Example of Panel Discussion Script

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Victorino: Good morning! I am your moderator, Victorino De Guzman, on
behalf of this school community, I would like to extend a very warm welcome
to all of you. We appreciate your taking time out of your busy schedule to join
us here today.

Victorino: Before we proceed, I would like to state our rule for this
discussion. Our rule; while the panelist is giving their opinion or point of view
about the topic that we will be discussing, the other panelist should not
interrupt. You will be given a time to share your views. Let’s just wait for your
turn. The audience will also be given a chance to ask our panelist a question
that they have on their minds.
We have nine panelists getting ready, so let me introduce to you our
invited panelists, Ms. Hernandez, Mr. Pantino, Ms. Garupil, Mr. Zulueta, Ms.
Ilagan, and beside her Mr. De Torres, Ms. Dinglasan, Mr. Morales, and lastly Ms.
Mercado. And the rest of the members will be our audience.
The first to give her view about learning at school was Ms. Hernandez.
Ms. Hernandez: In my view, or for me, learning at school is a system where
they provide us the education we need enough to conquer the world in the
future. And school is a place where we can learn a lot of things that may
attract our own interests.
Victorino: Thank you, Ms. Hernandez for sharing your opinion on this matter.
Let’s hear Mr. Pantino’s opinion on the same subject we offered to Ms.
Hernandez. You may speak now.
Mr. Pantino: Students have the chance to connect in person with their peers,
and teachers or instructor while they are in school. This has additional social
benefits in addition to educational ones, and has the result, children develop
bonds with the same classmates during each class period.
Victorino: I appreciate you sharing your viewpoint on this Mr. Pantino. Let’s
move forward discussing about the benefits of studying in a classroom or at
school. We’ll hear from Ms. Garupil about her perspective.
Ms. Garupil: Based on my own experience, we as astudents get a chance to
physically participate in a lecture or class discussion, where if we can’t
understand something regarding the topic that the teacher is discussing, we
can always ask for clarification, and a better explanation is always an option.
Victorino: Ms. Garupil, I appreciate you sharing your experienced on this
matter. Let’s now listen to Mr. Zulueta’s opinion on the same matter.
Mr. Zulueta: Students are more likely to remember what they learn during a
lesson when a teacher is physically present because of the interactions and
interesting activities they participate in.
Victorino: Thank you for expressing your viewpoint, Mr. Zulueta. You may
express your opinion now, Ms. Ilagan.
Ms. Ilagan: Students may be able to gain many skills from participating in
school activities, whether they be social or interpersonal skills, that they can
apply in their daily interactions with others.
Victorino: Thank you for also sharing your opinion, Ms. Ilagan, on the
benefits of studying at school. And of course, if there's an advantage, there's
also a disadvantage to studying at school. Would you mind sharing your
thoughts on this Mr. De Torres?
Mr. De Torres: As previously stated, the community demands economic
expenses, and if the school is too far to commute, it may also mean spending
more money or gas over a long period of time. Which may present an issue to
financially challenged the students.
Victorino: Thank you, Mr. De Torres for sharing your opinion on this matter.
Now let’s hear Ms. Dinglasan’s opinion on the same subject we offered.
Ms. Dinglasan: Some pupils may experience severe disadvantage due to a
lack of social engagement or communication skills. Others may seem to find it
easy to socialize and be friendly, but not all students are like that. Not all
students are capable of doing so; because they may find it hard, annoying, or
whatever he/she feels.
Victorino: Alright, Ms, Dinglasan thank you for your sharing your perspective
about this matter. Next is Mr. Morales.
Mr. Morales:

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