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In this proposal, I will present bullying, a difficulty faced by many students in schools,
its causes, how this issue affects and how to combat it.

What is bullying? What are the causes?

Bullying is a repeated aggressive behavior where one person or group of people in a

position of power deliberately intimidates, abuses, or coerces a person with the
intention to hurt.

This abuse can he paychological, secial, verbal, physical and over sereal. The causes
that lead the aggressors to take that role are diverse, the main reason is the response
to the aggressor's exposure to violence, in most cases they are found in family and
social environments with a history of violence and what the aggressors do is imitate
these behaviors. Another cause is the lack of education about human values and finally
the lack of information about what bullying is.

Current situation

This problem has existed for a long time, but todav there is more social sensitivitv on
the subiect. It is important to note that it is currently presented in different ways,
inside and outside of schools. It has spread to other areas in which children and
adolescents interact, such as social networks.

How it affects?

Bullying affects both, the victim and the aggressor. Some of the consequences for the
victim are: Low self-esteem, depression, problems in social relationships. And some of
the consequences for the aggressors are: Lack of control, intolerant attitudes.

How to combat it and recommendations

Knowing what its causes are, we can say that the participation of parents, teachers and
other adults who are concerned about the problem is essential in preventing the issue.
One recommendation is to start classes with an introduction on hulling that nrovides
adequate information to parents, teachers and students, so that they can prevent it
and combat it when it occurs.

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