Weekly Study Questions 3

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BIBL 410

Bible Topics The First Children The First Offering The First Murder The Families of Cain and Abel The Degeneration of Man People to Know Cain Abel Enoch Methuselah Noah Places to Know Nod Terms to Know Knew Respect Sons of God Nepilim/Nephilim

Study Questions Answer the following questions (based on the reading), save it and then submit it to the professor. 1. Explain the meaning of the word knew in 4:1. 2. How is Gods grace evident in chapter 4? Be thorough. 3. Look up the following verses and explain how they fit the story of Cain and Abel: John 8:44 I John 3:12 Hebrews 11:4 Hebrews 12:24 4. Where did Cain get his wife? Support your answer from the Bible. 5. Offer an explanation or two as to why the patriarchs lived so long. 6. How do we know the birth order of Noahs sons? Be specific. 7. When did Methuselah die (how old, relation to flood)? See the genealogy chart, pg 13. 8. Name the two fundamental reasons for the flood. 9. The sons of God are identified by Davis as being whom? 10. Who are the nepilim? 11. Explain the meaning of the phrase, The Lord repented. 12. Describe Noahs character.

Bible Topics The Flood

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BIBL 410

The sin of Ham Places to Know Terms to Know Gilgamesh Epic Ark

People to Know Noah Shem Ham Japheth

Study Questions Answer the following questions (based on the reading), save it and then submit it to the professor. 13. Describe the ark. 14. Read the following verses and discuss what they have to say about Noah: 6:9 6:122 7:1-5 7:16 8:15-18 15. Which one of the reasons for a universal flood stands out the most to you? 16. How long were Noah and his family on the ark? 17. What do the various flood accounts suggest or point to? 18. How does Davis interpret the phrase by man shall his blood be shed? 19. Describe the covenant God made with Noah. 20. What did the curse on Canaan include? 21. How has this curse been fulfilled? Joshua 16:10 22. If Noahs ark were discovered today, would it change the way people view the Bible? Explain your answer.

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