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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP002

Assessment Task 1 – Questions and Answers

Performance objective
Students need to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to plan and cost basic menus for dishes or
food product ranges for any type of cuisine or food service style. It requires the ability to identify
customer preferences, plan menus to meet customer and business needs, cost menus and evaluate their
success. The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor.

Assessment description
Students need to answers all the questions asked Appendix 1 section

You are required to address each question in this assessment. Once you have completed all questions,
check all responses. Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

You must submit:

 Answers to all the questions under the Appendix 1 –your task section

Your assessor will be looking for:

 organisation-specific information:
o sources of information on current customer profile and food preferences
o service style and cuisine
o costs of supply for ingredients
 methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients:
 butcher’s test
 standard measures
 standard yield tests
 hospitality and catering industry desired profit margins, mark-up procedures and rates
 different types and styles of menus for dishes or food production ranges for different types of food
 range of food preferences relating to:
 contemporary eating habits
 cultural and ethnic influences
 popular menu items
 quick service foods
 seasonal dishes
 variety of food products
 differing characteristics of customer groups such as age range, buying power, gender, income level
and social and cultural background
 influence of seasonal products and commodities on menu content
 naming conventions and culinary terms for a variety of cuisines
 formats for and inclusion of menus presented to customers
 methods of assessing the popularity of menu items:
 customer surveys
 popularity index
 sales data.
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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP002
Appendix 1 - Your task

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for assessment.

Q1. List 3 sources of information you can use in your workplace to obtain information on customer
profile and food preferences:

Source of information
1.Design a menu is to be clear about the type of establishment and its customer base.

2.Detailed information on the local population base is available from census data.


Q2. What are the 3 service style(s) and cuisine(s) used in your workplace? List all that apply and list
menu examples which are used for each service style or type of cuisine used:

Cuisine Service Style Menu examples

A la carte the wait staff takes the order Angus Beef Burger, silion steak,
and the meal is cooked after the grilled lamb shoulder
order is given to the kitchen.
Each menu item is costed

Brunch combination of breakfast and Smoked salmon and egg salad

lunch items and is normally on a toasted baguette, avocado
served from 10.30am-2.00pm on toast with scramble
egg;Belgian waffle with
strawberries and powdered

Tapas a snack or appetizer, typically Chorizo,Calamari rings,Warm

served with wine or beer. olive.

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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP002
Q3. Complete the following yield tests, calculating the Net yield per Kg and the net portion cost for
each commodity based on the net cost per Kg and the portion size per kg provided.

Commodity $ / kg Trimmings Net Yield/ kg Net cost/kg Portions /kg Net Portion Cost/ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.51 0.100 0.35
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.38 0.100 0.54
Carrots 1.40 16% 0.84 1.67 0.100 0.17
Cauliflower 5.75 22% 0.78 7.37 0.100 0.74
Kohlrabi 4.28 32% 0.68 6.29 0.100 0.53
Spinach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.93 0.100 1.29
Onions 2.45 14% 0.86 2.85 0.050 0.14
Sirloin 16.80 26% 0.74 22.70 0.280 6.36
Loin of Pork 14.80 14% 0.86 17.21 0.250 4.30
Leg of Lamb 8.90 27% 0.73 12.19 0.250 3.05

Q4. How would the profit margins and menu type differ in a fine dining establishment compared to a
bistro or pub?
What would be cost factors you would need to consider for each of these operations?

Bistro , Pub Fine dining establishment

Menu type and Margins Menu type and Margins

Customers can choose their preferences at no

Can provide a wider variety of fast-serving food at charge. Items typically of higher quality Higher
affordable rates due to less complicated dishes Lower price per dish but may have a higher percentage of
food costs due to simplicity of the dishes. Increased the food costs. Customer should follow one course
revenue due to fast delivery times and satisfaction of only
the customers.

Cost Factors Cost Factors

Can be deemed cheap and tourists can only come Can be time-consuming and require strong
occasionally. Lack of care in preparing or executing the management skills. Stock might run out. Can
dishes can easily expand. The lower cost of food is require special appliances
usually much better than the portion control and the
waste. Few trained workers required for shorter stays

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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP002
Q5. Go to the Sydney markets website and provide an overview of the fruit and
vegetables in season relevant to the month you are undertaking this assessment. Select 3 seasonal recipes from
the recipe section on that site which could be used for a seasonal 3-course menu:

Fruit and Vegetables in Recipes

ROAST TOMATO, 400g dried spaghet
ROCKET & 1 tbs olive oil
CHORIZO SPAGHETTI 2 chorizo sausages, finely diced
400g tomato medley, halved lengthways
Preparation 10 mins (chop larger tomatoes)
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
Cooking 12 mins ½ small bunch rocket, trimmed
125g Greek feta cheese, roughly crumbled
Serves 4 ⅓ cup pitted kalamata olives
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
Ground black pepper

STEP 1: Cook spaghet in a large saucepan of boiling water, following packet

directions, until al dente.
STEP 2: Meanwhile, heat oil in a medium non-stick frying pan over medium heat.
Add chorizo and cook, tossing often, for 5 minutes until golden and crisp. Transfer
a plate lined with paper towel. Add tomatoes and garlic to the pan, cook, tossing
often, for 4-5 minutes until very tender.
STEP 3: Drain spaghet and return to the pan. Add tomato mixture, chorizo, rocket,
feta, olives and extra virgin olive oil. Season with pepper to taste. Toss over low
heatuntil hot and well combined and serve.

BANANAS & ½ cup ready to pour (or grated) palm sugar

MANGOES ¼ cup water
WITH PALM SUGAR ½ cup light coconut cream
CREAM 1 tbs lime juice
4 just-ripe small mangoes
Preparation 20 mins 2 ripe bananas, sliced diagonally
Shredded toasted flaked coconut
Cooking 5 mins and lime wedges, to serve
Olive oil cooking spray
Serves 4 2 garlic cloves, halved lengthways

STEP 1: To make sauce, combine palm sugar, water and coconut cream in a small
heavy based saucepan. Stir over medium heat until mixture comes to the boil.
Reduce heat to low, and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 3 minutes. Remove from
heat, stir in lime juice and set aside to cool.
STEP 2:To serve, cut cheeks from mangoes, remove skin and thickly slice. Peel and
diagonally slice bananas. Arrange fruit on a serving platter or plates. Drizzle with
sauce and serve with lime wedges.

PAPAYA BREAKFAST  small (about 600g each) ripe papayas

BOATS  1 lime, juiced
 1 cup thick natural Greek-style yoghurt
Preparation 10 mins |  1 cup granola or toasted muesli
Serves 4  125g blueberries
 ¼ cup chopped pistachios
 honey, for drizzling
 lime wedges, to serve

STEP 1: Halve papayas lengthways. Using a spoon, scoop out the seeds. Place
papaya halves flesh-side-up onto a board. Drizzle with lime juice.
STEP 2: Top papaya with yoghurt, granola, blueberries and pistachios. Drizzle with
honey. Serve with lime wedges.

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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP002

Q6. Go to the Australia Tourism website,
select 3 restaurants from 2 different states (then click in each on “view more information”) and create
3 different ethnic menus from the different dishes offered by restaurants which provide a link.

Restaurant 1 Restaurant 2 Restaurant 3

Mamak Rosso Burger Project

Menu 1 Menu 2 Menu 3

Nasi Lemak Antipasto Della Casa Magic Mushroom and Fries

Fragrant coconut rice variety of cured meats & Crumbed confit mushroom,
accompanied by an ensemble of cheeses served with vegetables cheddar, lettuce, onion, pickles,
sambal, peanuts, crispy & homemade breadsticks tomato & our secret sauce.
anchovies, cucumber and hard- Served with fries.
boiled egg. Arguably Malaysia's
national dish.

Q7. Go to the following 2 websites and identify 6 different trends for food and beverages in Australia
for 2016:

•Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream

•Less processed foods, more natural

•Sustainable practices will be necessary

•Social media is key

•Fat is no longer to be feared

• Appearance is everything

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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP002
Q8. Customer characteristics vary according to a wide range of factors. Give general examples of how
each of the following characteristics will impact on your planning of menus and menu styles in an

Customer Impact on menu planning and menu style

age range Adults-Adults require moderate intake from all food groups

Children and adolescents-Children's and adolescents' general

nutritional.Example:Eating plenty of vegetables, legumes and fruits 

Elderly, whose needs differ due to age and growth pattern-General

nutritional.Examples:Enjoying a wide variety of nutritious foods; Eating
plenty of vegetables and fruits

buying power Carefully consider who your customers are and what the available budget
is. The food needs vary considerably as you may cater for business
people in the CBD or at a conference with lighter and quicker meals.

gender Women intakes more fruit and vegetables, higher intakes of dietary fiber
and lower intakes of fat. Women usually attach greater importance to
healthy eating .However, men intake less healthy food may be related to
their poorer nutritional knowledge. 

income level Income levels will also influence the type of dishes served. At high-end

locations where income levels are high, the menus will have expensive
foods and vice verse.

social and cultural

Cultural influences lead to the difference in the habitual consumption of certain
foods and in traditions of preparation, and in certain cases can lead to restrictions
such as exclusion of meat and milk from the diet

Q9. Design a customer questionnaire which you can use to evaluate the following types of menus for
your practical assessment.
The questions need to be clear and objective. The questions must be rated from e.g. 1-5 (1 is poor/5 is
excellent). Allow a space at the end to permit customers to comment.

Remember, the aim of your questions is to obtain valid feedback and to enable you to make
improvements to your menus.

 à la carte
 buffet
 cyclical
 degustation
 ethnic
 set
 table d’hôte
 seasonal

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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP002

Please take 5 minutes to fill this comment card it helps us to improve and serve better as per your taste

Please select the appropriate options below:

Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent

Quality of food

Flavor of food

Value of money of food

Texture of food

Presentation of food

Portion of food

Cleanliness of restaurant

Quality of service

Friendliness of staff

Speed of staff

Restaurant design

Appearance of staff

Any other comments or suggestion:

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