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Willdeym, a resident citizen, has the following income for the year 2019:

Gross income from business of poultry (net of Cost of Sale: 200,000)..... P1,800,000
Gross income from business of piggery (net of Cost of Sale: 100,000)...... 800,000
Dividend from domestic corporation...................................................... 10,000
Dividend from resident corporation...................................................... 50,000
Interest on bank deposit……… ………………………........................... 15,000
Monetary benefit from Deposit Substitute .............................................. 25,000
Sale of common shares held as capital asset from SMART, Inc, not
listed and traded thru Philippine Stock exchange:
Fair Market Value P 1,000,000
Selling Price 500,000
Acquisition Cost 200,000
Sale of common shares held as capital asset from
GLOBE, Inc, listed and traded thru Philippine
Stock exchange:
Fair Market Value P 2,000,000
Selling Price 1,000,000
Acquisition Cost 200,000
Sale of real property not used in trade or business
located in Tondo, Manila:
Assessed Value P 5,000,000
Zonal Value 6,000,000
Selling Price 4,000,000
Acquisition Cost 7,000,000
Sale of real property not used in trade or business
located in Kazakhstan:
Assessed Value P 500,000
Zonal Value 600,000
Selling Price 400,000
Acquisition Cost 350,000
Interest under Expanded Foreign Currency Deposit System 500,000
Won 1st prize: Ford Everest, in a raffle draw worth 3,000,000
Won winnings from Barangay Sipa League 11,000
Won winnings from Barangay Mataya-taya League 10,000
Interest from P1,000,000 individual trust funds
(Term: 5 years)......................................................................... 100,000
Royalties from cinematographic films………......................... 50,000
Interest from P3,000,000 investment management accounts
(Term: 5 years) After one year and one month, he pre-
terminated the investment account..................... 200,000
Business expenses from poultry business................................... 720,000
Business expenses from piggery business................................... 900,000
An amount paid out for betterments made to increase
the value of the land.................................................................... 80,000
Amount paid in restoring the real property located in
Tondo, Manila ............................................................................ 120,000
1. Assuming Willdeym signified in his first quarter return his intention to avail of the 8%
preferential tax rate, how much is his income tax due for the year 2019?
2. Assuming Willdeym is also employed in Meralco earning a total compensation income per
annum of P1,500,000, how much is his total income tax due?
3. Assuming Wildeym, a mixed income earner where he also earned a total compensation income of
P1,500,000, net of exclusions, signified in his first quarter return his intention to avail of the
OSD, how much is his income tax due?
4. Using all the facts above, however, Wildeym, who earned purely from his businesses of poultry
and piggery a total gross sales of P1,600,000 and P1,300,000, respectively, and incurred cost of
sales for each of P200,000 and P 300,000 for 2019, respectively, signified in his first quarter
return his intention to avail of the 8% preferential tax rate, how much is his total income tax due?
5. Using all the facts above, however, instead of the poultry and piggery businesses, Wildeym has
the business of cockpits and cabarets where these earned a total gross sales of P1,600,000 and
P1000,000, respectively, can he avail the 8% preferential tax rate?

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