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Name :_____________________________

NIM :_____________________________

Part A
Rearrange the sentences (from 1-10) into a correct order by following the information. (35

(________) A. When it starts to boil, the liquid turns into a gas.

(________) B. When water is heated, it moves around faster and faster.
(________) C. As the water gets hotter and hotter, it starts turning into gas very quickly.
(________) D. The gas rises to the top.
(________) E. The gas disappears into the air.
(________) F. After boiling water, more of the gas disappears into the air.
(________) G. A lot of bubbles form at the same time.
(________) H. After boiling water, more and more water turns into gas.
(________) I. All these bubbles try to escape at once.
(________) J. The bubbles push the water out of the way and “jump” out.

Part B
Fill in the following missing information! (40 Points)
Father : Hi Michael. Happy Birthday! How (1) ___________ are you today?
Son : Seven.
Father : (2)___________. Well, let's sing Happy Birthday: Happy Birthday to you…. Happy
Birthday to you …… Happy Birthday dear Michael… Happy Birthday to you.
Father : Alright. So what should we do (3)___________?
Son : How about (4)___________ and ice cream?
Father : Okay. Well, uh let… let's light the candles. OK, and make a (5)__________! Don't . . .
don't tell me.
Son : Don't tell you?
Father : Yeah, don't tell me. Okay, and go ahead and blow out the (6)__________. Okay, let's
cut the cake, and then we can have cake and ice cream. And what do you want to do after
the cake and ice cream?
Son : (7)__________ freeze tag.
Father : Now, how do you play tag?
Son : Um . . . one person is it, and the person who is it (8)____________ to tag everyone
[Alright. And then . . . ] before I tag someone and then, another person (9)___________
Father : Oh, wow. And whose coming over later today for your birthday?
Son : Well, everyone. Uh, my (10)____________, all my aunts and grandmas, grandpas.
Father : Alright. Well, Happy Birthday, Michael.

Part C
Write T if the statement is True and write F if the statement is False. (25 Points)
1. The topic in the conversation is about saving the turtles in United State. (___)
2. The turtle is not extinct because of human necessary. (___)
3. Turtles are beginning to stay away from people and find new place. (___)
4. There is a new project of saving the egg of turtles in United State. (___)
5. Environmental protection hotline might have information about saving turtles’ project. (___)
Part A
Answer: 2-1-5-3-4-10-6-9-7-8

Part B

1. Old
2. Alright
3. First
4. Cake
5. Wish
6. Candles
7. Play
8. Tries
9. Tags
10. cousins

Part C

1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

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