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what is egovernance model?

explain the type of egovernance model

E-Governance refers to the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance
and facilitate government operations, services, and interactions with citizens, businesses, and
other government entities. E-governance models are frameworks that describe how e-
governance initiatives are structured, implemented, and managed.
1. Broadcasting/Wider Dissemination Model: This model involves using technology to
broadcast government information and services to a wide audience. It includes
initiatives like government websites, email newsletters, social media accounts, and
mobile apps. The focus is on providing citizens with easy access to information, such as
news, policy changes, and forms.
2. Critical Flow Model: In this model, e-governance initiatives are designed to manage
critical information flows between different government departments and agencies. The
aim is to ensure that information is shared securely and efficiently to enable effective
decision-making and policy implementation.
3. Comparative Analysis Model: This model focuses on using technology to collect and
analyze data from different sources to compare and evaluate government policies,
programs, and services. The aim is to provide evidence-based decision-making and
improve government performance.
4. Mobilization And Lobbying Model: This model involves using technology to mobilize
citizens to participate in government decision-making and policy development. It
includes initiatives such as online petitions, social media campaigns, and digital advocacy
tools. The aim is to increase citizen engagement and promote more inclusive and
participatory governance.
5. Interactive-Service Model/ Government-to Citizen-to-Government model(G2C2G): This
model focuses on providing personalized and interactive services to citizens. It includes
initiatives such as online payment systems, citizen feedback mechanisms, and e-
consultation platforms. The aim is to improve service delivery, increase citizen
satisfaction, and promote two-way communication between citizens and the
6. Maturity Model: This model assesses the maturity level of e-governance initiatives in
terms of their institutionalization, integration, and sustainability. The aim is to provide a
framework for measuring progress and identifying areas for improvement. The maturity
model includes stages such as emerging, evolving, established, and advanced.
what is widerdissemination model. explain the principle,application,evaluation, and
project based example

The Wider Dissemination Model is an e-governance model that focuses on the dissemination of
government information and services to a wide audience using various technological platforms.
The model operates on the principle of making government information and services easily
accessible and transparent to citizens, promoting a more informed and participatory democracy.
— Based on dissemination of information relevant to better governance that is already in
the public domain into wider public domain through the used of ICT and convergent
— Rationale (Justification)
— A more informed citizen is able to understand the governance mechanism better
and is more empowered to make informed choices and exercise its rights and
There is a great likelihood that the society in which the individuals are equally informed will
ensure that the agenda and forms of governance are not biased to favor a few.
— Opens up an alternative channel for people to access information as well as validate
information available in the local domain from external sources.
— The widespread application of this model gradually corrects the situation of information
failure and provides people with the basic government- related information to come to a
common understanding and decide upon the future course of action.
• Putting governmental laws and legislations online
• Making available the names, contact addresses, emails, mobile numbers of local/
regional/ national government officials online. 
• Make available public interested information such as governmental plans, budgets,
expenditures, and performance reports online. 
Putting key judicial decisions which are of value to general citizens and create a precedence for
future actions online. viz. key environmental decisions, state vs. citizen decisions


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