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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the award of the degree


Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Submitted to Submitted by
Ms. Kanishka Shrishti Rai
BBA (Gen) 5th Sem


(Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) K-1 Extension,
Mohan Garden, New Delhi-110059 BATCH (2012022)


I hereby declare the summer training report, entitled “A Study on recruitment strategies of
talent giants company, Bhopal”
Is based on my original study and has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or
diploma to any institute or university.

The work of other authors, wherever used, has been acknowledgement at appropriate

Place: New Delhi Candidate’s Signature

Date Shrishti Rai



Ms. Kanishka Dr Anudeep Arora



I take this opportunity to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for this project and I
would like to express my sincere thanks to Ms. KANISHKA who helped, inspired and mentored
me and without their help this project report would not have taken its current shape. Under their
brilliant untiring guidance, I could complete the project being undertaken on the
“RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES'' successfully in time. Their meticulous attention and
invaluable suggestions have helped me in simplifying the problem involved in the work. I would
also like to thank the overwhelming support of all the people who gave me an opportunity to learn
and gain knowledge about the various aspects of the industry.

I once again express my heartfelt indebtedness to all-aforesaid. Any omission or error in

acknowledgment is inadvertent. For such oversights and lapses, I tender unconditional apology.

Shrishti Rai
BBA 5th Sem Signature



Chapter-1 Introduction 7

Objectives of the Study 8

Review of Literature 9

Research Methodology 13

Limitations of the Study 16

Chapter-II Profile of the Organization 17

Chapter-III Analysis and Interpretation of Data 40

Chapter-IV Conclusions and Recommendations 50




Human resource is an important corporate asset and the overall performance of a company depends

on the way it is put to use. In order to realize company objectives, it is essential to recruit people

with requisite skills, qualification and experience. While doing so we need to keep present and

future requirements of the company in mind.

Successful recruitment methods include a thorough analysis of the job and the labour market

conditions. Recruitment is almost central to any management process and failure in recruitment can

create difficulties for any company including an adverse effect on its profitability and inappropriate

levels of staffing or skills. Inadequate recruitment can lead to labour shortages, or problems in

management decision making.

Recruitment is however not just a simple selection process but also requires management decision
making and extensive planning to employ the most suitable manpower. Competition among
business organisations for recruiting the best potential has increased focus on innovation, and
management decision making and the selectors aim to recruit only the best candidates who would
suit the corporate culture, ethics and climate specific to the organisation.

The process of recruitment does not however end with application and selection of the right people
but involves maintaining and retaining the employees chosen. Despite a well drawn plan on
recruitment and selection and involvement of a qualified management team, recruitment processes
followed by companies can face significant obstacles in implementation. Theories of HRM may
provide insights on the best approaches to recruitment although companies will have to use their in
house management skills to apply generic theories within specific organizational contexts.



There is a growing body of evidence supporting an association between what are termed high
performance or high commitment human resource management (HRM) practices and various
measures of organizational performance. However, it is not clear why this association exists. This
paper argues that to provide a convincing explanation of this association we need to improve our
theoretical and analytic frameworks in three key areas. These are the nature of HRM, and especially
the rationale for the specific lists of HR practices; the nature of organizational performance; and the
linkage between HRM and performance. A model is presented within which to explore these
linkages. The existing literature on HRM and performance is reviewed in the light of this analysis to
identify key gaps in knowledge and help to focus further the research priorities.

Human Resource Management was originally known as personnel or people management. In the
past, its role was quite limited. Within any company or organization, HRM is a formal way of
managing people. It is a fundamental part of any organization and its management.

The main responsibilities of the personnel department include hiring, evaluating, training, and
compensation of employees. The human resources department deals with any issues facing the staff
in their working capacity within an organization. HR is concerned with specific work practices and
how they affect the organization’s performance.

Today, Human Resources Management deals with:

 Anything related to managing people within a company or organization. This means decisions,
strategies, principles, operations, practices, functions, activities, and the methods used to manage

 The type of relationships people have in their places of employment and anything that affects those
relationships in a positive or negative way.
 Ensuring that employees are satisfied with the conditions of their employment. This leads to better
services and production of goods and helps the company’s success.

When we talk about human resources in a business situation it means the workforce, i.e., the
employees of a company and what skills and energy they bring. This includes any ideas, creativity,
knowledge, and talents that employees bring with them and use to help the organization be
successful. In other words, the resources a person has or the knowledge and experience developed
over the years.

HRM focuses on bringing in (recruiting) new employees with new talents for the company and
managing employees. Another function is to guide and help said employees by providing
direction when necessary. In a large organization, with a lot of people, it is important to have a
department that specifically focuses on staff issues. These issues are things like hiring,
performance management, organizational development, training, occupational health and safety,
motivation incentives, communication, workplace culture, and environment.

Human Resource Management is now a vital part of any organization. Every company or
organization is required to have this department. It helps with increasing the morale of workers by
working on relations between employees and their employers and constantly striving to make
them better. The HR department also provides any support employees need to assist them improve
their performance.

The HRM function extends to assessing the productivity and/or success of every department in an
organization or business. It assists each department and helps them improve their work. It also

when necessary to help solve any problems that might arise with regards to employees’ work.
Getting better results from the company’s workers is another job of HRM.

When a business has valuable, rare, and/or unique human resources it will always have a
competitive advantage over other similar organizations.

Below are the criteria used in Human Resource Management – when using these effectively, a
company can make an impact in its particular field.

– Value Building: People who try hard to decrease costs and to provide a service or product
unique to customers, can increase their own value as employees and that of the company.
Organizations also use empowerment programs, quality initiatives, and strive for continual
improvement in order to increase the value that employees bring to the company.
– Rarity: When the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees are not equally available to all
companies in the same field, the company that has these people, has a very strong advantage. This
is why top companies endeavor to hire and train the best and the brightest employees. This way
they gain advantage over their competitors. In some cases, companies will even go to court to stop
other organizations from taking away their valued employees. This proves that some companies
have clearly identified the value and the uniqueness of certain employees.
– Incomparability: Employees give their companies competitive advantage when their
capabilities and contributions cannot be reproduced by others. That is, the knowledge and skills
that they bring to the organization are unique and not easily found elsewhere. Certain corporations
such as Disney, Southwest Airlines, and Whole Foods have, over the years, developed very
distinctive cultures that get the most from employees. These cultures are difficult for other
organizations to imitate. Southwest Airlines, for example, rewards the employees who perform
well. It is also able to maintain employees’ loyalty through offering free airfares and profit sharing
in the company.
– Organized work force: People with unique talents can help a company achieve a competitive
advantage when they can easily be reassigned to work on new projects without much notice. In
order for this to happen teamwork and co-operation are needed and the creation of an organized

The criteria above show the importance of people power and also the link between human
resources management and performance management. Many high-functioning organizations now
know that their success depends on the knowledge and skills of their employees, or, their human
capital. Human capital is aligned with the economic value of employees with the right knowledge,
skills, and abilities. Their knowledge and skills have economic value. Managing human capital
properly is imperative for any organization wanting to maintain a competitive advantage. In some
ways it is the most important part of an organization’s human resource function.

The Objectives of HRM

The objectives of HRM are the goals of an organization. Individual or group activities are then
organized in such a way so as to achieve those objectives or goals. Organizations and companies
aim to secure and manage certain resources, including human resources, to achieve the specified

Human resources must therefore be managed in a way that uses their resources to achieve the
organizational objectives/goals. Basically, the objectives of HRM come from and contribute to
achieving organizational objectives.

Objectives of HRM:
1. To establish and use a workforce that is able and motivated, in order to achieve the goals of an
2. To create the desirable organizational structure and working relationships among all the
members of the organization.
3. To integrate individuals and/or groups within the company by matching their goals with those of
the company.
4. To ensure individuals and groups have the right opportunities to develop and grow with the
5. To use what human resources a company has in the most effective way to achieve organizational
6. To ensure wages are fair and adequate and provide incentives and benefits thereby satisfying
both individuals and groups. Also, to ensure ways of allowing recognition for challenging work,
prestige, security and status.
7. To have continual high employee morale and good human relations by establishing and
improving conditions and facilities within the organization.
8. To improve the human assets by providing appropriate training programs on a continual basis.

9. To try to effect socio-economic change in areas such as unemployment, under-employment and
inequality by distributing income and wealth. This way society can benefit. Added employment
opportunities for women and the disadvantaged will also be impacted in a positive way.
10. To offer opportunities for expression.
11. To ensure that the organizational leadership works in a fair, acceptable and efficient manner.
12. To ensure a good working atmosphere and employment stability by having proper facilities and
working conditions.
Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human resource management must plan, develop, and administer policies and programs that can
make the best use of an organization’s human resources. This is the part of management’s role
which deals with people at work and their relationships within the organization. Its aims are:

1. To use human resources as effectively as possible;

2. To ensure the best possible working relationships among all members of the organization;
3. To assist individuals to reach their highest potential.

4. In Human Resource Management, there are four major areas:

5. Planning
6. Staffing
7. Employee development, and
8. Employee maintenance.

These four areas and any associated functions share a common aim. That is to have enough
competent employees with the skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience needed to achieve
further organizational objectives. Each human resource function (above) can be appointed to one
of the four areas of personnel responsibility but there are also other functions that are designed for
different purposes. For example, performance evaluation processes provide a stimulus and guide
employee development. They are valuable for salary administration purposes also. The purpose of
the compensation function is as a stimulus to keep valuable employees and also to attract potential
employees. Below is a description of the typical human resource functions

Human Resource Planning

The human resource planning function serves to determine the number and type of employees
needed to achieve the company’s goals. Research is performed in this function because planning
requires information to be collected and analyzed for the forecasting of human resource supplies
and the prediction of future human resource needs. Staffing and employee development are key
human resource planning strategies.

Job Analysis

Job analysis is deciding on the job description and the human requirements that are needed for
said job. The job description should include the skills and experience needed to perform the job. A
job description clearly sets out work duties and activities that employees will be expected to

perform. Job descriptions are essential because the information they provide to employees,
managers, and personnel people influences personnel programs and practices.


Recruitment and selection of human resources (people) is what staffing is mostly concerned with.
Human resource planning and recruiting is done before selecting people for positions. Recruiting
is the personnel function of finding and hiring the best qualified applicants to fill job vacancies.

The selection function is used to choose the most qualified applicants for hiring from those
attracted to the organization by the recruiting function. During the selection process, human
resource staff are involved in assisting managers to decide which applicants to select for the given
jobs and which ones to reject.


Orientation is done in order to introduce a new employee to the new job and the employer. It is a
way for new employees to get to know more intimate aspects of their job, including pay and
benefits, working hours, and company policies and expectations.

Training and Development

Training and development is used as a means of providing employees with the skills and
knowledge to do their jobs well. It must be provided to all employees. In addition to providing
training for new or inexperienced employees, organizations often provide training for experienced
employees as well. This may be because their jobs are undergoing change or the company needs
them to work more effectively. Development programs are also done to equip employees for
higher level responsibilities. Training and development programs are ways of making sure that
employees can handle the stresses of their jobs and perform well.

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is an evaluation of an employee and his/her performance to make sure that
said employee is working well and at acceptable levels. Human resource personnel are usually
responsible for developing appraisal systems. The actual assessment of employee performance is
done by supervisors and managers. Performance appraisal is necessary because the results of the
appraisal can be used to motivate and guide employees’ performance. It also provides a basis for
pay, promotions, and any disciplinary action if necessary.

Career Planning

Career planning is a process where an employee explores his/her interests and abilities and
strategically works towards job goals. It has come about partly because many employees’ feel the
need to grow in their jobs and to advance in their careers.


It is the HR department that determines how much employees should be paid for certain jobs
using a system of assessment. Compensation costs companies a lot so it is something that needs
serious attention in the human resource planning stage. Compensation affects staffing because
people generally want to work for an organization that offers more pay in exchange for the work
done. It provides an important motivation for employees to achieve more in their jobs and reach
higher levels. As such, it is related to employee development.


Work benefits are also referred to as fringe benefits. They are non-wage compensation that
employees get in addition to their usual wages. Benefits are legally required items but employers
can also more at their discretion. The cost of benefits is so high that they have become a huge
consideration in human

resources planning. Benefits are mostly related to the maintenance area because they provide for
many basic employee needs.

Labour Relations

Labour relations relates to the practice of managing employees who are members of a union.
Unions provide employees with strength in numbers and have representatives who can advocate
on their behalf if necessary, to deal with any discrepancies in pay, benefits, working conditions,
and other work aspects. HR personnel are responsible for negotiating with unions and resolving
any disputes.


Record-keeping is essential and the most basic function of HR. Recording, maintaining and
retrieving employee information when needed is done by the HR personnel. The type of records
kept are related to the employees and include employment history, resumes, medical records,
promotions, transfers, working hours, and lateness, etc. Keeping records up-to-date is a vital HR
function. Employees today want to know what is in their personnel records and why certain things
are there or not there.

Personnel records provide the following:

a) Up-to-date information about employees.

b) Procedures for comparing employees and their work to other employees.

c) Procedures for recruiting new employees, e.g., by showing the rates of pay.

d) Record of previous action taken regarding employees.

e) Statistics which check and guide personnel policies.

f) Information regarding legal requirements and how to comply with them.

Personnel Research

Research activities are an essential function of HR personnel. Research is done with the aim of
obtaining personnel specific information in order to develop programs that work for an
organization. Planning and reviewing are vital. Areas, such as recruitment, employee turnover,
training, and terminations are all important areas to be researched. Employee opinions are also
very important and can be obtained through surveys about wages, promotions, welfare services,
conditions, job security and the like.

Even though research is so important, many companies neglect it because personnel people are
too busy dealing with other more immediate problems.

Research is not done to deal with problems but to prevent them from occurring in the first place.
The responsibility for research lies initially with the HR department but line supervisors and
executives at all levels of management should assist. Trade unions and other organizations can
give some assistance also and it should be made use of.

HR functions also include managing change, introducing new technology, innovation and
diversity. Regular social audits of HR functions are necessary because of the large role HR plays
within any organization. HR’s goal is to provide a link between the organization and the
employees because the organization needs employees’ commitment. Employees need to be made
aware of things like sales growth, restructuring plans, sharp price movements and any challenges
facing the country and their organization. This can be done by videos, films, lectures, and

The main responsibilities of a human resource manager are:

– To fully develop knowledge of corporate culture, plans and policies.

– To initiate change where necessary and act as a facilitator.

– To actively participate in formulating company strategy.

– To be a consultant to change.

– To ensure communication remains open between the HR department and individuals and groups
inside and outside the organization.

– To identify and advance HR strategies that match the company’s business strategy.

– To develop organizational teams and assist in the effective working relationships between the
teams and individuals.

– To ensure the organization’s goals are achieved by effective co-operation of employees.

– To identify any problems, particularly in the HR area, and to find effective solutions.

– To contribute to the co-ordination and support services for HRD programs.

– To assess the effectiveness of HRD programs and to do research in order to find out how the
HRD has affected (improved or otherwise) individual or organizational performance.

1. Pat McLagan is an award-winning author, speaker and coach of leadership development and
management. She has identified nine new roles of HR.

2. To bring the issues and trends concerning an organization’s external and internal people to the
attention of decision-makers, and to recommend long-term strategies to support organizational
excellence and endurance.
3. To design and prepare HR systems and actions for implementation so that they can produce
maximum impact on organizational performance and development.
4. To facilitate the development and implementation of strategies for transforming one’s own
organization by pursuing values and visions.
5. To create the smoothest flow of products and services to customers; to ensure the best and most
flexible use of resources and competencies; and to create commitment among the people who
help us to meet customers’ needs whether those people work directly for the organization or not.
6. To identify learning needs and then design and develop structured learning programs and
materials to help accelerate learning for individuals and groups.
7. To help individuals and groups work in new situations and to expand and change their views so
that people in power can participate in leadership.
8. To help people assess their competencies, values, and goals so that they can identify, plan, and
implement development actions.
9. To assist individuals to add value in the workplace and to focus on the interventions and
interpersonal skills for helping people change and sustain change.
10. To assess HRD practices and programs and their impact and to communicate results so that the
organization and its people accelerate their change and development.

In recent years, Human Resource Management has received increasing attention. Its importance
has been recognized and its role has changed from the traditional personnel management role to a
more human resource management role.


 To establish and use a workforce that is able and motivated, in order to achieve the goals of an
 To create the desirable organizational structure and working relationships among all the members
of the organization.
 To integrate individuals and/or groups within the company by matching their goals with those of
the company.
 To ensure individuals and groups have the right opportunities to develop and grow with the
 To use what human resources a company has in the most effective way to achieve organizational
 To ensure wages are fair and adequate and provide incentives and benefits thereby satisfying both
individuals and groups. Also, to ensure ways of allowing recognition for challenging work,
prestige, security, and status.
 To have continual high employee morale and good human relations by establishing and improving
conditions and facilities within the organization.
 To improve the human assets by providing appropriate training programs on a continual basis.
 To try to effect socio-economic change in areas such as unemployment, under-employment and
inequality by distributing income and wealth. This way society can benefit. Added employment
opportunities for women and the disadvantaged will also be impacted in a positive way.
 To offer opportunities for expression.
 To ensure that the organizational leadership works in a fair, acceptable and efficient manner.


The benefit of the study for the researchers is that it helped to gain knowledge and
experience and provided the opportunity to study and understand the prevalent
recruitment procedures.
The key points of my research study are:
1. To Understand and analyse various HR factors including recruitment procedures at
2. To suggest any measures/recommendation for the improvement of the recruitment






Talent Giants Consultancy Services Llp is a Limited Liability Partnership firm

incorporated on 14 September 2021. It is registered at Registrar of Companies,
Gwalior. Its total obligation of contribution is Rs. 50,000.

Designated Partners of Talent Giants Consultancy Services LLP are Prem Narayan
Kasarani and Nand Kishor Mathur.

Talent Giants Consultancy Services LLP last financial year end date for which
Statement of Accounts and Solvency were filed is N/A and as per records from
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), date of last financial year end date for which
Annual Return were filed is N/A.

Talent Giants Consultancy Services LLP Identification Number is (LLPIN)AAY-5904.

Its Email address is and its registered address is Plot No. 6,
Sector 8, Park City, Katara Hills Bhopal MP 462043 IN

Current status of Talent Giants Consultancy Services LLP is - Active.



LLP Identification Number AAY-5904



Company Status Active

Ro C Ro C-Gwalior

Main division of business Other Business Activities

activity to be carried out in

Description of main division Other Business Activities

Number Of Partners 0

Number of Designated Partners 2

Date of Incorporation 14 September 2021

Age of Company 1 years, 2 month, 20 days


We work towards putting smiles on faces. Our passion is the cornerstone of our success. We
believe that together we can go further and therefore collaboration is central to our delivery.
The usuals like cost effectiveness, confidentiality, integrity, client focus, etc. are all foregone
in our dealings. We do all these and more for you- whether you are looking to hire or looking
to get hired. We are driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world of
human resources than we knew yesterday and more tomorrow than we did today. Coupled
with this is our ability to convert ideas into delivery makes our model a force to reckon with.
We therefore, provide solutions and not just service.

It has been my endeavor to build an organization on shared values of establishing trust,
building and nurturing relationships across all levels and putting smiles on faces of all who we

As an individual who has always had a zest for Human Resources, be it sourcing or advisory,
I have always been at my buoyant best around people. An aggressive networker and a
passionate human being when it comes to doing things par excellence, I have successfully
built this organization and have grown to where it stands now.

Our goals fuel our furnace of achievement. With a team of dedicated, passionate
individuals, we have set sail to achieve our goal to deliver best in class, cost effective,
client focused solutions to all your human resources requirements. We aim to be
recognized as the preferred human resources partner by both clients and candidates.

Talent Acquisition
We makes hiring easy & cost effective. We provide the complete recruiting solution that
streamlines all hiring processes, from job distribution and screening to sending out offers. We
offer bulk hirings, executive hirings across all industry domains with specialized in IT/BPO

Training & Development
Training and development is vital part of the human resource development. In Future the
fastest growing industry would be training and development as a result of replacement of
industrial workers with knowledge workers.

Employee Engagement
We provide our clients with the option of RPO where our client entrusts us with all its
recruitment activities.

Career Coaching
Career Coaching concentrates on the present circumstances of our clients to generate action
plans and objectives for career progression. Instead of spending time on what does not work.
Coaches look at where our clients want to go and how we can assist them to get where they
want to be.

Talent Giants Consultancy Services is a leading professional recruitment firm

specializing in the recruitment of permanent, contract and temporary positions.

Our team offers high quality services to provide the best outcomes in the
recruitment and employment of personnel from a diverse set of business sectors,
specializes in Information technology(IT).

We are in the business of effectively understanding the client's requirements,

identifying the candidate with the desired profile and building trusting
relationships. One of the main challenges faced by almost every organisation, is to
fit the right person at the right post. Recruiting and selecting candidates has
become one of the most resource consuming process both in terms of money and
time. We bridge that gap and need.

We also provide training in the areas of Candidate Profiling, Interviewing

Techniques and Emerging technologies.

About the job

Selected Intern's Day-to-day Responsibilities Include

 Design and update job descriptions

 Source potential candidates from various online channels (e.g. LinkedIn, Indeed, Naukri,
Telegram groups, etc.)
 Craft recruiting emails to attract passive candidates
 Screen incoming resumes and application forms
 Interview the candidates via phone, and video
 Advertise job openings on the company's careers page, social media, job boards, etc.
 Coordinate between the candidates and company throughout the process

Skills: end to end recruitment, English communication


Recruitment and selection are the two phases of the employment process but there is a
difference between them. The first is the process of searching the candidates to fill identifies
vacant and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization while the later involves the
series of steps by which the candidates are screened in order to choose the most suitable
persons for vacant positions. The basic aim of recruitments is to create collection of talent
candidates to enhance selection of best candidates for the organization, by attracting more and
more prospective employees to apply in the organization while the basic purpose of selection
process is to choose the right candidate to fill the different positions in the organization.

According to Edwin B. Filippo, (1979) “Recruitment is the process of searching the

candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”.

DeSanctis (1986), in his research paper defined HRIS as “a specialized information system
within traditional functional areas of the organization, designed to support the planning,
administration, decision-ma king, and control activities of hu man resource management”
Demery and Doty (1996) argued that providing students with a greater awareness of
employment opportunities, and equipping them with the ability to be proactive in approaching
potential employers, will lead to more effective career self-management and selection

Aoede (2000), opined that subjecting recruitment, appointment and promotion to the Federal
character usually discriminates against merit. This results in the recruitment of incompetent
people in the workforce which will eventually lead to poor performance.

Dainty (2000) point of view is that people in a country or region who are able to do a job &
available for work they always help the organization to be profitable and the staff expected to
be trying to achieve their target.

Tansey and Watson (2000) observed that the organizational environments have become
increasingly complex. Managers in these organizations face growing difficulties in coping up
with workforces as they are spread across a variety of countries, cultures, and political

systems. Managers can utilize Information Technology as a tool in general as well as in
human resourcing functions to increase the potential of the organization.

Fletcher (2001) mentions that contextual performance deals with attributes that go beyond
task competence and that foster behaviours which enhance the climate and effectiveness of
the organization.

Leopold (2002) defined recruiting as a “positive process of generating a pool of candidates by

reaching the „right‟ audience, suitable to fill the vacancy”, he further stated that once 11 these
candidates are identified, the process of selecting appropriate employees for employment can
begin through the means of collecting, measuring, and evaluating information about
candidates‟ qualifications for specified vacant positions.

Grobler (2006), recruitment and selection involve choosing the best applicant to fill the vacant

Philip (2006) observed that the effectiveness of recruitment in IT companies is measured by

employee turnover analysis (95%), exit interview analysis (90%) and joint meetings with HR
customer departments (85%).

Cloete (2007) stated that recruitment is all about making sure the qualified people are
available to meet the job needs of the government. Ineffective recruitment prevents any
chance for effective candidate selection because when recruitment falls short, selection must
proceed with a pool of poorly qualified candidates. He further opined that the task of
recruitment is to generate a sufficient pool of applicants to ensure that there are enough people
available with necessary skills and requirements to fill positions.

Purcell and Wright (2007), in their study highlighted five different questions an organization
must answer to have an effective recruitment strategy to ensure survival and success. The
questions are “Whom to recruit?”, “Where to recruit?”, “What recruitment sources to use?”,
“When to recruit?” and “What message to communicate?” the above question is patient to get
appropriate answer before establishing recruitment strategy.

French ray and Rumbles sally (2010) says that the important role of recruitment and selection
within the process of leading, managing and developing people. Recruitment and selection are
pivotal in this regard in certain important respects.
The Oxford English Dictionary (2011 edition) defines performance as: ‘The accomplishment,
execution, carrying out, working out of anything ordered or undertaken? This refers to
outputs/outcomes (accomplishment) but also states that performance is about doing the work
as well as being about the results achieved. Performance could therefore be regarded as
behaviour - the way in which organizations, team sand individuals get work done.

Neeraj (2012) defined selection as the process of picking individuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. It is much more than just choosing the best
candidate. “It is an attempt to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and
wants to do and what the organization requires”. Selecting the right employees is important
for three main reasons: performance, costs, and legal obligations.

Dhamija’s (2012), research paper entitled “E-recruitment: A Roadmap towards E-Human

Resource Management” identified the overall concept of e-recruitment and its aim sat
collecting information regarding methods viz; e-mails, corporate websites and commercial job
boards etc. of e-recruitment. Further it includes general advantages and disadvantages of e-

Stephen, (2013) study shown that there are some significant behavioral differences
between referred and non- referred workers, even though referred and non-referred workers
look similar on most observable characteristics.

“Literature Review on Primary Organizational Recruitment Sources”. This paper affirms that
more and higher educational institutions in India are focusing towards a development of a
robust online placement platform to match the industry requirement of E-HRM processes.

Brando, (2017) research stated that a growing number of organizations use new
technologies in Human Resource processes.

Prof. Archana Sayanti (2013). In The Article “HR Challenges in MSME” statics that today’s
are having many challenges in the competitive world due to globalization privatization and
legal and
forecast to recent the right candidate at right time and right place. And they have to adopt the
change in them

work environment and culture of the organization and should maintain the low
attrition, focus on
organisational cost pressures economic and job changes, talent management and development,
expansion etc.

Venisha Panwar (2015) in the article “Role of Human Resources In MSME” states that attract
best talents
and retain it. Dynamic challenges of the emerging companies have been changed. The newly
companies cannot try to compete with already established companies. The challenges faced
by MSME are
to maintain employee hand book containing and work place discrimination policies etc.
They should
communicate organization goals to the newly hired employees in boarding check list. They
should give
platform to communicate and share knowledge with the organization.

Theresa Johnston (2015) in the article “People Challenges Can Sink MSME” states that
should work right
things earlier. They should listen to the employees and see change in the organization. They
should build an
open culture with giving feedback with the employees about values and behaviour. And
seek out HR
experienced employees can teach best practices to motivate grow-up grow and manage
people. They should
give required look for employees to be used effectively.

In this article “New Business face many HR Challenges” states that should bring out of a
business. They
should have creativity, innovation and should implement surgent policy. The company should
maintain all
laws and shouldn’t abound the rules. And should keep the employees happy that they are
fulfilled with work
environment of the organization. If the problem is arising from employee, we understand
situation and we
should documented all occurrences. And they should have a sick leave. HR policy for each
employee in the

Shutterstock (2012) in the article “The Future of HR and Why MSME Student’s Reject It”
states that stat-
ups forced to grapple internal culture problems. And in MSME due to lack of HR the
ultimately systematic

problems facing working women today like harassment. And without safeguard pockets, this
can lead to
hostile work environment employees track their world face and take feedback. Though current
trend seems
to be product oriented.

Georgina (2015) in the article “5 HR Challenge” Faced by Growing Business” states that if
there is possibly
to outsource HR personnel in the organization. There should be limited staff in organization
otherwise a lead
to poor performance. Sometimes it’s necessary that redundancy will happen in an
organization that will effort
organization in taking wrong decision. And they should maintain the holiday calculations
spread sheets of
all employees in organization.
Patil, Kalli Nath S. (2007) in his study opined that, the service sector plays a vital role in the
development of
the country. LIC has grown into a living saga. This transformation has not come about
overnight. A
breakthrough has been achieved on the strong foundation laid by the people of this great
institution, which
provided confidence and inner strength to explore new frontiers through the program of
decentralization, development, expansion and diversification undertaken in recent years. The
organization is
today on the threshold of new vistas, striving and straining for reaching new heights and
surging ahead in
quest of excellence.
Hemant Rao (2007) emphasized the changing role of HR. There was dramatic change in HR
during past
five years. This study shows the significant role of human resource managers in various
areas like
Empowerment of workers, Business process Reenergizing, Total Quality management,
Humanization of
work, and Quality of work life. It was the challenge of HRM to balance the impact of
liberalization and
globalization on productivity. Earlier the role of Personnel department was to give advice or
support when
asked but the changing professional employment scenario emphasized the role of HR
professional while
dealing with employees of different regions, caste, language, and social backgrounds.
Sharma and Jyoti (2006) in an article on "job satisfaction" concluded that job satisfaction is an
reaction to an individual's work situation, and has been described as a positive emotional
response resulting
from appraisal of one's job. One of the aspects that can lead to 61 Dissatisfaction is one's
attitude towards
one's job. job attitude can be defined as an overall feeling about one's job or career or in terms
of specific
facet of the job or career and can be related to specific outcomes, such as productivity


Business research is a systematic enquiry that provides information to guide business decision
and aimed to solve managerial problems. Business research is of recent origin and it is largely
supported by business organizations that hopes to achieve competitive advantages Research
Methodology is a way to systematically solve the problems, it may be understood as a science
of studying how the research is done scientifically. It includes the overall research design, the
sampling procedure, data collection method and analysis procedure.


Descriptive research study includes surveys and fact-finding enquires of different kinds,
which help the researchers to describe the present situation that makes the analysis about the
effectiveness of employee satisfaction among the employees and helps to reach the objectives.


Sampling design is to clearly define set of objectives, technically called the universe to be
studied. This research has infinite set of universes and the sampling design used in this study
is non-profitability sampling-convince sampling.


The research process has four different distinct yet interrelated steps for research analysis it
has a logical and hierarchical ordering. ➢ Determination of information research problem. ➢
Development of appropriate research design. ➢ Execution of research design ➢
Communication of results. Each step is viewed as a separate process that includes a
communication of task, step and specific procedure. The steps undertake are logical,
objective, systematic, reliable, valid and ongoing.


I have targeted 50 employees in the age group above 25 years for the purpose of the research.
The target population represents the Gurugram city regions. The people were from different
professional backgrounds. The details of our sample are explained in chapters named primary
research where the divisions are explained in demographic sections.


Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to branch
manager and other sales manager. The questionnaires were carefully designed by taking into
account the parameters of my study.

Data was collected from books, magazines, web sites, going through the records of the
organizations, etc. It is the data which has been collected by individual or someone else for
the purpose of other than those of our research study.


sample size- 50 respondents

sample unit- Individual owners of Talent Giants
sampling area- Bhopal, Haryana


This study was conducted with less sample size due to time constraint and the survey was
conducted only in Gurugram, so the research findings may not be generated. Some of the
customers are reluctant to give full information, this leads to bias and may not reflect the true
picture. The observations are only based on current situation, as it could change in future



A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins
when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a
pool of applications from which new employees are selected

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified
applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist.
Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a
specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.


According to Dale Yoder, “Recruitment is a process to discover the source of manpower to

meet the requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measure for attracting
that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working


 Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of

visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

 Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will
leave the organization only after a short period of time.

 Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition
of its workforce.

 Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be

appropriate candidates.

 Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting

techniques and sources for all types of job application.

 Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of

visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants
 Help the organization only after a short period Help reduce the probability that
job applicants once recruited and selected will leave of time
 Attract an encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization
 which links the employers with the employees
 Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition
of its workforce.


Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to
apply for jobs. Companies can adopt different method of recruitment and selection people in
the company. These methods are:

1. Internal source
2. External source

Internal source of Recruitment: -

Internal source of recruitment refer to obtaining people for job from inside the company.

There are different methods of internal recruitment

Promotion: -

Companies can give promotion to existing employee. This method of recruitment saves lot of
time, money and effort because the company does not have to train the existing employs.
Since the employee already worked with the company. He is familiar with the working culture
and working style.

 Departmental examination:

This method is used by the government department to select employee for higher level point.
The advertisement is put up on the notice board of the department. People who are interested
must send their application to the hr. department and appear for the exam. Successful
candidates are given the higher-level job.

 Internal advertisement:

In this method vacancies in a particular branch are advertised in the notice board. People who
are interested are asked to apply for the job. The method helps in obtaining people who are
ready to shift to another branch of the same company.

 Employee recommendation: -

In this method employee are asked to recommend people for job. Since the employee is
aware of the working condition inside the company, he will suggest people who can adjust to
the situation.


A transfer is an internal movement within the same grade from one job to another. It
may lead to changes and duties and responsibilities, working conditions etc .but not
necessarily salary.


Although not entirely an external source those who have previously applied for jobs can be re-
contacted by mail, a quick and inexpensive way to fill an unexpected opening. Applicants
who have just walked in and applied may be considered also. These previous walk ins are
likely to be more suitable for filling unskilled and semi- skilled jobs what some professional
opening can be filled by turning to such application. One firm that needed too cost
accountants immediately contacted qualified previous applicant and was able to hire to
individuals who were disenchanted with their current jobs at other companies.

Advantages of Internal Recruitment:

 Familiarity: - the organization and its employee are familiar to each other.
The organization knows the ability and skills of the likely candidates since they are
insiders. Employees also know about the working conditions and job requirement of
the vacancies.


internal recruitment enables the enterprise to make the best use of the capabilities of
its employee. For examples, some employee may be so talented that they deserve
promotion, or some may do better on transfer to other jobs.

 ECONOMY:- The cost of recruiting internal employee in minimal. The enterprise

need not incur any expenditure on informing and including its employee to apply.

 MOTIVATIONAL VALUE:- Internal recruitment is a source of encouragement

and motivation for employee. The employee can look for promotion and transfer
with hope and thereby do their jobs well as to earn the desired promotion/transfer.

Disadvantages of the Internal Recruitment:

 RESTRICTED CHOICE:-Internal recruitment restrict the options and

freedom for the enterprise in choosing the most suitable candidates for the vacancies. It has a
narrow sense. The enterprise may have to compromise on quality of its choice of candidates.

 INBREEDING:-If the enterprise depends too much on internal recruitment ,

it means that the enterprise denies itself fresh talent and new blood available outside. Existing
employees even if promoted or transferred may continue to work and behave in the same
habitual ways, without any dynamism.

 ABSENSE OF COMPETITION: - In the absence of competition from

qualified candidates from outside employees are likely to expect automatic promotion by
seniority. Thus, they may lose the drive for proving the worth.

 CONFLICT:- There may be chance of conflict and infighting among those

employees who aspire for promotion to the available vacancies. Those who are not promoted
are unhappy and their efficiency may decline.

External method of Recruitment

External source of recruitment refers to method of recruitment to obtain people from outside
the company. These methods are

 Management consultant

Management consultant helps the company by providing them managerial personal. When
the company is on the lookout for entry level management trainees and middle level
managers. They generally approach management consultants.

 Employment agencies:

Company may give a contract to employment agencies that search. Interview and obtain the
required number of people. The method obtain can be used to obtain lower level and middle
level staff.

 Campus recruitment: -

Campus recruitment refers to any effort made by prospective employers to recruit students
from their college campuses, usually prior to graduation. Employers use campus recruitment
to attract and screen students for a variety of different positions, both as interns and as full-
time employees. In some cases, recruitment takes the form of small events sponsored by one
or a few industry representatives. In other cases, the school and industry collaborate to
arrange campus- wide job fairs that attract many potential employers. Businesses are typically
the most active recruiters, but the government, graduate schools, and non-profit organizations
also engage in campus recruiting. Potential employers use this type of recruiting to attract the
best and brightest. Students at schools with excellent reputations in certain fields are in
particularly high demand, and recruiting efforts at these schools are frequently very intense.

 Internet advertisement: -

With increasing importance to internet companies and candidates have started using the
internet as medium of advertisement and search for jobs. These are various job sites like and etc. candidates can also post their profiles on these sites.

 Walk in interview: -

Another method of recruitment which is gaining importance is the walk-in interview method.
An advertisement about the location and time of walk-in interview is given in the newspaper.
Candidates require to directly appearing for the interview and above to bring a copy of their
C.V with them.


This is one of the oldest methods. In this method the personnel department sends
their representatives to potential places of recruitment and establishes contact
with potential candidates seeking employment. Preliminary screening is arranged
at selected places wherein the candidates present themselves. In this effort local
consultant agents institutions colleges play the liaison work. Organizing
conventions, indoctrination seminars, fairs etc., are other means in this method.


It is a method of recruitment by placing a notice at the factory gate specifying the details of
the jobs available.


Meetings, conferences, seminars and other social functions of employee’s trade associations
are yet another means of locating suitable hands.


For the positions in which large numbers of candidates are not available from other sources,
the companies may gain in keeping files of applications received from candidates who make
direct enquiries about possible vacancies on their own, or may send unconsolidated


Voluntary organizations such as private clubs, social organizations, might also provide
employees – handicapped, widowed or unmarried women, old persons, retired hands etc. in
response to advertisements.


When a company desires a particular type of employees, job specifications and requirements
are fed into a computer, where they are matched against the resume data stored therein.
Advantage of External Recruitment:

 WIDE CHOICE: - The organization has the freedom to select

candidates from a large pool. Persons with requisite qualifications could be picked up.

 INJECTION OF FRESH BLOOD: - People with special skills and knowledge

could be hired to stir up the existing employees and pave the way for innovative ways of

 MOTIVATIONAL FORCE:- It helps in motivating internal employees to work

hard and compete with external candidates while seeking career growth. Such a competitive
atmosphere would help an employee to work to the best of his abilities.

 LONG TERM BENEFITS: - Talented people could join the ranks, new ideas
could find meaningful expression, a competitive atmosphere would compel to give out their
best and earn rewards etc.

Disadvantage of External Recruitment:-

 EXPENSIVE: - Hiring costs could go up substantially. Tapping numerous

sources of recruitment is not an easy task either.

 TIME CONSUMING:- It takes time to advertise, screen, to test and select

suitable employees. Where suitable ones are not available the process has to be repeated.

 DEMOTIVATING:- Existing employees who have put in considerable service

may resist the process of filling up vacancies from outside. The feeling that their services
have not been recognized by the organization, forces them to work with less enthusiasm and

 UNCERTAINTY:- There is no guarantee that the organization will be able to

hire the services of suitable candidates. It may end up hiring someone who does not fit and
who may not be able to adjust in the new setup.


 Support the organization ability to acquire, retain and develop the best talent and skills.
 Determine present and future manpower requirements of the organization in
coordination with planning and job analysis activities.
 Obtain the number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to help
the organization to achieve its goals and objectives.
 Create a pool of candidates so that the management can select the right candidate for
the right job from this pool
 Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization
 Increase the pool of candidates at minimum cost.
 Acts as a link between the employers and the job seekers
 Influence fresh blood at all levels of the organization
 Meet the organization's legal and social obligations regarding the composition of
its workforce.
 Its provide different opportunities to procure human resources.
 Its forecast how many people will be require in the company.
 Its enables the company to advertise itself and attracts talented people.

Elements of a successful recruiting strategy

1. Develop a clear employer brand

2. Create job posts that reflect your company
3. Use social media
4. Invest in an applicant tracking system
5. Explore niche job boards
6. Consider college recruiting
7. Find passive candidates and let them know you want them
8. Conduct awesome interviews



1. What form of interview you have given?

Factor No. of Respondent (% of Respondent)

Personal Interviews 20 40%

Telephonic interview 15 30%

Video Conferencing 10 20%

Other 5 10%

Total 50 100%

no. of respondent
personal interview telephonic interview video conferencing other





40% most of the people given Personal Interview,30% of the telephonic interviews,

whereas only 20% go for video conferencing and rest 10% adopts some other means of


2. How is the induction carried out by talent giants?

Factor No. of Respondent (% of Respondent)

Good 18 36%

Very Good 27 54%

Cannot Say 5 10%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title






good very good can't say Category 4

no. of responents % of responents Column1


From the above chart it shows that the 54% respondents say very good, 36% respondents say

good and 10% respondent say cannot for induction carry out from The Capital Box.

3. What are the sources preferred for recruitment and selection?

Factor No. of Respondent (% of Respondent)

Internal 0 0%

External 0 0%

Both 50 100%

Total 50 100%

no.of r es ponents
internal external both total


100% of the respondent says that they prefer both internal as well as external source of

recruitment and selection.

4. What is the period of manpower planning you have adopted?

Factor No. of Respondent (% of Respondent)

Yearly 10 20%

Quarterly 25 50%

No fixed time 15 30%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title





yearly quarterly no fixed time

no. of responent % of responent Column1


In the above chart it shows 50% of the respondent go for Quarterly manpower planning

and 30% do not follow any pattern they don’t have any fixed time where as 20% go for


5. Did you face any biasness in the selection process by the talent giants?

Factor No. of Respondent (% of Respondent)

No 47 94

Yes 3 6

Total 50 100

no. of respodent

27% no



The study reveals that capital box’s 94% of the respondent did not find biasness in the

selection process whereas 6% of the employees find biasness in the process.

6. How do you rate HR practices in the company?

Factor No. of Respondent (% of Respondent)

Very Good 23 46

Good 15 30

Average 7 14

Bad 5 10

Total 50 100

Chart Title
very good good average bad

no. of respodemt % of respondent


30% of the respondents feel that HR department is good and 46% say that its very good

whereas 14% says its average and only 10% respondents feel it is bad.

7. Which method do you go for recruitment and selection?

Factor No. of Respondent (% of Respondent)

Direct 33 66

In-Direct 15 30

Third Party 2 4

Total 50 100

Chart Title







direct in -direct third party

no of respodent Series 2


About 66% of the respondents go for direct recruitment and selection and 30% go for

indirect and only 4% go for third party recruitment way

8. Are you satisfied with the salary provided by the company?

Factor No. of respondent % Of respondent

yes 42 84

No 8 16

Total 50 100





From the above chart it shows that 84% of the respondent say yes and 16% of the

respondents say no for the salary provided by the Capital Box.

9. Do you think that the criteria of short-listing candidates used by the company is

Factor No. of Respondent % Of Respondent

satisfied 45 90%

Not satisfied 3 6%

Can’t say 2 4%

Total 50 100%

Chart Title






Satisfied Not satisfied Cant say

No. of respondent % of respondent Column1


The study reveals that in Capital Box 90% of the respondents think that the criterion of short
listing of candidates used by the capital box is satisfactory. 6% of the respondents are not
satisfied with the criteria of short listing of candidates used by the Capital Box.


From the above analysis of The Talent giants, I found that

o Present employees of Talent giants are satisfied with Recruitment strategies of company.

o Most of the people are satisfied with Induction conducted by Talent giants for their new


o 100% of the respondent say that both internal as well as external source of

recruitment and selection are preferred in the company.

o Based on Salary, perks and other benefits most of the people are satisfied with it.

o Peoples are satisfied with the functionality of HR department of Talent giants.

o The study reveals that the criterion of short listing of candidates used by Talent giants is



 From the above analysis of Talent Giants, I found that o Present employees of T are satisfied
with Recruitment strategies of company. o Most of the people are satisfied with Induction conducted by
The Capital Box for their new employees. o 100% of the respondent say that both internal as well as
external source of recruitment and selection are preferred in the company. o Based on Salary, perks and
other benefits most of the people are satisfied with it. o Peoples are satisfied with the functionality of
HR department of The Capital Box. o The study reveals that the criterion of short listing of candidates
used by the Capital Box is satisfactory.



Summer training is a best example for a trainee to learn about the company working,
corporate culture under which he is operating the function. I learned in the management
institute is to utilized them fruitfully leading to the best advantage to the company and to the
best experience for mine.

The employees of any organization are its life blood, without doubt. With the dawn of this
realization upon the present-day business organizations, there appears to be a major shift
towards human resource management. In fact, the employees of today are encouraged to
participate in the major decisions and thus play a vital role in the management of the firm.
The performance of the organization depends on the efficiency that its employees exhibit.

Hence it is of crucial importance that employees with the most suitable qualifications be
selected. This is where the processes of recruitment and selection come in. It is difficult to
separate one from the other. The data analysis given in this project indicate that these
processes require a great deal of thought and advanced planning. In fact, it is not only the HR
department that is involved. The finance department provides the budget for the processes and
the manpower gap is determined by inputs from all the departments. Also, the grueling
procedure through which the candidate goes through is, in itself, an indicator of the
significance of these processes in the efficient functioning of the organization Workforce
planning is vital if a business wants to meet its future demands for staff. It allows a business
time to train existing staff to take on new responsibilities and to recruit new staff to fill
vacancies or to meet skill shortages. Capital Box has clear organizational 50 structures,
detailed job descriptions and person specifications. It provides user-friendly ways of applying
for jobs and a consistent approach to recruitment and selection. This means it can manage its
changing demand for staff.

Recruitment as being one of the major topics is required by most of the organization. Hence
the study helped in understanding the various aspects of recruitment is effective, the internal
selection of the organization also is an economical means which also reduce costs, only after
looking the efficiency of the existing employee towards the company and his sincerity that
employee will be selected. In Capital Box the effective selection process is adopted in the last
2 years. It can be retained as such. Also, the employees of Capital Box are satisfied with the
recruitment and selection process. Also, they are well aware about the various sources and
method of recruitment and selection.

Following are the suggestions made for the benefits and augmentation of the sound working of
the Company- TALENT GIANTS

➢ All the document should be verified timely by the operation department.

➢ All the policies should be updated time to time according to the company requirement.
➢ Proper trainer should be provided to the trainees.
➢ The work of receiving, issuing, accounting and storing responsibility should be properly.


BOOKS & Research papers:

❖ Chhabra T.N, (1st Edition, 2014) Essentials of Human Resource Management, Sun India
Publication NEW Delhi
❖ Gary Dressler, (6th Edition,2013), A framework for human resource management, Pearson
❖ C B Gupta (1996), Human resource management, sultan Chand & sons.
❖ DeSanctis (1986), research paper
❖ Dhamija’s (2012), research paper
❖ Brando, (2017) research studies on new technologies of human resources.





1. What form of interview you have given?

 Personal interview
 Telephonic
 Video conferencing
 Other

2. How is Induction carried out by the Talent giants?

 Good
 Very good
 Cannot say

3. What is the source preferred for recruitment and selection.

 Internal
 External
 Both

4. What is the period of manpower planning you have adopted?

 Yearly
 Quarterly
 No fixed time
5. Did you face any biasness in the selection process by the Talent giants?

 Yes
 No

6. How do you rate HR practices in the company?

 Good
 Very good
 Average
 Bad

7. Which method do you go for recruitment and selection?

 Direct
 Indirect
 Third party

8. Are you satisfied with the salary provided by the Talent giants?

 Yes
 No

9. Do you think that the criteria of short listing of candidates used by the Talent giants is satisfactory?

 Satisfied
 Not satisfied
 Cannot say

10. Does the organization clearly define the position, objectives , requirements and candidate
specifications in the recruitment process ?

 Yes
 No

11. What is the average time spent by executive during recruitment.

 1-5 min
 5-10 min
 10-15 min
 More than 15 min


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