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1. M.A, MSc, Ph.D(c), µ

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5. PhD, , µ

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Email: . +30 2751360131, +30 6976856215

Ελληνικό Περιοδικό της Νοσηλευτικής Ε πιστήµης 2015,

8(1): 41-49 [41]
ΕΙΣΑ%Ω%Ή (µ), µ(-

µ) (µ-
Beck (1967), µ - m µ ). µ µ ,
H,µ µ,µ- µ µ«» -
Beck µ -
, Beck -
µ .
µ, . -
µ,,,µµ -
µ µ µ µµ -
(Clark & µ (Beck et al 1979). Beck
Steer 1996). µ - µ (..
, Aaron Beck µ) -
(Beck et al 1979), µ (.. ).
µµ -
. ,. -
, , µ-
, µ, - µ µµ,
µ. µ µ , µ, µ.
µ , -
µ µ, µ.
,µ - µ
.µµ ,- µµ,
, - µ International Classification of Diseases (ICD-
µ.µ 10) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
µ Beck, - Disorders (DSM-IV). µ
µ (- µ µ µ-
), µ - , -
, µ µ µ, , -
µ. - ,
µ µ µ µ (). µ
, µ µ(µ ( -
2002). - " " µ µµ
µ,,µ µ µ µµ), ,
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µ µ µ µ µ ), -
µ- µ
. . ,-
µ µ, µ, -
µµµµ , .-
µµ.µ- µ µ (..)
µ , µ (Beck 1976).

[42] Ελληνικό Περιοδικό της Νοσηλευτικής Ε πιστήµης


62 (.), µ ),
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20 µ. Διάγνωση
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. µµ, () [F32.2 (ICD-10)], -
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µ,µ - µ µ -
,µ - (µ). -
, µ ,,
µ- µµ
, µ. - -
46 µ16µ, .
µ , 45 µ µ-
µ- : Olanzapine (2,5mg), Carbamazepine (400mg),
. , µ- Sertraline hydrochloride (100mg), Diazepam (10mg).
µ (follow up), µµ
. µ ,
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µ , µ µµ-
: - µ,
, µ- µ µµ µ
, µ - µ µ, ,
, ,µ µ µ,,
. - , ,,µ
- µ µ,
(Beck & Freeman 1990), µ µ -
µµ- µ µ
µ µ .
µ .
Ψυχιατρικό Ιστορικό µ -
µ µµ -
. . 20 , 42 . µ [Symptom
, µ Check List -90 Revised (SCL-90-R)] -
. µ

Τόµος 8 - Τεύχος 1
(Derogatis 1977). µ µµ µ- (CASE FORMULATION)- -

µ µ µ
90 , µ
µµ. µ 7µ- µµ µ-
( µ) , µ-
µµµ.µ , µ -
360 ( 2000). µ µ- , µ
µ - . µ
(1991). ,
90 µ 9 µ:µ- , ,
, µ, - µ µ-
, , ,, , .
µ, µ, µ- µ
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, ,)( µ -
1991). µ µ µ , µ
6(µ) 13(). µ µ-
SCL-90-R: 1) - ...µ -
µµ () µ µ ,
90 , 2)µµ- (µ ),
() µ (µ -
µµ(µ)3) ).
µµ () .
/90 (µ )
( 2000). . , -
, SCL-90-R, µ µ µ -
.µ,µ µ µ,µ-
µ µ: µ µ , µ -
,µµ- , µ
µ , µ µ.
( 1). µ -
µ µ -
- .
µ µ µ
µ - µ µ -
. µ. µ

µ µ SCL-90Rµ
µ µ µ
( ) (µ)
µ31 5
24 10
19 6
30 7
15 2
µ-16 2
µ12 4
µ24 8
: (Demogratis, 1977- µ: N, & , 1991).

[44] Ελληνικό Περιοδικό της Νοσηλευτικής Ε πιστήµης


µ 1. µµ µ

, µ,µ, ,,-
µ µ .

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3. µ, µµµ µ-
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4. µµµ .
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7. - µ , µµ -
8.µµµµ- .
, µ
, -
µ - µ
µ µ- µ , µ

Τόµος 8 - Τεύχος
1 [45]
µ µ, - .(µ ).

µ - • 41-46: . µ µ-
µ, µ µ- µ ( -
, µ ).
.. µ -
µµ , µ µ
, µ µ µ. -
µµ: ,
•1-3: ,
-µ, - , µ
µ. µ µ
•4-7 µ -- µ µ
µ . -
• 8-10: µ - µ µ -
. µ. , µ
• 11-13: µ µ µ µ
–-µ() µ µ.
• 13-15: - -
• 16-19: 4(µ- - µ- -
-µ), µ , -
µ. - -
. -- µ. µ
,µ µ(- µ -
),µ ’, -
,’- µ,
- µ
µ µ- , ,
. µ: µ µ -
µµ-µ µ
• 19-21: , - .
, µµ (µ µ ,
),,µ, , ’ -
. -- ,
,µ µ( µ -
). .
• 22-23: µ µµ, -
• 23-26: , µ ,
µ µ- -
,µµµ.µ:- . -
. µ,
• 27-32: µ, µ µ µ -
. µ
• 33-35: , µ - ., µ. -
µµ . µ: - , , -
µ, µ , -
µ ,
µµ., - , µ
, µ µ µ.
( ) .. µ-
• 35-40: - µ , µ-
µ . µ. µ ( ),
(µ) - ,
µ. µµµ - µ µ µ «µ ,

[46] Ελληνικό Περιοδικό της Νοσηλευτικής Ε πιστήµης

», - µ

µ - µ .
µ. µ ,
µ µµ - , -
. .
µ, .
µ µµ
, . -
, - µ µ ,-
. - .
µ, - ., µ
µ µ µ SCL-90-R µ µ
µ µ, µ µ µµ ( 1). µ-
. µ -
µ µ .
( ) µ.
- µ -
µ - . µµ -
( µ, - µ µ-
,µ µ ( .
), , , - ,

µ,µ, µ- µ -
,µµ- µ µ,
), µ - .
µ µ. µ µ
,µ µ ’µ.
µµµ, µ µ
µ- µ -
µ . µ -
, µ .- µ
µ, µ - µ µ-
, µ µ µ- µ , -
µ µµ µ µ µ
µ()(µ1). (Roth et al 1996, Robinson et al. 1990, Gaffan et al 1995).
,µ µ
µ µ,
, µ ,
µ . µ
µ , µ µ µ-
(µ µ) .µµ -
µ. , µ-

µµ µ ,
µ- µ
µµ , -
. - µ -µ-
, µ- .
-µ. µ- µ
46 µ µµµ
,µ5µ- µ
. , -
µ µ. µ ,µ
, ..- (Gloaguen et al 1998, Dobson
µ, - et al 1989, Wampold et al 2002). -

Τόµος 8 - Τεύχος 1 [47]


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[48] Ελληνικό Περιοδικό της Νοσηλευτικής Ε πιστήµης


Description of cognitive therapy to a woman

with depressive disorder, suicide attempt and
panic disorder anxiety elements: a case study

Aristotelis Koinis 1, Maria Kapouralou², Antonia Prountzopoulou3,

Aikaterini Gamvroula4, Maria Saridi5

1.Psychologist M.A, MSc, Ph.D(c), General Hospital of Argolida

2. Psychologist MSc, General Hospital of Argolida
3. Trainee Surgery, General Hospital of Argolida
4.Psychiatrist, Curator B΄, Psychiatric Hospital of Tripolis
5. PhD, Nursing Director, General Hospital of Korinthos

Introduction: Research has shown that cognitive psychotherapy combined with medication
is the most research vested in efficiency and more tried-specific interventions to the
treatment of depression and anxiety panic disorder.
Aim: The purpose of this case report is to demonstrate the benefits of the application of
cognitive psychotherapy in patients with depressive disorder and anxiety panic disorder.
Case report: 62 years old woman was admitted for a suicide attempt. The patient
underwent surgery due effort to cut her throat with a knife and was hospitalized at Surgical
Clinic for two weeks. She was under observation by physicians for psychiatric and
psychological assessment. She underwent cognitive psychotherapy. Treatment duration: 46
sessions. Administration of the questionnaire psychopathology SCL-90R, was given both
before and after the therapy. The appropriate medication was administered.
Comment: This clinical case treated with the medication and cognitive psychotherapy. The
differential diagnosis was bipolar disorder, according to the system ICD-10 classification of
mental and behavioral disorders.
Conclusions: The cognitive psychotherapy combined with medication is an appropriate
therapeutic approach for the treatment of depressive disorder and anxiety panic disorder.

Key words: cognitive, psychotherapy, depressive disorder, anxiety, treatment

Corresponding Author: Aristotelis Koinis

Email: Τel: +30 2751360131, +30 6976856215

Τόµος 8 - Τεύχος 1 [49]

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