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by: Sir Jovs

Love and Friendship were among the important topics. Love and Friendship explain the
scope and limitations in order for them to prosper. It is not easy to indulge in a relationship if
we will not open ourselves to the reality of life. Life is full of wonders such as joy, sadness
and challenges. Being a teacher is a difficult one. I myself consider my present job as a
vocation not a profession--- a vocation that creates an atmosphere of assisting students
through quality education and be a total person that will serve the community where they
belong, especially in the community that they will be facing after graduation.

Now, let me delve on the important topic that everybody should know, “The Family:
Foundation of Unity and Love”. Some say that it’s easy to say but hard to do. Now, hoping
that after reading this article, you may say “I MUST DO IT!”…

God created man and woman in His own image and likeness-- calling them to existence
through love. He called them at the same time for love.
God is love and in Himself He lives a mystery of personal loving communion. Creating the
human race in His own image and continually keeping it in being. God inscribed in the
humanity of man and woman the vocation, and thus the capacity and responsibility, for love
and communion. Love is therefore the fundamental and innate vocation of every human

According to the plan of God, marriage is the foundation of the wider community of the
family, since the very institution of marriage and conjugal love are ordained to the
procreation and education of children, in whom they find their crowning.
In its most profound reality, love is essentially a gift; and conjugal love, while leading the
spouses to the reciprocal knowledge which makes them one flesh, does not end with the
couple, because it makes them capable of the greatest possible gift, the gift by which they
become cooperators with God for giving life to a new human person. Thus the couple, while
giving themselves to one another, give not just themselves but also the reality of children,
who are a living reflection of their love, a permanent sign of conjugal unity and a living and
inseparable synthesis of their being a father and a mother.

When they become parents, spouses receive from God the gift of a new responsibility. Their
parental love is called to become for the children the visible sign of the very love of God
from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.

In matrimony and in the family a complex of interpersonal relationships is set up – married

life, fatherhood and motherhood, foliation and fraternity – through which each human person
is introduced into the “human family” and into the “family of God”, which is the Church.

Christian marriage and the Christian family build up the church: for in the family the human
person is not only brought into being and progressively introduced by means of education
into the human community, but by means of the rebirth of baptism and education in the faith
the child is also introduced into God’s family, which is the Church.

The Church thus finds in the family, born of the sacrament, the cradle and the setting in
which she can enter human generations, and where these in their turn can enter the Church.
The family finds in the plan of God the Creator and Redeemer its identity, what it is, its
mission, what it can and should do. The role that God calls the family to perform in history
derives from what the family is; its role represents the dynamic and existential development
of what it is. Each family finds within itself a summons that cannot be ignored and that
specifies both its dignity and its responsibility: family, become what you are, that is to say, a
community of life and love. Hence the family has the mission to guard, reveal and
communicate love and this is a living reflection of, and a real sharing in, God’s love for
humanity and the love of Christ, the Lord for the Church-- His bride.
Every particular task of the family is an expression and concrete actuation of that
fundamental mission. Four general tasks for the family:

1. Forming a community of persons;

2. Serving life (education);
3. Participating in the development of society;
4. Sharing in the life and mission of the Church.

The family, which is founded and given life by love, is the community of persons; of husband
and wife, of parents and children, of relatives. Its first task is to live with fidelity the reality of
communion in a constant effort to develop an authentic community of persons.

The inner principle of that task, its permanent power and its final goal is love: without love
the family is not a community of persons and in the same way, without love the family cannot
live, grow and perfect itself as a community of persons. Man and woman cannot live without

There was a time when families knew the security founded on love –love of God, of one’s
self respect, of the family and of the neighbors in the Theo centric (God-centered) rural
culture of that time. Families worked, played and prayed together. Most of the needs of the
family were filled within the confines of the family, provided on the homestead or on the
farm. Each family member contributed to the whole. Each child was an asset, welcomed on
arrival and given his proper place in the family structure. The mother remained in the home
as bearer, rearer and educator of the children. From their mothers girls acquired a spiritual
security in their future role as potential mothers and learned the art of “mother”.

The onslaughts of secularism and individualism inevitably brought a change in that rural
culture to one of urban individualism, with a rise of the evils of greed, indifference to one’s
neighbors and the concept of children as liabilities. Selfishness replaced selflessness, love
depreciated in concept and value. With the basic need for love essentially unfulfilled,
frustration followed. The denials suffered by the parents were visited upon the children. One
of the tasks of psychiatry has long been the attempt to provide individuals deprived of love,
the feeling of security so necessary for healthy, happy living.

I need not raise the question, how important and necessary a role love plays in the training of
the child. It needs real loving. If love is absent, we have all the crucial factors in the
development of maladjustment. These neurotic children need affection and appreciation to be
able to survive. However, no one can give love that has not been received. The love of love in
a child becomes paramount in an adult.

The greatest preventative of poor training in children is the establishment of a love

relationship of father-mother-child. What is the nature of love? It is practically impossible to
give a description of love—however; I venture to offer here a paraphrase of St. Paul in his
first letter to the Corinthians, Chapter XII. “Love is patient, is kind. Love envieth not, dealeth
not perversely , is not puffed up, is not ambitious, seeketh not its own, is not provoked to
anger, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth; beareth all
things, believeth all things, endureth all things, hopeth all things.”

Finally, the greatest error in the rearing of children today is the neglect of proper religious
training by the parent. If religion is left out of the early training of the child, the one
compelling motive for continuous good behavior is omitted. Teaching a child to pray gives
him the first realization of his dependence upon a will higher than his own. He learns very
clearly that the true basis for doing or not doing certain acts is moral and religious. This basic
conviction ultimately becomes the motivation for foregoing alluring, forbidden pleasures or
for accomplishing unpleasant duties. Possession of religious motives and ideas is
indispensable in cultivating strength of will and in helping to overcome difficulties and
temptations. Having an inherent tendency to revere a higher Being, children who have been
instructed in the power and love of God will turn to that abiding Fatherhood in their times of
doubt and need when the love of their own parents has failed them. We stand appalled at the
delinquency today, the natural result of faulty training in childhood. Yet there are inestimable
numbers of children of careless, misguided parentage who have nevertheless grown into
successful adulthood and citizenship, because of a simple abiding faith in the Fatherhood of
God acquired through the teaching of these very parents who have failed in all else except in
their religious duties toward their children. Children who have gained and held to this faith
cannot go astray whatever their faulty background.

The security of love---the shared parent-child love and particularly the love for the divine
Father ---this must be the basis of child training today and tomorrow.
Seriously Speaking – the truth about men and women
by Sir Jovs

There is always the saying that advicing in a rush way is so difficult, but on the other
hand there is something within me that rushing is finishing. This might be one of the
funniest. Sharing this to all of you from the shared ideas of my friends.

Let me delve on the truth about Men (from a guy’s point of view in a research
conducted in the internet).

 First, men are “malibog” – all men are sex minded. It’s a universal truth. But to
tell you frankly girls, it’s not really our fault. God made us with testosterones
and our genes command us to act this way. If we were not sex – minded then
how would the human race procreate? It’s a man’s nature to be “malibog”.

 Second, Men are “Liars”, ask them no questions and they will tell you no lies.
This is true, you know. Meron kasing mga bagay na hindi na kayang I-share sa
mga gf/asawa kaya nakakapagsinungaling ito kasi pinipilit sumagot sa mga
bagay na ayaw namang sagutin. Men tried to hide things and if they can’t hide
it anymore they lied. This tactic is perfected through time kaya iyung ibang
guys eh medyo natural na sa kanila ang mag-lie. But remember, men prefer to
lie rather to give their privacy (take note, only those things that they think are
need not be said).

 Third, Men will tell you “Im the MAN!”, men must have this feeling that they
are in control. Ayaw yan na may kumander sila, iyung me nag cocomand sa
kanila. (Though, they are open to suggestions). And one more thing, if men say
that they are not lost! And that’s because guys will eventually find their way.
It’s a guy’s nightmare that their egos be bruised by the ladies you know. And
they hate it.

 Fourth, Men are buddy, they stick with their friends. They must have time with
their buddies you know? It’s not everyday that only the GF gets their time.
They always have the need to do those “boys night out”. It’s such a different
feeling being with your buddies and GF. Because men get to talk about topics
under # 1, and don’t ask where they will be going because you might get # 2,
ever heard of “male bonding”?

 Last, Men are quiet. Men are sometimes just plain quiet. This scenario happens
all the time. GF ask the BF why he is quiet, the BF says nothing, then the GF
says there’s something wrong, the GF insist that there is something wrong
when there is really not until a word war comes out. Actually, men are not
chatty as you are, even with their buddies. Can you notice that men sometimes
just nod at each other and still understand each other? Men like being quiet or
should I say saying nothing when there is really nothing to be said.

Now, how about the truth about girls? From the girl’s point of view, five words
occurred. One,

 Women are so “malambing”, definitely, all women are malambing. It’s a

universal truth also. But to tell you frankly guys, it’s not really their fault kasi
sometimes guys forget to make pansin their GF’s. If they are not malambing,
then how would the human race procreate? Kung sa mga mag-asawa, - siisay
an parakiblit? It’s a woman’s nature to be “malambing” kaya wag niyo naman
daw silang sisihin kung madalas silang maging mushy.

 Second, Girls are “Lovers” (sobra!) This is true kasi merong mga bagay na
hindi nila kayang itago, masyado silang mag-emote. They try to hide things and
if they can’t hide it anymore, they literally explode! Madrama sila. This tactic
is perfected through time kaya yung ibang girls medyo natural na sa kanila ang
magdrama. Masyado silang concentrated sa love.

Third, they also said this, Im your GIRL. They must have this feeling that they get
your attention. Ayaw nilang may kahati, Got that! Fourth, the word is “Baby”. They
want to be treated like a baby. Men should have time for Women. It’s not everyday
that only your buddies get your time. Girls always have the need to do those “romantic
nights” than a “horror nights”. It’s such a different feeling being with their BF,
because they get cuddle, kiss and hug. – and

 Last, girls are so “makulet”. They are sometimes just plain “makulet”. This
scenario happens all the time. GF ask the BF why he is quiet, the BF say
nothing, then the GF say there’s something wrong, the GF insist that there is
something wrong when there is really not until a word war comes out.
Actually, women are not as lame and quiet as men, even with their buddies, can
you notice that they are sometimes just can’t stop talking? They like chatting
even there’s really nothing to be said. “Kaya sa mga lalake – you try to stop
chatting in the internet, give way to women.

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