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N NOM: _______________________________DATA: ______________GRUP:


1. Believe that the most active and revolutionary power is love.

2. To accept the absolute equality between people.
3. Be convinced that a human life is worth more than all the ideas in the world.
4. See the world as a home for everyone, where everyone should be safe.
5. To be a person with full self-control and not influenced by passions and instincts.
6. Possess a great deal of flexibility in dealing with others.
7. Admit that people’s dignity is not based on their ideas or on their social background.
8. Never see in the other an enemy, but a person who acts differently.
9. Never admit the injustice or oppression of others.
10. Know how to dialogue and be willing to give a new opportunity to what offended you.

Which definition you most agree:

Complete the sentence with your own words:

Being “non-violent” is…..

Copy three of the sentences on the board:

N NOM: _______________________________DATA: ______________GRUP:



Make some research and answer the questions:

1) When is the International Non-Violence Day celebrated?

2) Why is it celebrated on this date?

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