Letter To An Expert On Earthquakes. Tamiris Martins Silva RA 039023 Habilidades Oral e Escrita em Língua Inglesa III e V

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Tamiris Martins Silva RA: 039023

Habilidades Oral e Escrita em Língua Inglesa III e V

March 14, 2023.

Esfhan Alam Kherani

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe)
1758, Avenue dos Astronautas.
Jardim da Granja, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.

Sr, Esfhan Alam Kherani,

I have been searching about earthquake and I noticed you are responsible for the

project financed by Fapesp. The project detects earthquakes in near real time, so, I

would like to ask you some question about it.

First, we know earthquakes happen through seismic waves from the crust, the

surface of our planet, and the energy liberated from in the interior of the earth. In the

surface of the earth there are plates tectonic moving all the time, this movement results

in faults in the plates tectonic and the energy is released in form of seismic waves that

shake the earth and the ground and destroy everything around the earthquakes.

The earthquakes can be measured by many ways utilized and scientists are able

to calculate the probability earthquakes happen, but I would like to know if in the future

will scientists able to predict earthquakes with accuracy.

Besides, there are a few ways that possibly people can do to save themselves

from the damage, one of these is to hide under a table and hold steady, would you share

more safe ways to protect from a possible earthquake.

It is perceptible Mr Kherani when an earthquake happens a bunch of buildings

are destroyed and another not, and it is happening because a strong infrastructure,

however it is not very viable financially, in this case, how to increase more powerful

buildings in areas with a high probability of earthquakes and avoid disasters.

In February 2023, an earthquake happened in Turkey and Syria and reached 7.8

magnitude left at least fifty thousand deaths and many people homeless, the material

damage is US 34 billion according to G1 (2023).

In this way I would share some methods to help Turkey and Syria affected by

earthquake and neglected by authorities and you could contact me to validate these

methods. My first idea is to press government in Turkey to repair the children and

people unprotected, in addition the donates to the safe organizations to help them. My

second idea is to increase more studies and searches about earthquakes with the

purpose to find ways to make earthquake keep away from people, like this, involving of

course valuable scientist. Finally, establish again the infrastructure that was destroyed,

but now thinking in strong techniques to build building the proof of earthquakes.

I wait your reply. Thank you, Mr. Esfhan Kherani.

Tamiris Martins Silva.


Earthquake Hazards. The Science of Earthquakes.

https://www.usgs.gov/programs/earthquake-hazards/science-earthquakes Accessed on

13 March 2023.
PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. Mundo Educação. Terremotos

https://mundoeducacao.uol.com.br/geografia/terremotos.htm Accessed on 13 March


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PENA, Rodolfo F. Alves. "O que é Terremoto?"; Brasil Escola.

https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/geografia/o-que-e-terremoto.htm Accessed on 13

March 2023.

Burak Ünveren, Pelin Ünker, Rainer Sollich, Deutsche Welle. Terremoto na Turquia

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mes-depois-um-balanco-da-catastrofe.ghtml Accessed on 14 March 2023.

Secretaria da Educação do Paraná


Accessed on 13 March 2023.

ALMEIDA, Cláudia Monarca. https://expresso.pt/internacional/2023-02-08-Sismo-na-

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THENÓRIO, Iberê. Entenda como são feitos os prédios resistentes a terremotos. G1.

05/03/10. https://g1.globo.com/Noticias/Ciencia/0,,MUL1517047-5603,00-

TOS.html Accessed on 13 March 2023.

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