willing to attend training programs and are interested to learn new
technologies, software which would eventually assist them in their profession.
Satisfied employees like to accept challenges and deliver even in the worst of

situations. Satisfied employees are the those who are highly loyal towards their
organization and stick with it even within the worst scenario.

4.3 Factors affecting employee job satisfaction:

Mosammod Mahamuda Parvin, & M Mahmudi Nurul Kabir (2011) identified some factors
those affect the level of employee job satisfaction. Those factors are given below:

• Working Environment: It is essential to provide employees with a work

environment that is conducive to their overall development. They need an
environment which is healthy and safe and which caters to both personal comforts and
facilitates doing an honest job.
• Fair Policies and Practice: Very often employees are demotivated and dissatisfied
with their jobs because unfair policies and practices prevail at their place of work. It is
therefore of utmost importance for a corporation to possess a good and equal system
regarding practices and policies in order that there’s no discrimination and frustration.
• Appreciation: The human race loves to be appreciated. Even for the smaller job
that do I seek to possess an appreciation, from colleagues, boss, and seniors.
Therefore, the extent of job satisfaction is usually higher where appreciation is
• Pay: Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management views their
contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits also are significant, but they aren’t as
• Age: Age is one of the factors influencing job satisfaction. Various studies
administrated during this field have shown that job satisfaction tends to extend with
• Promotion: Promotional opportunities affect job satisfaction. This is because
promotions take some different forms and have a spread of accompanying
• Safety and Security: These days companies are taking endless measures in order to
see that an employee is catered to a different kind of facilities like health care and
medical checkups. There are some organizations that also provide insurance policies
at a lower rate.

• Personal Interest and Hobbies: People who explore their hobbies and interest as
their career, gain the highest level of satisfaction in whatever they do at their
• Respect from Co-workers: Employees seek to be treated with respect by those they
work with. An unpleasant employee may need to be reminded of what behaviours are
considered inappropriate when interacting with co-workers.
• Relationship with Supervisors: A participative climate created by the supervisor
seems to have a more substantial effect on workers’ satisfaction than does
participation in a specific decision. It will cause their satisfaction in the office.

4.4 Ways to improve employee job satisfaction:

Gregory P. Smith shows some ways how to improve employee job satisfaction. Those ways
are given below:

➢ Provide a positive working environment: A positive working environment requires

going over and beyond the call of duty and providing for the needs of the worker.

➢ Reward and recognition: Personal recognition and reward is a powerful tool in

increasing employee job satisfaction and motivation. Small, informal rewards are
many times more effective than once a quarter or once a year formal event.
➢ Involve and increase employee engagement: People are more committed and
engaged when there is a method for them to contribute their ideas and employee
suggestions. This gives them a way of possession and pride in their work.
➢ Develop the skills and potential of your workforce: Training and education
motivate people and make them more productive and innovative. Well-trained
employees are more efficient and willing to assume more control over their jobs.
➢ Evaluate and measure job satisfaction: The primary purpose of the appraisal is to
measure advancement and determine what needs improving. The continuous
appraisal includes, but is not limited to, the measurement of attitudes, morale, and
motivation of the workforce. It includes the identification of downside areas needing
improvement and the design and implementation of an improvement set up. Good
organizations conduct employment satisfaction survey a minimum of once a year.

Chapter Five
Data Analysis & Findings

5.1 Data Analysis of the study

5.1.1 I am satisfied with my salary according to my position.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 22 63 63 63

Agree 13 37 37 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the chart, it is seen that 63% employees are strongly agreed and 37%
employees are agreed with the statement. All the employees are either strongly agreed or
agreed with their opinion.

Pay receive

Strongly agree

5.1.2 I am satisfied with my regular assigned activities.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 7 20 20 20

Agree 22 63 63 83
Neutral 4 11 11 94
Disagree 2 6 6 100
Total 35 100 100

Analysis: When employees were asked about their present job satisfaction specially, regular
assigned activities 63% were agreed,20% were strongly agreed, 11% were neutral and 6%
were disagreed with their opinion.

Satisfactory activities

11% 20%
Strongly Agree

5.1.3 The supervisor keeps me well informed about what’s going on in the bank.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 22 63 63 63

Agree 6 17 17 80
Neutral 3 8 8 88
Disagree 2 6 6 94
Strongly 2 6 6 100
Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the given statement whether the supervisor keeps them well informed about
what’s going on in the company, 63% were agreed,17% were strongly agreed, 8% were
neutral, 6% were disagree and 6% were strongly disagreed.

Keeping informed about organizations
8% Strongly agree
6% 17%
63% Disagree
Strongly Disagree

5.1.4 I think my views and participations are valued in the bank.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 6 17 17 17

Agree 20 57 57 74

Neutral 4 11 11 85

Disagree 3 9 9 94

Strongly Disagree 2 6 6 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: 57% employees are agreed, 17% employees are strongly agreed, 11% are neutral,
9% are disagreed and 6% are strongly disagreed with the statement- ‘I think my views and
participations are valued in the company.

9% 17%
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

5.1.5 I am satisfied with my working environment.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 6 17 17 17

Agree 13 37 37 54
Neutral 16 46 46 100
Total 35 100 100

Analysis: 46% of employees were neutral regarding their working environment. 37% were
agreed and 17% were strongly agreed.

Satisfying working environment


Strongly Agree

5.1.6 My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative

Strongly Agree 7 20 20 20
Agree 16 46 46 66
Neutral 6 17 17 83
Disagree 4 11 11 94
Strongly Disagree 2 6 6 100
Total 35 100 100
Analysis: From the given question how, the work gives them a feeling of personal
accomplishment these are –46% agreed, 20% strongly agreed, 7% neutral, 11% disagreed and
6% Strongly disagreed.

Feeling of personal accomplishment

11% 20% Strongly Agree
17% Neutral
Strongly Disagree

5.1.7 I get leave when I need.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 17 49 49 49

Agree 10 29 29 78
Neutral 5 14 14 92

Disagree 3 8 8 100
Total 35 100 100

Analysis: About 49% of employees are strongly agreed with the fact that they get leave when
they need. 29% of employees are agreed whereas 14% are disagreed and 8% were neutral.

Get leave when need


Strongly Agree

49% Agree

5.1.8 I receive appropriate recognition for my contributions.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 10 29 29 29

Agree 22 63 63 92
Neutral 1 3 3 95
Disagree 2 5 5 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: About 63% of employees are agreed with the fact that they receive appropriate
recognition for their contributions whereas 29% of employees are strongly agreed,5% were
neutral and 3% are disagreed.

Receiving appropriate recognition


Strongly Agree


5.1.9 The employee empowerment influences the quality of my work.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative

Strongly Agree 6 17 17 17

Agree 21 60 60 77

Neutral 8 23 23 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: About 60% of employees are agreed with the statement- The employee
empowerment influences the quality of my work 17% are agreed and 23% are neutral.


Strongly Agree


5.1.10 I receive praise and recognition from the management for my extra ordinary

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative

Strongly Agree 5 14 14 14
Agree 23 66 66 80

Neutral 3 9 9 89

Disagree 4 11 11 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: When the employees were asked about receiving praise and recognition for their
extra ordinary efforts, 66% were agreed, 14%were strongly agreed with for receiving
appropriate recognition for their extra ordinary efforts but 11% employees were disagreed
and 6% employees were neutral.

Receiving praise and recognition for extra

ordinary efforts

11% 14%
9% Strongly Agree

5.1.11 I am satisfied with the overall job security.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 27 77 77 77

Agree 8 23 23 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the given statement- ‘I am satisfied with the overall job security’ 77%
employees are strongly agreed and 33% are agreed because they have the satisfaction of not
to lose their job in any condition.

Overall Job Security


Strongly Agree


5.1.12 I receive informal praise and appreciation from my supervisor.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative

Strongly Agree 6 17 17 17

Agree 22 63 63 80

Neutral 4 11 11 91

Disagree 3 9 9 100
Total 35 100 100

Analysis: When the employees were asked about receiving informal praise and appreciation
63%were agreed, 17% were strongly agreed, 11% employees were neutral and 9% employees
were disagreed.

Receiving informal praise and

11% Strongly Agree

5.1.13 I have all the tools and resources I need to do my job.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 6 17 17 17

Agree 24 69 69 86

Neutral 5 14 14 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the chart it is known that 69% are agreed that they have all the tools and
resources that needed and 17% employees are Strongly agreed. 14% employees are neutral as
they are fresher.

Necessary tools and resources needed

14% 17%

Strongly Agree


5.1.14 I have the training I need to do my job.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 4 11 11 11

Agree 21 60 60 89

Neutral 10 29 29 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: About 60% employees were agreed, 29% were neutral and 11% were strongly
agreed with the statement they have training to do the job.

Training Opportunity

29% Strongly Agree

5.1.15 I am satisfied with the professionalism of the people whom I work with.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 6 17 17 17

Agree 16 46 46 63
Neutral 8 23 23 86

Disagree 5 14 14 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the statement whether they were satisfied with the professionalism of the
people whom you work with- 46% are agreed, 23% are neutral 17% are strongly agreed, and
14% are disagree.

Professionalism of Co-workers

14% 17%
Strongly Agree

5.1.16 I feel that team sprit exits in my working environment.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 6 17 17 17

Agree 17 49 49 66

Neutral 5 14 14 80

Disagree 3 9 9 91

Strongly Disagree 4 11 11 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the given statement whether there is team spirit in the work environment
49% are agreed, 17% are strongly agreed 14 % are neutral, 11% are strongly disagreed, & 9%
are disagreed.

Team spirit of working environment

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

5.1.17 I am satisfied with the other benefits offered by my organization.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 17 49 49 49

Agree 11 31 31 80

Neutral 7 20 20 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: About 49% employees were strongly agreed and 31% were agreed that they are
satisfied with other benefits that offered by the organization. Whereas 20% employees were

Satisfisfied with other benefits


Strongly Agree


5.18 I feel my manager is fair to all employees.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative

Strongly Agree 13 37 37 37

Agree 11 31 31 68

Neutral 6 17 17 85

Disagree 5 15 15 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the given statement ‘manager is fair to all employees’- 37% are strongly
agreed, 31% are agreed, 17% are neutral and 15% are disagreed.

Manager is fair to all employees


Strongly Agree

5.1.19 My manager motivates me.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 19 54 54 54

Agree 10 29 29 83

Neutral 6 17 17 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the given statement ‘My manager motivates me’ – 54% were strongly
agreed, 29% were agreed & 17% were neutral.


Strongly Agree
54% Neutral

5.20 I think there is no any kind of gender discrimination in my organization.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cummulative
Strongly Agree 26 74 74 74

Agree 9 26 26 100

Total 35 100 100

Analysis: From the given statement ‘There is no any kind of gender discrimination in my
organization’- 74% employees are strongly agreed and 26% employees are agreed.

Gender Discrimination


Strongly Agree


5.2 Findings of the study
The findings of the study are given below:

• Maximum employees of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch) are satisfied with
their salary structure.
• Most of the workers are satisfied with their regular assigned activities because they’re
habituated and experienced with their assigned jobs. Some employees are neutral
because they get bored in their day-to-day repetitive activities.
• Most of the employees are satisfied because their supervisor keeps them well
informed about what’s happing within the company.
• Most of the employees think that their views and participations are valued within the
• Employees are satisfied regarding overall job security.
• Most of the employees get leave once they need. The employees are satisfied as
management concerned about the employee’s need.
• There is no gender discrimination in Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch).
• The manager of that branch motivates the employees.
• Maximum employees are satisfied with the opposite benefits offered by the
• Some employees are dissatisfied with their training opportunities.
• Employees are satisfied regarding the working environment.
• Some employees don’t have necessary tools and resources because they’re fresher.
• Most of the employees satisfied with the professionalism of the people whom they
work with.
• Maximum employees receive informal praise and appreciation from their supervisors.

Chapter Six
Recommendations & Conclusion

6.1 Recommendations:

Job Satisfaction is that the main issue to accumulate the strategic goal of the organization.
The management should be more careful to make sure that it will be effective for gratifying
the workers. In recent times, successful managers affect their employees using different tools
and techniques to satisfy their needs. During this section, some well-designed tools and
tactics are recommended as follows:

i. Regular supervision must be done;

ii. Employees must be valued and participation of the workers in decision-making must
be ensured and also, they ought to be encouraged for group work and work team and
take away workers’ conflict.
iii. Training and development programs must be provided to the employees at regular
intervals to update their knowledge and skills.
iv. Working environment should be healthy and cosy enough to figure.
v. Employees should be awarded consistent with their job performance.
vi. Entertainment facilities are going to be given to employees which removes boringness
of employees.
vii. Promotion must tend on due time with the advancement opportunities of career

6.2 Conclusion:

Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB) has been established so as to spice up our economy by
providing financing facilities to our Agriculture Sector. The most objective of Bangladesh
Krishi Bank is to supply easier and hassle-free credit disbursement facilities to the farmers,
people engaged in agricultural activities i.e., Crop production, Fish culture, farming etc &
entrepreneurs involved in development of agro-based industries and cottage industries. Its
primary aim was to bring people out of General High Rate of Interest Lending System-over
which the bank is functioning over than three decades.

Duration of 1.5 months internship I even have attempted to look at the employee’s job
satisfaction of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch). Despite the time and knowledge
disclosing constraints I learnt that The Bangladesh Krishi Bank has an effective Job
Satisfaction procedure operated by the bank and it’s several policies, procedures and
guidelines suit with the Bangladesh bank's rules and regulation and according to the Human
Resource activities of the banks. By collecting primary and secondary data and after
analyzing those I realize that the employee’s Job satisfaction helps the organization to utilize
its human resources during a more productivity and efficient manner. The system identifies
weakness and threats of the employee and takes appropriate measures to beat the unfavorable

Job Satisfaction of this bank ensures the employee’s satisfaction, interest for work,
accountability and does any work satisfactorily. The bank is able to do its goals and
objectives through employee job satisfaction in time.


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Employees Job Satisfaction of Bangladesh Krishi Bank (Barishal Branch)
Please put a right (√) your opinion about the following statements ranges from Strongly
Agree to Strongly Disagree.
Serial To what extent do you agree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
No with the following statement: Agree Disagree

1 I am satisfied with my salary

according to my position.

2 I am satisfied with my regular

assigned activities.

3 The supervisor keeps me well

informed about what’s going on
in the bank.

4 I think my views and

participations are valued in the

5 I am satisfied with my working

6 My work gives me a feeling of
personal accomplishment.
7 I get leave when I need.

8 I receive appropriate
recognition for my
9 The employee empowerment
influences the quality of my
10 I receive praise and recognition
from the management for my
extra ordinary efforts.
11 I am satisfied with the overall
job security.
12 I receive informal praise and
appreciation from my
13 I have all the tools and
resources I need to do my job.

14 I have the training I need to do
my job.
15 I am satisfied with the
professionalism of the people
whom I work with.
16 I feel that team sprit exits in my
working environment.
17 I am satisfied with the other
benefits offered by my
18 I feel my manager is fair to all
19 My manager motivates me.

20 I think there is no any kind of

gender discrimination in my


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