Materials Vocab

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Materials – Vocabulary

Tanning- conversion of hide into leather

Perishable, adj.- liable to perish : liable to spoil or decay

Nondecaying-not likely to undergo decomposition

Cure, v- preserve

Dehair, v.- to deprive of hair : UNHAIR

Pliability, n.- Flexibility

Abrasion, n.- a wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction

Repellence, n.- Resistant or impervious to a substance.

Bark, n.- the tough protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody

"beavers feed on leaves and the living bark of trees"

Circumference, n.- the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle.

Trunk, n.- the main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots.

"you can tell the age of a tree by the rings inside its trunk"

Exude, v.- discharge or be discharged slowly and steadily.

Brittle, adj.- hard but liable to break easily.

Tacky, adj.- not fully dry and retaining a slightly sticky feel.

Malodorous, adj.- smelling very unpleasant.

Impermeable, adj.- not allowing fluid to pass through.

"an impermeable membrane"

Frictional, adj.- of or produced by the action of one surface or object rubbing against or moving over

Unsaturated, adj.- (of organic molecules) having carbon–carbon double or triple bonds and therefore
not containing the greatest possible number of hydrogen atoms.

Unveil, v. – Discover

Dub, v.- give an unofficial name or nickname to.

"the media dubbed anorexia ‘the slimming disease’"

Luster, n.- glory or distinction.

Pull the plug- prevent something from happening or continuing.

Go askew- go out of line, in a wrong manner

Prosthetic limbs- If you are missing an arm or leg, an artificial limb can sometimes replace it. The
device, which is called a prosthesis, can help you to perform daily activities such as walking, eating,
or dressing. Some artificial limbs let you function nearly as well as before.

Completed exercises

SUITABILITY- Sustainable,

PERISHING- Perishable


USAGE- Usable

GREASE- Greasy





BEAUTY- beautiful


I Give the noun form of the following verbs:


INCREASE- increase

CHARACTERIZE- characteristic

DISCOVER- discovery


RESIST- resistance

PRODUCE- production

GATHER- gathering

EXTEND- extension

ORGANIZE- organization

NATURALIZE- naturalization

COLLECT- colloection

RESULT- result

POPULARIZE- popularization, popularity


ELIMINATE- elimination

INVENT- invention

EXHIBIT- exhibition

FABRICATE- fabrication

QUANTIFY- quantification

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