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Argentometric Titration

By :
Putri Nurjihan Najla



1.1 Background

Titration is the process of measuring the volume of a solution contained in

a burette which is added to another solution of known volume until a complete
reaction occurs. Or in other words to measure the volume of titrant needed to
reach the equivalence point. The equivalence point is the moment that shows that
the equivalence of the reactants is the same. In practice, the equivalence point is
difficult to observe, because it is only a theoretical end point or a stoichiometric
end point. The end point of the titration is a condition where the addition of one
drop of the titrant (titrant) will cause a change in the color of the indicator.
Precipitation titration is a titration that involves the formation of a
precipitate of an insoluble salt between the titrant and analyte. The basic
requirements of this type of titration are the achievement of a rapid equilibrium of
formation each time the titrant is added to the analyte, the absence of interference
to interfere with the titration, and an easily observed end point of the titration. One
type of precipitation titration that has been known for a long time involves a
precipitation reaction between halide ions (Cl-, I-, Br-) and silver ions Ag+. This
titration is usually referred to as argentometry, which is the titration of the
determination of the analyte in the form of halide ions using a standard solution of
silver nitrate AgNO3. The basis of argentometric titration is the formation of an
insoluble precipitate between the titrant and analyte. As an example that is widely
used is the determination of NaCl titration in which Ag+ ions from the titrant will
react with Cl- ions from the analyte to form an insoluble salt.

1.2 Objective
1. Prepare and determine (standardize) AgNO3 . solution

1.3 Formulation of the problem

1. Can make and determine (standardize) AgNO3 . solution


2.1 Definition

Argentometry is a titration that involves the formation of a precipitate of an

insoluble salt between the titrant and analyte. The basic requirements of this type of
titration are achieving a rapid equilibrium of formation each time the titrant is added
to the analyte, the absence of interference to interfere with the titration, and an easily
observed end point of the titration.(Mulyono, 2005)
One type of precipitation titration that has been known for a long time involves a
precipitation reaction between halide ions (Cl-, I-, Br-) and silver ions Ag+. This
titration is usually referred to as Argentometry, namely the titration of the
determination of the analyte in the form of halide ions in general using a standard
solution of silver nitrate AgNO3. Argentometric titration can not only be used to
determine halide ions but can also be used to determine mercaptans (thioalcohols),
fatty acids, and some divalent anions such as phosphate ions and arsenate
ions.(Harjadi, 1993)
The basis of argentometric titration is the formation of an insoluble precipitate
between the titrant and analyte. As an example that is widely used is the determination
of NaCl titration in which Ag+ ions from the titrant will react with )l- ions from the
analyte to form an insoluble salt AgCl. Based on the type of indicator and the titration
technique used, the argentometric titration can be divided into argentometry with the
Mohr, Volhard, or Fajans methods. In addition to using the types of indicators above,
we can also use the potentiometric method to determine the equivalence point. The
sharpness of the equivalence point depends on the solubility of the precipitate formed
from the reaction between the analyte and the titrant. A precipitate with low solubility
will produce an argentometric titration curve that has a high steepness so that the
equivalence point is easy to determine, but a precipitate with low solubility will
produce a sloping titration curve so that the equivalence point is rather difficult to
Mohr's method is a method used to measure chloride and bromide levels in a
neutral atmosphere with standard silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution and the addition of
potassium chromate (K 2CrO4) as an indicator. Titration in acidic conditions causes
silver chromate to dissolve because dichromate is formed and in alkaline conditions a
silver hydroxide precipitate is formed. If the chloride or bromide ions have been
completely precipitated by silver ions (Ag+), then the chromate ions will react with
excess silver (Ag) to form silver chromate (Ag2CrO4) precipitate which is
brown/brick red as the end point of the titration (Khopkhar, 2008).
Volhard's method is based on the precipitation of silver thiocyanate in nitric acid
solution, using iron(III) ions to examine excess thiocyanate ions. This method can be
used for direct titration of silver, standard thiocyanate solutions or for indirect titration
of chloride ions. The indicator used is Fe3+ with NH4CNS titrant, to neutralize the
silver salt level by titrating again after adding an excess of standard solution. The
excess AgNO3 is titrated with KCNS solution, where the excess KCNS solution will
be bound by Fe3+ ions to form a blood-red color of Fe(SCN)3.
Argentometric titration with the Fajans method is the same as in the Mohr method,
there are only differences in the type of indicator used. The indicators used in this
method are absorption indicators such as cosine or fluonescein
according to the type of anion deposited by Ag+. The titrant is AgNO3 until the
violet suspension turns red. Absorption indicators are substances that can be absorbed
by the surface of the precipitate and cause a color to appear. This precipitation can be
adjusted to occur at the equivalence point, among others, by selecting the type of
indicator used and the pH. Before the equivalence point is reached, Cl- ions are in the
primary layer and after equivalence is reached, a slight excess of AgNO3 causes Cl-
ions to be replaced by Ag+ so that Cl- ions will be in the secondary layer.


3.1 Tool
- Weighing bottle
- Volumetric flask 250 mL
- Pipette the size of (goiter pipette) 25 mL
- Burette
3.2 Ingredients
- NaCl
- Distilled water
- Aquades 10 mL
- K2CrO4 10 drops
- AgNO3
3.3 Trial Procedure
A. Determination (standardization) of AgNO3 ± 0.1 N solution with NaCl pa
as standard
Preparation of standard solution of NaCl ± 0.1 N. Weigh carefully ± 1.5 g
of NaCl pa in a weighing bottle. Transfer to a 250 mL volumetric flask,
dissolve with distilled water and dilute to the mark. Shake well to mix
Rinse and fill the burette with AgNO3 solution. Pipette with a pipette the
size of (goiter pipette) 25 mL of NaCl solution and put it into a 250 mL
Erlenmeyer. Add 25 mL of distilled water and 1 mL of K2CrO4 indicator.
Titrate with AgNO3 solution, while continuing to shake and stop the titration
when a brick red precipitate occurs. Read and record the numbers on the
burette at the beginning and end of the titration, determine and record the
volume of AgNO3 solution used in the titration. Calculate the concentration
of AgNO3 solution.
Repeat the titration 3 times using the same volume of NaCl solution.
Calculate the average concentration of AgNO3 solution.


4.1 Results Observation

No. Procedure Test Results Observation Allegation/Reaction Conclusion
Perc. Before After
1. Standardization of AgNO3 solution with standard NaCl 1. Aquades = 1. NaCl + - Ag + (aq) + Cl - (aq) The results of the
solution colorless aquades = AgCl(s)(white) titration practicum
solution colorless - 2Ag (aq) + CrO 4 (aq) are in accordance
+ 2-

AgNo3 + 0.1 N solution NaCl + 0,01 N solution 2. AgNO 3 = solution Ag 2 CrO 4 (s)(brick red) with the alleged
colored 2. NaCl + color produced by
solution aquades + mixing NaCl +
1 . rinsed in the burette 1 . pipette as much 3. NaCl = K 2 CrO 4 = aquades + AgNO 3
2. is filled in the burette until it as 25 ml colorless yellow + K 2 CrO 4
exceeds the 0 . scale 2. put into a 250 ml solution solution (indicator) is brick
3. lowered to exactly on a scale Erlenmeyer 4. K 2 CrO 4 3. NaCl + red (precipitate)
of 0 3. Add 10ml of = yellow aquades + N 1 AgNO 3 =
4. note distilled water solution K 2 CrO 4 + 0.0102 N
4. Add 10 drops of AgNO 3 = N 2 AgNO 3 =
K2CrO4 indicator yellow 0.0102 N
cloudy N 3 AgNO 3 =
5. observed until the solution in the erlenmeyer solution 0.0102 N
becomes a brick red precipitate 4. NaCl +
6. Note the initial & final burette numbers aquades + V1 = 24.3 ml
7. Record the volume of AgNO3 used K 2 CrO 4 + V2 = 24.3 ml
8. Calculate the concentration of AgNO3 AgNO 3 = V3 = 24.3 ml
9. repeated up to 3 times brick red V mean = 24.3 ml
10. calculate the average concentration precipitate

4.2 Analysis and Discussion
First, the AgNo 3 + 0.1 N solution was rinsed in the burette and then filled
in the burette until it exceeded the 0 scale, then lowered to the 0 scale and
recorded. Both solutions of NaCl + 0.01 N were pipetted as much as 25 ml and
then put into a 250 ml Erlenmeyer, added 10 ml of distilled water and added 10
drops of K 2 CrO 4 indicator . It was observed until the solution in the Erlenmeyer
became a brick red precipitate, then the initial and final burette numbers were
recorded as well as the volume of AgNO3 used , the AgNO3 concentration was
calculated and repeated up to 3 times the average concentration was calculated.
Before observing Aquades, the solution was colorless, AgNO 3 solution was
colorless, NaCl solution was colorless, K 2 CrO 4 solution was yellow. After
observation, NaCl was added to a colorless aquadest solution, NaCl was added to
aquades plus K 2 CrO 4 yellow solution, NaCl was added to aquadest plus K 2
CrO 4 to be added AgNO 3 to a yellow cloudy solution, NaCl was added to
distilled water plus K 2 CrO 4 to be added AgNO 3 to a brick red precipitate. . The
results of the titration practicum are in accordance with the alleged color
produced by mixing NaCl + aquades + AgNO 3 + K 2 CrO 4 (indicator) is brick
red (precipitate)
N 1 AgNO 3 = 0.0102 N
N 2 AgNO 3 = 0.0102 N
N 3 AgNO 3 = 0.0102 N

V1 = 24.3 ml
V2 = 24.3 ml
V3 = 24.3 ml
V mean = 24.3 ml
5.1 Conclusion
The results of the titration practicum are in accordance with the alleged color produced
by mixing NaCl + aquades + AgNO 3 + K 2 CrO 4 (indicator) is brick red (precipitate)
N 1 AgNO 3 = 0.0102 N
N 2 AgNO 3 = 0.0102 N
N 3 AgNO 3 = 0.0102 N

V1 = 24.3 ml
V2 = 24.3 ml
V3 = 24.3 ml
V mean = 24.3 ml
5.2 Suggestion
Suggestions on test argentometry is recommended to the practitioners for
more be careful in To do addition indicator so that avoid from error in the
titration . As well as practice should understand with clear method to be
used on test argentometry so that no occur mistake in usage substance or
ingredients because can caused dangerous .


Khopkhar . (2008). Draft Basics of Analytical Chemistry Edition 4.Universitas

Indonesia Press. Jakarta.
Ham, Mulyono , 2005 , Chemistry Dictionary , Earth Script : Bandung
Harjadi , W. (1993). Analytical Chemistry _ Basic . grammar References Main . Jakarta.

a. Answer Question
1. C reat e a t it rat ion curve bet ween AgN O 3 and pcl volumes
for t it rat ion bet ween 50 mL 0 . 1 M nacl solut ion with AgN O 3
solut io n 0 . 1 M .
Ans we r :
We ak B as e and S trong Acid Titration

2. What is the concent rat io n of N a C l salt in a solut ion, if 25 mL

of the solut ion if r eact ed with 25 mL 0 . 2 M AgN O 3 solut ion,
and excess AgN O 3 solut ion exact ly react s with solut ion
K S C N 28 mL 0 . 1 M
K now : V NaCl = 25 ml
V AgC l = 25 ml
M AgN O 3 = 0 , 2 M
Excess agN O 3 solut ion precisely react s to the
d ischarge with the solut io n V K S C N = 28 ml
M K SCN = 0.1 M
Ask : N a C l C onsent rat io n ?
Answer : Because it is finished react ing with K S C N
solut io n means V 1 =V 2
Mol e le c t r on r e ma ining A g N O 3 = Mol e le c t r on r e ma ining K SC
Mol × 1 × remaining AgN O 3 = 28 ml × 1 × 0 . 1 M
Mol remaining AgN O 3 = 2 , 8 mmol

N a C l + AgC O 3 AgC l + N a N O 3
m x mmo l 5 mmol
r 2 , 2 mmol
s - 2 , 8 mmol

S o mmol N a C l that react io n with 2 , 2 mmol.

2 , 2 mmol = X mmo l
2 , 2 mmol = V N a C l x [ N a C l]
2 , 2 mmol = 25 ml x [ N a C l]
2,2 𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑙
[ N a C l] = = 0 , 088 N
25 𝑚𝑙
b. Documentation
No. Picture Information
1. Aquadest solution no colored
2. Solution no colored AgNO 3

3. NaCl solution no colored

4. K 2 CrO 4 . indicator solution colored


5. Rinse burette with aquadest

6. AgNO 3 . solution entered into the

burette until exceed 0 . scale

7. Enter 25 ml of NaCl to in Erlenmeyer
250 ml

8. Add 10 ml of aquadest

9. Added 10 drops indicator K 2 CrO 4

10. homogenized

11. Titrate until appear sediment red brick

12. Results

c. Calculation (calculation write hand which typed)

 NaCl . dilution
N1 . V1 = N2 . V2
0.01 N . 25ml = N2 . 35ml
0,01 𝑁 . 25𝑚𝑙
N2 = 35𝑚𝑙
N2 =0.0071 N
 AgNO3 concentration (experiment 1)
NNaCl . _ V NaCl =N AgNO3 . V AgNO3
0.0071 N . 35ml = N AgNO3 . 24.3ml
0,0071 𝑁 . 35𝑚𝑙
N AgNO3 = 24,3𝑚𝑙
N AgNO3 = 0.0102 N
 AgNO3 concentration (experiment 2)
NNaCl . _ V NaCl =N AgNO3 . V AgNO3
0.0071 N . 35ml = N AgNO3 . 24.3ml
0,0071 𝑁 . 35𝑚𝑙
N AgNO3 = 24,3𝑚𝑙
N AgNO3 = 0.0102 N
 AgNO3 concentration (experiment 3)
NNaCl . _ V NaCl =N AgNO3 . V AgNO3
0.0071 N . 35ml = N AgNO3 . 24.3ml
0,0071 𝑁 . 35𝑚𝑙
N AgNO3 = 24,3𝑚𝑙
N AgNO3 = 0.0102 N
 Average concentration of AgNO3

𝑁1+𝑁2+𝑁3 0,0102+ 0,0102+0,0102
Average = = = 0.0102 N
3 3

d. Plot handwritten

e. Report temporary write hand

f. Calculation write hand

- Fonts : Times New Romance, size: 12
- Line Spacing : 1.5
- paragraph : Justify
- Margin : Top 3 cm ; Left 4 cm ; Bottom 3 cm ; and Right 3 cm
- Spacing paragraphs : before 0 pt and After 0 pt

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