Manual - Aerzen Delta Blower For Pressure Packages - Operating

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DELTA BLOWER Operating & Maintenance Instructions For Pressure Packages Page 10198 Content Page 1 General Advice 3 2. Precautions - Prior To and During Operation 3-4 3. Transportation / Receipt / Storage 4 4. Installation 5 5. Commissioning 6 6. Unacceptable Operating Practices 6 7. Acceptable Starting Frequencies of the Drive Motor 7 8. Shutdown / De-commissioning 7 9 Special Concems for the Drive Motor 7 10. Inspection / Maintenance 8 14. Maintenance Schedule 8 12. Oil Service and Lubrication 8-10 13. Oil Specifications 1 14. Oi) Quantities 12 15. Checking the Pressure Relief Valve for Correct Operation 12 16. V-belts - Installation / Replacement 13 17. Intake Filter Maintenance 14 18. Troubleshooting 15 149. Main Components and Accessories 16-18 Aerzen USA Corporat Oporating Manual - K4 Blower - Prasaure Dae Bact sratzecaagacnen con west mmgszenusacore | Aug 2002 24.0005 revison “AT Page 2or8 1. General Advice Pasitive Displacement Biower Units made by Aerzener Maschinenfabrik are suitable far oiLfree conveying and compressing of air. The unit can also be used with neutral gases with criy a slight modification to the design, In arder to ensure optimum performance and safe operation, the technical operating limits must not be exceeded! Discharge Temperature = (2 must be ess than 275° (1950) Roter to JOB SPECIFIC DATA PACKAGE fer your spose Oparating Conditions parameter description}: pi= — inletpressure of he blower (osia inlet temperature of the blower (°F) IGFM= et cubic feet par mune p2= discharge pressure of the blower (asia) t= discharge temperature ofthe blower CF) GHP = break horsepawer required fo deliver the epectio ordered data HP= rating of deve motor The JOB SPECIFIC DATA PACKAGE contains the felowing information: ‘Customer information, Btower Type & S/N, Package Weight, Documentation List, Performance/Order Data, Critical Information & Notes, Bil of Material with Recommended Spare Farts. ATTENTION! Aerzener Maschinenfabrik end its subsidiaries are released trom any warranty and liabilty regarding repleoomont for eonsaquontial damages if the iechnical operating limite are net observed ané/or the safety quidelinas outlined in this manual are not followed. The same applies for equipment failures resulting frems improper maintenance. 2. Precautions - Prior To and During Operation 2 Operator Training - operators must be trained & knowedgestle in all aspects of this blower package as stated in this and relied operation & maintenance manuals (motor, accessoties, etc ‘+ Protection — bell guards, fan guards, safety rafef valves, etc. = Operation —blower limits (speed, pressure, temperature, direction of rotation, etc.) = Monitoring Devices - gauges, switches, transmitters, eto, + Motor Operation & Safety ~ see motor operation manual ‘2 Safely Regulatione (in-house, local, national, ete:} must be adhered to. ‘2 Safety appliances (belt guard, motor guard, etc) must not he removed while the blower is running, 3 Safety electrical circuitsidevices (E-stop, etc) must not be jumped out or rendered inoperable, while the blower is nunning. 2 DONOT operate i electrical connections, bet guard and pressure relief vatve are defeative or missing DONOT operate the unt with the inlet accessories removed {blower inlet flange open to atmosphere). Positive displacement blowers are forced conveying machines with risk of severe injury in the area of the blower corveying chamber. Sound enciesure doors and panels are to be installed while the blower is running and may only be operediremoved when the motor is tured off and locked out > Ensure that the motor power bas been turned aff and locked out prior to doing ary werk on the unit 2) Wear safety gloves when touching the blower suriace while the machine is al operating ternperatuses. The unit ould be hot enough lo cause severe burns! Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Pressure fug2o02 | B4-0005 —revizon“At aettt "Remove any foreign materials (scids, liquids and powdery substances} from the Diower inet area & piping, ‘Wear ear protection whife the blower is in operation! > Caution!t When using cleaning agents and sprays, po'soning may result - Read the products MSDS (Material Safety Oata Sheet) for oraper treatment rom inhalation, ingestion, eye and skin exposure. © Masststance is needed contact the Aerzen’s Alter-Gales/Service Department! Transportation / Receiving / Storage ‘TRANSPORTATION Prior to & while transporting the bower unit the ‘ollawing points must be observed: 3 Remove the V-helts fram the pusteys. = Lock the hinged motor support plate, by means of the transport locking screw at bracket - see secton 16 Protect the blower unit fram impact by putting the blower assembly in box, orate, etc. 2 The unit is to be ited by means of crane, fork-fftinuck, or similar © Litthe unitas follows. + Unts Without Sound Enclosures — (a) ift with cables & spreador bar, using lifing points on base frame (3 (oF 4 depending on size of urit), go net use the hinged moter support plate as a liting point (b) for units mounted on wooded skids, it from the blower side using a fork truck uncer the ski. Units With Sound Enclosures - (a) lift with cables & spreader bars, using lifting points on the sound enclosure base of (b) iting with fork truck uncer shioping skid (s also acceptatle. RECEIVING ‘Upon receipt ofthe blower package, check for transportation damage and completeness of arder.immediatey report any transportation damage to the freight cartier and order discrepancies to Aerzen USA, Cerp. STORAGE ‘When storing the blawer unit the following items must be opserved: > Check the Brower ol level and fil if necessary - see section 12 > Check to see il'V-bells are installed ~if they are, releaseiremove them. + Lif the hinged motor support plate by means of hydraulic jack + Remove the front cover (units without sound enclosure} or the perimeter rings (units with sound enclosure) of tne belt guard. + Slip the V-bot of of the motor pulley. + Roplsoe batt guard componsni: 2 Store biower package in a dry, claan and vibration-ess room ona level surface. 2 For units in storage for longer than 6 weeks «Preserve conveying chamber, rotors & exposed shats with @ preserving oll that is compatiaie with ccustemer’s process (contact Aerzen’s Altei-Salas/Service Department for assistance) + Rotate the blower shafts regulariy (al feast 1 time per month} by hand, in order to prevent damage tothe bearings & seats. + Check motor operation & maintenance manual for long-term storage recommendations, Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - Ka Blower - Pressure ® om oe waar Fae ‘Aug 2002 84.0008 revisan“A’ sore 4. Installation 2 Proper site conditions areto be observes, Iftese conditions can net be met, please contact Aerzen USA. woe Ensu 2 Anche ‘Adequate ventilation for motor & blower cooling Ambient temperature “10°C to. 40°C (14°F to 104°F) Relafive air humidity 0% to 80% Chemical froo stmosphore Remove all shipping & storage material from the parkage (shrink wrap, crating, skid, etc) Pace unit on an even, vibration Jess and slope-tree platform {maximum of 0.2" per 10F& (0 .1° pitch)} re the blower has non restiicted alr crcutation Inlet and discharge openings of the sound enclosure are not restricted (10 close to wall or other piece of equipment) Mater has a cool air supply Blover inlets free from restriction or contar Fo: unis instaled inside a room, Gare musi be taken to remeve the heat generated by the biower system from that room, Detail myst also be taken with the room airflow — uneven eiflow could reeuttin zones of high temperature within the room, causing machinery to overheat. ‘or the blower base frame (or sound enclosure). Refer ta the general amangement drawing for on Tecommendations — iis sufficient to use only one anchor bolt per machine foat. > Cone ect discharge piping as well as the inlet & safety rele! vaive piping (if applicabie} ~ All connections made to ‘he blower package ere made via (a) lexible connectors with hose clamps or (b) expansion joints. NOTE: custar mer piping is to be independently supported so as not to impart any loads to the blower package. 2) Mount the special accessories (applicable). NOTE: itis the customers responsibility to read and comply with any instructions (safety, O&M, installetion, etc) thet ere provided with these items. > Conn i i. Ww ect electric motor. ‘The electrical connections to the motoy are very important, thus, i is mandatory that a qualified etectrcian perform this task. The wiring diagram (terminal connections} fer tne motor can 9e found a} on the motor name plate, (b) inside the terminal box or (c) in the accompanying motor operation manual. ‘The connection ofthe motor cable is also very oritical to the proper operation of the blower system. The cable must be flexiale in order fer the motar te pivot and sefftension the drive belts ~ See IA-004545 for recommondations. ‘Sefety —the motor must be wired in such a way that when a faust occurs (therisfors, safety switches, motor overtoad, etc) or there is @ break inthe control circuit (e-stop) the motor will not restart upon fault raset or regaining control votage witout the moter coming to acompete stop. In order to aveld electic shock the unit needs to be properly grounded. Ground the motor, acoustic hood ‘end base frame vie the connections provided. 2 Neutral Chamber ! Condensate Drains: Air Sorvioa Blowers ~ are left open, venting the chambers to atmoepnere, These open peris (bottom of the biower stage) may result ina slight air laa to the outside thus altowing the condensate to crain. Gas Tight Blowers — are plugged. The plugs on the bottom of the blower stage should be removed periodically in order to check for accumulated condensate, The system pressure (blower running or nat) should be zero, > Increased nolse and vibration leve's may resut from improper installation of customer piping snd foundation. ® Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Pressure ‘Date Doct Page TRGikegaiacen mtacwosenanesacom | Aug7002 | 840005 reveon’ 5018 5. Commissioning > Verity tat the blower unt was instelled in accordance with Section 4 & the generat arrangement crawind. 2 Gheck the oll lvel in the front & reer bearing compartments ofthe blower (refer o Sections 12, 13 & 14 for ‘additional information| ~ add o* drain ol if required, WARNING ~ DO NOT OVERFILL ‘> Lubricate the drive motor - ae epecifed in the motor operation manual. ‘5 Cutoff aibber nipple at the top ofthe pressure gauge in order to venti (f applicable) ATTENTIONI! - incorrect direction of rotation will destroy the blower, Thus fis important to check for proper itevion of rotation. Refer to red “Direction of Rotation’ tag on the blower an¢ follow this procedure, i. Remove V-belts from the metor pulley —ifinstalled &. Remove locking screw between pulley and motor caging —if motor has such 2s device Siar driving motos (0G) for a short ime (apprax 1 to 2 seconds) — verity dteetion af rotation during ‘coast down, Propet citectcn of rotation — counterciocwise when looking at the drive shat iv. {fthe motor is running in the wrong direction, a “qualified * electrician isto ewitch conductors on the motor leads. Repeat Step i Remove transport iecking stew or bracket fram the hinged maior suppart ~ see section 16 ‘Check elignment of the drive pulleys ~ see Section 16. Spin the blower shaft by hand, checking for smooth rotation. Non-simogth rotation can be ceused by distortion of ‘he casing 0° foreign material in the conveying chamber. Investigate end correct problem, ifyou need assistance contact Aerzen's Afior Saloe/Service Dopartment Lithingad motor euppert by means of hydraulic ack and install the V-belts ~ see section 16. The V-belts are tensioned by the metor weight ‘Cover the opening in the belt quard around the moto’ drive shalt with provided protection covers, Slide protection covers to within 2 cm (778°) of the motor shett and secure, Varfy that a8 process piping is connectad property. Verify that all personal prctection davices aren place (belt guard, fan grill etc.) (pen any isolation vaives in the process piping - ifany are Instaled. Operation can start Birt the dive motor. ‘Stop the diive motor after apprex. 20 seconds and verify smooth coast-down of the blower Rafer to Section 18 (Troubleshooting) it a smooth coast-cown does not aecur & correct problem. Repeat the 20 second run unt a smiocth coast-down ofthe blower is achieved. Should the pressure relief valve blow off, switch the motor offimmadiaiely anc investigate cause, Conect problem. ifyou need assistance contact Asrzon's Aftor-Sales/Service Daparimort. Start the drive mafor ance again and check for earrect operetion of the EMERGENCY-STOP buttoniswitch if installed. > Now the unit is ready to operate, ooo vue vuveouous e Unacceptable Operating Practices Running Ere blowerin te wong cretion of tation, Staring during coast own, Staring while units rotating in reverse crection. Bccessive pressure rise oF presse ratio, CGpersting under the minimum or overt maxdmura rotational speed tei, ‘Exceeding tne discharge temperature mit of 275°F (135 °O}. Zapeed moiors- changirg fo lover speed ftom igh epeed without allowing the motor to come fo complete stop. vvevues Date Tec Page ‘Aug 2002 4-000 revison "AY eofia ® = Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blower « Pressure 7. Receptable Starting Frequencies (# of starts per hour) of the Drive Motor Refer tothe Motor Operation Manual provided by the motor manufacturer for this information. Please also refer to Section 4 (Installation — Cormect electric motor) 8. Shutdown / De-commissioning Incase of danger. Press EMERGENGY-STOP button ('appicable) For details, refer to the operating instructions for the electrical contro (supped by others). De-Commissioning: Remove ane lock-out powe fo the main drive motot (refer to internal procedures). After the blower has stopped remove the main power tuses for this machine. Vert that the Isolation valves in the piping system are closed For units out of service for more than 8 weeks - see section 2 for fong term storage recommendations. vue 9. Special Concerns for the Drive Motor 2 For the number of allowable hot starts per hour ~ consut the technical data supalied with the moter or consult the motor manufacturer. © Molors with Variable Frequency Drives (VFD i The minimum speed of the blower must nat be violated — thus determine the motor frequency that would ‘deliver this minimum blower speed and penmanentty set this equency as & drive limit ji, The maximums speed of the blower must nat be wotated —thus cetermine the motor frequency that would eltver this maximum blower speed and permanently set this trequency as a drive limit, iis important to verity that the electical end mechanical characteristics of chive motor are compatible swith VED service. ix. The VFD must be designed for conetant torque corviog. \. The maximum allowable “voltage rate of increase” via the VED ie 1200 Vijze. Damage te tha motor insulation and subsequent motor failure could occur if this limits not observed, vi Recommended aceleration / deceleration ratos for VEDs are: acealeration time ‘<{Grevoluions's? =~ to 3600 rpm in Sto 208 decelerationtime << ‘Srrevolutionsis* = 2600 fo 1000 mm in 5 fa 20s vil Upon shutdown of the VED a re-siart is only permitted following complete standstill of blower. (The function "fying restart circuit" must not be enabled inthe control of fhe VED} When using a 2 speed motor - The follawing has to be taken into consideration or damage to the blewer could result: i. When changing from high te jow spead the motor must frst come to & complete sicp, i, Switching from ‘owto high speed can be done without concern at any time. 40, Inspection / Maintenance ‘2 Tyouhave any questions, please contactthe Aerzen After.Sales/Sariice Department. For prompt service it is best to have the following information ready prior to calling for assistance: + Model # & Serial # (located on blower tag} » Description of failuresimatiunctions, n as much detail as possible. » Steps taken to remedy the probiem, Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - Ké Blower « Prespure ® Baie Decw lw ‘Aug 2002 B-4c008_revison“A" ots DW itis necessary thal the blower be sant back to Aerzen fer service, please perform the following achons: ‘© Drain the oil from the front & rear bearing compariments, ‘+ Coatthe unprotected surfaces (le blower shaft & flanges) with a rust preventative. + Coveriprotect the blower flanges. © CallAerzen’s After-Sales/Service Department for (a) ‘Decontamination Sheet’ (if blower was used with hazardous compounds) and (b) RMA# (retumed material authorization). 11. Maintenance Schedule Prior to working on the blower, switzh off the power and follow the plants lock-out procedures, Fad oper oe Fir Mechanica Libricton After 24 hours Check V-bot condition Chose consider ae vee ter cement sa check ne ofteve cleatapae mecesny After 560 hours: ‘Check V-belt condition ‘Toil change oi) Cea TSN SPP | cock operate of ner scoonous | sound ence sseary) Pressure Relief Valve = OT cage Ta aE After ¥ Fours Cheek V-belt condition cischarge temperature anove (approx. 4 year) 240°F (120°C } Sicange fr ooo Cischarge temperature below: anccsooorous |Rertcerieveiemen |Reperevners arrive) Ate 2000 ou Grease mcernrge suport bearings ~ if so equipped General inspection of the entre package & components (le flex conncetors, check vaive, strumentaton, sound enclosure, unfoading valve, eC. | > Please refer to the greacing information & interval shown in the motor operatens manual or listed on tha metor self. 2. For machines that are in stand-by service and have not been running for 6 weeks preserve the conveying ‘chamber with a rust Inhibitor. > After 3 years or 20,000 operating hours but noi longer than $ years, Aerzen recommends a general inspection on ste by an Aerzen technician. Call Aerzen’s Alter-Bales/Service Department (o schedule an appointment. Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Pressure = fugzo | 64-0008 rewson at bars 12. Oil Service and Lubrication Drive Shaft Seats (for optional gas taht blewers} © Gastignt blower have caveral diferent etyles of ehaft seal designs, thus it is ertical tc know the type of sealing arrangement in order to properly lubricate thom. Contact Aerzeh After-SalesiSenice Department for this rmatin (nave model and sin ready when caling) Some Examples of Seal Lubricating Methods: i. Oiler - Weevy, check leval in the oiler & reff necessary (use the same aif as the beering cornpartment) (L Grease Lubricating Nipple - Lubricating Grease: i.e. Mobilth SHC 400 Re-lubrication: When lubricating the shaft eesl with “totter bearing groasa” do this just before a tchaduled oil change, so thet the excess grease can be flushed out “Gastignt design depending on the sealing arrangement Exarnpte Weekly Cheek level inthe oiter & refi it necessary Sipple 4 Lubricating Grease Re-lubrication: 10. Metilyth SHC 100 G35 ~30L. ‘GM 36S — 1301 GM 10S - 4001 =* Fill up oil The blower MUST NOT ba in oporaton, Make eurothe diain valves (¢) are closed. Ramove oil fill plugs {b) from both the front & rear housing Fill both Fort & rear oil chambers with oll (ee section 1a for specification & section 14 for aporexmate ‘quantéies) until te ol level is stighily below center of sight glass. Aerzen recorsmends putting some cit into the chamber, Wait several minutes for ail to run down the inner walls, then continue to add ail unt! the desired level is reaches. 2 WARNING ! — chernhers are not connected, thus each chember must be filed separately. CAUTION it ie normal te see drastically differant ci! levels while the blower is in operation. Only check the cil levelwhen the machine is not running veo @ pressure monitoring locations b-oll filing ~oll f drain valve oil level sight glass Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Prossure Yeeinmuadammananwbibcwmvescensosm | Aug2002 | 840008 — revison A” ots Type (a) 3 Remove the screw cap from the drain valve (the cap is normally hand tight). GAUTION —When the cap is to tight, the capneeds to be loosened by means of a 24mm operrene wrench while Keeping the velve fram turning with a 26mm wrench, Place the end of the drain hoes inte a collection rosorvoir ‘Serew the all drain hose onto the drain valve, Drain vaive opens automatisly — oil should start fo flow. Innportant- dispose of used oll properly Remove hose from drain valve. Drain valve closes automaticaly Tighten drain valve cap (1) by hand. CAUTION - Ii the drain valve assembly loosens from the blower hou: (with new seal inchided), Failure to do this may result in an cil leak. Wi evuves 19, must be replaced with anew valve could resul ina blower failure! Remove the threade¢ socket head plug (1} ‘rom the hand valve, pen hand valva, drain waste cil into a reservoir Innportant - dispose of used ail propery. Close hand vatve. Install the socket head pipe plug into hand valve. CAUTION - It he hand valve assembly loosers from the klower housing, must be remove and reinstated with anew seal. Falure to do this may resuk in an ail feak, Which could resuit in a blower failure! vouved ‘Type (a) Type (b) Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Pressure Date Doct Page ‘Avg 2002 B4.0005 — revison’ 10848 13. Oil Specifications “Standard” oil specification: Use a Commercial FullSynthetic High Performance Light Motor O1 that meeis: 2 APL SH/CF ol speatfeaton or higher 3 ACEA 3/63 cil spectication oF higner > Viscosty classes SAE W-20, SW40 (preferred) 2 Kinematic viscosity: Atleast 190Siimmiisec) @ 100°C Lessthan 9600 eStimm’isec} §— @ -10°C 2 Oxidation stabilty atoll temperatures above 220°F (110°C) 2 Mpoesible shoes ale with no Viscosity Improvore (V's). If Vis are present, they must be shear etabic. 2 Pourpoints between 65.2 0-78 'F ($4tp-60°C) 2 fpossible choose low or no ester additive packages ACCEPTABLE GILS SAE Manufacturer Brand Name viscosity dass ‘Ashland Petroleum | Tact SynPower swag Casta Syrtes BND ‘Chevron Dalod60 ewan Kendal Elite SAE obit DewaeT ‘SHAT Guaker Stata ‘Sychron Utra Premium NEO Royal Purple SynriST ‘ar105 Taxacal Havoine Formas ava Bold= prefered © Spectal Commer (Other oils may be used provided they mest the requirements sted shove. Please contact Aorzon's After Sales!Sarvice Department for epprevel of euch substitutes. The factory warranty may be negatively. affected if non-appraved ole are used, ‘When conwetting an elder machine fram mineral ollte synthetic oil, change the oil then changetthe ail a second time after 24 hours of operation, No special cleaning or flushing of the oll system is required. “Food Grade Oil” specification: 2 OIMUST comply with USDA Ht. D For blower discharge temperatures 0 to 212°F (0-100°C) use: NOVO 100. 212 to 276°F (100-435°C) use SO VE220. ® Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Prossure WILLIE. Date Dace Page Vinigrsasnanicn miiecwevaecessee | Avg 2002 | 840005 revison A’ tele Blower GM3S GM4S GM7L GM 10S GM 15L GM 25S vou 14. Oi! Quantities Quantity 0.55 (.58) 0.56 ( 58) 0.55 (68) 0.86 (91) 0.86 (.91) 1.20(1.27) Flow Direction Blower GM 20L, GM 358 GM 50L, GM 60S SM BOL GM 908 ‘Quantity 1.20(1.27) 3.00 (3.17) 3.00 (3.17) 6.50(6.87) 6.50 (6.87) 11.50 (12.16) Blower GM 190L GM 1598, M220 GM 2405 15. Checking the Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) for Correct Operation For units running inside sound enclosures, remove panels to gain access to the valve ‘uring blower operation, lt te valve bell using two screw drivers as shown in the sketch below. ‘AUTION! Protect your face and hands, hot air escapes from the valve discharge. After compieting the test, remove the screw crivers and make sure that the valve closes, ATTENTION! The purpese of this valve isto protect the blower against occasional pressure spikes. This valve is not a fow or pressure control device and must rot be used as such. Frequent opening & closing of the vaive wil result in excessive wear causing the valve to leak Total oil quantity (sum of bath compartmonts) in approximate litera (quarts). For refernnga anly. Refer to section 12 for oll fil procedura, Quanity 14,50 (12.16) 11.00 (11.63) 41.00 (11.62) 17.50 (18.50) Aerzen USA Corporation ral gcagnasreuiscer Welw aren sa cme Operating Manual 4 Blower -Preesuro Date ‘Aug 2002 Deck 40005 revison"A Page 120818 16. oou V-belts - Installation / Replacement For inidal instalation of the V-belts the “transport locking screws" must be removed. Refer to sketch fb) and (c). ‘Take blower cut of eperation and dsconnect ts power supply to the crive motor (lack it ou. For unite without soune enclosures remove the belt gunré cover and for unit with sound enclosure remove the porimotor rings of the belt guard, to access the crive syetem. Prior to insiallation, verify the quanfity and coadition of the sheaves, bushings and V-belts. ‘After installation of the pulleys, use a string or straight edge to check alignment. The string or straight edge must contact the pulleys at at four points A, B, C and D: Reter to sketch (a). Adjust or remove the motor shat protection covers 0 allow movement of the motor. ‘The hinged motor support isto be lied by hand or by means of the hydrauifc jack (supplied by Aerzen), so thal the bets can be mstalled o replaces. ‘CAUTION! Use safety blocks during the V-belt installation replacament process, ATTENTION] The V-belis must be replaced as a matched set (not individually). Ineiallthe V-bets. NOTE - The quantity of belts may differ fram the number ef gracves in the pulleys The umber of bets is determined by the amount of norsepower thet needs tote transferred, Compéetely lower the hinged motor support by hand or by the hydraulic jack, removing safety blocks es you go. ‘The motor weight tensions the V-bets automatically. Therefore, prior to making any motor changes gorssull zens After BalesiSenv Replace (a) the motor she protection sovars and (b} bolt quard cover or perimotor rings. (b) DN8O, 100, 425 {c) DN-250, 300, 400 grease nippie to be | lubricated yearh transport locking screw DN-50, 150, 200 transport locking angle ® Aerzen USA Corporation ‘Operating Manual - K4 Bower - Prossure =a aie Book Page eeabaeneniserensacce abso wvzerensacenr | Avg 2002 3-4-0005 revison “AT wore 17___ Inlet Fitter Maintenance Type: ONO Remove hex nut Remove housing cover 5 Replace fitter element (10} 10 Re-instal iter housing cover and hex nut Type: DFE fo 150 Remove band clamp Remove houbing cover Replace fiter element (10) Re-instal fiter housing cover and band clamp “Type: ON-200 & 300 ‘Open draw latches and remove maintenance panel Remove rotaining bolt from fitor support assombly Remove fiter support assembly with fiter element Replace fitter etement (10} Resnstalithe filer support assemayy wan fiter element, paying ciose aention fo the orientation Replace the retaining bolt for the fier support assembly Replace the maintenance panel and secure with craw latches “Type: DN-250 Remove wing nute eecuring the maintenance panel Remove maintenance panel Remove re:zining bok from fiter supnort assembly Remove fter support essembly with fiter element Replace fter element (10) Reirstall the ter support assembly with filer eleven, paying close attention to the orientation Roplaco the retaining boi for the fitor support ascombly Replace the maintenance panel and secure with wing nuts Type! ON-400 Remove retsining nut and fiter end cover Replace titer element (10) Recinstell retaining nut and fiter end cover Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Pressure. ® a sugzane | 840005 revison torte 18. Troubleshooting Malfunction ‘Possible Cause Remedy ‘Abnormal runnig neice Bat iissigrment Wessun and adit Baaring Danage Replace bean Roiers covingin contect wit each other ‘Cheok wera dearanaes & check tor (of the blower housing damage Coontaminsisdiaity room Clean rotors Foreign parlices higearwhecle Clean pea whee Bent che Rlapair or replace GF necesenryl Biowwer too ha Diy Wel ter Giean orreplace Room temperature 0 Tigh Verly seficentoun verttation und enceure WIRE or GSChATGE 5 ‘openinge blocked lean openings “Bound enclowre coalng fans defective Repainreplecs fon ‘Oillevel Ibo high Drain oxoess oF ‘Can SSaETy OSTA Dain and replace wiih proper a Fotcr clearence too lage ‘Adjust olearances Overtarded Check operaiing dais and syatern parameters ‘Oil in conveyed ai Oil chambers overflod with cil Dian excess ol fom of chanrbers ond dean the conveying chamber Teale flow too Tow Diny int er or earing Hainer Clean or eaplace: heck blower speed Incoret bower RPM Ghedttor be a ppage Teaiy Biro Taper aR Incontetizing of wer Gaamgar system mares wi Tatar wear Fiajlaca nore Eaaesaie power cersumiion | Operang data dierent Fon desan | Compare pearance dala wih {eoaurement of maton cata rmeasteed data Mechanical damage to Hower or motor Repair or replace: Motor voltage dropped Aaaet power supply What Yost worn Trepedt Vb sendin anc aac necessary ‘Blawor rune inevorse drection after shut-down (Check valve no! functioning Tnverigate porsble vale obstructions Replace ween valve ‘Should Blower malfunction occur, check the Following. > Rotortums freely by hand > No unusual noisas are observed during the hand rotation > Drve shaft not deformed / bent anything unusual is observed, contact Aerzen’s After-Sales/Service denartment for assistance tral checks appear riotmel, conduct a short run test fo verity hat all systems are functioning properly Aerzen USA Corporation Operating Manual - K4 Blowor - Prossuro tae Aug 2002 eek 84.0005 revison’ Page wots 19. ‘Main Components and Accessories. Blower The blowor ig constructed of (fo) throe-/obo rotors, ming gears & besrings, enciosed in 2 cast iron housing. The conveying chamber (cylinder) is isolated from the oil chambers by piston ring labyrinth seals. The crive ehaft uses a racial se ring to isotate the ofl chamber from te ‘environment. Puleations in the sitstraam ere decreased by 2 patented “cancellation” design {baeed on wave interference principle) Inlet Filter / Silencer: ‘This 's a combination of iter and silencer. The fiter material can be cleanad a number of imes before it must be replaced, Base Frame / Diechargo Siloncar The base frame sa rigid, cylindrical vessel built fo support the blower and other accessories; intake silencer, bet drive, belt quard, hinged moter support and connecting housing. The unit also serves as an absorption-free (reactive [chamber type) discharge silencer. The base suppert rests on vibration isolators and must be placed on a level surface, Connecting Housing: This device serves as « manifold fer the eupportimounting of the following tome: © pressure relief vaive check valve ‘+ addtional stencing cartridge {this tem may be removed at customers request) ‘© Start-up unloading valve (optional) 2 Indicator ‘> The indicator shows the amount of resistance due to contamination of the intake filter 'D At-A5 mbar (18° H.0} the intake fiter must be cleaned or replaces ‘Alter servicing the fiter, reset the incicator by pressing the reset button, Operating Manual - Ké Blowor - Pressure Tas BaF Page fug2an2 | 840005 revion "A tet ischar: This device monitors the exhaust pressure of the blower downstream of the blower stage and upetream of the sherk vaive 2 Size: Eamm (2.8 in) diemeter Range: 0—1.6 bat (010 23 psig) 2 Features, Liquid filed Sound Enctosuro (optional > The sound enclosure is made of galvanized chest metal in a segmented construction. It is forea ventilated by 2 fan mounted on the blower shaf. + DN-50 to DN-280 packages with sound enclosures are delivered completely assembled '» DN-300 anc DN-400 require that the enclosure be assembled on site {instructions are included) ‘2 When performing any work on the sound enclosure the olower myst not be running anc the motor power must be. ocked out’ When the blower is running all doors and panels must be installed and secured. 2 Inorder to avoid electric shock the unit needs to be properly grounded. Connect grounding cables [supplied by cofhere) to tho grounding tabs on the base frame of the eound enclosure, ‘2. Ensure that the safety labale are attached to the sound enclosure and in plain view, 2 PipediDucted Intet. Bring customers pipe through the sound enclosure panel and connect to the blower inlet via flex connector and clamps. NOTE: Customar piping is to be indepondertly supported ‘Start-up Unlogding Valve / AEROMAT (optional}- > The startup unloading valve allows ihe blower to start against minimal back pressure rather than against fl process pressure, This untt is recommended forthe following apphaallons: + cross the line starting wien the required blower power 's cose to the motor rating + reduced votage starters + 2-speed motor + Note; This device is not necessary for unis wilh constent torque Vanable Frequency Drives. > Stendard Operation: Tne unloading device ia narmalty open, Whoa the biowar is started, air fows through the vale, not into the process piping. With sir flowing through the valve casas automatislly. The amount of ime forthe valve to completely close depends on the flow rate of the blower and the position ofthe adjusting roe. NORMAL CLOSING TIME 30-25 SECONDS > Optional Operation: A solenoid can be added tothe valve so the blower can be unloaded during normal operation, 10 extend the start-up unloading time. 2 Recommended valve closing times: + Across the Line 20 0 25 seconds after start + Reduced Volage Statts 8040 36 ses after ewiching from lowe high + 2 xpeed motors — agjust valvata close in Low" speod for 300 35 sec ‘2 Thavalves ave shipped set up for maximum closing time. However ifthey need fo be adjusted, follow this procedure Aerzen USA Corporation ‘Operating Manual - K4 Blower - Praseure ® crete oP ‘Aug 2002 | 84-008 rewson“A” watts © For units within sound enclosures remove access panais » The valve closing aracess can be detected by the noise ofthe ait eae ’ escaping ftom the unioading device or by monttoring the discharge peste pute lh / © Adjustments are made to the closing time by loosening the lock-aut and raring the spindle (6): ~ spindle (8) clockwise closing {imeis decreased spindle (8) counter-clockwisa closing time is increseed © After tha adjustment, tighten lock-nut Attention! ‘¢ Duete safety reascns adjustments must only be donee with the ator tumed off and focked out ** Pay attention to the number of starts allowedt by the drive motor. 2 Once the valve: setup the valve works maintenance-free. PLEASE NOTE: in addition to the standard scope of supply, Aerzen also ofiers special accessories for use with its Blower packages. Refer to documentation frat has been suppliad with these items. Aerzen USA Corporation ‘Operating Manual - Ka Blower - Pressure Date Dect anmran | SndizenmeGaenenisa con website muy aezerucaron | Aug 2002 20005 revise Page tote

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