Selection of Food Sources Determined Form Stable Isotope Analysis

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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UK

FISFisheries Science0919-92682004 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd

701February 2004
Selection of food sources by bivalves
A Kasai
et al.
Original Article1120BEES SGML

FISHERIES SCIENCE 2004; 70: 11–20

Selection of food sources by Ruditapes philippinarum

and Mactra veneriformis (Bivalva: Mollusca) determined
from stable isotope analysis
Akihide KASAI,* Hisako HORIE AND Wataru SAKAMOTOa

Graduate school of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan

ABSTRACT: Carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios in the body of the bivalves Ruditapes philippinarum
and Mactra veneriformis were measured to estimate the role of the bivalves in the ecosystem in an
estuary. The isotopic signatures were compared with those obtained from particulate organic matter
(POM) in the middle reach of the river, in the estuary, and off the estuary. Both the bivalves showed
constant d13C and d15N values of approximately -17‰ and 10‰ that were significantly enriched
compared with those for POM in the habitat (-25‰ and 4‰). The relative contributions of terrestrial
organic matter to the POM in the habitat and to the bivalve diet were estimated: the former was
approximately 90% while the latter approximately 10%. This indicates that the bivalves select marine
POM from the organic matter available in their habitat, and play a minor role in the direct removal of
terrestrial particulate matter. Temporal changes in d13C and d15N for both bivalves were small, but a
distinct decrease in d13C was observed following a period of heavy rain. During rainfall the concen-
tration of terrestrial material increased in the habitat, and the bivalves would then have to change
their food sources temporarily.

KEY WORDS: bivalve, ecosystem, food source, Mactra veneriformis, particulate organic
matter, Ruditapes philippinarum, stable isotope.

INTRODUCTION diet of bivalves, because organic matter in tidal

flats contain various matter, which have different
Tidal flats have been recognized as playing an origins.
important role in the ecosystem in shallow coastal The primary objective of the present study was
areas. They serve as nursery grounds for migrating to assess the role of two infaunal suspension-feed-
fish larvae and as habitats for benthic animals. In ing bivalves Ruditapes philippinarum and Mactra
addition, retention and removal of organic and veneriformis, both of which are ubiquitous and
inorganic matter in water by benthic filter feeders abundant in Japanese coastal areas, in removal
may be a particularly important mechanism in of terrestrial organic matter. The life history and
nutrient and carbon cycling, and may have impor- ecological aspects of R. philippinarum were well
tant consequences for the flux of particulate mate- reported. It is distributed from intertidal zones to
rial in shallow coastal areas.1 Among various a water depth of approximately 10 m. It lives in the
benthic organisms, bivalves have attracted atten- top 10 cm of the sediments and extends a siphon
tion because of their large biomass. They are to take in water including organic materials.
believed to purify the water, removing organic In contrast, reports on M. veneriformis are rare
material that flows into the sea through rivers from because it is not important in industry. Because
the land and those formed in the sea, so that they M. veneriformis inhabits similar places to R.
are thought to function as sewage disposal facili- philippinarum and their size is also similar, it is
ties.2 However, it is still uncertain of the specific supposed that M. veneriformis has similar biologi-
cal characteristics to R. philippinarum.
There are several techniques for understanding
*Corresponding author: Tel: 81-75-753-6314.
Fax: 81-75-753-6468. Email:
the diet of organisms, including direct observation
Received 30 April 2003. Accepted 15 August 2003. of feeding behavior, gut content analysis, and
Present address: Kinki University, Fisheries Institute, Shira- examination of chemical constituents such as
hama, Wakayama 649-2211, Japan. stable isotopes or nutrients within the tissues of

organisms compared with their potential food Numaguchi indicated from observation of phy-
sources. Direct observation of the feeding behavior topigments and organic substances in the sedi-
of bivalves has primarily involved either measure- ment that terrestrial organic matter was important
ment of filtering rates of artificial seston3 or exam- in the diet of R. philippinarum.16 Terrestrial
ination of filtering morphology,4 but it is difficult organic matter was neglected as food sources for
to determine the diet of bivalves in their natural R. philippinarum in Koike and Nakajima14 and
environment. Gut contents of bivalves have Koike et al.15 but it could be one of the main com-
been observed for some species. For example, it ponents of the diet of R. philippinarum because
was reported that the digestive diverticula of they inhabit river mouths, where a large amount of
R. philippinarum contained phaeo-pigments.5 terrestrial organic matter flows in. The relative con-
However, this method cannot distinguish ingested tribution of terrestrial matter is, however, still
material that is not assimilated, and thus provides unidentified in the total amount of assimilated
only approximate estimates of the percentages of organic matter for R. philippinarum in addition to
various materials ingested by the bivalves. Algae, M. veneriformis.
for example, can survive passage through the Dual isotope measurements of d13C and d15N
digestive tract, and fecal material can have a high may be more helpful in resolving marine versus
nitrogen content due to ingested material bypass- terrestrial sources of organic matter than a single
ing the digestive diverticula and moving directly to isotope analysis. Within regions of freshwater
the intestinal tract.6 influence, the differences in d15N between primary
In contrast, natural abundances of stable car- producers are small, while terrestrial organic
bon and nitrogen isotope ratios (d13C and d15N) matter has significantly lighter isotope values than
have increasingly been used to identify the poten- marine organic matter.7 The purpose of the present
tial food sources and its trophic level in supporting study was therefore to identify and compare the
food webs. Stable carbon analysis provides the food sources supporting R. philippinarum and
most convincing results especially for coastal M. veneriformis, using nitrogen and carbon stable
marine ecosystems on tidal flats and salt marshes, isotope analysis. We payed particular attention to
where terrestrial and marine vegetation sources the contribution of terrestrial organic matter in the
coexist.7 The d13C values of primary producers are bivalve diets. To differentiate between terrestrial
significantly different between land plants and and marine organic sources, the carbon and nitro-
marine algae8 and thus the isotopic signatures will gen isotopes of particulate organic matter (POM)
be different in the particulate matter that is pro- in a river, in and off a tidal flat were also measured.
duced.9,10 Therefore, it is feasible to determine In addition, the environmental conditions, which
which source of plant food is selected by consum- cause a temporal change in the isotope values for
ers, or the relative share of each primary producer bivalve tissues, are discussed.
biomass in the total amount of detrital organic
matter ingested. From d13C and d15N values,
Deegan and Garritt estimated the importance MATERIALS AND METHODS
of several organic sources in estuarine food webs,
and noted that consumers relied most heavily on Sampling was carried out in the Miya Estuary
locally produced organic matter.11 Riera et al. (Fig. 1). The Miya River and the Isuzu River empty
showed that organic matter inputs carried by river into Ise Bay, which is a gulf-type bay connected to
inflow can contribute significantly to the feeding of the Pacific Ocean at its southern end. There are
juvenile brown shrimp in the Rincon Bayou marsh, tidal flats in and around the river mouths. The
although the main food sources were marine detri- study site is at the mouth of the Isuzu River, and
tus and benthic diatoms.12 The oyster Crassostrea dominated by muddy sediments. Few macroalgae
gigas exhibited significantly different d13C varia- were observed during the sampling period.
tions between sites along an estuarine gradient, Live bivalves were collected by hand at station A
indicating that the terrestrial organic matter might from April to September 2001. Sampling dates are
be one of the food sources in the upper estuary, listed in Table 1. Bivalve samples were stored at -
although C. gigas exhibited poor growth perfor- 40∞C until analysis. Shell length, shell height, shell
mances there compared with that in the mouth of width and wet weight were measured and then the
the estuary.13 foot muscle was excised for each sample. The mus-
The d13C analysis of tissues of R. philippinarum cle tissues were dried in an oven at 60∞C, ground to
was investigated previously by Koike and a fine powder with a mortar and pestle, and lipids
Nakajima14 and Koike et al.15 These studies sug- were removed with a chloroform : methanol (2:1)
gested that the diet of R. philippinarum was based solution. Fifty-four individuals of R. philippinarum
on the benthic diatom assemblages. By contrast, and 42 individuals of M. veneriformis were
Selection of food sources by bivalves FISHERIES SCIENCE 13

130° 140 E Ise Bay


Ise Bay

Stn. C

30° N

Miya Estuary

Miya Estuary

Stn. A

Miya R.

Isuzu R. 5km
Stn. B
Fig. 1 Location of study area.

Table 1 Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (‰) for the bivalves Ruditapes philippinarum and Mactra veneri-
R. philippinarum M. veneriformis
13 15
Date n d C d N n d13C d15N
25 April 2001 13 -16.8 ± 0.30 10.0 ± 0.47 2 -16.6 ± 0.26 10.2 ± 0.62
11 May 2001 9 -16.7 ± 0.26 10.1 ± 0.28 10 -16.4 ± 0.28 10.7 ± 0.39
23 May 2001 8 -17.1 ± 0.51 9.9 ± 0.32 7 -16.7 ± 0.12 10.2 ± 0.54
4 June 2001 5 -16.9 ± 0.31 10.6 ± 0.21 5 -16.6 ± 0.22 10.2 ± 0.35
21 June 2001 6 -17.6 ± 0.23* 10.0 ± 0.20 5 -17.4 ± 0.41* 10.3 ± 0.56
22 July 2001 8 -17.0 ± 0.48 10.1 ± 0.15 8 -16.7 ± 0.23 10.6 ± 0.20
18 September 2001 5 -16.8 ± 0.26 10.6 ± 0.19 5 -16.4 ± 0.21 11.2 ± 0.19

n, no. samples analyzed.

Values are mean ± 1SD; *statistically significant difference (Bonferroni/Dunn test P < 0.05).

analyzed in total. Their shell lengths were 17.30– (MPOM), 1 L of surface water was collected at the
42.15 mm and the majority of them were estimated center of Ise Bay (stn C; Fig. 1). In general, most of
at 1 year or 2 years old. the terrestrial organic matter is deposited within
For sampling the estuarine particulate organic 10 km of the river mouth.10,17 Therefore, MPOM
matter (EPOM) and terrestrial particulate organic collected from station C is expected to include little
matter (TPOM), 1 L of water was collected at terrestrial matter. The POM was defined as the par-
station A and at the middle reach of the Isuzu River ticles collected on a precombusted Whatman GF/
(stn B; Fig. 1), respectively. In addition, as repre- F glass microfibre filter (Whatman, Kent, UK). The
sentatives of marine-produced organic matter filter samples were put in a desiccator with HCL

fumes for the first 24 h to eliminate any CaCO3, R. philippinarum

with NaOH fumes for the next 24 h to neutralize the 12.0
25 Apr
acid, and were then freeze dried. 11.5 11 May
Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen 23 May
were measured by a continuous-flow isotope-ratio 11.0
4 Jun
mass spectrometer with an elemental analyzer

d N
21 Jun

(Carlo Erba, Lakewood, USA) connected to a mass 22 Jul
spectrometer (Finnigan MAT, Bremen, Germany). 10.0 18 Sep
The concentration of organic carbon and nitrogen 9.5
were measured simultaneously. Isotope ratios, d13C
and d15N, are expressed by the standard d unit 9.0
-18.5 -18.0 -17.5 -17.0 -16.5 -16.0 -15.5
notation as follows:
dX = [(Rsample / Rstandard ) - 1] ¥ 103 , (1)
where X is 13C and 15N, and R is 13C/12C for carbon M. veneriformis
and 15N/14N for nitrogen. Pee dee belemnite (PDB) (b)
and atmospheric nitrogen were used as the isotope 11.5
standards for carbon and nitrogen, respectively.
Salinity was measured at station A simulta-
d N
neously with the bivalve sampling, using a temper-

ature–salinity meter (ACT20-D, Alec Electronics,
Kobe, Japan). As for precipitation, data obtained
from the Miyagawa Automatic Meterological Data 9.5
Acquisition System (AMeDAS) station were used
(Fig. 1). -18.5 -18.0 -17.5 -17.0 -16.5 -16.0 -15.5


RESULTS Fig. 2 d13C–d15N bivalve map.

Muscle tissues without lipids of both species had

rather constant d13C and d15N values: -17.0 ±
0.44‰ (SD) and 10.1 ± 0.37‰ for R. philippi-
narum, respectively; and -16.7 ± 0.38‰ and (a)
10.5 ± 0.51‰ for M. veneriformis, respectively -17 R. philippina
(Fig. 2). The results are summarized in Table 1. -19
M. venerifo
There were no significant differences in d13C or d15N
-21 EPOM

values among the species (t-test, P < 0.05). This TPOM

indicates that there was no difference in food pref-
erence between the species. Figure 3 displays time -25

sequences of isotope ratios. Temporal changes in -27

d13C and d15N for the bivalves were also small. How- -29
1-Apr 1-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep 1-Oct
ever, Figs 2,3(a) show that d13C values on 21 June
2001 were explicitly depleted for both species. 12
A statistically significant difference in d13C was
detected only on 21 June (Bonferroni/Dunn test
P < 0.05). Temporal changes in d13C and d15N for

POM were larger than those for the bivalves and, in

particular, MPOM displayed the wider range of 4

d13C values (Fig. 3). 2

Isotope ratios of POM were significantly differ- 0
ent among the sampling sites: the average d13C -2
1-Apr 1-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep 1-Oct
values for TPOM, EPOM and MPOM were
-25.5 ± 1.38‰, -25.0 ± 0.93‰, and -18.9 ± 2.08‰, Fig. 3 Time change in stable carbon (d13C) and nitrogen
respectively, while the average d15N values were (d15N) isotope ratios for Ruditapes philippinarum,
0.6 ± 1.73‰, 4.3 ± 1.00‰, and 9.0 ± 0.89‰, respec- Mactra veneriformis, marine-produced organic matter
tively (Fig. 4; Table 2). The stable isotope composi- (MPOM), estuarine particulate organic matter (EPOM)
tion of the bivalves and POM are superimposed on and terrestrial particulate organic matter (TPOM).
Selection of food sources by bivalves FISHERIES SCIENCE 15

the d13C–d15N map (Fig. 4), which provides useful DISCUSSION

information about the transport pathways of
organic matter. The d13C and d15N for EPOM were Contribution of terrestrial organic matter to
between TPOM and MPOM, indicating a mixture bivalve diet
of material originating from terrigenous and
marine sources. However, a shift in the isotope Ise Bay is one of the most eutrophic bays in Japan.
ratios for EPOM to those for TPOM from MPOM Both d13C and d15N for MPOM observed in the
indicates a higher contribution of TPOM to EPOM. present study (-18.9 ± 2.08‰ and 9.0 ± 0.89‰) are
Isotope ratios for MPOM were, in contrast, clearly comparable to the previous results observed in
enriched and close to those for the bivalves. other eutrophic embayments in Japan such as
The C/N ratios for POM provide an indication Tokyo Bay,10,18 Mikawa Bay19 and Hiroshima Bay,20
of the quality of organic matter. The C/N ratio for and the Delaware Estuary in the USA.21 They are
MPOM was 6.0 ± 0.36 (Table 2). Because this value slightly heavier than those in oligotrophic coastal
is comparable to that for phytoplankton estimated areas around Japan.9 Isotope discrimination
from the Redfield ratio (= 6.6), the main compo- during the photosynthetic fixation of CO2 and dis-
nent of MPOM is regarded as phytoplankton or its solved inorganic nitrogen decreases when the
detritus. The C/N ratios for TPOM (9.7 ± 2.38) and phytoplankton grows rapidly.22 In these euphotic
EPOM (9.7 ± 2.58) were higher than that for areas, growth rates of phytoplankton tend to
MPOM. The similarity of C/N ratios for TPOM and increase, shifting d13C and d15N to higher values. In
EPOM shows the high contribution of TPOM to addition to the growth rates, stable isotope values
EPOM, consistent with the indication from the of MPOM could be different between species of
isotope values. phytoplankton and be changed with speed of
decomposition of detritus.23 It is therefore predict-
able that MPOM displayed large variation in the
stable isotope values as shown in the previous
12 R. philippinarum
M. veneriformis
10 MPOM The average d13C and d15N values for TPOM were
EPOM -25.53‰ and 0.62‰, respectively. They are in the
Benthic diatoms range of the previous results,9,10 indicating that
6 TPOM was derived from terrigenous plants in the

upper catchment basin of the river. Forest plants

are characterized by low d13C and d15N. Photosyn-
2 thesis is only partially rate-limited by CO2 diffusion
0 and nitrogen is supplied by atmospheric precipita-
tion and biological nitrogen fixation.9,18
-2 Because fresh river water and oceanic water mix
-28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10
in an estuary, terrestrial and marine matter should
coexist in the tidal flat area. In fact, EPOM had
Fig. 4 d13C–d15N map of bivalve and particulate organic stable isotope ratios between those for TPOM and
matter (POM). Error bars indicate standard deviations MPOM in our observation (Fig. 4). As the other
except for benthic diatom. Error bars for benthic diatom component of EPOM, it has recently been recog-
indicate the maximum and minimum of isotope values nized that benthic microalgae contribute to the
presented by previous studies. ecosystem in many coastal areas.24,25 No direct

Table 2 Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (‰), concentrations and C/N ratios for the bivalves and POM
Material n d13C (‰) d15N (‰) C (Wt%) N (Wt%) C/N ratio
Ruditapes philippinarum 54 -17.0 ± 0.44 10.1 ± 0.37 41.8 ± 3.19 10.3 ± 1.56 4.1 ± 0.47
Mactra veneriformis 42 -16.7 ± 0.38 10.5 ± 0.51 41.3 ± 2.05 11.4 ± 0.84 3.6 ± 0.32
MPOM 7 -18.9 ± 2.08 9.0 ± 0.89 25.3 ± 9.40 4.2 ± 1.54 6.0 ± 0.36
EPOM 7 -25.0 ± 0.93 4.3 ± 1.00 32.4 ± 25.13 3.1 ± 1.66 9.7 ± 2.58
TPOM 7 -25.5 ± 1.38 0.6 ± 1.73 10.7 ± 8.16 1.3 ± 1.03 9.7 ± 2.38

n, no. samples analyzed; MPOM, marine-produced organic matter; EPOM, estuarine particulate organic matter; TPOM, terrestrial
particulate organic matter.
Values are mean ± 1SD.

determination of isotopic values for benthic 12

microalgae was made in the present study, but pre-
vious studies showed the d13C values for benthic 10 MPOM
diatom to lie between -17.6‰ and -12.1‰,
and the d15N values between 3.8‰ and 6.6‰ 8
75MPOM : 25BA

(Fig. 4).13,26–30 In contrast, macroalgae can be 50TPOM : 50MPOM 50MPOM : 50BA

neglected in the present study, although they are PD
25MPOM : 75BA

d15N (‰)
also often cited as one of the principal organic
components in many estuaries. Their effect on 25TPOM : 75BA
EPOM is considered small here because few mac- 4
50TPOM : 50BA
roalgae were found in and around the sampling 75TPOM : 25BA

site during the observation. Zooplankton and 2

higher trophic level animals are present at much
lower abundances than primary producers,31 and 0
thus their carcasses are also unlikely to be signifi-
cant to the elements of the EPOM in the tidal flat. -2
From the aforementioned discussion, compo- -27 -25 -23 -21 -19 -17 -15 -13
nents of EPOM can be divided into three distinct 13
d C (‰)
sources: terrestrial matter, phytoplankton and
benthic microalgae. Because the bivalves appar- Fig. 5 Mixing triangle for the concentration-weighted
ently capture EPOM, it is meaningful to estimate model. Variations in percentage contribution of terres-
the relative importance of each organic matter on trial particulate organic matter (TPOM), marine-
EPOM. In the present study, the concentration- produced organic matter (MPOM) and benthic
weighted mixing model should be applied rather microalgae (BM) are shown along the edges of the
than the linear mixing model to estimate the rela- mixing triangles, and serve as labels for iso-diet lines
tive contribution of three sources that differ in C that intersect the edge. PD, presumed diet for the
and N concentrations.32 Assuming that for each bivalves.
element (C and N), the contribution of a source to
EPOM is proportional to the included mass multi-
Figure 5 shows the d13C and d15N plot of EPOM and
plied by the elemental concentration in that
its potential sources, as well as the mixing triangle.
source, mass balance equations can be written as,
The TPOM primarily occupied EPOM.
It might be ineffective that fM,E takes a negative
13 13 13 13
Ê (d C T - d C E )[C T ] (d C M - d C E )[C M ] value. Figure 5 indicates that d15N for EPOM dis-
Á (d15N T - d15N E )[N T ] (d15N M - d15N E )[N M ] plays a slightly enriched value than that expected
Á from d13C, and is out of the triangle. This local
Ë 1 1
(2) enrichment of d15N has been frequently reported in
(d13C A - d13C E )[C A ] ˆ Ê fT ,E ˆ Ê 0ˆ the previous studies at the river mouth. It is
(d15N A - d15N E )[N A ]˜ Á f M ,E ˜ = Á 0˜ explained that the denitrification increases d15N for
˜Á ˜ Á ˜ POM.9,18 Therefore, it might be appropriate to use
1 ¯ Ë f A ,E ¯ Ë 1¯
only carbon isotope signatures for estimating the
fractions in EPOM. Applying the two-source linear
where d13CT, d13CE, d13CM, d13CA, d15NT, d15NE, d15NM
mixing model with d13C, the mass balance for
and d15NA represent the C and N isotopic signatures
carbon isotopes is:
for TPOM, EPOM, MPOM and benthic microalgae;
[CT], [CM], [CA], [NT], [NM] and [NA] are the C and N CE = fT,E 13CT + fX,E 13CX, (3)
concentrations in sources TPOM, MPOM and
fT,E + fX,E = 1, (4)
benthic microalgae; and fT,E, fM,E and fA,E are the
mass fractions of TPOM, MPOM and benthic where fX,E is fM,E or fA,E, and d13CX is d13CM or d13CA.
microalgae in EPOM, respectively. Isotopic values The isotopic value for MPOM with these equations
and C and N concentrations for TPOM, EPOM, give fT,E = 0.92, and fM,E = 0.08. For benthic microal-
MPOM used in the model are listed in Table 2. For gae, fT,E = 0.95, and fM,E = 0.05. The linear mixing
benthic microalgae the median of d13C and d15N in model also shows that the main source of EPOM is
the previous studies are used.13,26–30 It is assumed the terrestrial organic matter, as indicated by the
that C and N concentrations for the benthic concentration-weighted mixing model. These
microalgae are the same as those for MPOM. results agree well with the previous studies. It is
Substituting these values into equation 2 gives the reported that organic matter in estuarine sedi-
fractions fT,E = 0.89, fM,E = - 0.12 and fA,E = 0.23. ments have closer isotopic values to terrestrial
Selection of food sources by bivalves FISHERIES SCIENCE 17

matter than marine matter, because the large por- ter.13 However, selective feeding has been reported
tion of terrestrial matter is deposited at estuary for some mollusks, which feed on and within
mouths.9,10,17 sediments.36 Ruditapes philippinarum and M.
In Fig. 5, d13C and d15N values for the presumed veneriformis inhabit saltier regions than oysters.
diet of the bivalves are plotted as an open circle, This might lead to a preference for marine food
based on the previous studies that showed that sources of R. philippinarum and M. veneriformis.
d13C and d15N of animal tissue are 1‰ and 3‰ A considerably lower contribution of the terrestrial
heavier, respectively, than those of the diet.33,34 The matter to the food sources of R. philippinarum and
presumed diet is considerably enriched in d13C and M. veneriformis does not necessarily signify that
d15N compared to EPOM, but is close to MPOM and they play the minor role in terrestrial water purifi-
benthic microalgae. It is therefore expected that cation. Nutrient loads from land through rivers
the bivalves do not assimilate EPOM discretely, but would contribute to the growth of phytoplankton
select the 13C and 15N enriched food. In the same and benthic microalgae, which are regarded as the
way as EPOM, the relative contribution of each main food sources of the bivalves. However, it is
component to the bivalves food source can be esti- confirmed that the bivalves remove little TPOM
mated using the concentration-weighted mixing directly.
model. Assuming that the d13C and d15N for the Two different concepts can be proposed to
bivalves increases 1‰ and 3‰ from the diet, explain their food selection. The first assumption
respectively,33,34 is the active selection that implies preferential
ingestion and/or a better assimilation of selected
13 13 13 13
Ê (d C T - d C B ¢ )[C T ] (d C M - d C B ¢ )[C M ] components from POM. Some species of bivalves
Á (d15N T - d15N B ¢ )[N T ] (d15N M - d15N B ¢ )[N M ] including R. philippinarum and M. veneriformis
Á appear to capture particles indiscriminately, but
Ë 1 1 separate suitable and unsuitable matter on the
(d13C A - d13C B ¢ )[C A ] ˆ Ê fT ,B ˆ Ê 0ˆ gills and palps.37 The latter is ejected as pseudofe-
(d15N A - d15N B ¢ )[N A ]˜ Á f M ,B ˜ = Á 0˜ ces. The low d13C and d15N for TPOM indicate that
˜Á ˜ Á ˜ it was derived from forest plants. They contain lig-
1 ¯ Ë f A ,B ¯ Ë 1¯
nin and cellulose, which have a refractory nature
for biochemical degradation.37 Therefore, a large
d13C B¢ = d13C B - 1 (6) portion of TPOM might be selected as unsuitable
matter and ejected. The isotope ratio analysis for
d15N B¢ = d13N B - 3 (7) pseudofeces of the bivalves might provide impor-
tant information in future work. In contrast, differ-
where d13CB and d15NB represent the C and N isoto- ences in biochemical composition of the ingested
pic signatures for the bivalves, and fT,B, fM,B and fA,B food can also affect the true assimilation. Rudi-
are the fractions of assimilated biomass of TPOM, tapes philippinarum and M. veneriformis may
MPOM and benthic microalgae by the bivalves, have a chemical discrimination mechanism,
respectively. Substitute -16.8 and 10.3 (the average which was reported on C. gigas.13 This might
value of d13C and d15N for R. philippinarum and explain the preferential utilization of MPOM,
M. veneriformis) for d13CB and d15NB, respectively, which contains a larger nitrogen content. Further
and the fractions are then calculated as fT,B = 0.12, laboratory experiments on R. philippinarum and
fM,B = 0.55 and fA,B = 0.33. Phytoplankton and M. veneriformis are needed to test this hypothesis.
benthic microalgae are the main component of the The second assumption is passive selection. Both
bivalve diet. R. philippinarum and M. veneriformis obtain par-
It is noteworthy that fT,E and fT,B, therefore the ticles through filtration by holding their inhalant
other fractions also, are significantly different from siphon above the sediment surface. However,
each other. These indicate that the terrestrial there is no guarantee that they always inhale
organic matter occupied approximately 10% of the water. In fact, they live in the sediments and do not
diet of bivalves, although approximately 90% of hold their inhalant siphon above the sediment
EPOM originated from terrestrial organic material. when the tidal flats are exposed. They could feed
The bivalves are considered to select and assimi- only during the flood tide and/or high water, so
late marine organic materials among EPOM. This that salty water including marine organic matter
habit is different from some invertebrates, which could be inhaled. The careful observation of short
ingest in situ organic material.26,35 The Oyster time change in the habit, combined with the anal-
C. gigas exhibited significantly different d13C varia- ysis of a stable isotope ratio for EPOM, during a
tions between sites along an estuarine gradient, tidal cycle is necessary to verify the second
reflecting the utilization of terrestrial organic mat- hypothesis.

Temporal d13C variation in bivalves (Fig. 6b), implying that a large amount of fresh
water flowed into the study area. On that day the
A small but distinct decrease was detected in d13C concentration of organic carbon and nitrogen in
values for both the bivalves on 21 June 2001 (Fig. 3). the estuarine water was 13.2 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L,
This isotopic variation occurred within a month which were approximately 10-fold changes
(between 4 and 21 June) and it recovered to the (Fig. 6c). In addition, the C/N ratio of EPOM was
previous value within the next month (between 21 13.8, which was almost equal to that of TPOM but
June and 22 July). This indicates that the environ- was considerably larger than MPOM (Fig. 6d;
mental condition of bivalves, especially their diet, Table 2). Figure 3(a) shows that the d13C of EPOM
changed with time, because changes in the stable had a significantly low value (-26.3‰), corre-
isotope ratios of an animal generally result from sponding to that of TPOM (-26.2‰). These facts
dietary shifts. Figure 6 shows changes in various mean that on 21 June 2001 an extremely large
conditions in the study area. Heavy rain of amount of terrestrial organic matter flowed into
>60 mm/day was observed on 19 and 20 June 2001 and occupied the estuary, and there was no room
at Miyagawa, which is in the catchment basin of left for obtaining any marine organic matter.
the Isuzu River (Fig. 1). Following the large precip- One interpretation for the decrease of d13C of the
itation, the lowest salinity was recorded on 21 June bivalves is a reduction of the preferential utiliza-
tion of specific components within POM. In such
condition, the bivalves might have closed their
shell valves and stopped feeding. However, it is
Precipitation (mm/day)

(a) reported that starvation results in an enrichment
60 of d13C in animal tissue.38 The starvation is there-
40 fore not appropriate to the present case because
d13C values for the bivalves did not increase but
decreased on 21 June (Fig. 3a). It is a more convinc-
0 ing explanation that the bivalves chose their food
16 11 16 21 26
among the terrestrial materials, and decreased the
Day in June
d13C value by the sudden change in the diet. After
30 (b) the event, the C/N ratio and d13C for EPOM
returned to smaller values, indicating that marine

20 organic matter had returned to the estuary. The

bivalves then resumed selection of marine organic
matter and the d13C value for the bivalves recovered
0 to a normal level on 22 July 2001. In a previous
report on the temporal variation in d13C of C. gigas,











a remarkable decrease of d13C occurred after the



high river discharge.29 The decrease was explained

C-concentration (mg/l)

N-concentration (mg/l)

(c) 1.0 by a similar mechanism to that of the present case,
10 N although their time and horizontal scales are larger
0.5 than ours.

0 0.0













From the results of the present study it is con-
(d) cluded that R. philippinarum and M. veneriformis
prefer marine phytoplankton and benthic diatoms
C/N ratio

as food sources than terrestrial materials, despite
the latter being predominant in the estuary. It is
generally believed that benthic organisms in tidal
5 flats have the capacity to purify water but




our results indicate that R. philippinarum and










M. veneriformis play a minor role in the direct

Fig. 6 (a) Precipitation at Miyagawa; (b) salinity at removal of terrestrial particulate matter. They
station A; (c) carbon and nitrogen concentration in could assimilate the terrestrial materials as an
estuarine particulate organic matter (EPOM); and (d) exception when the river discharge suddenly
C/N ratio in EPOM. increases and terrestrial materials occupy their
Selection of food sources by bivalves FISHERIES SCIENCE 19

habitat. In tidal flats there are other kinds of 11. Deegan LA, Garritt RH. Evidence for spatial variability in
benthic invertebrates including bivalves, the food estuarine food webs. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Series 1997; 147: 31–47.
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the estuarine systems. More research is needed to 13. Riera P, Richard P. Isotopic determination of food sources
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different sources. The study will contribute not bay of Marennes-Oleron. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 1996; 42:
only to the management of useful fisheries 347–360.
resources, but also to the elucidation of the ecosys- 14. Koike H, Nakajima T. Distribution and seasonal change of
tem in estuaries and coastal areas. stable carbon isotope for fauna and flora at a tidal flat of the
Obitsu river mouth. J. Coll. Liberal Arts Saitama Univ. 1989;
25: 21–34 (in Japanese).
15. Koike H, Saito T, Kosugi M, Kakino J. Shell growth and diet
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS of Tapes Philippinarum from the tidal flats of the Obitsu
River, Tokyo Bay. Fish. Eng. 1992; 29: 105–112 (in Japanese).
The authors wish to thank Drs J Scorse, H Kennedy, 16. Numaguchi K. Aspect of sediment as food environment of
and C Richardson of University of Wales, Bangor Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Fish. Eng. 2001; 37:
for helpful discussion and review of the manu- 209–215 (in Japanese).
script. Funding for this research was provided by 17. Mishima Y, Hoshika A, Tanimoto T. Deposition rates of ter-
the Mikimoto Fund for Marine Ecology, and in part restrial and marine organic carbon in the Osaka Bay, Seto
by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young Sci- Inland Sea, Japan, determined using carbon and nitrogen
entists from the Ministry of Education, Culture, stable isotope ratios in the sediment. J. Oceanogr. 1999; 55:
Sports, Science and Technology.
18. Wada E, Kabaya Y, Tsuru K, Ishiwatari R. 13C and 15N abun-
dance of sedimentary organic matter in estuarine areas of
Tokyo Bay, Japan. Mass Spectrosc. 1990; 38: 307–318.
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