Holiday Home Work For Class Xi Science (2023 - 24) - 1

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CLASS – XI (2023 -24)




I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets:-

Asaf Khan, who (a) __________ (lead) the expedition against the city, (b) ______ (expect) that
the little country which (c) _________ (rule) by a woman, would (d) ______ (take) very easily
without (e) ______ (strike) even a blow. He was very surprised when he (f) ______ (find) that
the city (g) ______ (prepare) to offer a strong resistance. He (h) ______ (bring) with him only a
small force to fight them.

II. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make
other changes as necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence:
(1) The peon cannot leave unless I permit him. (Use: permission)
(2) The tea is too hot for me to drink. (Omit ‘too’)
(3) Hard-working people seldom fail. (Begin: People who......)
(4) Just as he started shaving the lights went out. (Begin: Hardly....)
(5) I was shocked by his communal postings on Facebook. (Begin: His .....)
(6) Our forces have been defeated. (Begin: It has been…)
(7) If our football players were fit, they would have won the match. (Begin: Had…)
(8) An ant is as intelligent as an elephant. (Use intelligence instead of intelligent)
(9) It was the last time he saw his wife. (Begin: Never…)
(10) He said to me, “Where do you live?” (Begin: He asked me…)

III. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line against
which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet
against the correct blank number.

Medha Patekar had been venturing into the forests since (a) __________
a long time, warnings from colleagues not with holding (b) __________
But she ensured that her team would abide in her (c) __________
regulations strictly, lest they will land themselves in (d) __________
hazardous situations. Many a times her forest related (e) __________
sense, which was superior than that of her (f) __________
team members, proved its worthy by preventing (g) __________
disasters so saving many lives. (h) __________
IV. Imagine you are Khuswant Singh’s grandmother. You have recently shifted to the city
along with your son’s family. Write a letter to your friend describing to her the changes in
your life. Express your feelings of being uprooted and lonely.

V. Movie viewing is a pleasurable experience. In that respect, write a critique on any one
film of your choice – a production that caught your attention as a viewer and left an
indelible mark on your senses. Remember to mention:
The title
Plot in brief
What you loved
The part you disliked

Section A
MCQ type questions:
1. Which of the following is a dimensional constant
(a) Refractive index (b) dielectric constant (c) relative density (d) Gravitational constant.
2. Number of significant figures in 0.06900 is
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2
3. A famous relation in physics relates ‘moving mass’ m to the rest mass m0 of a particle in terms
of its speed v and the speed of light C. A boy recalls the relation almost correctly but forget
where to put the constant C. He writes 𝑚 = √1−v 2
. Guess where to put the missing C
m m C m0 m0
(a) 𝑚 = √C2 0 0
(b) m = √1−v (c) m = (d) m =
−v2 2
v2 2
√1− ⁄ 2 √1−C ⁄ 2
C v

4. The velocity v of a particle in terms of time t is v = at + t+c
The dimension of a, b, c are
(a) L2 ,T, LT −2 (b) LT 2 , LT, L (c) LT −2 , L, T (d) L, T, T 2

5. A ball is released from the top of a tower h metre. It takes t seconds to reach the ground. what
is the position of the ball in t/3 second?
(a) h/9 metre from the ground (b) 7h/9 metre from the ground (c) 8h/9 metre from the
ground (d) 17h/18 metre from the ground.

6. A particle moves rectilinearly. Its displacement ‘x’ at time ‘t’ is given by x 2 = at 2 + b . Its
acceleration in time ‘t’ is proportional to
1 1 1 t
(a) x3 (b) x − x2 (c) − x2 (d) None of these
7. The velocity-displacement graph of a particle moving along a straight line is shown in figure.

The most suitable acceleration-displacement graph will be

(a) (b)


8. An object moving with a speed of 6.25 m/s, is deaccelerating at a rate of = −2.5√v.
where is the instantaneous speed. The time taken by the body to come to rest would be
(a) 1s (b) 2s (c) 3s (d) 4s
9. The distance ‘x’ covered by a particle in time ‘t’ varies as x 2 = at 2 + 2bt + c. if the
acceleration of particle depends on x as 𝑥 −𝑛 where n is a integer. Value of n is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
10. A body is thrown vertically upward. Which of the following graph correctly represents the
velocity-time graph for it?

(a) (b)


Directions: Each of these questions contain two statements, Assertion and Reason. Each of these
questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which is the correct answer. You have to
select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.

11. Assertion: when we change the unit of measurement of a quantity, its numerical value
Reason: smaller the unit of measurement smaller its numerical value.
12. Assertion: for one dimensional motion the angle between velocity and acceleration must be 0°.
Reason: one dimensional motion always on a straight line.
13. Assertion: an object can have constant speed but variable velocity.
Reason: speed is a scalar quantity and velocity is a vector quantity.

Section B
14. The Vander wall’s equation for gas is (𝑃 + 𝑉 2 ) (𝑉 − 𝑏) = 𝑅𝑇. Determine the dimensions of a
and b. Hence write the SI units of a and b.
15. Consider a simple pendulum, having a bob attached to a string, that oscillates under the action
of the force of gravity. Suppose that the period of oscillation (T) of the simple pendulum
depends on mass m of the bob, length l of the string and acceleration due to gravity g at the
place. Derive the expression for its time period using the method of dimension.
16. Two straight rays OA and OB on the same displacement-time make angles 300 and 600 with
time axis respectively as shown in figure.

(i) Which ray represents grater velocity?

(ii) What is the ratio of two velocities represented by OA and OB?
17. The speed-time graph of a particle moving along fixed direction is shown in figure. Obtain the
distance travelled by the particle between (i) t=0 to 10s (ii) t=2 to 6s. what is the average
speed of the particle in interval in (i) and (ii)?

18. The driver of a train moving at a speed v1 observes another train at a distance d ahead of him
on the same trac moving in the same direction with a slower speed v2. He applies break and
(𝑉1 −𝑉2 )2
given his train a deacceleration a. show that if 𝑑 > there will be no collision.
19. In a car race car A takes time t less than car B and passes the finishing point with a velocity v
more than the velocity with which car B passes the point. Assuming that the car starts from
rest and travelled with constant acceleration a1 and a2, show that 𝑉 = 𝑡√𝑎1 𝑎2.
20. The relation between t and the distance x is 𝑡 = 𝑎𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 where a and b are constants.
Express the instantaneous acceleration in terms of instantaneous velocity.
21. Two balls are thrown simultaneously, A vertically upward with a speed 20m/s from the
ground and B vertically downward from a height of 40m with the same speed and along the
same line of motion. At what point do two balls collide? Take 𝑔 = 10𝑚𝑠 −2.
22. In the expression 𝑃 = 𝐸𝑙 2 𝑚−5 𝐺 −2; E,m,l and G denotes energy, mass angular momentum
and gravitational constant respectively. Show that P is a dimensionless quantity.
23. Two towns A and B are connected by a regular bus service with a bus leaving in either
direction every T min. A man cycling with a speed of 20 km/h in the direction A to B notices
that a bus goes past him every 18 min. in the direction of his motion and every 6 min. in the
opposite direction. What is the period T of the bus service and with what speed (assume
constant) do the buses ply on the road?
Section C
CBQs :
24. The nature of a physical quantity is described by its dimensions. All the physical quantities
represented by derived units can be expressed in terms of some combination of seven
fundamental or base quantities. We shall call these base quantities as the seven dimensions of
the physical world, which are denoted with square brackets [ ]. Thus, length has the dimension
[L], mass [M], time [T], electric current [A], thermodynamic temperature [K], luminous
intensity [cd], and amount of substance [mol]. The dimensions of a physical quantity are the
powers (or exponents) to which the base quantities are raised to represent that quantity. Note
that using the square brackets [ ] round a quantity means that we are dealing with ‘the
dimensions of’ the quantity. In mechanics, all the physical quantities can be written in terms
of the dimensions [L], [M] and [T]. For example, the volume occupied by an object is
expressed as the product of length, breadth and height, or three lengths. Hence the dimensions
of volume are [L] × [L] × [L] = [L3].
(i) Dimensions of force and energy are --------- and ------------.
(ii) What is uncertainty in physics? Explain with one example
(iii) define dimensions of a physical quantity.
25. Kinematics is the branch of mechanics which deals with the study of motion of material
objects without taking into account factors effecting the motion. rest and motion are relative
concept and nothing is absolute. When the position of a body changes in a frame of reference,
it is said to be in motion which is categorised as uniform and non-uniform. Motion of a body
is studied in terms of a position-time graph and velocity-time graph.
(i) ‘rest and motion are relative not absolute’ ---explain with example.
(ii) Draw position-time, velocity-time graph of particle under uniform motion.
(iii) Draw displacement-time, velocity-time graph of a particle under uniform acceleration.

Solve the following questions:

Q1. State (a) Law of conservation of mass, (b) Law of definite proportion (c) Law of multiple
proportions (d) Gay Lussac’s law of gaseous volume (e) Avogadro’s law.
Q2. A metal forms two oxides. The higher oxide contains 80% metal. 0.72 g of the lower oxide
gave 0.8 g of higher oxide when oxidized. Show that the data illustrates the law of multiple
Q3. Equal masses of oxygen, hydrogen and methane are taken in a container in identical
conditions. Find the ratio of the volumes of the gases.
Q4. The atomic masses of two elements (A and B) are 20 and 40 U respectively. If X g of A
contains y atoms, how many atoms are present in 2X g of B?
Q5. How many atoms are there in 100 amu of He?
Q6. How many g atoms are there in one atom?
Q7. The red colour of blood is due to haemoglobin. It contains 0.33% of iron. Four atoms of iron
are present in one molecule of haemoglobin. What is the molecular mass of haemoglobin?
Q8. Calculate the total number of atoms in 0.5 mole of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7.)
Q9. What is the maximum number of moles of CO2 that could be obtained on heating from the
carbon in 4 moles of Ru2(CO3)3?
Q10. 4g H2 reacts with 20g O2 to form water. How much water is formed?
Q11.It was found that 380mL of a gas at 27◦C and 800mm of Hg weighed 0.455g. Find the
molecular weight of the gas.
Q12.How many grams of MgSO4 would contain the same mass of sulphur that is present in 200g
of FeSO4? (Mg=24, Fe=56, S=32, O=16)
Q13.How many moles of Al2O3 will be formed when a mixture of 5.4 g of Al and 3.2 g of O2 is
heated? (Al = 27, 0 = 16)
Q14. The vapour density of a mixture containing NO2 and N2O4 is 38.3 at 27◦C. Calculate the
mole of NO2 in 100g mixture.
Q15.What is the simplest formula of a compound containing 50% of element A (atomic mass10)
and 50% of element B (atomic mass 20)?
Q16.Calculate the amount of KClO3 needed to supply sufficient oxygen for burning 112 L of CO
gas at S.T.P. (Atomic weight of K = 39, Cl = 35.5, O = 16).
Q17. When 15 g of a mixture of NaCl and Na2CO3 is heated with dilute HCl, 2.5 g of CO2 is
evolved at STP. Calculate % composition of the original mixture.
Q18. Brass is an alloy of Cu-Zn. A sample of brass weighing 6g when treated with excess of
dilute H2SO4 gives 328mL of dry hydrogen gas at 27◦C and 760mm Hg pressure. What is the %
of copper by weight in the alloy? (Atomic mass of zinc is 65.4g, R= 0.082L atm K-1 mol-1)
Q19. Calculate the weight of CaO required to remove hardness of 106 L of water containing
1.62g of Ca(HCO3)2 in 1L.
Q20. A closed vessel is found to contain 1g of Mg and 0.5g of oxygen. The mixture is burnt. (a)
which is the limiting reagent? (b) Find the weight of the excess reagent. (c) How many mL of
M/4 solution of H2SO4will dissolve the residue in the vessel?
Q21. Find out the oxidation states of the underlined atoms in their ion/compound/complex:
(a) C2O42─
(b) CH3OH
(c) HCN
(d) Na2[Fe(CN)5(NO)]
(e) NH2OH
(f) H2S4O6
(g) H3PO2
(h) CrO5
(i) Na2S2O3
(j) KO2

Q22. Balance the following redox reactions –

(a) Cr2O72− + SO2 + H+ → Cr3+ + HSO4− + H2O (Acidic medium)
(b) MnO4− + C2O42− + H+ → CO2 + Mn2+ + H2O (Acidic medium)
(c) Cu2O + H+ + NO3− → Cu2+ + NO + H2O (Acidic medium)
(d) P4 + H2O + OH− → PH3 + H2PO2− (Basic medium)
(e) MnO4− + I− + H2O → MnO2 + IO3− + OH− (Basic medium)
(f) Zn + NO − + H O → Zn2+ + NH + + OH− (Basic medium)
3 2 4


A) Kindly submit a brief project on one of the following topics:

1. Disorders of circulatory system

2. Disorders of respiratory system
3. Chromosomal disorders
4. Neural disorders

B) Solve the questions of the worksheet uploaded in SRM.

1. What are the different core data types in python? Explain each briefly.
2. Write the output:
print (k<2)
print (k==2)
print (k<=3 or k>4)

3. What are different types of tokens are there in python?

4. Define with example: Keyword, literal, identifier
5. Give example of different types of operator in python.
6. Differentiate between the following:
a) = and ==
b) /, //, %
c) is and ==
7. Find the value:
a) 100/25
b) 100//25
c) a = 8.6
print ( a//b )

8. What will be the value of y after following code fragment is executed ?

x = 10.0
y = (x < 100.0) and x >= 10
9. Which of the following literals has True truth-value ?
• 0.000001
• 'None'
• 0
• []
• False
• True
• 1
• 33
• None
• 0.0
10. What is the value of the expression 10 + 3 ** 3 * 2?
11. To increase the value of x five times using an augmented assignment operator, the correct
expression will be
• x += 5
• x *= 5
• x = x ** 5
• none of these
12. What will be the result of the expression: a) 10 or 0 b) 5 or 10 c) 5 and 10 d) 15 and 10

13. What are Immutable and Mutable types in Python?

14. What is the difference between implicit type conversion and explicit type conversion?
15. Given str1 = "Hello", what will be the values of:
(a) str1[0]
(b) str1[1]
(c) str1[-5]
(d) str1[-4]
(e) str1[5]

16. What will the result given by the following?

(a) type (6 + 3)
(b) type (6 -3)
(c) type (6 *3)
(d) type (6 / 3)
(e) type (6 // 3)
(f) type (6 % 3)

17. Given three Boolean variables a, b, c as : a = False, b = True, c = False. Evaluate the
following Boolean expressions:
(a) b and c
(b) b or c
(c) not a and b
(d) (a and b) or not c
(e) not b and not (a or c)
(f) not ((not b or not a) and c) or a

18. What would following code fragments result in? Given x = 3.

(a) 1 < x
(b) x >= 4
(c) x == 3
(d) x == 3.0
(e) "Hello" == "Hello"

19. Which of the following are valid identifiers?

• my name
• _myname
• myname
• my-name

20. The input( ) returns the value as .......... type.

21. print a line a text without ending it with a newline, .......... argument is used with print( )

22. The default separator character of print( ) is ..........

23. To give a different separator with print( ) .......... argument is used.

24. How are keywords different from identifiers ?

25. What are literals in Python ? What are the different types of literals are allowed in Python ?

Programming questions:

1. Write a program in python to calculate and display area and circumference of a circle by
taking radius as input from user. (Area= π r2)
2. Write a python code to input the name and basic salary of an employee. Calculate and display
the name, gross salary and net salary of the employee when:
da= 30% of basic
hra=18% of basic
pf= 12.5% of basic
gross= basic + da + hra
net= gross-pf
3. Write a python code to input temperature in Fahrenheit and display the equivalent Celsius
4. Write a python code to enter three sides of scalene triangle and calculate the area scalene
triangle by using the formula:
area=√s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) where s= (a+b+c)/2
5. Write a python code to input a three-digit number. Find and display the sum of first and last
digit without using a loop.
Write algorithm and draw flowchart for the following:

1. Find the addition of two values

2. Check whether a given value is even or odd
3. Find the largest value among three values.
4. Find the area and perimeter of a rectangle.
5. Find the grade of a student assumes marks of 5 subjects are input by the user.

1. Complete project work on the topic “Solar Energy- A cost effective alternative of
conventional energy sources” in the format as discussed in class, before survey work and its
2. Solve the worksheet on “Introduction to Microeconomics” by downloading it from the SRM
in A4 size sheets to be submitted to the subject teacher on the day the school reopens.

❖ Very short answer carrying 2 marks

1. Define Physical education.
2. What is Khelo India programme?
3. What are the duties involved in teaching physical education?
4. What is the primary aim of physical education?
5. Write a short note on sports industry and sports broadcasting career.

❖ Very short answer carrying 3 marks

1. Enlist the career in communication media
2. What are the features of Khelo India Programme?
3. Write a short note on rules of the Ancient Olympics game?
4. What do you mean by CITIUS, ALTIUS and FORTIUS?
5. Elucidate about the symbol of Modern Olympic Games.

❖ Very short answer carrying 5 marks

1. What are the functions of IOA and IOC?
2. Write a short note on: Olympic motto, Olympic values and Oath.
3. Explain Olympic movement structure in details.
4. Explain Khelo India program in details.
5. Write a note on development of Physical education in India post-independence.

Level- 1 (Type 1)
1. Which of the following not a well defined collection of objects

(a) The set of Natural Numbers (b) Rivers of India

(c) Various kinds of Triangles (d) Five most renowned Mathematicians of the world.

2. Write the solution set of the equation x 2 + x − 6 = 0 in roster form

(a) 2, −3 (b) −1, −2 (c) 1,2 (d) {−1,2}

3. Write the set A = 1, 4, 9,16, 25...... in set builder form

(a) x : x = n2 where n  N  (b) x : x = n2 where n W 

(c)  x : x = n2 where n  Z  (d) x : x = n2 where n  Q

4. Which of the following is not empty set

(a) A = {x :1  x  2, x is a natural number between 1 & 2}

(b) B = {x : x 2 − 2 = 0 and x is rational}

(c) C = {x : x is even prime number  2 }

(d) D = {x : x 2 = 0 and x is integer}

5. If A={ x | x is a letter in the word "ACCOUNTANCY"}then cardinality of A is

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

6. Let F1 be the set of all parallelograms, F2 be the set of rectangles, F3 be the set of rhombuses, F4 be the set of
squares and F5 be the set of trapeziums in a plane then F1 =

(a) F2  F3 (b) F2  F3  F4 (c) F3  F4  F5 (d) F3  F1

7. If the set of factors of a whole number ‘n’ including 'n' itself but not ‘ 1 ’ is denoted by F ( n ) . If F (16 )  F ( 40 ) = F ( x )
then ' x ' is

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 6 (d) 10

8. If A is the set of the divisors of the number 15, B is the set of prime numbers smaller than 10 and C is the set of even
numbers smaller than 9, then ( A  C )  B is the set

(a) 1,3,5 (b) 1,2,3 (c) 2,3,5 (d) 2,5

9. Let A = 1,2,3,4,5,6 , B = 2,4,6,8 then A − B =

(a) 1,3,5 (b) 8 (c) 2,4,6 (d) 

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10. Let A = 1,2,3,4 and B = 2,3,4,5,6 , then A  B =

(a) 2,3,4 (b) 1 (c) 5,6 (d) 1,5,6

11. Let U = 1,2,3,4,5,6, A = 2,3, B = 3,4,5 then A' B ' = ...........

(a) 1,2 (b) 1,6 (c) 1,5 (d) 1,4

12. In a class of 35 students, 24 like to play cricket and 16 like to play football also each student likes to play at least one
of the two games. How many students like to play both cricket and football?

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

13. In a group of 70 people, 37 like coffee, 52 like tea and each person like at least one of the two drinks. The number of
persons liking both coffee and tea is

(a) 16 (b) 13 (c) 19 (d) 20

14. If n ( X ) = 28, n (Y ) = 32, n ( X  Y ) = 50 then n ( X  Y ) =

(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 10

15. If n ( A) = 50, n ( B ) = 20 and n ( A  B ) = 10 then n ( AB ) is

(a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 70 (d) 40

Level-I (Type 2)
1. The group of talented boys is

(a) a null set (b) A finite set (c) not a set (d) Infinite set
2. Which of the following is the roster form of letters of word “SCHOOL”

(a) s, h, o, l (b) s, c, h, o, l (c) s, c, o, l (d) h, o, o, l

3. Write the set {x : x is a positive integer and x 2  40} in the roaster form

(a) 1,2,3,4,5,6 (b) {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} (c) 2,3,4,5,6,7 (d) 0,1,2,3,5,6

4. Which of the following is finite

(a) A = {x : x is set of points on a line} (b) B = {x : x  and x is prime}

(c) C = {x : x  and x is odd} (d) D = {x : x  and ( x − 1)( x − 2 ) = 0}

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5. Which of the following pairs of sets are equal

(a) A = {x : x is letter of word “ALLOY”} B = {x : x is letter of word “LOYAL”}

(b) A = −2, −1,0,1,2 , B = 1,2

(c) A = 0 , B = {x : x  5 and x  15 }

(d) A = {x : x − 5 = 0}B = x : x 2 = 25

6. Let 1,2,3 then the number of subsets of A is

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 0

7. How many elements has P ( A ) ,if A = 

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 0

8. A = 2,4,6,8 B = 6,8,10,12 then A  B

(a) 2,4,6,8,12 (b) 2,4,6,8,10,12 (c) 6,8 (d) 2,4

9. If A = {2,3,4,8,10}, B = {3,4,5,10,12}, C = 4,5,6,12,14 then ( A  B )  ( A  C ) =

(a) 2,3,4,5,8,10,12 (b) 2,4,8,10,12 (c) 3,8,10,12 (d) 2,8,10

10. Let A = a, e, i, o, u, B = a, i, k , u then A-B

(a) a, e (b) e, i (c) e,o (d) {e, i, o}

11. Let U = 1,2,.....,10 , A = 1,3,5,7,9 then A' =

(a) 2,4,6,8,10 (b) 1,3,5,7,9 (c) 1,3,2,4 (d) A

12. In a committee 50 people speak French, 20 speak Spanish and 10 speak both Spanish and French. The number of
persons speaking at least one of these two languages is

(a) 60 (b) 20 (c)38 (d) 58

13. If A and B are two sets such that n ( A) = 70, n ( B ) = 60 and n ( A  B ) = 110 , then n ( A  B ) is equal to

(a) 240 (b) 50 (c) 40 (d) 20

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Level-II (Type 1)
1. Let X = {1,2,3,4,5,6} . If n represent any member of X, then roster form of n  X but 2n  X

(a) 2,3,5,6 (b) 5,6 (c) 4,5,6 (d) 3

2. Two finite sets have m and n elements. If total number of subsets of the first set is 56 more than that of the total
number of subsets of the second. The values of m and n respectively are

(a) 7,6 (b) 6,3 (c) 5,1 (d) 8,7

3. If A = 8n − 7n − 1: n  N  and B = 49 ( n − 1) : n   then (optional)

(a) A  B (b) B  A (c) A = B (d) A  B

4. If A =  , then the power set of A is

(a) A (b)  ,  (c)  , , (d) none of these

5. The smallest set A such that A  {1,2} = 1,2,3,5,9 is

(a) 2,3,5 (b) 3,5,9 (c) 1,2,5,9 (d) {1,2}

6. If sets A and B are defined as A = ( x, y ) : y = e x , x  R , B = ( x, y ) : y = x, x  R , then

(a) B  A (b) A  B (c) A  B =  (d) A  B = A

7. If aN = ax : x   then 3N  7 N =

(a) 21N (b) 10N (c) 4N (d) 5N

8. If A = 1,2,3,4,5,6 , B = 1,2 , then =
 A
 

(a) A (b)  (c) A  B (d) A  B

9. If n (U ) = 700, n ( A) = 200, n ( B ) = 300, n ( A  B ) = 100 , then n ( A ' B ') is equal to

(a) 400 (b) 240 (c) 300 (d) 500

10. If n (U ) = 48, n ( A) = 28, n ( B ) = 33 and n ( B − A) = 12 , then n ( A  B )C is

(a) 27 (b) 28 (c) 29 (d) 30

11. If n ( A  BC ) = 5, n ( B  AC ) = 6 , n ( A  B ) = 4 then the value of n ( A  B ) is

(a) 18 (b) 15 (c) 16 (d) 17

12. Let n ( A − B ) = 25 + X , n ( B − A) = 2 X and n ( A  B ) = 2 X . If n ( A) = 2 ( n ( B ) ) then ' X ' is

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7

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13. Of the members of three athletic teams in a school 21 are in the cricket team, 26 are in the hockey team and 29 are in
the football team. Among them, 14 play hockey and cricket, 15 play hockey and football and 12 play foot ball and
cricket. Eight play all the three games. The total number of members in the three athletic teams is

(a) 43 (b) 76 (c) 49 (d) 53

14. If sets A and B have 3 and 6 elements each, then the minimum number of elements in A  B = is

(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 18

15. If n (U ) = 60, n ( A) = 21, n ( B ) = 43 then greatest value of n ( A  B ) and least value of n ( A  B ) = are

(a) 60, 43 (b) 50,36 (c) 70, 44 (d) 60,38

Level-II (Type 2)
1. If A = {x : x is a multiple of 2} and B = {x : x is a multiple of 6} then A  B consists of all multiples of

(a) 16 (b) 12 (c) 8 (d) 4

2. Two finite sets have m and n elements. The total number of subsets of the first set is 48 more than the total number of
subsets of the second set. The values of m and n are

(a) 6,7 (b) 7,6 (c) 6,4 (d) 7,4

3. If X = 4n − 3n − 1: n  N  and Y = 9 ( n − 1) : n   then X Y =

(a) X (b) Y (c) N (d) 

4. If A = ( 2,4 ) and B = [3,5) then A  B =

(a) 3,4 (b) [3,4) (c) (3,4] (d) [2,5]

5. Let A be the set of non-negative integers, I is the set of integers, B is the set of non-positive integers, E is the set of
even integers and P is the set of prime numbers then.

(a) I − A = B (b) A  B =  (c) E  P =  (d) AB = I − 0

6. In a class of 100 students, 55 students have passed in Mathematics and 67 students have passed in physics. Number of
students who have passed in physics only is

(a) 22 (b) 33 (c) 10 (d) 45

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7. 90 students take mathematics, 72 take science in a class of 120 students. If 10 take neither Mathematics nor science
then number of students who take both the subjects is

(a) 52 (b) 110 (c) 62 (d) 100

8. A set A has 3 elements and another set B has 6 elements. Then

(a) 3  n ( A  B )  6 (b) 3  n ( A  B )  9 (c) 6  n ( A  B )  9 (d) 0  n ( A  B )  9

9. In a survey of 400 students in a school, 100 were listed as taking apple juice, 150 as taking orange juice and 75 were
listed as taking both apple as well as orange juice, then how many students were taking neither apple juice nor orange
juice are

(a) 120 (b) 220 (c) 225 (d) 150


1. Let A and B be two sets then ( A  B )C  ( AC  B ) =

(a) Ac (b) B c (c)  (d)U

2. A set contains ( 2n + 1) elements. The number of subsets of this set containing more than n elements is equal to

(a) 2n−1 (b) 2n (c) 2n+1 (d) 22n

3. From 50 students taking examinations in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, each of the students has passed in at
least one of the subject, 37 passed Mathematics, 24 Physics and 43 Chemistry. At most 19 passed Mathematics and
Physics, at most 29 Mathematics and Chemistry and at most 20 Physics and Chemistry. Then the largest possible
number that could have passed all three examinations is

(a) 16 (b) 14 (c) 18 (d) 15

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4. Which is the simplified representation of ( A1  B1  C )  ( B  C )  ( A  C ) where A, B, C are subsets of set X

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) X  ( A  B  C )

5. The set ( A  B  C )  ( A  B ' C ') ' C ' is equal to

(a) B  C ' (b) A  C (c) B  C ' (d) A  C '

6. If P =  x  R : f ( x ) = 0 and Q =  x  R : g ( x ) = 0 then P  Q is

(a)  x : R : f ( x ) + g ( x ) = 0 (b)  x  R : f ( x ).g ( x ) = 0 .

 (
(c) x  R; ( f ( x ) ) + g ( x )2 = 0
)  (d)  x  R; x  1

7. Suppose A1, A2....., A30 are thirty sets each with five elements and B1, B2 ,......Bn are n sets each with three elements such
30 n
that Ai = B j = S . If each element of S belongs to exactly ten of the Ai ' s and exactly 9 of the Ai ' s , then the value
i =1 j =1

of n is

(a) 15 (b) 135 (c) 45 (d) 90

8. If aN = ax | x   and bN  cN = dN , where b, c are relatively prime, then

(a) d = bc (b) c = bd (c) b = cd (d) none

9. A survey show that in a city that 63% of the citizens like tea where as 76% like coffee. If x% like both tea and coffee,

(a) x = 63 (b) x = 39 (c) 50  x  63 (d) 39  x  63

10. An investigator interviewed 100 students to determine their preferences for the three drinks: milk (M), coffee(C) and
tea (T). He reported the following: 10 students had all the three drinks M,C,T; 20 had M and C only: 30 had C and T;
25 had M and T; 12 had M only; 5 had C only;8 had T only. Then how many did not take any of the three drinks

(a) 20 (b) 3 (c) 36 (d) 42

11. In a college of 300 students, every student reads 5 newspapers and every newspaper is read by 60 students. The
number of newspapers is

(a) at least 30 (b) at most 20 (c) exactly 25 (d) at most 10

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12. In a class of 55 students the numbers of students studying different subjects are 23 in mathematics, 24 in physics, 19
in chemistry, 12 in mathematics and physics, 9 in mathematics and chemistry 7 in physics and chemistry and 4 in all
the three subjects, the numbers of students who have taken exactly one subject is

(a) 6 (b) 13 (c) 16 (d) 22

13. Out of 800 boys in a school. 224 played cricket 240 played hockey and 336 played basketball of the total, 64 played
both basketball and hockey, 80 played cricket and basketball and 40 played cricket and hockey, 24 played all the three
games. The numbers of boys who did not play any game is

(a) 128 (b) 216 (c) 240 (d) 160

14. In a certain town 25% families own a phone and 15% own a car, 65% families own neither a phone nor a car. 2000
families own both a car and a phone. Consider the following statements in this regard.

(i) 10% families own both a car and a phone (iii) 40,000 families live in the town.
(ii) 35% families own either a car or a phone Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) i and ii (b) i and iii (c) ii and iii (d) i, ii and iii
15. In a battle 70% of the combatants lost one eye, 80% an ear, 75% an arm, 85% a leg, x% lost all the four limbs the
minimum value of x is

(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 5

Page 8 of 30

1. If A = 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10 , then insert appropriate symbol  or  in each of the following blank spaces.

(i) 4 ... A (ii) − 4 ... A (iii) 12 ... Aare

(a) ,, (b) ,, (c) ,, (d) ,,

2. The following set in Roster form is { x : x is positive integer and a divisor of 9 }

(a) {1, 3, 9} (b) {1, 3, 8} (c) {9, 8, 27} (d) None of these

3. The set of all natural numbers x such that 4 x + 9  50 in roster form is

(a) {1,2,4,6,8,10} (b) {1,3,5,7,9} (c) {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} (d) None of the above

4. List of the elements of the following set { x : x = and 1  n  3, where n  N }, is
1 + n2

 3 1 2 1 2 3  1 2 3 1 2 3 
(a)  , ,  (b)  , ,  (c)  , ,  (d)  , , 
10 5 3   2 3 10   2 5 5  2 5 10 

A = 14, 21, 28, 35, 42,..., 98

5. The set in set-builder form is

(a) A =  x : x = 7n, n  N and1  n  15 (b) A =  x : x = 7n, n  N and 2  n  14

(c) A =  x : x = 7n, n  N and 3  n  13 (d) A =  x : x = 7n, n  N and 4  n  12

6. If a set is denoted as A =  , then number of elements in A is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

7. A set B = 5 is called

(a) singleton set (b) empty set (c) infinite set (d) None of these

8. The set of months of a year is ...X... set. Here, X refers to

(a) empty (b) finite (c) infinite (d) singleton

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9. Let A = { x : x is a square of a natural number and x is less than 100} and B is a set of even natural numbers. The

cardinality of A  B is

(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 9 (d) None of these

10. The set 1, 2, 3, ... is ... Y ... set. Here, Y refers to

(a) null (b) finite (c) infinite (d) singleton

11. From the following sets given below, pair the equivalent sets.

A = 1, 2, 3 , B = t , p, q, r , s , C =  ,  ,   AND D = a, e, i , o, u

(a) Sets A,C and A,D (b) Sets A,D and B, C (c) Sets A,C and B, D (d) Sets A,B and C, D

12. If A = the set of letters in ‘ALLOY’ and B = the set of letters in ‘LOYAL’, then A and Bare ...X... . Here, X refers to

(a) equal (b) unequal (c) disjoint (d) None of these

13. If X = 8n − 7n − 1| n  N  and y = 49n − 49 | n  N  . Then, (Optional)

(a) X  Y (b) Y  X (c) X = Y (d) X  Y = 

14. Two finite sets have m and n elements. The number of subsets of the first set is 112 more than that of the second set. The
values of m and n are, respectively

(a) 4, 7 (b) 7, 4 (c) 4, 4 (d) 7, 7

15. Write the  x : x  R, −5  x  6 as interval, then the length of the interval is

(a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12

16. If A = {2, 4, 6}, B = 1, 3, 5 and C = 0, 7 , then the universal set will be

(a) {0,7} (b) {1,2,3,4,5,6} (c) {0,13,5,7} (d) {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}

17. Total number of elements in the power set of A containing 15 elements is

(a) 215 (b) 152 (c) 215− 1 (d) 215 − 1

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( )
18. If A = P 1, 2 , where P denotes the power set, then which one of the following is correct?

(a) 1, 2  A (b) 1 A (c)   A (d) 1, 2  A

19. If A= {1, 3, 5, 7}, then what is the cardinality of the power set P{A}?

(a) 8 (b) 15 (c) 16 (d) 17

20. If A and B are two sets, then A  ( A  B ) equals to

(a) A (b) B (c)  (d) A  B

21. If A = {2,4,6,8} and B = {6,8,10,12}, then A  B is

(a) {2,4,6,8} (b) {6,8,10,12} (c) {6,8} (d) {2,4,6,8,10,12}

22. If A = {1,3,9} and B = {2,4,5,6}, then A  B is

(a) {1,3,2,4,9} (b) {1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (c) {12,3,4,5,9} (d) {1 2,3,4,5,6,9}

23. Let A = {a, e, i, o, u} and B = {a, i, u). Then, A  B is ...X... . Here, X refers to

(a) A (b) B (c) A and B (d) None of these

24. If A = ( x , y ) : x 2 + y 2 = 25 and B = ( x , y ) : x 2 + 9 y 2 = 144 , then A  B contains

(a) one point (b) three points (c) two points (d) four points

25. Let X = {Ram, Geeta, Akbar} be the set of students of class XI, who are in school hockey team and Y = {Geeta, David,

Ashok} be the set of students from class XI, who are in the school football team. Then, X  Y is

(a) {Ram, Geeta} (b) {Ram} (c) {Geeta} (d) None of these

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In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).Choose the
correct answer out of the following choices.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but R is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
1. Assertion (A) ‘The collection of all natural numbers less than 100’ is a set.

Reason (R) A set is a well-defined collection of the distinct objects.

2. Assertion (A) The set D = { x : x is a prime number which is a divisor of 60} in roster form is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.

Reason (R) The set E = the set of all letters in the word ‘TRIGONOMETRY’, in the roster form is

{T, R, I, G, O, N, M, E, Y}.

3. Assertion (A) The set {1, 4, 9, ... 100} in the set-builder form is { x : x = n2 , where n  N and 1  n  10}.

Reason (R) In roster form, the order in which the elements are listed is, immaterial.

4. Assertion (A) The set { x : x is a month of a year not having 31 days} in roster form is {February, April, June,
September, November}.

Reason (R) The set F = { x : x is a consonant in the English alphabet which precedes k} in roster form is

F = {b, c, d, f, g, h, j).

5. Assertion (A) The set A = { x : x is an even prime number greater than 2} is the empty set.

Reason (R) The set B = { x : x 2 = 4, x is odd} is not an empty set.

6. Assertion (A) The set A = {a, b, c, d, e, g} is finite set.

Reason (R) The set B = {men living presently in different parts of the world} is finite set.

7. Assertion (A) The set of positive integers greater than 100 is infinite.

Reason (R) The set of prime numbers less than 99 is finite.

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8. Assertion (A) If A = set of prime numbers less than 6 and B = set of prime factors of 30, then A = B.

P = 1, 2, 3 and Q = 2, 2, 1, 3, 3,

Reason (R) If then P and Q are not equal.

9. Assertion (A) Let A = 1, 2, 3 and B = 1, 2, 3, 4. Then, A  B.

Reason (R) If every element of Y is also an element of Y, then Y is a subset of Y

10. Assertion(A) The interval { x : x  R, − 4  x  6} is represented by ( −4, 6 .

Reason (R) The interval  x : x  R, −12  x  −10 is represented by ( −12, −10 ) .


1. A class teacher Mamta Sharma of class XI write three sets A, B and C are such that
A = {1,3,5,7,9}, B = {2, 4,6, 8} and C = {2, 3,5,7, 11}.

Answer the following questions which are based on above sets.

(i)Find A  B.

(ii)Find A  C .

(iii)Which of the following is correct fortwo sets A and B to be disjoint?

(a) A  B =  (b) A  B   (c) A  B =  (d) A  B  


(iii)Write the n  P ( B )  .

(a) 8 (b) 4 (c) 16 (d) 12

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2. The school organised a farewell party for 100 students and school management decided three types of drinks will be
distributed in farewell party i.e. Milk (M), Coffee (C) and Tea (T).

Organiser reported that 10 students had all the three drinks M,C,T. 20 students had M and C; 30 students had C and T; 25
students had M and T. 12 students had M only; 5 students had C only; 8 students had T only.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions.

(i) Find the number of students who did not take any drink.

(ii) Fid the number of students who prefer Milk.

(iii) Find the number of students who prefer Tea.


(iii) Find the number of students who prefer Milk and Coffee but not tea.

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1. If A = 1, 2 , then A  A  A is

(a) (1,1,1) , (1,1, 2) , (1, 2,1) , (1, 2, 2) , ( 2,1,1) , ( 2,1, 2 ) , ( 2, 2,1) , ( 2, 2, 2)
(b) (1,1,1) , (1, 2, 2) , (1, 2,4) (c) (1,1, 3) (d) 

 
2. If A = x : x  and x 2 + x + 1 = 0 and B = 2,3 then n ( A  B ) =

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

3. If A = x : x  
and x 2 − 5 x + 6 = 0 , B = 2,4 , C = 4,5 , then A  ( B  C ) is

(a) ( 2,4) , ( 3,4 ) (b) ( 4, 2) , ( 4, 3) (c) ( 2,4) , ( 3,4 ) , ( 4,4 ) (d) ( 2, 2) , ( 3, 3) , ( 4,4) , ( 5,5)
4.  
If A = x : x 2 − 5 x + 6 = 0 , B = 1, 2 and C = 4,5 then ( A − B )  ( A − C ) =

(a) ( 2,3) (b) (1, 2) (c) (1, 2) , ( 2,3) (d) ( 3,2) , (3,3)

( x , y ) : x  and B = ( x, y ) : x4 
5. If A = 2
+ y 2 = 1; x , y  + 3 y 2 = 1; x , y   then n ( A  B ) =
 
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

6. A = 1, 2, 3,4 , relation R on A is defined by R = ( x, y ) : x  y and | x 2

− y 2 | 9; x , y  A then R =

(a) (1,1)( 2, 2)(3,3)( 4, 4) (b) ( 2,1)(3, 2)(3, 2)( 4,3)

(c) (1, 2)(1,3)( 2,3)(3,5) (d) (1, 2)(1,3)( 2,3)(3, 4)
7. Let A = 1, 2, 3,..................,14 . Define a relation R from A to A by R = ( x , y ) : 3 x − y = 0; x , y  A . Then

domain of R is
(a) 3, 6,9,12 (b) 3, 6 (c) {1, 2,3,......,14} (d) 1, 2,3, 4

8. The domain and range of relation R = ( x , y ) : x , y  , x + 2 y = 5 is

(a) 1,3 , 2,1 (b) 2,1 , 3, 2 (c) 1,3 , 1,1 (d) 1, 2 , 1,3

9. If R = ( x , y ) : x , y  
, x 2 + y 2  9 is a relation on , then domain of R is

(a) 0,1, 2 (b) 0, −1, −2 (c) {−3, −2, −1,0,1,2,3} (d) {1, 2,3}

10. Write the relation R = ( x, x ) : x is prime number less than 10 in roaster form

(a) R = ( 2,8) , ( 3,27 ) , ( 5,125) , ( 7,343) (b) R = ( 2,4 ) , ( 3,9 ) , ( 5,25) , ( 7,49 )

(c) R = ( 2,2 ) , ( 3,3) , ( 5,5) , ( 7,7 ) (d) R = ( 2,8) , ( 3,9 ) , ( 5,25) , ( 7,343)

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MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: ( Select the correct option):-
1. Which of the following is an ordered pair?
(a) (p,q),p  P and q  (b) [p,q],p  P and q 

(c) { p, q},p  P and q  (d) All of the above

2. The values of a and b, if ordered pair is (2a − 5,4) = (5, b + 6)
(a) −2,5 (b) 2,5 (c) 5,2 (d) 5, −2
3. If A = {a1 , a2 } and B = {b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 }, then A  B is equal to

(a) {(a1 , b1 ),(a2 , b2 )}

(b) {(a1 , b1 ),(a2 , b2 ),(a 3 , b3 ),(a 4 , b 4 )}

(c) {(a1 , b1 ),(a1 , b2 ),(a1 , b3 ),(a1 , b 4 )}

(d) {(a1 , b1 ),(a1 , b2 ),(a1 , b3 ),(a1 , b 4 ),(a 2 , b1 ),(a 2 , b 2 ),(a 2 , b3 ),(a 2 , b4 )}

4. If A = {1,2,5,6} and B = {1,2,3}, then what is ( A  B)  ( B  A) equal to?

(a) {(1,1),(2,1),(6,1),(3,2)) (b) {(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2)}

(c) {(1,1),(2,2)} (d) {(1,1),(1,2),(2,5), (2,6)}

5. If A  B = {(a,1),(b,3),(a,3),(b,1),(a,2),(b,2)}. Then, A and B is

(a) A = {1,3,2} and B = {a, b} (b) A = {a,1, 2} and B = {b,3}

(c) A = {a, b} and B = {1,2,3} (d) A = {a, b,1} and B = {a, b, 2,3}

6. Let n( A) = m and n( B) = n. Then, the total number of non-empty relations that can be defined from A to B is

(a) m n (b) nm − 1 (c) mn − 1 (d) 2mn − 1

7. Let A = {a, b, c, d } and B = {x, y,z}. What is the number of elements in A  B ?

(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 12 (d) 64

8. If A = {1,3,6} and B = {x, y}, then representation of cartesian products by an arrow diagrams of A  B is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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9. If A = {1,2,3,4} and B = {5,6,7,8}, then which of the following are relations from A to B ?

(a) R1 = {(1,5),(2,7),(3,8)} (c) R3 = {(6, 2),(3,7),(, 4,7)}

(b) R2 = {(5, 2),(3,7),(, 4,7)} (d) All are correct

10. The figure shows a relation R between the sets P and Q.

The relation R in Roster form is

(a) {(9,3),(4, 2), (25, 5)} (b) {(9, −3),(4, −2), (25, -5)}

(c) {(9, −3),(9,3),(4, −2),(4,2), (25, -5),(25,5)} (d)None of the above

11. The figure shows a relation R between the sets P and Q.

The relation R in Set-builder form is

(a) {( x, y) : x  P, y  Q} (b) {( x, y) : x  Q, y  P}

(c) {( x, y) : x is the square of y, x  P, y  Q} (d) {( x, y) : y is the square of x, x  P, y  Q}

12. If a relation R is defined on the set Z of integers as follows (a, b)  R  a 2 + b 2 = 25, then domain ( R) is equal to

(a) {3,4,5} (b) {0, 3, 4,5} (c) {0, 3, 4, 5} (d) None of these

13. If A = {1,2,6} and R be the relation defined on A by R = {(a, b) : a  A, b  A and a divides b} then range of R is equal to

(a) {1,2} (b) {2,6} (c) {1,2,6} (d) None of these

14. Let A = {1,2,3,4} and B = {1, 4,9,16, 25} and R be a relation defined from A to B, as R = {( x, y ) : x  A, y  B and y

y = x 2 }, then domain of R and codomain of R is

(a) {1, 2, 3, 4} and {1,4,9,16,25} (b) {1,4,9,16,25} and {1, 2, 3, 4}

(c) {1, 2, 3, 4} and {1,2,3,4,9,16,25} (d) None of the above

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Directions (Q. Nos. 1-10) Each of these questions contains two statements Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Each of
the questions has four alternative choices, and one of the which is the correct answer You have to select one of the
codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.
(a) A is true, R is true; R is a correct explanation of A
(b) A is true, R is true; R is not a correct explanation of A
(c) A is true; R is false.
(d) A is false; R is true
1. Assertion (A) If ( x + 1, y − 2) = (3,1), then x = 2 and y = 3.

Reason (R) Two ordered pairs are equal, if their corresponding elements are equal.

2. Assertion (A) The cartesian product of two non-empty sets P and Q is denoted as P  Q and

P  Q = {( p, q) : p  P, q  Q}.

Reason (R) If A = {red , blue} and B = {b, c, s), then A  B = {(red , b), (red , c), (red , s), (blue, b), (blue, c),(blue, s)}.

3. Assertion (A) If (4 x + 3, y) = (3x + 5, −2), then x = 2 and y = −2.

Reason (R) If A = {−1,3, 4}, then A  A is {(−1, −1),(−1,3),(−1,4),(3, −1),(4, −1),(3,4)}.

4. Assertion (A) If ( x,1),( y,2) and (z,1) are in A  B and n( A) = 3, n( B) = 2, then A = {x, y, z} and B = {1,2}.

Reason (R) If n( A) = 3 and n(B) = 2, then n( A  B) = 6.

5. Assertion (A) Let A = {1, 2} and B = {3, 4}. Then, number of relations from A to B is 16.

Reason (R) if n( A) = p and n( B) = q, then number of relations is 2 pq.

6. Let A = {1,2,3,4,6}. If R is the relation on A defined by {(a, b) : a, b  A, b is exactly divisible by a}.

Assertion (A) The relation R in Roster form is {(6,3),(6,2),(4,2)}.

Reason (R) The domain and range of R is {1, 2,3, 4,6}.

7. Consider the following statements

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Assertion (A) The figure shows a relationship between the sets A and B. Then, the relation in Set-builder form is

{(x, y ) : y = x 2 , x, y  N and − 2  x  2}.

Reason (R) the above Relation in Roster form is (1,1) , ( −2,4) , ( 0,0) , ( −1,1) , ( 2,4 ) .


1. Ordered Pairs: The ordered pair of two elements a and b is denoted by (a, b) : a is first element (or first component)

and b is second element (or second component).

Two ordered pairs are equal if their corresponding elements are equal. i.e. (a, b) = (c, d )  a = c and b = d
Cartesian Product of Two Sets : For two non-empty sets A and B, the cartesian product A  B is the set of all ordered pairs
of elements from sets A and B.
In symbolic form, it can be written as A  B = {(a,b) : a  A,b  B}
Based on the above topics, answer the following questions.
(i) If (a − 3, b + 7) = (3,7), then find the values of a and b .
(ii) If ( x + 6, y − 2) = (0,6), then find the values of x and y .
(iii) Let A and B be two sets such that A  B consists of 6 elements. If three elements of A  B are (1, 4), (2, 6) and (3, 6),
then is ( A  B) = ( B  A) ?
(iii) If n( A  B) = 45, then n( A) cannot be which of the following?
(i)15, (ii) 17 , (iii) 5 , (iv) 9

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Case Studies:

1. Case Study 1:
Let A = 1,2,3 & B = a, b .

Then A  B = (1, a ) , (1, b ) , ( 2, a ) , ( 2, b ) , ( 3, a ) , ( 3, b ) . Let R1 , R2 , R3 are three relations defined from

A to B such that,

R1 = (1, a ) , (1, b ) , ( 2, b ) , R2 = (1, a ) , ( 2, b ) , ( 3, b ) , R3 = ( 2, a ) , ( 3, a )

Based on the above information answer the following questions:

i) Is R3 a function?

ii) Are R1 & R2 both functions?

iii) How to make R3 a function?


iii) Find the number of possible functions from A to B .

2. Case Study 2:
Let A = 1, 2,3 and B = 1, 4,9,16, 25 . Let the rule of correspondence is f ( x ) = x 2 between A and B .

i) Find f (1) , f ( 3) .

ii) Check whether the set of all images of the elements of A is a subset of B or not.
iii) Find f −1 ( 4 ) .


iii) Find f −1 (16 ) .

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3. Case Study 3:
Let A = −2, −1, 0,1, 2 and f : A → Z and g : A → Z be any two functions defined by

f ( x ) = x 2 and g ( x ) = 2 x + 3 . Then

i) Find the range of f .

ii) Find the range of g .

ii) Find the number of functions from A to A .


 1 if x  Q
4. Let any function f : R → R is defined by f ( x ) = 
−1 if x  Q

Then find
i) f   , f ( ) , f
( 2) ii) Range of f iii) Pre-images of 1 and − 1 .

x2 −1
5. Let us consider two functions f and g defined by f ( x ) = and g ( x ) = x + 1 . Check whether
x −1
these two functions are equal or not.


6. Let us consider the real function f ( x ) = x − 2 . Then the domain of f is

a)  x  R : x  0 c)  x  R : x  2
b)  x  R : x  0 d)  x  R : x  2
7. Let us consider the real function f ( x ) = 4 − x + . Then the domain of f is
x2 −1
a) ( −, −1)  (1, 4 ) c) ( −, −1  (1, 4
b) ( −, −1)  (1, 4 d) ( −,1  (1, 4
8. What is the range of the function f ( x ) = ?
1 + x2
 1 1  1 1
a)  − ,  b)  − , 
 2 2  2 2
 1 1  1 1
c)  − ,  − 0 d)  − ,  − 0
 2 2  2 2

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9. The domain and range of the function f ( x ) = is
2 − sin 3x
1  1 
a) Domain= R , Range=  ,1 c) Domain= R , Range=  ,1
3  3 
1  1 
b) Domain = R − 0 , Range=  ,1 d) Domain= R − 0 , Range=  ,1
3  3 



1) Let A = 1, 2,3 , B = 2,3, 4 , then which of the following is a function from A to B ?

a) (1, 2) , (1,3) , ( 2,3) , (3,3) b) (1,3) , ( 2, 4)

c) (1,3) , ( 2, 2 ) , ( 3,3) d) (1, 2) , ( 2,3) , (3, 2 ) , (3, 4 )

2) Let A = 1, 2 and B = a, b , then which of the following is a function from A to B ?

a) (1, a ) , (1, b ) b) (1, a ) , ( 2, b )

c) (1, a ) d) ( 2, a ) , ( 2, b )
3) Which of the following is not a function?

a) ( x, y ) : x, y  R, x 2
= y b) ( x, y ) : x, y  R, y 2
= x

c) ( x, y ) : x, y  R, y 3
= x d) ( x, y ) : x, y  R, y = x  3

4) Which of the following is a function?

a) ( x, y ) : y 2
= x ; x, y  R b) ( x, y ) : y = x ; x, y  R
c) ( x, y ) : x 2
+ y 2 = 1; x, y  R d) ( x, y ) : x 2
− y 2 = 1; x, y  R

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5) Let A =  ,  ,  ,  ,  and B = 2022, 2023, 2024 , then how many functions can be defined from
A to B ?

a) 35 b) 53 c) 33 d) 55

6) How many functions can be defined from a set having n elements to itself?

a) n! b) n 2 c) n n d) 2n


7) If 2 f ( x ) − 3 f   = x 2 ( x  0 ) , then f ( 2 ) =
 x
7 5
a) − b) c) −1 d) None
4 2

x +1
8) If x  1 and f ( x ) =
x −1
( )
is a real function then f f ( f ( 2 ) ) = ?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

sin 4 x + cos 2 x
9) If f ( x ) = for x  R then f ( 2002 ) = ?
sin 2 x + cos 4 x
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

10) If f ( x ) = sin  2  x + sin  − 2  x; where  x  = Greatest int eger less than or erqual to x, then
   
a) f   =1 b) f ( ) = 2 c) f   = −1 d) None
2 4
1  x 
11) If f ( x ) = cos(log x), then f ( x ) f ( y ) −  f   + f ( xy ) = ?
2  y 
a) −1 b) c) −2 d) None
 1 1
12) If f  x +  = x 2 + 2 ( x  0 ) then f ( x ) = ?
 x x
a) x 2 + 2 b) x 2 − 2 c) 2 − x 2 d)

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13) Let f ( x ) = log x 2 and g ( x ) = 2log x, then
a) f ( x)  g ( x) b) f  g c) f ( x ) = g ( x ) d) None

; x  1 and f ( f ( x ) ) = x, then k = ?
14) If f ( x ) =
1+ x
a) − 2 b) −1 c) 1 d) 2
15) f ( x ) + 2 f (1 − x ) = x + 2 x  R, then f ( x ) = ?

1 1
a) x 2 − 2 ( x − 2) ( x − 2)
b) 1 c) d)
3 2
16) If f ( x + 2 ) = 2 x 2 + 5 x + 7 then f (1) = ?
a) 0 b) −2 c) 2 d) 4
1 1
17) Let f ( x ) be any function such that f ( x ) . f   = f ( x ) + f   and f (12 ) = 1729, then f (10 ) = ?
 x  x
a) 2002 b) 1001 c) 3003 d) 4004
18) If f ( x + 2 y, x − 2 y ) = xy, then f ( x, y ) = ?

xy b)
1 2
x − y2 ) c)
1 2
x − y2 ) d)
1 2
x − y2 )


4 x − x2
19) Domain of f ( x ) = log e is
a) (1,3) b) (1,  ) c) 1,3 d) ( −,  )
20) Range of f ( x ) = sin x + cos x is
a) (− 2, 2 ) b)  − 2, 2  c)  2,  ) (
d) 0, 2 )
21) Range of f ( x ) = is
4 + 2sin 5 x
1 1 1 1  1 1   1 1
a)  ,  b)  ,  c)  ,  d)  , 
6 2 6 2  6 2  6 2

22) Domain of f ( x ) = x − 1 − x 2 is

 1   1   1  1   1 
a)  −1, −  ,1 b)  −1,1 c)  −, −    ,   d)  ,1
 2   2   2  2   2 

23) Range of f ( x ) = x 2 + is
x +1

3 
a) 1,  ) b)  2,  ) c)  ,   d) ( −,  )
2 

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24) The domain of the function f ( x ) = 1 + loge (1 − x ) is

e −1
a) −  x  0 b) −  x  c) −  x  0 d) x  1 − e
25) The domain of the function f ( x ) = is
( log 2 x ) − 5log 2 x − 6

a) 0  x  2 and x  32 b) 0  x  3 and x  16 c) 0  x  4 and x  24 d) 0  x  and x  64

26) The domain of the function f ( x ) = 2 − 2 x − x 2 is

a)  − 3, 3  b)  −1 − 3, −1 + 3  c)  −2, 2 d) ( −, −3   2,5

27) The Domain of the function f ( x ) = is
( 2 − x )( x − 5)
a) ( −, −3  ( 2,5) b) ( −, −3)  3,  ) c) ( −, −3   2,5 d) None

28) The domain of the real valued function f ( x ) = log e log e x is

a) (1,  ) b) ( 0,  ) c) ( e,  ) d) None

29) The range of the function f ( x ) = x 2 + is
1 + x2

3 
a) 1,  ) b)  2,  ) c)  ,   d) None
2 

30) The range of the function f ( x ) = x − 1 + x − 2 ; − 1  x  3 is

a) 1,3 b) 1,5 c) 3,5 d) None


1. Domain of the function f ( x ) = − x 2 − 4 is )
(a)  −2, 2 (b) ( −, −2 )   2,  )
(c) ( −2, 2 ) (d)  x : x  and x  4
x2 − x + 1
2. Domain of the function f ( x ) = 2 is
x + x +1
(a) (b)  x : x − 1 (c) ( 0,  ) (d) ( −1,1)

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x + 2023
3. The range of the function f ( x ) = , x  −2023 is
x + 2023
(a) −2023, 2023 (b) − −2023 (c) (d) −1,1
4. Range of the function y = 2 x + , x  0, is
(a) − 0 (b)  4,  ) (c)  2,  ) (d)  0
5. If f ( x ) = x 2 − x + 4 and f ( 2 ) = 4 f ( ) , then  is equal to
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 6
6. If f ( x − 1) = x − x + 2023, then f ( x ) + f ( − x ) =

(a) ( x 2 + 2015 ) (b) 2 ( x 2 + 2023) (c) x 2 − x + 2016 (d) 2015

7. The range of the function f ( x ) = x − 1 + x − 2 + x + 1 + x + 2 where, x   −2, 2 is
(a)  6,8 (b)  2, 4 (c)  0, 4 (d) 1, 2
a  1 b  1
8. A curve has parametric equation x =  t +  , y =  t −  . The equation of the curve is
2 t  2 t 
x2 y 2 x y x y x2 y 2
(a) 2 + 2 = 1 (b) + = − (c) 2 − 2 = 1 (d) ax + by = bx + ay
a b a b a b a b
9. The domain of the function f ( x ) = 2 10 − x 4 − 21x 2 is

(a) 5,  ) (b)  − 21, 21 (c)  −5, − 21   21,5  0 (d) ( −, − 5
10. The domain of the function f ( x ) = , where  .  denotes the greatest integer function is
x −  x
(a)  6,8 (b) ( 0,  ) (c) −   1,  2,  3,,...... (d) −
11. Let A and B be two sets such that n ( A  A  B  A) = 384 and n ( A  B  B  B ) = 864. Then n ( A) and
n ( B ) are respectively
(a) 2, 10 (b) 4, 6 (c) 12, 24 (d) 4, 24
12. The total number of distinct functions that can be formed from A to A , n ( A) = 3 is
(a) 6 (b) 23 (c) 27 (d) 32

13. Which among the following relations is a function?

(a) x2 + y 2 = r 2 (b) y 2 = −4ax (c) y 2 = 4ax (d) x2 = 4ay
14. The domain of the function f ( x ) = 3 x − x 2 − 2 is
(a)  −2, − 1  1, 2 (b) ( −2, − 1)  (1, 2 ) (c) (d) ( 0,  )
3x − 3− x
15. Range of the function y = is
3x + 3− x
(a) (b) ( −1,1) (c)  −1,1 (d) ( 0,1)

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16. The domain of the function f ( x ) = + 13 3x − 2 x 2 − 1 is
x−x 2

(a)  0.5,1 (b) ( 0.5,1) (c)  0.5,1) (d) ( 0.5,1

17. The domain of the function f ( x ) = , where  .  denotes the greatest integer
 x − 9  +  x − 1  − 8
function is
(a) ( −, 0  10,  ) (b) ( ,1)  10,  ) (c) ( −, 0  8,9 ) (d) − 1,9
18. Least value of the function f ( x ) = x + 1 + x + 2 + x + 3 + x + 4 + x + 5 is
(a) 5.5 (b) 6 (c) 6.5 (d) 7

x 2 − 25
19. The range of the function f ( x ) = is
x −5
(a) (b) − 5 (c) − 10 (d) − −5
20. The range of the function f ( x ) = is
x −5
(a) − 1 (b) − 5 (c)  −5,5 (d) 5,  )
21. If the domain of the function f ( x ) = 2 5 x − x 2 − 1 is , then the maximum value of f is
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) -6 (d) 0
22. If f ( x ) =  x, where   , then f ( x1 + x2 ) is equal to
(a) f ( x1 ) + f ( x2 ) (b) f ( x1 x2 ) (c) f ( x1 ) − f ( x2 ) (d) None of these
23. The equations of the lines parallel to the x − axis between which the graph of y = lies are
1 + x2
1 1 1 1 1
(a) y = − , y = (b) y = − , y = −1 (c) y = − , y = 1 (d) y = − , y = 2
2 2 2 2 2

24. The domain and range of the function f ( x ) = 4 − x + x − 2 are respectively

(a)  2, 4 ,  2, 2 (b)  2, 4 ,  2, 4 (c)  2, 2 2  , 4, 4 2  (d)  2, 2 ,  2, 4

25. If a function f is such that f ( 0 ) = 0, f (1) = 1 for any x such that f ( x + 2 ) = 2 f ( x ) − f ( x + 1) , then
f ( 5) equals
(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 13 (d) 14
2x e
26. Let f ( x ) = , g ( x) = where  .  denotes the greatest integer function. Then the domain of
(1 + x )
2 +  x
the function  f ( x ) + g ( x ) is
(a) −  −2, − 1 (c) − ( −2, − 1
(b) −  −2, − 1) (d) − ( −2, − 1)

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 x 2
( x − 2) 2 x −1 
27. The domain of the function f ( x ) = 16 + 64 3 − 964 − 4 ( )  is
 
5 
(a)  −4, 4 (b)  4,  ) (c)  ,   (d)  0,1
2 
28. Suppose f ( x ) = ( x + 3) , x  −3. If g ( x ) is the function whose graph is the reflection of the graph of

f ( x ) in the line y = x, then g ( x ) equals

(a) − x − 1, x  0 (b) − x − 3, x  0 (c) ,x 3 (d) x + 3, x  −3
( x + 3)

 5 5
29. If f ( x ) = x +  x  , where  .  denotes the greatest integer function, then f  −  + f   equals
 2 2
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
30. The domain of the function f ( x ) = 5 + x + 5 − x + x − x 2 is
(a)  −5,5 (b) 5,  ) (c)  −5,  ) (d)  0,1
31. The range of the function f ( x ) = x ( x + 1)( x + 3) is
(a)  −3, − 1 (b) (c)  0,  ) (d) ( −, − 3
x2 + x + 3
32. The range of the function f ( x ) = is
x2 + x + 1
 11  11   11
(a) 1,  (b) (c) 1,  (d) 1, 
 3  3  3
33. Let f ( x ) be a function defined on  −1,1. If the area of the equilateral triangle with two of its vertices at

( 0, 0 ) and ( x, f ( x ) )
is , then the function f ( x ) is
(a) f ( x ) = 2 2 − x 2 (b) f ( x ) = −2 2 − x 2 (c) f ( x ) =  2 − x 2 (d) f ( x ) =  2 + x 2
1, if x  Q  22 
34. A function f : → is defined by f ( x ) =  . The value of f ( ) − f   is
−1, if x  ( − )  7 
(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) -2 (d) None of these
1 1
35. If f ( x ) . f   = f ( x ) + f   and f ( 4 ) = 65, then f ( 5) is
 x  x
(a) 125 (b) 126 (c) 124 (d) 70

36. Let f : → be defined by f ( x ) = 2 x + x , then f ( 2 x ) + f ( − x ) − f ( x ) is equal to

(a) 2x (b) 2 x (c) −2x (d) −2 x
( )
37. If f x 2 + 1 = 3x − 1, then f ( x ) is equal to

(a) 3 x − 1 + 1 (b) 3 x − 1 − 1 (c) x −1 − 3 (d) None of these

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38. If f : → is defined by f ( x ) = x −  x  − for x  , where  .  denotes the greatest integer function
 1
not exceeding x, then  x  : f ( x ) =  is equal to
 2
(a) (b) (c)  (d)
 m  
39. Let f is the subset of  and f is defined by f =  , m  : m, n  and n  0. Then f a function
 n  
(a) True (b) false (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
 x + 59 
40. The function f satisfies the functional equation 3 f ( x ) + 2 f   = 10 x + 30 for all real x  1. the
 x −1 
value of f ( 7 ) is
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 7
41. Let  be a relation on defined by x  y iff 2 x + y = 81; then Co-domain of (  ) is equal to
(a)  x  :1  x  81 (b)  x  :1  x  80 (c) (d) None of these


Directions (Q. Nos. 1-10) Each of these questions contains two statements Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Each of
the questions has four alternative choices, and one of the which is the correct answer You have to select one of the
codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.
(a) A is true, R is true; R is a correct explanation of A
(b) A is true, R is true; R is not a correct explanation of A
(c) A is true; R is false.
(d) A is false; R is true

1. Consider the following statements

Assertion (A) The figure shows a relationship between the sets A and B. Then, the relation in Set-builder form is

{(x, y ) : y = x 2 , x, y  N and − 2  x  2}.

Reason (R) The above Relation in Roster form is {(1, 1),(−2,4),(0,0),(1,1),(2, 4)}.

2. Assertion (A) : the range of the function f(x) = 1 − |x|is (−∞, 1]

Reason(R) : |x| ≥ 0
3. Assertion (A) :f(x)is an odd function such that f(1) = 5 , thenf(−1) = −5
Reason(R): for an odd function f(x) = −f(−x)
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4. Assertion (A): the total number of function possible from a set with 3 elements to a
set with 2 elements is 8
Reason(R): every domain element links with the co-domain elements in a unique way
5. Assertion (A): The following arrow diagram represents a function.

x2 − 4
Reason (R): Let f : R − {2} → R be defined by f ( x ) = and g : R → R be defined by g ( x ) = x + 3 .
Then f = g .

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To make the project to analyze the following graphs, specifying the largest possible domain and range:

(i) y  x2
y   x  1

y   x  1
(iv) y  x2  1
(v) y  x2  1
(vi) y x
(vii) y x
(viii) y x
(ix) y  x 1
(x) y  x 1
(xi) y  x1  x
(xii) y  1 x
(xiii) y  1  x
(xiv) y   x ; where  x  denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to the real number x under consideration .
(xv) y  sgn  x 
(xvi) y
(xvii) y  2024
(xviii) y  x  x2
(xix) y
9 x  x3
(xx) y
9  x2
(xxi) y  x3
(xxii) y  x3
(xxiii) y  x 1
(xxiv) y   1 x
(xxv) y  4  x2
(xxvi) y   4  x2
(xxvii) y  e x
(xxviii) y   
 2
(xxix) y  loge x
(xxx) y  log 1 x

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