Hematology Ospe A1

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Hematology Ospe

 G6PD Deficiency Anemia:

 Presence of denatured hemoglobin remnants in the RBCs called Heinz

 Presence of Bite cells.
Hereditary Spherocytosis:
Round spherocytes
Anisocytosis [Variation in size]

 Identify the findings in reticulocyte preparation in a case of G6PD

 Presence of Heinz bodies (oxidized hemoglobin)
 Increased reticulocyte count

 Identify the Reticulocytes under a microscope:

 Purple aggregates of RNA

 Identify the peripheral blood findings in a case of

Thalasemia major:
 Microcytic Hypochromic RBCs seen.
 Marked anisopoiklocytosis seen.
 Presence of target cells (More membrane) and tear drop-cells.

 Presence of nucleated-RBCs.
 Lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma:
 Lymphoblasts have condensed nuclear chromatin, small
nucleoli, and scant (LESS) agranular cytoplasm.
 Peripheral Leukocytosis with abnormal blasts and

 AML with Auer Rods:

• Granular cytoplasm (Myeloblasts)
Prominent nucleoli

 Myeloblasts have Auer Rods in the cytoplasm.

 Chronic myelogenous leukemia:

 Granulocytic forms at various stages of differentiation are present.

 Increased count of basophils.
• High neutrophils and myelocytes.
 Chronic Lymphocytic
• Lymphocytosis
Smudge cells
Normocytic Normochromic

 Hodgkin lymphoma—lymph node:

 A binucleate Reed Sternberg cell with large,
inclusion-like nucleoli and abundant cytoplasm
is surrounded by lymphocytes, macrophages,
and an eosinophil.
 Owl’s eye inclusion like nucleoli.
 Pleomorphic cell with high nuclear cellular ratio
and scanty cytoplasm.

 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma:
 Monotonous population of neoplastic lymphoid
cells with high nuclear cellular ratio and scanty
 No reed Sternberg cells.
Multiple myeloma
Bense jones proteins Atypical plasma cells Multiple nuclei

high level of mitotic activity and prominent
nucleoli. The “starry sky” pattern
Iron deficiency anemia
Increased central

Megaloblastic anemia
Six lobed nucleus of

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