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Midterm examination

For our midterm examination we were tasked to create a collage art made out of recycled
materials. Upon working on my exam, I used the following recycled materials, old CDs, worn down
books, newspapers, and tissue. I started with making paper mâché out of newspaper, glue, tissue, and
mixing them all together. Once my concoction was ready, I then spread it in isolated areas around the
board and filled the missing gaps with ripped pages from a worn-down book. While my base was drying,
I proceeded to cut out petal-like shapes from old CDs, gluing them together forming a shape of a flower.
Once everything was dried, I then arrange and glue them to their respective places, finishing up my
examination. I believe this collage art is extremely beneficial as it contributes by reducing the amount of
waste produced and allows us to experience and use different mediums.

My artwork was inspired by my mother. My mom loves to receive flowers, especially lilies. Growing up,
her life wasn't always the easiest. In her early motherhood there were times where we faced problems
with our household and struggled to put food on the table. Nonetheless, that never discouraged my
mother. She and my father worked exceptionally hard to build the life we have today. Despite the rough
start and the rough patches in life, my mother always remained positive with her beautiful outlook
towards life. The medium, the process, the output of my exam all symbolizes my mother. She started only
with what she had, which was not much to begin with and was able to use all of it to create something
beautiful. It shows that what you have will always be enough to create something for the better, no matter
how small or how big, if you put your mind to it something great could blossom out of it.

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