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How To Describe Your Daily Routine

Sub + verb + Predicate

I usually wake up at 8 o’clock. The first thing I do is check my phone/ The first
thing I do is drink some water. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. After that, I
make my breakfast. Then I have my breakfast at 8:30am. I leave home around 9:00
am for work. I go to work by a bus. Once I reach office, I note down my tasks and
get to them. I usually have my lunch at 2 pm. I wrap up my work around 6pm and
leave the office around 6:30pm. After reaching home, I freshen up and spend time
with my family. I usually have tea with my parents around 7pm. After having my
tea, I usually check email or check up with friends on Facebook. I usually have my
dinner around 9:30pm. I say my prayers around 10pm. Around 10:30pm, I brush my
teeth and wash my face. Then I read a book for a while. I usually hit the bed around

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