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Candidate code: hrn839

IBDP Physics Higher Level Internal

The Effect of Illuminance on The Resistance Produced by the Light Dependent Resistor.
Candidate code: hrn839

Research question: What is the effect of changing the illuminance of an electric circuit mounted light
bulb measured by a light data logger ±1 𝑙𝑥 by changing the voltage
(4.00V, 6.00V, 8.00V, 10.00V, 12.00V ± 0.01V) supplied from a low voltage power unit checked using a
±0.01𝑉 voltmeter, on the resistance R (Ω) of a light dependent resistor measured through the use of a
multimeter with a range of 0 – 200 kilo ohms (kΩ) ± 0.01 (kΩ)?

Personal engagement:
When I used to go to the appliance store with my father, he would always tell me to check for the words
“LDR” on the back of lamps and light products that we used to get for our garden, not knowing they turn
on automatically during the night and off during the day when they are not needed. I was always
intrigued by this phenomenon and therefore the reason I chose my physics IA on how light intensity
affects the resistance of light dependent resistors (LDR’s) is because LDR’s are widely used in everyday
technology like street lights and automatic night lights. LDR’s can switch street lights on and off
depending on the intensity of light hitting them (depending on the time of day). This technology is
extremely useful because it allows street lights to turn on during dark hours of the day at night only when
necessary and off when sunlight is sufficient during the day and thus saving electricity1. This is especially
useful in countries that depend on foreign nations to supply them with sufficient energy and where
electricity is an expensive imported resource.
I was also intrigued by how smart televisions, laptops and mobile phones change brightness and color
schemes automatically depending on the intensity of light in the surrounding environment, not knowing
they have integrated light dependent resistors allowing them to increase/decrease brightness depending on
the illuminance incident on them.
When I asked my father what an LDR is, he told me it is made of silicon and material called cadmium
sulfide, my understanding was silicon is basically sand and it was fascinating as to how silicon combined
with cadmium sulfide is sensitive to changes in light intensity, and how it conveys this information to
other parts of the circuit switching on light bulbs or dimming screens of laptops and mobile phones.
To fulfil my interest in LDR’s, I will be going to a lab in order to investigate what is the effect of
changing the illuminance of an electric circuit mounted light bulb on the resistance of a light dependent

Background research: An electric current is the rate of flow of charge in a conductor, mathematically it
is given as electric current
total charge that moved past a point ∆Q
I = time taken for charge to move past the point. = ∆t 2.

Where Q is the total charge moving past a point in coulombs (C) and ∆t is the time taken for that charge to
pass in seconds (s).
Resistance is the opposition to the flow of charge (current) through a conductor or insulator and can be
given the equation
R = I 3.
Where 𝑉 the is the voltage; energy per unit charge measured in Volts (V) and 𝐼 is electrical current
measured in Amperes (A).

“Automatic Street Light Control System Using Ldr & TRANSISTOR Bc 547.” ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY, 12 Aug. 2018,
“Electricity and Magnetism .” Physics: Course Companion, by David Homer and Michael Bowen-Jones, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp.
Fluke. “What Is Resistance?” Fluke, 31 Oct. 2016,

Candidate code: hrn839

The valence band is the outermost electron orbital of each atom and is its electrons are at a lower energy
level than electrons in the conduction band4. The conduction band is an outermost electron orbital where
electrons carry enough energy to move freely and this movement of charge carriers generates an electric
current5. The difference in energy levels between the valence band and the conduction band is called the
band gap6. Conductors are materials with low resistance because the conduction and valence bands
overlap7 as shown in figure 1.08, therefore valence electrons are allowed to move freely between the two
requiring little energy to generate an electric current. Insulators are materials with very high resistance
(lower volume of conductive material) because their conduction and valence band have large band gaps
and it is difficult (requires a lot of energy) to move valence electrons out of the valence band as shown in
figure 1.08. Light dependent resistors (LDR’s) are made of semiconductors consisting mainly of
Cadmium Sulfide because its intermediate bandgap size offers strong chemical and thermal stability while
having high photon absorption values in wavelengths of visible light less than 510 × 10−9 𝑚. Requiring
more energy than conductors to move valence electrons across the bandgap to the conduction band to
form a current9 as shown in figure 1.0.

Figure 1.0:8 Valence, conduction and bandgaps for conductors, semiconductors and insulators.

Initially in dark environments LDR’s have high resistance because electrons are fixed in the crystal lattice
structure of the material and cannot carry charges. When photons of light fall on the LDR’s photo
resistive track and are absorbed by cadmium sulfide, electrons in the valence band of the crystal lattice
become excited. The photons provide electrons with sufficient energy to move across the bandgap and
into the conduction band (breaking free from the crystal lattice) allowing more charge carriers and
resistance of the semiconductor decreases10 as shown in figure 2.0.11

Medishetty, Vamshi, and Roshni May. “Difference between Valence Band and Conduction Band .” Circuit Globe, 17 Feb. 2021,
Dharan, Gokul. “Conduction Band.” Energy Education, 4 June 2018,
“Band Gap.” Energy Education, 13 Nov. 2015,
Hanania, Jordan, et al. “Valence Band.” Energy Education, 4 June 2018,
Stenhouse, Kailyn. “A diagram showing the valence and conduction bands of insulators, metals, and semiconductors.” Energy Education, 4
June 2018,
“Characterizing the Properties of Semiconductor Nanowires.” Semiconductor Nanowires MATERIALS, Synthesis, Characterization and
Applications, by Jordi Arbiol and Qihua Xiong, Elsevier Science & Technology, 2015, pp. 543–554.

Candidate code: hrn839

Figure 2.0:11 Relationship between increasing the illuminance on the resistance produced by the LDR.

In a circuit such as in Figure 3.012 shown below, the LDR obeys Ohm’s law for V = IR. With a constant
current (I), when illuminance incident on the LDR decreases, its resistance increases and the voltage
across it increases, decreasing the voltage across resistor R, hence decreasing the voltage across the base
junction of the transistor, the transistor conducts and switches on the light bulb.

Figure 3.0:12 LDR with a transistor circuit.

There are control variables that affect the level of resistance produced by the LDR. These can be given in
the equation:
R = A 13

where 𝑅 is resistance in ohms (Ω),  is resistivity of the material (Ω. m), 𝐿 is the length of the wire (m)
and A is cross sectional area in m2 at constant temperature.

Resistance R (Ω) is proportional to length of the wire (m), this is because as the length of the wire
increases, the potential gradient or volts per meter decreases, as a result, the rate of flow of charge
(current) decreases. A lengthier wire means electrons will collide more with the particles of the lattice and
dissipate energy. Resistance is proportional to the resistivity of the material, if resistivity (Ω. m) of the
material increases by changing to a stronger insulator, then electrons in the valence band are fixed in the
crystal lattice and will require much more energy to diffuse across the bandgap into the conduction band

“LDR Characteristics.” ElProCus, 2 April 2021,
Vis, Peter J. “Peter Vis Quantum Archive.” Transistor as a Switch Using LDR,
“Relation between Resistance and Length.” BYJUS, 27 Aug. 2020,

Candidate code: hrn839

and carry charges, as a result, current falls and resistance increases. Resistance is also inversely
proportional to cross sectional area m2, if the cross-sectional area decreases (thinner wire), then there will
be more collisions between the electrons and themselves and electrons and the lattice structure of the
wire, as a result energy carried by the electrons will be dissipated, the potential gradient remains constant
but fewer electrons are flowing per unit time so current decreases and resistance increases. 14
Resistance is also affected by temperature and can be explained using:

𝑅 = 𝑅0 (1 + 𝛼∆𝑇)15

where 𝑅 is the new resistance in ohms (Ω), 𝑅0 is the original resistance (Ω), 𝛼 is the thermal resistance
coefficient (negative in semiconductors such as Cadmium Sulfide) and ∆𝑇 is the change in temperature in
degrees Celsius.
A higher temperature results in an increase in average kinetic energy of the particles of the crystal lattice
resulting in faster and more vibrations. A higher temperature means more energy is absorbed by the
electrons reducing the energy required to move across the bandgap from the valence band to the
conduction band, and so therefore more electrons are able to carry charges and resistance decreases. 16

Hypothesis: If the illuminance produced by the electric circuit light bulb measured through a light sensor
data logger ±1 𝑙𝑥 , incident on the LDR increases by increasing the voltage
(4.00V, 6.00V, 8.00V, 10.00V, 12.00V ± 0.01V) supplied from a low power unit checked by a ±0.01𝑉
voltmeter connected in parallel to the cell, then the resistance R (Ω) produced by the LDR measured
through the use of a 200 kilo ohms (kΩ) ± 0.01 (kΩ) multimeter decreases. This is because increasing
the illuminance will increase the concentration of photons of light falling on the semiconductor, exciting
electrons from the valence to the conduction band allowing them to carry more charges and therefore
decrease resistance17.

Independent variable: Illuminance produced by electric circuit mounted light bulb ± 1 𝑙𝑥 by changing
the voltage V supplied to it from a low voltage unit (4.00V, 6.00V, 8.00V, 10.00V, 12.00V ± 0.01V). The
voltage will be measured by using a ±0.01V voltmeter connected in parallel with the low voltage unit.
Illuminance will be measured by positioning the light bulb and light sensor data logger ± 1 (𝑙𝑥), 0.2𝑚
apart using 1m metric ruler ± 0.0005m and by positioning them at the same height using 0.01𝑚 thick
wooden boards to ensure accurate measurements on the data logger.

Dependent variable: Resistance produced by light dependent resistor ±0.001 (kΩ). This will be
measured by connecting a multimeter in series with the LDR and setting the multimeter to measure
resistance up to 200(kΩ) ± 0.001 (kΩ). Resistance produced by the LDR will be measured for five
increments of voltage (4.00𝑉, 6.00𝑉, 8.00𝑉, 10.00𝑉, 12.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉) for 4 trials per increment then an
average will be taken.

“Current, Resistance, and Resistivity Review (Article).” Khan Academy,
OpenStax. “Resistance and Resistivity.” Lumen,
17 Hanania, Jordan, et al. “Valence Band.” Energy Education, 4 June 2018,

Candidate code: hrn839

Table 1.0: Control Variable Manipulation, Type of Variable, How and Why They Are Controlled:

Variable How? Why?

Type of wire: This will be maintained throughout This is because changing the length of the copper wire
(Length of the experiment by using the same will change the number of particles in the crystal lattice,
copper wire crocodile clamp copper wires of changing the rate of collisions between electrons and the
0.5𝑚 ± length 0.5m for all trials and lattice changing resistance. A lengthier wire will reduce
0.0005𝑚, increments of this investigation. the potential gradient (fall in voltage per meter),
Cross sectional decreasing the rate of flow of charge (current) and
area therefore increasing resistance. 18
𝐴 = 3.85 × Changing the cross-sectional area will change the
10−5 𝑚 number of electrons (charge) flowing per unit time
(manufactural (current), it will change the rate of collisions between
value) and the electrons and themselves and particles of the crystal
material. lattice of the semiconductor changing resistance. 19
Changing the material will change the conductive
properties of the wire changing its resistivity and
changing the resistance produced by the wire resulting in
inaccurate data from the LDR20.
Temperature This will be kept constant conducting This is because changing the temperature will change
of copper the experiment at room temperature the average kinetic energy of the particles of the lattice,
wires and and this will be maintained by the vibrations of the particles of the lattice will change
LDR at room disconnecting the voltage unit and therefore the bandgap between the valence band will
temperature ± 0.01𝑉, multimeter ±0.001 (kΩ), change, and the number of conductive electrons
data logger ±1 𝑙𝑥 for 30 seconds changes21, affecting the resistance produced by the LDR.
between each trial for each
Natural Kept constant by shutting the door This is because natural illuminance will increase light
illuminance in and blinds to the limit and conduct intensity and increase the number of photons of light
the room the experiment away from door slits hitting the LDR, increasing the amount of energy being
where or windows to ensure minimum absorbed by electrons in the valence band, more
experiment natural illuminance hitting the LDR. electrons will diffuse across the band gap to the
will be It will also be maintained by conduction band and will carry charges increasing
conducted. conducting the all trials and current decreasing resistance.
increments at the same place.
Distance of Kept constant by setting up the LDR Changing the distance will change the spread of photons
light bulb from and data logger 0.2𝑚 ± 0.0005𝑚 of light, changing the illuminance/number of photons
LDR and data apart using 1𝑚 metric ruler incident on the LDR, changing the number of excited
logger. ±0.005𝑚 and the LDR in between. electrons and therefore its resistance and voltage.
Surface area of Will be kept constant by using the Changing the surface area will change the illuminance
LDR sensor. same LDR throughout the incident on the LDR, changing the number of electrons
experiment. diffusing from the valence band to the conduction band,
changing the number of electrons able to carry charges
and effecting the resistance produced by the LDR. 22

18 OpenStax. “Resistance and Resistivity.” Lumen,

Current, Resistance, and Resistivity Review (Article).” Khan Academy,
20 “Relation between Resistance and Length.” BYJUS, 27 Aug. 2020,
21 Hanania, Jordan, et al. “Valence Band.” Energy Education, 4 June 2018,
“LDR.” Mecatrónica LATAM, 2 Mar. 2020,

Candidate code: hrn839

- (1) Rubber insulated leather electric gloves
- (3) 0.5m Copper wire with crocodile clamp ends (manufactured value).
- (1) Electric circuit module with mounted electric light bulb
- (1) low voltage power supply (2.00 – 12.00 Volts) ± 0.01𝑉
- (1) Voltmeter ±0.01𝑉
- (1) Cadmium sulfide light dependent resistor
- (1) Digital multimeter (0 − 200) ± 0.001 kilo ohms (kΩ)
- (15) 0.01𝑚 thick wooden boards ± 0.0005𝑚.
- (1) 1𝑚 metric ruler ± 0.0005m
- (1) Light sensor Data logger ±1 𝑙𝑥

Figure 3.0: setup.

Safety measures, precautions:

- Wear safety equipment, rubber insulated leather electric gloves as individual may experience
minor electric shock.
- Make sure to turn on and off the voltmeter, multimeter and light sensor every trial for every
increment of the voltage to insure accurate results.
- The experiment is both ethically and environmentally considerable, the equipment used will not
be thrown away, it can be reused in other investigations. The equipment is stored in a lab and
does not pose any threat to the environment due to their materials. No living organisms were used
in this investigation therefore no creatures were harmed.

Candidate code: hrn839

1. Connect the low voltage power unit (2.00 – 12.00 Volts) to the power outlet.
2. Connect one 0.5𝑚 crocodile clamp copper wire to one end of the low voltage power supply unit
and set the voltage to 4.00Volts (first increment).
3. Connect a ±0.01𝑉 voltmeter in parallel with the power supply to check the voltage being
supplied for every increment for every trial.
4. Connect the other end of the 0.5𝑚 wire to the electric circuit mounted light bulb
5. Connect another 0.5𝑚 crocodile clamp copper wire to the digital multimeter and connect the
other end to the light dependent resistor (LDR).
6. Power on the multimeter and set it to measure resistance with a range up to 200 (kΩ) ie.
200,000 Ω.
7. Connect the data logger to the power outlet and calibrate it to measure illuminance in lux (𝑙𝑥).
8. Set up the light bulb module in the center and set up the light meter data logger and light
dependent resistor on either side 0.2𝑚 ± 0.0005𝑚 apart using a 1𝑚 metric ruler ± 0.0005𝑚.
9. Use 0.01𝑚 thick wooden blocks to ensure that the LDR, light bulb and light sensor (on the data
logger) are on equal height as this will affect distance from the light source and will affect
illuminance intensity.
10. Close the door, shutters and blinds to the maximum to ensure the darkest room possible.
11. Turn on the low voltage power unit.
12. Measure the resistance of the LDR using the digital multimeter ± 10 Ω and note it in a table such
as the one below.
13. Measure the illuminance of the lightbulb using the data logger ± 1 (𝑙𝑥) and note it in a table such
as the one below.
14. Turn the low voltage unit off wait 15 seconds and turn it back on again (keeping the light bulb on
will increase junction temperature reducing its relative light output as the diode wears out)23, do
the same for the multimeter and data logger to ensure calibrated results.
15. Repeat steps 12 - 14 for the remaining three trials noting down resistance 𝑅 (Ω) and lux (𝑙𝑥) on
16. Repeat steps 12 – 15 for the remaining four increments by changing the voltage supplied by the
power unit (4.00V, 6.00V, 8.00V, 10.00V, 12.00V ± 0.01V) keeping in mind four trials for each
17. After collecting the data and calculating their averages, plot a graph of the voltage supplied by the
low voltage unit against the average resistance ±0.01 (kΩ)produced by the LDR. Plot another
graph of voltage supplied from low voltage unit against average illuminance produced by the
light bulb ±1𝑙𝑥.
18. Note results in following table:

Voltage Resistance produced by light dependent Illuminance produced by electric circuit

(𝑽) resistor (LDR) in kilo ohms ± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 (𝐤Ω). mounted light bulb in Lux (𝒍𝒙) ± 𝟏
± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝐕
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4

Bullough, J. (2003, May). How are LEDS affected By heat? . NLPIP | Lighting Answers.

Candidate code: hrn839

Data Collection:
Table 2.0: Raw data table: The effect of increasing the voltage (𝑽)
(𝟒. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟔. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟖. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟏𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟏𝟐. 𝟎𝟎𝑽 ± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝑽) supplied by a lower voltage power unit on the
illuminance produced by the electric circuit diode measured using a light sensor data logger ±1 lx,
on the resistance produced by a light dependent resistor in kilo ohms measured using a 0 – 200 ±
0.01(𝐤𝛀) multimeter.
Voltage Resistance produced by light dependent Illuminance produced by electric circuit
(𝑽) resistor (LDR) in kilo ohms ± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 (𝐤Ω). mounted light bulb in Lux (𝒍𝒙) ± 𝟏
± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝐕
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4
4.00 150.90 149.40 154.50 149.90 4 3 4 4
6.00 130.30 124.90 131.10 125.80 5 5 5 5
8.00 100.10 97.80 101.60 98.30 11 11 11 11
10.00 66.50 62.50 57.50 67.30 24 22 24 24
12.00 41.10 37.70 35.90 35.70 43 43 43 43

Data processing:
For each increment of voltage supplied from the power unit 4.00𝑉, 6.00𝑉, 8.00𝑉, 10.00𝑉, 12.00𝑉 ±
0.01𝑉, take the average resistance produced by the light bulb(kΩ) by adding the resistance measured
using a 0 – 200 ± 0.01(kΩ) multimeter each trial for the same increment and dividing by 4 because
there are 4 trials per increment.
1) Mean or average value of resistance produced when voltage supplied was 4.00𝑉:
150.90 + 149.40 + 154.40 + 149.90
= 151.20 = 151 𝑘Ω

Repeat for remaining 4 increments 6.00𝑉, 8.00𝑉, 10.00𝑉, 12.00𝑉.

For each increment of voltage supplied by the power unit 4.00𝑉, 6.00𝑉, 8.00𝑉, 10.00𝑉, 12.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉
calculate the average illuminance produced by the electric light bulb that is incident on the LDR by
adding the illuminance values measured using a ±1 𝑙𝑥 light sensor for the four trials per increment and
dividing it by 4.
1) Mean value of illuminance produced when voltage supplied was 4.00𝑉: = 3.75 l𝑥 =
3.8 𝑙𝑥

In terms of uncertainty, it was calculated for the resistance (𝑅) produced by the LDR and the illuminance
𝑙𝑥 produced by the light bulb for each increment of voltage (𝑉) by subtracting the lowest value from the
highest value and dividing by 2.

For example:
- uncertainty in resistance produced by the LDR measured using ± 0.01 𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑜 𝑜ℎ𝑚𝑠 Ω multimeter
for 4.00𝑉:
= 2.55 = 3 = ±∆𝑘Ω
- uncertainty in illuminance produced by the light bulb measured using ±1 𝑙𝑥 light sensor for
= 0.5 = ±∆𝑙𝑥.
Repeat for remaining 3 increments of voltage (6.00𝑉, 8.00𝑉, 12.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉).

Candidate code: hrn839

Table 3.0: Processed data table 1.0: Effect of increasing the voltage (V)
(𝟒. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟔. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟖. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟏𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝑽, 𝟏𝟐. 𝟎𝟎𝑽 ± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝑽) supplied by the low power unit on the average
resistance produced by the LDR in kilo ohms measured using a 𝟎 – 𝟐𝟎𝟎 ± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏(kΩ)multimeter
and on the average illuminance produced by the light bulb ±𝟏 𝒍𝒙.
Voltage (V) Average resistance produced ±∆𝒌Ω Average Illuminance of light ±∆𝒍𝒙
supplied by low by LDR (𝐤𝛀) bulb in Lux (𝒍𝒙) ± 𝟏 measured
voltage unit using light sensor data logger.
± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏𝐕.
4.00 151 3 3.8 0.5
6.00 128 3 5 0
8.00 99 2 11 0
10.00 64 5 24 1
12.00 38 3 43 0
Graph 1.0: Effect of increasing the average voltage (𝑽) against the average resistance produced by
the LDR ± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 (𝐤𝛀)
Effect of changing voltage (V) on the average resistance ± 0.01 kilo ohms Ω produced by the
light dependent resistor LDR in kilo
Average resistance produced by

ohms Ω ± 0.01 kilo ohms Ω

140 y = -14.55x + 212.2
120 y = -14.125x + 210.36
y = -14.875x + 213.65 Series1
60 steepest
40 Shallowest
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
voltage supplied to electric circuit module with mounted light bulb (V).

Graph 2.0: title Effect of increasing the average illuminance ±𝟏𝒍𝒖𝒙 (𝒍𝒙) against the average
resistance produced by the LDR ± 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 (𝐤𝛀)
Effect of changing average illuminence in Lux (lx) ± 1 on average resistance ± 0.01 kilo ohms
Ω produced by the LDR.
Average resistance produced by light
dependent resistor LDR in kilo ohms

Ω ± 0.01 kilo ohms

y = 153.81e-0.034x
80 Series1
Expon. (Series1)
0 10 20 30 40 50
illuminance of circuit mounted light bulb in Lux (lx) ± 1

Candidate code: hrn839

Graph 1.0 shows how the average resistance produced by the LDR ± 0.01 (kΩ) is strongly negatively
correlated with increasing average voltage (V) (4.00𝑉, 6.00𝑉, 8.00𝑉, 10.00𝑉, 12.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉) supplied
to the light bulb. Graph 2.0 shows how the average resistance produced by the LDR ± 0.01 (kΩ) is
negatively correlated with the illuminance ±1𝑙𝑢𝑥 (𝑙𝑥) produced by the electric circuit mounted light bulb
incident on the LDR. The error bars in both Graphs 1.0 and Graph 2.0 are relatively small and so some
are not visible on the graphs which also indicates that the data collected is of high accuracy.

Calculating the uncertainty in the slope for Graph 1.0, the effect of increasing voltage (V) on the average
resistance produced by the LDR.

𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑒𝑠𝑡 − 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 −14.125 − (−14.875)

𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑦 = = = 0.4kΩ/V
2 2

In conclusion, the data collected supports the hypothesis of this experiment which was that If the
illuminance produced by the electric circuit light bulb measured through a light sensor data logger ±1 𝑙𝑥 ,
incident on the LDR increases by increasing the voltage (4.00V, 6.00V, 8.00V, 10.00V, 12.00V ± 0.01V)
supplied from a low power unit checked by a ±0.01𝑉 voltmeter connected in parallel to the cell, then the
resistance R (Ω) produced by the LDR measured through the use of a 200(kΩ) ± 0.01(kΩ) multimeter
decreases. This is because increasing the illuminance will increase the concentration of photons of light
falling on the semiconductor, exciting electrons from the valence to the conduction band allowing them to
carry more charges and therefore decrease resistance24. This is evident in graph 1.0 when the voltage
supplied was 4.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉, the average resistance produced by LDR was 151 ± 3(kΩ). When the
voltage increased to 6.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉, the average resistance produced by LDR decreased to 128 ± 3
(kΩ). This pattern can be seen for the remaining increments, as when voltage increase to 8.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉
and further to 10.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉 and increased even further to 12.00𝑉 ± 0.01𝑉, the average resistance
produced by the LDR decreased to 99 ± 2(kΩ), 64 ± 5(kΩ) and 38 ± 3(kΩ) respectively. This in
addition to relatively small a 0.4 kΩ/V uncertainty in the slope indicates that there is a strong negative
correlation between the increase in voltage ±0.01𝑉 supplied to the light bulb and the resistance(kΩ)
produced by the LDR.

This is further backed up according to the data in graph 2.0, which is comparable to the accepted theory
shown in figure 2.0 earlier in this investigation, with the same trend; a negative correlation between
increasing the illuminance (𝑙𝑥) on the resistance (kΩ) produced by the LDR. When the average
illuminance produced by the lightbulb was 3.8 ± 0.5 𝑙𝑥, the average resistance produced by the LDR was
151 ± 3(kΩ). When the average illuminance increased to 5𝑙𝑥 the average resistance produced by LDR
decreased to 128 ± 3 (kΩ). A pattern can be seen where, as the average illuminance produced increases
11𝑙𝑥, 24 ± 1𝑙𝑥 and 43𝑙𝑥, the average resistance produced by the LDR decreased respectively to 99 ±
2(kΩ), 64 ± 5(kΩ) and 38 ± 3(kΩ), indicating that there is a very strong negative correlation between
the average illuminance produced in lux (𝑙𝑥) and the resistance produced by the LDR in kilo ohms (kΩ).
This is because increasing the illuminance will increase the concentration of photons of light falling on
the semiconductor, exciting electrons from the valence to the conduction band allowing them to carry
more charges and therefore decrease resistance.

All in all, I now understand the applications of LDR’s in street lights as an energy saving appliance, as
illuminance (𝑙𝑥) incident on the LDR increases (during the day), the resistance (kΩ) produced by the
LDR decreases, so the voltage across it decreases, and the voltage across other resistors increases, the

24 Hanania, Jordan, et al. “Valence Band.” Energy Education, 4 June 2018,

Candidate code: hrn839

voltage across the base junction of the transistor increases, the transistor does not conduct a current and
the lamp/light bulb is turned off.

Despite the small margins of uncertainty and variation between the steepest/shallowest curves to the best
fit line, there are still some errors in the experiment leading to this data inaccuracy.

Table 4.0: Possible sources of error during the investigation and suggested improvements.
Limitations in Limitation’s effect on data collection solutions/improvements to the
the experiment limitation.
Fluctuations in This will affect and change the total A solution to this is to surround
light intensity illuminance incident on the LDR and result the setup with black cards in the
because of natural in inaccurate light sensor data logger shape of a box, where there are no
illuminance from measurements to be taken ±1 𝑙𝑢𝑥 (𝑙𝑥) and apertures or slits for natural light
the outside due to thereby affect the total resistance produced to pass through and become
apertures and slits by the LDR (kΩ) when measured using the incident on the LDR. In order to
between the ±0.01(kΩ)multimeter. This will result in achieve a stable natural
blinds, windows inaccurate data sets and slight fluctuations in illuminance, the illuminance can
and door frames uncertainty resulting in a non-ideal negative be checked using the light sensor
and airflow. correlation between illuminance and data logger ±1 𝑙𝑢𝑥 (𝑙𝑥) before
resistance. every trial of every increment to
make sure it is constant.
The increment The best fit lines of voltage supplied by the Increasing the number of
steps and number low voltage unit (𝑉) vs the resistance increments to 10 increments
of increments produced by the LDR(kΩ) and the instead of 5 and decreasing the
used to illuminance produced by the light bulb 𝑙𝑥 and gap between each increment to
investigate the the resistance produced by LDR (kΩ), are 1.00V instead of 2.00V will result
effect of voltage not entirely accurate due to significant in a more accurate estimation of
(V) and increment gaps and having to estimate the the best fit line when graphing the
illuminance best fit line between data points in the graph. voltage supplied 𝑉 against the
(𝑙𝑥) on resistance resistance produced by the
(kΩ) LDR(kΩ). This also gives a wider
range of illuminance increments
to better graph and deduce the
effect of illuminance produced by
the light bulb 𝑙𝑥 on resistance of
LDR(kΩ) reducing random error.

An extension to this investigation is to investigate the effect of how changing the distance between the
LDR and electric circuit mounted light bulb using a stand and clamp with using a vertical ruler with
distances (0.1𝑚, 0.2𝑚, 0.3𝑚, 0.4𝑚, 0.5𝑚 ± 0.0005𝑚) on the resistance R (Ω) of a light dependent
resistor measured through the use of a multimeter with a range of 0 – 200 kilo ohms (kΩ) ± 0.01 (kΩ)?

Candidate code: hrn839

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