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Teacher MELMAR B. REVERENTE Learning Area Science

Time & Dates Week 9,Day 3 Quarter Second

A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of the formation of typhoons and
Standards their movement within the PAR.
B. Performance The learners should be able to demonstrate precautionary measures
Standards before, during and after a typhoon, including following advisories, storm
signals, and calls for evacuation given by government agencies in charge.
C. Learning LC: Explain how typhoons develop. S8ES-IId-18)
Competencies /
Objectives. Objectives:
1. Describe a tropical cyclone.
2. Identify the conditions that favor the formation of a tropical cyclone.
3. Illustrate the formation of a tropical cyclone.
5. Recognize precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon.

II. CONTENT How Typhoons Develop

• In tropical oceans, the water in the oceans’ surface layer heated by the
direct solar radiation. As a result, the air above the tropical oceans is
characterized by high temperature and humidity, resulting in air inflation
that easily leads to low density per unit volume of air. Weak wind near the
equator causes the lighter air to soar and incur convection that further
attracts inflow of surrounding cooler air. The intake air then warms up and
soars again, creating a positive feedback cycle that eventually forms in air
column with high temperature, light weight and low density. This is how
the tropical depression forms.
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Unit 2, p 89-92
2.Learner’s Unit 2 Module, p 138-139
Materials Pages
3.Textbook pages
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
ELICIT Begin by asking the students what they commonly experience during
typhoons. (heavy rain, strong wind)
Show the students a picture of a typhoon taken from a satellite high above
the earth.
-Let them describe the picture shown.(“bagyo”, moving around a center)

-At this point, explain what we call bagyo is called tropical cyclone by
-Then ask the following focus questions:
• What is a tropical cyclone?
• How do tropical cyclones develop?
• What conditions favor the formation of a tropical cyclone?

Note: Gather students’ responses. Suspend judgement. (Revisit students’

answers to these questions during the explain/elaborate phase)
EXPLORE Post questions before watching the video (by group)
Guide questions:
1. Where do tropical cyclones form? (ocean ,land, atmosphere)
2. What are the conditions that favor the formation of a tropical cyclone?
Warm air, light upper level wind, moist air)
3. Illustrate the formation of a tropical cyclone.
4. Explain how typhoons develop?

Present a video clip on formation of a tropical cyclone. “How Hurricanes

Really Form”, e Meteorology
“Visualization Project Typhoon” DOST v Science for the People
(https:/ watch?v=UKL9NIxLIIE)

Choose a member from the group to give the answer.

EXPLAIN -Process students’ responses/ output.

-Help students generalize the concepts on how typhoons develop.
ELABORATE Emphasize the following concepts:
• What is a tropical cyclone? (System of thunderstorm moving around a
• How do tropical cyclones develop?
Tropical cyclones development has the following stages
1. Warm air rises
2. Warm moist air rises leaving low pressure area.
3. Air from surrounding high pressure areas rushes towards low pressure
4. As warm air rises, it cools off and form clouds
5. More clouds form and wind speed picks up as the coriolis effect causes
the wind to spiral as it rises. As the wind rotates faster LPA turns into
tropical depression and may eventually become a typhoon.

• What conditions favor the formation of a tropical cyclone? (warm moist

air, light upper level winds )

Students watch another video clip on typhoon formation. “How Hurricanes

Are Formed”.

After the video clip, present the categories of a tropical cyclone

EVALUATE Activity-embedded assessment

EXTEND Group Activity.(Rubric)

G-A---Actors Role play presenting on precautionary measures before the
G-B---writers—Make a news report during the typhoon
G-C—Vocalist—sing a song using typhoon sounds
G-D—Illustrators—Draw situation/scenario of typhoon damage
- Presentation of output

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did it work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
use/discover which
I wish to share with
other teachers?

APPENDIX A. Rubrics for the group activity

Criteria 5 3 1
Content Accurate Some answer are Answers are not
observation and not accurate. correct.
Neatness of work Output is well- Output is not Output is not
presented and clearly organized. organized.
Timeliness The group finished The group The group
the task on time. exceeded the exceeded the time
time limit given limit given for more
for not more than than 1 minute.
1 minute.
Teamwork All members of the Two or three Only the leader and
group participated members did not few members
in accomplishing participate in accomplished the
the task. accomplishing the task.
TOTAL SCORE: 20 points

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