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Annabelle Story- Competition- Bishop Ridley-Miss Facey 08/02/2021

The Voice in the

Departing a class of 12-year-olds isn’t that hard if you have best friends to back you
up. My class has been in this tedious Museum for the past 3 hours. Mrs Smith (my
form teacher) has been walking very slowly due to her broken knee. So, my job is to
find something fascinating to bring back to my friends.
Going through all these statues, ancient artefacts and relics. None of these things get
our attention, they are all from the past and not from current time. This is the reason
why no one enjoys coming to the Museum.
My ingenious friend Nichole always adores coming to the Museum. It was hard
persuading her to join me on my little quest. She reads books of all the topics in the
world and still doesn’t get bored to death. But sometimes, she is helpful in a test as
she sits right next to me. Anyway, all my other friends are so bored at this Museum.
They told me to go on this hunt. But to be honest, I can’t find a fascinating object in
this hall of history.
It’s now 2 pm and we can hear voices. “Kiera, who are they?” Nichole asked me.
“Probably just tourists,” I replied. I say this because I can see them looking in
numerous directions at various relics. Nichole looks very uncomfortable. “Nicky, are
you OK?” I asked. “No, I am not, Ki Ki can you not hear that sound?” she questioned.
“Yeah, I can but what is it?” I queried. We stand there just wondering what it could
be. I look around to see if anyone is following us. But no one is. I get an
unsympathetic shiver at the back of my spine. "Nichole, I think it’s probably just the
class, they are probably near, probably round…” then something cuts me off. The
lights. They go off. I try calling Nichole, but she is not there anymore. “NICKY,
NICKY, NICKY!” But it’s no use. My blood goes all cold. I have a bad feeling
about this place. My mouth is not opening anymore. I start running away as fast as
my little legs can carry me. I don’t think it is fast enough though. Then I stop to look
around, to try and see if I can spot Nichole in the dark. It is not working, that’s
because I don’t believe when you eat carrots you can see in the dark. So, I don’t
bother to eat them.
After a few minutes of cursing myself to start eating them I froze. The noise starts
making its way to my ears again. Then it gets louder and louder until it is as loud as a
dog barking, while it is running around the garden. Just like this noise is running
around my head. It’s the voice in the darkness.
Annabelle Story- Competition- Bishop Ridley-Miss Facey 08/02/2021

I am trying to figure out how to get out of this place. I just lost my best friend in this
monotonous Museum. It's all dim in here. I don’t know what to do. The voice is still
in my head and I am so petrified. Unexpectedly, I hear footsteps. I look around to see
if anyone is following me. I see this minute outline of a petite man. Still trying to
figure out how I can, but it is true. “Hello… who are you?” I questioned. He doesn’t
say a word. He is as quiet and calm like a baby sleeping away in through the night. He
then turns and walks away. “Wait…wait a minute, can you help me find my best
friend and how to get out of here,” I begged. He paused for a minute. I could barely
outline the small man, but I could tell he was about to speak. “If you want to find your
friend you better follow me. NO MORE QUESTIONS!” he finally said. This little
man looked very serious in the dark.
I have been following this minuscule man for about and 1 and a half and he still
won’t stop. We have been going in rings around the Museum. I haven’t spoken to him
because I think he knows what he is doing. But now I think it is about time I stop
whatever he is up to. “Hey, stop right here this is getting us nowhere…” I paused. He
turns around and I can see Nichole, in a glowing form. Terrified and timid as I can see
my best friend standing there. I walk forward, to my well-lit friend. “Nicky, I so glad
you are here, I have been so worried,” I say, all trembling in fear. She doesn’t say
anything, just like the little man did when I first noticed him the dark. But mostly
Nichole is the talkative one. That means this is not Nichole. “Nicky this isn’t
you, ....AHHHHHHH!!”


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