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Ateneo de Naga University

Naga City

Detailed Lesson Plan in Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Prepared by: Ernesto R Acabado Jr

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the 30-minute interactive discussion, at least 80% of the students
are expected to:
1 Recognize elements of the fire triangle in different situations.
2 Observe precautionary measures and proper procedures in addressing a fire
3 Apply basic response procedures during a fire incident.
II. Learning Content

Fire Triangle
Classes of Fire
Most common causes of fire incidents

Instructional Materials:
*PowerPoint presentation on Fire Hazards

Values to be Integrated:
*Increase resourcefulness, creativity and productivity.
*Promote accountability in the community.
*Care for the environment and support sustainable practices.

Background of the Learners:

*90% are visual learners
*90% are participative
*80% are from average SES
21st Century Competencies:

*Critical Thinking
* Collaboration
* Effective Communication

III. Learning Experiences (Teacher Learning Process)

Teacher’s Activities Students Activities

A. Preparation

“Good morning Class…” “Good morning Sir!”

“Let us pray first…” (One Student will lead the prayer)
(Online Checking of Attendance) (Students will tell who’s absent for the day)
“Let me remind you of our
classroom rules or the 10 “NETIQUETTES”
1. Your device shall be
in good condition.
2. Make sure you have a
good internet connection.
3. Dress appropriately. As if you’re
in our school campus.
4. Remember that online classes are
the same with face to face. It just happened that
we are meeting online. So therefore,
we enforce respect. 3 Strikes
5. Be on time. Join the classes
in your designated sched.
6. Inform your household members that
you are taking an online class. Advise them to behave.
7. Be attentive. Multitasking is a good skill
but doing this is being discouraged, most especially if you are watching
KDama or playing ML.
8. Absent is absent.
9. Enjoy the discussion.
10. Hope that your instructor also
have a good access of the internet,
otherwise disregard 1-9 and answer
worksheet 12 immediately.
“So how’s your day? Is it good so far?” “It was fine Sir!”
“That’s good to know. Who can give
me a recap during our last discussion?” (A Student will volunteer and will
give his idea on the previous discussion
about Fire)


“Fire is the active principle of

burning characterized by the heat and
light of combustion.”

For the elements: We have the

heat, oxygen and fuel.

“Very good! According to ______

“Fire is the active principle of burning

characterized by the heat and light of combustion.”

For the elements: We have the heat, oxygen and fuel.

So, are you ready

to discuss a new topic today?” “Yes Sir!”

“Okay that’s good, so let’s begin “Sir Yes Sir!”

B. Presentation

Today, you are expected to:

1 Recognize elements of the fire

triangle in different situations.
2 Observe precautionary measures
and proper procedures in addressing
a fire incident.
3 Apply basic response
procedures during a fire incident.”

C. Assimilation

“To proceed with our lesson,

let’s complete the
Fire Hazards – Fire Triangle Table”

1. Spark from the rough side of
the matchbox
2. Wood, Air
3. Stove or LPG
4. Air
5. Matchstick Cigarette
6. Air
“So, what is the composition of Air
In the atmosphere?” “ Answer: 78% Nitrogen, 21%Oxygen
and 1% Inert gas
“Ok, lets continue!”
7. Overheated wire
8. Exposed wires
9. Lightning or irresponsible
camping, Trees & Vegetation
10. Kerosene, unleaded or
premium gasoline”

“Outstanding Class!”
“So now, let me introduce to you
The classes of Fire! And let’s try to give
A. Ordinary combustible materials Paper, cloth, plastic & table or chair
B. Flammable Liquids Kerosene, Diesel and Unleaded or Premium
C. Energized Electrical Equipment TV, laptop, aircon, electric fan
D. Combustible metals Zinc & other laboratory elements
K. Combustible cooking media” Cooking Oils and fats

“Well done! The following slides are

The Major Causes of Fire Incidence in the
Philippines according to the statistics in 2021.”

“For every example, how can we avoid this

“OK, for the example number 1.. What are Answers:
the fuels If these burns?” Wires, control panel, appliances & etc.
“How about in the example number 2?” Cooking Oils, foods like fish or meat
“For the slide number 3?” Wax, curtains, furniture & etc.

“Nice! This time let’s do Number 4!” Bedroom, appliance, trash bin & etc.
“Outstanding! Number 5?” Kerosene, regular/unleaded or premium
gasoline or diesel.
“Ok, Let’s go back to the examples of
The Major Causes of Fire Incidence in the
Philippines in 2021”
“From the examples, let’s identify the ways on
How to respond in this type of incident”
“Example number 1!” Answers:
Use of Fire Extinguishers! Call 911!
“OK, how about number 2?” Use of cloth to cover the pan.. fire extinguisher
“Now for the number 3” Bucket with water
“Ok, let’s proceed to example number 4” Again, bucket with water!
“Outstanding! How about number 5?” Use of Fire Extinguisher!

“Very good class! Always remember the A.A.A

So, what is AAA?”
AAA Stands for Activate, Assist and Attempt!
Once you discovered a fire! Activate! Call 911 or Cry
For help!
Then, if possible, Assist everyone must Especially the
Elderly and the children to evacuate the area and
After Activation and Assist... that’s the time you
Shall Attempt to extinguisher the fire. Extinguish the
Fire, only if it is small and you have a means of exit!”
D. Generalization
“To wrap up our lesson.
What have you learned today? Anyone?”
“Ok, we have a volunteer.” Answer:
Sir, we learned how to
recognize the elements of fire in
different situations and we learned
about the major causes of fire in
the Philippines.

Well said!
Is there anyone else? Sir! I have learned the ways on
how to prevent possible fire
incident and its basic responses.
Very good! It seems that you learned a lot in
our lesson today!
Questions, so far?

E. Application

“Okay! Let’s have an activity. Now

takeout your pen and let’s
work on Worksheet 5!

This will be a Group Activity:

List the types of fuels
present in the fire scene and list possible
ways to prevent the accidents involving
fire occurrence.

Group 1: List about the Solid Fuels and list

possible ways for fire prevention.
Group 2: List all the available Liquid Fuels
and list possible ways for fire prevention.
Group 3: List the possible gas Fuels available
and list possible ways on preventing destructive fires.

IV. Evaluation
I have already sent you the link for your quiz on
Fire hazards it will be open until this afternoon.
This is what you will see in the link
Directions: Write the elements of Fire on
the space provided that best describes it.
Example: 1. Kerosene – Fuel Element
1. Burning Trashcan _____________
2. Gasoline in a container _____________
3. Compressed air in a tank _____________
4. Heating ceiling fan _____________
5. Warm Campfire ____________
6. Hospital Medical Gas ____________
7. Sparking Electrical Post ____________
8. Boiling oil in the kitchen ____________
9. Gas Lamp ____________
10. 5 days plugged in appliance ____________
After providing the elements. List the ways
On how you prevent the possible occurrence
Of fire in every item.

V. Assignment

A. Write an essay on how your family can prevent destructive fires from occurring
in your house. List the safety practices you already done using the precautions
on different elements of fire. Write in not less than 300 words.

B. Fire Extinguisher Art. Draw a fire extinguisher and label it’s parts.
Try to explain the parts. 1 point each.

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