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Các chủ đề quan trọng nhất:

• Tiếng anh.
• Internet (look for/ search/ find out/ figure out: tim kiếm, online dictionaries to
study English)
• Phương tiện giao thông- move/ travel / It is cheaper than cars/ seldom/ my
house is near my shool ( máy bay, xe buyt),
• Cuộc sống nông thôn/ thành thị: environment/ atmosphere is fresh/ cost of
living is. Suitable/ reasonable….. ( in the rural area )hay thành thị ( big cities),
du lich ( tourism), education / medical / traffic system
• Phá rừng (deforestation)
• Viện bảo tàng( museum+Art galary),
• Bùng nỗ dân số ( overpopulation),
• Nấu ăn ( cooking),
• Tăng cân (obesity).
• Sức khỏe (Health)
• Giải Đề 1

Đề 1. Bài luận về học với giáo viên hay học từ khác nguồn khác như internet
hoặc tivi. (D2)

Các ý tưởng:
+It is a large global container of + Studying with a teacher means
information. we will be reached with practical
We can use the internet to look for teaching experience. This trend
/ search information to develop helps students achieve/get/gain
knowlegde about the world such good results, because teachers will
as…… help them develop learning plans
+ Saving the time is a plus point and achieve goals.
of this tendency + It also helps us to have
you can study wherever and motivation and study habits.
whenever with just a laptop or a Teachers give homework and
smartphone with an internet check class work. Especially, this
connection without having to waste notion encourages, motivates and
time going to school. correct mistakes and provide
correct knowledge so that we can
realize their problems and have a
better self-study spirit to boost their
academic performance.

Là Sống độc thân. ( dạng đề số 2) ( stay alone)

• we have a lot of time to take care of family as well as ourselves.There is no
commitment so we have a lot of time to take care of family, enjoy life such as
traveling, learning skills so on.
• This is a good time to save money for future because we don’t need to spend a
lot of cost for a life after marriage such as rental, milk , napkin for children. We
have time to take part in a lot of jobs at the same time to make money.
Sống thử ( cohabitation)
• We have a deeper understanding about our partners before getting married.
• It is really wonderful to have a person to share and help when we meet

Nuclear family.
Bất lợi:
• Making time for the family is a big problem we must deal with Compare with
single life we have a lot of time to do whatever I like such as….. các hoạt động but
when we get married, we spend time taking care of family.
• Finacial problem is a minus point of this tendency. I mean they must pay the
bills, especially if only parent works. (we must cost for electricity, water, tuition-
fee, healthcare problems)

Thuận lợi:
• This trend provides a safe and warm atmosphere. We would be tired after work,
but when we come home we will feel better by talking to family members. I mean
we can reduce stress and recharge battery.
• This’s a good chance to share responsibilities ( nhiệm vụ).
If a wife or a husband is busy or has business trip, the other will give a hand
to handle their duties such as….. cooking, doing household chores)
Rất quan trọng:
Đề 3: Lợi ích và tác hại của học tại nhà- homeschooling-học studying online/
làm việc ở nhà, work from home/ working online.
Bât lợi
• It is difficult to get support when you meet problems. It is a big drawback
when we suddently come face to face transmission error : lỗi đường truyền
during working from home . Moreover if your customers want to have a
agreement attached director’s signature, it is not availuable.
• This trend causes domestic distractions and interruptions.
We will be distracted by a lot of things such as noise from neighbor, traffic, even
family problems leading to decrease work productivity.
Thuận lợi
• It gives students/ learners/ workers more flexibility and freedom. You can do
whatever you like without thinking about any rules. For example, when you work
from home, you can stop your responsibilities to relax such as kể các hoạt động…..
after that you can come back your duties anytime.
• You can save a lot of time and cost of transportation. When we work from home
we do not need to move to our workplace .This means gas – petro is not necessary
to be used)

Đề 4: Một số người tin rằng , trẻ em đặc biệt là các bé gái không cần biết nấu
ăn hoăc làm việc nhà. (D1) ( disagree)

Đồng ý:
• Bắt buộc: Part 3: Cooking at home.
• MB: Nowadays, cooking at home is popular because there are a lot of
• Cost Saving. First, this tendency helps us save a sum of money.
• For example , if you have 100.000 vnd you can eat out a dish for yourself a day,
but with the same money you can treat all family a delicous and nutritious meal
from 1 to 3 people. Obviously, it is really cheap.
• - Food Safety: Second, it is really safe to eat home- cooked dinners ( We will
choose natural and organic products/ ingredients which ( cái mà) there is no
pesticide ( thuốc trừ sâu) so we avoid serious sicknesses, especially stomachache)
• - Finally, Strengthening Your Family Bonds And Ties. is a plus point of this
tendency , when we have dinners together or do housework , we can talk to each
others as well as discuss and share everything so our family relationship will be

Quan trọng
Đề 5: Viết Luận là childhood obesity problems –
reason- measures/ solutions ( Dạng 4)
(Vấn đề béo phì thời thơ ấu - giải pháp)
Nguyên nhân:
• The first reason is that their eating habits are really negative.( sugary products/
soft drinks)…
• They lack a lot of physical activities.( they study eight hours at school from
the early morning to the afternoon, they must study music, English in the
everning so they don’t have time to do exercise.

Giải pháp:
• The school should organize/ establish some optional subjects such as … kể các
môn ra…… to help students burn fat/ cholesterols / keep fit / lose weight .
• It’s better if their family ensure that their children have heathy diets as well
as encourgage/ advice them to take exercises everday.

Part 2: Xu hướng bỏ việc để tự mở công ty. Nêu nguyên nhân của xu hướng
trên ( buổi tiếp theo )
Nguyên nhân:
Young people dislike to work for another business, it implies that they do not
need obey the rule of anyone when going to work, for instance they will be
admired by everyone when they become the boss at a young age, and the rules
are up to them.
Another major problems is that the young like to make use of /apply their
knowledge/ abilities from universities. It refers that students have been
experiencing a number of years at university so they want to use their
understanding from teachers to support for their own business.
Nếu thuận lợi:
l They have much more flexibility and fredom... giải thích như trên
l Another major one is that the young like to make use of /apply their
knowledge/ abilities from universities.
l They have much income than working for other agencies.
Bất lợi:
l They lack experience so they must deal with alot of risks such as capital,
how to attract workers and customers.
l They don’t have enough workshops, meetings to enhance knowledge for
workers and for themselves.

Giải pháp:
The government encourages the citizens to open firms It means authorities
organizing forums about "youth start-ups", "youth get rich" have attracted
young people.
Each person who has a lot of experience had better share their skills and
knowledge to support for freshman by some workshops at universities.

Đề 6: Viết luận về nêu nguyên nhân, giải pháp của traffic accidents
Nguyên nhân:
• The people do not obey the rules of goverment. It means, a few people who
violate traffic laws ( vi phạm luật giao thông) such as using alcoholic drinks,
under eighteen years old, so on.
• Another major problem is that the weather is bad , especially slippery situation
after heavy rain. It implies that when heavy rain, it also makes slippery roads,
it’s so dengerous with participants traffic
• Poor quality of roads. (rough/ uneven) is one of the reason of this tendency.

Giải pháp:
• It is the responsibility of authorities, government should propagate / urge(tuyên
truyền) public education take part in traffic
• Reshape and redesign poor roads.
• Each person had better also share their duties by obeying traffic laws, limit to
go out in the bad weather

Đề 7: Viết về Local tourism impacts ( ảnh hưởng) on communities/ eco-

Ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
This trend has negative effects on our environment. This means when people
in everywhere come here so amount of waste is increased, lead to water and
air is polluted.This is the reason behind rising temperature more and more
highly, greenhouse effect,
This situation badly impacts on ecosystem. This leads to some creatures lost
their homes and more seriously became extinct.
Ảnh hưởng tích cực
This helps to increase income and revenue (doanh thu) for individuals and
government. To demonstrate this, consider the following example ,is that the
development of tourism leads to the development of the economy of that
country and the revenue will increase.
Furthermore, employment problems will be solved. It implies that the
international companies will build, created jobs for more people so
unemployment rate falls.

Đề 8: Phá rừng ( Deforestation) đang là vấn nạn.

Nguyên nhân:
• The primary reason for deforestation is agricultural.The increasing
population ( we are meeting with overpopulation), the demand of food product
is also increasing so for the survival of the livelihood, the farmer cut trees of
the forest and use that land for the purpose of cultivation. ( planting rice)
• People need land to plant rice so they must cut down trees to do that. It have
negative effects on the evironment.
• We all know that the overpopulation is also a reason behind deforestation. We
all know that the population of the world is increasing rapidly, which is also a
reason behind deforestation. People cut down trees and on that place they
make houses

Giải pháp.
Propagate * tuyên truyền
• Raise awareness of people through propagating the drawbacks of
• People should limit/ restrict to cut down trees for accommodation ( chổ ở) and
commercial purposes.( mục đích thương mại)
• Each person had better also share their duties by taking part in planting trees
activities in their hometowns.

Đề 𝐛à𝐢 𝐥à: 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝

𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐬 ( đề kép)
Nowadays, human beings have been made decision to travel as a top choice
to escape the high pressure of modern life, but it seems to be the hard choice
between travelling solo or group travel . let’s weigh up the pros and cons of
travelling alone and with friends before we commit to a holiday through this

In term discovering new places alone has pros and cons. There are some main
elements that people like travelling alone . First of all, Thuận lợi 1, It means giải
thích. Furthermore, thuận lợi 2 , It refers that giải thích, Nevertheless, this
tendency has its limitation, It is clear that bất lợi , It is understandable that giải
thích. Thus,…
When it comes to travelling with soulmates or teams people usually think that it is
the perfect choice by its benefit. First and foremost, thuận lợi 1, For example, cho
ví dụ, additionally, thuận lợi 2, it implies giải thich. However, many of us do
not choose this trend because bất lợi . It means giải thích hoặc cho vd. As a
result, …….
In conclusion, each notion has it longcomings and shortcomings, It depends
on interests as well as finanancal condition we can overthink to have a
recreation that truely reasonable one for ourselves.
Đề 9. Agree or disagree về public transportation, đặc biệt là buses (D1) ( vừa
cho email + vừa cho essay)
+ The bus will be extremely safe
The bus has a roof and the door closes very firmly, not afraid of dust and bad
weather affecting health.
+We will avoid / limit traffic accidents and traffic congestion.
+This tendency is a money-saving one. As a public transport for students and
workers, so the fare is very cheap therefore everyone can use it and thanks to that
we can save a lot of money to do other things.
+ Besides, this is a good way to protect the environment. when we use buses,
this means less cars or motorbikes are used so there is less smoke and dust
eliminated into the environment.
Rất quan trọng
Đề 10. Lợi, hại của sử dụng internet (D3) ( liên kết với Internet security)
Bất lợi:
• Addiction is a big problem that we must concern about. Sometimes, we can not
control our feelings/ time to us this tendency , as a result we can be relied on
the internet for many purposes. Besides, when people using this trend a lot will
have negative effetcts on their health such as being shortsighted, backache,
our skin so on.
• Pornographic ( hình ảnh 18+) and violent images is a minus point of this
tendency, specially for young generation. This means strange links that
contain a lot of bad contents for children’s spirit. Also, children will have less
communication skills with friends if they focus on internet .

Thuận lợi.
• This is a wonderful tool to study. ( dùng tìm kiếm thông tin, học Tiếng Anh, biết
thêm về văn hóa xã hội….)
• Entertainment is a plus point of this tendency. ( nghe nhạc xem phim, kết bạn,
chơi game….)
• Saving cost is a big advantage of Internet. ( for example, it is really inexpensive
to use applications conecting the Internet to have a free phone call with your friends
in living in other countries.

Từ đề 11 học hết bài càng tốt.

Đề 11: Thuận lợi và bất lợi của Shopping online

Pros: thuận lợi

Convenience is a plus point of this tendency

• It is easy to cancel the transactions in online shopping if you don’t like your
products anymore.
• There are no lines to wait so we can do shopping in minutes.
• We have the 24x7 opportunity to shop online.
• Don’t need to move to stores to purchase so you can save a sum of money, time
and effort.

This tendency hepls us to have plenty of reviews of product: đánh giá sp tốt

Online reviews help to get the inside information of the product in which we
are interested, we will find some customers also add photos of themselves using
that product. we can read comments below online goods

Multiple varieties/ various goods are the big benefits of this trend. Đa dạng hàng

In online shopping, the buyer has lots of options and brands to choose and
from at a single place there are a lot of stock that are available online.
It is easy to compare prices: dễ dàng so sánh

In online shopping, it is easy to compare and research products and their

prices. Moreover, we can find reviews, and compare the prices with the options
available on the market.

Cons ( đưa các ý mở của bất lợi)

Delay in delivery is a big pronblem of this tendencyChậm trễ trong việc giao hàng
It is difficult to warrant/ repair.

Booking an order usually takes five minutes, but its delivery sometimes takes
a delay of 5-10 days. While, if we shop the things offline from the store, we can
get our product instantly.

Returns can be complicated Trả hàng có thể phức tạp

Some of the processes of return or refund are complicated for the buyer. There
can be multiple forms such as labeling, shipping, packaging, tracking if
customer want to return products back.
Đề 12: Sky train ( lưu ý)


1. It is environmentally friendly:

Since the Skytrain runs on electricity, there is no pollution with harmful gases
being eliminated into the air.

2. Convenience and quick way to travel:

The Skytrain is a convenient and quick way to travel, especially during rush
hours and traffic jams. For me, a trip into central Bangkok by taxi or bus
which would probably take 60-90 minutes during rush hours, would take 15-
20 minutes by sky train


1. This tendency is unfriendly for the aged and handicapped:

Although many of the newer stations have elevators from the ground to the
higher levels, however there isn't a designated area for the wheelchair to be
secured and private seats for the elderly people.

2. I find it more expensive for larger groups of people:

In most cases, especially for shorter journeys, it is cheaper for a group of three
or four people and more to take a taxi rather than going by the sky train.
Đề 13: Drain brain: chảy máu chất xám.
The most popular reason is an economic factor.
Highly qualified and skilled migrants would search job satisfaction, higher
salaries, academically progressive environment, better service conditions and
a high standard of living in developed countries
They want to have a better life with higher income, ideal working
environment, advanced healthcare conditions in developed countries

Another reason is socioeconomic and political conditions in home countries.

For example, conflicts : China and Taiwan (mâu thuẩn) make scientists and
doctors among thousands of people living in these areas emigrant to European.
As a result, the origin country has lost the most valued people.

• Governments should increase salaries for highly qualified personnel, increase
funding directed to health care. ( pay the bills and take care their health
• Urge/ encourage students going abroad for studying to return home countries
with special treatment.

Viết: 2 primary school đem phone vào trường học ( đồng ý)

l Contact to parents in emergency situation.
l They can use smart phones to reduce stress…. At breaktime, look for dictionary
to study English.
Writing 2: là thuận lợi và bất lợi television to children ( thuận lợi và bất lợi
của Internet)
Writing : - Email: Jonh nhờ giới thiệu phim để anh ta trả lời gv ngữ văn của anh ta
( Gone with the wind) có trong bài nói.
Essay: reason of increase travelling abroad on holiday, bằng kinh nghiệm thực
tiễn cho vd ( có trong bài nói )
Essay: Air polution ( impacts and measures) Dạng 4.
l Forest is destroyed excessively- giải thích People cut a lot of trees to... mục
đích vô,
l Over population is the reason behind air polution - giải thích People using
a lot of vehicles. )
Impact : It have negative effects on people’s health and global warming/
greenhouse effects.
• Using pubic transportation using eco-friendly soures .
• Plan alot of trees to filter the atmosphere.
• Propagate: tuyên truyền / encourage people should have 2 or 3 children to limit

Essay: Để phát triển IMAGINATION ( trí tưởng tượng) một sô số người nói
đọc sách tốt, một số khác nói là nên xem tivi. ( dạng 2)
Đọc sách:
• Authors describe a lot of gorgeous sights in books which can help people image
• Due to outstanding pictures attached in pages that people are able to think about
characters and guess the contents of information.
• There are plenty of channels with many information so people can develop their
thoughts/ creativity
• Good sound is a plus points of this tendency.

P2 về travelling alone or in group.

Lợi ích du lich nhóm:
• It is a good chance to have a deeper understanding about friendship.
• Travelling in group is a safer trip. ( your friends will give you a hand when you
come face to face trouble)
• This tendency is really cost-saving ( share rooms…)

Lợi ích du lịch một mình:

• We have much time to experience. ( we can do whatever I like without waiting
other’s preparations )
• Avoiding domestic distractions and interruptions. ( we are not bothered by
making noise from your friends)

Sex education.
• Having a good understanding of contraception and safe-sex practices. Instead,
children only learn that they should not have sex until they are married.
• Reduce/ increase teenage pregnancy rates as well as be awareness of other sexually
transmitted diseases by the risks of unprotected sex.
• Có một sự hiểu biết tốt về tránh thai và thực hành tình dục an toàn. Thay vào đó, trẻ
em chỉ học được rằng chúng không nên quan hệ tình dục cho đến khi chúng kết hôn.
• Giảm tỷ lệ mang thai ở tuổi vị thành niên cũng như nhận thức về AIDS và các bệnh
lây truyền qua đường tình dục khác bởi nguy cơ quan hệ tình dục không được bảo

• Teachers can take advantage of this widespread use of technology and integrate sex
education lessons and videos to educate students and lastly show ‘sex education’ in
their course pedagogy.
• Each student must be awareness of the risks of unprotected sex so that they can
protect themselve through practices and pregnancy prevention methods
• Giáo viên có thể tận dụng việc sử dụng rộng rãi công nghệ này và tích hợp các bài
học và video giáo dục giới tính để giáo dục học sinh và cuối cùng thể hiện 'giáo dục
giới tính' trong phương pháp sư phạm khóa học của họ.
• Mỗi học sinh phải nhận thức được những rủi ro của quan hệ tình dục không được
bảo vệ để có thể tự bảo vệ mình thông qua các thực hành và phương pháp phòng
ngừa mang thai

Job hopping, or changing jobs frequently, has become increasingly popular

among young people for various reasons. Some people may change jobs for
better salary or job promotion opportunities, while others may do so due to
health issues or personal preferences. This essay will discuss both benefits and
drawbacks of changing jobs.

Outline – Dàn ý chi tiết cho đề bài Job hopping or changing jobs
Advantages of changing jobs
l Higher job satisfaction: We can choose jobs that fit our passion as well as
benefits to employees such as job security, working condition and training
l Potential for higher salary and better benefits: We can choose a well- paid job
that is suitable to our hobbies and skills
l Experience to different industries, work environments, and cultures.
Disadvantages of changing jobs
l Negative impact on resume and perceived commitment to a job or company
l It is not easy to keep relationship with friends and workmates.
There are several advantages to changing jobs. First of all, job hoppers can have
higher job satisfaction when getting a new job. The reason for this could be they
are not satisfied with the incentives of their previous company. Another benefit is
that it can also lead to higher salaries and better benefits as people may be able to
negotiate for better terms in a new job. Finally, changing jobs can expose people to
different industries, work environments, and cultures, which can broaden their
horizons and increase their skills and knowledge.
However, there are also disadvantages to changing jobs frequently. One
disadvantage is that it can affect people’s resume and make it appear as if they are
not committed to a job or company. This can make it harder for them to find a job
in the future, as potential employers may view job hoppers as being unreliable or
uncommitted. Additionally, changing jobs frequently can also disrupt people’s
personal and professional relationships, as they may have to say goodbye to
colleagues and friends that they have built connections with.
In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to changing jobs. It is
important to carefully consider all of the factors before making a decision. People
need to consider the potential impact on their resume and relationships before
deciding to change their jobs.

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