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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 (2015) 2040 – 2043

WCES 2014

Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829 and political positions of

European States
Nurzhigit Abdukadyrova*
PhD Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 050040 Al-Farabi av. No 71 Almaty/Kazakhstan

Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829 years was caused by the struggle of the European powers to partition the Ottoman
possessions in acute internal crisis that has increased in connection with the Greek national liberation revolution of 1821-1829
years. Governments of Britain and France, fearing the growing influence in the Balkans, Russia, to which the Greeks called for
help, made in 1827, together with her in support of the rebels of the Greeks, but after the victory of the allied fleet in the Battle of
Navarino in 1827 intensified the contradiction between the allies. This article discusses the background, process and outcome of
the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829 yy. An assessment of the causes and results of the war, the imperialist policy of the
Russian Empire and the political situation of the Ottoman state. Additionally traced position of the European powers and their
political direction.
© 2015
© 2014TheTheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of WCES 2014.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of WCES 2014
Keywords: Anatolia, Navarino, Edirne, Morey, Panslavism, Antakya

1. Introduction

The history of the 19th century the Ottoman Empire is the period of its decay. Contributed to the disintegration
of the empire of the internal political situation and frequent uprisings, as well as the geopolitical situation and the
war with the Russian Empire, which had great influence on the situation. From the 18th century Russia empire
became one of the strongest opponents the Ottoman Empire, it became one of the most economically developed
states. Based on its strength and use the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Russian government decided to first
win the Black Sea and the Caucasus, after the south-eastern Europe, even Istanbul. Prior to that, the Russian Empire

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Tel: +7 707 264 04 04
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1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of WCES 2014
Nurzhigit Abdukadyrov / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 (2015) 2040 – 2043 2041

became eligible to trade relations in the Black Sea, after leaving the Mediterranean has decided to trade with the
coast states. Since Russia has not been able to leave the transit area. Some of the main causes of the war between
Russia and the Ottoman Empire was - political demands, religious denomination and Slavic Orthodoxy ideology* In
this war, the Russian Empire as providing kinship and religious affinity, sought to use their power in their
imperialist purposes. In this situation, to the Russian Empire, the first was the use of their power, and secondly to
raise the profile of Russian Slavic peoples and their connection. Thus, the policy of the Russian Empire Slavism was
the reunion of the Slavic peoples and under this capture the Ottoman Empire, when Austria-Hungary and the Balkan
peninsula completely (Hans.1991).

2. The process of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829 yy.

The expansion of the Russian Empire to the south and south-west Russia and the Ottoman Empire along the
addition of trade and economic relations, intensify the struggle for spheres of influence, and the border regions. In
order to avoid the complicated political situation between the two countries exchanged ambassadors. However, the
target area of the Russian Empire different color relationships, resulting in an agreement led to violations (Saray.
1987) of the treaty. For the Ottoman Empire Istanbul Strait was very important. In this regard, the Ottoman Empire
carried out activities to improve the Navy and its protection. Capture of the strategically important territories
Russian empire was its main purpose. April 2, 1828 the Russian government announced the Ottoman military
manifesto. During this period, the position of the Ottoman Empire, is very complex. The reason was the previous
defeat, inflation, deteriorating fleet, and therefore the Black sea region completely withdrew the Russian Empire.
Winning the war for Russia was not complex. This time, the Russian troops crossing the Prut River and the Danube,
took the Turkish garrison of Varna and Braille, and set a goal to capture Istanbul. To complete this goal was formed
100 thousand army (Mantran. 1989). The war started attacking Russian troops. The hostilities began in Anatolia and
Rumelia then Ottoman troops began to gather in this object. In Rumelia Agha Hussein Pasha, the Danube warlord,
Izzet Pasha, the commander of the fleet, and in Anatolia Galip Pasha fought against Russian troops. The war
resulted in the Russian army in 1828, the Ottoman Empire lost garrisons such as Isakcha, Machin, Braille and
Hirshova. Then the Russians laid prolonged sieges to three key Ottoman citadels in present-day Bulgaria — Shumla,
Varna, and Silistra (Sicil Defteri. 1828 No: XX, Belge No: 71.). Petition was sent to the people of the war in the
name of Allah. Prior to that in 1828, the Russian commander-in-chief, Prince Peter Wittgenstein, had moved into
Romanian Participates Wallachia and Moldavia and occupied them. Furthermore, the Ottomans succeeded in cutting
the Russians from supplies of provisions. The resultant famine and proliferation of diseases claimed more lives than
all the hostilities undertaken during the war (Sicil Defteri. 1828 No: XX, Belge No: 29.). Vicar of Aleppo Mehmet
Rauf Pasha in connection with the declaration of war began to call all citizens from 12 to 70 years. He sent them to
the west and east. Since there was little surprising number of troops. To protect Suveyi 1828 Ashykogly Ahmed sent
his troops in that direction (Sicil Defteri. 1828 No: XX, Belge No: 49.). After the news came about the entrance of
the Russian troops, was organized in 1000 the army east warlord Mehmed Said Pasha. In the war with the Russian
troops should note War The action of the Turkish troops in the region Antakya (Sicil Defteri. 1828 No: XX, Belge
No: 56.). Organization of sanitary-epidemiological operations and troops of the Russian army was low. This
situation is very influenced by the military actions of the Russian forces. In spite of this early in the war Russian
forces easily seized the territory of Wallachia and Moldavia. The Emperor Nicholas was among one of war. Military
operations are concentrated near the garrison Braille. May 3, 1828 Russian troops completely surrounded this
garrison. Expecting the Turks were ready to attack. The artillery was fully involved in the war effort. In this
operation, Russian concentrate and 7 July captured the garrison Braille. After that, another Russian captured the
garrison. Here, Russian forces captured Anap and internal garrisons Ahalkolaki, Ahaltsik, Bajazet, Ardagen and
Kars (Kurmay. 1975). Along with this, Silistra was also surrounded. Was preparing for the garrison of Varna in
the Black Sea region. Capture of Varna was going on foot armies and fleets. In the end, September 28, 1828 Varna

Prior to that, the European Slavic peoples who were part of the Ottoman Empire and the Christian Orthodox persuasion, joining Russia asked
them for help and on this basis to seek independence from the Ottoman Empire.
2042 Nurzhigit Abdukadyrov / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 191 (2015) 2040 – 2043

was captured. Were captured 6,000 Turkish troops and 178 military weapons. Later identified two of the Russian
army: the first is the gradual seizure of the Turkish garrison, and the promotion of military operations to the
Balkans, the second - to bring the war to a decisive moment. They sought to keep the rear of the Danube, taking the
Balkans, to go to the capital of the Ottoman state. The result was passed last plan. To complete this goal the Russian
government appointed General Dribich. In 1829, Russian troops renewed military weapons and army, aiming to
further military action. Turkish troops are also ready for new military action. In May 1829, Turkish troops won a
total defeat. After that the Russian troops went to the Balkans. In moving the Balkans, Russian endured severe trials.
Balkans after the Russian troops headed to Istanbul and Edirne. 7 August Russian troops came to Edirne. As a result
of attacking threat in the capital of the Ottoman Empire Istanbul. At this time the leading Russian troops on the
Caucasian front captured Erzurum. Ottoman State had no choice but to come to a truce (Shirokorad. 2009).

3. Position of the European States in the run up to and during the war

On the eve of the war of 1828-1829. between the European states and the Ottoman Empire and political
integration processes were at a low level. Watching the decline of the European powers had no help. They supported
small states and principalities STEM to independently from the Ottoman Empire. November 20, 1827 was on the
port of Navarin warships of Russia, Britain and France demanded to remove the Turkish-Egyptian fleet of Greece.
As a result of the hostilities in Navarin. In this war, the Turkish-Egyptian fleet of 90 ships and 16,000 military was
stronger and blow. In spite of this Russian-French and British forces were victorious (Hammer. 1997). It was clear
that the revolt of the Greeks on the Mediterranean was supported by Russia, France and Britain. After that, they
brokered with embassies in Istanbul demanded that the Ottoman Government recognized the independence of
Greece. In spite of that the Ottoman state was ready for war, and that it is reported to them. In Morea Greeks
revolted and demanded the recognition of independence, in this situation, Russia has supported Greece. As a result,
the Greeks won. The Ottoman Empire has expressed dissatisfaction with Russia's position, which led them to war.
This war has remained in history as the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829 (Coles. 1986). On the eve of war, the
Ottoman Empire relied on the aid of Austria and tried to direct them against Russia. Turkish Sultan Ahmet III
declared that "all agreements, including the Russian-Turkish, latest Ackerman has no power." Russian ships were
confiscated. Sultan, in his speech urged the people to a holy war saying "for the unity of life and religion." Austria
sent the Ottoman Empire into a war with Russia. They carried out a threat to the Principalities, sent troops to
Transylvania (Finkel. 2009). However, Austria because of the weak state of the military did not want to go to war
with Russia, tried to incite the Ottoman Empire. Advantage of the situation, Russia would like to open a war against
the Ottoman state. As a result of uncoordinated policy situation in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. European
powers did not support the Ottoman Empire (Çadırcı. 1997).

4. Conclusion

In conclusion we can say that the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829. for the Ottoman Empire was a failure and
has proven its decay. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire was Slobo economic development, the internal political
situation and the deterioration of political relations with neighboring states. Terms Kuchuk Kaynarca for the
Ottoman Empire was the most difficult. As a result of this agreement the Russian Empire established rule over the
Danube and the Eastern Anatolia. Moldavia, Wallachia, Serbia, Greece gained independence. The agreement was an
important time of gaining self Greece. The independence of Greece, the impetus to further collapse of the Ottoman

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Antakya Şer'iyye Sicil Defteri, (1828). Defter No:XX, Belge No:49.
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