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Group 1 : 1.

Heni Suciati
2. M. Haidar Ali
3. Wahyu Imam
4. Aditya Ath Thariq

Heni : Good afternoon everyone, we all gather in this meeting to talk about our plan to build a
new port in Tobelo. First of all, let me introduce myself, my name is Heni Suciati as the chairman of
this meeting, I will be in charge of the arrangements of this meeting. Next, I will introduce everyone
that we have for this meeting, first, we have Mr. Wahyu Imam as the Secretary of this Regional
Maluku Department.

Wahyu : Hello everyone, as the secretary of this regional department, I was very honoured to be
invited to this meeting. And of course, we are very delighted that you wanted to build a port in our
regional. We will help with everything we can.

Heni : Alright, thank you Mr. Wahyu, next we have Mr. Haidar as the Head of Sponsorship and
Human Relation Department.

Haidar : Good afternoon everyone, thank you for having me on this meeting. I am Haidar as the
Head of Sponsorship and Human Relation Department. In this plan I will be in charge of finding the
right sponsorship and relation. Thank you.

Heni : Thank you Mr. Haidar. We hope we can get everything according to plan. Next, lastly we
have Mr. Aditya as the representative of The Minister of Public Development.

Aditya : Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. As the representative of the Minister, I would like to
deliver that we are having this plan is for the goodness of this Regional. We hope this can build a
better economical for our country.

Heni : Thank you Mr. Aditya, we all surely hope for the best of this country. Thank you so much
that we can all gather in this meeting for our country. Now I will explain a little bit of this plan that
we have talked about for the last two months. The purpose of building this port is to simplify the sea
highway coverage in our country. It is believed that building this port can also help the economical
way of the sea transportation. Now let’s hear a few words about the preparation of all department.
First of all, please Mr. Wahyu.

Wahyu : Thank you Ms. Heni, from this Regional, we prepared all the places and available places for
this building plan. We also encourage the surrounding Public that we will help what we can for this
plan. Maybe we will find some publics that will refuse this plan but I assure you that they will do no
harm, I will make sure that this will not harm them and we prepared some companions for them.

Haidar : That is such a good preparation, but from what I heard, because we are going to use some
area of this region, there are still some of the people that are not willing or welcome this plan. Do
you have any thought of this?

Wahyu : Yes, as I said before, we already arranged some meetings between us and the people
around. This might be a pro and contra plan, and some of them also afraid that during the building of
this port, it might be too loud or will affect their daily activities. We cannot avoid that it will be real.
The building of this port will be loud and many big transport going back and forward, but then again,
for the long-term purposes, then it must be done.

Aditya : Then what are the companions that you might do to change their point of view?

Wahyu : We are still trying to make them understand about the long-term purposes, and we will
give any kind of warnings to not get close to the work area for their own safety. And the process of
the building may only take at daylight, so it will not disturb their night-rest.

Heni : Alright, for the pro and contras of the regional department has been noted. We will get any
critics and advice from people all around the region on the process of this port-building so we can
improve our service.

Wahyu : That is correct Ms. Heni, thank you.

Heni : Sure, Mr. Wahyu, Now let’s begin and hear a little bit from Mr. Haidar, what are the
preparation of your department?

Haidar : Thank you Ms. Heni for the opportunity. For our department, we would like to say that we
have spread this plan in as many available sponsorship as possible. And many possibility that they
might interested to be the sponsorship and surely, we also get some budget estimation from the
country. But we also need to do a plan B and C. This Human relation department is for building
relation with the sea transportation company that might be related for this process of building.

Aditya : From what you prepared, it there any possibility that there will be no sponsorship and just
depend on the country’s budget estimation?
Haidar : The country’s budget estimation is actually just enough to cover up all the needs for the
process of port-building in this region. But we surely still hope that we can have other plans because
we don’t know the conditions ahead us.

Wahyu : Then how can you assure the sponsorship with your plan?

Haidar : We assure them that this port will be such a good opportunity to the sea highway
corporation. And also we assure them that all there are responsibilities for the possibilities budget
estimation. Everything will be recorded.

Heni : Alright, that was such a good plan from the Sponsorship and Human Relation Department.
Now lastly we should hear a little bit from the representative of The Public Building Development

Aditya : Alright, thank you Ms. Heni, from the Public Building Development, we assure you that we
will be in charge of the process from the start. We will be responsible of all things, including the land
and the region. Of course, We have worked with the head minister that this plan is a long-term

Wahyu : We also worked with this Minister department to make the land available and clear as the
process of the port-building.
Aditya : Correct, now, we also make sure that there will be no harm and obstacles along with any
regarded-process of this plan. From the transportation needs, until the very last of the process.
Some of our people will also watch every detailed of the process so when there’s any problem or any
conditions, we can directly know it and handle it.

Heni : What a good preparation from your department. I think that is everything from everyone of
this meeting. And there is any conclusion of this meeting. The preparation is already good as this far.
The minutes of meeting will be delivered to your email along with the next schedule of our meeting.
Now, before we end our meeting, maybe there’s any other words from anyone?

Aditya : I think it’s enough from my side, Ms. Heni, I as the representative from the Minister of
Public Building Development would like to apologize if there’s any mistake of what I said.

Wahyu : There’s no other opinion from me too, I think everyone did a very good job for this plan
and we sure hope for the best of anything on behalf of our country.
Haidar : It’s is enough and clear for me. We hope we can do this plan as soon as possible to help the
goodness of our country.

Heni : Alright thank you gentlemen for sparing your time to directly join this meeting. We look
forward to see each other soon.

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