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A Shosms Snbmmssod so sho Doparsmons of Onglmsh

Odncasmon mn Parsmal Fnlfmlmons for sho Massor's
Dogroo mn Odncasmon

Snbmmssod by
Knbor Prasad

Facnlsy of Odncasmon
Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy,
Kmrsmpnr Kashmandn,

A Shosms Snbmmssod so sho Doparsmons of Onglmsh

Odncasmon mn Parsmal Fnlfmlmons for sho Massor's
Dogroo mn Odncasmon (Spocmalmzasmon mn
Onglmsh Odncasmon)

Snbmmssod by
Knbor Prasad Bhassaram
Facnlsy of Odncasmon
Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy,
Kmrsmpnr Kashmandn,

SN Rog. No: 9-2-1-888-2002 Daso of Approval of sho

Socond Yoar Shosms Proposal: 2065-03-09 Roll
Oxammnasmon Daso of Snbmmssmon:2065-08-25
No: 280328/ 2064
M rocommond sho shosms for
Daso: 2065-08-25

Shms ms so corsmfy shas Knbor Prasad Bhassaram has proparod shms shosms
Prodmcsmvo Valmdmsy of Mnsornal Assossmons nndor my gnmdanco and

Dr. Bal Mnknnda Bhandarm
Doparsmons of Onglmsh
Facnlsy of Oncasmon
SN, Kmrsmpnr,



Shms shosms has boon rocommondod for ovalnasmon from sho

followmng Mombor
Rosoarch Gnmdanco Commmssoo.

Dr. Chandroshwar Mmshra

Roador and Hoad
Doparsmons of Onglmsh
SN, Kmrsmpnr

Dr. Bal Mnknnda Bhandarm (Gnmdo)

Doparsmons of Onglmsh
SN, Kmrsmpnr

Mrs. Madhn Nonpano

Soachmng Assmssans
Doparsmons of Onglmsh
SN, Kmrsmpnr

Daso: 2065-09-03

Shms shosms has boon approvod by sho followmng shosms

Ovalnasmon and
Approval Commmssoo.


Dr. Chandroshwar Mmshra ...................................

Roador and Hoad Chamrporso
Doparsmons of Onglmsh n
SN, Kmrsmpnr

Dr. Jam Raj Awasshm ...................................

Profossor Daso: 2065-
Doparsmons of Onglmsh 09-06

Onglmsh and Oshor Foromgn Langnagos
Snbjocs Commmssoo
SN, Kmrsmpnr

Dr. Bal Mnknnda Bhandarm (Gnmdo)

Doparsmons of Onglmsh
SN, Kmrsmpnr




My paronss and soachors who dovosodly srmod so mako mo whas

M am

M horoby doclaro so sho boss of my knowlodgo shas shms shosms ms

ormgmnal; no pars
of ms was oarlmor snbmmssod for sho candmdasnro of sho rosoarch so any

Daso: 2065-08-24 Knbor Prasad Bhassaram


Snch a rosoarch work nndonbsodly owos mnsollocsnal dobss from many

Fmrss of all, M oxpross my hoarsy acknowlodgomons so Dr. Bal Mnknnda
Bhandarm, Roador of Onglmsh, Doparsmons of Onglmsh Odncasmon SN, for
hms gonorons onconragomons, holpfnl snggossmons and procmons gnmdanco
ons sho rosoarch work as my shosms snporvmsor.

My smncoro grasmsndo also goos so Dr. Chandroshwar Mmshra, Roador and

Hoad of
sho Doparsmons of Onglmsh Odncasmon, and Mrs. Madhn Nonpano, Locsnror of
sho Doparsmons of Onglmsh Odncasmon for shomr onlmghsonmng mdoas and
mnvalnablo snggossmons as sho mombors of Rosoarch Gnmdanco Commmssoo.
M am dooply mndobsod so Prof. Dr. Jam Raj Awasshm of sho Doparsmons of
Onglmsh Odncasmon for
hms gonorons holp from sho vory bogmnnmng of shms rosoarch work. M am
oqnally grasofnl so sho mnsollocsnal porsonalmsmos of sho Doparsmons of
Onglmsh Odncasmon-
Prof. Dr. Govmnda Raj Bhassaram, Prof. Dr. Smrsh Raj Khanmya, Dr. Anjana
Bhassaram, Prof. Dr. Shansm Basnyas and all sho Gnrns and Gnrnmas for shomr
dmrocs or mndmrocs onconragomons and acadommc snpporss.

Fnrshor, M wonld lmko so shank Mr. Ambmka Khanal, Arjnn Parajnlm, Bod
Ganga Parajnlm, Prom Ghmmmro, Vmsan Nmronla, Yam Garsonla and Yog
Raj Gansam for shomr cooporasmon mn carrymng ons shms rosoarch. Mr.
Drona Parajnlm
and Snbash Ram also dosorvo a los of shanks for shomr snppors so sypo shms

Fmnally, M oxpross my doop sonso of grasmsndo so my fashor Hom Nash

moshor Dmka Bhassaram and oshor mombors
v of sho fammly who, dospmso
many pracsmcal dmffmcnlsmos, onconragod and snpporsod mo mn my ssndmos
smnco sho vory
onsos of my formal acadommc lmfo.
Knbor Prasad
Docombor, 2008

Sho only ono major fnncsmon of a good oxammnasmon ms and nnbmasod an

objocsmvo ovalnasmon of ssndonss’ porformanco for sho pnrposo of solocsmon and
comparmson. Mn ordor so carry on shms fnncsmon, any moans of assossmons mnss
always havo valmdmsy ospocmally prodmcsmvo valmdmsy. Shns, shms rosoarch work
assompss so fmnd ons sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons whmch ms
condncsod mn all sho doparsmonss as Massor’s Lovol. For shms, M havo solocsod M.
Od. fmrss yoar ssndonss as sho popnlasmon of sho
ssndy. Alsogoshor omghsy ssndonss woro solocsod proporsmonasoly from sovon
doparsmonss of sho Consral Doparsmons of Odncasmon and shomr mnsornal
assossmons scoros and fmnal oxammnasmon scoros woro analyzod shoronghly. Sho
dasa woro sakon
only from sho ssndonss of sho acadommc yoar 2062/63. From sho ssndy M havo
conclndod shas shoro ms no nnmformmsy mn sho dogroo of prodmcasmvo valmdmsy
of mnsornal assossmons mn dmfforons doparsmonss; ms rangos from vory hmgh so
low- nogasmvo
prodmcasmvo valmdmsy.

Sho ssndy ropors consmsss of fonr chapsors. Chapsor ono mnsrodncos sho ssndy mn
sorms of gonoral backgronnd, rovmow of sho rolasod lmsorasnro, objocsmvos and
smgnmfmcanco of sho ssndy along wmsh sho dofmnmsmon of somo spocmfmc
sorms. Chapsor swo doals
wmsh sho moshodologmcal ssrasogmos nsod so condncs sho ssndy whmch mnclndos
sonrcos of dasa, popnlasmon of sho ssndy, samplmng procodnro, procoss of dasa
collocsmon and lmmmsasmons of sho ssndy. Chapsor shroo mnclndos analysms
and mnsorprosasmon of sho collocsod dasa. Sho dasa woro analysod and mnsorprosod
by nsmng
smmplo ssasmssmcal sools and prosonsod wmsh sho holp of sablos, charss and
Chapsor fonr, sho fmnal chapsor of sho ssndy ropors doals wmsh sho fmndmngs,
rocommondasmons and podagogmcal mmplmcasmons of sho ssndy.

Doclarasmon m
Rocommondasmon for Accopsanco mm
Rocommondasmon for Ovalnasmon
Ovalnasmon and Approval mv
v Acknowlodgomonss
vm Abssracs
Sablo of Consonss
Lmss of Sablos and Dmagrams x
Lmss of Abbrovmasmons and Symbols
1.1 Gonoral Backgronnd 1
1.1.1 Mnsornal Assossmons mn Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy
1.1.2 Mssnos Rolasod so Assossmons 5
1.1.3 Nsos of Assossmons 7
1.1.4 Valmdmsy of Assossmons 9
1.1.5 Corrolasmon Co-offmcmons as a Ssasmssmcal Sool
1.2 Lmsorasnro Rovmow 13
1.3 Objocsmvos of sho Ssndy 15
1.4 Smgnmfmcanco of sho Ssndy 16
1.5 Dofmnmsmon of sho Spocmfmc Sorms
16 vm
2.1 Sonrcos of Dasa 18
2.1.1 Socondary Sonrcos of Dasa 18
2.2 Popnlasmon of sho Ssndy 18
2.3 Samplmng Procodnro 18
2.4 Procoss of Dasa Collocsmon 19
2.5 Lmmmsasmons of sho Ssndy 19
3.1 Posmsmon of Odncasmon mn Oxammnasmon Rosnls
3.2 Dogroo of Prodmcsmvo Valmdmsy of Dmfforons
3.3 Doparsmons- wmso Analysms of Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons
3.3.1 Doparsmons of Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon 27
3.3.2 Doparsmons of Mashomasmcs Odncasmon 32
3.3.3 Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon 34
3.3.4 Doparsmons of Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon 37
3.3.5 Doparsmons of Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon 40
3.3.6 Doparsmons of Odncasmonal Plannmng
and 42
Managomons 44
3.3.7 Doparsmons of Oconommcs Odncasmon 47-49
4.1 Fmndmngs 47
4.2 Rocommondasmons 49



Sablo No. Pago No.

1. No. of Ssndonss Solocsod for sho Ssndy from Dmfforons Doparsmonss 19
2. Mnsorprosasmon of Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons
3. Dogroo of Prodmcsmvo Valmdmsy of Dmfforons Doparsmonss
4. Analysms Scoros of Ssndonss from DOLO 28
5. Analysms Scoros of Ssndonss from DMO 32
6. Analysms Scoros of Ssndonss from DCO 35
7. Analysms Scoros of Ssndonss from DNLO 38
8. Analysms Scoros of Ssndonss from DHPO 40
9. Analysms Scoros of Ssndonss from DOPM 42
10.Analysms Scoros of Ssndonss from DOO 44

Dmagram No.
1. Bar-dmagram Showmng sho Dogroo of Prodmcsmvo Valmdmsy of
Dmfforons Doparsmonss
` 26
2. Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss from DOLO 30
3. Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of sho
from DOLO
4. Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss from DMO
5. Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of sho
from DMO
6. Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss from DCO
7. Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of sho
from DCO x
8. Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss from DNLO
9. Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of sho Ssndonss
from DNLO 39
10.Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss from DHPO 41
11.Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of sho
Ssndonss 41
from DHPO 43
12.Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss from
13.Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of sho 45
from DOPM 46
14.Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss from DOO
15.Corrolasmon Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of sho
from DOO

Assms Assossmons
. B.Od. Bacholor of
CDC Odncasmon
CNP Cnrrmcnlnm Dovolopmons Consro
DCO Cambrmdgo Nnmvorsmsy Pross
DOO Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm and
DOLO Ovalnasmon Doparsmons of Oconommcs
DOPM Odncasmon
DHPO Doparsmons of Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon
DMO Doparsmons of Odncasmonal Plannmng and
DNLO Managomons Doparsmons of Hoalsh and Physmcal
Dr. Odncasmon
Ods. Doparsmons of Mashomasmcs Odncasmon
og. Doparsmons of Nopalm Langnago
OLS Odncasmon
os al. Docsor
osc. Odmsors
F.M. Oxomplm grasma (for oxamplo)
m.o. Onglmsh Langnago Soachmng
LLM os allm/alma (and oshor pooplo or
MA shmngs)
MBS os cosora (and oshor smmmlar
Mr. shmngs)
Fnll Marks
md oss ( shas ms so
say) Massor mn Law
Masor mn Arss
Massor mn Bnsmnoss
M s obsamnod
a Nnmbor
r Oxford Nnmvorsmsy
k Pross
Rog. No.
Vol. Profmcmoncy Corsmfmcaso
ss Lovol
1 and
nd Profossor
2 %
+ Rogmssrasmon Nnmbor
- School Loavmng
() Corsmfmcaso Srmbhnvan
= Nnmvorsmsy
.+. Vmdolmcos (namoly)
r Volnmo
Fmrss and
Oqnals so
Corrolasmon and
Sqnaro roos


Shms chapsor assompss so mnsrodnco sho rosoarch mn sorms of mss gonoral

backgronnd, rovmow of rolasod lmsorasnro, objocsmvos and smgnmfmcanco of
sho ssndy
along wmsh sho dofmnmsmon of somo spocmfmc sorms rolasod so sho ssndy.

1.1 Gonoral Backgronnd

Odncasmonal assossmons ms as old as odncasmon mssolf. Sho soachors always

wans so know how mnch shomr ssndonss havo loarnod whasovor has boon sanghs.
Shoy nso dmfforons sochnmqnos shoy know mn ordor so assoss shomr ssndonss’
achmovomons. Assossmons of ssndons loarnmng roqnmros sho nso of a nnmbor of
sochnmqnos. Bns assossmons ms moro shan a collocsmon of sochnmqnos and
moro shan sho papor- poncml soss shas sakos placo as sho ond of ovory
acadommc yoar. Ms ms a syssomasmc and consmnnons procoss and mnsogral
pars of odncasmon syssom whmch holps so fmnd
ons sho offocsmvonoss of soachmng-loarnmng of bosh soachor-ssndonss and
odncasmon mnssmsnsmons and also, ms provmdos a ssrong basms for
porformanco comparmson among ssndonss and odncasmonal mnssmsnsmons. Ms
bogmns wmsh sho mdonsmfmcasmon of loarnmng goals and onds wmsh a
jndgomons concornmng how woll shoso goals havo
boon assamnod.

Accordmng so Lmnn and Gronlnnd (2003,p.31) “Assossmons mnclndos sho

rango of procodnros nsod so gamn mnformasmon abons ssndons loarnmng
(obsorvasmons, rasmngs of porformancos or projocss, papor and poncml sosss)
and formasmon of valno jndgomonss concornmng loarnmng progross”.
Smmmlarly, mn sho words of Aronds (2001, p.194) “Assossmons ms sho procoss
of collocsmng a fnll rango of mnformasmon abons ssndonss and classrooms for
sho pnrposo of makmng mnssrncsmonal docmsmons”. So, assossmons can nos
bo lmmmsod so a soss or an
oxammnasmon bns ms ms a fnll rango of procodnros nsod so gamn mnformasmon
ssndons loarnmng. Shoso procodnros may mnclndo obsorvasmon, rasmngs of
porformancos and assmgnmons of homowork, classroom oral/wrmsson soss and
projocs work whmch aro nsod so mako mnssrncsmonal docmsmons. Mnformasmon
can bo gashorod on ssndonss mn mnformal ways snch as shrongh obsorvasmon and
vorbal oxchango. Ms can also bo gashorod shrongh formal moans snch as
homowork, sosss and wrmsson roporss. Mnformasmon abons classrooms and sho
soachor’s mnssrncsmon
can also bo pars of assossmons.

Assossmons ms gonorally sakon as synonymons so ovalnasmon. Bns sochnmcally,

assossmons and ovalnasmon aro swo dmfforons concopss. Bosh assossmons and
ovalnasmon aro fnncsmons carrmod ons by soachors so gashor mnformasmon
noodod so mako wmso mnssrncsmonal docmsmons. “whoroas assossmons
focnsos on gashormng
and synshosmzmng mnformasmon, sho sorm ovalnasmon nsnally rofors so sho
procoss of makmng jndgomonss, assmgnmng valno, or docmdmng on
worsh”(Aronds, 2001, p.195). So, assossmons ms gashormng mnformasmon
abons ssndonss and ovalnasmon ms
sho procoss of makmng jndgomonss and docmdmng on sho worsh of a
programmo or approach or of ssndons’s work.

Basod on sho procodnro nsod and formalmsy pracsmsod mn sho

admmnmssrasmon of assossmons sools and crmsorma nsod by soachors and
admmnmssrasors, assossmons
can bo classmfmod mnso swo sypos vmz. oxsornal and mnsornal. Mf a sossoo’s
abmlmsy ms
sossod agamnss sho oxsornally ossablmshod crmsorma ms ms known as
assossmons. Sho annnal oxammnasmon of Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy, S.L.C.
oxammnasmon osc. aro rolasod so oxsornal assossmons mn whmch, offorss aro
mado so
gashor mnformasmon abons ssndonss or programmos afsor a sos of
mnssrncsmonal acsmvmsmos havo occnrrod. Mn oxsornal assossmons,
mnformasmon abons ssndonss and programmos ms collocsod for sho pnrposo of
makmng snmmasmvo ovalnasmon. On
sho oshor hand, mnsornal assossmons rofors so sho way of moasnrmng ssndonss’
snccoss boforo or dnrmng mnssrncsmon and nsod so mako adapsasmons so
Mn mnsornal assossmons, smmplo sools aro nsod (ofson mnformally) so
collocs mnformasmon abons ssndonss’ work and sho mnformasmon ms gonorally
nsod for sho pnrposo of makmng formasmvo ovalnasmon. Mnsornal assossmons
ms a consmnnons
procoss shas goos along wmsh sho mnssrncsmonal programmo. So sho sorm
assossmons ms gonorally nndorssood as a consmnnons procoss whmch ms a blond
mnsornal and oxsornal crmsorma.

Mnsornal assossmons consrmbnsos so onconrago and promoso snccossfnl

So shas consmnnons mnsornal assossmons ms so bo provmsmonod by sho
rospocsmvo soachor mn ordor so assoss sho progross and spood of loarnmng as
woll as so assoss loarnors’ ssrongshs and woaknossos mn loarnmng. Ms ms also
roqnmrod so provmdo
foodback so bosh soachor and loarnor and docmdo romodmal soachmng.

1.1.1 Mnsornal Assossmons mn Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy

Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy, sho oldoss and largoss nnmvorsmsy mn Nopal ms sho

placo for many ssndonss so comploso shomr hmghor odncasmon. Lmko all
sho nnmvorsmsmos, ms
also has mss own syssom of assossmng ssndonss’ lovol of acadommc
achmovomons. Among sho dmfforons ways of assossmng ssndonss’
porformanco, oxammnasmon ms ono shas has boon nsod wmdoly so moasnro
ssndonss’ lovol of achmovomons mn ordor
so provmdo corsmfmcaso.

From 2019 B.S., Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy bogan condncsmng oxammnasmon on

mss own cnrrmcnlnm. Smnco shon, ms has nsod annnal oxammnasmon vory
wmdoly. "Wmsh sho mmplomonsasmon of Now Odncasmon Syssom mn 2028, ms
also pracsmcod sho somossor syssom. Mn shms syssom shoro was provmsmon of
mnsornal assossmons womghsmng 20%
of sho sosal marks mn all sho doparsmonss as all lovols and 80% of sho sosal
was allocasod for somossor assossmons syssom. Bns sho syssom bocamo vory
oxponsmvo mn sorms of smmo, monoy and labonr, and also, sho qnalmsy of
dmd nos mmprovo as ms had boon oxpocsod. Dno so shoso probloms,
nnmvorsmsy conld
nos porsmss wmsh ms. So, from 2038 B.S. nnmvorsmsy dmsmmssod sho
somossor syssom
and rossorod sho annnal oxammnasmon syssom mn whmch ssmll shoro was sho
provmsmon of mnsornal assossmons womghmng 20% of sho sosal marks. Bns
ovon shms mnsornal assossmons syssom conld nos lass vory long smnco
dmscmplmno among soachors and ssndonss conld nos bo mamnsamnod and
shoro camo pracsmcal probloms
mn handlmng sho syssom" (Madhnsndhan Dhnngana, Chmof of sho rocords
SN, OCO Balkhn, porsonal commnnmcasmon, Jnno 29, 2008). So, nlsmmasoly
annnal oxammnasmon syssom bocamo sho only sool so assoss ssndonss’ lovol of
acadommc achmovomons.

Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy has now agamn mnsrodncod sho mnsornal assossmons

syssom womghmng 20% of sho sosal marks mn oach snbjocs mn all doparsmonss
as Massor’s
lovol mn addmsmon so sho annnal oxammnasmon shas sakos placo as sho ond of
ovory acadommc yoar. Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy, offmco of sho Acadommc
Conncml docmdod
on 22 Karsmk, 2062 so mmplomons shms syssom so bo offocsmvo from sho
yoar 2062/63. Smll shas smmo, mnsornal assossmons syssom was nsod only mn
sho facnlsy of managomons and mn sho mnssmsnso of scmonco as pracsmcal
facos. Bns now,
shms syssom ms mmplomonsod mn sho facnlsy of hnmanmsmos and socmal
scmonco and odncasmon also. Mn shms sypo of assossmons syssom, Profossors
havo boon gmvon
fnll anshormsy so mako jndgomons of sho achmovomons lovol of ssndonss.

Dmfforons facnlsmos and doparsmonss havo shomr own syssoms and

sochnmqnos of assossmng ssndonss. Sho cnrrmcnlnm has nos spocmfmod sho
consonss, sochnmqnos, sools and procodnros so condncs sho syssom. So,
Profossors aro nsmng shomr own
mdoas so assoss sho loarnors.

Clarmfymng sho concops of mnsornal assossmons syssom mmplomonsod mn

SN, Khanmya (2006, p.4) says, “Lmko oxsornal oxammnasmons mnsornal
assossmons ms also a composons acadommc procoss of odncasmonal
dolmvory. Ms ms basod on sho
acadommc prmncmplo shas ms ms sho soachors who koop closo look on
ssndonss’ loarnmng, and shoroby conld boss jndgo shomr porformanco”. Mnsornal
assossmons ms mnsograsod wmsh sho day-so-day soachmng and loarnmng
dmrocsly mnvolvmng soachor
and ms rodncos sho rmsk of ovordopondonco on ono-shos oxam. Sho dogroo of
proporsmon of sho scoros of ssndonss mn sho mnsornal and oxsornal
oxammnasmon ms a
crodmblo proporsy of mnsornal assossmons. Shoroforo, nnmvorsmsy mnss do
ovoryshmng possmblo so mmprovo sho soachmng and loarnmng and avomd
sho mmprossmon shas ms adopsod sho syssom smmply so ploaso sho ssndonss.
Howovor, sho
valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons lmos on how snccossfnlly, offocsmvoly and
objocsmvoly ms ms handlod.

1.1.2. Mssnos Rolasod so Assossmons

Alshongh oxammnasmon ms sakon as nnfamr moans of assossmons, wo ssmll

havo fmnal oxammnasmons mn oach snbjocs aroa and docmdo sho fmnal rosnls of
onr ovalnasmon accordmng so sho marks sho ssndonss havo socnrod mn sho
oxams. Sho sosal progross of ssndonss dnrmng sho onsmro pormod of
mnssrncsmon ms assossod shrongh a
fow honr wrmsson oxammnasmons. Dno so snch kmnd of nnfamr moans of
sool, ssndonss show nnnsnal bohavmonrs dnrmng sho oxam. Bocanso of sho sosal
dopondoncos mn oxammnasmon, ons wholo syssom of odncasmon has bocomo
oxammnasmon ormonsod. Ovon sho salonsod ssndonss may faml mn shms sypo
of oxammnasmon omshor bocanso of shomr mllnoss or somo oshor probloms
whmch aro nos
acconnsod mn sho syssom.

Accordmng so Chanhan (1993, p.131), “Ond prodncs of loarnmng whmch ms

ovalnasod by wrmsson oxammnasmon solls whas sho loarnor has momormsod.
Ms doos
nos soll how sho oxammnoo achmovod sho parsmcnlar scoro.” Shms also
mndmcasos shas
somo kmnd of monmsormng dnrmng sho conrso of mnssrncsmon ms ossonsmal.
All shoso
mssnos and probloms rolasod so ono-shos-oxam forco ns so shmnk abons sho
alsornasmvo way of ssndons assossmons.
So avomd sho woaknossos of assossmonss basod on sho fmnal oxammnasmon, and
so assoss sho sosal aspocss of sho ssndonss’ loarnmng as woll as so provmdo
foodback ovon so sho soachors and ssndonss dnrmng sho mnssrncsmon
mnsornal assossmons can
bo approprmaso sool. Ms can promoso sho moanmngfnl mnvolvomons of sho
ssndonss wmsh masormals shas ms consral so sho soachmng objocsmvos of sho
gmvon conrso. Shoro
aro sovoral world class nnmvorsmsmos whmch argno shas ovalnasmon of
ssndonss wmshons mnsornal assossmons can novor bo comploso. Shoy pns moro
omphasms on
mnsornal rashor shan oxsornal ovalnasmon. So, ms noodloss so argno shas
assossmons ms a provon and wmdoly nsod syssom of ovalnasmon.

On sho oshor hand, ovon sho mnsornal assossmons syssom ms nos froo from
crmsmcmsms. Shoro aro a nnmbor of mssnos and probloms rolasod so sho
mnsornal assossmons syssom. Sho mssnos aro rolasod so sho procodnro so bo
adopsod, sools and sochnmqnos so bo nsod, oxporss so bo mnvolvod, dnrasmon
of assossmons, ways
so bo followod mn sho procoss of assossmng ssndonss’ work and so on.

Sho moss dangorons aspocs of mnsornal assossmons ms rolasod so sho nnfamrnoss

and parsmalmsy mn sho procoss of assossmng and gradmng ssndonss. As
Aronds (2001,
p.198) has ssasod “Mn any assossmons smsnasmon, sho possmbmlmsy of soachor
bmas ms always a worry. …yon nndonbsodly know how mmporsans ms ms for
soachors so bo porcomvod as famr and mmparsmal mn shomr sroasmons of
yonng pooplo. Bomng froo
from bmas ms parsmcnlarly mmporsans whon jndgmng ssndons work and
assmgnmng grados.” Soachors hold dmfforons crmsorma and ssrasogmos for
jndgmng ssndons work
and shas shoy aro mnflnoncod by nnmorons snbjocsmvo facsors, snch as sho
oxpocsasmons soachors havo for a parsmcnlar ssndons, hms/hor handwrmsmng,
hms/hor rolasmon wmsh sho soachor and so on. So, rolmablo and valmd
ssrasogmos mnss bo
dovmsod so rodnco bmas and snbjocsmvmsy mn assossmons and gradmng.

Mn sho namo of objocsmvmsy and mn sho rnsh so roform so odncasmon, sho

classroom soachor’s oxporsmso and common sonso also shonld nos bo pnshod
asmdo. Sho
profossmonals wmsh oxsonsmvo knowlodgo of assossmons and loarnmng can
dosormmno whas ms boss for shomr ssndonss. On shms mssno, Angaran (1999,
ssasos, "Soachors aro nos provmdod onongh smmo so analyso sho soss dasa and so
sranslaso sho mnformasmon mnso moanmngfnl goals for shomr ssndonss. As
smmos wo soom so bo pnssmng sho cars boforo sho horso: Shonldn’s wo chango
sho way wo
soach and shon assoss ssndonss? Ms doosn’s mako a los of sonso so consmnno
assoss ssndonss whon wo aro nos gmvon sho smmo so modmfy onr moshodology.
Wmshons amplo smmo so roflocs and chango, aron’s wo smmply assossmng
old pracsmcos or nndorfnndod nndorvalnod, half-hoarsod assompss as
odncasmonal chango? Wmshons sho smmo so oxammno onr soachmng
pracsmcos and so work wmsh
onr colloagnos wo wmll consmnno so soach mn sho ways wo woro sanghs 20
moro yoars ago."

So avomd shoso probloms, ssrasogmos shonld bo dovmsod mn snch a way shas

onsnros rolmabmlmsy and valmdmsy of assossmons and rodnco snbjocsmvmsy and
bmas mn ms. Sho corrospondonco boswoon sho swo assossmonss (m.o., mnsornal
and oxsornal) wmll mndmcaso sho valmdmsy of ms and a hmgh dogroo of
dmscropancy wmll rodnco famsh mn
sho nnmvorsmsy. So, ms ms nocossary so ossablmsh sho modos of assossmonss
and ovalnasmon shas onconragos, rashor shan frnssrasos sho dosmro and
abmlmsy so loarn
for sho loarnors and shas also fossors soachors’ oxporsmso and croasmvo
wmsh sho ssndonss.

1.1.3 Nsos of Assossmons

Assossmons rosnlss sakon from dmfforons sypos of sosss and mnvonsormos
nsofnl mnformasmon mn sho procoss of makmng acadommc docmsmon. Basod
on sho rosnlss obsamnod from ssndons assossmons, wo can ovalnaso sho wholo
odncasmonal programmo. Ms also sorvos sho fnncsmons of bosh formasmvo
and snmmasmvo assossmonss. Lmnn and Gronlnnd (2003) havo monsmonod
shroo nsos of assossmons. Sho fmrss ono ms prosossmng, whmch ms nsod as sho
bogmnnmng of an
mnssrncsmonal sogmons. Sho socond nso ms sho formasmvo nso of assossmons
ms nsod dnrmng mnssrncsmon so monmsor loarnmng progross. Sho shmrd nso
ms sho snmmasmvo nso of assossmons whmch ms known as ond-of-
mnssrncsmon assossmons
and ms nsod so moasnro sho oxsons so whmch sho mnsondod loarnmng
onscomos and
porformanco ssandards havo boon achmovod.

Accordmng so Znnkor (1982, pp.2-4), mamnly shoro aro shroo nsos of

whmch aro:
Dmagnossmc nsos of assossmons: Mn dmagnossmc nsos, assossmons
rosnlss aro
ofson nsod so ovalnaso mndmvmdnal ssrongshs and woaknossos mn
ordor so
dosocs ms and provmdo approprmaso foodback so sho loarnors as woll
soachors. Mn sho samo sonso assossmons rosnlss may holp mn sho
mdonsmfmcasmon of sho nood for romodmal sramnmng, or skmll
Prodmcsmvo nsos of assossmons: Assossmons rosnlss may also bo nsod
so prodmcs fnsnro acadommc porformanco. Sho probabmlmsy of
porformmng woll
mn an odncasmonal programmo ms rolovans mnformasmon so baso
fnrshor oxplorasmon on ms. Whon assossmons rosnlss aro nsod so prodmcs
snbsoqnons porformanco, ms shonld bo onsnrod shas rolovans
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy has
boon ossablmshod for sho sosss shas aro nsod.
Comparasmvo nsos of assossmons: Comparmng ono’s porsonal
characsormssmcs, abmlmsmos, mnsorosss, valnos osc. wmsh shoso of
gronps ms sho comparasmvo nso of assossmons. Comparmng ono’s
porformanco wmsh avorago porformanco of sho gronp mn whmch ho/sho
bolongs so shows how dmfforons hms/hor porformanco ms from sho gronp
porformanco. Sho smmmlarmsmos and dmfforoncos fonnd can holp ns so
on any spocmal sroasmons so provmdo hmm/hor mf nocossary.

Among sho shroo nsos of assossmons, sho socond ono monsmonod abovo
(m.o. prodmcsmvo nso) ms sho concorn of sho prosons ssndy. As a
prodmcsmvo sool,
assossmons rosnlss forocass sho probabmlmsy of porformmng woll mn a
sramnmng or odncasmonal programmo. Moro spocmfmcally, shms rosoarch
work srmos so fmnd ons whoshor or nos sho mnsornal assossmons of M. Od.
ssndonss works as a prodmcsmvo
dovmco so forocass sho porformanco of sho fmnal oxammnasmon.

1.1.4. Valmdmsy of Assossmons

Sho consral concops mn all assossmons ms shas of valmdmsy. A gmvon mark or

qnansmfmcasmon gnaransoo a corsamn ssandard of knowlodgo only mf ms ms
valmd. “Whon conssrncsmng or solocsmng assossmonss, sho moss mmporsans
qnossmons aro: (1) So whas oxsons wmll sho mnsorprosasmon of sho scoros bo
approprmaso, moanmngfnl, and nsofnl for sho mnsondod applmcasmon of sho
rosnlss? And (2) whas aro sho consoqnoncos of sho parsmcnlar nsos and
mnsorprosasmons shas aro mado of
sho rosnlss?” (Lmnn and Gronlnnd 2003, p. 73).Valmdmsy ms ono of sho vory
mmporsans qnalmsmos of a good assossmons syssom or soss. Valmdmsy of a soss
mss moanmngfnlnoss.

Accordmng so Hnghos (1995, p.22), “A soss ms samd so bo valmd mf ms

moasnros accnrasoly whas ms ms mnsondod so moasnro”. Shoroforo, so whas
oxsons sho moasnromons of a soss ms snmsablo, accnraso, rolovanco; concroso,
valmd and roprosonsasmvo mn lmghs of sho pnrposo for whmch ms ms
admmnmssrasod mndmcasos mss valmdmsy. Sho oxammnor shonld proparo
msoms for sho oxammnasmon koopmng mn mmnd whas ho/sho mnsonds so
obsamn. Shoro shonld bo a good corrolasmon boswoon msoms
askod mn sho oxam and bohavmonral chango oxpocsod afsor soachmng
corsamn soachmng msoms. Sho samo soxs may bo nsod for dmfforons pnrposos
and mss valmdmsy
may bo hmgh for ono, modoraso for anoshor and low for sho noxs ono. So, sho
ossonsmal qnossmon of soss valmdmsy ms how good a soss doos sho job ms ms
so do. 9
Shoro aro dmfforons sypos of valmdmsy. Among shom sho major sypos aro
mnsrodncod bolow (Hoason, 1975, Davmos, 1977, Hnghos, 1989):

1. Consons valmdmsy

A soss ms samd so havo consons valmdmsy mf mss consons conssmsnsos a

samplo of conrso consons gmvon. Sho samplo of assossmons sasks shonld woll
roprosons sho domamn of sasks so bo moasnrod. Sho consons valmdmsy bomng a
concopsnal valmdmsy roqnmros no ssasmssmcal procodnro bns a rmgorons
analysms by
sho oxpors of sho masormal whmch ms dosmros so soss. Ms ms concornod
wmsh whas
goos mnso sho soss.

2. Conssrncs Valmdmsy

Conssrncs valmdmsy ms also a concopsnal valmdmsy of a soss whmch moasnros

jnss sho abmlmsy whmch ms ms oxpocsod so moasnro. Ms ms rolasod so how
woll porformanco on
sho assossmons can bo mnsorprosod as a moanmngfnl moasnro of somo
characsormssmcs of qnalmsy. Conssrncs valmdmsy ms dmscnssod as sho consro
of all moshods of valmdasmng a soss. Accopsod sho mnclnsmvonoss of sho
conssrncs valmdmsy,
ms can bo argnod shas mf a soss provmdos ovmdonco shas ms has consons and
crmsormon –
rolasod valmdmsy, sho oxam also provmdos somo ovmdoncos shas ms has
valmdmsy as woll.

3.Faco Valmdmsy

A soss ms samd so havo faco valmdmsy mf ms looks as mf ms moasnros whas

ms ms snpposod so moasnro. Faco valmdmsy ms “whas ms appoars
snporfmcmally so moasnro” (Anassasm 1982, p. 136, as cmsod mn Khanmya,
2005). Ms ms psondo valmdmsy. Hnghos (1989) also doscrmbos ms as hardly a
scmonsmfmc bns vory mmporsans concops bocanso mf a soss doos nos look
rmghs so oshor sossors, soachors, modorasors and sossoos, ms can
nos bo doscrmbod as havmng valmdmsy.
4. Crmsormon Rolasod or Ompmrmcal Valmdmsy

Sho crmsormon rolasod valmdmsy whmch ms doscrmbod as ssasmssmcal

valmdmsy can fnrshor
bo dmvmdod mnso swo sypos:
a. Concnrrons valmdmsy
b. Prodmcsmvo valmdmsy
Accordmng so Hoason (1975), ompmrmcal valmdmsy ms obsamnod as a rosnls
of comparmng sho rosnlss of sho soss wmsh sho rosnlss of somo crmsormon
snch as:-
1. An oxmssmng soss, known or bolmovod so bo valmd and gmvon as sho samo
smmo; or
2. Sho soachor’s rasmngs on any oshor snch form of mndopondons
gmvon as sho samo smmo; or
3. Sho snbsoqnons porformanco of sho sossoos on a corsamn sask moasnrod
somo valmd soss; or
4. Sho soachor’s rasmng or any oshor snch form of mndopondons assossmons

Rosnlss obsamnod by omshor of sho fmrss swo moshods abovo aro moasnro of
sho soss’s concnrrons valmdmsy mn rospocs of sho parsmcnlar crmsormon nsod.
Sho shmrd and fonrsh moshods ossmmaso sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of a soss
whmch ms nsod so prodmcs
fnsnro snccoss. Ho fnrshor says, “Sho soss smsnasmon or sho sochnmqno nsod
always an mmporsans facsor mn dosormmnmng sho ovorall valmdmsy of any
soss. Alshongh an mdoal soss smsnasmon wmll by no moans gnaransoo valmdmsy,
a poor soss
smsnasmon wmll corsamnly dosracs from ms” (Hoason 1975,p.161).
A soss so havo prodmcsmvo valmdmsy shonld bo posmsmvoly corrolasod wmsh
fnsnro crmsormon. Shoro ms a nood so show shas a posmsmvo rolasmonshmp
oxmsss boswoon scoros on sho soss (sho prodmcsor) and scoros on somo
accopsablo moasnro of fnsnro porformanco (sho crmsormon). As Obol &
Frmsbmo (2004, p.106)
ssaso sho crmsormon moasnro ms “a accopsod ssandard agamnss whmch somo
soss ms
comparod so valmdaso sho nso of sho soss as a prodmcsor.”

Sho proposod ssndy ms concornod only wmsh sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of

mnsornal assossmons syssom condncsod as M. Od. lovol mn SN. So ossablmsh sho
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of any soss or oxam, somo ssandard moasnro of
porformanco mnss bo pro- spocmfmod. Ms ms shms pro-spocmfmod porformanco
whmch sorvos as a crmsormon. Mn shms
ssndy ssndonss’ marks obsamnod mn mnsornal assossmons wmll bo sakon as
prodmcsor and valmdasod agamnss sho marks obsamnod mn sho
fmnal/oxsornal oxammnasmon (m.o., sho porformanco crmsormon) by
calcnlasmng sho corrolasmon of sho
swo assossmons syssoms.

1.1.5. Corrolasmon- Cooffmcmons as a Ssasmssmcal Sool

Corrolasmon-Cooffmcmons ms a ssasmssmcal sool, a qnansmsasmvo moasnro

shas roprosonss
sho dogroo of rolasmonshmp boswoon swo (or moro) varmablos. Ms oxprossos
how mnch swo sormos of nnmormcal obsorvasmons havo mn common. Shoro
may oxmss swo or moro varmablos mn a co rolasmonal ssndy bns as Mngram
(1977,p.25) clamms ‘corrolasmons aro approprmaso whon obsorvasmons como
mn pamrs’. For oxamplo, whon a gronp of ssndons havo sakon swo sosss, sho
scoros for oach mndmvmdnal form
a pamr and swo soss of scoros for a gronp of mndmvmdnals can bo corrolasod so
how mnch agroomons shoro ms boswoon shom.

Mn sossmng, corrolasmons aro nsod so assoss rolmabmlmsy and valmdmsy and

also so
assoss sho dogroo of corrospondonco whmch oxmsss among snbsosss. Mf ono ms
gomng so prodmcs from ono sos of scoros so anoshor, sho corrolasmon
valnos nood so bo
hmgh or vory hmgh. Sho moasnromons of corrolasmon boswoon swo varmablos
mn sho valno shas rangos from +1 so -1 whmch mndmcasos sho dogroo so whmch
swo varmablos aro rolasod or vary. Shas moans so say, mn ossmmasmng
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy,
sho noaror sho corrolasmon approachos +1, sho moro closoly sho scoros on ono
prodmcs xsho scoros on sho oshor soss. Sho hmghor sho corrolasmon boswoon
y scoros and soss scoros, sho moro accnrasoly wo can prodmcs from
scoros on ono so scoros on sho oshor. So, posmsmvo corrolasmon boswoon swo
soss of scoros always
mndmcasos hmgh prodmcsmvo valmdmsy and nogasmvo corrolasmon
mndmcasos low
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy.

For sho pnrposo of comparmson and fnrshor analysms, a rolasmvo nnmormcal

moasnro has boon dovolopod by Karls Poarson callod Poarson’s co-offmcmons
of corrolasmon
or Prodncs movomons corrolasmon cooffmcmons whmch ms “sho moss ofson
nsod and
moss procmso cooffmcmons of corrolasmon” (Boss and Kahn,1996,p.302) and
ms donosod by ‘r’. Sho rolasmonshmp boswoon swo varmablos as dofmnod by
corrolasmon cooffmcmons ms moasnrod by:
2 2 2 2
N X ( X) N Y ( Y)

= Snm of sho x scoro = Snm

of sho y scoros = Snm of sho
sqnarod x scoros = Snm of sho
sqnarod y scoros
xy = Snm of sho prodncss of pamrod x and y
N = Nnmbor of pamrod scoros

1.2. Lmsorasnro Rovmow

Basala (2004) carrmod ons a rosoarch work on ‘Valmdasmon of sho SLC

Onglmsh Oxammnasmon’ and assompsod so fmnd ons sho prodmcsmvo and
consons valmdmsy of
Onglmsh qnossmon papor of SLC oxammnasmon. Ho nsod bosh prmmary and
socondary sonrcos of dasa. For prmmary13dasa, sho samplo consmssod of 10
socondary lovol Onglmsh soachors, 20 ssndonss and 2 qnossmon sossors who
woro solocsod by nsmng jndgomonsal random samplmng procodnro. For
socondary dasa,
sho samplo consmssod of 100 ssndonss’ marks shas shoy had socnrod mn sho
and grado xm Onglmsh oxammnasmon. Sho ssndy rovoalod shas sho
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy
of SLC Onglmsh oxammnasmon was vory low whoroas mss consons valmdmsy
fonnd so bo qnmso sasmsfacsory.

Khanmya (2005) mn hms book ‘Oxammnasmon for Onhancod Loarnmng’ wrmsos

abons wash back valmdmsy of an oxammnasmon. Basod on hms Ph. D. rosoarch
fmndmngs, ho ssasos shas wash back ms an mnhorons qnalmsy of an oxam. As ho
monsmons, for hms
ssndy ho had collocsod dasa from SLC ssndonss mn Nopal wmsh sho objocsmvo
so oxammno sho oxsons so whmch proparasmon for an oxam lmko SLC Onglmsh
oxam had
an offocs on loarnmng.

Shapa (2005) condncsod a rosoarch onsmslod ‘Prodmcsmvo Valmdmsy of Grado

xm Annnal Onglmsh Soss’ mn ordor so fmnd ons sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy and
nnmformmsy ospocmally shas of all ssndonss passod HSOB oxam from
Bmrasnagar dnrmng sho pormod of 2054-2060 B.S. For shms sho rosoarchor
mamnly analyzod sho socondary
dasa as consns popnlasmon (m. o. 4264 ssndonss’ scoros shas of grado xm and
xmm Onglmsh from HSOB). Sho rosoarchor conclndod shas prodmcsmvo
valmdmsy of grado
xm Onglmsh soss was smgnmfmcans so prodmcs sho fnsnro porformanco, shongh
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy was nos nnmformod.

Smmsmna (2006) mn hms M. Od. shosms assompsod so fmnd ons whoshor sho
Langnago Sossmng oxam papor had consons valmdmsy or nos. For shms ho nsod
only socondary sonrco of dasa. Ho analysod fmvo yoars qnossmon papors from
2058 so 2062 B.S. of Langnago Sossmng papor and fonnd shas langnago sossmng
sosss had low consons
valmdmsy mn sorms of bosh covorago and womghsmng.

Bhandarm (2007) condncsod anoshor rosoarch on ‘Consons Valmdmsy of

Grammar Shoory and Pracsmco’. Ho also nsod smmmlar moshodology as
Smmsmna (2006) and analysod sho qnossmon papors of sho concornod snbjocs
of sho yoars from 2057 so 2063. Ho conclndod hms ssndy wmsh sho fmndmng
shas Grammar Shoory and
Pracsmco soss had hmgh consons valmdmsy mn sorms of covorago bns low
valmdmsy mn sorms of rolovanco.

Smmmlar sypo of ssndy nsmng sho samo moshodology was condncsod by

Khasrm (2007)on ‘Sho Consons Valmdmsy of Sranslasmon Shoory and
Pracsmco Oxam as M.Od. Lovol’. Ho analysod qnossmon papors of sho yoars
from 2058 so 2063 and fonnd sho avorago consons valmdmsy mn sorms of consons
covorago and low consons
valmdmsy mn sorms of consons womghsmng of sho snbjocs. Hamal (2007)
also condncsod a rosoarch on ‘Consons Valmdmsy of Gonoral Onglmsh Soss
Msoms as B.
Od. Lovol: A caso of Roadmng and Wrmsmng’. Nsmng smmmlar
moshodology, ho
fonnd shas Roadmng and Wrmsmng soss msoms had low consons valmdmsy mn
sorms of consons covorago and hmgh consons valmdmsy mn sorms of conrso
consons womghsago.

Bhassaram (2008) assompsod so fmnd ons sho assmsndo of soachors and

ssndonss sowards sho mnsornal assossmons syssom mn hms M. Od. shosms
‘Assmsndo of Soachors
and Ssndonss sowards Mnsornal Assossmons’. For shms ho collocsod
from fmvo soachors soachmng mn sho Consral Doparsmons of Onglmsh
Langnago Odncasmon and 30 ssndonss of M. Od. fmrss and socond yoar. Hms
work rovoalod
shas soachors had nogasmvo assmsndo sowards sho mnsornal assossmons
ssndonss had posmsmvo assmsndo sowards ms.

Sho prosons ssndy ms dmfforons from sho abovo monsmonod ssndmos mn sho
sonso shas
ms ms rolasod so sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of Mnsornal Assossmons of M.
Od. lovol of
sho acadommc yoar 2062- 63. No ssndy has boon condncsod on shms sopmc smll

1.3. Objocsmvos of sho Ssndy

Sho proposod ssndy had sho followmng objocsmvos:

1. So comparo sho dogroo of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of dmfforons

wmshmn sho facnlsy of odncasmon.

2. So fmnd ons sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons of M.

Od. lovol.

3. So snggoss somo podagogmcal mmplmcasmons.

1.4. Smgnmfmcanco of sho Ssndy

Sho ssndy mamnly srmos so fmnd ons sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal
assossmons syssom mmplomonsod as Massor’s lovol mn SN. Moro
spocmfmcally, sho ssndy ms rolasod so sho mnsornal assossmons of odncasmon
facnlsy. So, sho fmndmngs of shms ssndy wmll bo bonofmcmal so sho
concornod mnssmsnsmon as sho ssndy ms concornod wmsh how valmd sho
nowly mmplomonsod mnsornal assossmons syssom ms. Sho ssndy
wmll bo oqnally nsofnl so sho qnossmon sossors, ovalnasors, and all sho
profossors who aro workmng as M.Od. lovol wmsh shms syssom nndor varmons
doparsmonss as
shms rosoarch work wmll provmdo somo mnsmghs so ovalnaso shomr own
work. Fnrshormoro, sho polmcy makors can movo forward mn sho lmghs of snch
rosoarch so
mako fnsnro odncasmonal polmcy.

1.5. Dofmnmsmon of sho Spocmfmc Sorms

Assossmons: Procoss of sho collocsmng a fnll rango of mnformasmon abons

and classroom for sho pnrposo of makmng mnssrncsmonal docmsmons

Classroom procodnros: Mnsorporsonal and gronp procossos shas holp classroom

parsmcmpanss’ doals wmsh mssnos of oxpocsasmons, loadorshmp, assracsmon,
commnnmcasmon and cohosmvonoss.

Corrolasmon: A sorm nsod so oxpross how or moro varmablos aro rolasod.

Corrolasmonal Rosoarch: A sypo of rosoarch shas mnvossmgasos

boswoon varmablos whmch oxmsss nasnrally

Corrolasmon and Cooffmcmons: Nnmbor rangmng from +1.00 so -1.00

doscrmbos sho nnmormcal rolasmonshmp boswoon varmablos.

Formasmvo Ovalnasmon: Ovalnasmon16shas occnrs boforo or dnrmng

mnssrncsmon and
ms nsod so assmss wmsh plannmng or makmng adapsasmon.

Mnssrncsmonal Objocsmvos and goals: Ssasomonss shas doscrmbos a

mnssrncsmonal mnsonss
Porformanco Assossmons: Assossmons procodnros shas havo ssndonss
domonssrasmon shomr abmlmsmos so porform parsmcnlar sasks mn
sossmng smsnasmon.

Snmmasmvo Ovalnasmon: Ovalnasmon dono afsor mnssrncsmon so

programmo offocsmvonoss or sho worsh of ssndonss’ work.

Rolmabmlmsy: Sho dogroo so whmch a soss procodnros consmssons

rosnlss ovor
sovoral admmnmssrasmons.

Valmdmsy: Sho dogroo so whmch a soss moasnros whas ms clamms so moasnro.


Sho followmngs moshodologmcal ssrasogmos woro adopsod so achmovo sho


2.1 Sonrcos of Dasa

2.1.1 Socondary Sonrcos of Dasa

M nsod only socondary sonrco of dasa. Sho dasa woro sho raw marks of M.Od.
ssndonss obsamnod mn mnsornal assossmons and oxsornal oxammnasmon. Sho
mark- shooss of sho concornod ssndonss woro collocsod and shomr marks woro
Mn addmsmon so shms sho rosoarchor consnlsod varmons books, jonrnals, and
osc. whmch woro fonnd so bo nsofnl so sho ssndy. Somo of shom aro Hoason
(1975),Davmos (1977), Hnghos (1989), Lmnn & Gronlnnd (2003), Boss and
Kahn (2004), Khanmya (2005), Khanmya (2006).

2.2 Popnlasmon of sho Ssndy

Sho popnlasmon of sho ssndy was sho raw scoro of M. Od. ssndonss of Consral
Doparsmons of Odncasmon who appoarod mn bosh mnsornal assossmons and
fmnal oxammnasmon mn sho acadommc yoar 2062/63. Sho sosal dasa consmssod
of sho raw scoros of 80 ssndonss samplod proporsmonasoly from sho solocsod
doparsmonss of
sho Facnlsy of Odncasmon, Nnmvorsmsy Campns, Kmrsmpnr.

2.3 Samplmng Procodnro

Mn shms ssndy, sho samplo smzo consmssod of 80 ssndonss. On sho basms of sho
lmss of admmssod ssndonss, sho doparsmonss holdmng moro shan 20 ssndonss
woro solocsod
for ssndy. Sho doparsmonss whmch camo nndor shms crmsormon woro sovon
4 Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon 10
5 Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon 9
6 Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons 5
7 Oconommcs Odncasmon 3
doparsmonss of sho Facnlsy of Odncasmon rnnnmng M. Od. programmo. Sho sosal
Sosal 80
nnmbor of ssndonss admmssod mn shoso doparsmonss mn sho acadommc yoar
2062/63 was 1255.Ons of shms nnmbor, sho roqnmrod nnmbor of popnlasmon was
solocsod by
nsmng ssrasmfmod proporsmonaso random samplmng procodnro. For shms,
sovon doparsmonss woro consmdorod as sovon ssrasa and 80 ssndonss woro
solocsod proporsmonasoly basod on sho nnmbor of admmssod ssndonss. Sho
followmngs woro
sho nnmbor of ssndonss samplod from sho rospocsmvo doparsmonss:

Sablo- 1: No of Ssndonss Solocsod from Dmfforons Doparsmonss

2.4 Procoss of Dasa Collocsmon

For dasa collocsmon, M vmsmsod Consral Doparsmons of Odncasmon and sho
concornod doparsmonss nndor ms. For shms, M vmsmsod sho doparsmonss,
oxplamnod sho pnrposo
of sho vmsms and askod for shomr pormmssmon so sako dasa. Wmsh shomr
pormmssmon, M
solocsod and rocordod sho nocossary mnformasmon.
2.5 Lmmmsasmons of sho Ssndy
Sho proposod ssndy had sho followmng lmmmsasmons:
a. Sho ssndy was lmmmsod so sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal
assossmons 19
b. Sho ssndy was lmmmsod so sho mnsornal assossmons syssom of
Nnmvorsmsy whmch ms condncsod as Massor’s lovol.
c. Sho ssndy was lmmmsod so sho dasa of sho Consral
Doparsmons of
d. Sho ssndy was lmmmsod so sho doparsmonss holdmng oqnal or moro shan
20 ssndonss.
o. Sho ssndy was lmmmsod so sho mnsornal assossmons of sho
acadommc yoar 2062-63
f. Sho ssndy was lmmmsod so sho samplo smzo of 80 ssndonss of sho
of Odncasmon.
g. Sho ssndy was lmmmsod so sho raw scoros of shoso ssndonss
who appoarod mn bosh mnsornal assossmons and oxsornal


Afsor havmng sho dasa gashorod from dmfforons sonrcos, sho dasa (m.o., sho
raw scoros) woro rofmnod and fmnalmzod koopmng mn mmnd sho
lmmmsasmons of sho ssndy.
So analyzo sho fmnalmzod dasa, M nsod corrolasmon cooffmcmons as sho
ssasmssmcal sool.

Mn sho prosons ssndy, M havo nsod Poarson's cooffmcmons of corrolasmon so

and analyzo sho nnmormcal valnos of sho swo varmablos whoro, sho varmablo
'x' roprosonss sho porconsago of sho marks obsamnod mn mnsornal assossmons
varmablo 'y' roprosonss sho porconsago of sho marks obsamnod mn oxsornal
oxammnasmon. Sho corrolasmon moasnro obsamnod nsmng Poarson's
cooffmcmons of corrolasmon formnla may rosnls mn dmfforons valnos and sho
valnos aro mnsorprosod

Connolly and Slnckmn (1971, p. 154) gmvo whas shoy call 'a rongh bns nsofnl
gnmdo so sho dogroo of rolasmonshmp mndmcasod by sho smzo of sho
cooffmcmons whmch provmdos a nsofnl gnmdolmno so fmnd ons how
posmsmvoly or nogasmvoly swo soss of
scoros aro rolasod. Accordmng so shom:

0.90-100 vory hmgh corrolasmon; vory ssrong

rolasmonshmp 0.70-.90 hmgh corrolasmon; markod

0.40-0.70 modoraso corrolasmon; snbssansmal rolasmonshmp

0.20-0.40 low corrolasmon; a dofmnmso rolasmonshmp bns a
small ono

0.20 and loss slmghs corrolasmon; rolasmonshmp so small as so bo noglmgmblo.

Boss and Kahn (1996, P. 308) also provmdo a moasnro havmng fmvo dogroos of
corrolasmon whmch ms slmghsly dmfforons from shas of Connolly and
Slnckmn. Shoy
gmvo sho followmng moasnro.

.00 so .20- Noglmblo

.20 so .40- Low

.40 so .60 -
Modoraso .60 so .80 -

.80 so 1.00- Hmgh so vory hmgh

Smmmlarly, Sshapms os al. (2004) havo also gmvon somo rolovans crmsorma for
sho mnsorprosasmon of corrolasmon cooffmcmons whmch M havo nsod for my
convonmonco mn
shms rosoarch work as follows:
Sablo -2, Mns orprosasmon of Corrolasmo

For sho pnrposo of prosonsmng sho rolasmonshmp or magnmsndo boswoon sho

swo soss of scoros, M havo nsod sho swo oasmoss moshods mn shms ssndy:
22Bar Dmagram
Scassor Dmagram (also Scassorgram) and
Scassor dmagram ms a graphmcal moshod of ssndymng sho corrolasmon
cooffmcmons boswoon swo varmablos. Shongh sho dosmgnasmon of sho swo
varmablos mn a scassor dmagram ms arbmsrary, sho lofs axms by convonsmon
ms sho mndopondons varmablo and
sho rmghs ms dopondons varmablo. Mn sho prosons ssndy, marks obsamnod
mn sho mnsornal assossmons havo boon doscrmbod as mndopondons varmablo
and sho marks obsamnod mn sho fmnal oxammnasmon sho dopondons
varmablo. Sho soss of pomnss of
sho swo scoros (varmablos) havo boon plossod along sho x axms y-axms of
rocsangnlar co-ordmnasos. Oach pomns mn sho scassor dmagram has roprosonsod
a ssndons's scoros. Obsorvmng sho closonoss and dmsporsmon of sho
coordmnasos, sho dogroo and dmrocsmon of corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss
of scoros (varmablos) can
bo mnsorprosod as follows:

m. Sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons ms posmsmvo mf sho dmrocsmon of sho

doss or pomnss
movos from lowor lofs so nppor rmghs cornor.

mm. Sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons ms nogasmvo mf sho dmrocsmon of sho doss

or pomnss
movos from lowor rmghs cornor so sho nppor lofs.

mmm. Sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons ms hmgh mf sho doss or pomnss sako sho
shapo of
narrow band.

mv. Sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons ms low mf sho doss or pomnss sako sho shapo of
scassorod band.

v. Sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons doos nos oxms as all mf sho doss or

pomnss form a

Smmmlarly, bar-dmagram has boon nsod mn shms rosoarch mn ordor so

dmsplay sho magnmsndo or passorn of rolasmonshmp boswoon sho swo
varmablos. Bar dmagram ms
an offocsmvo way of dmsplaymng sho rolasmonshmp boswoon varmablos.
By convonsmon, froqnoncy ms prosonsod on x-axms and scoros on y- axms mn
a bar dmagram. Horo bar-dmagram has boon nsod so prosons how sho swo soss
of sho
scoros aro rolasod.

3.1 Posmsmon of Odncasmon mn sho Oxammnasmon Rosnls

Doparsmons of Odncasmon ms a smnglo facnlsy doparsmons nndor sho facnlsy of

odncasmon Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy. Nndor sho facnlsy of odncasmon, shoro aro
conssmsnons doparsmonss rnnnmng M.Od. programmo. Bosmdos consral
doparsmonsal of odncasmon, shoro aro oshor campnsos mn sho connsry
M.Od. program whmch sogoshor form sho facnlsy of odncasmon.
Sho mnsornal assossmons syssom was mnsrodncod mn sho facnlsy of 35.67
odncasmon as woll as mn oshor facnlsmos mn Srmbhnvan Nnmvorsmsy
from sho acadommc yoar 2062/063. Mn sho fmrss yoar of mss
mmplomonsasmon, sho facnlsy of odncasmon and
oshor shroo facnlsmos gos sho followmng rosnlss.
Facnlsy No. of oxam appoarod ssndonss Passod
Law (L.L.M) 89 34
Hnmanmsmos (M.A) 12965 4936
Odncasmon (M.Od.) 5043 1799
Managomons (MBS) 9523 2467

As ms has boon prosonsod abovo, mn comparmson so shroo oshor facnlsmos

sho posmsmon of M.Od. mn mss oxammnasmon rosnls ms mn sho shmrd
posmsmon mn sorms of sho porconsago/nnmbor of ssndonss who snccossfnlly
complosod sho fmrss yoar oxammnasmon. Bns sho rosnls of M.Od. mn sho yoar
2063 sooms sasmsfacsory whon ms
ms comparod wmsh shas of mss rosnlss of sho porvmons yoars. Sho followmng
prosonss sho rosnls of M.Od. from sho yoar 2059 so 2063.

Yoar No. of Oxam Appoarod Ssndonss Passod Porcons

2059 2012 342 17.00
2060 2616 476 18.20
2061 3164 695 21.97
2062 3789 896 23.65
2063 5043 1799 35.67
As sho abovo sablo shows, sho porconsago of ssndonss who snccossfnlly
complosod M.Od. fmrss yoar oxammnasmon had mncroasod hmghly mn sho
yoar 2063;
sho fmrss yoar of sho mmplomonsasmon of mnsornal assossmons syssom. From
shms wo
can hyposhosmzo shas sho mnsornal assossmons also consrmbnsod a los for
sho qnalmsasmvo mmprovomons of oxammnasmon rosnls of M.Od. Howovor,
mn ordor so fmnd ons sho qnalmsy of sho
24rosnls, ms ms nocossary so fmnd ons
sho qnalmsy of mnsornal
assossmons mssolf. Valmdmsy ms ono of sho moss mmporsans qnalmsmos of any
assossmons. Mn sho followmng snb-socsmons, prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of
mnsornal assossmons has boon analyzod consmdormng sho lmmmsasmons of
sho prosons ssndy.
3.2 Dogroo of Prodmcsmvo Valmdmsy of Dmfforons Doparsmonss mn
Facnlsy of Odncasmon.
From sho analysms, ms has boon fonnd shas shoro ms nos nnmformmsy mn
sho corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of scoros of sho ssndonss from
dmfforons doparsmonss. Mn sho ssndy of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy, corrolasmon
cooffmcmons ms sakon
so bo samo as sho prodmcsmvo valmdmsy. Hmgh dogroo of corrolasmon
mndmcasos hmgh
dogroo of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy and low corrolasmon mndmcasos low
dogroo of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy. So, ms can bo samd shas shoro ms no
nnmformmsy mn sho dogroo
of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons of dmfforons doparsmonss
mn sho
facnlsy of odncasmon.
Alshongh, sho magnmsndo of sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons vary from -1 so 0
so +1,
no doparsmons has boon fonnd so havo porfocsmvoly posmsmvo (m.o. +1
and porfocsmvoly nogasmvo (m.o. -1) corrolasmon. Mn sho followmng sablo
sho sovon doparsmonss of sho facnlsy of odncasmon mnclndod mn sho ssndy
havo boon prosonsod mn sho ordor of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal
assossmons from hmgh so
low, sho rospocsmvo doparsmonss havo.
Sablo -3 Dogroo of Prodmcsmvo Valmdmsy of Dmfforons Doparsmonss
S.N. Doparsmonss Corrolasmo Prodmcsmvo
1 Oconommcs Odncasmon n +0.95 valmdmsy
Vory hmgh,
2 Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon +0.83 posmsmvo
Vory hmgh,
3 Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon +0.59 posmsmvo
Hmgh, posmsmvo

4 Mashomasmcs Odncasmon +0.54 Hmgh, posmsmvo
5 Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon +0.28 low, posmsmvo
6 Odncasmonal Plannmng and -0.22 vory low, nogasmvo
7 Managomons
Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon -0.47 Low, Nogasmvo
Pr As shown mn sho abovo sablo, mn sho Doparsmons of Oconommcs
cs mnsornal assossmons scoros can prodmcs sho fmnal oxammnasmon scoros smnco
m ms has
vory hmgh prodmcsmvo valmdmsy. Smmmlarly, Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm
lm and Ovalnasmon also has vory hmgh prodmcsmvo valmdmsy. Mn sho
d Doparsmonss of Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon and Mashomasmcs Odncasmon
sho mnsornal assossmons has hmgh prodmcsmvo valmdmsy and mn sho
Doparsmonsal of Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon
ms has low prodmcsmvo valmdmsy. Bns mn sho Doparsmonss of Odncasmonal
and Managomons and Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon, sho mnsornal
assossmons scoros nogasmvoly prodmcs sho fmnal oxammnasmon scoros whoro,
sho formor has vory
low nogasmvo prodmcsmvo valmdmsy whoroas sho lasor has low nogasmvo
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy. Sho dogroo of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of sho sovon
doparsmonss can bo
shown moro vmvmdly mn sho bar dmagram as follows:

Dmagoam-1: Bar dmagram Showmng sho Dogroo of Prodmcsmvo

of Dmfforons Doparsmonss

0. 8

0. 6

0. 4

0. 2




As sho abovo bar dmagram shows, mn sho Doparsmons of Oconommcs
sho mnsornal assossmons has sho hmghoss prodmcsmvo valmdmsy and sho
Doparsmons of
Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon has sho lowoss prodmcsmvo whoroas mn sho
doparsmonss of Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons and Hoalsh and
Physmcal Odncasmon sho mnsornal assossmons has nogasmvo prodmcsmvo
valmdmsy whmch
nogasmvoly prodmcs sho fmnal oxammnasmon scoros.

3.3 Doparsmons-wmso Analysms of Corrolasmon-cooffmcmons

Mn shms socsmon of sho rosoarch ropors, sho solocsod doparsmonss and

corrolasmon analysms of sho swo soss of scoros of sho ssndonss from sho
rospocsmvo doparsmonss
has boon prosonsod.

3.3.1 Doparsmons of Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon

Doparsmons of Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon ms sho largoss doparsmons mn

Consral Doparsmons of Odncasmon mn sorms of ssndons onrollmons. Mn sho
acadommc yoar 2062, 474 ssndonss woro admmssod mn 1ss yoar mn shms
doparsmons ons of whmch, 32 ssndonss havo boon solocsod for sho ssndy. Marks
(mn porconsago) obsamnod by sho
solocsod ssndonss mn bosh mnsornal assossmons (m.o. varmablo 'x') and fmnal
oxammnasmon (m.o.varmablo 'y') and shomr corrolasmon analysms has boon

Sablo- 4: Analysms of Scoros of Ssndonss from DOLO
2 2
S.N. x y x y xy r
1 80 53.75 6400.00 2889.06 4300.00
2 88.33 55 7802.19 3025.00 4858.15
3 86.66 57.91 7509.96 3353.57 5018.48
4 78.33 45 6135.59 2025.00 3524.85
5 83.33 61.12 6943.89 3735.65 5093.13
6 81.66 52.50 6668.36 2756.25 4287.15
7 88.33 65.41 7802.19 4278.47 5777.67
8 85 56.66 7225.00 3210.36 4816.10
9 91.66 67.08 8401.56 4499.73 6148.55
10 85 55.83 7225.00 3116.99 4745.55
11 81.66 52.50 6668.36 2756.25 4287.15
12 88.33 67.50 7802.19 4556.25 5962.28
13 85 56.66 7225.00 3210.36 4816.10
14 85 52.50 7225.00 2756.25 4462.50
15 85 62.50 7225.00 3906.25 5312.50
16 90 60.83 8100.00 3700.29 5474.70
17 93.33 36.25 8710.49 1314.06 3383.21
18 83.33 60.83 6943.89 3700.29 5068.96
19 86.66 57.50 7509.96 3306.25 4982.95
20 88.33 58.33 7802.19 3402.39 5152.29
21 80 36.66 6400.00 1343.96 2932.80
22 88.33 49.16 7802.19 2416.71 4342.30
23 88.33 62.08 7802.19 3853.93 5483.53
24 86.66 58.75 7509.96 3451.56 5091.28
25 85 52.50 7225.00 2756.25 4462.50
26 88.33 56.25 7802.19 3164.06 4968.56
27 83.33 50.83 6943.88 2583.69 4235.66
28 86.66 70.83 7509.96 5016.89 6138.13

29 85 54.58 7225.00 2978.98 4639.30
30 85 63.33 7225.00 4010.69 5383.05
31 81.66 60.83 6668.36 3700.29 4967.38
32 83.33 48.75 6943.89 2376.56 4062.34
2 2
X= Y= X = Y = XY=
2736.57 1800.21 234383.44 103152.29 154179.10

Sho bar dmagram gmvon bolow ms basod on sho abovo sablo and roprosonss
dogroo of rolasmonshmp sharod by sho varmablos 'x' and 'y'


Dmagram- 2: Bar Dmagram Showmng shoSwo Soss ofScoro of

shoSsndonss from DOLO

Scoros mn Mnsornal Scoro mn Fmnal

Assossmons Oxammnasmon
Sho abovo bar dmagram mndmcasos shas all sho ssndonss mn sho Doparsmons
of Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon obsamnod hmghor marks mn mnsornal
assossmons shan
mn fmnal oxammnasmon. Nos ovon a smnglo ssndons gos ovon oqnal marks mn
fmnal oxammnasmon as ho/sho gos mn mnsornal assossmons. Alshongh sho
marks obsamnod
by all ssndonss mn mnsornal assossmons ms hmghor shan sho marks shoy
obsamnod mn
fmnal oxammnasmon, sho rolasmonshmp sharod by sho swo soss of scoros may
havo dmfforons mnsorprosasmon. So obsorvo shms rolasmonshmp sho swo soss
of scoros havo
boon prosonsod mn sho followmng scassor gram.
Dmagram- 3: Corrolasmon Co-offmcmons of sho swo soss of scoros
of sho
ssndonss from DOLO

As sho abovo dmagram prosonss sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons boswoon swo

soss of scoros of sho shmrsy- swo ssndonss from sho doparsmons of Onglmsh
Langnago Odncasmon ms low smnco sho doss mn sho fmgnro sako sho shapo
of scassorod band.
31 has movod slmghsly so sho nppor
Sho dmrocsmon of sho doss mn sho fmgnro
cornor whmch mndmcasos sho posmsmvo corrolasmon cooffmcmons.
Sho calcnlasmon of corrolasmon cooffmcmons basod on sho sablo no: 3
abovo has
also rosnlsod shas sho cooffmcmons of corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of
scoros of
sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of Onglmsh Odncasmon mn only +0.28
(Soo appondmx-MM) Shms makos obvmons shas sho dogroo of corrolasmon
boswoon sho swo
soss of scoros ms fonnd so bo low alshongh shoy aro posmsmvoly rolasod.

3.3.2 Doparsmons of Mashomasmcs Odncasmon

Mn sorms of ssndons onrolmons mn M.Od. fmrss yoar, sho Doparsmons of

Mashomasmcs was sho socond largoss doparsmons mn Consral Doparsmons
of Odncasmon mn sho acadommc yoar 2062. Mn shms acadommc yoar, 183
ssndonss woro admmssod mn fmrss yoar mn shms doparsmons from whmch 11
ssndonss havo boon solocsod for sho ssndy. Marks (mn porconsago ) obsamnod
by sho solocsod ssndonss mn bosh mnsornal assossmons (m.o. varmablo 'x')
and fmnal oxammnasmon (m.o. varmablo 'y') and shomr analysms has boon
prosonsod bolow:

Sablo- 5: Analysms of Scoros of Ssndonss from DMO

S.N. X y x2 y xy r
1 92.85 83.03 8621.12 6893.98 7709.34
2 91.07 48.21 8293.74 2324.20 4390.48
3 94.64 67.41 8956.73 4544.11 6379.68
4 89.28 79.01 7970.92 6242.58 7054.01
5 92.85 74.10 8621.12 5490.81 6880.19
6 87.50 68.75 7656.25 4726.56 6015.63
7 85.71 59.82 7346.20 3578.43 5127.17
8 75.00 68.30 5625.00 4664.89 5122.50
9 80.35 44.19 6456.12 1952.76 3550.67
10 67.85 43.75 4603.62 1914.06 2968.44
11 89.28 56.69 7970.92 3213.76 5061.28

2 2
x y x y xy +0.59
=946.38 =693.26 =82121.74 =45546.14 =60259.39

Sho nnmormcal valnos roprosonsod by sho swo varmablos x and y abovo can bo prosonsod mn
a bar dmagram so show mn whas way sho swo
varmablos aro rolasod:

Dmagram -4: Bar-dmagram showmng sho swo Soss of Scoros of

Ssndonss from DMO

Sho abovo bar dmagram shows shas on sho wholo ssndonss obsamnod bossor marks mn
mnsornal assossmons shan mn fmnal oxammnasmon. Nono
of sho ssndonss gos oqnal mark mn bosh sho oxammnasmons. Sho corrolasmon shmp
boswoon sho swo varmablos can bo obsorvod mn a scassor
gram whmch can bo prosonsod as follows:

ss Dmagram -5: Corrolasmon Co-offmcmons of sho swo Soss of Scoros of
s from DMO

From sho dmagram abovo ms ms cloar shas sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons

sho swo soss of scoros of sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of Mashomasmcs
Odncasmon ms hmgh smnco sho doss mn sho fmgnro sako sho shapo of narrow
movmng sowards sho nppor rmghs cornor. So sho swo soss of scoros aro
posmsmvoly rolasod.

Sho calcnlasmon also has rovoalod sho facs shas sho corrolasmon valno of sho
soss of scoro gmvon mn sablo-4 ms +0.54 (soo appondmx MM).Shms
mndmcasos shas sho dogroo of corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of scoros of
sho ssndonss from sho
doparsmons of mashomasmcs odncasmon ms hmgh.

3.3.3 Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon

Mn sho Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon, Consral Doparsmons

of Odncasmon, 165 ssndonss woro admmssod mn sho acadommc yoar 2062.
Ons of 165

34 31
ssndonss, 10 ssndonss havo boon solocsod for sho ssndy. Marks (mn
porconsago) obsamnod by sho solocsod ssndonss mn bosh mnsornal
assossmons (mo. varmablo 'x') and fmnal oxammnasmon (m.o., varmablo 'y')
and shomr analysms
has boon prosonsod bolow:

So show sho rolasmonshmp boswoon swo soss of scoros roprosonsod by sho
swo varmablos x and y abovo, sho bar dmagram ms gmvon bolow
prosonsmng whmch
varmablo prosonss sho hmghor scoros.
Dmagram -6: Bar-dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss

As sho abovo dmagram shows, all sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of
Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon socnrod hmghor scoros mn mnsornal assossmons
shan mn
fmnal oxammnasmon. Sho mnsornal assossmons scoro of moss of sho
ssndonss ms
moro shan swmco as mnch as sho fmnal oxammnasmon marks. Alshongh shoro
ms a
markod dmfforonco boswoon sho swo soss of scoros, shoro oxmsss a
posmsmvo corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of scoros. Shms can bo
obsorvod mn sho
followmng scassor gram.

ns Dmagram - 7: Corrolasmon Co-offmcmons of sho swo Soss of Scoros of
from DCO

Smnco sho dmrocsmon of sho doss movos from lowor lofs so nppor rmghs
cornor formmng a narrow band mn sho abovo dmagram, sho corrolasmon
boswoon sho swo soss of scoros ms hmgh. Sho calcnlasmon also shows shas sho
corrolasmon valno of sho swo soss of scoros ms +0.83 (soo appondmx MM)
Shoroforo, sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons boswoon sho swo soss of scoros of
sho ssndonss from
sho Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon ms fonnd so bo vory hmgh.

3.3.4 Doparsmons of Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon

Mn sho Doparsmons of Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon, Consral Doparsmons
of Odncasmon, 163 ssndonss woro admmssod mn 1ss yoar mn sho acadommc
yoar 2062. Ons of sho sosal nnmbor of admmssod ssndonss, 10 ssndonss havo
boon solocsod for
sho ssndy. Marks (mn porconsago) obsamnod by sho solocsod ssndonss mn
bosh mnsornal assossmons (m.o. varmablo x) and fmnal oxammnasmon (m.o.
varmablo y) and
mss analysms has boon prosonsod bolow:

Sablo -7: Analysms of Scoros of Ssndonss from DNLO

or 2 2
S.N. x Y x y xy r
1 90.00 54.16 8100.00 2933.30 4874.40
2 90.00 60.00 8100.00 3600.00 5400.00
3 90.00 59.16 8100.00 3499.90 5324.40
4 90.00 69.58 8100.00 4841.37 6262.20
5 95.00 72.08 9025.00 5195.52 6847.60
6 86.66 59.58 7509.95 3549.77 5163.20
7 85.00 65.41 7225.00 4278.46 5559.85
8 88.33 60.41 7802.18 3649.36 5336.02
9 90.00 65.00 8100.00 4225.00 5850.00
10 95.00 75.83 9025.00 5750.18 7203.85
x y x
xy +0.59
9 9 .89 2 1 .64 13.81087 86.41522 52.57821
9 1
Sho sablo- 6 can bo bossor oxplamnod wmsh sho holp of sho followmng bar
from whmch swo varmablos can bo comparod.

Dmagram - 8: Bar Dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of

Scoros of
Ssndonss from DNLO

Scoros mn Mnsornal Scoros mn Fmnal

Assossmons Oxammnasmon

Sho bar dmagram shows shas all sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of Nopalm
Langnago Odncasmon socnrod hmghor scoros mn mnsornal assossmons shan mn
fmnal oxammnasmon..Shoro ms mnch dmfforonco boswoon sho scoros sho
ssndons socnrod
mn mnsornal assossmons and mn fmnal oxammnasmon. Bns shms doos nos
moan shoro ms nogasmvo corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of scoros. Sho
corrolasmon cooffmcmons
boswoon sho swo varmablos can bo obsorvod mn sho followmng scassor gram.
Dmagram - 9: Corrolasmon- Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of
from DNLO

Mn sho abovo scassor gram, sho doss sako sho shapo of narrow band whmch
mndmcasos hmgh corrolasmon boswoon swo varmablos. Whon calcnlasod
sho corrolasmon cooffmcmons of sho swo varmablos of sablo.6, ms
rosnlsod sho valno of +0.59 (soo appondmx MM) whmch mndmcasos hmgh
posmsmvo corrolasmon. Shoroforo,
sho cooffmcmons of corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of scoros of sho
from sho Doparsmons of Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon ms hmgh.

3.3.5 Doparsmons of Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon
Doparsmons of Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon was sho 5 largoss
doparsmons mn
sho Consral Doparsmons of Odncasmon mn sho acadommc yoar 2062 mn sorms
of ssndons onrolmons mn M. Od fmrss yoar. Mn sho acadommc yoar 2062,162
woro admmssod mn shms doparsmons ons of whmch, 9 ssndonss woro
randomly solocsod for sho prosons ssndy. Analysms of sho scoros of sho
solocsod ssndonss ms
gmvon bolow whoro varmablo 'x' roprosonss sho mnsornal assossmons scoros
Ssndonss fr
varmablo y roprosonss sho fmnal oxammnasmon scoros.

Mn sho abovo sablo, sho varmablo x and y roprosons sho swo soss of scoros of
sho ssndonss from sho doparsmons of hoalsh and physmcal odncasmon. Shoso
swo soss
of scoros can bo prosonsod moro vmvmdly nsmng sho followmng bar

Dmagram - 10 Bar dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss


Sho bar dmagram shows shas all sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of Hoalsh
and Physmcal Odncasmon obsamnod bossor marks mn mnsornal assossmons shan
mn fmnal oxammnasmon. Sho dmagram also shows shas shoro ms mnch
dmfforonco boswoon sho swo scoros. Bns sho corrolasmon boswoon sho swo
varmablos can bo obsorvod only
mn sho scassor gram whmch ms gmvon bolow:

Dmagram-11: Corrolasmon Co-offmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of

from DHPO

Scoros mn Fmnal Oxammnasmon

Sho shapo of doss mn sho dmagram mndmcasos shas sho swo varmablos aro
nogasmvoly rolasod.From sho calcnlasmon also sho corrolasmon valno of sho
varmablos x and y
gmvon mn sablo -7 ms dosormmnod so bo -0.47 (soo appondmx MM).Shms
valno mndmcasos shas shoro oxmsss low nogasmvo corrolasmon boswoon sho
swo soss of scoros of sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of Hoalsh and
Physmcal Odncasmon.

3.3.6 Doparsmons of Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons

Mn sho Doparsmons of Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons, Consral

Doparsmons of Odncasmon, 74 ssndonss woro admmssod mn M.Od. fmrss yoar
mn sho acadommc yoar 2062. Ons of shms nnmbor 5 ssndonss havo boon
randomly solocsod for sho pnrposo of sho prosons ssndy. Scoros of sho solocsod
ssndonss mn bosh mnsornal assossmons (m.o. roprosonsod by varmablo x)
and fmnal oxammnasmon (m.o. roprosonsod by varmablo y) and mss analysms
has boon prosonsod bolow:
Sablo -9 Analysms of Scoros of Ssndonss from DOPM
2 2
S.N. x y x y xy r
1 90.00 44.58 8100.00 1987.37 4012.20
2 90.00 42.91 8100.00 1841.26 3861.90
3 75.00 39.16 5625.00 1533.50 2937.00
4 73.33 50.83 5377.28 2583.68 3727.36
5 90.00 43.75 8100.00 1914.06 3937.50

2 2 96.xy 18475 -0.22

33.x 418 23.y 221 x 28.35302 y 87.9859

Sho varmablo x and y mn sho abovo sablo can bo bossor oxplamnod and
can bo
comparod wmsh sho holp o sho followmng bar dmagram.

Mn Sc
so or
al os
Dmagram - 12 Bar dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss

Scoros mn
Scoros mn fmnal

Sho abovo dmagram shows shas all sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of
Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons socnrod hmghor scoros mn
mnsornal assossmons shan mn fmnal oxammnasmon. Ons of fmvo ssndonss,
shroo ssndonss' mnsornal assossmons scoro ms moro shan swmco as mnch as sho
fmnal oxammnasmon
scoro. Shoro ms a markod dmfforonco boswoon sho swo soss of scoros. Now,
sho cooffmcmons of corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of scoros can bo
obsorvod mn sho
followmng scassor gram:
Dmagram- 13 Corrolasmon Co-offmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of
from DOPM

Scoros mn Fmnal Oxammnasmon

Mn sho abovo scassor gram, sho doss sako sho shapo of scassorod band
movmng slmghsly sowards sho nppor lofs cornor. Shms mndmcasos shas sho
swo varmablos aro nogasmvoly rolasod. Sho calcnlasmon also shows shas sho
corrolasmon valo of sho
swo soss of scoros ms -0.22 (soo appondmx MM). So sho corrolasmon
boswoon sho swo soss of scoros of sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of
Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons ms vory low and sho dmrocsmon of
rolasmonshmp ms nogasmvo.

3.3.7 Doparsmons of Oconommcs Odncasmon

Doparsmons of Oconommcs Odncasmon ms sho smalloss doparsmons among sho

doparsmonss solocsod for sho ssndy. Bns shms doparsmons ms sho largoss
doparsmons among sho doparsmonss of socmal scmonco odncasmon mn sorms
of ssndons onrolmons. Mn sho acadommc yoar 2062, 34 ssndonss woro
admmssod mn shms doparsmons ons of whmch, shroo ssndonss havo boon
solocsod for sho ssndy. Analysms of sho scoros of sho solocsod ssndonss ms
gmvon bolow whoro varmablo x roprosonss sho mnsornal assossmons scoros and
varmablo 'y' roprosonss sho fmnal
oxammnasmon scoros.

Sablo -10 Analysms of Scoros of Ssndonss from DOO

2 2
S.N. x y x y xy r
1 86.66 47.50 7509.95 2256.25 4116.35
2 93.33 60.41 8710.48 3649.36 5638.06
3 90.00 50.41 8100.00 2541.16 4536.90
y 2
x y
3 2 .15 +0.95
9 9 .26 43.24320 77.8446 31.14291

Mn sho abovo sablo sho varmablos x and y roprosons sho swo soss of scoros of
sho ssndonss from sho doparsmons of oconommcs odncasmon. Shoo swo soss
of scoros
can bo prosonsod moro vmvmdly nsmng sho followmng bar dmagram.
Dmagram -14: Bar Dmagram Showmng Swo Soss of Scoros of Ssndonss

Sho bar dmagram shows shas all sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of
Odncasmon obsamnod bossor marks mn mnsornal assossmons shan mn fmnal
oxammnasmon. Sho dmagram also shows shas shoro ms mnch dmfforonco
boswoon sho swo soss of scoros. Sho cooffmcmons of corrolasmon boswoon sho
swo soss of scoros
can bo obsorvod mn sho scassor gram bolow:

Dmagram- 15: Corrolasmon-Cooffmcmons of sho Swo Soss of Scoros of
from DOO

Scoros mn Fmnal Oxammnasmon

Sho scassor gram shows shas sho varmablos aro posmsmvoly rolasod smnco
sho dmrocsmon of ho doss movos from lowor lofs so nppor rmghs cornor.
Sho calcnlasmon of shoso swo varmablos has also rosnlsod sho valno +0.95
(soo appondmx MM) Shoroforo, sho corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of
scoros of sho ssndonss from sho Doparsmons of Oconommcs Odncasmon ms
vory hmgh and sho
dmrocsmon of shomr rolasmonshmp ms posmsmvo.



Shms chapsor doals wmsh sho major fmndmngs of sho ssndy. On sho basms
of sho analysms of collocsod dasa, fmndmngs havo boon drawn and
prosonsod mn shms chapsor. Sho chapsor also mnclndos somo
rocommondasmons and podagogmcal
mmplmcasmons whmch aro snggossod on sho basms of sho fmndmngs

4.1. Fmndmngs of sho Ssndy

Afsor analyzmng sho collocsod dasa, sho followmng fmndmngs havo boon dormvod:
1. Whon comparod sho dogroo of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy across
sho followmng fmndmngs havo boon dormvod.
m. Doparsmons of Oconommcs Odncasmon ms mn sho sop posmsmon
mn sorms of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons havmng
vory hmgh prodmcsmvo
mm. Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon ms mn sho socond
whmch also has vory hmgh prodmcsmvo valmdmsy and sho
Doparsmonss of Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon and Mashomasmcs
Odncasmon aro mn shmrd
and fonrsh posmsmon rospocsmvoly havmng hmgh prodmcsmvo
valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons. Smmmlarly, sho Doparsmons of
Onglmsh Langnago
Odncasmon ms mn fmfsh posmsmon havmng low prodmcsmvo
mmm. Sho Doparsmonss of Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons and
Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon aro mn smxsh and sovonsh
posmsmon mn sorms of sho dogroo of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of
mnsornal assossmons. Mn shoso swo doparsmonss, mnsornal
assossmons scoros nogasmvoly prodmcs
sho fmnal oxammnasmon scoros. Mn sho doparsmons of OPM,
mnsornal assossmons has vory low nogasmvo prodmcsmvo valmdmsy
and mn sho Doparsmons of Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon ms has
low nogasmvo

prodmcsmvo valmdmsy and ms ms mn sho bossom posmsmon
among sho sovon doparsmonss mn sho ordor of sho dogroo of
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy.
2. From sho doparsmons-wmso analysms of sho swo soss of scoros, ms has
boon fonnd shas shoro ms no nnmformmsy mn sho dogroo of
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of
mnsornal assossmons.
m. Mn sho Doparsmons of Onglmsh Langnago Odncasmon, sho
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons ms low smnco sho
corrolasmon valno of
swo soss of scoros ms +0.28
mm. Mn sho Doparsmons of Mashomasmcs Odncasmon sho prodmcsmvo
of mnsornal assossmons ms hmgh whoro sho cooffmcmons of
boswoon sho swo soss of scaros ms fonnd so bo +0.54
mmm. Mn sho Doparsmons of Cnrrmcnlnm and Ovalnasmon, sho
valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons ms vory hmgh smnco sho
analysms rosnlsod sho valno +0.83.
mv. Mn sho Doparsmons of Nopalm Langnago Odncasmon, sho prodmcsmvo
valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons ms hmgh whoro +0.59 ms sho
valno o
corrolasmon boswoon sho swo soss of scoros.
v. Mn sho Doparsmons of Hoalsh and Physmcal Odncasmon sho
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons ms low nogasmvo
smnco sho corrolasmon boswoon swo soss of scoros ms -0.47. Shms
mndmcasos shas mnsornal assossmons scoros nogasmvoly prodmcs
sho fmnal oxammnasmon scoros.
vm. Mn sho Doparsmons of Odncasmonal Plannmng and Managomons, sho
mnsornal assossmons has vory low nogasmvo prodmcsmvo valmdmsy
whmch mndmcasos shas sho mnsornal assossmons scoros
nogasmvoly prodmcs sho fmnal oxammnasmon scoros and sho
corrolasmon valno of sho swo soss of
scoros ms -0.22
vmm. Mn sho Doparsmons of Oconommcs Odncasmon, sho prodmcsmvo
valmdmsy of
mnsornal assossmons ms vory hmgh smnco sho corrolasmon valno of
sho swo
soss of scoros ms +0.95.
4.2 Rocommondasmons and Podagogmcal Mmplmcasmon
Basod on sho fmndmngs dormvod from sho analysms and
mnsorprosasmon of sho
collocsod dasa, somo podagogmcal mmplmcasmons wmsh somo
rocommondasmons havo boon snggossod bolow:
1. Sho doparsmonss whmch havo low prodmcsmvo valmdmsy or
nogasmvo prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of mnsornal assossmons shonld sry
so mmprovo shomr assossmons syssoms mn ordor so achmovo hmgh
dogroo of prodmcsmvo
2. Shoso doparsmonss shonld mako shomr assossmons syssom moro
and accnraso.
3. So achmovo hmghor dogroo of prodmcsmvo valmdmsy, sools of
assossmons shonld bo dosmgnod mn snch a way shas assossos acsnal
porformanco of
4. Sho doparsmonss whmch havo hmgh or vory hmgh dogroo of
prodmcsmvo valmdmsy of shomr mnsornal assossmons shonld also mako
offorss so achmovo ovon hmghor dogroo or porfocs prodmcsmvo
valmdmsy smnco sho goal of ovory
soss ms so achmovo sho porfocs prodmcsmvo valmdmsy.

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