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Document Review Form

Document No: 0055293-DR-419 Title: Method Statement Review No: 0

Company: Pivot Asset Project: Project Apollo Project No: 0055293
Holding RSC Ltd
Submittal Status: For Review: ☒ For Information: ☐
Document Scope: To review and comments for method statement LED Lights & Control
System T&C
No. SUBMISSION Comment Status
001 HWI-APO‐CN-MSS‐0036-00 Approval review and briefing Is referencing uptime, this should B
be the consultant
002 HWI-APO‐CN-MSS‐0036-00 Demonstration procedures, indicate uptime to provide report, B
this should be done by the contractor
003 HWI-APO‐CN-MSS‐0036-00 Add to checklist; check coverage of occupancy sensors B
004 HWI-APO‐CN-MSS‐0036-00 Add to checklist; check voltage signal between relay panels and B
005 HWI-APO‐CN-MSS‐0036-00 Add to checklist; Check labels B
006 HWI-APO‐CN-MSS‐0036-00 Is lighting testing (such as lux level) part of different method C
statement. If not add to check list.

Review Status
☐ A - Accepted ☐ B – Accepted with Comments ☒ C – Revise & Resubmit ☐ D – Rejected

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