The Effectiveness of Interactive Kapampangan Stories Among Grade 1 Pupils

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The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension

Skills Among Grade 1 pupils

A Quantitative Research

presented to the

Faculty of Senior High School in Magalang( Stand Alone II)

San Pedro II, Magalang , Pampanga

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation, & Immesion

Grade 12-Humss Peace

The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills among
Grade 1 Pupils

The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils


At the time of entering elementary school students are required to be able to read but in

reality many students are not able to read and even students do not know the alphabet or letters.

Students who have difficulty learning to read show low learning outcomes in other subjects. This

means that learning difficulties in reading are associated with low student learning outcomes in

other subjects . The form of difficulty learning to read which has the most dominant tendency

faced by all students, namely reading comprehension errors (Fauxi, 2018).

Reading is one aspect of language skills that is learned in elementary school with aim that

students understand the meaning contained in the reading so that they are able to understand the

contents of the reading well and correctly. Therefore, children must learn to read. So, their
The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils

reading abilities make it easier for them to learn. With reading and writing skills, a person can

understand various kinds of information contained in writing correctly (Saonah,2018). Reading

is also one of the skills to get information which includes content and reading comprehension.

The ability to read is a very important thing for a student to have (Pratiwi, 2020).

Reading is an ability that must be mastered by students in elementary schools because

the ability to read is directly related to the entire student learning process. Students are

categorized as ready to read when they are able to identify or understand the meaning of words

from objects mentioned by others, even though students have not been able to sound the letters

of the name of the object (Pratiwi & Ariawan, 2017).

Reading can be regarded as one of the most important skills learners gain as they

progress through their early school years. As a foundation for learning across all subjects,

reading can be used for recreation and personal growth, while simultaneously providing young

children with the ability to take part more extensively in their communities and societies (Van

Staden & Bosker, 2014). Starting to be carried out as of early childhood, interactive reading

activities are some of the most important parameters that enhance the quality of this environment

and contribute to children’s literacy skills. Indeed, increasing children’s experiences with books

are considered among the main parameters in gaining and improving literacy skills (Juel, 2006;

Mol, Bus & Jong, 2009; Senechal & LeFevre, 2002). Interactive reading opportunities, which are

social exchanges, facilitate enriched language exposure, foster the development of receptive

language and spelling, increase vocabulary knowledge, and establish essential foundational

literacy skills. Additionally, interactive book reading activities activate brain parts related to

narrative comprehension and mental imaginary (Merga, 2017).

The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils

Previous meta-analysis studies have shown that interactive book reading experiences

make major contributions to gaining alphabetic knowledge and the phonetic and written

awareness, development of vocabulary, developing sensitivity toward syntactic and semantic

structures (Wasik & Bond, 2001). Several phrases are included in books. These structures have a

deeper meaning for kids when reading is interactive. Children gain positive experience with key

elements of the reading-writing process, such as word recognition, discrimination,

comprehension, and text production, as they become more aware of writing. Analyses carried out

within the context of interactive reading through books that combine pictures and texts also help

children to gain positive experiences with these elements.

Interactive book reading activities can be mentioned in a different name such as shared or

dialogical reading in the literature. Despite potential changing aspects, children generally play an

active role rather than a passive listener in the reading process in such activities. Reader-parents,

teacher or any other adult-ask questions or make comments to help the child to achieve the

implicit information that is not presented in the text. Drawing children's attention both to pictures

and story enable them to give clearer and more understandable answers to questions.

Consequently, their ideas enrich. Further reinforcement of the reading process with games and

materials contribute to children's playing more active role (Kim & Hall, 2002). Teale and Sulzby

(1989) stated in their study which examined several research studies that activities such as

writing awareness, monitoring the comprehension process while retelling the story and models

set by adults about the written materials enable children's active participation, and these activities

make significant contributions to bringing reading and writing skills to children as of early

childhood. Researchers (Seheridan, 1995; Teale, Hieber & Chittenden, 1987) state that such
The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils

interactions between parents and children in preschool and teacher and children during the

school years are crucial for the development of reading and writing skills.

The Philippines just embarked on a major educational K–12 reform with the Enhanced

Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act 10533), which enhances the curriculum and extends

the number of years of basic education. This law intends to provide students with a high-quality

education that is globally competitive. It adds kindergarten and two more years of high school

(K–12) to the original standard ten-year education cycle, as well as recognizes the importance of

language during children's formative years (Congress of the Philippines, 2013). A flagship

program, mother tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE), requires "mother tongue"

(MT) instruction from kindergarten to grade 3 (Congress of the Philippines, 2013). According to

Manapsal,, (2019), the Pampanga province administration, in collaboration with the

Department of Education, must reintroduce the Pampangan language as a medium of instruction

in all Pampanga schools from kindergarten to grade 12.

The impact of interactive Kapampangan stories, particularly with grade 1 kids, has not

yet been thoroughly researched. In one study, Yalung and Alejandrino (2014) looked at how

interactive storytelling in the Kapampangan language affected the language development of

Filipino first-graders. According to the study, using interactive Kapampangan stories helped

students' language development, including their vocabulary growth and improvement of their

storytelling abilities. Another study conducted by Cariño and Alejandrino (2016) investigated the

effectiveness of interactive storytelling in Kapampangan among preschool children. The study

found that the use of interactive Kapampangan stories significantly improved the children's

comprehension and oral language skills.

The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils

However, there is insufficient data on the usefulness of interactive Kapampangan

storytelling, particularly among grade 1 students. Yalung and Alejandrino (2014) explored the

impact of interactive storytelling in Kapampangan on the language development of first-grade

students in the Philippines. The study discovered that using interactive Kapampangan stories

resulted in improved language development among the students, including higher vocabulary

acquisition and enhanced narrative skills.

In terms of language acquisition, studies have shown that children who are exposed to

multiple languages at an early age have cognitive benefits, including better problem-solving

skills and increased flexibility in thinking (Bialystok & Martin, 2004). Therefore, the use of

Kapampangan stories in the classroom may have positive effects on the language development of

first-grade pupils. Furthermore, De Guzman (2014) evaluated the impact of storytelling on the

listening comprehension skills of first-grade students in a Kapampangan-speaking community.

The researchers will develope an Interactive Filipino Story in improving the Reading

Skills of Grade 1 pupils.

Statement of the Problem

The study will aim to provide answers to the following questions:

1. How may the scores of the students-respondents be described in the pre-test?

2. How may the scores of the students-respondents be described in the post-test?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the student-



Ho: There is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the

student - respondents.
The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils

Ha: There is significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the student -



This chapter presents the required skills and scheme of action to attain the objective of

the study.

Type of Research

This study will utilize the quasi-experimental design, as such, a pre-test and post-test will

be administered to the student-respondents to determine the knowledge acquisition performance

through the pre-test and post-test.

According to Anthony Harris, (2006) Quasi-experiments are studies that try to

evaluate interventions but do not involve randomization. Quasi-experiments, like randomized

trials, seek to demonstrate the relationship between an intervention and a result.

Respondents of the Study

The researcher consider the Grade 1 Section 1 of San Pedro II Elementary School for the

school year 2022-2023 as the respondents in this study comprising of 40 pupils regardless of

their age and gender.

Sampling Method

The purposive sampling technique will be use in selecting the respondents of the study.

Purposive or judgmental sampling enables the researcher to use his/her judgment to select cases

that will best give him/her answer the research question and meet the objectives. This form of

sampling is use often when working with very few sample such as in case study research and

when the researcher wishes to select that is particularly informative (Saunders,, 2010).

Proposed Innovation/ Intervention/ Strategy

The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils


The following will be the research instruments used in this study.

1. Interactive Kapampangan booklet is a type of reading book composed of 10 stories with visual

aid. The stories must include photos or drawings to paint a picture of the situation in the students'

minds. The booklet will include questions after each story to assess grade 1 pupils' reading

comprehension. The instrument is composed of the following stories: a. Pau ampo i Matsing; b.

Ing manok ng Maria; c. Ing Inasinan a Dagat; d. I Leon, I Dagis, ampoy tudturing Osu; e. Ing

mayabang a Uwak; f. Ing mapamye a Uwak; g. Aring Sinukuan ampo i Dayang Makiling; h.

Ing Ayup ampo i Pusa; i. The Ginger Man; j. Ing sakim a Aso.

2. Pre-test and Post-test. The data will be collected through pre-test and post-test. The pre-test

and post-test used adopted from the internet. The test will be administered in a paper and pencil


Data Collection Procedure

Before collecting all the data needed for the study, the researcher sought permission from

the proper authorities. A letter address to the principal of San Pedro II Elementary School and

advisers of the respondent for the conduct of pre-test, post-test and administering of intervention

materials to first graders in their Mother-tongue. The parents of the Grade 1 student-

respondents will be informed regarding the project and their permission will be sought in order

for their children to be a part of this project. After the approval, pre-test will be given before the

intervention materials to students. It will be followed by a post-test to evaluate the materials with

the comprehension of the students. Their scores will be tallied and be interpreted by the

researcher to determine whether there will be significant differences on their mean score in the

pre-test and post-test.

The Impact of Interactive Kapampangan Stories on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills
among Grade 1 Pupils

Ethical Consideration

The following ethical guidelines will be put into place for the research period:

1. The dignity and well—being of the respondents will be protected at all times.

2. The research data remained not to be disclosed all through the study and the researcher

obtained the respondents permission to use their real names in the research report.

Data Analysis

Arithmetic mean will be computed in analyzing the scores. In treating the significant

difference of the pre-test and the post-test in using materials, t-test at the 0.05 level of

significance will be used.

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