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The allocation of time to life’s activities is fundamental to human existence.

According to Mc Fadden and Dart (1992). Some of the human activities to which time
is very important are in the business profession.

The underlying theme of time management is the notion of efficiency that time
can be allocated in a way that optimize the return of goal achievement.

Secretaries work with constant and rapid flow of information in organization.

To contribute in the processing of information, secretaries must be able not only to
organize their effectiveness and efficiency to work in a way to increase their
contributions to the organizations but manage others.

Effectiveness according to Jennings (1981) is producing a defined or a desired

result. While efficiency is the act of producing the desired result within a minimum of
efforts expense and time wastage.

According to Njoku (1996) time management involves developing, acquiring

knowledge, skills and equipment to extend performance beyond present capabilities,
controlling attitude and emotions that have a tendency to steal time and developing
effective reminders, method for following through on each task at the appropriate
time. The secretary should be interested in deivising ways of ensuring option and
effective utilization of available time so as to obtain maximum productivity and
enhance job effectiveness.

Furthermore, in Gilles (1990), time management is an essential principle in an

approach to reducing stress. Effective time management means analysis in what needs
to be done, setting priorities, determining the best and most effective ways to do the
job, and eliminate things that waste time.

1.2              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY

Time can be described as a natural element a period during which activities take place.
It is aloe an embodiment of destining unfolding in stage. Time is unending and
unavoidable. The most neglected and most regretted.

Time cannot be controlled or handled with levity but can be properly managed to fit
any activity. Many have redesigned time to suit their poor attitude to it. They see time
as a resource that can be made up. This is absolutely wrong as time and tide waits for
no one and any part of it wasted can never be replaced or brought back.

Time is measured in seconds, minute, hour play, week, year, century, decade, etc. the
effectives sum of time as what is referred to as “Time management” and it entails
management skills.

Time management means an intelligent identification of essential matters in the order

of their importance and utilizing effectively very moment available as mean fully and
productivity as possible. It also refers to the discipline to adhere to a predetermined
time already schedules. Managing time is not the same as spending hours on an
assignment; it is simply about determining priorities and the use of managerial
techniques to reach set goals effectively.

As there is often a general problem. Arising from time management  in our daily
activities, corporate world and other business ventures, techniques of time
management, constrains and the enormous benefits derivable with particularly
references to these secretary’s efficiently in an organization structure.

1.3               PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

This project is highly significance and relevant in the sense that the needs for time
management In every business activity are now being appreciated and as the dividend
realized by those who head appreciated and practiced it are quite enormous.

Introducing time management techniques gradually will help in solving contemporary
management problem faced by the secretary.

1.4              SCOPE OF THE STUDY

This study will be limited to finding out the effect of time management in the work
schedule of secretaries in diverse organizations.


a. Time management , this means a process of assessing management needs and
hierarchy in future of Enugu State Housing Corporation and the means of insuring
that there is junior managers able to succeed more senior managers.
b. Time management plan, this is a document that shows management position in
the corporation.
c. Management development; this refers to career planning for inceasing the
effectiveness of individuals and meeting the needs of the organization.
d. Executive development; means the early identification and development of
executive talents for more effective utilization of those judged to have high and
unlimited potential for senior corporate responsibilities.
e. Manpower inventory; refers to manpower records and a constant review of such
records in, anticipation of future management needs.
f. Management planning; means the anticipation provision for the manpower needs
for the entire corporation.
g. Age structure; refers to the distribution of age within the corporation.



In this chapter, the researcher has to review all that she had learnt from books and
quote the views of some authors about the impact of time management in an
organizational goal attainment.



Are you working harder and longer than ever before, trying to keep up with an
increasingly demanding workload? Most professionals are! You know the drill: You
come in early, stay late, take work home, do two things at once — but your to-do list
just keeps getting longer and longer!

Your calendar is jammed with commitments. Your workspace is shrinking because of

the piles of paperwork you need to get to. You’re stressed out, frustrated, and
overwhelmed because you don’t see any end in sight to your growing workload.
Sound all too familiar? Then take heart! We’ve developed a practical new approach to
organizing your time, a one-day workshop called Essential Time Management &
Organization Skills.

Get more done in fewer hours with a time management system YOU design! The
trouble with traditional time management theories, we’ve found, is that they’re
onesize- fits-all. No wonder they don’t work! That’s why the heart of this radically
different program is a time management plan that YOU will design for yourself —
allowing you to build in the flexibility you need to meet work and home

 Organize anything from a messy desk to towering piles in 3 basic steps

 Take action with “next-step thinking” to get tasks accomplished — instead of

putting them off

 Boost productivity by identifying and eliminating time-eating habits and

organizational hurdles

 End procrastination, perfectionism, and other time traps forever!

 Say good-bye to missed deadlines by accurately estimating how long projects

will take



This workshop’s unique two-pronged approach combines time management and

organization skills to offer you “the best of the best” techniques, ingredients , and tips
for taking command of your workday. We’ll show you how to clear the clutter in easy
steps, organize your files, and stop being a slave to sticky notes. Think what a relief it
will be to walk into an organized workspace every day — instead of the messy piles
and stacks that greet you now!

Take the next step: Make the decision that will change your life and enroll today.
“Next-step thinking” is a cutting-edge, time management technique you’ll master in
this workshop, one that moves you from inaction to action — and success. Control
your time instead of letting it control you!

Managing Yourself: Success Habits That Boost Your Effectiveness

 5 time-wise habits that top achievers share

 Myths about time management that can stall your productivity

 The 7-step formula for eliminating procrastination from your life — forever!

 How to break away from perfectionism and other bad habits that rob you of
time and effectiveness

 Recognizing the negative, time-robbing power of worrying — and how to

banish it from your life

 The crucial importance of determining your real priorities and identifying what
matters most

 A simple-to-learn prioritizing system that puts you in control

 Just say “NO!” Tactful but assertive ways to decline when your plate is full

 You can’t do it all! Delegation techniques that work like a charm to lighten
your load



 The Time Managementtyle Survey: Assess your strengths and pinpoint your

 The one-minute focus and other planning “musts” guaranteed to double your

 Identifying your greatest timewasters — and determining how to avoid or

eliminate them

 What’s your daily “peak productivity time”? How to recognize and make the
most of it

 20 bright ideas for stopping the time-draining effects of interruptions

 Scheduling how-to’s that build in flexibility for the unexpected

 Calendars, day planners, PDAs, and personal productivity software:

determining which ingredients will work best for you

 The secret to ending chronic lateness

 Deadlines 101: tips for assessing how long any task or project will really take

 The tyranny of to-do lists: how to turn this unruly monster into your best buddy

 Eligible for Pack Rats Anonymous? How to break yourself of the instinct to
keep everything

 How to organize ANYTHING in 3 steps: Analyze, Plan, and Take Action!

 “Get a bigger trash can” and other words of wisdom from organizational gurus

 Creating an in-box system that works for you instead of against you

 A step-by-step plan of attack for turning piles into files

 How to design a filing system that meets your specific needs

 Technology tamers: getting a grip on e-mail, voice mail, faxes, and more

 In a tight squeeze? Space organization ingredients that can give you more
room to work

 Desk-clearing techniques that’ll make you look

 Understanding the concept of “next-step thinking”: determining the next step

you’ll need to take action on any task, problem, or project

 PLANNING SESSION: Developing your personalized plan for organizing

your time

 How to use next-step thinking to put your plan into motion

 Maintaining your plan: steps you’ll take tomorrow, next week, next month,
next year

 Prevent backsliding! Guerrilla tactics for avoiding the pressure to do more

Time Management

This section of Mind Ingredients teaches you time managementkills. These are the
simple, practical techniques that have helped the leading people in business, sport and
public service reach the pinnacles of their careers.

The 40+ skills taught here help you become highly effective, by showing you how to
identify and focus on the activities that give you the greatest returns. Doing this will
save you time, helping you work smarter, not harder. What's more, these same
techniques help you beat work overload – a key source of stress.



There are four time management ingredients and techniques that you should practice
to increase productivity and master personal organizational skills. Each of them takes
a little time to learn and master, but pays you back in greater efficiency and
effectiveness for the rest of your life.

The first time management technique that you can use is a time planning system that
contains everything you need to plan your life and improve your organizational skills.
A good time planner will contain a master list where you can capture every task, goal,
and required action as it comes up. This master list then becomes the core of your
time-planning system to increase productivity throughout your life. From this master
list, you allocate individual tasks to various months, weeks, and days.

The second part of the time-planning system is a calendar that enables you to improve
your organizational skills by planning several months ahead. With the right system,
you will be able to transfer individual items from your master list to the exact day
when you intend to complete them.

The next part of your system is a daily list. This daily list is perhaps the single most
important planning tool you can have. Some people call it a ‘‘to-do list.’’



Every effective executive works from a daily list. It is the most powerful time
management technique ever discovered to increase productivity and improve your
organizational skills. Ineffective executives, those who are overwhelmed with too
many things to do and too little time, either do not use a list or do not refer to a list if
they have one in the first place. They often resist the idea of writing everything down.
As a result, they find themselves continually distracted by ringing phones,
interruptions, unexpected emergencies, and e-mail requests.

When you create your daily list, you begin by writing down every single task that you
intend to complete over the course of the day. The rule is that you will increase
productivity by 25 percent the very first day that you start using a list. This means that
you will get two extra hours of productive time in an eight hour day from the simple
act of making a list of everything you have to do before you start work. You can bring
order out of chaos faster with a list than with any other time management tool.

Once you have written up your daily lists and begun work, new tasks and

responsibilities will come up. Telephone calls will have to be returned.
Correspondence will have to be dealt with.

In every case, write it down on the list before you do it.

Sometimes a task or demand on your time will seem urgent when it comes up. But
something that might distract you from your other work regains its true importance
when you write it down. An item that is written down on the list next to all your other
tasks and responsibilities often doesn’t seem so important after all.


Once you have a list for your day’s activities, the next step is for you to organize this
list in order of priority. Once your list is organized, it becomes a map to guide you
from morning to evening in the most effective way to help you increase productivity.
This time management guide tells you what you have to do and what is more or less
important. You will soon develop the habit of using your list as a blueprint for the day
and improve your organizational skills along the way. Refuse to do anything until you
have written it down on the list and organized it relative to its value in comparison to
the other things you have to do.



There is a simple method of organizing your time and your schedule for up to two
years in advance. It is called the ‘‘45-file system.’’ This is a tickler file that lets you
plan and organize your activities and callbacks for the next twenty-four months.

First, you get a box of forty-five files with fourteen hanging files to put them in. The
forty-five files are divided as follows:

There are thirty-one files numbered one through thirty-one for the days of the month.
There are twelve files for the months of the year, January through December. The last
two files are for

the next two years. This is a wonderful time management system that you can also use
with hanging files in your desk drawer.

When you have an appointment or responsibility for six months from now, you simply

drop it into that monthly file. At the beginning of each month, you take out all of your
responsibilities for that month and sort them into your daily files, numbered one
through thirty-one. Each day, you take out the file for that day and that becomes the
starting point of your planning.

This time managementystem takes a few minutes to set up. It then assures that you
constantly improve your organizational skills and never miss or forget to follow up on
a distant call, task, or appointment.


The heart of this program is a time management plan that YOU will design for
yourself -- allowing you to build in the flexibility you need to meet work and home
commitments. In addition, you'll learn how to: Organize anything from a messy desk
to towering piles in 3 basic steps; Take action with 'next-step thinking' to get tasks
accomplished -- instead of putting hem off; Boost productivity by identifying and
eliminating time-eating habits and organizational hurdles. Key words: procrastination,
procrastinating, perfectionism, to-do lists, planning, priority, prioritization, priorities,
organization, organized, organizing, organizational, goal setting, managing, goals,
project, projects on time, coordinating, smarter, not harder, calendar, scheduling,
schedule, time management. 6 CEUs. Fee per person: $179. (Enroll four people and
the fourth attends for free.

Time Management Techniques And Systems time management kills techniques,

free templates and ingredients , tips and training

Here are practical tips, ingredients and skills to improve time management. Time
management starts with the commitment to change. Time management is easy as long
as you commit to action. You can train others and improve your own time
management through better planning; prioritising; delegating; controlling your
environment; understanding yourself and identifying what you will change about your
habits, routines and attitude.

The key to successful time management is planning and then protecting the planned
time. People who say that they have no time do not plan, or fail to protect planned
time. If you plan what to do and when, and then stick to it, then you will have time.
This involves conditioning, or re-conditioning your environment. For people who
have demands placed on them by others, particularly other departments, managers,
customers, etc, time management requires diplomatically managing the expectations
of others. Time management is chiefly about conditioning your environment, rather
than allowing your environment to condition you. If you tolerate, and accept without
question, the interruptions and demands of others then you effectively encourage these
time management pressures to continue.

Time management has enormous implications for organisations and the whole
economy. See the astonishing 'wasted time' statistics on the time management quick
tips page.

The urgent/important matrix tool offers very quick easy improvement in time

This chapter looks at the research methodology, which includes the research method
employed by the researchers for collecting data and ingredients for analysis.
Descriptive survey was used in an attempt to present an interpretation in an


The research was conducted here in Enugu to enable the researcher know the impact
of time management in an organizations goal attainment of Enugu State Housing
Development Corporation.


The population of the study is both management and staff of the Enugu State housing
development corporation. The population of the study is categorized below as follows.

Table 1

Management Senior staff Junior staff Total

18 30 60 108

From the above the total number of management is eighteen (18), the senior staff is
thirty (30) and junior staff is sixty (60) making it the total of one hundred and eight


The population of the employees under study is one hundred and eight but for obvious
reasons, the researcher was unable to study the whole population due to the cost
involve. Hence the researcher restored to determine a selected sample and in
determining the sample size, a statistical formula below is here by used.

Thus n = N


Where n = The sample size

e = population size

I = Constant

N= 108

1+108 (0.05)

= 108


= 108 =16.9 = 17


Sample size …… 17 employees before selecting the sample, certain decision were
made like preparing a sampling frame and having a fixed sampling procedure so in
order to select the sample of the section of the population, a stratum sampling is used
as stated below.

Thus nh = nh2

Where nh = Sample size for each level

nh2 = Number of employees in each level

N = Total population

n = Total sample

Management = 17 x 18 = 2.8 = 3

Senior staff = 17 x 30 = 4.7 = 5


Junior staff = 17 x 60 = 9.4 = 9


Total = 3 + 5 + 9 = 17

Table 2

Management Senior staff Junior staff Total

N 18 30 60 108

n 3 5 9 17

For the table above the sample size was shown of the various categories of the
population under study. The management has a population of eighteen (18) employees
and sample size of three (3) employees. While the senior staff have a population size
of thirty (30) and junior staff sixty (60) population size and nine (9) sample size.


The research used personal or oral interview and structured questionnaire as the major
source of data collection. It involves a formal consultation with the management of
Enugu State Housing Development Corporation.


The researcher saw that the questionnaire used is valid because almost all the
questions given were answered by the respondents and also the questionnaire was
presented to a professional who confirmed that the questions were clear and


As the main instrument used was the questionnaire which involved sorting out for the
views of those involved. Thereby making the instrument that is most reliable.
Reliability checking was also read through the work and did some correction. In
addition test- retest reliability was also established.


The researcher obtained information needed for this study through two major sources
of data viz.,

These were data collected for a specific purpose which are in its original state. It was
collected through oral interview with the employees of the Enugu State Housing
Corporation and structured questions in the form of questionnaire.

These were data collected, which has already been collected and published by other
persons or organization. They are usually collected for other purpose different from
that of the statistical need in which they are used.

The internal secondary sources of data which aided the work are the information
collected from the records of the company while the external secondary sources
include, the institute of management and Technology library, National library Enugu
where relevant materials were read and used such as magazines, Newspaper, text-
books this news letter and papers presented at seminars.


In this chapter, the respondent were categorized into management, senior staff and
junior staff.

Data collected were arranged in tables showing the cumulative means and % ages
used for the analysis.


In this chapter, data collected through various instruments will be presented for
analysis. The result of the analysis will be resourceful in providing answers to the
research questions. The researcher is going to analyze the study by stating the
questions first before moving into tabulation of the results, which reflect the questions.
Followed such will be testing of the hypothesis and summary of results.


Do you have any operational time management plan in your corporation?


YES 90 70

NO 18 30

TOTAL 108 100

In response to analyze the above question as can be seen in table 1 above 90
respondents representing 70% of the total respondents is of the option that whether
there is any operational management, 18 respondents representing 30% maintained

Is age an important factor in selecting candidates for middle and senior management


YES 60 55

NO 40 35

NO IDEA 8 10

TOTAL 108 100

As can be seen from table 4.2, 60 representing 55% said that age is an important factor
in selecting candidates for middle and senior management position, 40 of the 35% said
that age is not, 8 of the 10% said that there is no idea.

Do tribalism and ethnically negate the time management plan in the corporation


YES 80 80

NO 28 20

TOTAL 108 100

On the question asked to find out whether tribalism and ethnicity negate the time
management plan in the corporation, 80 of the respondents representing 80%
opinioned that tribalism and ethnicity negate time management plan in the
corporation. While 28 of the respondents representing 20% said No.

What are the promotional criteria?


Hardwork / productivity 50 45

Length of service 40 35

Lucky ones 18 20

TOTAL 108 100

As can be seen from the table of 4.4 above 50 respondents representing 45%
maintained that promotion criteria should be on hard work and productivity while 40
said that promotion should be on length of service. However, 18 is of the opinion that
lucky one should go on promotion.


In this research, it was found that age is not an important factor for making an
employment decision. Another finding is that there is operational time management
plan. During the course of this study, One can find out that communication rivalry and
ethnically negate time management plan in the Enugu State Housing Development
Co-operation. So while implementing Housing Development Plan in Nigeria. It
requires a lot of carefulness because if care is not taken many people will like to
occupy or have access to the housing.



From the research findings and hypothesis, it was discovered that there is no
purposefully designed operational Time management plan existing in Enugu State
Housing Development Corporation. Some factors are responsible for this namely:

a. Non recognition of organizational survival continuity as primary

responsibilities of top management.
b. Constant replacement of chief executives by the government usually at the
inception of a government or administration.
c. Tribalism and ethnicity tendencies.
d. Suspicion of flavours which destroys confidence in management

Recommendations have been made by the researcher to deter situation and wish to re-
emphasis that planning is a primary function of management designed to facilitate the
achievement of specific and definable objectives without planning, the organization
will not have any definite direction as well as a means of achieving them.


The analysis made in consonance with the testing of the hypothesis

brought out the problem facing the operation and implementation of time management

Similarly, they are therefore the non-existence of purposefully designed plan lopsided
age structure of management, the inadequate state of the management development
functions etc. Owing therefore maintain points that the researcher recommends as

a. Time management plan; for, many organization to survive in the mist of
competition technological changes a lost of environmental influences, it must bear the
burden of developing an adequate work force and managers who are regarded as
conscience of the organization must be completely selected and developed. Time
management will assit greatly in translating the immediate, attainable and visionary
needs of the organization to concretize activities when they become due. The plans
must be purpose fully and formal involving all the time management process as
discussed by worthy (1974) talked of the manpower planning stage, staffing and
development stages, the review of the organization performance stage, the appraisal
and analysis and the inventory of manpower stage. The various stages are extensive in
them and require real effort for any meaningful plan made, management may perhaps
start today to create favorable conditions that will warrant the full development of
executives for greater responsibilities.

b. Management development is to make sure that men set aside as future

executives are properly trained and ready for action by the time they are due to take
their appointed place in the overall plan. Necessary development and exposure should
begin once appointment is made.

c. There should be a policy for promotion from which should be considered in the
best interest of the organization. It is a useful policy and an effective administrative
procedure helping to ensure that people in key positions will have an applicable
background of experience in knowledge of the organization and ensure that qualified
employees will be considered when opportunity arises and should be promoted if they
are qualified.


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