English ICSE - Jankidevi Prelim Language '23 Solution

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Prelim Language Solution


(a) Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in the brackets. Do not copy the passage but write in correct
serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. (4)
Example: (0) was seized
Anne ____(0)(seize) with panic. A sob broke(1)(break) from her
throat. She ran(2)(run) from the door, but she was too late. A black
figure dropped(3)(drop) from the book-case onto the ground and, as
Anne reached out her hands to the door, a scarf was whipped(4)(whip)
about her mouth, stifling her cry. She jerked(5)(jerk) back into the
room, but her fingers touched(6)(touch) the light switch by the door,
and as she stumbled(7)(stumble) and fell, the door opened(8)(open).

(b) Fill in each blank with an appropriate word. (4)

1. Besides/ In spite of/ Despite having a lot of health problems, Mr.
Singh is very active.
2. The employer scoffed at the idea of declaring a holiday.
3. The team will take shelter in the pavilion until the rain stops.
4. What is the time now by your watch?
5. Everybody in this office if familiar with the use of a computer.
6. A glow emanated from the lamp by the bed.
7. When my father heard what had happened to his car he was
with/beside himself with anger.
8. He has been so rude that I am vexed with him.

(c) Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without
using and but or so. Choose the correct option. (4)
1. Sheila howled loudly. She saw the doctor with a needle and syringe.
a. Sheila howled loudly unless she saw the doctor with a needle and a
b. Sheila howled loudly though she saw the doctor with a needle and a
c. Sheila howled loudly because she saw the doctor with a needle and a
d. Sheila howled loudly forever she saw the doctor with a needle and a

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2. Aman agreed with me. We had to postpone the meeting.

a. Aman agreed with me that we have to postpone the meeting.
b. Aman agreed with me when we had to postpone the meeting.
c. Aman agreed with me while we had to postpone the meeting.
d. Aman agreed with me that we had to postpone the meeting.

3. We went on a long holiday. We visited Delhi also.

a. When we went on a long holiday, we visited Delhi also.
b. Whenever we went on a long holiday we visited Delhi also.
c. Though we went on a long holiday we visited Delhi also.
d. In spite of we being on a very long holiday we visited Delhi also.

4. I am an early riser. I like to go for a brisk walk in the morning.

a. I am an early riser I like to go for a brisk walk in the morning.
b. I am an early riser as I like to go for a brisk walk in the morning.
c. I am an early riser while I like to go for a brisk walk in the morning.
d. I am an early riser when I like to go for a brisk walk in the morning.

(d) Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given

after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not
change the meaning of each sentence. Choose the correct option. (8)

1. Had I not helped her, she would not have succeeded. (Begin:
a. But for my help, she would have succeeded.
b. But for my help, she would not have succeeded.
c. But for my help, she will not have succeeded.
d. But to my help, she would not have succeeded.
2. His unexpected victory surprised everyone in the school. (Begin: His
unexpected victory………)
a. His unexpected victory took everyone with surprise.
b. His unexpected victory took everyone by surprise.
c. His unexpected victory took everyone to surprise.
d. His unexpected victory took everyone in surprise.
3. Put your tools away, the children may fall over them. (Use: lest)
a. Put your tools away lest the children should fall over them.

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b. Put your tools away as lest the children may fall over them.
c. Put your tools away lest the children can fall over them.
d. Put your tools away lest the children may fall.
4. The cake was too cloyingly sweet to be relished. (Use: so)
a. The cake was too cloyingly sweet that could not be relished.
b. The cake was so cloyingly sweet that it could not be relished.
c. The cake was so cloyingly sweet that it could be relished.
d. The cake was so cloyingly sweet that it can be relished.
5. The executive will resign if he is not given a promotion. (Begin:
a. Unless the executive is given a promotion, he would resign.
b. Unless the executive was given a promotion, he will resign.
c. Unless the executive is given a promotion, he will resign.
d. Unless the executive is given a promotion, he will not resign.
6. The landlord said, “You should leave if you cannot pay rent.” (Begin:
The landlord………)
a. The landlord asks me to leave if I did not pay rent.
b. The landlord warned to me to leave if I couldn’t pay rent.
c. The landlord asked me to leave if I would not be paying rent.
d. The landlord asked me to leave or pay rent.
7. It is a small house but it is big enough for our needs. (Begin:
a. Although it is a small house, it is big enough for our needs.
b. Although it is not a small house, it is big enough for our needs.
c. Although it is a small house; it is big enough for our needs.
d. Although it is a small house, our needs are big.
8. As soon as he reached home, his friends called him. (Begin:
a. Hardly he reached home, his friends called him.
b. Hardly did he reach home, his friends called him.
c. Hardly had he reached home than his friends called him.
d. Hardly had he reached home when his friends called him.

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