René and Ketty March 12th

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The woman was dancing beutifully.

If we have verb to be, we use it as a connector verb.

I am happy. (this is only possible when I ONLY have verb to be)

I was happy.

The bus was going slowly.


LINKERS - are words used to link one or more sentences or clauses, so we create longer sentences and
our structure is more avanced.

Take your camera with you. Mine could not work.


As long as - It's a linker that talks about condition; one action is conditioned to another one.

ex. I will go to the party as long as you come with me.

ex. I will go to the mine as long as I pass the covid test.

ex. I will pass my university exams as long as I study hard.

ex. I go to the party as long as my mum gives me permission.

ex. They went to the trip as long as they had time.

Even though/ although/ though - when you do an action which results the contrary to what should be

In spite of


ex. Even though/although/though I was tired, I watched TV until 1 a.m.

ex. Although I will be busy next week, I will go out every night.

ex. Though it was rainning, I went to the park.


ex. In spite of/ Despite being tired, I watched TV until 1 a.m.

ex. Despite the rain, I went to the park.


ex. Even though we travelled for 5 hours, we will work in the mine.

ex. In spite of the 5-hour trip, we will work in the mine.

ex. In spite of travelling for 5 hours, we will work in the mine.

ex. Even though there was a lot of traffic, I arrived early to my class.

ex. In spite of a lot of traffic, I arrived early to my class.

Due to/ because of- giving a reason (more formal than "because of"). (we always use only a Subject

ex. I didn't eat this morning due to the lack of time.


Because/as - giving a reason. (we always use a subject and a noun)

ex I didn't eat this mornig because I didn't have enough time.

ex. I didn't eat this morning as I didn't have enough time.


ex. I can't eat ice cream due to my sore throat.

ex. I can't eat ice cream because I have a sore throat.

ex. Sunday's quarantine has finished in Lima due to the decreased number of infected.

ex. Sunday's quarantine has finished in Lima as the number of infected has decreased.

NEver/the/less - a fancy=elegant "however".

ex. They studied hard all week; Nevertheless, they didn't pass their exams.

ex. I bought my tickets to travel; nevertheless, I can't travel.

ex. I exercise daily; nevertheless, I can't lose weight.

";" - semi-colon

":" - colon

"_" - underscore

"-" - hyphen
"." - period or full stop.

"(" - brackets

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