Gned O8 Week 2 Razzle Avilla Lolong BSP 1-2

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Am I happy because that I have a good family and I have a good

brother and I have good friends and classmates that guide to

become a good person. And I happy about my self because that
I have a good family members. MY goals have I achieved I
graduate the senior high school during pandemic because the
pandemic are affect to my senior high school because he surivive
the senior high school that I have a good grades this senior
high.AND I achieved that I qualify in this course because this
course Bachelor of science in psychology that are the dream
course during this senior high school.The goals that are I am
aiming are to be a good grade in all subject and to be graduate
in this course because this course are dream course
someday.And are aiming right now are to be a registered
psychology someday and to pass the board exam. I learned in
this are the many philosophy and I have learned about the life of
the many philosopher and I have learned about the many
perspective and I learned about the different life of the Greek
philosopher.I have spending enough time to bonding with my
family sometimes and reading the books about the psychology
and sometimes playing with my cousins and my fiends. I have to
care about my self are to be a good students and to be a good
family members of my family and take care to be a good grade in
this school year.

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