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Jainal (1st Observation)

Mr: okay, can we begin. Today we are going to have listening, having listening the same test
national exam, jadi hari ini listening seperti ujian nasional. Before the listening for my
voice, jadi seperti suara bapak saya ya, for my voice I read the monolog. So, please open
your book, everybody had this book right. You may share if your friend doesn’t has book.
Open page 1. There are first listening and reading. Listening 15 items and reading 35 items.
In listening, sometimes there are 4 parts, ada 4 bagian. There are parts, the first part is short
dialogue and part two is responses, and part three is matching, apa matching? What is it?
Ya, mencocokkan gambar and last part is monolog, you listen a short dialogue and there is
questions. Today we are going to hear about part one (short dialogue), so here number 1
until number 9. Everyone knows, kamu harus tahu, in listening especially in national exam,
atau ujian nasional, you listen twice atau kalian mendengarkan 2 kali setiap nomor or each
number but play only 1 hanya dibaca satu kali setiap nomor. And about listening you must
practice more. So how to listen well? Bagaimana mendengarkan dengan baik? The first you
must focus on, you must be focus on listening. Concentrate atau konsentrasi. Jangan
berdasarkan listening, moving your body is not good, so quite, relax and focus on this. Are
you ready now?

Students: yes.

Mr: now we are going to try. Heard the answer A,B,C,D. Ready? Let’s start.
Okay, we try to answer together, so I think kita jawab sama-sama there is mistake no
mistake, we discuss ya biar paham. So, it’s very fast ya? Ya, number one, okay number one,
okay where is the answer? The answer is B. the question like what? How is the weather
today? So the question is about the weather, so why do you choose B? so the weather is very
cold. Kata kuncinya dari listeningnya adalah Snow. Okay, number two listen again. And the
answer is B again. So the question is can you help me to lift the box? And the is B, ‘sure, no
problem.’ What will the man probably do? He lift the box for the woman. So, hear clearly.
Number three, can you write the dialogue? (menunjuk 1 siswa untuk menulis di papan tulis).

Student: (menulis di papan tulis) she writes on the blackboard.

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