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a ne w i nn ov ati v e idea

Ziaur Rahman
Poor Bank

Ziaur Rahman

Managing Editor
Abdul Karim

Asim Mahmud Pulok
Distributed by Intamin Prokashon in 2022
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T he fundamental purpose of this methodology is to
point out the importance of the Poor Bank and its
implementations in real-life problem solving for the poor
people. Moreover, the study helps us to define the role of
charitable trusts and non-profitable organizations in helping
the poor, connecting the donors with the poor people and doing
the supervisory work for the NGOs to achieve goals. Even if
the charitable organizations and trusts are doing great work, the
digitized world has made these worlds really competitive. So, to
solve all the problems, a one-stop solution is presented which is
the poor bank. The study also implies how the Poor Bank can have
a great role to provide solutions to all these problems faced by
NGOs and other charitable trusts by connecting the poor people
with the donors directly without any sort of intermediaries and
doing all these works with less cost effects. Moreover, the poor
bank will provide the facilities of a big database about the poor
people around the world as well as the dynamic executive works
over the timeline. However, the donation is a noble deed that
is being done by the philanthropic people and trusts. And to
execute everything successfully and effectively, the digitized poor
bank plays a great importance. The problems in our society to the
underprivileged poor people and their needs to get financial and
other assistance from any charitable organizations, trusts, donors
and NGOs and how the Poor bank will reduce these problems to
help needy people. The study also clarifies the benefits of the Poor
Bank about how it can connect donors to the people wherever
they are, and how the website will connect with everyone around
the world who wants to donate for them but can not find any
through. Furthermore, the research specifically depicts every
possible aspect of the Poor Bank and how it will create value for
our economy as well as alleviate poverty.
Dedicated to
my beloved mother
Mrs. Rizia Khatun
C o n t e n t s

7 Internationally
Introduction Communicative Digital
Charitable Trusts and Non- 63
profitable Organizations Poor Bank as One Stop
Contribution Of NGO To 69
Society World Development and Poor
The Idea of Poor Bank 75
Future and Welfare of Poor
25 Bank
Donation And Charity
33 Conclusion
37 References
Technologies Relevance To
Poor Bank 91
Chapter 01

I n the era of evolution, we are developing something new every

second. Every genius mind is coming up with new ideas to
create a better world for the next generation and they implement
those ideas to make our life easy and cozy. Technologies are making
everyday life easier than before and to develop this technological
advancement the major influences are met by the creative ideas that
help to achieve the goal of betterment. Talking of the betterment in
life, one of the most disadvantaged people around the world are the
poor who are slightly living on charitable trusts or other non-profitable
organizations (NGOs). The fundamental purpose of any charitable
trust or organization is to deal as a middleman between any donor or
rich one who wants to be a part of welfare to the disadvantaged poor
people or the needy who are underprivileged, seeking any financial
help. The NGOs or other charitable organizations’ process is really
lengthy and very costly to deal with and forbearing that cost the major
portion of the donation can not be utilized for which purpose the
donation has been provided. The executable solution for this problem
that has not been discovered as an external web-based application
is POOR BANK. The Poor Bank is a website-based application
that is used as a connector between the donor and the poor directly
without any charity or other organization. In the web portal, there
will be diversified segments to which the donor can choose whom
to donate. Every single piece of information that will be needed and
required by any donor will be provided. And the nearby NGOs will
monitor the overall process till the money is safely received by the
person and will immediately inform the website with a proper report
to the website. For that work, the NGOs will get a certain commission
as well. This idea of Poor Bank can reduce the maximum cost in the
charitable world every day and it can replace the traditional method of
donation as well. The charitable organization will also be replaced by
the Poor Bank and NGOs can be a part of the web portal to work for
the betterment of poor people and people can even volunteer under
the surveillance of Poor Bank. Thus, this report will be a discussion
about the technological advancement called Poor Bank along with its
advantages, drawbacks, functions, and real-life implementation as well.

Poor Bank 9
Chapter 02
Charitable Trusts
and Non-Profitable
Charitable Trusts and Non-
Profitable Organizations

C ounting today, there are between 5000 to 11500 registered

charitable trusts including both private and public in
operation around the world. Moreover, there are a lot more who
are working for the betterment of the poor people to get their life
living with necessities such as food, shelter, education, health etcetera.
However, the most influential and dominated trusts who are working
for the basic needs of the poor people around the world are-

Rank Organizations Established Endowment

1. Novo Nordisk Foundation 1989 $ 69.9 Billion
2. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 1994 $ 51.9 Billion
3. Stichting INGKA Foundation 1982 $ 38.8 Billion
4. Wellcome Foundation 1936 $ 37 Billion
5. Mastercard Foundation 2006 $ 31.5 Billion
6. Howard Hughes Medical Institution 1953 $ 27.1 Billion
7. Azim Premji Foundation 2001 $ 21 Billion
8. Open Society Foundation 1993 $ 19.6 Billion
9. Lilly Endowment 1937 $ 15.1 Billion
10. Ford Foundation 1936 $ 13.7 Billion

The fundamental work of these charitable trusts is to assist
the real poor and needy people who seek help for their basic rights.
The foundation is really big and is really critical maintenance and
the departments of the organizations are working around the world
and maintaining the required standards. The employees, as well as
management, are also heavy to maintain by the central headquarters.
Moreover, so often the core purpose which is to help the poor is not
obtained because of the complexity of many foundations. However,
fraud people can also take advantage of this complex procedure to
make a business out of it. The cost of conducting a foundation is huge
and in doing so a huge portion of the donation goes into no use for
the poor people which can be reduced if any measures are taken to
solve this problem. Even if every charitable trust and non-profitable
organization is exempt from tax costs, still there are so many costs that
the company has to bear such as the amount of time spent to learn
new ideas to deal with, the buying cost of the assets of the company,
employees and management’s salaries, research costs etcetera.

Problems of charitable trusts and non-profitable organizations-

• Lack of funds collection
• Too many expenses to maintain all the offices around the globe
• Less effectiveness of achieving the goal of abolishing poverty
• Can not reach directly to the poor people who needed the
• Losing of the major portion of funds in bearing the cost of the
• Can not utilize total amount of donation
• Risk of fraudulent by any member of the charitable trusts
• The inefficiency of the management of organizations
• Absence of networking around the world
• Not being connected to the rural area’s needy people
• Focused only in a certain category

Poor Bank 13
• Not monitored afterward of providing assistance
• Providing more emphasis on the foundation’s reputation and
development than achieving the purpose for which it was
• The excessive cost of the organization itself
• Workers of the NGOs are more likely to use it than become a

These all are basic disadvantages of overall charitable trusts or non-

profitable organizations. However, the donors are not very satisfied
after their contribution to society since the fundamental purpose of
any donation is not being achieved by the charitable trusts.

14 Poor Bank
Chapter 03
Contribution of NGOs
to Society
Contribution of NGOs to Society

In the era of capitalization, people tend to be more conservative

about their money and the rich become richer and the poor
become poorer and so the donation process seems likely to be not
enough for the needy people. Yet, people are donating out of their
generosity and keep continuing the process of standing for the poor
people over time. Some of the most influential donors are-

No. Name Amount Cause

1. Jamsetji Tata 102.4 Billion Education and health
2. Bill Gates 75.8 Billion Health and poverty,
3. Warren Buffett 32.1 Billion Heath, education AIDS
4. George Soros 32 Billion Human rights economic
and social reform
5. Azim Premji 21 Billion education and health
6. Li Ka-Shing 10.7 Billion Peace and libraries
7. Andrew Carnegie 9.5 Billion Libraries, education, peace
8. Chuck Feeney 6.8 Billion youth, ageing, poverty,
9. Stephen Schmidheiny 1.5 Billion Racial equality
10. Mackenzie Scott 6 Billion Art, science, sport
11 Alisher Usmanov 5.8 Billion Art, education, human
12.. The Sainsbury Family 5 Billion Youth, poverty, education
13. Christopher Hohn 4.5 Billion Arts, education, healthcare
14. Carlos Slim Helu 4.2 Billion human rights, youth,
15. Alwaleed Philanthropies 4 Billion poverty, human rights
16. The Weston Family 2.3 Billion Innovations, healthcare,
17. Phil Knight 2 Billion Education, healthcare,
18. James K. Stowers 2 Billion Climate change, poverty
19. Hansjoerg Wyss 1.9 Billion Healthcare
20. Howard Hughes 1.56 Billion Healthcare and education

Philanthropists like all these are doing this great work and struggle
just to abolish poverty and to sustain an equal economy around the
world. The donation is used according to the needs of people and all
these are being done by the various Non-profitable organizations


Saudi Arabia
0 2000 4000 6000 8000


Figure 01 : Largest donor of humanitarian air worldwide in 2021

Poor Bank 17
Regarding the countries around the world, the top 10 countries to
donate for humanitarian purposes in the year 2021, the United States
(US) stand on top with around 8278.8 million dollar contribution.
Following Germany, European Commission (EC), the United
Kingdom (UK), Canada, Japan, Sweden, Saudi Arabian, Norway
etcetera. The sustainable growth in donation will continue to grow if
the NGOs’ features are upgraded and more facilities are brought to
the front in order to help the needy more smoothly and efficiently
over time. In order to do that the Poor bank will definitely help to that
process and keep the needy people and the donors connected directly
and ensure the donation level upto a lot higher than now. Thus, the
need for evolution to the charitable trusts and the non-profitable
organization is must.

To illustrate some of the biggest charitable trusts or philanthropic

foundations around the world that are doing a great job to fulfill the
needs of the poor people are:
• The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: A USA based one
of the most charitable trusts fund estimated net worth of around 34.6
billion dollars and still continue to grow bigger. The foundation is
established by the Gates family from the profit of the giant Microsoft
company and other donations as well. It is also analyzed that it has
grown to have a bigger health fund than the world health organization
in recent years. The foundation is working with certain problems such
as HIV/ AIDS problems, poverty problems in Africa, Asia etcetera.
The foundation also calls for the collaboration of different NGOs
around the world for providing better solutions to these problems.
• Open Society Foundations: The foundation was established
to provide public health and educational problem solutions in 1979.
And remain the committee to the global struggle in the open society
to respond quickly and provide help for any sort of challenges and
adversity situations. The motto of this foundation is “build vibrant and
tolerant democracies where governments are accountable to citizens’’.
In the last 30 years the foundation has donated more than 10 billion

18 Poor Bank
dollars and most of it has been directly donated to a specific region.
• The Ford Foundation: The foundation was established with
an initial gift from Edsel Ford of 25000 dollars and during its early
stages the foundation was operated under the ford family. Afterwards,
the company grew bigger and started to provide assistance to scientific
education and charitable purposes. Today the Ford Foundation is
supporting more than 50 countries around the world and the major
programs of this foundation are world peace and establishment of law,
freedom and democracy, and advancing the economic well-being of
the people everywhere.

• The William Flora Hewlett Foundation: The foundation was

established in 1967 with the purpose of ensuring better environmental
problems around the globe. Currently, the net asset of the company is
worth more than 7 billion dollars. And the foundation currently sets
programs that include global poverty, improving education, limiting
climate change issues and rights of worldwide sustainability.

• The Children Investment Fund Foundation: The foundation

also known as CLIFF aims to improve the lives of children in
developing countries and to achieve sustainable impact not temporary.
The foundation works for children in multistrategies to change the
environment so that children can grow in beneficial circumstances.
Other focused areas of the foundation are climate, education for the
children, hunger alleviation, child labor and child survival.

• The United Nation Foundation: The united nation foundation

brings every country’s core non-profitable organizations as well as other
platforms to connect together and provide solutions to international
challenges. The primary purpose of the foundation is to connect people’s
ideas and rescue the global health problem as well as others. It also
works to grow constituencies, build partnerships, and mobilize a rescue.
The basic four areas that the United Nations works alongside the local
NGOs are climate, energy, global health and the women and population.
Regarding the circumstances of Bangladesh, there are around 26000
non-governmental organizations that are working to stabilize or

Poor Bank 19
achieve various purposes. Some of the most influential and successful
NGOs are mentioned.

• BRAC : According to the definition of BRAC, the poor refers

to those people who owe less than half acre of any land as well as
who are homeless (Saleque, and Mustafa 1996). The NGO started
its journey in 1972 with the motto of “international development of
the country”. The founder was Sir Fazle Hasan Abed. Currently, the
foundation is working in over 11 countries and operating advantages
to the poor including social enterprise, social development and food
crisis etcetera.

• ASA : One of the most influential and significant microfinance

non-profitable organizations is ASA which has been working for
finding a puberty free environment as well as working for the poor. Md.
Shofiqul Haque Chowdhury was the founder and the journey of ASA
was started in 1978. It is known as the best operating microfinance
institution (MFI). It works to help the large number of people who are
below the puberty level to put out the economic disparity.

• TMSS : Thengamara Mohila Sobuj Sangha (TMSS) started

its journey in 1980 as a non-profitable organization to help poor
women and at an early stage it was to help transgender women and
afterward it broadened its areas and now it has gained popularity.

• Jagorani Chakra Foundation: JCF started its journey in 1976

with some youth to help the poor in various ways. They first identify
the problem of poor people concerning economic as well as social and
afterward they involve themselves in activities to solve these problems.
They have achieved registration in 1977 and they have taken care of
the poor children’s education and started the literacy program.

20 Poor Bank
Chapter 04
The Idea of Poor Bank
The Idea of Poor Bank

R egarding all the drawbacks of NGOs, the one-stop solution

has to come to this point of implementing the concept
of Poor Bank. The innovative idea of the poor bank is very short,
simple, and easy to use by the people who are seeking any kind of
donations to continue their purpose or sometimes for their basic
fundamental needs which are not met by other facilities provided. The
poor bank refers to a computer-based website or digitized platform
where impoverished people who need any kind of donation or help
are entitled to the websites with all the possible pieces of information
needed to proceed and the donor or the wealthy or kind people who
want to help for the betterment of the poor people can be connected
through this platform and can easily contribute to the conditions of
puberty. The purpose of this digitized online platform is to create a
one-stop solution for all sorts of donations and one can easily access to
donate to a specific purpose or a special person and even for any areas
they want to contribute. Moreover, the poor bank will also help to
collaborate with all types of charitable trusts and organizations to be
connected and pursue their interest segment of welfare. Furthermore,
the bank will create a new environment for the contributor as well
as the needy people to get connected to their donors or supporters
directly without any middlemen such as non-profitable organizations
and charity trusts etcetera. This type of new environment encourages
wealthy people to support their interested segment of donation since
many of the rich ones want to support the people but can do because of
many reasons such as the complexity of the process and the formality
of donating, most importantly the purpose of donating whether the
person has received the fund or not. However, both implicit and
explicit cost of operating any organization or charity is quite high, and
maintaining these huge organizations are stressful to deal with. Since
most of our works are now becoming technologically relevant which
makes everything easier, thus the funding and charitable works should
also be done on an online basis which will help in a lot of ways to deal
with the supporters.

Total Fund Rising From Online

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Year of Collecting Funds

Figure 02 : Total fundraising from online (%)

Poor Bank 23
Compared to investing or any business or other works, the
charitable work is doing low on the online platforms which is not a
good sign since it can be developed by taking all the workings online
such as Poor Banking which will help scale the donations as well as
growing trust among both donors and the poor people. To increase
the donation rate in digitized platforms, the poor bank will certainly
influence the rate up to 50% of total funding around the world, and the
participation rate will be higher than the last 5 years

Fund Rising From Mobile (%) vs. Years

Fund Rising From Mobile (%)

15 14

10 9

2014 2015 2016 2017

Figure 03 : Fundraising from mobile (%)

Mobile-based donation is increasing gradually over time. Thus,

it will also be quite an efficient strategy to increase the level of
endowment by using the mobile application for the poor bank site. That
will provide easy access and the donation process as well as inspecting
or monitoring works easy for the donator to check every moment’s
update about the fund they provided. And that will encourage donors,
even more, to donate for the betterment. Thus, this poor bank can have
a very good influence over donors around the world.

24 Poor Bank
Chapter 05
Donation and Charity
Donation and Charity

D onation specifically refers to the charity of certain wealth

that someone willingly provides, especially a sum of money
in order to provide assistance to a certain cause. There are many types
of donation systems and people can do as per their convenience. There
are basic types of donation systems that are:
• Prospects: Perspective donors are those people who had never
donated before but will contribute afterward and they are sort
of potential donors and someway supporting the organization
in other manners. And the authority makes sure that the person
gets the prospective information and other criteria about the
organization and keeps the connection over time and thus, in
the long run, the person may or there is a high probability of
donating to the organization.
• Individual Donors: The type of individual donors come to the
organization willingly and out of their generosity, they try to
contribute or donate. They donate because they were somehow
impressed by the words that the organization is doing. They
basically donate to a certain cause that the organization is
showing and discussing about and they certainly become the
lifeblood of the charity over a longer period of time. And
together they made a large portion of the donation of the
organization annually. They basically donate a small amount but
they frequently donate over time.
• Major Donors: Major types of donors are blessed and they occur
so suddenly and they actually donate a large sum of money. They
contribute a lot to the organization and all of a sudden even
if they are not connected to the organization in any way. They
just find the authority and judge some of the works and donate
without further judgment for a certain cause they like to be
involved in. they just do not want to be a part of it but they want
to stay connected over a cause and want to keep apprised of
what the organization is doing over time.
• Corporate Donors: Corporate donors are special cases that
are vastly different from others like major or individual donors.
They basically do the donation or charity work just to be proven
as a philanthropist and in doing so the organization is being
benefited from a large amount of donation that they receive.
Publicity and press conferences are needed for that process
and they are willing to give out the donation as an amount of
gesture to the company. The corporate should be the main or
major way to the development of the charity since the amount
of the donation is so large and the contribution of the authority
remains over the years and continues so far the company seems
to need the publicity.
• Foundation: Foundations are also a private sector of donation
that accumulate money from various entities for the purpose
of donation. And one of the most advantageous aspects of the
foundation is that they do not fall under the tax portion and
since they have been doing charity work. And the fund they
collected or accumulated in order to save from the tax bracket the
money is to be provided to any charity or donation so eventually,
the organization gets benefited for that reason. They basically
open the fund and take aside a certain sum of money and the

Poor Bank 27
foundations often help the organization to achieve its goal of
the organization. Few offer capital fundings and few offer day-
to-day business meetings.

Source :
Figure 04: Total fundraising in year 2019-2020

The figure shows the total fundraising under Wikimedia for

the fiscal year 2019-2020. And the following years the funds were
collected through different ways such as anonymous donations and
online donations as well if we consider the channels that are used to
collect the amount and the portion of all these donations are received,
especially the channels, mails, desktop banner, mobile banner, major
gifts, recurring, chapter gifts etcetera. From emails around $30,774,715
has been collected, and from the desktop banner the amount was
$23,566,298 to the fund, the mobile banner collected $21,942,428.
However, the total amount that has been collected is more than 124
million dollars in all inclusive.

28 Poor Bank
Source :
Figure 05 : Total fundraising from different channels

Source :
Figure 06 : Changes in donation over the years

The figure actually represents the changes in donation over

Poor Bank 29
the year of 2003 and the year 2009. Since the rate is increasing in
every state and the donation alongside the income of the variations
has a greater impact on the donating information. The importance
of implementing the new structure to the donation system has to be
upgraded or evolution becomes mandatory to the needs. As of today’s
concern the rate of donation is also increasing over time.

To illustrate the picture of bill gates giving charity to the society

in various causes:

Source :
Figure 07 : Bill gates giving away of billion dollar to various sectors

One of the biggest charitable persons in the globe is Bill Gates

through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which is funded from
the profits of the giant Microsoft company and more, he grants many
funds and provides donations for various causes and helps doing the

30 Poor Bank
charity work. The amount of $15000 million was donated in the year
2021 standing at the top one position in America in donating. And
the portion that is donated was implied in the upper figure including
global development, global health, non-program grants and the United
state as well.

Poor Bank 31
Chapter 06

I n the sense of business, the beneficiaries are those who get

advantages over certain things or profits from something that can
be anything. But regarding the circumstances of donation or charitable
works, the beneficiaries are those people who are really indeed of
money or other help that will help the person to do betterment or help
in other ways such as alleviating critical situations. In other words, the
beneficiaries are the people for whom the trust fund was created to get help.
To determine what types of charity giving is the best option, there are
certain criteria to fulfill. And according to these aspects, charities are
provided in 8 types of giving. These are:
• Donor-advised Fund: DAF is a type of fund where the donor
provides the fund without taking it back in the future time. In
other words, the donation is given as a nonrefundable gift either
in cash or securities to a nonprofitable choice. Considering 202o
more than $34 billion are provided through donor-advised funds
over the world. Furthermore, through the donor-advised fund
both the person can be benefited through maximizing the tax
benefits according to the IRS contribution.
• Real Estate: When someone has a property and he or she wants to
sell it just to provide assistance to any charitable work. In doing so,
the person must provide the tax after the selling of that property.
However, the tax deduction will be a huge amount. To get rid
of that problem one can provide the real estate property to the
charity as a donation directly without the selling process. That is
how the person can make direct charity work without having any
loss from the tax deduction or other hassle. At that point, the value
of that tax is adjusted and sometimes the tax benefit is too high
which is equal to the total value of the market price of the property
in overall cases.
• Cash: The most common and rapidly used process is the cash
given to any charitable fund or organization. Basically, the process
is used in most of the cases where the charitable world is done
in a very small amount and most frequently. However, through
that process, the tax deduction is equal to the amount that one
donates to the fund or organization minus the value of any goods
or services that one has received in return. It is also stated that,
according to the IRS, one can not cash deduction, no matter how
small the amount is, unless the cash receipt is received.
• Stock: One of the most influentially tax advantageous ways to
donate is to give securities like stock. There are basically two major
advantages to providing securities as charity work. One is that,
since the stock is being sold, the capital gain on the stock and
the taxes to be concerned is not efficient. Another one is that,
any stock value that is higher than the value when the stock is
purchased, the incremental value will become higher and eligible
for a tax deduction which is equal to the total market fair value.
• Charitable Trusts: There are two types of charitable trusts for the
donation process. One is Charitable Lead Trusts (CLT) which
refers to one who donates an asset to the charitable organization
and afterward the yearly profits or other incomes will be donated
to the charitable funds. And the money left at the end will be
used for other needy beneficiaries. In that case, the tax is deducted
from the over-year income, not from the total value of the assets
at the time of transfer. One disadvantage is that it needs year
basis management which bears a great cost to the organization.

Poor Bank 35
Another type of charitable trust is Charitable Remainder Trust
(CRT). Apparently, the CRT is quite similar to the charitable lead
trusts but one major difference is that the donor or the beneficiaries
donated first before the income is received. This rationally
good option for those who want to create a highly appreciated
investment alongside the constant cash flow is also required.
• Assets: One of the major advantages of providing assets to the
charitable trust is that additional tax over charitable income is
deducted furthermore, the estate will not have recognized as gifted
income thus the estate tax will also be reduced. Many valuable
assets such as pieces of art, paintings and all are also used as a
donation just to reduce tax deductions because these charitable
assets do not count on the tax brackets. Since the art or the assets
are now counted on any museum a large amount of tax is reduced
as it was a gift like a charity.
• Pooled Income Fund: Basically, the pooled income fund is for
those who primarily want to generate income alongside they want
to donate a part of that income to charity work. However, the pool
works as a fund accumulation storage and in which various types
of securities or other types of assets are accumulated and from this,
the owner generates some income and a portion of that fund is to
be provided to the charity organization. And at the death of that
person, the total amount of that pool income fund will be donated
to the charity, spontaneously.
• Private Foundation: Private foundation is more likely related to
any corporational foundation that specifically deals with any sort
of charitable work. If a person wants to do any sort of charitable
work or the person has any sort of work which is very close to
the person’s heart then he or she should do the charitable work
by opening a private foundation. However, it deals with people
who specially deal with family-related people and help the needy.
Although there are strict regulations and other tax brackets, the
private foundation can provide grants to individuals or can retain
control of assets.

36 Poor Bank
Chapter 07
Technologies Relevance
to Poor Bank
Technologies Relevance
to Poor Bank

T he poor bank refers to a computer-based website or digitized

platform where impoverished people who need any kind
of donation or help are entitled to the websites with all the possible
pieces of information needed to proceed and the donor or the wealthy
or kind people who want to help for the betterment of the poor people
can be connected through this platform and can easily contribute to
the conditions of puberty. The purpose of this platform is to create
a one-stop solution to all the problems of donations and charitable
works such as selecting whom to donate and how much donation will
be given to a selecting people and a direct charitable work solution has
been implied in this process. The poor bank is basically a software-
based application or function in which everything will be done through
online or in digitalized ways and no physical hassle will be needed in
that process. Anyone from anywhere can donate any amount of charity
to any specific person according to their needs and the person can
keep up to a live location on the donation process through any devices
connected to the account. And from the perspective of beneficiaries,
anyone who needs any sort of financial help or other types of help
from any NGOs near that person can apply for the grant through an
online process. The person needs to fill the form with all the necessary
information including conditions and the purpose the person needs
the money and also other information as well. Afterward, the person
must submit the form and if any person wants to donate any amount
of money will match that person and find an appropriate way to donate
the money

There are already a lot of online charitable donation systems that

have been developed over the years, especially in the USA. Mentioning
the top charitable online donation platforms are-

• Transparent Hands • Hopmob

• Charity Navigator • Crowdrise
• Fundly • Network for Good
• Fundrazr • Indiegogo
• Donately • Causes
• Rockethub • Youcaring
• Firstgiving • Razoo
• Bonfire • Chuffed
• Startsomegood • Causevox
• Rally

These are some samples of online-based donating platforms in the

world that are doing well in recent times and all the charitable works
they are doing, are way better than regular NGOs will ever be able to do
in future. Because the process is really simple and smooth and everyone
can donate as per their wants and everyone can choose and checkout into
every single detail. That is why the online or digitalized based platforms
are really up to do far better work. And according to the researcher,
in the following times, the only way left for donation or charitable
work will be the donation through online and digitized platforms.

To find out further details about the online donation system or to

understand more details about the technologies that are used in
the process of charitable works and in digitalized technologies,

Poor Bank 39
we need to go through in detail about what kinds of online-based
charitable organizations are here. We here explain some of the top
charitable organizations that are doing their work through online
charitable receivings and providing grants. All these are without
any kind of profit as well as any sort of self-beneficial purposes.

British Heart Foundation :

The British heart foundation is the UK’s most prominent
fundraising organization where their vision is a world where people
are free from fear of heart and calculator disses. They basically work to
raise fund money to research and find a cure for and treatments. Thus,
they can provide people more time to spend with their loved ones.

Figure 08 : Interface of British Heart Foundation

The British Heart Foundation offers more features

along with the aspects of raising funds for the heart
diseases such as donating items, shopping from the BHF,
free health magazine, learning CPR or taking part in
events. In Particular, they have opened a portal where people can take
information about heart health issues during the covid situation and
support their needs.

40 Poor Bank
People from all around the corner can donate with a single push
from the connected world devices or any other platforms and can be
a part of the world’s most beneficial world and become a part of the
club of philanthropic. Donations for whom can also be adjusted as per
the donors’ needs.

Figure 09 : Donating procedure of BHF

The organization is certainly helping with the basic needs of any

type of heart disease problem and making people capable with their
short initiatives. They consist of various options which are-
• How one can support any needy people-
- Becoming a corporate partner.
- Donating to the BHF
- Promoting workplace wellbeing
- Leaving a gift in your will

Poor Bank 41
• Shopping from the BHF-
- Donate your items to next door form of BHF
- High street charity shops
- Volunteering at any shop nearby
• Donating direct money to an organization or a specific person
• Donating various items to the organization or any person
• Information and condition desk
- Heart-related issues and checkups
- How your heart is working
- Risk factors and statements

Give India Foundation :

India’s one of the largest and most prominent Non-Government
Organizations is the Give India Foundation (GI) which has been
doing a great job over the last 22 years. The organization has been
doing charitable works with the influences worldwide that give India’s
community of 2 million+ donors with the support of 250+ partners.

Figure 10 : Interface of Give India

The Give India has started its journey in 2000 with the purpose
of helping needy people over India. That organization is doing a great
work for the children as well as the possible needy healthcare patients
and more. In the last covid-19 situation it has developed a special
sector for the collection of donations named “ Covid Mission ‘’ people

42 Poor Bank
could donate through that process for the covid situation. The basic
three processes for donation involve some schemes.

Currently, The Give India has developed a procedure for the

donor with 4 categorical segments, that are-
• Corporate partners.
• Brand and retail partners.
• Fundraise segments.
• Institutional giving

More schemes are also involved where people can be involved

with different ways to donate at the convenience of the donors. Those
• Monthly giving.
• Fundraising.
• Covid mission.

The authority has been doing impactful work over the last 20
years. They have developed a strategy that involves the donation of
the railside children, doing the rescue work for the lost railway kids,
abused kids and trafficking. Helping children free from sex workers
and forced prostitution. Helping people with healthcare issues such
as lung cancer, heart transparent, cancer curing procedures and more.

The Give India has been doing a great work for the betterment
of the people. Some of the great initiatives and the enforcement of
the people with the information and other work such as doing a great
work for the betterments. Some of them are includes-
• Giving monthly for the mission of NGO’s programs and
making an impact on society.
• Supports crowd-funding campaign donation with a single-
time donation.

Poor Bank 43
• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employee giving
through trusted Non-Government Organizations.
• Picking causes from education, children’s needs, livelihood
• Partners with 2000+ NGOs across the world around with
great connectivity.
• Donations, available for all countries and currencies with tax
benefits especially for India.

Other works are also being done with the effect of donation and
all other facts. Helping the poor has become a passion for Give India.

Charity Navigator :
The charity navigator is one of the most trusted and fundraising
evaluative non-profitable organizations. The organization has started
its journey since 2001 and continues to stratify over the years. It is
also providing free access to any data, tools and resources to make any
philanthropic decisions for the betterment of the society. Accessing
over 11 million times in a year donors can provide, comparing efficient
authority to deal with, any amount and any person the donor wants
to provide.

Figure 11 : Online portal of Charity Navigator

44 Poor Bank
The charity navigator works as a middleman between the donors
and the beneficiaries and helps any person who wants to do charity
work with the sufficient guidelines as well as the resources needed to
proceed. The organization has been doing the volunteering over the last
21 years, with around 11 million visitors annually, 912,000 registered
users. The charity navigator organization has 195,000 verified ratings
and has collected 165 million dollars. The principle mission of the
organization is to make impactful giving easier for all and their vision
is to give inclusive, effective and abundant, driving greater impact for
causes people care about with a guidance of a trillion dollars of giving

The charity navigator helps donors with resources as well as

guidance that includes all types of information that are initially
needed. That includes-
• Charity with perfect sources all inclusive
• Most followed charities over the region they needed
• Top charity expending in a hurry
• Most visited or roaming charities with reasons
• Top celebrity related charities
• Top 10 super-sized charities that are doing well
• Charities over-paying for profit fundraisers
• Top charities with the most consecutive 4-star + ratings
• Highly related charities relying on private contributions
• Top 10 charities that everyone heard about
• Top 10 super sized charities with perfect contributions
• Fundraising sources and donations that donors care about

The charity navigator also helps the donors by providing all sorts
of hot information that is needed to deal carefully. The basic general

Poor Bank 45
and special tips and guidelines for the donators to make a perfect and
according to donation are implied here-
• The fundraising practices that a donor should understand
• A proper guide to point of sale donations
• Charitable tax deductions such as what donors should take in
mind if someone wants to minimize tax costs
• Donating maintaining IRA required minimum distribution
• How and when one should join a giving cycle
• Avoiding charity scams like know, questions to ask and ways to
• Tips relating giving in time of crisis
• To know how to protect personal data
• A quick guidance to deducting the donations
• The major tax benefits of giving
• 5 easy steps to inform giving over period of time
• Managing personal finances
• Supporting special type of organization and how to donate
• If one should buy the charity affiliate products

Big data of poor people:

Big data refers to the storage of data that contains a greater

variety of volumes, arriving in increasing volumes and with more
velocity. This is also known as three vs simply, it is larger and more
complex and difficult to deal with but the usage of that data is huge
and broad in areas as well as the importance of these data is way
beyond. Well, the poor bank usually refers to the online based portal in
which every donor and the poor people can be connected through the
online website. In the poor bank website, the most important segment
is that big data. Everyone from any corner of the world can see the
information about anyone and can use this data to clarify the basic

46 Poor Bank
needs for the people who wants to donate. However, the information
will be up to date with every new amendment that comes to the poor
banks authority. A team with information and technology related
knowledge will be in charge of every detail of the donors, poor people
as well as non-governmental organizations and keeps every update
about any circumstances. Through that process the poor bank connects
the donors, needy people and the organizations alongside. And the
NGOs will be doing the work of supervision and keep every detail
of every happening thing. And keep posting the information to the
website so that everyone can use these according to their needs and to
simplify the process, there will be segments and all the details under
sub-segments under the hybridical tree structures.

To illustrate the data, how the sample will be kept in the form a
simple from the poor people data, donors data and the NGOs data is

Data of Poor people:

Name Catego- Address Phone/Mail Bank/Mobile

ries Account
Ariful Orphan Dokkhin Gram, 01655987634 77109826537
Islam Faridpur. (DBBL)
Ashiqur Rickshaw Choddo Gram, ashikrah- 99938653927368
Rahman puller comilla. man23@gamil. (MBL)
Babu Orphan Moulovi Bari, babu2001@ 77781739283
Hossain Netrokona. (DBBL)
Faruq Senior Baipal main 01982762478 01982762478
Hasan citizen road, Sylhet. (Bkash)
Qader Senior Moinuddin 01822736498 66577826534
Molla citizen main road, (DBBL)

Poor Bank 47
Data of Donors:

Name Categories Address Donor Phone/Mail Bank/Mobile

they want to Category Account
Ashraf Orphan Jatrabari, Business- 01655987634 44109826537
Master Dhaka. man (DBBL)

Bashar Rickshaw Lalmati Business- basharalam23@ 88838653927368

Alam puller Dhaka man (MBL)

Didar Orphan Housing Politician didaralam@ 111817392837

Alam society, (DBBL)
Riad ur Senior Rajbari, Business 01582762478 01782762478
Rahman citizen Rajshahi. man (Bkash)

Tareq Senior Dhanmon- Bank 01722736498 445778265348

Hossain citizen di, Dhaka. manager (DBBL)

The data for the poor bank will be organized through a simple
and very sophisticated way in which every data will be sequentially
arranged and moreover, the data can be able to sorted categorically and
the usage of data will be far better than other data arrangements since
the process is on online based and the structure is far refined.

However, to maintain or supervise the poor bank data a group of

volunteer people who want to work for the betterment of the people
will come forward to work in that process and they have the skill for
arranging the data in an online based website portal. Furthermore, a
committee will consist of maintenance and they will receive donations
from all over the world and will maintain the process and work for
it. And the committee’s main purpose will be to create, refrain and
update the data over time to time.

Fundly :
Fundly is a revolutionizing social impactable charitable
fundraising organization that basically works with peer to peer

48 Poor Bank
individual fundraisers or allows a friendly competition by creating a
team while having real time updates.

Figure 12 : Fundly profile

Fundly basically helps the donor in going through a way in which

the person can find an appropriate way to donate or can find a perfect
spot to donate in. or we can say that the exact method to go through
a donation process. The major segments that Fundly helps the donor
with are-
• Clubs and community • Military
• Creative projects • Nonprofit and charity
• Disaster relief • Pets and animals
• Fraternities and sororities • Politics and public offices
• Fun and special events • Religious organization
• Kids and families • Run or walks and rides
• LGBT • School and educations
• Medical and health • Sports and teams
• Memorials and funerals • Tips and adventures

Poor Bank 49
Foundation for Charitable Activities in Bangladesh (FCAB) :
The foundation for charitable activities in Bangladesh is an
American non-governmental as well as a non-profitable organization
that works for satisfying social as well as economical development
for non-residence of Bangladesh and other interests alongside the
country’s disadvantages. The organization basically works to find the
needs of one village at a time and provide everything needed such as
in Bagdumur, Sirajganj district, Bangladesh.

Figure 13 : Website portal of FCAB

The organization has been doing really well during the covid-19
situation, like providing 1250 mask distributions, providing sanitation
projects with 547 household participation, 685 households impacted
by the covid-19 pandemic food and financial assistance. Moreover,
they have done assisting with around193 individual eye clinics during
covid-19, helping ultra-poor women in finding entrepreneurship and
more and 151 adolescents have joined the session in the awareness
program during the time of covid and even before that.

The organization is involved in major 6 programs in which they

are involved a lot over time. However, within the programs, they
process a lot of activities and help the poor to find betterment. The
major programs alongside the activities that they are doing according

50 Poor Bank
to the need of the people are-

• Public Health: Regarding public health, the FCAB foundation

is doing a lot of healthcare incentives to the overall people
specially the adolescents and girls near the areas. However, the
major activities are:
1. School nutrition club
2. Adolescent girls’ health awareness
3. Women’s health awareness
4. No splitting initiative

• Primary Health: The primary health issues are also being

measured just to prevent the major health issues in the areas and
to do that they have been doing some of the activities that may
help the nearby. Such as-
1. Emergency first aid support
2. Paramedic maternal health visits
3. Weekly medicine distributions
4. Weekly medical camps
5. Women’s health awareness sessions
6. Hand washing awareness to prevent diseases

• Education: With the help of various charitable trust funds and

the help of others’ donations, the FCAB foundation has been
doing a lot of awareness activities near the areas of Sirajganj
specially in the educational segments such as-
1. Teachers’ training in order to help understand the students
2. Using the digitized smart boards in the teaching segments
3. After schooling activities for those who are week
4. Teaching the students about the current events

Poor Bank 51
5. Poetry recitations for the cultural development
6. Advanced bookmobile facilities for the reading lover
7. The option of the children to admit to the primary school

• Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship is one of the most effective

methods to make the poor understand the implementation of
the mechanical developments to society. The FCAB foundation
has been doing the activities to help develop the circumstances
of entrepreneurship. The activities are-
1. Tailoring to the women of village areas
2. Vegetable farming to the farmers
3. Cow-rearing
4. Financial inclusion and digital banking
5. Women entrepreneurship training
6. Puffed rice
7. Chicken rearing

• Environments: Environmental development is one of the

most important especially in a country like Bangladesh where
pollution is a big issue. The foundation has developed to make
people understand about the importance of the environment.
The activities relating to the environment are-
1. Planting trees every week
2. Rainwater harvesting
3. Solar batteries to power the clinic
4. Solar bikes rather than diesel bikes
5. Solar streetlights
6. Solar home systems
7. Compost projects at madrasas

52 Poor Bank
8. Using of biogas
9. No littering campaign

• Partnerships: Even though the procedures need a lot of

contribution from various segments to the authorities. One of
the major steps to create more funds to involve greater influential
partners. The associate partners of the FCAB are-
1. Basma Rohingya school uniform projects
2. Cancer registry training with the university of Michigan
school of public healthcare
3. Clean sanitary projects with standard America
4. Jeebika women’s living hood projects (2015-2020) with
the partnership with central for zakat management
5. Village comprehensive demographic survey with the
partnership of the University of Dhaka
6. Orbis
7. Sesame street from Sisimpur
9. Partnership with the university of Michigan school of
engineering intern students
10.Partnership with the William Davidson institution the
study on solar enterprise
11.Partnership with the University of Michigan the study of
immunization study
12.In additional expertise with the university of Michigan
the school of public health and CWCH breastfeeding

Poor Bank 53
Chapter 08
Communicative Digital
Internationally Communicative
Digital Platform

N GOs around the world are doing a really good job to

understand the needs for the people around the areas of
the organization. NGOs are in search of finding the needy people
who are seeking help and other assistance such as financial, healthcare,
educational etcetera but when we talk about the needs of the people of
every corner of our country and every rural area we become void since
the non-governmental organizations are being unable to go to that
rural places just to find some of the needs even if the numbers were
small that time but talking in present times the number is increasing
over time since the puberty is increasing over time and that rate is
on rapid situations. However, the range of any non-governmental
organizations is not that broad but very specific areas such as a region
or a ward or a city. This has also some implementations that are a
barrier to any NGO that might want to operate the volunteering
works. The barriers are-
• The scarcity of networking of every non-government organization
over the areas they operate their jobs
• The fundings collection is limited since the areas are so limited
to specific areas
• The donors are less quantitatively compared to other rich areas
since the NGO are near poor areas
• All the activities are operated in the areas of needy people so the
donors are hard to find near that areas
• The networking capabilities are not that strong since the rural
arrears are not that developed
• The volunteers are not that skilled to operate the activities with
the efficiency needed since the people are not that educated or
other qualified as well
• The audiences are not that aware of the philanthropic work that
is being done near their city
• People are not as effective or cautious or diplomatically strong
to manage the organization well as they would be in the city or
broad areas
• NGOs are not that capable to control the areas a need to cover
to do the jobs

These all are the basic barriers to do the operations to maintain or

manage the non-government organizations. Moreover, people will not
care much about charitable works or other types of activities.

Importance of The Poor Bank in Networking :

For all the problems that traditional charitable organizations
face are the main base reasons behind the communication problems.
To overcome the communication issues and to ensure the broad
networking sector for the betterment of the charitable work, fluent
donations, higher capabilities, smooth operations and more the one
of the best solutions to all these is the Poor Bank. The Poor Bank
is the digitized advance developed software that helps to connect
all the needy people and the philanthropic people around the world
without any middleman or intermediary person or organization to
fluently execute all the executional processes. The poor bank help to
connect all the needy people directly through the website or portal
where everyone can request for assistance for accordingly needed

Poor Bank 57
purpose, anyone who are needy with various segments can apply for
the donation funds collection to ask for assistance to everyone with
all the appropriate pieces of information as well as the proves that the
person really needs the donation. However, the donor can even justify
the need for the assistance with all the necessary information and can
even see the live donation process and can even ask for the proof of
receiving the money with all the arrangements that are necessary steps.

Since the poor bank is one of the greatest ways to communicate

directly with the poor and the benevolent donors around the globe,
that will definitely help the process to be really smooth and continue
to contribute to the importance of network building as well. In order
to have a real clear understanding about the influence of the Poor
Bank, the major segments that the poor bank will help to have a clear
and effective communications are-
• The poor bank will directly connect needy people around the
world without any intermediary person to have the privilege to
make a profit from that process
• The poor bank will have a clear point of view of any donor of
which sector the person wants to donate and where the person
has an interest to contribute to
• The web portal of the poor bank will have every information
that will make everything easy going to the process and help the
donor as well as the needy people to make any decision about
the contribution or charity process
• The poor bank will make the donor use the information about
how they will create the scope for the poor students as well as the
educational needs as well as justifying the needs to the process
as well as the information. The information that will contribute
to the process as well as the information that is needed to the
process all will make a great impact on networking.
• The poor bank will definitely contribute to the networking and
will help to start a new start that may step further to the process

58 Poor Bank
of helping the needy people and that’s how the poor bank will
make a change to the authority of the charitable business around
the world
• The poor bank will change the point of view to the donors as
well as the needy people in changing the charity work
• The poor bank will help the donors from other countries to
contribute as much as the people of the same country
• The advertisements and the promotions can be done from
any corner of the world and make people convinced about the
importance of the poor bank in helping the society as well as
the puberty
• Evolution of the society will certainly be helpful in executing

Figure 14 : visualization of donating through mobile

Poor Bank 59
the process of the poor bank since the mere purpose of the poor
bank is to alleviate puberty from the society and the development
of the needy people.

The poor bank will develop a web portal where everyone can be
connected through mobiles, computers or any other devices and ask
for any kind of charity to receive donations. However, anyone can even
donate to a charity as well for a benevolent gesture towards society out
of generosity or acting as a philanthropic.

Basically, In NGOs, people don’t actually find trust or have faith

in providing assistance and have the donation to reach out to the needy
one. Thus, to reduce the possibilities or to generate a larger concern
among the donors the poor bank initiative will work as a testimony. The
world is becoming smaller day by day and that influences the programs
of poor banks, which are also being adjusted over time to make things
better. Since the world is changing every day and continues to adapt to
every new advancement thus we should be careful about technologies
and emphasize on creating new solutions to every different problem.
In doing so, we have and we want to introduce the idea of the poor
bank that will create a greater impact on the charitable works for the
betterment of society’s involvement. That is why the idea of the poor
bank is very important and will be able to contribute to society.

60 Poor Bank
Connecting worldwide through Poor Bank :
The poor bank is an idea in which people from all around the
world can be connected and do charitable works such as donating to
the poor and the poor people can ask for donations or raise any funds
for the betterment of society or other personal necessities. And all
these processes will be done through the online process where the poor
bank will have an online portal or we can say a website in which there
will be every possible information for proceeding with the donation
work very smoothly or executable. There will be further directions
for the donors who want some suggestions about where they want to
donate and how much and if anyone has personal requirements such
as the person wants to donate to a specific sector, he will be able to do
that too. All these processes will be done through the internet. The
very advantage is that everyone, in the era of digitalization, has the
device to be connected with everyone. Moreover, people can really do
these jobs within a very short span of time.

All these positives and advantages indicate that the poor bank
will definitely be a really good connectivity network platform that may
help every donor and every needy person to be easily communicable.
However, the poor bank in the way to build better connectivity, the
concept will certainly develop a scope for NGOs as well because the
NGOs will then not be idle because they will have a role to play that
is to become a suspect or an inspector to execute the whole process
smoothly. Moreover, the ways that will create opportunities that may
vary over time will have certain issues.

The opportunities will be created if the people know about the

poor bank and how the functions are used in these concepts. However,
the connectivity will not be bound since everyone can be connected
through the web portal so the poor bank can connect any donor from
another part of the world to make a secure donation or charity work
and have a clear view about the live activities about how the money is
being used and how the donation amount is splitted.

Poor Bank 61
Figure 15 : Fundraising through charitable trust connectivity.

Thus we can say that the poor bank basically works to raise
funds for the poor needy people and in that process, many kinds
of people are connected because of the same purpose of providing
grants to the needy and people who are receiving financial
assistance. Thus the process is about fundraising and the people are
more likely to be connected through that anyway. In that way, the
poor bank is going to be a center for connecting people and creating
a network among everyone and spreading the good work more widely
and helping the poor more efficiently. However, it may not be that
reliable since the cultural differences as well as the race differences
may reduce the possibilities to a certain portion but the overall
circumstances will be favorable to everyone.

62 Poor Bank
Chapter 09
Poor Bank as One Stop
Poor Bank as One Stop Solution

O ne-stop solution refers to a source or a point of the

organization or an office where multiple services or solutions
are offered or given. Or we can also say that providing multiple,
comprehensive ranges of goods or services is also called a one-stop
solution either. However, considering the customers, the one-stop
solution refers to a shop or a business where multiple products or
goods are served at a point. Instead of going to more places than going
to a single place where we can get more products that we need and
reducing the hassle of others, we also called a one-stop solution that
is really more convenient and easy to use considering all the aspects.
To picture out the basic and fundamental benefits of using one-stop
solution for the users are -
Lower Cost: Regarding a business organization, manufacturing
under a single house rather than using multiple retailers to buy stuff,
is more costly and more hassle to bear. However, there is no need to
purchase products at retail price and further, the savings will be more
pronounced when the products will be in large quantities. The lower
cost has a higher possibility of choosing vendors since it’s more likely
to be possible to get what needs. In certain cases, the possibilities of
getting things done are not as convenient as others are when they have
to get to multiple store points.
Better Communication: Same goes as the products are not being
used under the same circumstances. The problem is when a person
goes to different shops or points to find out the importance that may
help the organization the outcome is not as useful as it requires. And
when a person uses a one-stop solution the conveniences are more
than the cost preservations are. Because when a person chooses one
stop over going multiple times the person reduces the cost firstly, then
he reduces the hassle that might need to be taken if he goes to different
stages. Moreover, the general benefit of long-term relationships also
has a good impact on the person or the business organization that is
doing or using the one-stop solution. Furthermore, the benefits are
countless if we see them as a buyer, not just as a service provider. Thus,
having everything in one house is way better for communication.
Quick Turnaround: The benefit of using the one-stop solution is
that the advantages of quick turnaround because when everything is
on the same frame and has same type of communication the process
seems too easier and helpful to use such as no extra product shipment or
rescheduling, the process will certainly start soon than other and each
machine is started as soon as possible after predicting the possibilities
and can be ready to start earlier. And receiving products late is often
a huge headache to the customers and delaying implier inefficiency to
the authority.
Better Product Fit: Last but not least is that the one-stop
solution has the greater benefit of better product fit and that is when
an organization tries to observe all the processes that may occur within
the boundaries they need a lot of manpower as well the cost may also
increase. However, the significance of getting all predictions or services
in a single place is that the authority can observe a better point of view
and take a good account into it. Moreover, the point is that when some
managers play a vital role to any company they may certainly have
created some other benefits to the organization. When a company
produces each part of the product it has a better sense of fitting them
that may create a value to it. It is important because for most customers
getting a unique and versatile seller is more convenient.

Poor Bank 65
Poor Bank Relating One-Stop Solution:
The poor bank is an online based digitized platform where
everyone can be connected and take the connectivity as an opportunity
to do charity work such as donating to any people regarding any
specific purpose and have a direct connection without any middleman
or middle person such as NGOs. Poor banks basically help to reduce
the cost and the middle persons to deal with and help to create the
connection directly with the poor people and so the donors can have
the benefit of degrees of freedom that is the power to choose anyone
to give the financial assistance that he is providing. However, the poor
bank works as an one-stop solution center because the idea of the poor
bank is to provide coverage to all the people who are benevolent and
have the spiritual side to help the poor and the poor provides coverage
for all the people who want to donate with the benefits of directly
providing and moreover, the platform is online based so anyone from
anywhere can donate as per the conveniences. As we all know that
one-stop solution means getting multiple works done at the same
place. And the poor bank is doing a lot of work and taking a lot of
steps at the same time. Such as-
• Giving the opportunity for any donor to evaluate all the options
at the same website of the poor bank and makes the donations
at the same time without any research that costs time.
• The poor bank provides the facilities of comparing all the
charitable trust contributions as well the donations and all the
other data at the same place without any further hassle.
• It provides the benefits of choosing multiple donation segments
where the donor can choose different types of donation at the
same time.
• The poor bank also provides the benefit of getting all sorts of
data at the same place and to compare with others at the root
level and help making decisions.
• In the website of a poor bank the donors can have multiple
suggestions for donations.

66 Poor Bank
• For needy people the person can ask for funds with multiple
needs and make the request as per convenience and the people
who seek to provide funds also can judge accordingly.
• The donors do not need to go anywhere, only to the portal of a
poor bank and get access to total world’s NGOs and get coverage
for everyone and assistance as well.
• Since the NGOs of certain areas will be under the record of the
poor bank portal, the information and the assistance that we
need will be on the grapes of any donor.
• Donors do not need to know any further details and do not need
to do any further research since all the work will be done by the
poor bank’s website portal.
• An all-in-one package is that the poor bank will reduce the
work for the donors. It also reduces the work for needy people.
However, it creates a good platform for the charity world without
any hassle and easy going.

Eventually, we can realize that the poor bank is an absolute

solution for the overall circumstances and creates a great deal of
concern for needy people without any kind of hesitation. However,
the poor bank will definitely work as a one-stop solution since it will
be providing coverage for a lot of multitasking work under the same
roof. So the poor bank as a one-stop solution will help to have a greater

Poor Bank 67
Chapter 10
World Development
and Poor Bank
World Development and Poor Bank

T he innovative idea of the poor bank is very short, simple,

and easy to use by the people who are seeking any kind
of donations to continue their purpose or sometimes for their basic
fundamental needs which are not met by other facilities provided. The
poor bank refers to a computer-based website or digitized platform
where impoverished people who need any kind of donation or help
are entitled to the websites with all the possible pieces of information
needed to proceed and the donor or the wealthy or kind people who
want to help for the betterment of the poor people can be connected
through this platform and can easily contribute to the conditions of
puberty. The poor bank will contribute to the society as well as the
world contribution in the development segments such as reducing
puberty, helping the needy people, contributing to the portion of
charity works and more. The major purpose or the basic purpose of any
charitable organization is to help the poor or to sustain the lifestyle
of very vulnerable people around the world. Some of the charitable
organizations are working to target a specific area’s people who need
the help. However, some of the charitable organizations are doing the
work of the world wide variety or try to cover the overall areas with
a specific types of problems of people such as education, healthcare,
mental issues etcetera. Thus, everyone is doing charitable work through
the organizations.

How the Poor Bank will help develop the world as a better place?
To answer the question, we must go through some variety of
judgments about the Poor Bank. The poor bank may help the donors
as well as the needy or helpless people who might seek financial or
other needs to obtain or to carry out for the better living. To evaluate
the idea of a poor bank, there are certain questions to ask and certain
criteria to look into with the deep digging concepts. The questions
could possibly be-
• Who can donate to the poor bank?
• How easily can any donors donate to the poor bank?
• Does anyone have any preference to donate according to
their will?
• Will anyone be able to track the donation that has been
• Can anyone donate to the poor bank for different causes they
want to donate to?
• How much will the total cost be borne by the authority to deal
with all the proceedings?
• How much will it be cost-effective compared to the traditional
donation system relating to the poor bank?
• If the donors can be connected with all areas of people such as
rural areas people who are really in need of financial assistance?
• Can anyone specifically connect with any person to whom he
wants to donate?
• What will be the influences of the NGOs near the areas of the
needy people to someone who wants to donate?

These all are the basic assistance-related questions that one can
ask to evaluate the concept of the poor bank and to see if the poor bank

Poor Bank 71
is capable enough to continue in the era of digitalization. There are
other segments of inquiries to be done in order to provide judgments
about the poor bank about the eligibility to help the society or the
world in the betterment or the development. These inquiries are-
• How will the poor bank help society by providing assistance
to the poor people?
• How will the poor bank help the poor children in order to
learn and educate himself or herself ?
• How may the concept of the poor bank help alleviate puberty
from the world?
• Will the poor bank have any special care or support for the
poor students around the world? Or if the poor bank has
facilities in which anyone can provide assistance to the direct
poor students?
• How much will the portion of the donation go to the cost
segment or distribution segments and how much will the
beneficiaries receive from it? Comparing the traditional
donation system with the poor bank solution.
• How will the poor bank be able to provide direct help to the
rural needy people?
• What will be the procedure to provide information to use as
guidelines for the donors?
• If the poor bank will be able to raise awareness among the
people about the social structure? And how will they do it?
• How will the poor bank utilize most of its resources such as
information donations?
• How does the poor bank reduce the possibility of fraudulent
and exposing confidential information?
• How many possibilities does the poor bank possess in building
the networks around the world?
• The monitoring specifications by the NGOs and the utilization

72 Poor Bank
programs of poor bank
• If the poor bank will provide all kinds of information that may
be needed to any charitable organizations?
• Will the poor bank have any facilities where the donors can
choose anyone as their beneficiaries?
• The less expensiveness of the online charitable aspects create
more effective or not?
• If the reduction of cost and the effectiveness will be able to be
achieved to control and maintain through the internet portals
be possible?

Source :

Figure 16: Comparison between the growth of online and traditional


Regarding last year’s data, the graph shows the growth of online
donations as well as the traditional or overall givings for the purpose
of charity givings. The blue circle shows the online donation’s growth
which is consistently higher over every month comparing the overall

Poor Bank 73
giving which is represented by the orange lines. The increasing rate of
online charity giving is a positive sign for the online platform to imply
that the poor bank has a possible growing future for the betterment
of charity works. And since everything is converting into online or
digitized platforms because of all the advantageous aspects. Thus, poor
banks possess or stand a really good chance in the era of digitalization.
And most importantly, they possess the quality of expanding in the

Eventually, we can say that in the possible development for society

as well as world development, the poor bank will play a very significant
role since all the judgments go in the favor of the Poor Bank. The poor
bank will impact the economy as well as the needy people around the
world with the betterment of life and prosperity.

74 Poor Bank
Chapter 11
Future and Welfare of
Poor Bank
Future and Welfare of Poor Bank

T he poor bank can develop far better opportunities than a

regular charity or a non-profitable organization can ever
do. Because the idea is proposed with the ability to abolish all the
drawbacks that every charity or NGO faces. The poor bank can even
replace the traditional procedure and structures and barriers as well
with a new innovative and effective one-stop solution that is even
an online-based application for every poor needy person. Nowadays,
many students are depending on the fund of charities, thus this can
even be developed by the donor through the poor bank. One of the
major effective features is for the students where all the needy students
will apply for the scholarship fund along with all the information. All
this information will be recorded on the website and the donor can
easily access any students they want to provide. Thus, this initiative
can reduce every possible cost that traditional NGOs do. So better
efficiency can be achieved. So all the processes can be replaced with
this innovative idea for the betterment of society.

In the future, the poor bank can hold control of all other
organizations. The charity and the non-profitable organizations can
work as an agent or work on commission-based institutions. The poor
bank will impose the monitoring work onto the organizations and
they will be paid on a certain commission after all the procedure is
completed and a report of the inspection is provided to the poor bank’s
authority. Eventually, all the activities will be converted to online-based
and only the agents will stay on the field to inspect the suspect till the
donation is received. Thus, the poor bank can be a great step towards
the evolution of NGOs. The major benefits of the poor bank are-
• Fewer expenses since all the operations will be online and
• being connected to everyone in rural area’s needy people
• NGOs can work as agents or commission-based institutions
for Poor bank
• Can be reachable to any poor student or any person anywhere
around the world
• Providing much emphasis on the development of the poor
people and achieving the core goal of reducing or abolishing
poverty than maintaining and completing with the other
charity or NGOs
• Can be utilized the most of the funds
• Less risky and less fraudulent possibility by the employees since
everything will be recorded on the website and everything is
• Collection of funds from all around the world with a simple
• Much effective to obtain any goal since the strategy is quick
• Achieving the networking function around the world
• Can connect and focus on more than a centralized portion of
• Can be monitored by the NGOs afterward providing
assistance to the people
• Maximum efficiency can be obtained by the management
• Less costly so most of the funds will be useful to the donation

Poor Bank 77
• The less operating cost of the organization itself
• Accessing to all the details to anyone who needed the money
• Donators can choose any sector in which they want to support
• A large donation will be strategically maintained since all the
functions will be on the internet

Even though there are lots of benefits yet, some drawbacks are
also visible to us. Such as-
• Needed data to analyze and mobilize the Poor bank will be a
difficult task to do
• The failings of data can be of the main difficulty
• Specially the information regarding the poor people around
the globe is really tough and costly to obtain

There are more benefits that can be achieved if all the NGOs
work together under the Poor Bank’s authority. The Poor Bank can
replace the traditional strategy to help or volunteer the poor people
around the world with innovative and efficient strategies.

78 Poor Bank
Chapter 12

E ventually, the idea of the Poor Bank can make a great

impact on the poor people around the globe and it
can change the whole system and strategies of how a donation
is provided and all other works of a charitable trust, donors and
NGOs and develop a new digitized online-based platform to
donate by the wealthy and generous people for the betterment of
poor people around the world. The fundamental purpose of the Poor
Bank is to connect the donor and the needy underprivileged poor
people including the poor people around the world and create a well-
organized helpful platform. The possible upgraded features will also be
added according to the needs of the time and in the future, the ideas
will also be collected from every creative person for the betterment.
On this platform, every single detailed information will be collected
and displayed through the big database to the donor who wants to
donate to any specific categorized portion of people. The external costs,
the possibility of fraud, delayed process, less fund collection etcetera
problems can be solved. The possibility of development to create a
better society through the development of the Poor bank. Thus, the
implementation of an IT-developed web portal for the purpose of
creating a poor bank that will help the poor people as well as charitable
trusts, non-governmental organizations and donors to understand and
use the expansion of welfare towards our deprived and unprivileged
poor people. The humane deed of philanthropic people and all the
institutions will be elaborate greater through the implementation of
the Poor bank, that is desired hope and expectation from it.

Poor Bank 81
Chapter 13

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Poor Bank 89
Chapter 14

• Figure 01: Largest donor of humanitarian air worldwide in

2021 16

• Figure 02: Total fundraising from online (%) 22

• Figure 03: Fundraising from mobile (%) 23

• Figure 04: Total fundraising in year 2019-2020 27

• Figure 05: Total fundraising from different channels 28

• Figure 06: Changes in donation over the years 28

• Figure 07: Bill gates giving away of billion dollar to various

sectors 29

• Figure 08: Interface of British Heart Foundation 37

• Figure 09: Donating procedure of BHF 38

• Figure 10: Interface of Give India 39

• Figure 11: Online portal of Charity Navigator 41

• Figure 12: Fundly profile 46

• Figure 13: Website portal of FCAB 47

• Figure 14: Visualization of donating through mobile 54

• Figure 15: Fundraising through charitable trust connectivity. 59

• Figure 16: Comparison between the growth of online and

Traditional Donation 66

Poor Bank 93
Hail to the Philanthropic People, Hail to the
Humane deed


94 Poor Bank
Ziaur Rahman was born on 14th May 1979 at Khalishkhali, a
village of Tala Upazila, Satkhira District. He completed his Masters
in Mathematics from Jagnnath University, Dhaka. He was highly
interested in research work from early life. He has already published
Health TV and Bangladesh which is his first research-oriented book.
His second research-related book is SMS Medicine. Poor Bank is
his new innovative idea. He is also a nature lover. Watching birds,
planting trees, and traveling are his area of interest. He is highly
intended to do research work for poverty alleviation, health,
education, and social problems. He has joined Bangladesh Civil
Service in 2008 and worked as Executive Magistrate, Assistant
Commissioner (Land), Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), Additional
Deputy Commissioner (ADC), and Additional District Magistrate
(ADM) in different districts. He also worked as Senior Assistant
Secretary under the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Bangladesh.
Currently, he is working as a Deputy Secretary under the Govt. of
the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.


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