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CvSU Mission
CvSU Vision Cavite State University shall provide
The premier university in Republic of the Philippines excellent, equitable and relevant educational
historic Cavite recognized for CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY opportunities in the arts, science and
excellence in the development Trece Martires City Campus technology through quality instruction and
of globally competitive and relevant research and development activities.
09778033809 It shall produce professional, skilled and
morally upright individuals. morally upright individuals for global


Second Semester, AY 2022-2023

Course Lecture 
CBH 13 Course Title for Health Type Credit Units 3
Code Laboratory 
A comprehensive course covering the fundamental principles and concepts of biochemistry blending fact with theory and
application, particularly the various fields of student’s interests and generally to the field of biology and chemistry. It also
provides an introduction to the classification, relationships, structure, and functions of biochemical view in the field of sciences.
Course Emphasis is on levels of organization, reproduction, and development, comparative systems and its behaviour.
Laboratory works is an integral part of the course. This involves the performance of exercises and experiments, which
acquaint the students with some of the fundamental biological laboratory operations as basic concepts and principles are
Lecture: TBA
None Course Schedule
requisites Laboratory: TBA

Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:

TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the development of
Core Values
EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks, class
performance and other course requirements.

SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and members of the
In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.
The Trece Martires City campus shall endeavor to achieve the following goals:

Goals of the College/ 1. Provide high quality instruction in order to produce skilled, morally upright, and globally competitive graduates;
Campus 2. Develop and pursue advance research activities through arts, sciences, and technology to support instruction; and
3. Develop and conduct extension activities that will empower people and communities.

The Department of Arts and Sciences shall endeavor to:

1. 1. uphold the highest standards in delivering quality and gender-sensitive instruction through continuous development of its
facilities, faculty members, and instructional materials;
Objectives of the 2. 2. provide students with relevant knowledge on basic education courses as prerequisite in understanding various allied
Department programs;
3. 3. produce graduates who could be licensed psychometricians, academicians, human resource managers, researchers,
clinicians or any allied professions; and
4.engage in various research and extension activities that address global trends and societal demands, being aligned with the
goals and objectives of the university.
Program Educational Objectives (based on the program CMO)
The Bachelor of Science in Psychology intends to produce graduates who:

1. Produce graduates who can apply psychological principles in analyzing structures of society;
2. Systematically equip students with foundation of theories and practice for real-life activities, research, and extension services;
3. Yield critical thinkers and creative workers for professional global competitiveness in educational, industrial, and clinical settings;
4. Cultivate professionally competent, morally upright, and socially responsible individuals exposed to the various psychological
situations; and
5. Hone future psychometricians, psychometricians, psychologists, counselors, human resource managers, educators, and
other psychological-helping professionals able to respond to the demands of growing society.
Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives
Program Educational Objectives Code (based on the
Program/Student Outcomes (based on the program CMO) program CMO)
1 2 3 4 5
The students should:
demonstrate the capability to discuss and analyze the major theories and
a.     
concepts in psychology (knowledge in psychology).
demonstrate and apply the methods of psychological inquiry in building
b.     
knowledge on local culture and context (psychological research).
c. demonstrate and apply psychological theories and methods in personal     
and professional setting (application of psychology).
demonstrate capability for self-reflection and independent learning in
d.     
graduate education or in a professional context (independent learning).
demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors in research and practice in
e.     
psychology (ethics).
demonstrate harmonious interpersonal relationship with colleagues,
f. clients,     
and others (interpersonal skills) in diverse cultural setting
demonstrate the ability to conduct psychological assessments and
g.     
evaluation (psychological assessment)
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
Program/Student Outcomes Code
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course
After completing this course, the students must be able to:
A b c d e f g
1. disseminate the vision and mission of the University, goals and
objectives of the campus and department through gender- D
sensitive instructions and activities that would help in D E E D D D
producing globally competitive and morally upright graduates;

2. Familiarize with the different branches of Biochemistry. I I I I I I I

3. Identify the cell structures and the organelles found in the
cytoplasm. I
4. Write the pathways of central dogma E E E E E E E
5. Formulate the benefits of good nutrition D D D D D D D
6.Understand the different classifications of carbohydrates and the
process and E
7. Perform laboratory exercises related to each topic D D D D D D D
*Level: I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative

Intended Lecture Teaching and Resources Due Date
Laboratory Outcomes-based Assessment
Week Learning Topic Learning Needed of
Exercise (OBA)
No. Outcomes (ILO) Activities Submissi

(TLA) on of
Lecture Laboratory

After the I. Course Course Syllabus OBA 1

completion of the Orientation Laboratory class Face to Face N/A
topic, students will A. CvSU Vision Expectations Class Pen and Paper Reflection
be able to: and Mission Discussion Paper
Instr Instructional Whiteboard
1.demonstrate B. College Goals Material in Gender and
understanding of C. Department Laboratory Development Whiteboard
the course’s PPT Marker
policies as D. Objectives Laboratory Sheet Orientation
manifested by Hard Copy
1 signing in the E. Quality Policy Computation Syllabus
syllabus Grades Acceptance
acceptance form; F. Gender and Form
and Development
2. determine the
laboratory class G. Course
expectations of Objectives
the course.
H. Course Outline
and Policies

2 After the II. Biochemistry: Laboratory

completion of Introduction to Composition of Motivation Module OBA 2 Report No. 1 Week 3
the chapter, Biochemistry the Cell
students Memory Game Pen and Paper Crossword Labelling the
A. Biochemistry and Card of Cell Puzzle Organelles
should be able Organelle Whiteboard
the life science Found in a
to: Structure and Marker Eukaryotic Cell
B. Principles of Function
1. 1. familiarize the White Board
different Class
branches Discussion Memory Game
involve in C. Composition of Cell
2. 2. understand D. Eukaryotes and
Prokaryotes Crossword
that the cell is the Puzzle Hardcopy
basic unit of life.
3. 3. Differentiate E. Organelles found in
the different the cell Instructional
structures of Material
eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cells. Laboratory Sheet
4. identify the
organelles found
inside the
eukaryotic cell.

3 After the III. Cellular

completion of Compounds Water, Acids, Group Puzzle Pen and Paper OBA 3 Laboratory Week 4
the chapter, and Bases Style Report No. 2
A. Water : The Solvent Cooperative Whiteboard Short Quiz
for Biochemical Game Marker Identifying
should be 20 items Which Solutes
able to: Reactions
White Board Are Able to
B. Acids, Bases, and Dissolve and
1. discuss the Module Not to Dissolve
properties of pH Scale
in Water
water. Instructional
C. Buffer
2. describe on Puzzle Game
D. Macromolecules
how water acts
as acids and E. Vitamins and Laboratory Sheet
bases. Minerals

3. explain buffer

4. enumerate the

5. identify why
cells need
minerals and

4 After the IV. Carbohydrates
completion of the ADHD and Flow Chart of Module OBA 4 Laboratory Week 5
A. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Carbohydrates Report No. 3
chapter, students
and Digestion Pen and Paper Short Quiz
should be able to: Class Presenting
B. Metabolism of Discussion Flow Chart 20 items Table Plan with
1. discuss the a 5 Year Old
types of Socratic Whiteboard ADHD Case
carbohydrates C. Glycolysis Questioning Marker
classifications. Movable
2. explain the
metabolism and Instructional
importance of
glucose. Laboratory Sheet
3. demonstrate
the glycolysis

5 After the V. Cellular ATP Production Class Module OBA 5 Laboratory Week 6
completion of Respiration Discussion Short Quiz Report No 4
the chapter, the Pen and Paper
Popsicle Stick 25 items Calculating
Game Whiteboard ATP Production
should be able A. Definition Marker in Cellular
to: Respiration
B. Location Whiteboard
1.locate which
part of the cell C. How Cellular Popsicle Stick
is Krebs Cycle Respiration Work?
and ETC Instructional
D. Importance of
happens. Material
Cellular Respiration
2. discuss the E. The Role of Laboratory Sheet
importance of Oxygen in Cellular
cellular Respiration
F. Equations
3.explain the
G. Krebs Cycle
between Krebs H. ETC
Cycle and
Transport Chain.

4.inculcate the
number of ATP in
Krebs Cycle and

6 After the VI. Lipids
completion of Organic and Think –Pair Module OBA 6 Laboratory Week 7
A. Classification of Inorganic and Share No.5
the chapter,
Lipids Solvents Pen and Paper Short Quiz
students should
Brain Storming Examining
be able to: B. Structures and Whiteboard Food Samples
Functions. Marker With Lipid
1. discuss the
classification C. Digestion and Whiteboard
of lipids. Absorption of
Lipids Instructional
2. explain the Material
different D. Saturated and
Unsaturated Fats Laboratory Sheet
structures and
functions of E. Major Classes of
lipids. Membrane Lipids

3. determine
importance of
lipids in the

4. differentiate
the difference
between the
saturated and
fatty acids.

5. Compare
and contrast
the major
classes of

7 At the end of VII. Proteins Protein Jigsaw Module OBA 7 Laboratory Week 8
the chapter, Denaturation Discussion Report No.6
the students A. Structures Pen and Paper Short Quiz
Oral Examining
should be B. Types Participation Whiteboard 25 items What Happen if
able to: Marker Protein is
C. Functions Denatured
1. define protein.
D. Protein Whiteboard
2. identify Denaturation
structures of Material
Laboratory Sheet
3.discuss the
different types of

4. examine what
happen if protein
is denatured.

8 At the end of the VIII. Enzymes Enzymatic Large Group Module OBA 8
chapter, the Activity Discussion Laboratory Before the
students should A. Definition Pen and Paper Short Quiz Report No.7 Midterm
Interactive Examinati
be able to: B. Classification and Lecture Whiteboard 20 items Examining on
11. define enzyme. Naming of Enzymes Marker What
22. describe the C. Factors that Whiteboard Affects
Influence Enzyme Enzymatic
Activity Instructional Activity
classes of Material
enzyme. D. Mechanisms of
Enzymes Action Laboratory Sheet
3 3. explain the
factors that
enzyme E. Properties

4. explain the
mechanism of
enzymes and its

9 MIDTERM EXAMINATION: 70-item Written Exam (Face to Face)

Questions in the Midterm Examination will cover topics from Chapters 2 – 8
10 University Academic Break
11 After the IX. Neurotransmitters
completion of the Neurotransmitters Class Module OBA 9 Laboratory Week
chapter, students A. Definition Discussion Report No.8 12
Location, Action, Pen and Paper Short Quiz Discovering the
should be able to: B. Types of and Transmission, Role Playing Location, Actions,
1. define Neurotransmitters Whiteboard 20items and Transmission
Marker of
neurotransmitters C. Structures Neurotransmitters
2. inculcate the D. Functions
different types of
neurotransmitters3 E. Mechanism
. identify the
structures of
4. explain the use
5. illustrate the
mechanisms of

At the end of X. Hormones Hormones, Class Module Laboratory Week

12 the chapter, the Human Mood, Discussion OBA 10 Report No. 9 13
students A. Definition Growth, and Whiteboard Analyzing How
Behaviour Brainstorming Marker Short Quiz Hormones Affect
should be able
to: B. Neurotransmitters Whiteboard 20 items Human Mood,
and Hormones Message Growth, and
1. define Relay Game Pen and Paper Behaviours
hormones. C. Glands
2. locate the D. Functions Material
different glands
found inside the Laboratory Sheet
human body.

3. inculcate on
how these glands

4. Inculcate on
how these
hormones are

6. examine on
how these
hormones us

13 After the XI. Nucleic Acids DNA and RNA Guessing Module OBA 11 Laboratory Week
completion of Scrambled Report No 10 14
the chapter, the A. Composition of Words Pen and Paper Short Quiz
Nucleic Acids Pairing
Elaboration Whiteboard 20 items Nitrogenous Bases
should be able of DNA and RNA ,
B. Structures of
to: Match and Pair Whiteboard Structure, and
Pair Game Marker Functions
1. identify the
components of C. Nitrogenous
nucleic acids. Bases Material

2. compare the D. Different Laboratory Sheet

structures Classes of RNA G.
between the Functions
E. Genetic Code
3. 3. Use the genetic Table
code .

4. 4. Execute the
bases pairing of
DNA and RNA.

14 After the XII. Central Dogma Process of Fairy Tale Module OBA 12 Laboratory Week
completion of Protein Analogy Report No 11 15
the chapter, the A. DNA Synthesis Pen and Paper Short Quiz
Replication Collaboration Illustrating the
Whiteboard 20 items Process of Central
should be able Class Dogma
B. Transcription
to: Discussion Whiteboard
C. Translation Marker
1. discuss the
process of Genetic Code
DNA Table
2. illustrate the Material
process of
transcription Laboratory Sheet
and translation.

15 – After the Mendelian Punnett Square Group Module OBA 13 Laboratory Week
16 completion of Genetics and Discussion Report No. 12 16
the chapter, the Inheritance Pen and Paper Short Quiz Demonstrating
Brainstorming Chromosomes
A. Mendellian Whiteboard 25 items ( Group Project)
should be able Inheritance Marker
B. Genes Whiteboard
1. explain the Laboratory
rules of C. Phenotypes and Instructional Report No 13
inheritance. Genotypes Material
Predicting Week
2. compare D. Homozygous and Laboratory Sheet Genotypes Using 17
Heterozygous Punnett Square of
phenotype and
Parents and Their
genotype, E. .Dominant and Offspring
homozygous Recessive
recessive and

3. Do some

17 After the XIII. Non- Mendelian Non- Mendelian Group Module OBA 14 Laboratory No.14 Before
completion of Inheritance Genetic Discussion the
the chapter, Problems Pen and Paper Short Quiz Solving Non- Final
A. Incomplete Board Work Mendelian Genetic Examin
Dominance Whiteboard 20 items Problems ation
should be able
to: B. Codominance Whiteboard
1. explain the
pattern of Powerpoint
inheritance that Presentation
does not follow
the Mendellian

2. discuss the
concepts of


3. differentiate
from incomplete

18 FINAL EXAMINATION: 70-item Written Exam ( Face to Face)

Questions in the Final Examination will cover topics from Chapters 9-13


Suggested Lecture Requirements:

1. Mid-Term Examination
2. Final Examination
3. Quizzes/Seat works/Recitations
4. Video presentation
5. Fact Sheet
6. Class Reporting/Reaction Paper
7. Assignments
8. Class or Group Project (Term Paper/Project Design/Case Study/Feasibility Study/Culminating Activity/Portfolio)
9. Class Attendance

Suggested Laboratory Requirements:

1. Laboratory Reports
2. Individual Performance
3. Quizzes
4. Mid-Term Examination
5. Final Examination
6. Video presentation
7. Fact Sheet
8. Attendance

*All exams must follow a Table of Specifications (TOS) and Rubrics for evaluation of student’ performance or projects.

A. B. Grading system for 2 units lecture and 1-unit laboratory (i.e. DCIT 21; 3 units; Lec - 2 hrs& Lab - 3 hrs)

Lecture(60%) Laboratory (40%)

Midterm & Final Exam 40%

OBA (Quizzes, Assignment, Seatwork) 40% Laboratory Reports 80%
Class Participation 10% Class Participation 10%
Attendance 10% Attendance 10%

100% 100%


96.7 – 100.0 1.00

93.4 – 96.6 1.25
90.1 - 93.30 1.50
86.7 – 90.0 1.75
83.4 – 86.6 2.00
80.1 – 83.3 2.25
76.7 – 80.0 2.50
73.4 – 76.6 2.75
70.00 – 73.3 3.00
50.0-69.9 4.00
Below 50 5.00
INC Passed the course but lack some requirements.
Dropped If unexcused absence is at least 20% of the Total Class Hours.
Total Class Hours/Semester: (3-unit Lec – 54 hrs; 2-unit Lec – 36 hrs)
(1-unit Lab – 54 hrs; 2 units Lab – 108 hrs; 3 units Lab – 162 hrs)
A. B. Attendance
Students are not allowed to have 20% or more unexcused absences of the total face to face class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as

C. Classroom Decorum

During face to face mode

Students are required to:
1. wear identification cards at all times;
2. wear face mask at all times
3. observe physical/social distancing at all times
4. clean the classroom before and after classes;
5. avoid unnecessary noise that might disturb other classes;
6. practice good manners and right conduct at all times;
7. practice gender sensitivity and awareness inside the classroom; and
8. come to class on time.
During distance mode
Students are required to:
1. sign an honor system pledge;
2. avoid giving or receiving unauthorized aid of any kind on their examinations, papers, projects and assignments,
3. observe proper netiquette during on-line activities, and
4. submit take home assignments on time.
D. Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Mid-term and Final Examinations are scheduled.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the second
offense, the student will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.
4. Students who will miss a mid-term or final examination, a laboratory exercise or a class project may be excused and allowed to take
a special exam, conduct a laboratory exercise or pass a class project for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity;
b. due to illness or death in the family; and
c. due to force majeure or natural calamities.
1. Books: Goodenough, J., & McGuire, B. (2016). Biology of Humans: Concepts, Applications, and Issues (6th ed.). Pearson
2. Urry, L., Cain, M., Wasserman, S., Minorsky, P., & Reece, J. (2016). Campbell Biology (Campbell Biology Series) (11th ed.). Pearson.
3. Pearson, P. H. (2021). Cells and Heredity, All in One Teaching Resources (Science Explorer, Volume C). Pearson, Prentice Hall.

4. Campbell,M. Farrell,S.,McDougal,O.,( 2020) Biochemistry(9th ed.)Cengage

5. Lieberman,M., Ricer,R.,( 2020) Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics

Video Links:

1. . Cheek Cell Practical. (2014, November 14). [Video]. YouTube.

2. Test for Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats - MeitY OLabs. (2017b, February 16). [Video]. YouTube.
3. Qualitative Analysis of Amino Acids - Amrita University. (2012, December 6). [Video]. YouTube.


1. Nurkolis, F., Surbakti, F. H., Sabrina, N., Azni, I. N., & Hardinsyah, H. (2020). Mango Sugar Rich in Vitamin C: A Potency for Developing
Functional Sugar Rich in Antioxidants. Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(Supplement_2), 765.
2. Ramos-Zúñiga, R., González-Pérez, O., Macías-Ornelas, A., Capilla-González, V., & Quiñones-Hinojosa, A. (2012). Ethical Implications
in the Use of Embryonic and Adult Neural Stem Cells. Stem Cells International, 2012, 1–7.

Revision Highlights of Revision
Date of Revision Date of Implementation
1 September 9, 2020 September, 2020 New course under the new curriculum
2 February 17, 2021 February, 2021 Updated course content for self-directed
distance learning
3 February 16, 2022 February, 2022 Updated course content for self-directed
distance learning Updated OBA
February 13, 2023 February, 2023 Updated course content for self- directed face
to face learning and Updated OBA

Prepared by: Evaluated by: Approved:


Instructor Department Chairperson College/Campus Administrator
CP #: (09686645767 Department of Arts and Sciences College/Campus Trece Martires City Campus
E-mail Address: E-mail Address: __ Date Approved: ________ Date Evaluated:______________________
Department of Arts and Sciences
Consultation Schedule: Thurs 12pm-2pm
Date Prepared: Feb 16,2023


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