2021 CombiStats Session1 05OCT2021

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A Beginner’s Guide to CombiStatsTM
Webinar 1
05 October 2021

2 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents


Data Entry & Experimental Design

Analysis & Interpretation of Results

Combination of Assay Results

Files Management

3 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.


4 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

The CombiStats Software
Statistical analysis of data of biological dilution assays in accordance with Ph. Eur.
Chapter 5.3
• Developed and validated by A. Daas (EDQM statistician)

• Validation: numerical examples (Ph. Eur., D.J. Finney)

• User Manual: detailed presentation of CombiStats

First release in 1999 to OMCLs, in 2005 to non-OMCLs

• About 750 licences per year in more than 60 countries

Agreed reference in its domain, contributing to mutual recognition of statistical

results by all interested parties

5 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Bioassays Overview

Bioassay An experiment that measures the biological response to a given stimulus

The observed response leads to an immediate

Qualitative qualitative conclusion, usually involving no calculation Example: urine pregnancy test

The observed response leads to a numerical

Quantitative assessment of some property of the material tested

Measures the dose needed to produce

Direct assay a given response, usually involving Example: stop heartbeat is rats.
simple calculations

Measures the response obtained Example: in-vivo, in-vitro

Indirect assay for doses applied at given levels assays with a calibration line
(so called x-point dilution

6 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Indirect Assays - Example

A guinea-pic antiserum is assayed against a standard serum Standard S

Preparation to be
(0.4 IU/mL) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay examined T

technique (ELISA). Dil. Obs.1 Obs.2 Dil. Obs.1 Obs.2

1/10 2.912 2.917 1/2.5 2.914 2.921

1/20 2.579 2.654 1/5 2.586 2.662

10 two-fold dilutions of each serum were applied on a 96-
well ELISA plate. Each dilution was applied twice. 1/40 2.130 2.212 1/10 2.133 2.220

1/80 1.651 1.638 1/20 1.654 1.640

1/160 1.073 0.973 1/40 1.078 0.974

1/320 0.585 0.666 1/80 0.587 0.674

1/640 0.463 0.356 1/160 0.465 0.361

What is the potency of the guinea-pic antiserum (T)? 1/1280 0.266 0.234 1/320 0.268 0.238

1/2560 0.228 0.197 1/640 0.232 0.200

What are the confidence limits of estimated potency? 1/5120 0.176 0.215 1/1280 0.183 0.222

7 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Indirect Dilution Assays
Several preparations

Ref. preparation Test preparation(s)

Known concentration Conc. to be determined Relative

Ref. prep.: internal standard (IS), Test prep.: candidate IS, Test Preparation
certified reference material (CRM), CRM or BRP,
manufactured batches, etc. - Relative Potency (RP) ~ 1/4
biological reference preparation (BRP),
etc. - Potency ~ 0.1 IU/ml

8 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Indirect Dilution Assays
Regression models
Common structure in CombiStats

• X = Several doses for one or more preparations

Y = f (X)
• Y = Single or repeated measurements

Quantal response Quantitative response

Y = Proportion of responder Y = continuous/discrete data
E.g. in-vivo & in-vitro assay E.g. ELISA (absorbance)

Raw data: pos./neg. Aggregated

Binary Proportions

9 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Data Entry

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File Menu Window Menu

Create new data sheet Sheets in cascade,
Open existing template Edit Menu horizontal, vertical
Open data sheet Save, Print
Undo/Redo Tools Menu Examples
Copy selection Wizard (options) Manual
Copy data sheet Calculate Web Page
Paste selection Graph
Protect sheet Combine assays

11 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Size of Tables

12 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Orientation of Tables
Doses vertical

Doses horizontal

13 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Table Layout
Required for calculation
[Sample information]

Assigned or assumed potency

[Pre-dilution steps]


14 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Assigned and Estimated Potency Values
Purpose of the assay: estimate the potency of unknown sample(s), knowing the
potency of a standard
• Potency of Sample X calculated vs. BRP1
Unknown potency value
Estimated as 34 IU/ml
against BRP1

Known Double-click on
header to change
potency status from Sample
value to Standard
• Potency of Sample X calculated vs. In-house

Unknown potency value

Estimated as 31 IU/ml
against In-house

15 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.


Header: status
from Sample Cell: exclude or
to Standard include 1 result

Doses: exclude Dose: exclude

or include all or include a row
results of results

Remarks box: Add reason

for missing or excluded data

16 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Doses: Explicit Notation

These notations are all equivalent

X-fold dilution Volume (mL) Content (IU)

-1log10 = 1/10
-2log10 = 1/100
1/10 of 0.1 mL of 0.04 IU
EQ. EQ. -3log10 = 1/1000
0.4 IU/mL 0.4 IU/mL in 1st well
1/1 = undiluted

17 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Doses: Explicit Notation with Pre-dilution

These notations are NOT all equivalent

X-fold dilution Volume (mL) Content (IU) CombiStats converts any pre-
dilution and dose notation
Into a final content

If dose notation = final content,

then any pre-dilution
is ignored

Preferred notation for explicit

notation: X-fold dilution
1/10 of a half diluted solution 0.04 IU
= 0.02 IU in 1st well in 1st well

18 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Doses: Explicit Notation with unknown Ass. pot.
Assigned potency of Standard known (required) Doses in IU with unknown Ass.pot.
Potency of Sample may be unknown

X-fold dilution Volume (mL) Content (IU) Calculation cannot be done

0.02 IU = 0.1 mL 0.1 mL ? mL

in 1st well in 1st well in 1st well Preferred notation for explicit
notation: X-fold dilution

19 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Doses: Symbolic Notation

These notations are all equivalent

Explicit Symbolic

Dose order & Dilution

1/10 of
10-fold pre-dil.
0.04 IU step must be specified
0.4 IU/mL of 0.4 IU/mL in 1st well
Applicable to equally
Symbolic notations are just labels distributed doses only
(Well 1 = dose A = low = …)
(Decreasing): first well = 1/1
(Increasing): last well = 1/1

20 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Notation of Pre-Dilution Steps
Pre-dilutions must be entered in
a logical order…
1000 IU / vial
1 vial in 0.5 ml
0.5 ml in 10 ml
1.0 ml in 20 ml 1/20

0.1 ml in well 1/10

1 in 2 in 1st well 1/2

Units before the slash 1000 IU / (10×20×10×2)

must be the same as = 0.25 IU in first well
after the slash of
the previous step

21 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Notation of Pre-Dilution Steps
Check: Final doses on the regression plot

3rd 2nd 1st

well well well

22 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Experimental Design

23 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Experimental Design

For reliable results & conclusion: identification and control of confounders

(e.g. cage, Petri dish, operator, instruments).

The design is defined and agreed before the experimental

phase (per protocol). It may be adapted, depending on
unexpected events occurring at the bench (operator’s
lab notebook).

Completely randomised No experimental factor effect

Randomised block
Possible experimental factor
(Latin) square effect

24 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Completely Randomised Design
Protocol: A test preparation is to be compared to a BRP using a multiple
dilution assay (3 doses x 2 rep. per prep.)
The 12 treatments can be carried out by 1 operator in 1 session,
using the same material, buffer solution and batch of each reagent.
Treatments to be carried out in random order.
Lab notebook: No deviation from protocol

=> Treatments can be compared all things otherwise being equal.

25 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Randomised Bock Design (1)
Example: 3 doses of a Standard and a Test are applied in 6 replicates in 6 petri-dishes. Each dish
can accommodate 6 treatments.

Problem: Solution 1: Solution 2:

Effect of treatment cannot be Each treatment appears exactly The treatments are balanced
distinguished from the effect of once in each dish. Each dish can over all absolute positions (once
the dish. The effects are said to be regarded as a mini-assay. in each position) and relative
be confounded with each other. They are experimental blocks. positions (not always next to the
same treatment).
But, positions always the same.
26 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.
Randomised Bock Design (2)
Treatments positioned randomly within the blocks: randomised block design
Even with all positions randomized we must not neglect the effect of
order of administration:
• Were the treatments S1 added to all dishes before going to S2?
• Were all 6 treatments in dish 1 administered before going to dish 2?
• If so, in which order (clockwise, counter-clockwise, low to high dose?)

In practice, not all possible confounders may be important enough

to justify a complex design.
Practical considerations may outweigh the importance of (small) confounders, e.g. increased risk of
mistakes, time constraints, etc.
In general, a good compromise between theoretical and practical considerations has to be found.
In CombiStats we call designs in solutions 1 and 2 randomised block design, even if the treatments
are not truly randomised within the blocks
27 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.
Randomised Bock Design (3)

CombiStats assumes that the blocks

are identified by the number
between brackets.
All responses with the same number
are assumed to belong to the same
block, across all preparations

28 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Randomised Bock Design (4)

What to do when blocks are too small to accommodate all treatments?

Example of a balanced incomplete block design:
1 Standard and 2 Tests
Each tested at 3 doses
Each dose in 6 replicates
Dishes can only have 6 treatments

Each block
has its own
The blocks are
but the design
is balanced

29 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Randomised Bock Design (5)

x|y|z: x is number of the table

y is number of the dose
z is number of the replicate The colors identify the same number in Observ.
preparations => same block

30 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

What About Latin Square Design (1)
A design aiming to control two possible factors that could influence the response
of specific groups of units in the same way
Typical case: antibiotic agar diffusion assay (Ph.Eur 5.1.2)
Agar Gradient of heterogeneity
Antibiotic conc. in agar plate may
Gradient of heterogeneity

not be uniform…

Latin square design allows controlling
concentration possible heterogeneity in two directions
(rows & columns), how?

 Each treatment occurs only once

per row and per column

31 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

What About Latin Square Design (2)
Antibiotic agar diffusion assay (Ph. Eur. 5.1.2)
Std. and Test prep. (S & T)
3 doses per prep.
Agar Gradient of heterogeneity
S1 T1 T2 S3 S2 T3 Each treatment
Gradient of heterogeneity

T1 T3 S1 S2 T2 S3
(e.g. T2) occurs
once per row and
T2 S3 S2 S1 T3 T1 per column
S3 S2 T3 T1 S1 T2

S2 T2 S3 T3 T1 S1 The mean result

of each treatment
T3 S1 T1 T2 S3 S2 x|y: x is number of the table
shows limited bias
y is number of the dose
number of the replicate defined by
number in brackets

32 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Further use of « Show design » option

Elisa 96-well plate: BRP and 3 samples in duplicate

Design: completely randomised


Number in brackets:
no particular meaning

Each sample different colour

Facilitated data entry

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Statistical Analysis &
Interpretation of Results

34 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Steps of a Statistical Analysis

Review of Raw Data

Fit Regression Model

Check FAIL Refine Model

Validity E.g. data transf.


Interpret Results
Summary tables & plots

35 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Raw Data Review
Any problem to escalate?
• Check/correct any typo error
• Detect outliers, pattern in
missing data

• Typo error & outliers: data table
and regression plot scrutiny

36 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Statistical Analysis

Review of Raw Data

Fit Regression Model

Check FAIL Refine Model

Validity E.g. data transf.


Interpret Results
Summary tables & plots

37 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Indirect Dilution Assays
Regression models
Common structure in CombiStats

• X = Several doses for one or more preparations

Y = f (X)
• Y = Single or repeated measurements

Quantal response Quantitative response

Y = Proportion of responder Y = continuous/discrete data
E.g. in-vivo & in-vitro assay E.g. ELISA (absorbance)

Raw data: pos./neg. Aggregated

Binary Proportions

38 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model Selection (1)
Binary Quantitative
Resp. Y
Y linearly related Y ~ Ln(Dose)
to Dose (Y ~ Dose) (log scale on x-axis)
Y = f(X)

Linear Range + Asymptotes Linear Range

(6 to 12 dil. points) (3 to 5 dil. points)
Dil. pts

From assay development

to routine activities

Quantal Slope Sigmoid Parallel

Analysis Ratio Curves Lines
Spl Spl Spl Spl
Ref Ref Ref

39 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model Selection (2)
Slope Parallel Sigmoid Quantal
Ratio Lines Curves Analysis

40 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model Selection (3)
Wizard: options to select Don’t forget the
appropriate statistical model experimental design…

Run Statistical analysis

41 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.
Statistical Analysis

Review of Raw Data

Fit Regression Model

Check FAIL Refine Model

Validity E.g. data transf.


Interpret Results
Summary tables & plots

42 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model Validity Criteria – Model Assumption

Model assumption to verify for parallel line, sigmoid curve and slope ratio:
Data are normally distributed with constant variance

Criterion met

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Model Validity Criteria – Model Assumption

Model assumption to verify for parallel line, sigmoid curve and slope ratio:
Data are normally distributed with constant variance

Criterion not met

44 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model Validity Criteria – Dose-Response Relationship

Slope Parallel Sigmoid

Ratio Lines Curves


Regression – Linearity – Intersection Regression – Linearity – Parallelism

45 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model Validity Criteria - ANOVA
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) table to check the validity criteria

CombiStats labels the Probabilities (p-values)

with stars according to the level of significance

p-value ≥ 0.05 No stars

p-value < 0.05 One star (*)
p-value < 0.01 Two stars (**)
p-value < 0.001 Three stars (***)

Total observed variation is split to difference sources of variation.

The variability for source of interest (e.g. Regression) is compared to the experimental variability
resulting from replications of assays (Residual Error).

Example Source of variation « Regression », probability of common slope being 0 is lower than
0.001. Conclusion, slope significantly different from 0.

46 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model Validity Criteria – Dose-Response Relationship
Parallel line assays, sigmoid curve and assays with quantal response:
• The p-value for regression is significant (at least one star).
• The p-value for non-parallelism is not significant (no stars).
• The p-value for non-linearity is not significant (no stars).

Slope ratio assays:

• The p-value for regression is significant (at least one star).
• The p-value for intersection is not significant (no stars).
• The p-value for non-linearity is not significant (no stars).

For linearity criterion, assay requires at least 3 dilutions of each preparation

Sigmoid curves and quantal responses: data transformation is applied prior to testing the validity criteria
47 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.
Statistical Analysis

Review of Raw Data

Fit Regression Model

Check FAIL Refine Model

Validity E.g. data transf.


Interpret Results
Summary tables & plots

48 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Interpretation of Results
Calculator: run calculations and display tables of results

Output Input

Potency: 5456 IU/mg with 95% confidence limits [5093-5843]

Rel. to Ass.: relative to initial assumed potency 5600 IU/mg

5456 5092 5843
∗ 100 = 97.4% , 95% confidence limits ∗ 100 = 90.9% and ∗ 100 = 104.3%
5600 5600 5600

Rel. to Est.: relative to estimated potency 5456 IU/mg

5456 5092 5843
∗ 100 = 100.0% , 95% confidence limits ∗ 100 = 93.3% and ∗ 100 = 107.1%
5456 5456 5456

49 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Regression Models
for Quantitative Response

50 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Sigmoid Curves Model
Applicable to

• Quantitative results (y-axis)

• Doses on log-scale (x-axis)

• Clear lower & upper plateaus
(min. of 6 dil.-points needed)
• Typical example: ELISA

4-parameter logistic regression model

• a and d as lower and upper asymptotes 𝑑𝑑 − 𝑎𝑎
𝑦𝑦 = 𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏 + 𝑒𝑒
• b and c as slope and inflection point 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷
• e as experimental/residual error

51 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Parallel Lines Model
Applicable to RP =(cTest - cRef) / b

• Quantitative results (y-axis)

• Doses on log-scale (x-axis)

• 3 to 5 dilution points usually RP

Linear regression model

• b and c as slope and intercept

• e as experimental/residual error

bRef = bTest = b (common slope) 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑐𝑐 + 𝑏𝑏 � 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 + 𝑒𝑒

52 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Sigmoid and Parallel Lines Models
Parallel lines as a special case of Sigmoid curves

• Limited to linear ranges

of sigmoid curves
• 96-well plate: from 8-12
dilution points to 4
(double capacity…)
• Linearity and parallelism
as validity criteria for
both models

53 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Slope Ratio Model
Applicable to RP = bTest / bRef

• Quantitative results (y-axis)

• Dose units on x-axis

(arithmetic, additive scale)

• 3 to 5 dilution points usually

Linear regression model

• b and c as slope and intercept

• e as experimental/residual error

cTest = cRef = c 𝑦𝑦 = 𝑐𝑐 + 𝑏𝑏 � 𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷𝐷 + 𝑒𝑒

54 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Regression Models
for Quantal Response

55 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model for Quantal Responses
Quantal Response
Applicable to
Binary data: +, – or 0,1
• Proportions of responder (y-axis)

• Doses on log-scale (x-axis)

• Clear lower & upper plateau (no response, 100% response)

• Typical example: in-vivo assay


Regression analysis
• After transformation

• Several transformation exist

• Probit transformation (default)

56 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Model for Quantal Responses - Transformations
Five transformations of proportions available
• Probit (default) and Logit as most common
• Other: Gompertz (seldom used), Angular, Rectangular

57 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

EDXX Determination One Single Preparation
Applicable to

• Proportions of responder (y-axis)

• Doses on log-scale (x-axis)

• Clear lower & upper plateau (no response, 100%


Analysis Effective Dose 50 (ED50):

• Same as Quantal Responses dose giving 50% response
• EDXX: estimate the amount of dose that induces
XX% of response

58 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

ED50 and Relative Potency
ED50 (T)
RP =
ED50 (S)

1 vial of Standard contains 56 doses

to introduce a response at 50%

RP = = 1.234 Potency (T) = RP x Potency (S)
= 1.234 x 132 = 162.86 Values

59 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

ED50 for Quantitative Assays

1 mL of Standard contains 74.2 doses to introduce a response at 50%

50% of response are introduced by 0.005 IU of Standard and by 0.0018 IU of Sample 1 (Ass.pot.)

60 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

ED50 for Quantitative Assays
50% of response are introduced by 0.005 IU of Standard and by 0.0018 IU of Sample 1

BUT if unknown potency for sample 1 ? IU/ml

then output given in ml, not IU for Sample 1

Dose in ml

61 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Data Transformation

62 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Data Transformations

• No transformation: doses on linear scale (slope ratio)

• Logarithms: doses on log-linear scale (sigmoid curves, PLA)

• Model dependent transformation
Models: quantal response, EDXX determination and sigmoid curve
Purpose: linearization of sigmoid dose-response relationship
Example: probit default for quantal response, logit for sigmoid curve

• Measurement dependent transformation

Models: parallel line and slope ratio
Purpose: improve linearity and parallelism, stable variance over doses
Example: logarithm, square root

63 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Data Transformations – Example 5.1.4. from Ph.Eur.
no transformation Log-transformed

y --> ln(y)

Data are Data are

normally normally
distributed distributed
with constant with constant
variance: variance:
not met met

Parallel line model cannot be applied Parallel line model can be applied

64 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Combination of Assay

65 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Combination of Assay Results

One estimate from several independent assays needed, i.e. to fulfil the requirements of Ph.Eur.


Open all assays and click on melting pot button


CombiStats calculates three types of combinations: Unweighted combination, Weighted

Combination and Semi-Weighted Combination

66 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Combination of Assay Results - Example

Three valid Erythromycin assays

67 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Combination of Assay Results
To select one of the approaches
answer following questions
• Were assays performed independently?
Independent assays: Different runs: different
operators, days, working solutions, ...

• Are the assay results homogeneous?

Homogeneous results: Limited difference
between results of different runs (i.e. low inter-run
Formal test is performed (p-value = probability)
If p-value ≤ 0.10 (10%), then homogeneity is rejected

68 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Flow Chart K assays

E.g. linearity, parallelism Valid Remove assay(s)

E.g. different operators, NO

days, working solutions Independent Unweighted

Steep regression line NO

(parameter C in-between 1 Significant
and 1.1)

Min. of 6 degrees of freedom
for the residual of each assay Precise

Weighted Homogeneous Semi-Weighted

69 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

File Management

70 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Quality Assurance (QA)
QA Controls: Version, date & time [time-zone] at printing, page X of Y
• Time-zone synchronization under user’s responsibility (IT-management)

• Same date & time on each page

Remarks box: important notes for later reference

• E.g. problems during assay, unusual observations, reason for missing or excluded data

71 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Quality Assurance (QA)

QA Controls: license holder, optional: file name & size, hash code
• Repeated on each page, shown on printed version, not on screen

• Define the display of the file name & size, hash code in preferences

Print filename:
-1: full path & name
0: no print
1: file name
>1: file name + folders

72 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Quality Assurance (QA)
Hash code
• “fingerprint” of the file

• Any modification to the file will result in a different hash code

• Allows matching printed version with electronic version (source file)

• Making changes and printing a QA controlled version without saving triggers a warning
message and ad-hoc footer

• Two files with same hash code are identical

• Visible on printed version only but can be checked

from Menu > File > Hash REPEMD-160

73 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Title 21 CFR Part 11 and EU GMP Annex 11
Names are not intended as digital signatures (no legal status)

• Printed copy should be signed with hand-written signatures

• Acrobat Distiller may be used to add digital signatures to CombiStats file

• The link between the PDF version, the paper version, and the epa-file is
made by the le name, the le size and the hash code printed on each page.

Use hash code as Use hash code as

check for data integrity check for data integrity

Apply public algorithm RIPEMD-160 to produce hash

74 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Creation of templates

75 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Templates and data-sheets can be protected from accidental editing

CombiStats logo as black,

Logo blue, green and red for
Level 1 to Level 4

Password is optional

76 © EDQM, Council of Europe, 2021. All rights reserved.

Thank you for your attention

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