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Assignment on: Drug Addiction

Course Title: Art of Living

Course Code: AOL-301
Submitted To:
Professor Dr. Syed Mizanur Rahman
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship

Submitted By:
MD. Shakil Hossain Opu
ID: 211-11-1251

Submission Date: 15/05/2023

Drug Addiction

• What is Drug Addiction?

• What causes Drug Addiction?
• What are the symptoms of drug addiction?
• What are the side effects of Drug Addiction on a human body?
• What are the different stages of Drug Addiction?
• How does Drug Addiction effect on young generations and cause
negative outcomes in a society?
• What steps should be taken in order to overcome and cure Drug
• How can we prevent Drug Addiction?
• How to raise awareness against Drug Addiction?

Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction is a nuisance that has been increasing immensely among our
society; furthermore, it can only restrain us from accomplishing our goals and
dreams of our lives. Drug Addiction means taking excessive amount of illegal
and harmful drugs through swallowing, smoking, snorting and injecting inside
a human body. According to World Health Organization (WHO), drug is a
chemical substance of synthetic, semi-synthetic, or natural origin intended for
diagnostic, therapeutic, and relieving use for modifying physiological
functions of both man and animal. Examples of drugs are including, heroin,
marijuana, opium, cocaine, morphine, LSD, PCP, Methamphetamine, and
Ecstasy etc. Commonly misused prescription drugs are antiobsessive agents,
antidepressants, and mood stabilizers. Alcohol is also a drug, but legal.
Frequently taking of these drugs could lead a man to a certain death. Drug
Addiction is chronic and if it left untreated, it can be fatal. Individuals who
are struggling with drug addiction often feel as they cannot function normally
without their drug of choice. There are too many reasons behind this drug
addiction issue, and keeping bad company is one of the major causes of it.
Lack of self confidence, high level of stress in teenagers, and lack of parental
involvement in individual’s life is also responsible for drug addiction. Another
major factors behind drug addiction is mental breakdown, as a result people
who are emotionally weaker and feel depressed about their existence often
involve themselves in drug addiction. If a person grows up in an area where
drugs are available then he/she would most likely to try drugs him/herself out
of curiosity. Unemployment problem in a country, relationship problems, and
financial issues can also lead a person towards drug addiction. There are many
symptoms both physical and behavioral that someone is using drugs. Each
drug has its own unique manifestations, but there are some general indications
that a person is drug addict. Some of the physical symptoms of drug addictions
are: unusual sweating, red or glassy eyes, total numbness, abrupt weight
changes, and changing in sleeping patterns etc. Some of the behavioral
symptoms are: euphoria, mood swings, anxiety, hallucinations, paranoia and
self- destructive behaviors are the common symptoms of drug addiction.
Addiction of drugs can cause some serious damage to the internal functions
of the body. Drugs are conduct for complications in our cardiovascular
system, moreover; other drugs like cocaine could cause some long term
serious heart diseases. Lungs and kidneys can also be damaged by any drugs
that are smoked; it causes lung cancer, bronchitis, kidney failure, and
dehydration. Other drugs that are directly injected into the veins, such as
morphine, opioids, heroin etc can cause the contraction of HIV virus, hepatitis
and other fetal illnesses. Drug addiction is a difficult disease to cure because
it eventually changes the brain permanently. Addiction can kill the brain cells,
and these cells will never come back to life. Drugs of abuse target and activate
the neurotransmitter called “dopamine” to be released in a large quantity that
triggers euphoria in a person. Another neurotransmitter is called “glutamate”
is also affected by drug abuse. That causes changes in a person about how he
thinks and learns things. A drug addicted person can undergo some different
stages. In the long run, user has to increase the dosage day by day. Initial stage
(starting) is the first stage of taking drugs. At the early stage they take drugs
just normally without realizing the threats of it. They take drugs once or twice
a week with their friends and seniors. The second stage of addiction is the Pre-
mature stage. In this stage, drugs become a habit and the abuser wants more
of it. They take drugs 4-5 times a week in this stage. This is the primary stage
for the abusers in becoming an addict. They become dependent on drugs both
mentally and physically. A few days later they need more money to buy drugs,
and the sudden need for money leads them into criminal acts. Mature stage is
the third stage of addiction in this stage, abuser become seriously addicted.
They need much more money to buy drugs for that reason they turn
themselves against the law. Many people dropout of their education and out
of frustrations they even lose their will to live. Decoy stage is the final stage
of drug addiction. After the mature stage most of the abusers stay at the verge
of decaying. It means gradually their lives crumble as they fully depended on
drugs. They have to take if after a few hours or their body system stops, those
conditions lead them to their graves. Drug abuse among the teenagers and
young adults poses a serious challenge to our society. The risk for developing
an addiction is exceptionally high during the adolescent periods. Many studies
and surveys have found that a large percentages of people who abuse drugs
and alcohol are still teens and in high school. Young generations may try some
of the drugs like alcohol, prescription medicines, illegal drugs and cigarettes.
They use alcohol and cigarettes more than the other drugs. Using drugs can
affect young people’s general health, physical growth, and social
development. Young generation get involve in social crimes, such as
hijacking, snatching, murder, and robbery for collecting money to buy drugs.
Teenagers who take drugs have a lower grades and a higher rate of absence
from educational institutions or other activities. So drug addiction is ominous
for young generations and for the society. Overcoming drug addiction can be
ponderous; however, it is not impossible. While there is no cure for any mental
health disorder like drug addiction, but with the help of expert guidance,
proper medication, and support from family or friends a person can overcome
drug addiction easily. There are many options that have been successful in
treating drug addiction including behavioral counseling, individual, group,
and family therapy. Another option is to visit a doctor and get a proper
treatment to cure the addiction. To overcome this utmost problem, sufferers
are recommended to join a rehabilitation centre. It is also suggested to exercise
regularly and have a healthy diet in order to stay away from abuse drugs. An
addicted person can also join sober living communities that normally follow
an intensive treatment program and a long term follow-up program to prevent
relapse in a drug addicted person. Prevention is always better than the cure.
Prevention is the best way to keep people away from becoming addicted to
drugs. Learning to cope with real life pressures and staying away from drugs
can also prevent causing addiction. Research indicates that people who have
a closer relationship with their family are less likely to get addicted. To raise
awareness against drug addiction we can generate some anti-drug campaigns
and create some documentaries about the harmful consequences of drug
abuses. Anti-drug slogans, seminars and many club activities can also be
helpful in order to aware the young generations about drugs. It is required to
raise some effective awareness against drugs in a country like Bangladesh
where in recent years the addiction of drugs has significantly increased. We
live in a world where drug addiction is fetal, and by raising drug abuse
awareness with irrefutable facts, we can fight this drug addiction issue.

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